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04x07 - The Side Effect

Posted: 03/07/19 11:40
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "The Magicians"...

Look, just go while you still have the chance.

The Library controls the levels of ambient magic that flow through the pipes.

This one has a leak.

Well, what's my Birthright, you scaly shit?

It's the talking animals.

They've all been struck dumb.

- So what is this?

- I saved your f*cking life, bitch.


- Margo, are you okay?

You're just a brown-nose sweater boy desperate to matter at all.

The other me, Sam, did whatever she thought was right, regardless of what anybody else thought.

This contract initiates our services in exchange for...

"Unlimited manual and magical labor"?

"Bound in service to the Library up to and after my death"?

- Penny, where are you?

- I'm in the Underworld Library.

If you stay down here, you've got an amazing destiny ahead of you.



Uh, excuse me?

Mr. Adiyodi?

Come in.

Have a seat.


Did I do something wrong?

I called you in to talk about Matilda Fremont.

You shelved her book yesterday under "Disappointing Prodigies"?

Oh, right.

Uh, mastered the flute at seven but became a mediocre poet.


Did you read her brother's book?

She saved his life...

pulled him out of a self-destructive spiral, and he went on to become one of the world's greatest philanthropists.

I wouldn't call that "unremarkable." Uh, okay.

So is there section for, uh, "Sisters of Generous Men"?

You've been in the Underworld branch,

- um, three weeks?

- Well...

Yeah, when I died, all I cared about was getting back up there, and... and all this?

I didn't think it mattered...

where a book goes, who reads it.

Those books I lent you, you get a chance to read them?

Of course.

Well, I skimmed.

How far did you get?

Alice, uh, opened a pipe, accidentally helped blow up the Modesto branch, and Quentin played Pictionary with a mummy.

Where would you file them?

Quentin and Alice...

"Star-Crossed Romances," probably, or "Well-Meaning Failures."

- What about the others?

- Oh...

"Side Characters in Epic Quests."

I'm a side character?

Look, no offense.

It's just...

Quentin's the center of the whole thing.

He's the one that knows everybody.

He's the one the little British girl picked to save the world.

Or he's the one that looks like you.

Not fair.

Todd looks like me.

He's not the center of shit.

But he could be.

All I'm saying is you think you've seen stories like this before, so you can guess what's going to happen...

who's important and who isn't.

But that's because you are trapped in your POV.

You have a classic case of White Male Protagonism, Derek, and a Librarian simply can't have that.

But that's why these books are so important.

They're such a gift.


they can allow you to see other points of view.

And once you start seeing that, you'll find that the story doesn't end the way you think, and the most important characters aren't who you expect.


♪ Remember back before all the stuff in Modesto when Alice first escaped from the Library?

Oh, dear.

I'm telling you, I saw a reindeer-driven sleigh fly away.

Alice and Nick are gone.

This is not funny.


I'm not laughing...


- I mean...

- Lets discuss next steps.

Mm, we should wait for Everett.

He'll know how to...

Oh, he'll agree with me when I say that Alice Quinn was your project.

Holding her here was a mistake.

We aren't jailers.

What would you have done?

Alice broke her deal with us.

She tried to turn off all of magic.

That has to have consequences.

Our mission is to preserve the knowledge of magic.

Alice Quinn is an existential threat to that knowledge.

Are you suggesting that we should have k*lled her...


- And Santa Claus?


I'm so sorry.

It's not at all funny.

Do you agree with Cyrus?

I see.

I admit, I took a personal interest in Alice's rehabilitation.

Perhaps it biased me.

You are correct.

We are not jailers.

Nor are we K*llers.

So I'll ask again...

what would you have us do?

"Protect the flame of knowledge no matter the cost." I believe that's how the old motto goes.


Sorry I was delayed.

The renovation of our Rome branch ran into some difficulties.

Have you been briefed on Alice?

I agree with Zelda.

We are an order of scholars, not assassins.

So what is the scholarly solution?

Read their books.

Learn their intentions.

We agreed not to breach privacy unless there was no other option.

What's the other option?

Uh, okay.

Well, Nick's book has been taken and presumably destroyed, but Alice's is still in the Revision Room having the ending put in.

Which will take days, and if she and Nick split up, we'll lose them.

There might be another way.

Tracking devices.

Eventually, they'll go somewhere for help.

There isn't enough ambient to keep either of them happy long, so disperse a Searcher widely and...

