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05x08 - Guillotines Decide

Posted: 03/03/19 09:23
by bunniefuu
We escaped in a boat with only a map and compass.

You said you would cure me if I helped you.

I think I can help you find Helena.

What are you doing here?

Do you remember this guy?

Ian Van Lier.

According to Adele, they're all funneling funds into a Dyad shell, which has made payments of hundreds of millions of dollars.

What are they using that for?


- Controlled by this man here.

- Hashem Al-Khatib.

- - (static noise)

John Patrick Matheson.

He's not 170.

- Let's go, Siobhan.

- (softly): Thank you.

(groaning in pain)

- - (woman groaning)

- Ugh!

- (elevator dinging)

Ferdinand, you came back.

How did you know?

Oh, shit.

I passed out.


Is there any movement out there?

Not a thing.

It's too quiet.

I'm not I'm not I don't like it.

What's not to like?

Our friends are coming.

Get Kira up, - I'll pour you a cuppa.

- Thank you.

(unnerving music)

(theme music)

- Kira?

- Coming.

- Come on, babe.

- I'm right here.


There's someone who wants to meet you.


- That is Charlotte.

- Whoa.

- Hi.

- She's gonna go with you to Art's 'til we see how things fall, yeah?

(laughing): So, you're what my mom looked like.


I never really think about that anymore.

Yeah, they'll be safe with my ex.

Plus, my daughter will get a kick out of it.

I don't get it.

Why aren't the Neos after us?

Enger's AWOL too.

There's no one on me.

Rachel must have shown the Cabal our proof of P. T 's real identity.

Those men on the board, they're realizing they've been had.

They're scrambling to protect themselves.

So finally, Rachel's their target?

Well, she's certainly a liability.

(Sarah): Come on.

Let's go, guys.

It's gonna take a bit of work OK, here's one.

"There is nothing I wouldn't do for my friends.

"I have no notion of doing things by halves.

It's not my nature.

" You guess who that is?

It is Jane - Austen.

- Ha!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

It's just all this info from Europe shows a dozen countries have pending legislation like Kuwait's.

Hundreds of millions of people are about to be required to submit their DNA, and Neolution is behind it.

- They need that data.

- OK, so you want to spend the morning safeguarding the genetic future of humankind - or do you wanna have brunch?

- We have a Skype date.

- Siobhan wants a summit.

- (Cosima sighs. )

You're calling them or what?

They're calling us!


Why are you so bloody calm?

Oh, wait for it, chicken.

Hello, North American scum!

- (Siobhan laughing)

- We bought - a shit mountain of cheese.

- Welcome back!

- Hello!

- Hey, you're home.


Did you forget?

Tonight's my big coming out party.

Your art opening.

An art opening?

Do do you think that's a good idea right now?

- No!

- Yes.

It's an exceptional idea!

And I'm really sorry that you can't come close.

- What?

Why can't I come?

- How are you gonna come?

You're gonna dress up as Sarah?

This is my first show in two years; I'm not gonna have any kind of sestra shenanigans.

I can't do it.

He's got some big wheels coming in.

Ezra Lue, this gallerist that we met in Geneva.

Adele's making appetizers.

The Hendrix are helping set up.

And you can totally come later if you want to, I promise.

I do.

I do want to come.

But, Mom, if P. T. 's lost the board, that means - Neolution's on the ropes.

- Yeah, so well done, everyone.

Felix and Adele, dirt well dug.

Delphine, you showed us what to do with it.

And we deserve a breather tonight to stand down and support Felix.

I think you're right, Siobhan.

I think we've earned a break.

- Have we?

- Well, it's settled.

We're gonna take the day off from crazy.

Thank you for letting me stay.

I don't have a family anymore; I didn't know where else to go.


When did Mark die?

Two weeks ago.

How did you find me again?

Well, you told me about Sister Irena, how she fed you when the other nuns locked you up and how she came to the New World after they cut out her tongue.

You don't trust me?

I don't blame you - after what my father did to you.

- He is dead.

These are miracle babies.

