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02x07 - Ascent

Posted: 03/11/19 12:19
by bunniefuu
DONATELLA: It's only a rough idea.

DESIGNER: And what is the idea?

I believe, for a woman, a dress is a w*apon to get what she wants.

Perhaps we could add steel?

Let me see that.

There you go.


Gianni will get this.

Is no one going to talk about it?

No one wants to say what is wrong with him.

No one even admits there's anything wrong.

VERSACE: Which of these are yours?


These are not your sketches.

No, my idea is there.

A dress as a w*apon.

What are you?

Are you a designer?

No, what are you? What are you?
Are you a collector of other people's ideas?

- Call me what you want.
- No, no, no, no, no.

Tell me. How do you call yourself?

I assist you the best that I can.

You have the opportunity to be great and you choose to assist.

No. None of us chose this situation, Gianni.

- Gianni, maybe you should rest.

I won't talk to you when you are like this.

No, this is how I talk.
And if you don't like it, good, we never talk again.

Gianni, I know why you are angry and I am angry, too,

- but it's not my fault!
- I'm sick.

We have to face it... because I cannot hide it.

What do you want from me?

I want everything.

You have it all.

I give you all.

Then it's not enough.

It's not enough.


VERSACE: Ah, now you go. Now you go. Go!

Go assist! Go assist and bring me coffee,

(MUFFLED): and bring me espresso, and maybe arrange some flowers!


I'm not afraid of your temper.

She's not ready.

Go apologize to her.

Don't have time to be kind.

You don't have time to be cruel.

I can't sketch.

I just can't.

- Neither can I.
- You're just saying that.

No, it's true.

Ask any designer.

It's not the quality of the sketch.

It's the quality of the idea.

I'm scared.

I know.

Pretending to be bold is not enough.

I'm not asking you to pretend.

I'm asking you to grow.

Into what?

Into you?

We're going to design a dress together.

Something new.

Just you and I.
We're going to work together as if it were the last dress I'll ever make.

Don't talk like that, please.

I have to because soon it will be just you.

All of this will rest on you.

This company is you. It's not me.


You have to make it yours.

You have to take it.

You have to own it.

This dress you want us to make together... what do you want to achieve?

This dress is not my legacy.

You are.

ANDREW: Oh, I like that toothpaste.

I'm sorry?

I'm actually finishing my PhD at UCSD.

Just a few more shifts here.


Have a nice day.

- Uh...

Not on my time.

Does it ever bother you?


That the customers only know you as that helpful man.

Does it bother you?

I can't pay you for time you're not here.

You're always late.

The money's fine for me.

I wasn't thinking about myself.
I was thinking about my mom.

Is your dad still sending money?


He's gone.

You need a plan.

No more magazines.

Vogue is not a plan.

I didn't get all this by being idle.

Yes, Mr. Mercado.

It was half the price and the same flavor as the Häagen-Dazs.

Why do you have to get so upset about a silly thing like ice cream?

Because I want the best!

Well, who says that German stuff is the best, anyway?

It's not even German, Mom.

It's just a name that they made up to make it sound special.

Ha, well, a made-up name, there you go.

Reuben Mattus, the founder, his parents came from Poland, but he lived in Brooklyn, but he wanted the brand to sound Danish because the Danes helped out the Jews in World w*r II.

It's even why there's a map of Denmark on the early cartons.

You are so smart, Andrew.

Next time... buy Häagen-Dazs.

Okay, Andrew.

♪ Why don't we, why don't we? ♪

♪ Why don't we, why don't we? ♪

♪ Why don't we, why don't we? ♪

♪ Why don't we, why don't we? ♪

♪ Why don't we, why don't we? ♪

♪ Why don't we, why don't we? ♪

♪ Why don't we, why don't we? ♪

♪ Why don't we? Take me... ♪

ANDREW: So, what's the plan tonight?

Someone old? Someone new?

- Someone borrowed?
- Someone new.

How about you?

Plenty of options.

But you never make a move.

The idea of being told no is not worth it.

- We're all told no.
- You're not.

(LAUGHS) That is not true.

For me, being told no is like being told I don't exist.

It's like I've disappeared or something.


You're a catch.

Not like them.

It's a look, that's all.

It's a look people want.

You serve your country.

I respect that so much.

Oh, thank you.

I'm living my childhood dream.

I spend my days at college being asked to join the Republicans Against Welfare Club.

I'm against welfare.

You said that your dad works at Merrill Lynch. My dad works there.

