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03x02 - Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye

Posted: 02/28/19 17:17
by bunniefuu
Could you tell us about November th, ?

I remember everything.

TOM: Will and Julie went riding their bikes around : .

Supposed to go by a friend's house, kid says he never saw 'em.

What did you do?

You're their mother, where were you?

I am entitled to a life!

How long have you folks been sleeping separate?

TOM: Dan left last May, then I took the couch.

- Dan?

- My cousin.

ALAN JONES: You're having memory problems, right?


HAYS: (OVER TAPE RECORDER) You have memory problems.

Henry's coming with the people from the TV.

INTERVIEWER: So, you caught the case back in ' ?

HAYS: Didn't work again 'til .

INTERVIEWER: And your wife's book was considered a classic of literary non-fiction.

AMELIA: I teach English.

Will's a student of mine.

There's a few of the older boys.

They make it hard on the others.

TOM: Last name is Woodard, saw him riding around when I was looking for the kids.

OFFICER: What's your partner doing?

Man was a long-range reconnaissance in 'Nam.

I found the boy.

There's no sign of the girl.

Two months ago, the burglary and only one set of prints.

Julie Purcell.

She's alive?


♪ I got a letter this mornin' ♪

♪ How do you reckon it read? ♪

♪ Said, "Hurry, hurry, the man you love is dead" ♪

♪ I got a letter this mornin' ♪

♪ How do you reckon it read? ♪

♪ Sayin' "Hurry, hurry ♪

♪ The man you love is dead" ♪

♪ Well, I grabbed up my suitcase ♪

♪ And I took off down the road ♪

♪ When I got there he was layin' on the coolin' board ♪

♪ Grabbed up my suitcase ♪

♪ And I took off down the road ♪

♪ Mmm, when I got there he was layin' ♪

♪ Layin' on the coolin' board ♪

♪ Mmm, mmm ♪


WAYNE HAYS: You have the autopsy report.

I don't need to go over that.

Blunt force trauma...

and a cervical fracture.

Somebody broke his neck.

Brought him to that cave.

Folded his hands, I guess.


Talk to me about Oklahoma.

You have to, man.

Wayne, this isn't the time...

How many sets of prints were taken?

Do they know she was one of the robbers and not a customer?

If they found her, you wouldn't even be talkin' to me, right?

Do they have video surveillance?


Hays, the purpose of this deposition is to give your statement, not to extract one from us.

I'm pretty easygoin', but go away already.

I don't think I will.

Look, we're not at liberty to divulge details of an ongoing police investigation, nor to share discovery items with anyone other than the prosecutor's office.

Now, you can talk to them, if they'll talk to you...


- All right, stop.


Finish up today, all right?

Then after, we'll speak.

I'm sayin'...

we'll talk.


Now, you were sayin'.

You questioned people during this time.

- Right?

- Do you know another way to do it?

WAYNE: The father worked at Wilson Body Works, where they used to make parts for school buses.

We talked to everybody there.

Employed about a hundred people from West Finger.

The dolls were their own thing.

Wasn't gettin' us anywhere, either.

Thank you very much.

That guy collected garbage, Woodard.

We talked to him too.

I saw the kids.

They were pedaling into the sun.

ROLAND: Headed west?

We went by your place.

You sorta collect things, huh?

I salvage trash that I can sell.

You don't need to make it sound better than that.

You got any other properties?

Anywhere you keep things?

I don't have anyplace else.

What'd you do before this?

Before you collected scrap.

Uh, came back from overseas. ' .

Did some carpentry.

Construction dropped off.

Things didn't work out.

My marriage.


I was gone too long.

About four years ago she left me.

Took the kids.

I was motor pool.

My man here was a LRRP.

Two tours.

Detective Hays.

They called him Purple Hays over there.

You miss your family?



I miss being someone that way...

a way I could have a family.

You were recon?

Seventy-fifth Infantry.


You must be pretty insane.

Volunteerin' for that.

I didn't think about it much, tell ya the truth.

I ain't one of them burnouts.

Ya know, comes back bustin' guys up, gettin' high.

And I ain't a bum.

I keep a house.

I pay my way!


I ain't judgin', man.

Look, I punch in and out.

I put on a suit in the mornin'.

And bein' honest...

I don't have much of a life.

So why?

Why punch in?

Why the suit?


I don't ask myself questions like that.

Could be I'm too chickenshit, Mr. Woodard.

It ain't my world.

Less than yours, even.

But I did pretty good at following orders.


You ever do this?

I miss when "Don't get k*lled" was the only thing on my to-do list.

It's hard to unplug from that.

I spent a year comin' down.