I'm sorry I came.

I'll go.

You still have family.

You see?

They remember you.


They're saying hello.


- Uh, how's Helena over here, Aly?

- It's fine with me!

Yeah, but left?


Like, where should she be - in relation to her sisters?

- Whatever you think.

OK, this is a test, right?

I'm gonna do something and then you're gonna - lambast me for doing it wrong?

- No!

I'm not gonna micromanage you, Donnie.

Is that what you're wearing?

What's wrong with this?

Should I untuck?

Would that be cooler?

Donnie is perfect.

I need a straight man - behind the bar.

- Thank God, you're here, Felix!

- Thank you.

But you can't be.

- What?!

- Yeah.

- You need your sisters - and I have a performance idea.

- Yeah, she brought the Korg.

Oh, God, no.

(Siobhan): You ready for that whiskey, Adele?

Oh, hell, yes!

Just three fingers, please.

OK, we're not done here.

We need to still go - after this Al-Khatib guy.

- The Neo bagman?

He controls their slush fund.

I mean, he's so protected, it's not even funny.

If he is bribing governments for citizens' genetics, then we've got to Leave it, love, will you?

Why don't you help Adele - with the snacks.

- Oh, that would be great!

I'm going southern regional.

We can catch up.

(Siobhan): Great!

See you both at the opening.

- Where are you off to?

- I'm just gonna get some flowers.

- Mom!

- Chicken.

You are a warrior, and I've told you everything I know.

And you're right, we can't stand down yet.

But that's exactly why I need you at the opening.

Look out for your brother, make sure there's no trouble.

(door opening)

(door closing)

(man): OK, so that's 144 prepared doses - of the inoculate.

- Yeah.

And depending how much of the cellular culture survived, we can manufacture twice that again.

Then what?

You go around inoculating leaders with it?


That's the plan.

But we still don't know how many there are.

Well, that's what we're gonna find out.

- Right, Scotty?

- OK.

- Where are you going?

- Uh, out.

I thought we were all heading over to Felix's together.

- I'll catch you guys later, OK?

- Sure.

We have this whole "don't-ask don't-tell" thing going on.



- You're ready?

- Are you sure about this?

Wouldn't it be safer if the others knew?

We have one shot at this, and if it's gonna work, Sarah can't know who we dealt with to get here.

- What about after?

- After, you go to the opening like nothing happened and I will send you instructions there.

- Are we good?

- Yeah.


I so love being in the middle of all of this.

(Delphine sighs. )

Oh Rachel.

Rachel is rather impressed with our transgressive - little alliance, aren't you?

- It made me sick to work with the man who k*lled M. K.

Sarah doesn't know you two - are here, does she?

- No, it's just the four of us.

And our interests are very firmly aligned as you now have a nice, big, fat target on your back, too.

So Neolution goes down for good, - or we all do.

- This is a summary of the evidence we've amassed so far, but we need you to help us prove it.

- I'd like to talk to you, alone.

You'd be dead if I hadn't called him in to save you.

After you.

So, we spiked our gluhwein with vodka.

- Gluhwein and intrigue, nice!

- Mm-hmm.

And, um, Felix and I actually got some serious après-ski cred by the end of it, but Delphine was, like, all business.

What was S even doing with her out there?

- I don't know.

I mean, I only met her the once.

- So who else was she meeting?

I have no idea.

And we don't have time for this.

We gotta get ready.

Westmorland wants unprecedented access to human genetics, and Hashem Al-Khatib was bribing governments worldwide to get it.

But you don't have record of any of that, do you?

No, but Neolution want to sell curated, commercialized evolution to the one percent who can afford it.

So they can live forever, grow a bloody tail if they want to.

The rest of us are Coady's department, targeted for sterilization.

How's that sitting with you these days?

You saved my granddaughter.

I'm willing to take a gamble on nature over nurture.

This is all the supporting evidence to our claims.

Without proof of bribes, it would barely carry a news cycle.

You're a smart woman, Rachel.

Like any good CEO, you kept a shadow file, a record of where the bodies are buried.