- What's his name?
- Modesto.

People call him Pete. He-he's been assigned to a long-term project in the Philippines.

I didn't know Merrill had operations in the Philippines.

Oh, they opened their offices in Manila in ?

Three years before Tokyo.

Andrew knows everything.

He's amazing like that.

Modesto from Manila.

I'll tell my dad to look out for him.

- Love you.
- (CHUCKLES) I love you, too.

Have fun.


Swim off the hangover in your pool.

It's a good idea.

I'll settle it next time.

No problem.

When, uh... most young guys walk into this place... they don't even see me.

But you always do.

Can lie about a lot of things in life.

But there's either money in your wallet... or there isn't.



Where have you been?

For hours and hours.

Where do you go?

Where do I go?


Are you drunk?

Drunk on dreams.

What dreams?

Dreams of getting out of here.

Dreams of getting far, far away from here.

What about me?

Little mama, don't you know?


Ah, don't you know that you're my dream woman?


- You're coming with me.
- I am?

Mm-hmm. You most certainly are.


And where are we going?

Oh, we're going... up.



...where they all look up at us, and we look down on them.



I'm Andrew Cunanan.

(LAUGHS) You look like you're dressed for church.

You understand what this place is?

- It's an escort agency.
- I know.

WOMAN: Up against the wall.


- Age?
- .

What are you?

Uh, what am I?

Latino? What?

My mother is Italian-American, and my father's from the Philippines. He was in the U.S. Na...

I'm not interested in your story, I'm just interested in your stats.

- I'm Asian-American.
- Oh.

Straight men like Asian women, but gay clients don't ask for Asian men.

What if I had told you my father was Portuguese?

You said I looked Latino.

But if somebody asks for a Latino, I can't send them an Asian.

And my Latinos are studs.

What are your greatest attributes?

I'm clever, witty.

Uh, I'm very fun to be around...

My clients aren't looking for a wife.

I was thinking more along the lines of how big.

Oh, uh... I'm well-endowed.

Show me.


Put it away. Roll up your sleeves.

- dr*gs?
- No, never.

Hmm. Smile.

Pick any book. Talk about it.

Why'd you pick that one?

It's the only one I haven't read.

Oh, now, you couldn't possibly have...

Ask me any question.
Any question at all.

So, you can hold your own at a dinner table conversation?

I am the dinner table conversation.

Do you have experience with older men?

In high school, I took a man in his s to my senior prom.

He bought me nice things. A lot of men have bought me nice things.

I'm very good with older men.

In fact, I'm much better with older men than I am with men my own age.

It's a gift.


You've got a lot going for you, but my clients rarely ask for Asians, and they never ask for Asians with attitude.


I-I can work harder than any of those men.

This isn't a sweatshop, sweetheart.

Nobody gives a shit how hard you work.

This is about being what people want.

- But I can do this.
- No can do.

I can't sell a clever Filipino.

Even one with a big d*ck.

Then I'll sell myself.

♪ ♪

Turn around.

You like it?

I don't like it.

I don't like it, I love it.

- I love it. (CHUCKLES)

How can you do this?

I will never be able to do what you do.

- You're learning.
- Mm.

This is perfect on Naomi.

You know who's perfect for this dress?

- Donatella.

Come on, this dress needs a model.

No, this dress needs you.

- It's not appropriate.
- What's more appropriate than the creator wearing her own creation?

- Gianni, I'm not the creator.
- We made this together.

It needs confidence.

It gives confidence.

And I want the world to see youin a way that you have never been seen before.

I would look so absurd.

You would look like a star.


♪ ♪

Do you remember when I took you to

- Patty Pravo concert in Sicily?
- Sì.

We ran so late, we ended up in the back.

I had to put you on my shoulders to see the concert.

I watched the concert through your eyes.

But we're not children anymore.


You're ready.


f*ck me.

Donatella. Gianni, right here.

Right here, Donatella.

- Donatella, over here.
- MAN: Gianni!

Gianni, Donatella, over here. Hey.


- Gianni.
- Gianni!

- Donatella.
- Beautiful.

MAN: Gianni, how about some with Donatella, yeah?


- Gianni.
- Donatella...



♪ ♪


Good evening. Red wine, please.

- Thanks.
- Thank you.

Glass of red wine, please.

- Excuse me.
- Excuse me.


- Keep the change.
- Thank you.

I'm curious.

What handsome young man comes to an th-century play all by himself?

