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05x09 - One Fettered sl*ve

Posted: 03/03/19 09:23
by bunniefuu
Westmorland isn't 170!

He just assumed this identity to sell his story.

Well, if everyone on the island bought into PT's myth, do you think the Neolution board did too?

We need to still go after this Al-Khatib guy.

The Neo bagman?

He's so protected it's not even funny.

If he is bribing governments for citizens' genetics, - then we've got to - Leave it, luv.

- Empty seats?

- Suicides.

Rachel must have shown the Cabal our proof of PT's real identity.

They're realising they've been had.

They're scrambling to protect themselves.

- Have you found her?

- No.

Is she lying?

You're forgiven.

- You ready?

- Full financial records of Neolution's dark money bribes.

It's all going public.





Sestra Irina!



Some of you know more of what we've been through than others.

But you all knew S didn't go anywhere without a fight.

And that fight was for all of us.

Her people.

Her network.

Her family.

I'll gently rise and I'll softly call Good night And joy be with you all She wrote us a letter, the three of us, before she was taken.




You're okay.

I'll do it, it's all right.

I've got it.



It's okay.

"Just remember, my loves Death is nothing at all.

I have only slipped into the next room.

You can call me by my old familiar name.

Put no sorrow in your tone.

I promise we will laugh at this difficult parting when we meet again.

All my love.


" You wanna put the rose?

Go on.

It breaks my heart not being there for them.

Yeah, well, Delphine gets back tomorrow from France, so we can all go over together and see them.

Today is for S's people.

I can't even begin to process Siobhan, I can't imagine what Sarah's going through.

God, she found her own mother Felix says she hasn't even cried yet.

She's probably just trying to be strong for Kira.

She always has to be strong.

It's not right.

- It's not right.

- Well, we'll pick her back up.


The bribes now connect Kuwaiti businessman Hashem Al-Khatib to the fringe futurist movement Neolution.

A multinational investigation has taken control of all research, and suspended the financial activities of the wider Dyad Group.

Al-Khatib remains at large.

Our reporters are on the scene at the Dyad Institute Mum?

Will be updating the story as the investigation unfolds.


I know you don't think you don't need this, but you do.

It's my turkey chili.


Bloody Rachel is behind this.

I know, but S didn't blame Rachel.

Her letter was clear I don't care.

She could have done something to stop it.

Sarah, I want you to know that what S did, this sacrifice it's for my family too.

Neolution threatened all of us.

So whatever you need, however, whenever Hello.

To speak to?

All right.


I think she wants you.

Sister Irina.

She doesn't talk.

You all right?

- Oh no - What's that?

It's Helena's journal.

Okay, I'm inside the cervix, and separating the membranes.

- Are you sure you have to do this?

- Natural inducement technique.

35 weeks is nearly full term for twins.

We need to get this done in a hurry.

There are too many people looking for us.

What about Gracie?

Be patient, Mark.

After the birth, she'll join us.

- Until then, I need you on security.

- Mark Relax, Helena.






My dear child.

So this is where I finally find you.

I've been searching for so long.

My name is Tomas, and I'm going to take care of you.

You don't know how special you are.

Gracie came to see her?

How did she find her?

Helena wouldn't have kept in contact with that bible thumping little traitor.

All we know is that they're both gone.


She said there was blood in the room.

Oh, my God.

They're grabbing Helena just as her babies - are coming to term.

- He wants cord blood, the mutation For himself, and then to exploit.

Last time we saw Gracie, who did she sell us out to?

Virginia Coady.

Are they taking her to the island, Cosima?

We don't know - what's going on out there anymore.

- We know someone who might.

You mean Rachel?


All right, then, what do you want to do?

Kira has lost her grandma.

What am I supposed to do?


So you need to be here with her.

Hey, hey I've got this, Sarah.

And I can't sit still, so I gotta come with you.

- Don't move, Rachel.

- Felix, I'm sorry for your loss.

Save your bloody breath, you heartless bitch, and turn around.


They took Helena.

To the island, presumably.

I wouldn't be so certain.

Neolution will survive Rachel's betrayal, but the stress has taken its toll on you, so you should be cautious with this.



I need to be sharp.

We've got work to do.

And after this, find Al-Khatib and continue your cleanup.

It's been going very well so far.

Thank you, sir.

Those of us who are left are behind you 100 percent.





Let's, uh, have some twins, shall we?!



Well, Siobhan knew what she was getting into, Felix Shut your bleeding mouth and get back to Helena.

- Why not the island?

- It's not safe there for him anymore.

His subjects have rebelled and abandoned him.

Powerful people have been exposed, and they're vengeful.

So you're running from them too.

Good luck.


You can barely walk.

- When was Helena abducted?

- Four days ago, the night of my art opening.

Your opening, Felix That's the day Enger went AWOL.

Detective Enger.

That is who I would pick.

- She's devoted to the cause.


- I'm coming with you.

- You're staying here.

- What for?

- To make yourself useful.

Here's an old friend to make sure you do.


Hello, Rachel.


- Felix?

- Hey.

- How you doing?

- Uh, fine.

What have you found?