Give me the proof I need to back this up.

Give yourself a chance to be truly free.

- (Alison): Let Cosima make an appearance.

- (Felix): No.

- Yes!

- I'm not gonna do that.

What I need is for you to leave right now before people start arriving and something "cloney" happens.

- Alison, I'm already on - Look around you.

It's already happening.

(electronic music playing)

- Right?

- (Felix chuckling)

- Well - Shit.

- Colin.

- Hello, Felix.



I've come early.

And often.

I remember.


I saw you - Oh, this is my, uh foster sister, Sarah.

(Alison laughs nervously. )

(with bad British accent): You, uh you're Colin then?


Very cool!

- You alright?

- Yes, I-I remember the time I ID'd your dead body.

Yes, but we got over that, didn't we, Colin?

- Did we?

- Yes.

- I think we did.

- My God, it's so white in here!


Bar's to the left.

Enjoy yourselves.

Have a nip around, yeah?

(woman): Hey, mind you, I want you to meet someone.


Both of you.

(electronic music playing)

That book is about your life?


It's for my babies.

It's my joys and my pain and sorrows, so they walk a brighter path.


Sestra Irina is going to town, so we have to take care of toilet.

- "Toilet"?

- Cleaning.

Come when you are done.


(phone ringing)

man: Gracie.

- Hello, Mark.

- So good to hear your voice.

Have you found her?


I couldn't find her.

Gracie, I'm depending on you.

I don't get the cure otherwise.

I'm checking another convent tomorrow.

I'll call you then.

I miss you, Mark.

- Yeah, I miss you too.

I love you.


(sinister music)

Is she lying?

- (indistinct pop song playing)

- (indistinct conversations)

Oh, good Lord, don't look now.

Ezra Lue is here.

- Who's he?

- Ezra Lue!

He's the gallerist from Geneva.

He's got spaces in London, Paris and L. A. , and I'm quite sure I oversold myself.

Well then, do do something.

Come on!

Do something unique!

Cosima is dropping off Scott.

Maybe you could use us.

Make it part of the show!


Clone swap.

- Ooh!

- Donnie, get the champagne and put Cosima on standby.

(Felix snapping his fingers)


(He stops the song. )

(cool, downbeat music playing)

Now drop the accent and be yourself.


Wie ghet's?


Gentlemen, I would like you to meet my sister, Hestia.

Goddess of hearth and home.

Aaah We're intrigued, "sister. " We know so much, yet so little.

Where do you live in the real world?

I live deep in Bailey Downs, which, uh, which is a suburb just-just north of here.


And this is my husband, Donnie.



No alcohol for me.

I need to drive the soccer bus.

You look different.

Yes, well, I'm I'm always different.

Identity is a social construct, boys.


Oh, my God, that was completely perfect!

They're utterly confused.

That was so great.

OK, alright.

Out the back, you go.

You gotta go.

- I love you.

- Thank you.

I love you.

(Scott): Felix, are we clear?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on.

(Cosima): Felix Felix!

- Oh, my God!


- Congratulations!

- Oh, thank you.

Look at you.

God, you look so rosey-cheeked.

You're bounding up stairs!

Yeah, I'm back I'm back to bounding.

Yeah, you are!

It's fabulous!

Now tell me, how do you feel about long stares and large groups of people?

- Oooh No.

- If you're gonna show up, you're gonna show off, darling.

Scotty, curtain.

My dear friends, may I present to you Metis!

(cool, downbeat music playing)

Goddess of wisdom and of deep thoughts.

- That's you.

- (Cosima laughing)

- Brilliant.

- (electronic music playing)

Just do whatever comes naturally.

- (music surging)

- (people cheering)

Got my back against the wall, I was born like this Even though there's no contest I kid you not, I beat you to it 'Cause my mind's set on rebel and I cut like a knife You know I never think twice I'm gonna eat you alive Like a car in a magazine, my style is obscene OK, well, what are you saying, Sarah?

We're late.

Are you gonna get dressed?

I-I am dressed.

