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03x05 - The Crystal Cave

Posted: 03/17/19 07:53
by bunniefuu
Episode 3.05 - The Crystal Cave

The Great Dragon: In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom on the shoulders of a young boy. His name ... Merlin.


Arthur and Merlin run, pursued by a horde of mercenaries.

They take cover.

Merlin: Are they still after us?

Arthur: I told you we'd outrun!

Merlin: Are you sure?

Arthur : Why is it, you never trust me, Merlin ?!

The screams of the mercenaries are heard, Merlin throws an accusing look at Arthur before they both scamper.

Arthur : Come on, this way!

Merlin : Where are we going ?!

Arthur : Trust me!


Arthur embarks on it while Merlin stops dead, feeling the presence of magic

Merlin : Arthur!

Arthur : What are you doing ?! (Gripping her arm) Come on!

Moments later, Merlin gazes anxiously at the statues of the ancient kings before catching Arthur

Merlin : What is this place?

Arthur: The Valley of the Fallen Kings.

Merlin : Is it cursed ?!

Arthur : No. Not unless you're superstitious ...

Merlin : It is ...!

Arthur: It's a myth! They'll never follow us in here. They will not dare ... trust me!

Merlin (to base voice) : If you say that one more time ...!

The mercenaries reappear behind them. In his race, Arthur is hit in the back by an arrow and collapses on the ground.

Arthur (voice distorted by shock) : What was that?

Merlin (trying to support Arthur) : An Arrow.

Arthur: An arrow? Oh good. For a moment I thought it was something terrible ... (He faints)



Arthur is lying unconscious while Merlin tries to heal him

Merlin (putting a hot stone on his forehead) : Come on ... Dollop-head! I need you to recover.

Merlin turns Arthur on the side and reveals the wound left by the arrow. His hand on the wound, he tries an incantation to cure him, without success.

Merlin: Listen to me Clotpole. I do not care if you die; There are plenty of other princes. You're not the only pompous, supercilious, condescending royal imbecile I could work for. The world is full of them ... But I'm going to leave you one more chance ...

Merlin tries a new incantation, always without result. Distraught, he washed his hands, stained with Arthur's blood and began to cry. An old man appears then.

Man : Tell me (Merlin jumps) ... Why are you so sad?

Merlin: It's my friend, he's dying. I can not help him.

Man: Then do not waste your tears. For I can tell you that the time for him to die is not yet upon us.

The man walks towards Arthur, Merlin on his heels.

Man: Do not be afraid. My name is Taliesin.

Merlin: I'm Merlin.

Taliesin: I know who you are. The moment of our meeting has been written for many, many years. You are Emrys.

Applying his hand to Arthur's wound, Taliesin pronounces a formula and then lengthens the wounded man who has regained his colors.

Merlin: Arthur?

Taliesin: He is sleeping. Within hours, he will be fully recovered.

Merlin: Are you sure?

Taliesin: If my memory serves me well ...

Merlin: What do you mean?

Taliesin: I want to show you something Merlin.

Merlin: What?

Taliesin : You must wait and see!

Merlin (joining Taliesin at the entrance of a cave): Where are we going? Why did you bring me here?

Taliesin: In good time you will be discovering (laughs)

Taliesin and Merlin enter the cave


Merlin: What is this place?

Taliesin: This is where magic started ... It is the Crystal Cave.

Merlin advances further into the cave, visibly uncomfortable and sees in one of the crystals a vision of Morgane, crowned, sitting on the throne. This image is driven by that of an old man with a white beard. Pulling himself away from his contemplation, Merlin turns to Taliesin.

Taliesin: What is it you see?

Merlin: Pictures, flashes! ... I've seen something like this before in the Crystal of Neatid.

Taliesin: What you see here is exactly the same, for the Crystal of Neatid was hewn from this very cave. Look into them Emrys. Really look. Much will be revealed.

Merlin (hard to resist) : No! Take me out of here! How do I get back to Arthur?

Taliesin: The future is hidden to all but a few Emrys! You are one such person.

Merlin: No! I've been through this before!

Taliesin: Perhaps there is a reason for this moment in time.

Merlin: What reason?