Well, we're back in the frigid blue arms of the police.

We think Enger's the one who took Helena.

They want you next.


Just took over two fresh m*rder cases from us.

What murders?

This "Neolution" thing.

You wanna tell me how you're connected?

- Wait, what did Enger say?

- Enough to get me listening.

So you have no idea how wrapped up in this she is.

No, I don't, but I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.

- Ow sit your ass down.

- Lieutenant.

I don't know what you know.

You could be Neolution yourself.

But I have to gamble that you're still police, like me.

And like Beth was.

We've done all we can naturally.

- It's just a matter of time.

- No dilation - from the membrane sweep?

- As soon as it happens, we're ready.

We'll harvest the fetal stem cells and begin processing a treatment for you immediately.

No, I can't wait.

Cut them out.

John, a C-section will have unpredictable epigenetic effects on our prime subjects.

- We need a natural birth.

- You sound just like Susan.

- You can hold on a little longer.

- Oh, can I?

If you won't C-section, I want hormone induction!

- John - Do it, Virginia!




I want to spend my life - With a girl like you - No, please!

Let me out!

No, please!

- Let me out!


- And do all the things That you want me to Filthy dirty copulators.

Do you touch yourself too?

Tell me about the copies.

Vony khodyat' op zemli.

English, Helena.

They walk the earth.

While the original is at home with God.

She's beautiful.

I protect her from science devils.

Well, welcome back.

We're going to start a Pitocin drip, Helena.

It'll induce labour.

But the babies aren't ready yet.

They'll be fine, twins are usually premature.

He makes you do this.

Like he made you k*ll Gracie.

You are his puppy dog.

Woof, woof!


Contractions will start soon.


The more you resist, the harder it will be on these babies.

Don't make this more difficult than it already is.

- I don't like that look.

- Two Neo board members found dead.

Ian Van Lier?

His body washed up on the Humber River this morning.

- They're covering their tracks.

- Yeah, and Enger's in there stitching me up to Interpol right now.

Luckily my boss isn't in on it.

He wants me to keep digging on the DL.

So, Siobhan's list has nine board members.

Two suicides.

Van Lier.

And then who's the other body?

- Francine Bernard, Convoy Technologies.

- Yes, she was in charge of alternative facts, whitewashing the eugenic agenda.

That's what the Board is for insulation.

Okay, I got two more, Korean politician Seong Pak, found hanging in her office, and insurance magnate Jules Martin, reported missing by his wife.

Okay, so that leaves three board members alive, including Al-Khatib, the money guy.

He may know John's plans.

Where do we find him, Rachel?

You can eliminate the Board, John, but we still need protection.

We'll get it.

We have the mutation.


The fountain of youth.

What we don't need are old liabilities.

We've synthesized his pathogen.

Time to move on.

Put him down.

He's the sole remaining Castor!


His loyalties lie with the dead girl.

I did not want Gracie k*lled.

You ordered that to force this.

Virginia, it's always been you and I with the strength to act.

The future is female!

Haven't you heard?

My assets have been frozen, my visa revoked, but he has the science.

I simply seek assurances that my involvement will continue.

We understand you've opened up a dialogue with Interpol.

A delay tactic, on the advice of my counsel.

I told them nothing.

I will tell them nothing.

We need assurances of our own.


Well, it was absolute m*rder, but I completely reconfigured the seating arrangements and I got a brand new colour palette and Suddenly I feel like I'm in the wrong boardroom, or maybe I'm early.

Get your hands in the air!


I've broken no laws, Detective.

Sit your ass back down in that chair.

And I have a permit for this g*n.

Don't test me.

- Don't do it!

- (g*nshots)


Christ, Art - This can't fall on you.

- I'm fine.

- Bullshit.

- Okay, look, this This whole Neolution investigation now includes me, and this sure as hell wasn't line of duty.

You did what you had to do.

The only thing that matters now is getting Helena back.

I swear, I don't know where he's hiding her.

Well, your friend Rachel wants to be sure.

How many courses of the cure after this one?

This should be the final one.

Gracie's thinking of becoming a dental hygienist.

And you?

I thought about being a teacher, you know?

Phys ed, maybe.

But you gotta go to college for that.

You were always the fastest swimmer out of all your brothers.

You, um, you remember those races down by the lake?

- Rudy used to hate losing so much.


Well, you could teach swimming while you go to school.

Why why am I so tired?

Sometimes the vaccine causes drowsiness.

Why don't you close your eyes?

Take a nap.

When you wake up, you'll be that much closer to Gracie.

I'm so happy.

I know.

Goodnight, Mum.

Goodbye, Mark.





First one.

Get this off her, she needs to breathe.

Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

Breathe, Helena.



There you go.




That's good.

Look at you.

All your games and toys forgotten.

So much purpose in your mind.

You're ready.

I will make you proud.

Dirty copies They pervert His original.

- Yes - His light.

I will cleanse them from this earth.





They look like me.

I am a copy.

No, child.

You are the original.

You are so special.

Don't you see?

They copied your body, but not your soul.

I am the original?

You are the light.

I am the Original.

I am the light.




I am not special.

