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05x04 - Let the Children and Childbearers Toil

Posted: 03/02/19 16:31
by bunniefuu
You're fading, Mother.

The future is bolder than you.

It's done.

The science is secure.

Mr. Westmorland will see you now.

P. T. Westmorland.

He lives here with us.

You'll have full access to the lab.


Save your sisters.

- What are you looking for?

- Anything we find will of course be proprietary, but she isn't.

She's yours.

Everybody says I can't trust you.

She won't even tell me what Rachel did to her, - and I'm meant to send her back?

- Keep the faith.

We're not without allies.


No, no, we're not giving up where Helena is.

Wake up, Mommy.

Wake up!


There's something in the woods, Cosima.


Hello, Susan.

You're looking much better.

Colour in your cheeks.

See what I brought you?


Floors can be chilly.

You'll be up and about soon.

You turned my daughter against me.

We treated you with synthetic, platelet-derived growth factor.

Wound healing.

I'm not dead.


Because I need you.

(indistinct chatter)

Hi, Chomper.

Hi, Crazylegs.

Where's Daisy?

- (pigs grunting)

- I don't know.

Where is Daisy?

- Daisy!

- Daisy!



(distant pig squealing)

Let's go.


Something's not right.

Come on.

(pig snorting)

(pig squealing)


She's bleeding.

Who left this out here?


You shouldn't be here!

Come on, back to the village.

(strange, distant scream)


Hurry, come on!

(theme music)

- Can we talk a bit?

- Gonna be late for gym class.

- No, you're not.


- Yes, I am.


I'm not happy sharing you with Rachel, and you just make it worse - when you don't talk to me.

- She didn't hurt me.

Have you seen my Grey runners for gym?

- Can you tell me what happened?

- She clipped my fingernails.

- Your fingernails?

- Yes, and she took some blood, and she talked a bit.

- What did she talk about?

- Science stuff.

And she gave you a mouse to take home?


Have you seen my Grey runners or not?

- Thank you.

- Come here.

Gonna munch on you.

(making munching noises)



- What happened?

- Uh, nothing.

- Come here.

- No.


Oh, my God, babe, what did she do?

- Nothing!

Let me go!

- What did she do?

- (phone ringing)

- Hey.

What do you got?

Man: Hey, I've got the stuff.

Come by when you're ready.

- Fine.


We'll stop in.

- Leave me alone!

- Stop it!

Don't worry about it!

- (woman): What's going on?

- (man): Hey!

What happened?!

- (Kira): Stop!

What do you mean, "don't worry about it"?

Look at this!


- What?

- Rachel bloody vivisecting her!

Look at that!

- Oh, my God.

- Ohhh Kira.

Look at me.

What did she do to you?

It was me!

I cut myself!

- Stop blaming Rachel!

- Why?


I wanted to see how fast I could heal.

It doesn't hurt!

Can I please go to school?

Um, honey, go upstairs, will you?

Just, um You know where we keep the Band-Aid, - just get the whole tub.

- Um, OK.

Felix, you take care of the school today.

And you're gonna pick her up afterwards and take her to yours for a sleepover.



And stay awake, someone's coming to visit you.

- Who?

What are you up to?

- S, what are you doing?

You get your stuff, you're coming with me!

I'm not going anywhere.

Did you see that?!

I'm not leaving her right now!

We have three days, three days 'til her next visit to Dyad, and we have nothing.

We need some leverage, some We need anything, - and I have a lead.

- What's your lead?

It's our best chance at helping Kira.

Too many memories here.

Imagine how I feel.

Remember your greenhouse?

Oddly, you let everything die.


Well, you were the one with the green thumb And your hands never get dirty.


Only my beautiful, filthy mind.

Still got that, do you?


I know you've had a breakthrough.

That's why you're doing this.

But I am finished with you, Percival.

I can never forgive you.

Oh no, don't say that.

(sliding door opening)

(gentle piano music)

- Ira.

- Hello, Susan.

Think about it, Susan.

We can't let our history stand in the way of the future.

P. T. Westmorland.

Born in 1843, allegedly.

Educated Eaton and Cambridge.

Member of the Royal Geographic Society where he published a number of papers.

We've been antiquing.

"The Management of Reproduction in Feebleminded Populations by P. T. Westmorland.