Just to go back over it, you sure you didn't see anything?

I told you.

I saw the teenagers out there, too.

I was goin' in the other direction.

You like kids, generally?


What the f*ck's the right answer to that?

You think I...

Listen, I got two kids, okay?

Where are they?

I don't know.

She didn't tell me.

And I haven't gone lookin'.

If I'd never left...

I think it'd have been fine.

But to go, and come back...

I just couldn't put myself back in that old story, that's all.

And I couldn't leave it, either.

Ya know?

You ever been someplace you couldn't leave, and you couldn't stay...

both at the same time?

HENRY: Do you remember the place?

I remember.

MAN: I can tell you all that none of us will rest until we achieve justice in the matter.

Our detectives are hard at work, and this is priority one for law enforcement in Washington County and Northwest Arkansas.

Now, it's temporary, but we're gonna have to have a curfew for a little while.

It's important that we keep an eye on our kids right now, and we want to make sure you know where they are at all times, and that they're indoors by : .

Now, we can't really say too much about the investigation, but I'm here to answer any questions I can.

Well, I don't let mine go near Devil's Den.

Everybody knows you got something happenin' in it.

Bums, junkies.

Queers meet up out there.

You have a question, sir?

I wanna know what y'all are doing to break up that stuff.

Clean up that park!

What about these junkies?

You got heroin in Arkansas now.

Right now our focus is tryin' to find this little girl and bring her home.

We're considering every possibility.

MAN : And what about that fella always diggin' through everybody's trash?

Mr. Kindt, can you tell us if they think the girl is still alive?

It's our hope that she's alive, yes.

But again, I really can't discuss any of the details of the investigation.

Now, our detectives have a pair of Xeroxes to pass out.

One is a picture of Julie Purcell.

The other is the kind of backpack that the boy, Will, had.

It's red and has his name on it.

Now, if anyone has any information of potential interest, no matter how far afield, share it with us.

And trust that we will not let this terrible, cowardly act go unpunished.

WAYNE [AGE ]: Your old boss got real vocal around then.

Gerald Kindt had an election comin' up the next year.

I know.

I guess that works to some point in your petition.

It's worth notin', I think, his motivations.


now he's f*ckin' State Attorney General.

But we didn't work for him.

He was your boss.

Oh, not for a good while now.

The broken neck is clear.

But the way the arms were folded...

- I know.

- And the other thing.

The hell are those dolls for?


Look familiar, some way.

Like the kind of thing at country fairs.

What do you get from that crowd in there?

They're worried.


Could be thinkin' it coulda been a neighbor.

Had 'em sign in.

Saw some shifty eyes in there, but...

may be my redneck radar.

I don't know.

Excuse me.


- Hi.

- Hey.

You found him, didn't you?

You look like you haven't slept in a couple days.

Work to do.

How's it at school?


People are scared.


been askin' about this.

We haven't gotten anything.

I don't know, you knowin' the kids and such.

You ever seen anything like this?

Seen a kid with a doll like this?

Uh, maybe.

I don't know.

Looks like something you'd find in a craft store or something.


I haven't seen any of the kids with them.

Can I keep this?

Uh, sure.

I'll ask around with the kids, maybe check with the other teachers.

All right.



MAN: Amelia.

- Okay, I gotta go.

- All right.

Be safe.

HENRY: Now, this family...

Haven't we spent enough time with this?



It's helpin' me.

Bringin' things back.

How's that?

Your mother.

I, uh...

I have trouble seein' her sometimes.

Or, uh...

I know who she is, but the parts of our lives, pieces...

I can't picture 'em.

You think Mom wants you to keep doin' this?

It's bringin' things back.

Goin' over the case.

I'm rememberin' things.

My life.

Your sister.

You know when the last time I saw Rebecca?


Mom's funeral?

I think you talked on the phone a few months back.

You sure you wanna keep talkin' to the TV people?

That woman, the director...

I wanna know what she's after.

What they might know now.

She said she'd, uh, show me somethin' next time.

She's baitin' ya, Dad.

Do you think she cares at all about you or who did it?

She just wants people to watch her shitty show.

And I think...

Mom would want you to move on.

Enjoy the family you have around you.


she and I always had different ideas.

I remember that.



MAN: Wayne. Roland.

Special Agents Burt Diller and John Bowen.

Thanks, Detective, we'll get these back ASAP.

Want you to know we have no intention of impeding or usurping your investigation.

This is a Task Force.

One unit with a common goal.

Feds are gonna take the lead with the kidnappin'.

You two are still point on the death investigation.

Both of which will hopefully lead to the same solution.

Everybody shares everything.