I'm-I'm just thinking that S and Delphine are up to something.


Your mom is at the florist, hon.

She's thinking about your brother.

- Are you?

- I said last week that she's got some other source so I'm trying to figure out Do you have any idea how hard your brother's been working - for tonight?

- If my brother's got a problem with me, he would tell me.

Why don't I tell you my problem?

The entire time that we were gone, he was painting you, different versions of you.

But you don't seem to care.

And Delphine, I don't know.

If it helps chill you out, all she did was whatever Siobhan told her to.


The only thing I know is is a phone call with about a meeting with a French guy.

- Francis or Fernando or - Ferdinand?


Who's Ferdinand?

He k*lled my sister.


This is a bloody gold mine.

Do you realize what we could do with this information?

- Yes.

- And she just gave it to you?

She needs me.

I'm the one with a smoking g*n.

Names, dates, amounts.

A full record of worldwide influence - payments.

- (Ferdinand inhaling)

Ohhhh (laughing)

I bloody love you.

With this we could squeeze anything we want out of those Neo pricks.

This is, uh It's the fortune we dreamed of.

Freedom from all of them.

I gave Sarah her daughter back; I don't owe them anything.

(indistinct pop song playing)

Why am I getting text from my sister saying that you and S are up to something?

I don't know, Felix.

Maybe it's because we are up to something.


That's good enough for me.

- Tequila?

- Yes!

- Claro!

- Great!

- Santé.

- Chin-chin.

- Hmm!

- Ohhh!

(Felix): Oh, my God!

- Art.

- Hey, you see Sarah yet?

Uhhh, she's on her way.

Is everything alright?

Just let me know when she gets here, OK?

Oh, you'll know.

Van Lier confirmed the meet?

They're assembling in an hour.

The board is in disarray.

- They'll be amenable.

- They won't be when they know we're taking a cut of all their future business.

- Ah!

- Breathe.

(Rachel moaning in pain)

Just let it pass.

There's another way.

We can choose to make my information public.

I have a sizeable nest egg.

It wouldn't last forever, but if we wanted, we could destroy Westmorland and Neolution, go somewhere warm, - off the grid.

- I can see it now.

Lounging around at low tide in our flip flops, browsing Reader's Digest, dipping toast points into egg yolks.


But with this, we can build a dynasty.

Obscene wealth.

Anything we want.

Who's your daddy?

You are.

(Cosima): You like it that much?

- (indistinct pop song playing)

- Yeah.

I'm sorry, it's just we're on the precipice of being able to do anything that we want.

What do you want to do with our freedom?

- I want - Clone swap.

Sarah's here.

- Oh, Felix, nooo!

- She needs to talk to you.

You you've done something wonderful.


You are one of our best guys.

- Best?

- Along with Donnie and Scott and Art.

That's exquisite company, isn't it?

(Cosima): Yeah.

I think so.

- Sold.

- It's lovely, thank you.

- Thank you.

- But we have to go.

- You own me.

- (Delphine and Cosima laughing)

- Hey!

- Yeah, you're mine.

(cool, downbeat music playing)

- Time's up.



Oh, my God!

Alright, love you!

I don't know what S did, but tell Sarah that she Tell her yourself.

- Alright.

- I love you.

- Love you.


- (muffled hip-hop song playing)

Oh, my God!

Alright, it's ready and waiting!

- Is S here?

- Where is Adele?

- (Adele)

Oh, crap!

I dropped my house party.

- Shit, did you get her drunk?

Do you know who S's real source was, - the one who got us to Coady?

- I'm not doing this right now - with you.

- It was Ferdinand.



I spilled some beans.

She's in league with him.

I think her and Delphine - are cutting a deal with Rachel.

- Shit!

(cool, downbeat music playing)

That's terrible.

That's brutal.

And you're not gonna like this either, but, DONNIE, CURTAIN!


Goddess of w*r.


Darling, come on.

Just play along or I'll k*ll you.

- Just take the stage.

- (Sarah exhaling)

- You think this will - work in the new space?