" I mean, of course, it makes sense.

He was one of the original eugenicists.

Good work, Scott.

Also studied primitive societies in 1894.

He disappears into the jungles of Borneo never to be heard from again.

Presumed dead, 1898.

It's all here.

I cracked her email.

- And the window's today only?

- Mm-hmm.

But I don't get it.

What's this person's connection to all this?

Right, need to know basis.

What are you two up to?

Keep pushing on P.


There must be some record of him in the last 100 years.

- He might have assumed a new identity.

- Publishing under a pen name?


So when we get back, can I have a timeline?

Neolution from day one.

Where are you guys going?

Do you think she tells me anything?

Guy in the ball cap?

It's fine, we're not being followed.

There was a black sedan, but I lost him back at the house.

Wanna tell me what we're doing here?

We're just going for a drink, you and I.

- Operational security.

- Seriously?

(indistinct chatter)

- Would you like to see a menu?

- Just a Scotch and soda.

Bourbon, neat.

- You were casing the joint.

- So were you.

Birds of a feather - (barman pouring drink)

- Who's the mark?

You tell me.

Laptop, red wine.

Well done.

Elizabeth Perkins.

Bit of a drinker.

She's got two DUI's on her record already, but that's not the play.

She has a daughter.

Hates her so much, she's suing her.

I need to be with Kira, S.

And you will be.

But Dr.

Perkins may have the key to P.



Please trust me, Sarah, this will help, I promise.

But we need to get her ID.

- This is bullshit.

- Sarah, please.

- Not here.

- Well, where then?

You wanna talk about it somewhere else?

I'm sick of your bloody secrets!

I'm sick of it!

- Here we go.

Look - Don't!

I'm not a child.

Stop acting like one.

It's not always about you.

You're just - (S gasping)

- (Perkins): Excuse me.

Oh my!

Are you alright?

I'm so sorry.

- Did we get it on you?

- No, no, no.

It's it's fine.

It's your daughter, I take it?

I'm-I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

At least, she's talking to you.

Silence is worse.

At least it's quiet.

(Perkins chuckling)


You're gonna want another drink.

Thank you.


Big breath.

Big breath, go, go, go.

(big breath)


Awesome volume.

You're getting stronger.

- What have you got there?

- Oh, we found this in the forest.

Daisy the pig escaped, so Aisha and I went out to try and find her.


They said there's something in the woods, did you see it?


We heard it though.

It sounded scary.

Mud saved us.

She says it's a bear; I think it's an ogre.

Umm, what's the scientific name for ogre?

Ogre "Ogre-us not-real-icus"?

(girl chuckling)

I don't know, it looks pretty human.

OK, I have a theory.

This bullshit story about a bear in the woods, you made it up, right?

'Cause honestly, it's totally lame, nobody's buying it.

So do you want to tell me what's actually out there?

OK, first of all, the bear is real.

It's deadly and dangerous - Right.


- And no, I am not!

And second You were out there this morning; you helped the girls.

Charlotte told me.

We're on the Island of Dr.

Moreau here; whatever weird shit is happening, it's coming from the big house.

I know that disturbs you, Mud, so talk to me, tell me the truth.

- It's not his fault.

- Who are you talking about?

Mud, who's out there?

You're gonna get me in trouble.

Why are you so scared?

Stay out of the woods!

There's a bear in the woods!

She's relentless, always has been.

And she knows exactly how to make me mad.

How much of yourself do you see in your daughter?


Are you going to charge me now?

It's not rocket science.

Your problems with your daughter can trace right back to your relationship - with your own mother.

- Jesus!

We'll be here all night.


Elizabeth Perkins.

Department of Psychology.

" Trauma?

Is that, um, PTSD?

Survivors of abuse?

That sort of thing?

I'm looking at how PTSD co-occurs with major depressive disorders.

- And you're in town for?

- Some case studies for a book.

A place out of town.

Let me give you a card.

You know what?

Don't go to any trouble,

- I'll just lose it.

- No.

Take it anyway.

You never know.

- Calmed down, are we?

- I'm just back to say you keep drinking.

I'm leaving.

I'm taking a cab.


Sarah, please!

Take a lift with me.

I'm sorry.

I just don't want - to let her get away.

