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05x07 - Gag or Throttle

Posted: 03/03/19 09:22
by bunniefuu
I need to go away for a while.

You mean like a yoga retreat?

How do you feel about tracking global profit flows in Switzerland?

You weren't the only scientist I bought, were you?

COADY: Susan.

SUSAN: He's losing his grip.

He's going to destroy everything.

KIRA: Mum, I have a new code name for the island.


And if I have to, I'll hustle Rachel.



She was trying to k*ll you.

CHARLOTTE: I don't think they're coming.

There will come a day when you need us.


Good girl.

It isn't a glitch.

Someone's trying to show me something.

Understanding the human genome and the environmental impact on genes is the holy grail of life extension.

While I still can't tell you the exact number of genetic identicals we're monitoring, I can introduce you to our most curated subject.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Rachel Duncan.

When I was six years old, I became the only Leda aware of the other clones.


Leekie shows me their files so I can understand how experiences determine traits.

Do you see your own file too?

Do you know your ID tag number?

- Rachel?

- 779H41.

The encrypted ID tags are synthetic DNA sequences composed of four nucleotides which patent the clones.

That's how you can tell that I'm Rachel Duncan and not Lisa Glynn, 415K98, or Cosima Niehaus, 324B21.


WESTMORLAND: Mitochondrial DNA is fundamental to the healing process, but it's only passed down by the mother.

Our research into my anomalous longevity has only taken us so far.

But now, thanks in large part to Rachel Duncan, we have found our Eve.

Rachel, I'll let you take it from here.


You've all benefited from your seats at this table.

We owe a great debt to Mr.


I don't carry debt, Ms.



Al-Khatib, we freed your daughter from a genetic heart defect.

What is that worth to you?

My mistake.

I misspoke.

And as you know, Dr.

Virginia Coady has taken over as head scientist from my late mother.

Our next phase with the LIN28A subject is biopsies of her liver, lungs, and stomach.

You heard P. T.

mention our modern-day Eve.

Here she is.

Why do I have to stay here another night?

To monitor your sleep.

The needles hurt too much to sleep.

We're nearly done with that.

And then I can go home?

Yes, of course you can.


Come along.

Um, I have a present for you.

It's a friendship bracelet.

That's very sweet.

I made one of these when I was your age for a friend at summer camp.

Are you guys still friends?


My mum moved me around too much to keep friends, too.

Can I call my mum to say goodnight?

It's bed time.

You can talk to her tomorrow.


The Coast Guard found Cosima's boat drifting offshore.

Well, till you find them, don't assume they've drowned.

Cosima's taken a large portion of her cure.

Air transport is ready to take you to the island.

Keep me updated on Kira.

Fluid has begun to collect around her eggs.

Her mother keeps calling to talk to her.

Tell Sarah tomorrow as well.


They took her away at bloody gunpoint.

What are they doing to her?

It's my fault.

I should have stopped them.

We are getting her back.

S, we're not storming the gates.

We need another way.



You were the one who taught me not to lose my head when things get tough.

We can do this.

We just need to think.

Just so you know, I'm really not in the mood for any surprise late-night D&D.

Dude, it's D&D in real life.

Oh, my God.


When did you Hey.


I'm so glad you're okay.

CHARLOTTE: We escaped in a boat, with only a map and compass.

She was an amazing navigator.

And then they put the boat in gear, sent it off unmanned.

Total Jason Bourne.


I'm West Coast.


You're home.


So is our cure.


That's Sarah.

I, uh I have brutal news.

They're taking Kira's eggs?

That's what they're doing?

I'm so sorry.


How long do we have?

Well, you said that they took her last night?

They'll need to give her hormone injections before they can harvest.

It will be at least another day.


She hasn't even had her period yet.


Well, we're born with all the eggs we'll ever have, and technically, you could extract them from infants.


S: They're doing it again, to another generation of women.


No, they're not.

This is our window, okay?

Cosima, we need leverage to get Kira back.