The play is in repertory with the Thérèse Racquin, which I enjoyed very, very much.

So, I thought why not give this one a try?

Andrew DeSilva.


It's Portuguese. On my father's side.

Oh. I'm Norman.

Norman, did you know that in the original production of this, it was considered a failure?

The critics thought that it was inappropriate for a princess to seduce a young man dressed as a man.

No, I-I didn't know that.

I'm so sorry, I-I have a tendency to sound like I'm in a lecture hall.

(CHUCKLES): That's why I'm not very popular with people my own age.

I find that very hard to believe.

- No, it's true.
- Mm?

I've always preferred the company of... older men.

May I buy you another glass of wine?

I leave you alone for one second and you find the most handsome man in the house.

I'm Lincoln.

A pleasure.

This is Andrew.
He's a very clever young man.

I'm Gallo, if anyone cares.

We're having dinner after the show.
You'll join us?

I'd be happy to join.

If you don't mind.

No, I don't mind. I don't mind at all.


I should find my seat.

♪ ♪

Who's your interior designer?

My wallet.

Norman's the one with taste.

Lincoln always leaves an empty space for some young man.

He's superstitious like that.

Pay no attention to him.

Oh, I'm bitter and unloved.

Oh, nice tux.

Before you return it, be sure to have it cleaned.

They charge extra if it's dirty.


He's hilarious.

Aside from French theater, what brings you to La Jolla?

To tell the truth, I'm in hiding.

I-I don't want to bore you with the details.

No, please, tell us.

I was married for a time.

Her name is Lizzie. She's a wonderful woman.

Funny, caring, kind.

Most men would be lucky to call her his wife.

I-I tried to love her. I really did.

But I couldn't live a lie.

I became depressed, I was drinking.

I-I was dying.
I had to escape, so I ran away.

Well, very sad.

You're very young to be married.

I'd like to suggest a toast.

To outcasts. May they find new friends, new families, and be outcasts no more.

Outcasts no more.

Thank you.

LINCOLN: You'll stay?

What's everyone else doing?

I have to leave for Phoenix early in the morning.

That is a shame.


I can stay.

He's a very interesting young man.

- He's not your type at all.
- You're a sore loser.

$ a night.

I'll make you a counteroffer.

A weekly allowance, an expense account, and I am available to you at all times.

I like variety.

I know everyone in San Diego.

I'll organize parties.

I can make this condo the center of gay San Diego and you the mayor of it.

That does sound like fun.

Let's discuss your wants...and my terms.

- She's here.


Donatella, congratulazioni.

- Cin, cin
- Thank you.

- Brava.

- Viva Donatella! Hey!
- Grazie.

Thank you to all.
All of you are amazing.

I love you guys!

ASSISTANT: Donatella, Gianni would like you to join him.


Guys, we never had this kind of coverage.

We all felt some of the criticisms are unfair.

It's okay. Listen to this article.

"Either the Versace woman is wielding the whip,

"or she's the one who's harnessed and being ridden around the room wearing a collar and a leash."

I guess we all know which woman I am.


It doesn't matter really.

They talk about us... they love it, they hate it...but they are talking about us.

I want more ideas like this.

Our store managers report customers entering the premises...

- Can you speak louder, please?
- I'm sorry. Uh...

I was saying, customers are discussing the dresses, but not buying them.

Even after all that publicity?

They celebrate my sister, but they don't buy the dress?

I don't understand.

We are in the midst of a global downturn.

Customers are turning away from grandeur and showmanship.

They want simplicity and practicality.

Who wouldn't want the dress that made my sister a star?

I can only comment on the numbers, and the numbers are bad.

Hmm, perhaps the dress is perfect for the red carpet, but we need a simpler version for the customer.

One design, two dresses?

Yes, one dress to catch the headlines, to get the attention, and another one to be worn.



Gianni, please don't start.

I'm only reacting to the sales.

I'm reacting to the sales as well.

Tell me, what do you want to remove?

Do you want to sell nothing?

Is that acceptable for a business?

Tell me what do you want me to remove from the dress

that you and I made. Tell me.

You want me to wear the dress and talk about female empowerment, and then keep my mouth shut when we are in the studio.

No, Donatella, a design is a design.

It has a heart. It has a soul.

- It is whole.
- And there is a place for that, on the runway.

But there also has to be a place for a woman to be able to wear a dress and not feel uncomfortable.

Feel uncomfortable?

Not every woman wants to be the center of attention.