- Go!


I'll get these.

Oh, thank you.

Thanks so much.



Your daughter is struggling on the threshold of what it means to become you.

Remember that.


Let me get this straight: you got Madame LaRue for French, and then you got that, uh, scrumptious Mr. Mitchell for homeroom and everything else?

- Mm-hmm!

- Well Hey, how's that cut in your arm doing?

Should we have a look?

It's fine.


If you wanna go sit yourself down Real nice bit of light right on your face there.

Be still.

Ah, I want to see!


Go sit down!

You're being impatient.

Come on Hmm!

I really look like my mom there.

Yeah, you do look like your mom.

Been reminding me of her all day - stomping around, - breathing like a pug.

- I'm trying - to help her.

- What do you mean by that?


(Kira exhaling)

She's acting dumb, and she gets mad at me for going to visit Rachel.

But she shows me things, like about why I'm special.

(sinister music)

Darling, you know that even if Rachel's being nice to you, we can't trust her?

(Kira sighing)

Kira, we don't know what she wants to do with that special part of you.


Elizabeth Perkins.

Patients' names, emails, histories.

About two hours ahead, there's a psychiatric facility, CedarRidge.

Her contact there is Dr.


They've never met.

She's expected tomorrow.

But she's showing up tonight.

With her assistant.

There's a patient, Alex Ripley, not their real name.

Apparently, a Neolution defector.

High level, close to old man Westmorland.

Probably being held against their will.

It's a secure facility.

It won't be easy to get inside, but we're going to make them talk.

How did bloody Hell-Wizard figure that out?

Well, he didn't, but he found Perkins.

So who found the defector?

Who's feeding you info close to P. T. ?

- You always do this.

- I rarely do this.


We got time then, I'm gonna make a stop.


It's a convent, Mom.

I cannot imagine you here in this place.

(Ira sighing)

You never talked about it, you never even mentioned Westmorland was actually alive.

We have a complicated history.


Ira - you're jealous.

- Nonsense.

He's fossilized.

(Susan chuckles. )


You shouldn't be walking.

(Ira sighing)

Just tell me what happened between you two.

Years ago, he chose another path, another scientist, someone who was willing to do the things I wouldn't.

And he led Rachel to s*ab you.

I don't know how you can work for him and his insane vision.

Ira, do not mistake me.

The vision is mine as well.

Our feud is only about the means.

Have there been any other visitors?

Vow of silence maybe?

This one's for you, love.

- Yeah?

You you sure?

- Yeah, I need to get ready.

Give her a hug for me.

I'll meet you here after.

- OK.

- (soft piano music)

Oi, meathead.


Donnie Hendrix told you our secret?


(Helena speaking Ukrainian)

We are family.

Sestra Irina was kind to me when I was a child in the Ukraine.

She protect me from other nuns, so they call her blasphemer and they take her tongue.


Well, I'm writing my memories.

Your memoirs?

Sit, sestra.

I think your heart is heavy.

Sorry, darling.

(playful knocking)


Not the welcome I was hoping for.

- Where's the sibling love?

- Oh, my God!

What are you doing here?

What's going on?

- I'm waiting for my cocktail!

- Shh, shh, shh, shh!

Oh, is Kira sleeping?

- Please tell me S didn't.

- Didn't what?

Tell me everything?


Probably not.

She did shed some light on those many sisters - of yours.

- She did not.

Clones, Jesus Christ, what a trip!

She had no right to do that, Adele.

Hey, you know what?

She trusted me.

I'm kind of a sucker for that.

You could have too, - you know.

- Adele, there was a reason I didn't tell you: oh yeah, our life is hell and our people regularly die violently.


Well, did I ever tell you why I was disbarred?

I just kind of assumed it was 'cause you were drinking all the time.

That is a very good guess, but you're wrong.

I'm an embezzler.

Corporate law, right?

So I'm real good at following the money.

Stealing it?

Not so much.

- Oh, my God, this family!

- I know.

Hey, your mom has a job for us.

How do you feel about tracking patent-hoarding corporations and global profit flows in Switzerland?

I hate fondue.

I can't give Kira what she wants.

She's cutting herself for answers I don't have.

I cut myself since I was small, but I stopped when I found peace and my sestras accepted me.