Taliesin: Only the crystals can tell you. They are future that are not yet born. The secrets they reveal Emrys, are unique to you ... and you alone. Look into them Emrys, really look. Use what you see for good.

Merlin resigns himself to face the crystals, apparently uncomfortable situation for him. Taliesin disappears while Merlin is quickly caught in the visions: Morgana soothing a horse and then admiring the blade of a dagger, a bleeding hand, Merlin surrounded by flames. Under the v*olence of these visions, Merlin is thrown against the opposite wall from where another crystal shows him Morgana dagger in hand, approaching King Uther. Merlin falls on his knees, visibly shocked, when a third crystal shows Morgana stabbing Uther in his sleep.

Merlin (kneeling) : What ... was that? (shouting, head in hand) What was that!?


Merlin is sitting with his face closed when he receives his coat in the face.

Arthur (in Merlin) : You look like a startled stoat!

Merlin: Yeah ?! Well, at least, I do not look like a bone idle ... toad! Let's go!

Arthur: You're saying I look like a toad !?

Merlin: Yeah! And maybe one day you'll magically transform into a handsome prince. Just, like magic's outlawed that probably never happen. Come on, let's go!

Arthur: Merlin!

Merlin (retracing his steps) : What?

Arthur: I'm the one who gives the orders, remember?

Merlin: Yeah ... you ready? Let's go!

Merlin leaves, leaving Arthur speechless


Merlin, determined, walks in the lead, Arthur a few yards back.

Arthur : I do not understand! You said I had an arrow in my back. How come all I can feel is a slight bruise?

Merlin: I do not know.

Arthur: Merlin? Something happen you're not telling me about?

Merlin: No!

Arthur: Come one! I'm missing your usual prattle!

Merlin (sarcastic) : you're definitely making up for it!

Arthur: ... you still have not answered my question.

Merlin ( exasperated ): The arrow did not pierce your armor and when you fell, you knocked yourself out.

Arthur ( hardly convinced ): Alright ... I do not normally say things like this ... you did a good job back there ... of you hear what I just said?

Merlin always walks in the lead, without answering

Arthur : Alright, maybe I should give you some kind of reward, what do you want?

Merlin (Exceeded) : Some peace and quiet!


Arthur reports to the court

Arthur : The bandits probably a stronghold somewhere in the White Mountains. How we escaped, I'll never go back to my servant, Merlin.

Uther : Dispatch has patrol. I want these men caught and brought to justice.

Arthur : Immediately, Father.

Uther : For a moment we feared you might miss Lady Morgana's birthday.

Arthur : 'Take more than a bench of thieves to keep me from such a feast!

Uther : Tomorrow promises to be quite a night!


Gaius and Merlin sit at the table in front of their dinner.

Merlin: Gaius, I can not get these visions out of my head ...

Gaius: You are extremely lucky to have seen the Crystal Cave. Even before the Great Purge, wizards would talk about it with reverence.

Merlin: That man who led me there, who is he?

Gaius: Huh ... who was he? He died, I'd say, about 300 years ago. Taliesin was a seer to the great kings of old. It is said that the Crystal Cave was the source of his prophecies.

Merlin: Well, he told me ... he said there is a reason. Why? It must be I'm imminent. Morgana is going to k*ll Uther.

Gaius: Merlin, you must be careful. The crystals are treacherous. What you saw may not be all that it seemed.

Merlin: So I do nothing?

Gaius : Is there anything imminent, is there?

Merlin : No ...

Gaius : So, do not let it get you off your soup.

Merlin : You're right

Both are watching their bowls of soup

Gaius : Come on, eat up.

Merlin (frowning) : What is it?

Gaius : Sometimes it's best not to know.

Gaius eats his soup with satisfaction while Merlin, suspicious, sniffs his spoon.


Arthur gets ready when Merlin enters the room

Merlin : Are you up ?!

Arthur : Its Morgana's birthday. I have to get her present.

Merlin : What are you getting her?

Arthur : Ahh, it's a secret!

Merlin : Come on, you can tell me.

Arthur : To dagger.

Merlin falls off, remembering his visions.


Merlin goes down the steps when he sees Morgana soothing a horse, the exact image of the vision he had in the cave.