Well, then this is not the dress for them!

Why does everything have to be so extreme?

- Why are you whispering?!
- Why are you shouting?

Am I being patronized?

All I'm saying is that we are a fashion house, and we have to make clothes that people want to wear.

That's all I'm saying.

Madame, what are you wearing? That-that-that neat little suit?

- Armani, yes?
- Well, you cannot expect me to give a sales presentation wearing this. Huh?

Wearing this?

- What?
- Okay.

- What are you doing? Gianni.



Now. Now.

Now it sells? Now it's gonna sell?

It's gonna sell more, this little black dress?

Is it normal enough?

- Is it normal enough?



What is it?

Gianni, you are too tired.

I can't, I can't hear you.

I can't... Do you hear her?

I can hear her perfectly.

- I can't hear you either.
- Perfectly.

I can't... I can't hear. I can't hear.

- Call a doctor.
- I'm gonna get a doctor.

(CRYING): Donatella, I can't hear.

- Donatella, I can't hear, I can't hear.
- It's okay.

- ELI: Right.

You still haven't explained how you're so ridiculously wealthy all of a sudden.

I'm a consultant for a Texan oil millionaire, his name's Lincoln Aston.

What do you know about oil?

I know how to work a greasy pole.

- I can vouch for that.

- To Andrew.
- PATTY: To Andrew.

Yeah, cheers.

What do you think everyone at this restaurant sees when they look at us? We're making all this noise

and spending all this money.

Who do you imagine they think we are?

Man at the bar.

Handsome, blonde, eating alone.

Doesn't know anybody here.

Probably couldn't stand the idea of eating by himself in his hotel room, so... here he is, amongst people...

....hoping someone will see him.

Oh, I-I didn't order this.

The man at the table behind you sent it over.

What man?

Might be easier to look for yourself, sir.

I'm afraid I'm gonna turn bright red.


He wants to know if you'll join him.

DAVID: Thank you.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Uh... no one's ever sent me a drink before.

Will you join us?

Uh, if-if you don't mind.

I-I... I mean, sure. Why not, right?

- We would be honored.
- ELI: Of course we would.

- I'm Andrew.
- I'm David.

Make yourself at home, David.

This is Eli.

- This is Patty, it's her birthday.
- David.

We're celebrating her.



"Mandarin Oriental."



They give you these?

ANDREW: His and hers.

- Can I?
- Of course.


Oh, my God.


How are the slippers?

♪ ♪

DAVID: I was best friends with this girl in high school.


Almost everyone was mean to her.

I can't even remember why.

She was so sweet, so kind.

Uh, one day I found her crying in the bathroom.

I'd had enough, so...

I grabbed her hands, and I said, "Leah, "one day I'm gonna be the world's most successful architect and..."

"and I'm gonna build you

"this big, beautiful house,

"and we'll live in it together, and no one will be mean to you ever, ever again."

I even drew her a picture.



A house,

with a garage.

For two cars.

A yard.

And as long as we live there together, we'd be happy.

When I finally told her I was gay, she was... she was so upset.

She must've felt betrayed.

Like the sketch was a marriage contract.

She never spoke to me again.


I hope she found her house.

ANDREW: I knew it was a good room, with a good view, but it... it didn't give me any pleasure until... until you walked into it.

DAVID: It's an amazing room.



- Hello?
- LINCOLN: Where are you?

You haven't answered my phone calls.

I was just in San Francisco.
I was looking for new antiques.

We talked about that.

- You agreed.
- We didn't agree

on midnight bottles of champagne.

With who?

Your secret lover?

While I'm here alone?

I-I wasn't with anyone.

I'm not a fool.

It's an itemized bill. I can see every dollar you spend.

I have a taste for the finer things.

You know that.

Not anymore.

- Lincoln.




I'm straight.



For a straight man, you hang around a lot of gay bars.

I've seen you here a few times.

Men buy me drinks.

Oh, I'm sure they do.

So if you don't like guys, what do you like?



I'm not gonna touch you if you don't want me to.

Uh... don't worry.

It's not my style.

I'm a fan of the whole monosyllabic John Wayne routine, but zero-syllabic is pushing it.

LINCOLN: This isn't working.

Uh, why don't you finish your drink and skedaddle on home.

Uh, you can keep the $ .

Uh, I'll call you a cab.


Okay, so don't finish your drink.



He-he tried to kiss me.

I know.

You should run.




I want to show you something.

I'm gonna make a donation.