Disperse to whom, though?

I find it unlikely that Alice or Nick will run into the hands of card-carrying Magicians.

- They'll go underground.

- Yes.

Where the hedge witches are.

And the hedge witches don't trust us.

- We'll never get them to accept...

- If we do what I'm thinking, they'll take them without ever knowing.



And once Alice's book is back, if we can verify she's no longer a threat, there'd be no need for further corrective action.


All in favor?



You seem troubled.

Thank you, but I'm fine.

- I understand.


I see something of Harriet in Alice, too.

I wish you'd given yourself some real time to grieve your daughter.

- Leave of absence, even.

- No, I'm...





Uh, I'm sorry.






I thought I heard something.

Excuse me, I have a meeting.


♪ So you're telling me the Head Librarian, a member of the Governing Council of the Order, is having a nervous breakdown?

Trust me, just 'cause she's seeing shit that no one else sees doesn't mean it isn't really there.

Uh, then we got to get a message to this Everett guy.

He's in charge, right?


What do you mean?

There's a dragon that connects the Underworld to the Neitherlands.

We just take a note, and we shove it up his...

Not how that works.

- Look, being down here...

- You mean being dead?

It gives you a new perspective.

There's shit we know is going to happen that people up there would give anything to stop.

But we can see the bigger picture.

It's not our job to stop the living from doing what they do.

It's our job to appreciate their full life.

We see but do not intervene...

for a lot of good reasons.

I can see this is wigging you out.

Let's start with an easier one.

Well, what's my Birthright, you scaly shit?


I read this one last week.

High King of Fillory gets mad at, uh, the alpaca lady, uh, to bring back the talking animals' voices.

You read Margo's story.

This one is not about her.

Well, what's my Birthright, you scaly shit?


Oh, hi, there.

Do you have a message, or...?






Okay, it was a dream.

Just keep reading.

Well, what's my Birthright, you scaly shit?

It's the talking animals.

They've all been struck dumb.

Well, shit.

All right, Fen, I think I will do a ritual.

Earth specialty...

the Sleep of Solitude.

I pop an Ambien, everyone leaves me alone till noon.

That'll be perfect.

Rafe, last night I had the strangest dream.

There were these bunnies with their throats...

You know what?

I think I projected the talking animals going mute.

Okay, I think I'm starting to get the point of these stories.

All women are just one emotional crisis away from a psychotic break.

Jesus, no.

Whoa, you can't say stuff like that anymore.

What, in the afterlife?


Do you remember what Kady was doing at this time?

Didn't she just kind of peace out after the Library Dewey coin heist?

Not exactly.

See, while the others were busy bleeding a stone to stop the monster, Kady...

was busy doing something else.

Iris could have at least left us a stone-bleeding how-to or something.

Yeah, I hear what you're saying, Q.

- Hey.

- Don't mind me.


Uh, I'll go check those other books.

The books in, uh, Marina's library, 'cause, uh, yep, that's got to be where they are.


- Hey.

Haven't seen you in a while.

There was some stuff I had to do.

Stuff I should be worried about?

I'm clean.


Who's this?

Five weeks ago, her dad picked her up from school and disappeared...

custody fight with her mom.

Locator spell and a few bruised knuckles later, she's home.

"Five weeks ago" as in when you were "Detective Sam Cunningham"?

You're solving her old case files?

All right, look...

you lived as Kim for months.

The moment you got your memory back, you just...

you dropped it like it never happened.


I-I can't.

I can't go back to being a sidekick.

- You're not a sidekick.

- Come on.

I'm only in this group at all because of Penny.

That's not true.

- You and me...

- We're friends, yeah.

And then we weren't, and now we're what...

I don't know, whatever you call it when...

you have a lot of history that made you two very different people.

I need my own path, Jules.

I want my life to feel like it's about me.

No, I get that.

And I am all for your personal growth.

It's just that we're...

you know, we're kind of under the g*n here.

You're under my roof, hidden from the McAllistairs and the Library because I took this place from Marina when everyone else wanted to hand her nuclear launch codes.

Look, I'll help, of course...

when I can, in my way.

But for now...

Sam left a few loose ends I need to tie up.



You're not my Postmate.


I am the Baba Yaga.

You live on my property under my protection, and your rent is due.

Okay, well, this isn't exactly my place.

Well, you're here now, and the list is clearly posted on the premises.

Wait, Marina's weird grocery list on the fridge?

It is not weird.