I'm a copy like my sestras Shh, shh, shh You let him take your babies.


Not mine.

They need their mother.

Well, that's just not true, Helena.

You forget, I know who you are.

Dumped at birth.

A k*ller.

You k*lled your own sisters.

You stink like an animal.

What kind of mother could you possibly make?

Call for me when she's dilated to 8 centimeters.


I told you, I don't know where he's taken the science.

- Her name is Helena.

- Fine.

You shot the one person who did know where she is.

Mr. Frontenac was there to terminate you.

I know you don't like debt, but that puts you squarely in ours.


Hey, Sarah.

We've still got nothing.

I'm with Kira and she said Helena's in trouble.

I can feel her.

Her babies are coming.

I see only two options for you.

Either we hand you over to John, or we hand you over to the authorities.

Third option, I pull the trigger for the second time today.

I don't know!


All I know is the person with the biggest target on their back is her.

Rachel Rachel.

- Yes.

- If he wants you so bad, I say we give you up.


Contractions are strong and steady.

She's an hour or two away.


Stay with her.

Euthanizing Mark was a necessity.

How are you feeling?

I'm going for a smoke.


Hashem Al-Khatib.

Frontenac must have messed up.

You're still with us.

And I'd like to keep it that way, by offering you something that you value far, far more than me.

And what could that possibly be?

Guys, do you have any idea how insane this plan is?

Do you realize how many things could go wrong?

Yes, and so does she.

Art's on top of it, alright?

We've got a tracking device on the car.

They're gonna lead us right to Helena.

So then what's she supposed to do when she gets to wherever they're taking her?


John will want an audience with me before he cuts off my head.

Sarah will have to keep him busy.



Art, have you got eyes on Sarah?


I'm right behind, tracking her.

Is anyone else finding this route familiar?

Why would they go anywhere near Dyad right now?

It's been swarming with investigators since Siobhan outed Al-Khatib as the Neo bagman to the press.



I expect he still has the authorities there in his pocket.

The front entrance is a zoo.

No way Helena's in there.

Enger's driving past the front entrance.

- They've stopped to the East.

- They're taking her to the Old Wing.

That's where we used to work.

I thought they closed down the Old Wing.

We did.

The balls.

He's hiding right next to Dyad as it self-destructs.

We practically lived in that building.

It's a converted asylum, it's basically impenetrable.

Well, I worked security.

- I can get us into that wing.

- He's paranoid, trusting only a few.

If Sarah can keep him ranting long enough, then we'll have a chance.

- You're sitting in my chair.

- Your turn to snip loose ends, John.

Leave us!

Will you tell me about Helena's birth?

- I'm curious.

- You gave all that up, remember?




Can you hear me?

- What's happening?

- Hypovolemic shock.


- Persistent fetal deceleration.

- What have you done?


Take these off.

- You got it?

- Here we go.

- Pull it up.

- Got it, got it, got it.

g*dd*mn you!


I know yours, Rachel.

I know how you cup your hands just so, so you can hide that digging at your fingernails that you can't stop.

I know how you constantly write letters to your biological mother - who you never met.

- Stop it.

I know how you touch yourself in the shower, where you think it's clean Stop it!


Father You could've had everything if you'd trusted me.


You've never called me that before.

You knew it was how I felt.




I got it.

Stay down.


- Get down!

- All right.

Let go of me, you bitch!

Let go!

I think we've had enough of this one.



Are you all right?

- Oh, I'm invigorated!

- I have an emergency.

Helena's in trouble.

She needs a compatible transfusion.

I need her blood, now.


- She came in as Rachel.

- Now she can save her sister.

Just coming through.

Live organ.

- Live organ.

- Paperwork, IDs Paperwork was sent ahead.

Ask Dr.


He's just dropping off.

Pediatric heart transplant.

Bit of a rush.

Thank you.



Lacerated radial artery.

I had to suture.

How much blood loss?

- A litre, maybe two.

- Check on John.

He's injured.

- What did you do to her?

- She did this to herself.

If you want to help save your sister, make a fist and don't fight me.



Now release.

Come on, Helena.

Come back to me.

Come on, come on, come on.

Come on, meathead.

Stay with me.

- What's that for?

- I have to section her.

You can't cut her open!

She's lost too much blood!

If she's not conscious to deliver, I have no choice.


Come on, wake up.

Meathead, come on!

Wake up!


Over here.

I'm here.


She's awake, Coady.

I'm right here.

Why did you do that, eh?

The heart rates are steadying.

That's good.

Thanks to you, we're still in business.

I'm sorry, sestra.

Uh Anytime would be good.

Uh - Still closed.

- How about now?



Are you sure the alarm's a good idea?

Yeah, I want them here, so I get first drop.


Go see what's happening.

Listen, you get your friend - and you get clear, all right?

- Art, I wanna help.


You did good.

Now it's my turn.


That's good.

Contractions restarting.

I need water.


Jesus Christ.

You are shit mother.

- What do we do?

- Take.


Hurry The key's there, on the tray.

They will come back.

I'm gonna get you out of here.

Come on, up, up.


Oh, babies coming.