We'll be doing debriefs first thing every mornin'.

Everybody turns in dailies.

How you guys wanna go forward?

We got a multi-state APB out on the girl.

Checkpoints along state lines.

Agents advised.

Let us get caught up.

We'll figure our next move.


You two have somewhere to be?

We got a funeral to get to.



I know we spoke on the phone, but...

want to touch base on a couple of things.

What's that?

I haven't been out here since last May.

You stayed in the boy, Will's, room, right?


Told you I did.

You leave a couple magazines behind?

Under the mattress?

Ohh, damn.

Yeah, maybe I did.

Should I, uh...

- Never mind.

- You recall anything from the time you spent in the house might be worth mentioning?

Like you ever see anybody talkin' to the kids?

Any adults you didn't recognize?


Nah, can't say I recall anything like that.

Them kids, they kept to themselves a lot.

The house was a pretty tense place.

You can probably tell, Lucy and Tom aren't real happy.

Before any of this.

Will and Julie, they play outside the house a lot?


I think so.

I don't think they liked being around there.

You know, Mom and Dad angry all the time.


Were you pretty close to Will and Julie?

I don't know.

We got along.

I played with them a couple times.

They didn't see me much before I stayed here.

But they were good kids.

What do you think of Tom?

He's an all right guy.

I feel sorry for him.

I felt for him even before all this.

I mean, in my opinion, Lucy always needed, like, a strong male.

You stayin' in town long?

Nah, I gotta get back to work.

Family could probably use you around.

I can't get the time off.

It's not like there's a lot I can do for 'em.

And the night of?

Your neighbor can confirm you were at home?

I don't know if they can or not.

But you could check with the Starlight Bar in Springfield.

I had a couple there after work, and then I went home and watched CHiPs.

You wanna search my place?

Would that be okay?



But maybe...

you should be out there tryin' to find my niece.

I'm gonna get back to Lucy.

MAN: Like we said over the phone, we hadn't seen or talked with the kids since last Christmas.

WOMAN: Nearly a year ago.

She doesn't like us.

That's Lucy, you mean?

MAN: 'Loise, let's don't, now.

Why not now?

Why not just say it?

The children are lost.

Yes, I mean Lucy.

She runs around on Tom, you know.

Every marriage has its own story.

Nobody knows except the two involved.


She was a terrible...


You know, there's been some wonderin' about Julie.


Not today.

Tom was workin' offshore.

Could have been weldin' in Texas when Julie was conceived.

- Now, I've wondered...

- Goddamnit!!!


Not today, Eloise.

Not today.

- [SOBS]

- TOM: Hey.

Why don't the two of y'all get out of my house for today?

Mom, Dad.

MAN: Yes, I got it now.

DIRECTOR: There's a web forum that posts about real-life criminal cases, things that are unsolved or unresolved.

They have a whole section on the Purcell case.

This is what people do now?

They go in lots of directions.

Did you know at various times since, large-scale pedophile rings connected to people of influence were uncovered in the surrounding areas?

Do you know about the Franklin scandal?


It's been theorized that the straw dolls are a sign of pedophile groups, like the crooked spiral.

I don't think that's right.

Can I ask, with what happened in and you leaving the force, did you ever feel your leads and theories were discounted because of your race?

Not particularly, no.


I'm interested in the intersectionality of marginalized groups within authoritarian and systemic r*cist structures.

Well, anyways, those...

Those dolls from the scene, they were a significant lead.


She's the one helped us out with that.

Got us that lead.


Have you seen a doll that looks like this?

- No.

- Not you?

Okay, well, you let me know if you do, okay?




Have you seen this doll before?


Somebody was passing them out at trick-or-treat, I think.


she got one.

This Halloween you went trick-or-treating with her?

We met her and her brother and...

and some other kids.

We live on the next street over.

It's okay.





- Tom!


Hey, what...


What ya doin' back up here, brother?

'Talkin' about?

This is my usual shift.

Four years.



What's you're f*ckin' problem?

My d*ck showin'?

MAN: Hey, Tom.

You sure you wanna be back at work today?

I been workin' full-time since I was fourteen years old.

You want me to sit at home with this shit in my head now?

How long you m*therf*ckers gonna stare at me?!

Somebody got something to say about me?!

My family?!


Somebody know somethin' I don't...



We didn't plan on havin' you back this soon.

Well, I gotta earn a livin'.

Well, the thing is, we, uh...

we put you on leave.

Well, I didn't ask for that, okay?

Now, I gotta work.

You tellin' me I can't work?

Look, with everything that's happenin', it's a little disruptive.

People have other things on their mind?

These machines?