You are weird.

You reek of nondairy creamer and despair.

Okay, look, I don't have whatever it is that you're looking for.

One Webster's Weeping Healer, one Totem of the Plump Pelican, and one Bag of Holding.

Pay what is owed in two days' time or wish I boiled you alive.

The wench will explain.





Holy shit, you have to pay her.


You mean you.

Okay, what the f*ck is happening?

I'm Bailey.

Sorry about the Baba Yaga.

She can be a little...


The Baba's the spirit of a vengeful Slavic witch I channel when I need to collect rent or deal with a chatty Uber driver.

So if you don't want to be her next meal, you should give her what she wants.

Ooh, stressful.

Where am I supposed to find...

Wait a minute.

Is the...

The Totem of the Plump Pelican.

Wait, this thing?

Oh, yeah, that's it.


Marina must have found it.

I just thought it was some ugly paperweight.

Shh, don't insult it.

It reacts.

So two more to go.


Oh, shit.

She's coming back.



Pay me what is owed, or I will boil your marrow into soup, peasant.

See you Thursday.


I'm looking for a guy called "Lovelady."


- Heard he has office hours here.

What is this?

- Some kind of flashlight spell?

- Isik.



- Jesus.

- Whoa!


What the hell was that?

I never want to see the floor of a bar that bright.



Wait, you're Lovelady?

Oh, shit.


It's been a while.

Last time I saw you, you were with Marina.


We parted ways.

It was mutual.

Mm, I'm sure.

- So "Lovelady," huh?

- It's a title.

When one guy's done with it, he passes it on to the next guy, kind of like "Dread Pirate Roberts" or "Senator." That's not how Senators work.


The guy who was "Lovelady before me" is an Earl with a private island.

People respect the shit out of me.

It's a great sign when you have to tell people that.

Did you come here looking for my help or...?



Here's a list.

I heard you can find things.

Interesting stuff.


Landlord issue.

Have you considered moving?

The place has special features.

It just turns out it's courtesy of a-a witch...

uh, Baba-something.

You mean the Baba Yaga?

- You know her?

- Just by reputation.

Hey, if I help you, in lieu of my usual fee, I want you to introduce me.

- Not sure she's your type.

- She's got great taste.

This could open up a whole new avenue for me.

Yeah, fine, whatever.

You'll help?

One more thing.

Um, do you still see Julia?

Don't be a creep, Pete.

Where are we going?

Black Market.

So Kady's moved on.

I mean, not with Pete, just...

I know what you mean, and I'm happy for her.

You don't look happy.

So is there some sort of connection I'm supposed to be seeing between Kady, Zelda, Fen...

You'll see.

Alice's book had been revised, but Alice had changed the ending.

- Well?

- Apparently, Alice feels magic has caused her nothing but trouble.

She goes on to live out an entirely civilian life in Portland.

She just got a job at a craft brewery, and a Shih Tzu.

You look a little surprised.

Does that not sound like her?

The choice is unexpected, but...

wouldn't be the first time she walked away from magic.

Great, then.

Nick is still at large, so we'll keep our trackers in circulation, but I think we can close the book on Alice Quinn.

It's funny...

I'd always thought she was a cat person.

Never seen her before.


She would be a new hire.


We're not hiring right now.

In fact, we've had to let some people go.

Designer hops are getting expensive.



Alice is inside, as her book said.


Good riddance, book tart.

Let's go get some doughnuts.

This is the Black Market?

- It's so...

- Normal?

- Yeah.

- Exactly.

You'd be surprised what you can find in here.

Even Deweys.

Wait, I thought you had to have a Library card for that?

Yeah, well, the Library should know better than to give unlimited black cards to rich druggie dickbags that trade them in for lap dances.

Oh, so you give lap dances, huh?


Okay, so that is Whitley.

If she does not have a Bag of Holding, she'll have a line on one.

What, you're not gonna introduce me?

Well, I may have had sex with her and never called her again.


Hey, I'm looking for a Bag of Holding...

whatever that is.

It's a "Doctor Who" kind of thing.

A bag that's bigger on the inside.

Actually, it's a D&D thing.

Yeah, I don't do nerd shit.

Expensive taste for someone who doesn't know what they're asking for.

I can pay.


- Charisma Cufflinks...

for a Bag of Holding?

Come back when you're serious.


♪ Kraken tentacles...

helps build muscle.

I'm paleo.