- Big time.


(soft melancholy music)

(indistinct hip-hop song)

(indistinct conversations)

(cell phone dinging)

- Where's Delphine?

- She left.

And in a hurry.

Some shit is going down.


Enger's, she's gone AWOL, so I think I'm gonna stick around for a bit Just to be safe.

- Keep an eye out for S, yeah?

- Yeah.

- (indistinct conversations)

- Hey.

All my love Away Away and down, away Way down - Away Separate - Away Your turn to call Clean floor.

Dirty heart.

- (Beep!)

- (Mark): Gracie, it's me.

We need to know if you found her yet.

Call me back.


Mark is sick.

- Coady said she could help, but - Coady?!

- We are family!

- I know.

I knew it when I saw you, which is why I told him I couldn't find you.

- Didn't tell them where you are.

- You didn't?

- No!

- But you used this phone.


They will trace it.

We have to leave.


Gentlemen, ladies of the board.

Oh, Rachel has a bit of a headache, I'm afraid.

- She plucked out her own eye.

- Well, you seem to be missing some teeth.

Empty seats?

- Suicides.

- Oh, God, yes.

That must be like Neolution Black Friday.

The shame.

Titans of industry sucked in by a lie not even a child would swallow.

Not all of us were deceived.

Oh, Mr.

Al-Khatib, with your dirty hands, - so glad to hear you say that.

- We no longer take our direction from Mr.


Show us the evidence and tell us how much you want.

Enclosed are a list of key patents in six areas: food, pharmaceuticals, cloning, gene editing, sequencing, biosurveillance.

So yes, every time a technician blinks, we will get paid.

But judging by the size of these bribes, you'll all be making billions anyway.

- May I?

- (suspenseful music)

(Rachel): He won't be coming back.

You're doing the right thing, Rachel.

To the wrong man, the only one who ever really loved me.


(melancholy piano music)

We do what we can.

Each of us in our own way.

And we do it for each other.

Chipping at the devil 'til he's done.

There, uh seems to be some, uh, technical difficulty.

He has nothing.

Hands on the table where I can see them!

- Argh!

- Sorry about that, old chap.

Rest assured this is not over.

We are not finished with any of you!

I have food for us.

Come, Gracie, we have to go.

(Helena grunting)

Get off!

- I smell Neo shit!

- Easy there, pumpkin.

(Gracie sobbing softly)

We don't want to harm - your cargo.

- I'm sorry.

I know.


It won't hurt.

It's OK.

You're forgiven.

(indistinct dance song playing)

(inaudible conversations)


You're alright?

Why wouldn't I be?

- Incoming.

- What the hell, S?

I'm sorry, love.

I saw a window.

You've worked with M. K. 's m*rder*r!

I knew you couldn't stomach it; he was the key to Rachel.



Hey, what the hell is going on?

- Shhh.

These are for you.

- Flowers!

- Well, I'm over it.

- I'm not!

What did you pull with Rachel?

She gave us the missing piece of the puzzle.

Full financial records of Neolution's dark money bribes.

- (soft piano music)

- What?

We've got everything we need: proof of decades of illegal human experiments and of Coady's sterilization plan.

We're ready - to expose them.

- You're serious?


It's done.


(Felix laughing in relief)

(Cosima): This is it?

This is everything?

- Yeah.

Loaded and ready to send to all the regulatory and oversight committees in the affected countries.

As well as to old journalist friends of Siobhan at The Guardian.

You guys did all this for us.

You're ready?

Just a second.

(touching music)


(both laughing)

(Cosima crying)



(upbeat electro music playing)

(cool, downbeat electronic music playing)


I would like to start by thanking you all for coming.

And I'd also like to thank you all - for buying.

- (people laughing)

- Woohoo!

- And now is the part of the night where I'd like to introduce my muse in her true form.

- Oh, Christ!

- Oh no.

My sister Sarah!

(crowd cheering)



My sister and I My sister and I are orphans, you see, and, uh, we could have ended up anywhere.

We could have ended up in any family.