Gaius is at his desk. Merlin burst.

Merlin : It's happening! The future I saw! ... It's started.

Gaius : Calm down Merlin.

Merlin : I just saw Morgana struggling with a horse exactly as she was in the crystals!

Gaius : Are you sure?

Merlin : It was the same image!

Gaius : But she's always ridding! It's not unusual to see a horse.

Merlin : It's not the only thing. Arthur's present for Morgana ... He's told me, it's a dagger.

Gaius : A dagger? Merlin, I think you're overreacting. It could be any dagger. As for the sight of Morgana with a horse ...

Merlin (interrupting) : It was the same!

Gaius : ... it's hardly a rare sight. Certainly not one to be trusted as a harbinger of doom ...!

Merlin seems shaken but not convinced


The prince sits at his table and looks at the contents of a box, when Merlin, tense, enters.

Arthur : Ah! Merlin! Have you done my clothes for the feast?

Merlin : Aaagh ... no ...

Arthur : No, no ... well, what have you been doing?

Merlin (looking for an excuse) : heum ...

Arthur : Hmm? ... Right, Well, you can start by pressing my dress (jet of cape) ... and cleaning my shirts (jet of shirt) ... and, ouh! Polishing my boots (jet boots) !

Arms loaded, Merlin looks at the box Arthur has closed.

Arthur : Ah ... Morgana's present. What do you think?

Arthur presents the dagger to a Merlin we can not more tense, who relaxes instantly when seeing the present.

Arthur : Beautiful, is not it? hu? Feel the balance, feel, the sharpness of the blade!

Merlin takes the object and the weighing.

Merlin : (laughs) Yeah! It's just what every woman wants, is not it!?

Arthur : What do you mean?

Merlin : I'm not an expert but do not normally go for pretty things? Maybe jewelery?

Merlin goes off to his business, leaving Arthur to meditate these few words


Merlin leaves his room, smiling.

Merlin (to Gaius and turning on him mm) : How do I look?

Gaius : Same as you always do.

Merlin (with a satisfied expression ) : Handsome.

Gaius : you've brightened up.

Merlin : I've seen Morgana's present.

Gaius : the dagger!

Merlin : It's very plain, bit boring.

Gaius : But not like the one you saw?

Merlin : No! That was sumptuous; Ornate ... I would probably be disappointed if I were Morgana.

Gaius : Good. So now you can stop worrying.

Merlin : Oh, I have. I'm gonna continue as if I'd never even put Taliesin ... I'm gonna enjoying this feast like everyone else!

Gaius : Even if it's for Morgana ...?

Merlin's smile fades a little.


A banquet was organized

The assembly (toast) : To Lady Morgana!

Uther presents his gift to Morgana and then comes Arthur's.

Arthur : Happy Birthday!

Morgana : Arthur ...!

Morgana discovers an ornate dagger, identical to that seen in the crystals.

Arthur ( to Merlin, petrified, who keeps fixing the dagger) : It's not often you're right, Merlin but this is one of those rare occasions. Girls do like pretty things! Thanks!


Merlin and Gaius sit side by side

Merlin : Do not you see? It's started! It's coming true.

Gaius : We can not be certain about that.

Merlin : We have to stop her.

Gaius : How? Merlin, we do not know when this is going to happen. We do not know if it will!

Merlin : We've to watch her!

Gaius : Night and day ?!

Merlin : I was shown these visions for a reason.

Gaius : This is madness ...!

Merlin : We'll take it in turns! She can not be left alone!

Merlin leaves running.


Merlin hides behind a wall hanging to spy on the door of Morgana's apartments.


Morgana is in front of her dressing table, admiring the dagger, Gwen by her side.

Gwen : You've got some lovely presents. Merely hairbrushes! ( noticing a mirror ) Who's king "Gremause"?

Morgane (falsely flippant) : Pff, at least he does not think my hair needs brushing ( laughs )

Gwen (looking at the mirror) : So pretty.

Morgana ( giving an embroidered handkerchief to Gwen) : Here, I want you to have this.

Gwen : Me ?! No, I ...

Morgana ( handing her the handkerchief and taking advantage of the mirror) : It's a Thank you.