Um, okay, how about Westmorland is a total fraud?

I-I saw a picture of him and Susan Duncan in 1967.

He's just assumed this identity to sell his story.


S: I bloody knew it.

Okay, well, Felix and Adele sent us all this information on the Neo money trail.

We'll keep on that if you just go over everything that I've collected with the boys there.

Yes, good, done.

We'll find out who this bastard really is.


Oh, goodness, Cosima, I just got your message.

I'm so happy you're back.

Hey, Alison.

Where are you?


I'm back tomorrow.

But this is not about me.

What is going on with Kira?

I'll fill you in, love, but leave the children with your mum.

Uh, one more thing.

Virginia Coady is on the island, and I've got a feeling that didn't end well for Susan.

Where is she?

Beyond the arbor.


WESTMORLAND: Susan has shown me she doesn't have the backbone, but you You have proven yourself.

Will you join me at my side to lead Neolution forward?



I consider you my daughter.

Hello, Rachel.

How are you holding up?

She never believed in me.

I know.

I'm so sorry.

Well, Virginia is waiting to meet you.

I offered her Susan's old lab, but she's nostalgic.

Virginia Coady, meet Rachel Duncan.

It's an honor.

The sentiment is mutual.

I've reviewed your work as a geneticist.

It's impressive.

Glad to be back from the abyss, and looking forward to working with you and Kira.

Helena, too, soon.

So, should we get to it, then?


Rachel, meet me in my office after your examination.

My examination?

An endometrial biopsy to test the efficacy of the inoculation.

We'll have the results tomorrow.

Virginia wants to cure the remaining Ledas as much as you do.

I'll give you a moment to change.

WESTMORLAND: You are no longer 779H41 or Neolution property.

This document legally emancipates you.

No more monitors.

You're free.

You're home.



Any cramps since your inoculation?


A hopeful sign that it worked.


Stabilize the Leda subjects, and we can finally use them as a baseline.

Your priorities are refreshing after Susan's.

She was always preaching.

You can thank me for putting an end to that.

Scooch forward.

You can expect a few uncomfortable pinches.

Just lay back.


No obvious irregularities.

Should I still biopsy?


Is that necessary?

Does this have something to do with 528M32's latest result?

I'm closely monitoring her disease.

You've never called it that before.

Has another clone developed the same uterine growths?

Symptoms appeared in two other Ledas.

This will pinch.


Your treatments of her have been useless.

She coughed up blood.

There's no manual for treating disease in synthetic DNA.

We'll know more when we have further data.

Meaning when another falls ill?

When will we have my results?

I'm not permitted to share them.

Don't patronize me.

I have a right to know.


You're not exempt from the experiment, Rachel.


All done.

I didn't see any irregularities, so that's good.

RACHEL: May I have some privacy, please?

Of course.


Hey, do you remember this guy?

Ian Van Lier?

Yeah, Brightborn.

He's the one who sent Delphine to the island after she was shot.

Remember he talked about a board, a kind of corporate cabal who meet to push the Neo agenda?

Well, if everyone on the island bought into P. T. 's myth, do you think the Neolution board did too?

COSIMA: Okay, so whoever he was had to disappear for him to become P. T.

Yeah, he and Susan recruited Coady at Cambridge in the '70s.

Student registration from Susan's time there is a mountain.

Susan and P. T.

started resurrecting Neolution before 1967, so start looking for history majors and then science and philosophy.

That's how he spun his persona.

All right, white Cambridge nerds who died in the 1960s, present yourselves.

Van Lier is director at Dyad, BluZone Cosmetics, and 11 biotech companies.

According to Adele, they're all funneling funds into a Dyad shell, which has made payments of hundreds of millions of dollars to a Kuwaiti consulting firm.


What are they using that for, bribes?

Well, I don't know, but if it's a slush fund, according to Adele, it's controlled by this man here.

Hashem Al-Khatib.


Follow him.


Kira will find a way to call, love.

We still have time.



Welcome home.