I had a plaque made with Lincoln's name on it to put on the back of one of the seats.


I want to show it to you.

I think he would've liked it very much.

(CHUCKLES) Would he?

I rather suspect he would've called me "a sentimental old fool."

They found the k*ller.

He's in custody.

His name's Kevin Bond.

He called from a hospital in Utah, and he confessed to the m*rder.

And what do the police say?

When Lincoln tried to kiss him, Kevin snapped and lost control.


And no doubt, the police considered that defense understandable.

Mm-hmm. They say that he... (CHUCKLES) he lacked the self-discipline to simply leave the house when he was put into an uncomfortable position.

This surprises you?

I've been living through this my whole life.

We fall sick, it's our fault.

We're m*rder*d, it's our fault.

You can rob us, you can beat us, you can k*ll us, you'll get away with it.

NORMAN: Andrew, I-I can't just move.

I've lived in Phoenix for a long time.

It's your old life.

And my new life?

Let me make a home for you here.

A new house.

You could be happy.

Tell me, honestly.

Do you really think you could live with me?


Let me think about it.

In high school, I had this best friend, Mary.

Everyone was so cruel to her.

I can't even remember why.

But I used to find her crying all the time.

And one day, she-she just couldn't take it anymore.

She was suicidal, she-she tried to... k*ll herself, and she'd cut her wrists, and showed me the scars.

So I took her hands and I told her, "I don't want you to worry about a thing.

"Because one day, I'm going to be rich,

"I'm going to be successful, and I'm going to buy

"a beautiful house for both of us to live in.

"And no one's ever going to be mean to you again.

"You won't ever feel lonely again.

"We could be happy there, be safe."

Norman, I can make that home for you.

I can make that dream for you.

Traveling around the world with Signore Versace. (CHUCKLES)

I met him in San Francisco, remember?

We've stayed in touch; we have dinner once a year.

Anyway, he's asked me to join him.

How amazing. (LAUGHS)

Paris, Milan, London, Tokyo.

Anywhere there's, uh, an opera house.

I've always wanted to go to Paris.

Well, I'll send you a postcard.

I thought I was coming with you.


Well, you said I could come.

- Mom.
- Well, I have to come with you.

I can't afford this apartment on my own.

Well, I'll send you some money.

But you promised.

I can't take you with me.

Well, I'm not gonna be any trouble. Uh... I-I'll make your bed, and I-I'll do your washing, and I'll even pack for you, and you don't have to call me Mom.

I-I don't, I don't need anybody to make my bed, Mom.

I-I'll be staying in hotels.

Well, whatever you need then.

You just... you say what it is,
and I'll do it.

I'll do anything, just, uh... don't leave me here alone.

- Not all alone.
- Stop, stop.

- What are you doing?
- Let me talk to Signor Versace.

- Just stop. I can...
- He'll understand.

He's Italian and I'm Italian.

He understands family, yeah? Let me talk to him and...

No, you're not gonna talk to anybody...

Well, just a few minutes of his time, Andrew. Huh?

He's understanding, he's a kind man, he's a decent man, he's a good man.

And if he says no, well, then, of course, I'll understand, but you need to let me try.

- Why not let me try?
- No! Stop it!





DOCTOR: Your shoulder blade is fractured, Ms. Cunanan.

It's a very serious injury.

Can I ask... how this happened?

It was an accident.

My son found me.

He called the ambulance.

He's a good boy.

He's always been a good boy.



I need to speak with all of you.

So... my brother is sick.

You all know this.

Gianni is suffering a rare form of ear cancer.

And he decided to go to Miami and rest.

While he is recovering,

I will be taking care of the day-to-day operations.

And he will be communicating through me.

My brother is stubborn. (CHUCKLES)

Don't forget that.

He's stubborn about life.

And he will beat this illness.

He loves every one of you.

He loves his work, he loves this place.

So have no doubt my brother will be back.

In the meantime, I am honored and humbled to take the reins of this company while he recovers.

Our last runway show was our most talked about to date.

We must be talked about, or we are nothing.

And now that Gianni's away, we have to be even more bold, not less.

We have to show that we are strong, daring, that we are relevant.

And that this house will survive.

No matter what, it will.

Be very careful with that.

Andrew, I don't have enough stuff to fill a place this big.

Don't worry.

I am gonna make this the most beautiful home you have ever lived in.

We'll be very happy here.


Let me show you the terrace.

Oh, if they could see me now.