Cavemen didn't eat kraken, so I don't eat kraken.

♪ What'll you give me for these?

♪ Aleister Crowley's ashes.

- Mm-hmm.

- Not bad.

Worth a Bag of Holding?



What the hell, Pete?

I searched the whole g*dd*mn market for you.

Kady, great news.

I found Gordy.

Gordy's my, um...

- He's great.

- Hi, Kaitlin.


You were supposed to be looking for the Webster's Weeping Whatever, not getting wasted.

¿Por qué no los dos, mamacita?

I'll have you know Gordy is a doctor.

- Well...

- For animals.

You know, for dogs and cats.

Don't sell yourself short, all right?

- That's a real doctor.

- Ok...

shh, shh, shh.

Not helpful.

Yes, helpful, because Gordy knows where to get that thing that you're looking for.

The thing.

The creepy doll that cries healing tears.

Webster's Weeping Healer.

Got a buddy, Duke...

exotic-bird guy.

So his cockatoo caught bumblefoot...

Okay, shh.

Duke has the doll?

Well, yeah.

Okay, where can I find him?



- Hello?

Anybody there?

I'm guessing no one's home.



Well, that explains it.

No sign of blunt-force trauma or defensive wounds.

Doesn't look like foul play.


Okay, Mariska Hargitay.

Just find the doll, will you?

No, bad touch!

Get off!

God, I hate this place.


found the doll.


Healing tears or no, I would not keep this thing in my house.

Really, Pete?


He's not using it.

You're disgusting.




♪ Oh, my God!

Oh, my God.


Jesus, Fen!

Why the hell are you lurking in a dark pantry?

Waiting for you.

Your soufflé fell.

You're gonna bake a new one.

- How did you...

- Dreamt it.

You're worried Margo is gonna blow talks with Lady Pike.

Wait, again with the alpaca lady?


Uh, some of these pages are out of order.

Just keep reading.

But really, you're worried that you and she have a true connection and you're going to screw it up, - so you're stress-baking.

- Okay, ouch.

And that's a weirdly specific and accurate dream.

I also dreamt of dancing ears of corn, and then the farmers reported a surplus.

I dreamt about what Tick really does with all those peaches he steals from the kitchen, which is surprisingly not gross.

And they've all come true.

Prophetic dreams could mean a lot of things.

Uh, maybe you're a psychic or someone cast some kind of spell on you.


or it's Fillory, and maybe you just ate some messed-up fruit.

You think someone did this to me?

If you're worried, next time it happens just poke around the dream a little.

Poke with what?

A knife?


No knives.

Lucid dreaming.

They teach it first semester at Brakebills.

The second you realize you're dreaming, you can take control of your dream.

You don't even need magic to do it.

- Just close your eyes...


Breathe, and try to push your finger through your other hand.

Everything freezes.

Anything not supposed to be there, that's when you'll be able to tell.

Alice wasn't where her book said she'd be.

I suspect she sabotaged it.

And now I've lied to my colleagues.

If I don't find her before they find out...

Sounds like a personal problem.

Henry, please.

I'm trusting you.

What you mean is that you trust that I won't report this

- because it'd be worse for Alice.

- We both want to spare her that.

If you could just tell me where she is...

I comply with every request...

all your red tape and your triplicate bullshit.

This is your mess.

Do not drag me into it.








I don't think an ancient Slavic witch is gonna want a mojito.

Right, um...

something vodka-based?

Are you actually nervous?

Baba Yaga's a really big deal in my line of work, and...


First impressions...


- What was I saying?

- Pete, your arm.


that molest-y hand gave me the clap.

Oh, shit.

Looks like a bad spell interaction.

Something's clashing with one of his personal enchantments.

Which personal enchantment?

I don't know.

They're personal.

Hedge spells, you know, they're off the street at best.

They got a lot of rough edges.

There's really no telling if they'll play nice together until, well, they don't.

Whatever k*lled Duke is k*lling him.

So help him, or I break your jaw.

Look, the only human diagnostic spell I know costs magic, and I'm a little Dewey-light at the mo...

Please don't break my jaw.


Pete has one he took off your friend Duke.


Wait, you said something's clashing with Pete.


- Like what?

- Like a cursed object.

I once treated a horse for strangles.

Turns out jockey's riding crop interacted badly with a hoof-protection spell, so...

Does Pete carry a riding crop?

Okay, maybe just look at this.




Don't touch that shit.

Not really planning to now that you licked it.