Oh, wow, Alison.

Oh, God, Kira.

I can't imagine what Sarah's going through.


Uh, yeah, well, we'll support them in every way we can.

Oh, yes!

God, I feel so guilty.

Our kids are so safe and Sarah is always at risk because of this fluke of nature.

Yeah, I Ali.


I'm sorry, your hair!

Do you like it?

It's artsy.

- Yes!

- And purple.


I wanted something creative and free, you know?

I met this Jungian who just lives in that place.

- A who?

- A Jungian.

- A "Jungian.

" - A practicer of Carl Jung.

Oh, yeah.



And I just am so much better at being present now.

- Uh um - Donnie!

I missed you so much, Alison.


And I missed this.


Oh, ow.

What did I do?


I just, um, I did a little something to commemorate the transformation.


- "Liver deep.

" - Live deep.

Live live deep.

Yeah, there it is.

- It's a Thoreau quote.

- Uh-huh.

It means live deep and suck the marrow out of life.



FRONTENAC: We'll make preparations.

Kira's hormone stimulation is on track and we will be ready tomorrow.

WESTMORLAND: It's not going to be an issue, is it?

The way they've bonded?

There is an attachment to be sure, but I don't foresee it clouding her judgment.


Well, keep me updated.


Was that Simon?

I have many people report to me.

Please, sit.

How was your examination?

In the future, I prefer to choose my own physician.

And I expect advance notice.

As you wish.

Could you give me an update on Kira?

I estimate that we can harvest her eggs within 24 hours.

- Ah.

- And after she's recovered, we can begin studying her healing at deeper tissues.

You've grown quite fond of Kira, haven't you?

She's a special child, but I assure you, I am unwavering.


After the surgery, I want you to bring her to the island.

But we have the resources at Dyad to move on to the next steps.

I'd prefer to have her here.

It is our change of tactic with Sarah which has brought her in.

On whose behalf are you arguing now?

Your transport has been arranged.

You know best.

Who is that?

Virginia's guest.

COADY: Unlock his cuffs and leave us.

Was all this really necessary?

I thought we had an agreement.

You're a traitor, Mark.

You're lucky we need you.

You said you'd cure me if I helped you.



Love makes you want to live, doesn't it?

Gracie can't look at me without searching for symptoms.

I can't imagine her all alone.

Well, I'm sorry she's not here to help, but I need you to give me an ej*cul*te sample.

That wasn't part of our deal.

You've got plenty to spare.

Now, you said you had information.

I think I can help you find Helena.

What are you doing here?






I was looking for you to say goodbye.





You're still here.

I thought you might like to read this.

An autopsy report?


I took initiative.

The microscopic examination revealed the growths had spread to her thoracic cavity, even her kidneys.


Oh, my God, Rachel.

You k*lled her.

While you were sitting on your hands waiting for her to die naturally when we need a cure.

I won't be shut out of my medical file.

It's my body.

Her name is Miriam Johnson.

She was creative, a musician.

RACHEL: She was homeless, and the mother you put her with was a drunk.

You raised me to be objective.

Neolution raised you, here, in a corporation.

What are you?



How was your trip?

Take her to her room.

I have work to do.

You said I could call my mum.

Her follicles have swollen.

- Right on target.

- Yes.


Let her talk to her mother.

Set up a video call.

Keep a close eye on them.

MARK: Ira must have been raised much differently than the rest of us.

How did you choose which one of us would go?

The truth?

I drew straws.

I'm the only one left?

Your brothers, they they all [SIGHS.]


Thank you for trusting me.

You're doing the right thing, Mark.

Honey, are you sure you don't want to just store your craft supplies instead of donating them?

No, I am done with crafts.


- Yes.

- All of your scissors?


The point of art is to lose control, Donnie, to reveal your inner chaos.

I'm I'm uncovering my shadow self.

And is that your inner artist or something?

Could be an artist.

Could just be the dark parts of yourself, the things, subconscious desires that aren't necessarily good.