She's an old soul.

You should share our horrors with her.

God, I don't want her dealing with what we do.

But she will have to.

You know this.

I wasn't a good sister to you.

Yes, we tried to k*ll each other.

No, no, after that!

I avoided you.

My twin, my other self.

You scared me because of what you felt.

You knew we were connected.

Kira feels that too.

She feels all of us.

But I didn't, until until I was half dead on that island She flowed right through me and picked me up.

Is that what it is?

Is that what it feels like?




I don't give a shit about our genetics.

This is what Rachel can't have.

I think, this old man and Rachel After babies, we will k*ll them.


You're gonna take care of your babies.

Miracle babies.

Like us.


Going for a walk.

Just clearing my head!

Where was it?


You understand me?

I'm asking you a question, Mud!

Oh, no!

I haven't seen anything!

You're lying.

Where is he?

Where does he hide?

I don't know!

Now leave me alone!

- Where was he?

- I don't know what you're talking about.


I know he's out there!

(mysterious music)

(suspenseful note)

(mysterious music resumes)

Is she alright, love?

Yeah, she's alright.


(in a different accent): Dr. Perkins.

I mean it's not rocket science!

Your problems with your daughter trace back to your relationship with your own mother!

That's not bad.

I've got a shirt for you in the truck.

My assistant.


I'm all about trauma.

- No.

I'm all about trauma.

- Gabrielle Chalmers.

- I'll tell you what - Assistant/T. A. /PhD student.


Major Major depressive disorder.


Let's do it.

We don't take no for an answer.

Keep your eyes open.

Stay close.

- Right, Dr.


- And tuck your shirt in.

(rings buzzer)

Nimitz lives 30 minutes from here, so clock starts now.

No, I believe Dr.

Nimitz went home at five.

- Five?

Are you sure?

- Yeah.

I thought he was on night shift.

Didn't you tell me In the e-mail you said until two.


S sighing)


Is that Is that right?

Did I - Did I screw that up?

- Uhh - Is my visit even scheduled?

- Uhh She has to do a case study.

She's here for her book.



Tomorrow, nine a. m.


And you're not even on the list.

She won't be on the list.

I was added at the last minute, and now I've totally screwed everything up.

And I have that conference call in the morning.

I will have to move it.

Uh, you know what?

It's not your fault.


Nimitz has done this before, but, um You know what?

I'm gonna see if I can get him back.

No, no, don't disturb him, that would be ridiculous.

It's not his mistake.

Uhh, we're here now.

Why don't we walk around, see the environment a bit Well, it would be something, I suppose, since we're here.

(mouthing inaudibly)

Uhh 'Kay.

Tell you what.

I can sign you in.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Uh, can I get a piece of ID, please?

Of course.

Here you go.

Welcome to CedarRidge.

This gives you access to Ward One, but no patient contact until tomorrow, OK?

- You've been so helpful.

- No problem.

My pleasure.

- You alright?

- I've got it.

Alex Ripley?

- 30 minutes til lights out, OK?

- Thank you.

When we get in here and you see Alex Ripley, I need you to dig deep and stay calm.


You know who he is?

She, actually.

And you know her too.

(heart-pounding music)

(chair clangs; woman groans)

Hello, Virginia.


She's out of it.

Can you tell us what they've got you on?


- Hey!

- You faking it, - you genocidal bitch?

- Buh Benzo drip is my guess.

Pull her line.

I've got adrenaline.

This should bring her round, quickly.

Look where you ended up, eh?

I hope it's a bloody lobotomy.

(mysterious music)

(ominous crescendo)

(indistinct conversation)

- You've come a long way.

- Are you feeling better?

You've got that sparkle back in your eye.

A little.

- How's that, sir?

- That's fine.

I'll ring when it's done.

(tense music)

Do you recognize me now?

Sarah Manning.

And her mom.

I like her.

How's Helena and the pregnancy?

That's from her.


The Castor soldiers and the women that they infected Yeah, but she's going to tell us about P.


Westmorland, aren't you, Virginia?

Well, well.

Haven't you come far.

How things must have changed while she kept me in here drooling on myself.


Get me out.

Then we'll talk.

You don't get to decide.


- Talk!

You're gonna talk now!

- Sarah, stay with me.