Gwen : Thank you

Gwen leaves the room and leaves Morgana alone. This one takes again the mirror and fogging the ice, makes appear a message: Morgause asks him to join her at midnight in the woods.


Merlin, still hidden behind the curtain, sees Morgana come out of his apartments, the dagger beside him. Thinking that she is going to k*ll Uther, he decides to cut off the road by closing heavy doors in front of her. The sudden movement makes a torch fall. Morgana takes a step aside to avoid what precipitates on the stairs.

Merlin (in a breath) : No!

Merlin, from the top of the stairs, gazes at Morgana who lies unconscious a few meters below, blood flowing from her temple.


Gaius and Gwen burst into the room, followed by Arthur, who carries Morgana, still unconscious, followed by Merlin.

Gaius : I need water and bandages.

Gwen : I'll get that

Gaius : And yarrow. We need to stop the bleeding.

Gaius makes room on his desk where Arthur drops Morgana's body.

Gaius : She's having problems breathing.

Merlin (to Gaius) : Dianthus?

Gaius : Yes and a preparation of pulmonaria.

Merlin looks at him without understanding

Gaius : Lungwort Merlin. Quarter for an ounce, grown fine, and mixed with viola.

Arthur (to Gaius): How could this happen?

Gaius : Arthur, I need room here

Arthur (withdrawing, visibly worried) : Yes, of course ... heum, anything you need, just tell me.

Arthur leaves the room leaving Gaius, Gwen and Merlin to work around Morgana.

Gwen (worried) : Will she be alright?

Gaius (Gaius, finishing stitching Morgana's wound) : We've done the best we can. I can heal her skin, Gwen, but her skull ... the cranium is broken. She's bleeding inside ...

Merlin, who had stayed behind, comes out of the room.


Gaius comes to sit on the bed next to Merlin.

Merlin : I had to stop the future ... I had to stop Morgana k*lling Uther. I did not mean to do it like this.

Gaius : It was not your fault Merlin.

Merlin: I 've got something much worse from happening. I just ... wish it could have been some other way.

Gaius takes Merlin by the shoulders in a gesture of comfort.


Morgana was transferred to a bed in Gaius' apartments. Uther is at his bedside visibly shot.

Merlin walks past an open door and sees Gwen crying loudly in Arthur's arms.


Merlin is sitting at the table, his eyes empty. Arthur, haggard, enters the room and approaches the table.

Arthur : Sword Belt, Merlin ... where is my sword belt?

Arthur ( taking the belt that Merlin hands him ): What is the hell doing it over there?

Arthur tries to untangle the belt.

Merlin : It's twisted. ( Reaching out ) here ... Here!

Merlin untangles the belt and places it on the table while Arthur sits down.

Merlin : I'm sorry about Morgana ... If Gaius could do something ... He would.

Arthur : After all we went through to rescue her ... for her to survive all that ...

Merlin : I know ...

Arthur : And lose her now, like this ... I've grown up with her; she's like a sister to me. (tears at the eyes) I'd sacrifice my place on the throne for her to see another sunrise ...


King Uther is at the bedside of Morgana still unconscious.

Uther (stroking Morgana's hair) : So beautiful

Gaius : Yes, Sire

Uther : I can not watch her die Gaius

Merlin, in his room, listens to the conversation between the king and the doctor.

Gaius : I wish there is something that I could do, Sire, but ...

Uther ( cutting it ): No, you do not understand ... I can not lose her. No matter what happen, she can not die.

Gaius : I will do everything I can sire ...

Uther : No Gaius, whatever it takes. Whatever, I do not care. You must save her.

Gaius : If I knew a way ...

Uther ( interrupting ): You're not understanding me Gaius! Cure her. I do not care what remedy you use. In all these books, there must be something ... something in the old religion? ...

Gaius (shocked): Are you suggesting ...?

Uther : Sorcery? ... yes.

Gaius : Sire, but surely you're not going to risk everything for Morgana ...

Uther : Gaius, you do not understand. There's something you should know. Something I've told no one ... Morgana is my daughter ... ( Morgana, still unconscious seems to hear Uther ) it was while Gorlois was away; was fighting on the northern plains. Her mother, Viviane, grew lonely ....