Well, if they're bad, don't we want to keep them in the dark?

No, because then they manifest in behavior, in my drinking and my need to control everything.

So this is about your drinking.

Drinking is the effect of the unexplored shadow self.

And that's a Korg.


So, wait, the craft room's becoming the music room?

That sounds pretty cool.

I could get down with that.

We could lay down some tasty tracks.

Should I get a bass?

I don't know.

Do you want a bass?

Okay, no bass.


Donnie, this is exactly what I'm talking about.

Bass, drums I'm not going to tell you what to do anymore.

I don't need to.







They gave me lots of time to write my story.

SARAH: Good, good.

The last page I saw, Mouse, no, Elephant went smoosh and Mouse went whoosh.

Is that right?


Then Mouse got lost and the sun went away And Elephant was the only one left to play.

And this is the last page.

Mouse cried and asked to return to the sand, but Elephant said she belonged in Wonderland.

- Is that the end?

- I don't know.

I don't think that's the end.

I think, uh, when you get here, we'll write the end of that, yeah?

We'll work on it together?


Say goodbye now, Kira.

I miss you so much.

I love you more than anything, and I've never been so proud of you.



Rachel is Elephant and Wonderland's the island.

They're taking Kira to the island?

Coady's there.







Mr. Westmorland.

How can I help you?


I'm just checking in to make sure that you're all right.

Why wouldn't I be?

Well, I've asked you to do something that you don't want to do.

I would do anything for you.

When I was a child at Dyad, I was so naive.

I asked Leekie if I could call him "Dad.

" [SIGHS.]

Isn't that funny?

Well, you've transcended that too, daughter, which is why I shared all my secrets with you.

Thank you for calling.

You don't have to worry.

We're about to proceed.


Are you okay?


Who hurt you?

All of them.

FRONTENAC: The doctors are ready.

It's what P. T.


I will give her the sedative.

I was the one who brought Kira to Dyad.

I will be the last face she sees here.


Hello, Kira.

I'm Mr.


Do you have any idea how important you are?

I just want to go home to my mum.

And I'm counting down the minutes until we meet in person.

All right, we've got nine obituaries for male students who've died during Susan's time there.

These are the faces we have so far.

Timothy Midwell, died 1969, alcohol poisoning.


Henry Gonard, died '68.

Fell from a punt and drowned.

Probably also alcohol poisoning.


Winston Tralley, died '65, - rugby accident.

- No.

Holy shit.



Please tell me you have something.

We got him, Sarah.


John Patrick Mathieson.

He's not 170.

He was born in Texas in 1939 to an oil tycoon, silver spoon so far up his arse he could afford the ego it took to do this shit.

I never knew his real name.

But you knew he was a fraud.


We're all frauds.


Get onto the board.

Right, well, you knew his secret.

What about your board?

How are they going to react to this?

Do you think they would listen to you?

The nuisance clone?

SARAH: Rachel, I know what you're planning to do to Kira, what you're planning to do with her eggs and taking her away.

She needs her family.

You needed You needed your family and he took them away from you as an experiment.

Don't let that happen to Kira.

Let her come home.

It's out of my hands, Sarah.

Please, no, Rachel!




Did you hate being studied when you were my age?

I don't remember.

Did you get used to it?


Why don't you run?

Where would I go?

My mum used to do that.

- Drink.



Be a good girl, drink.


Sarah is attempting to blackmail us with fraudulent information to invalidate Mr.

Westmorland's age.

They faked this?

She knows we're not returning Kira.

I'll take care of them.

Don't hesitate, Simon.


ART: It's Art.

Don't worry, I'm alone.

What the hell are you doing here?

You won't believe it.






FRONTENAC: They're not here.

WESTMORLAND: You need to return at once.

SARAH: Kira.

What did you do to her?

She's sedated.

She's fine.

Let's go, Siobhan.





















Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to raise some hell with the Wizard?

Let me hear you say "yeah"!




Hello, Siobhan.

Welcome home.