- Everything alright?

- Thank you.

Just clumsy.

You want to get out of here, you need to earn it.

Now, who put you in here?

A dear old friend.

We shared the same goal once: to control human genetics and modify the species.

Needless to say, we didn't always get it right.

(suspenseful music)


We knew from the start we'd have to break a few eggs.

But she never really had the guts for the wet work.

- (music like flies buzzing)

- (Sarah): Tell us who it was.

You know who put me here, Sarah.


When Castor fell, Leda won.

Susan Duncan.

How did that happen?

I was young. P. T.

and Susan recruited me.

- Out of Castor?

- It was before cloning, before we found Kendall Malone - we found someone else.

- Who?

Our very first human subject.

P. T.

Westmoreland's original obsession.

But too many mistakes were made.

(tense music)

- What are you doing here?


- Mud.

- You can't be here.

- You need to leave right now!

- What is this place?

Is this where he lives?

What did they do to him, Mud?

Tell me!

What did they do to him?

- You need to go, OK?

- Just tell me!

- He can't find you here.

- (distant male voice): Mud?

- You need to go!

- I need you up here!

Who is he?

- Get out of the house!

- Mud, who is he?

Through here.

There's a back stairway.


- Who was he?

- A child.

A beautiful child.

A unique genome.

We tried to unlock it, but it was early days.

- The science was crude.

- So what happened?

He started growing tumours.

Brain damage, physical deformities.

Susan wanted to stop, but I've never been squeamish.

So we pushed forward.

And we created a monster.

It's Mud.

It's Mud!

(creature panting quietly)

(soft growling)

Hey, you.

It's so cold.

I thought you could use this.

Hey, big guy.

It's Mud.

It's just me.

(roaring, screaming)

(alarming music)

Susan never forgave me.

I took Castor, she took Leda, and P.


kept the two of us apart.

You say the science was crude.

But what were you trying to do?

You want more?

This time of night, that keycard, you can roll me right out.

- We need her.

Come on.

- Dr.


- Yes.

- What are you doing in this ward?

- I'm a guest of Dr.


- Yes, I'm Dr.



Well, finally!

So lovely to - This is Gabrielle - Keri!


Ripley's line is out.

There seems to have been some confusion Yeah, can you two come with me?

(confused shouting)

k*ll YOU!


Michael Get off Clear the ward!

Wait for me outside!


Take your hands off Give Helena my love!




I've told you, Ira, it's all about the means for me.

Imprisoning Virginia Coady, the woman who ran Castor?

I had to keep her away from Percival.

Her methods are indefensible, and her science unsound.

But he thinks she's dead.

What if he finds out?

She's a dangerous liability.

When I made that decision, I was at the helm of Neolution.

Now look at me.

If he has made his breakthrough, it has to be Kira.

After all he's done, you'd work for him again?

To protect her?

To protect us, Ira.


I thought my life was intense.

Well, we thank you for helping, Adele.

This wasn't your call, S.

- Yeah, it was, actually.

- What?

We're on a whole new level with Westmorland.

We have to trust S now more than ever.

So what am I meant to do in Switzerland, then?


I need to be here for Kira, and I have an art opening in three weeks.

The boys have been digging.

There are at least six different subsidiaries of Neolution registered in Switzerland.

So we start there.

- Follow the money.

- Adele needs you.

You're a quick study.

You're a survivor.

We do this as a family.

Well, Susan.

Shall we share a glass of this excellent port?

If we do, we can have the kind of conversation both you and I love: a conversation filled with deep and far reaching consequence.

Now, if we don't The conversation is very short.


And it's a pity.

Worse than death really, to be left out of the future after you've put so much into it.

You overvalue ruthlessness, P. T.

You always have.

Rachel is too damaged for this responsibility.

She's done pretty well so far.

She tried to k*ll me.

I didn't intend for her to go that far.

- I'm sorry, Susan.

- No, you're not.

Your corporate-raised psychopath is finally paying dividends.

But admit it: scientifically, you're lost without me.

That's why I need you, Susan.

I'd require real-time access to all Rachel's new data on Kira's anomaly.

Very well.

Exclusive access.

Nothing hidden.

No more secrets.

But Rachel has the reins.

So To the future?

To the future.

(music intensifies)