Gaius : I understand Sire.

Uther : I've said enough. But people must never know who Morgana really is, for Arthur's sake.

Gaius : I assure you Sire; your secret is safe with me.

Once Uther left, Gaius joined Merlin who heard everything from his room.

Merlin : That explains everything, No wonder he spent a year looking for her.

Gaius : Now we know why she can not be wrong!


Uther looks out the window, when Merlin returns

Merlin : Sire ... This is from Gaius ... he thought it might help ease your mind ( Merlin drops a vial next to Uther )

Uther ( to Merlin who is about to leave ): You're Gaius's boy ...

Merlin : He is my guardian

Uther : You're like a son to him ...

Merlin : Yes

Uther : I see the way he cares for you. You feel your child's every joy and their bread. You watch their failings and see your own. All you want is for their happiness ... for them to escape the suffurings of life. Wh - Why has this happened? I would - I would do anything - anyth ... (Uther stops to hold back tears)


In the pouring rain, Arthur trains on a mannequin, putting more ardor than necessary. Merlin watches his master struggle.


Merlin returns to find Gwen at the bedside of Morgana still unconscious and now has trouble breathing.

Gaius (to Gwen) : Her breath is leaving her. She'll be gone by morning ...

Merlin retreats to his room where an idea seems to cross his mind.


Apparition of the Great Dragon that lands in front of Merlin

Kilgharrah : You summoned me young warlock? And what do I owe the pleasure this time ?!

Merlin : I've been to the Crystal Cave. I saw Morgana make an attempt on Uther's life.

Kilgharrah : It does not surprise me!

Merlin : But I stopped her.

Kilgharrah : To change the future is not simple matter, Merlin! To do so, is fraught with danger.

Merlin : I know. And as a result of my actions, Morgana is dying.

Kilgharrah (delighted): Then you should join!

Merlin : ... I want you to help me to save her.

Kilgharrah : Merlin, have you learned nothing !?

Merlin : I did not mean to k*ll her. I wanted to avoid the future that would have unfolded, to prevent the death of death, to prevent the Camelot being torn apart.

Kilgharrah : I will not cure her!

Merlin : She's Uther's Daughter.

Kilgharrah ( with a knowing air ): Yes ...

Merlin : Huh! ... you knew ... why did not you tell me?

Kilgharrah : It makes no difference.

Merlin : Well, whatever she was about to, I stopped her. There no need for people to suffer!

Kilgharrah : The witch must die, so she should have done long ago. I will not save her!

Merlin (raising his voice): I am a dragonlord, you can not refuse me!

Kilgharrah : How dare you treat me such! How dare you abuse you power!

Merlin (in a calm voice) : ... I command you ...

Kilgharrah : Very well. But I warn you, the evil that will follow is your doing and yours alone.

The Great Dragon infuses Merlin with a spell and then flies away.


Gwen Eve Morgana

Merlin (joining Gwen) : I'll sit with her. Why do not you go and get some sleep? You must be exhausted.

Gwen : If she wakes up ...

Merlin : I'll call you!

Gwen : Thank you

Gwen leaves the room and Merlin sits at Morgana's bedside. After thinking for a moment, he puts his hand on the dying woman's forehead and pronounces an incantation in the language of the dragon trees. Morgana instantly picks up colors and sighs.


Back from the base town, Gaius finds Uther in his apartments, Morgana in his arms. This one seems cured.

Uther (to Morgana) : I never thought ... (perceiving Gaius) It's truly a miracle!


Uther : Thank you Gaius, I knew you would not fail me.

Gaius : I assure you Sire, I did nothing.

Uther : Of course, I understand, I will not ask any questions ... but I will not forget this Gaius.

Uther leaves. Gaius finds Merlin sitting in the open gallery.

Merlin : I could not watch everyone's grievance ...

Gaius : I know. But you're playing with things that are beyond you ...


Gwen installs Morgana.

Morgana (seeing Uther) : Thank you Gwen (Gwen takes leave )

Uther (taking Morgana's hands) : I could never let you die. I think I will show you to live.

Morgana : You've been so good to me. I'm grateful.

Uther : You and Arthur ... you mean everything to me Morgana.