That's how accidents happen.

You know that, Tom.

I'm the guy nobody wants to be, huh?

I'm the f*ckin' joke, right?

You shouldn't look at it like that.

But you ain't comin' back to work right now, Tom.

Well, f*ck everything, anyway!

Yeah, f*ck each of ya!

I quit!

ROLAND: You remember which house was givin' these out?

Who else got one?


did you see her get the doll?

MIKE: No, ma'am.

When did you see she had it?

It was like at the end.

We were all showing what we got, and she had the doll in her trick-or-treat bag.

AMELIA: Did you stay in the neighborhood, or did you drive somewhere?

We just walked.

Thanks, Mike.

You're really helpin'.


What'd you go as for Halloween?

Luke Skywalker.

Cool, man.

My partner, he loved that movie.





were you with Julie and her brother the whole night?

Or was there ever a time y'all went different ways?


They'd been to a couple houses before we met up.

But I don't think she had the doll then.

How 'bout the rest of the night?

We mighta split up once or twice.


not for long.

I saw her talking to people.

Adults, maybe.

They were two ghosts.

Just in big sheets.

You don't know who the ghosts were?

Can you show us where it was y'all went?



You musta had some good times.

- When y'all meet?

- TOM: Hmm...

thirteen years back.

We got married 'cause she was pregnant.

How long you knew her before?

Not long.

Got married three months after we met.

The Fort Smith courthouse.

Me and Lucy, we...

We never really knew each other, we just...

well, had the kids.


My kids.

Will and...



Are we gonna find Julie, or what?

'Cause I can't live through this, man.


Neither of us can.

If we're not gonna find her, I just need to know now.

I can't go to sleep...


...and I can't wake up.

DILLER: Now, you're sayin' last week, Halloween, girl got one of these dolls, and then you found two of them at the crime scene?

It's an identifier, boss.

So what do you want to do?

We wondered maybe let's put it out on the TV or paper.

Ask everybody if they seen one of those, or know who makes 'em around here.

But that'd tip our hand.

We're not ready for that.

What's better...

There's households in the marked area and the subdivision near it.

We do total surveillance.

We have people searchin' every single house.

Oh, come on.

You don't have enough for one warrant, much less a hundred.

No warrants.

Say, two days, maybe three.

Every detective we have.

Pull in more feds, you want.

Everybody just knocks and asks if they can search.

Say it'll help with the Purcell case.

People won't like it...

but a lot, I bet...

a lot of people let us look around.

ROLAND: We keep surveillance.

See if somebody starts actin' hinky.

Nobody escapes the net.

Our guy panics or somethin', we do it fast...

Without announcement.

Even if you find anything, it could be problematic at trial.

This is about the girl, not a trial.


Something happened on Halloween, that night.

She gets that doll.

A week later, she and her brother are gone, and you got two of those things on the scene.

BOWEN: Maybe the perp just brought 'em somewhere.

You know?

Maybe the dolls belonged to the girl.

It's all maybes, man.

You do the maybe that gives you a shot.

No, it's thin.

And our constituents here, they value privacy and property rights.

They aren't just gonna acquiesce to random searches of their homes.

There's other ways to approach it.

If we bring in the public, it stirs up the town and lets our guy know what we're thinkin'.

Maybe he takes off.

Maybe he just kills her...

if he hasn't already.

We can just do it fast.

People will get over it.


Just give us some time, Roland.

Been runnin' this sting.

Truck stop next door.

Prosts and dr*gs.

I was gonna check this guy out at some point.

He asked one of the workin' girls if they had any younger friends.

And another said he asked her, too.

Came in here lookin' for special magazines.

Ted LaGrange.

Pulled his file.

He got outta Wrightsville a while back.

Carnal knowledge of a minor.

Enticing a minor.

Buncha shit.

Callin' himself "Robert" somethin' now.

Thanks, Rich.



you gotta come in here every day?

Welcome to Vice.



JUKEBOX: ♪ I love my man ♪

♪ I'm a liar if I say I don't ♪

♪ I love my man ♪

♪ I'm a liar if I say I don't... ♪

I haven't seen you here before, have I?

I'm usually at the VFW.

♪ I'm a liar if I say I won't... ♪

Want to thank you for everything you did today with the kid.

He wasn't talkin' to us 'til you opened him up.

Real grateful for that.

He was broken up about it.

I think he had a crush on Julie.

Why'd you give me that picture?

The doll.

Instinct, I guess.

I knew the kids weren't talkin' to us.

You were in the w*r?

You're a cop, so you want to know more about a person, you just look 'em up, huh?

Pretty much.

Did you look me up?