It's more accurate than lenses.

You can taste cobalt.

It's used in most tracking spells.

- "Tracking spells"?

- Mm-hmm.

I put them on pets.

This one tastes like a real expensive Searcher.

You hold it long enough, it kind of sends out a signal to whoever cast it.

Wait, a-a signal to wh...



I was thinking more like who makes Deweys.

- The Library.

- Oh, yeah.

That makes more sense.

Who's the Library looking for?

Oh, I can think of a few people.

Wait, how many hedges have these personal enchantments?

Pretty much everybody.


- Take off all of Pete's, now.

- What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna warn everybody.

Wait a second.

So the Library's responsible for hedge witches dying?

Yeah, but they don't know that yet.

Spoiler alert.

Zelda had some other things on her mind at the time.

Her dead daughter.

Wait, is she, like, down here?

I thought you didn't like spoilers.

Look, I'm sorry you see dead people, but that is an incredibly stupid idea.

She's not dead.

Ghosts don't bleed.

I don't know how, but she could be alive stuck in there.

That's insane...

and impossible.

It's the Mirror Realm.

We don't know what's impossible.

It's not as complicated as a mirror bridge.

We just need to open a door to the place between mirrors.

Listen, Zelds, if you told me you wanted to finger-paint your blood so you could take a walk in the crazy dimension I would say, "Free country." But this is my blood.

I can't do this...

without your help.

Yes, I know that.

- And I'm leaving.

- She's my daughter.



who's older than you?

Our relationship is complicated.


You smashed the mirror.


trapped her there.

I was doing my job.

I can't...


Live with myself if I don't find a way to help her.



I'm gonna regret this, aren't I?


- Did you juice the beets?

- Oh, I juiced the beets.

I told you I would juice the beets.

- Why wouldn't I juice the beets?

- Don't make this about us.

Wait, did I miss something?

I thought Margo and Josh were an unlikely yet heartwarming thing.

No, this is after the Lady Pike incident.

Margo called Josh a sweater boy.

Forget it.

Pay attention to Fen.

How's this shit work?

Pour it gently onto the lizard, Your Majesty.



Jesus lizard-f*cking Christ!

Does this feel like a weird sort of dream to any of you?

All right, maybe I can control this.


Ember's balls.

This is a dream.

Okay, okay.

Stop talking to yourself and, uh, look around.



Who are you?

Wait, no!

Stop, please!



Hey, hey, stop!


Green Lady!

Hold up!

Hey, Green Lady, come back!

Umber's ass, this is getting annoying.

Hey, wait!

Wait, I just want to talk!

Why am I having these stupid dreams?


Oh, no.

The lizard.

You pour it gently onto the lizard, Your Majesty.

Wait, stop!

It'll catch fire!

The f*ck?


I saw the lizard blow up when Rafe...


What is she talking about?

Perhaps she's mad with grief over the loss of King Eliot, Your Majesty.

I assure you, all the animals have responded quite positively to the antidote.

Well, this one definitely won't.


Fried Lizard.

And where are you getting this information?


I dreamt it.

Fen has been having kind of prophetic dreams.

She knew my soufflé was gonna fall before that ever happened.

It's a stupid f*cking premonition.

You want to risk the life of your lizard, or is that a relationship

- you're willing to set fire to as well?

- Oh, I'll f*cking fry this lizard.

Okay, can we...

can we focus for one minute?

- Sure.

- Yes.

- Fine.

- Let's.

- Cool.

- Great.


Say I don't dose Newt Scamander with beet juice.

How the shit am I supposed to get his wrinkly ass talking?

I don't know, but I have an idea of where to look for answers.

I lucid-dreamed.

I saw a woman in a green hood.

She has to be the one giving me premonitions.


You got it working.

- A-plus.

- B-minus.


you tell us where this green bitch went.

Well, in my dream, I chased her to this stream by the Fuschia Forest of Corian's Land.


Corian's Land...

also known as Sloth's Bane.

I don't know what everything in my dreams means...


Anyway, I know that the answers to our questions...

answers lie...

lay there?


I-I'm not usually the one who gives the big speech, so I'm...

I'm going.

So that...

that's happening.


Gordy says "you're welcome." And he left you a bill.

That guy puts a really high value on his time.

Wait, did I miss the Baba Yaga?

Well, you snooze, you lose.

I wasn't snoozing, I was dying.

We got bigger fish to fry.