Morgana : I know I could not be better guardian. Being so close to death has made me realize how important you and Arthur are to me. How close we are to each other ...

Uther : Yes.

Morgana : You're like a father to me.

Uther : Yes

Morgana : I wish the people knew that.

Uther : They do.

Morgana (understanding that Uther does not want to recognize her) : Not really

Uther : Of course they do.

Morgana : In the eyes of the people I am no more than your ward ... a guest.

Uther : What's matter is what we feel. That's what's important, not what the people think. I must let you rest.

Uther leaves the room. Morgana finds herself alone in her room, shocked by Uther's denial.


In the corridors, a servant carrying a tray is surprised by an attacker.

Morgana stands in a gallery when Morgause appears.

Morgana : Morgause !?

Morgause : Sister, I've waited for you the other night. What happened? (Morgana's face closes)

Morgause : Something is wrong?

Morgana : There is much to tell you Morgause.

Morgause : What is it?

Morgana : I overheard Uther.

Morgause : What?

Morgana : Uther is my father ... I am his daughter.

Morgause : Uther?

Morgana : He's been lying to me, all these years.

Morgause (reflective) : But this is glorious news.

Morgana : He disowned me. He wants to think that he's the perfect king. It's more important to him than his own flesh and blood.

Morgause : Do not you see? This is wonderful. You have a legitimate claim to his throne.

Morgana : No sister ... You do not understand ... He must pay for this.

The tocsin sounds.

Morgana : You must go!

Morgause : No, I do not want to leave you like this.

Morgana : you must, or they'll find you here.

Morgause : Do not do anything rash Morgana, promise me! (she kisses him on the cheek) We must bide our time!

Morgana does not seem to agree but as the guards get closer, Morgause disappears.


Arthur is at the foot of the att*cked servant. Gaius and Merlin join him.

Arthur (to a guard) : We need to seal the drawbridge. Search the grounds. (To Gaius) I'll inform the King. (He leaves the room)

As the doctor raises the hand of the recumbent bottle full of spilled wine, Merlin makes the connection with one of the visions he had in Crystal Cave.

Gaius (seeing Merlin's air) : Merlin, what's the matter?

Merlin (shocked to the last degree) : That was the next picture I saw in the crystal. I have not stopped anything !!


Morgana is at her dressing table, Gwen redone the bed.

Morgana (pensive) : Have they found the intruder?

Gwen : Not yet. Looks like it's gonna be a bad night.

Morgana : Yes ...

A few minutes later, Merlin burst into Morgana's room where she is ready to go out, her dagger again to the side. A tense conversation begins.

Morgana (in Merlin) : What are you doing here!

Merlin : Arthur sends me to look after you. He's worried about the intruder.

Morgana (getting ready to go out) : I do not need you!

Merlin (blocking his way): He was quite insistent.

Morgana tries to hit Merlin but he holds her back.

Morgana ( shouting, using magic) : Get out of my way !!

Merlin is thrown against the wall. A candlestick falls to the ground and starts a fire. Morgana leaves the room leaving the wizard unconscious.

A few minutes later, Merlin regains consciousness. Understanding the situation, he utters a cry of rage, the same image as seen in the crystals.


Morgana enters and stops in front of the bed where the king is asleep. She takes out her dagger and gets ready to sh**t him while Merlin arrives in the room. Hiding behind a pillar, it causes the implosion of windows, whose breath projects Morgana against the wall.

Uther (waking with a start ): What's going on!

Morgana : Eur ... There was a fire, I ... and I was scared. (She approaches Uther, discreetly sliding the dagger under the bed) I wanted to be with you. You're the only person I feel safe with.

Uther takes her in his arms.


Merlin and Gaius are sitting at the table

Gaius : You saved the king's life.

Merlin : Only just. I thought it might be, I made it happen.

Gaius : What you did was dangerous. Even for someone as gifted as you. But, what's done is done. There is more important things for us to ... I fear that Morgana knows the truth.

Merlin : About what?

Gaius : She knows the king is her father. That explains why she acted so suddenly. Arthur must be careful.

Merlin : Why?

Gaius : Morgana is of royal blood. If Uther were to die, Arthur is all that stands between her ... and the throne of Camelot. . .