And if we had, we would have been entirely different people.

But my mom, - Siobhan.

This woman - Oh no!

- Come on!

This woman - Felix!

she chose us as her own.

We are who we are because she carried two little London urchins on her wings to Canada.

(poignant music)

Watching her raise my sister, watching my sister raise her own daughter finding my biological sister, it's quite mad.

It's taught me that we are all mysterious works of chance.

A choice of nature versus nurture.

- Hi.

- Hi.

So, to my galaxy of women, thank you for the nurture.


- So proud of you.

- I love you.

Thank you.



Now let's party!

- Felix!

- Music!

(rattling noise)

(somber music)

(door closing)

That was a deathtrap, that meeting.

- You expected them to k*ll me.

- I told you what I wanted; you chose not to listen.


We just ride off into the sunset when everything we have ever wanted was at our fingertips?

You expected me to take a payoff?

That is how we win!

No, we win if Neolution is exposed, and Westmorland is stripped of his myth!

Where's your smoking g*n, Rachel?

There's nothing for you here.

Oh, you gave it To her!

- You can't hurt me.

- No?

"Oh, please, don't hit me, Daddy.

" "Let me hit you, Daddy.

" I gave everything to be under your heel.

I could have squirmed there forever, you heartless little bitch!


Go, go ahead Daddy.

- (Ferdinand screaming with rage)

- (Rachel gasping and coughing)

(door slamming shut)

Ezra over there wants to exhibit them in New York.

- Oh, that's fantastic!

- And he's also interested in my back catalogue.

(Siobhan gasping)

It's mad.

It's so mad I can't believe it.

You were always so creative, you know?

Little fighting creative spirit even when you were tiny.

This is Colin, Mom.

Someday soon, he'd like to come around for tea and ask you for my hand.

- Isn't that right?

- Colin, hello.

- Hello.

- He does though have some rather piercing questions about some of my muses.

Oh, well, you better settle accounts there before - you come around to me then.

- Well, I think - we can work something out.

- Yes, I'm sure.

Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to raise some hell with the Wizard.

Let me hear you say YEAH!

Our love isn't tainted, it's just complicated We're sick of the world We're down in the basement I saw the truth I just couldn't waste it All of these people, they've been to my cave But they can't continuously break into cages Live rats got out of the mazes Civilization, alternative patients, won't be complacent We're changing the station right now Gotta run away, gotta get away Gotta run away, gotta get away Gotta keep up, they don't hesitate Every step we take - Siobhan.

Ferdinand made it out.

I thought he might.

He knows you have the files.

Be careful.

Thank you, Rachel.

Goodbye, Siobhan.

This tainted love you've given Take my tears and that's not nearly - All - (crowd cheering)

(disquieting soundscape)

Well, that's a bloody mess.

Do you want to sh**t first or ask questions?

(creaking noise)

Hi, Siobhan.

Welcome home.

Were you really gonna sh**t me coming in my own door?

- In the leg.

- So you do wanna talk.


I just wanna put holes in you with this .

45 bigger than the holes you can put in me with that .

9 mil.

Won't make much a difference in the throat, love.

(suspenseful music)

Why don't we put them down.

What have you done with my future?

She just wasn't that into you.

I'm not talking about Rachel.

- Oh, shadow file.

- Oh, is it on that shelf over there?

Where you stashed the g*n I took this clip out of.


(sigh of disbelief)

The thing is it's all going public.

Right now as we speak.

Well, the thing is if you are gonna stash a w*apon, you should keep it close to you.

And that's just a little twist.



- Where's S?

- (techno music playing)


Left ventricle, won't take long.

- Alright.

- Well done, Siobhan.

Such grit.

I'll take a mercy tap, thanks.


I have to admit I'm a little disappointed in you.

Would you pass me that photograph at least?


Not on your life.



Quite enough lip out of you.


Ohhh Do you know as a woman now, I'm 14% more likely to survive a g*nsh*t wound than you.

Maybe not this one, but OK, it's been a good run.

(death rattle)

(touching music)


(total silence)