I'll explain everything as soon as your hedge witch friends get here.


I know every instinct is telling you not to trust me...

or anyone.

But someone put a tracker on this.

It's a complex, expensive, very high-level spell.

It marked him.

It looks like the Deweys you touched

- are doing the same to you.


If you have any enchantments running...

anything you got in a safe house, anything homebrewed...

it could k*ll you...

just like it did to Duke and almost did to Pete.

She saved my life.

I trust her, and I vouch for her.

- Who did this?

- The Library.

They make the Deweys, and they don't give a shit about what happens to the hedges.

They're trying to find someone, and we're just collateral damage.

So ask yourselves...

if this is what they do when they're not even thinking about us, what happens when they decide we're a threat?


Are we just gonna let people like them tell us we're not important?

That we're just some side characters in their f*cked-up fascist plot?

My mom was a hedge...

and she was k*lled by another hedge.

You'd think that would turn me against you.

But it didn't.

It just made me realize that it doesn't have to be this way.

If we could stop screwing each other over long enough to work together, then it's not the Library's story.

It's our story.


BOTH: Hey.

I have a buddy in Modesto.

He says there's a leaky Library pipe there.

I say we use it to make those assholes pay.

Look, I know what you're going through...

Do you?

They k*ll your boyfriend?

Actually, yeah.

Look, we'll figure out what to do next.

I already know what to do.

You do that, you're giving them a reason to wipe us out.

Please just get a little sleep.

We'll talk tomorrow.

Hey, you're not alone, okay?

We'll figure this out together in a way that feels right for you.


Yeah, we can do that.

It's a copy of our library, but wrong.


I was gonna say a total mindfuck.

Tomato, tomah-to.



Oh, you go on.

I'll just be here cutting myself to keep our bloody exit open.

Hey, just made a joke.












Where have you been?

Your funhouse-mirror daughter shanked me.

We have to go.

Those things weren't her.

The real Harriet could still be in here.

- I can't just leave her.

- I hate to break it to you, love...

she might still be in there, but so are those monsters.






An attack?

On what branch?

Modesto, California.

We lost four Librarians.

Hedge witches did it.


but why?


There was some fallout from your tracker coins.


- It's not your fault.

Just unforeseen interaction.

Several hedges died.

The whole point of doing this was to avoid having to hurt anyone.

I should have been here.

You can't blame yourself.

If anything, today we learned the true danger we're in and that your trackers might provide a solution.

What do you mean?

Complications aside...

the idea is sound.

Put whatever we have into circulation among them.

We keep Modesto from happening again.

Are you suggesting we k*ll hedge witches?

I am suggesting that we keep an eye on them.

To "protect the flame of knowledge" from ever being extinguished, no matter the cost." I don't know what to say.

This is an awesome responsibility.

You and I both know that, but who is better suited to bear that responsibility than The Order?


There is no one I trust more deeply to be fair and right than you.




I can't stay long.

I-I cast a spell to keep the Library from eavesdropping, but it won't last.

I need your help.

They have my friend Sheila.

I know.

Hello, Ms.


Alice, please.

Nothing will happen to you here.

Zelda wants to talk.


I need your help.

I think I've seen enough.

To counteract a lifetime of cis-het frat-bro bias?

- I-I doubt it.

- Okay.

So tell me, what was I supposed to take from that?

Zelda doesn't know it yet, but what she just set in motion is going to change the Library forever.

Same with Fen and Fillory, Kady and all of magic.

When you file people away as sidekicks, you don't realize their importance to the story, and this story belongs to a lot more people than you think.

Where to shelve a book, it's not a little thing.

You're telling the world what to value, who to value.

You get our responsibility here?

Well said.

I think you've earned the right to move up.

Excuse me?

I know so much about you and your friends, but you never asked me how I died.

O-okay, um...


- How did you die?

- Arrow to the chest...

during the Crusades.

"The Crusades"?

[STAMMERS] , years ago?

We really thought the story was all about white guys back then, believe me.

And I'm not new at all.

I'm actually your supervisor's supervisor.

So you're my boss.

I fully see the irony of a white guy giving you this test, but ladies upstairs love a twist, so they always send me.

Send you to what?

To promote you.

You're clearly ready for the next level.

Which is?

Secrets Taken to the Grave.

You're gonna collect them.


Thank you.

Oh, and, um, I'm afraid we're gonna need you to start right away.




Been a while.

Welcome to the Underworld.