Thought about it, though.

I was born here.

I went to U of A.

Dropped out my junior year.

Went west with a friend.

We got in with some people.

I was in this scene, San Francisco.

Anti-w*r, kind of fringe Panther stuff.

Some things happened, not good.

And then I was alone.

' , I came back home, got my degree.

I grew up in Conway.

My mom worked on a farm.

I spent two years in the jungle, a lot of it I was alone.

I hunt a lot now.


- I'm a vegetarian.


That's a real shame.

If you're a Democrat, don't tell me.

You like teachin'?


I want to be a writer.

Write books.

I don't read enough.

I like Batman and Silver Surfer.

I had this sorta dyslexic thing growin' up.

Was that hard?

They said I was dumb.

My mom wasn't havin' any of that.

That poem you were teachin'.

I looked it up.

- Oh, yeah?

- I read it.

I'm not ready to talk about it yet, but I have thoughts.

- Share when you want.

- All right.

You ever been married?



I was engaged.

Seven months.

I broke it off.

I didn't want to be married, I realized.

- I don't wanna get married.

- No?

Guy the other day said I must be crazy.

Thing is, and I've thought of this for a while...

I think I might be.

Like how?

I wear clip-on ties 'cause I'm preoccupied with this idea of getting strangled with one.


Is that too much?

This year, twice, I've been to St. Louis and I've stayed at this hotel, and I've pretended I'm someone else.

I go out, meet new people, and I am someone else.

Different name, different background, different job.




- Hmm.

You drink too much?

I don't know.

I might get drunk twice a month.

Three times.

I like to laugh, is the thing.



Raise it up?



NEWSCASTER: ...information in the Purcell m*rder-kidnapping, we go to the Washington County courthouse

- earlier this afternoon.

- Don't do it.

KINDT: We believe the missing girl, Julie Purcell, was contacted by her abductor while she participated in Halloween last week.

We're sharing a graphic of the area where she and her brother went trick-or-treating.

Now, our investigation suggests that someone who saw her on Halloween has special knowledge of this case.

- Givin' it away.

- Anyone who saw anything suspicious...

- What's wrong?

- I'm sorry, I...

I gotta go.


REPORTER: Are you saying the children knew their kidnapper?

KINDT: I'm not at liberty to reveal that at this time.

WAYNE: I knew they wouldn't listen to me.

But you shoulda stopped that.


What am I supposed to do?

You were there.

I'm sayin', I talk, it don't mean anything.

Don't matter if I'm right.

You, at least, you talk, it means somethin' to 'em.

Might consider what you're saying.

You mighta stopped 'em from doing that.


Who knew until it was on the TV?

Why didn't you stop 'em?

They ain't my tribe, man.

Take care of your shit.


Where you think you are, assh*le?

- I know where I am.

- Do ya?

It don't sound like it.

Son, I know where I am in a way you will never understand.

Are you high, Purple Hays?

'Cause you're makin' about as much g*dd*mn sense as my grandmother's dementia.

No, I'm sayin' I know where I am.

Hey, good for you.


Was all I could think of.

You got somethin' else?

Vice gave me a dude near Fort Smith to look at.

I pulled his file.

What is it?

You can read for yourself.

You wanna go get him?

I wanna go get him.

We might as well keep watch out here.

Check the guy out in the mornin'.

Toss his place first.

We should get bennies.

Stayin' up all night.

Glove box.

Red-and-blue ones.

Prosecutin' attorney decided...

best thing was to take our single clue and spread it all over the town.

And that got us a few hundred false tips the first couple of days.

That's when it all started with the town.

Just panic.

WAYNE [CONTINUES]: Lived in their imaginations now, you see?


WAYNE: Everybody was scared.

That included us.




♪ And I'll never make you sad again ♪

- ♪ 'Cause I swear... ♪


You gonna eat?

♪ And I'll never make you sorry... ♪

Me neither.

We need you to come with us, sir.

Uh, wha...

what's the...

We'll tell ya on the way.




No, it's not me, I swear to God!

LAGRANGE: You're wrong about this.

You shouldn't have brought me here.

This get you off, mister, huh?

You entertain fantasies of strappin' white men to posts?

- Now and then, yeah.

- Really?



Talk about your fantasies.

Then he'll tell ya his.

Theodore LaGrange.

It's Ted, yeah?

Ted, you been out a bit over two years.

I know what you're doing, and I haven't done anything.

Released from Wrightsville.

You got Little Rock up the road.

Why'd you come way out here, Ted?

And why you callin' yourself Robert Hebert?

I-I wanted a new start.

They keep you in protective custody in Wrightsville?



Guys who mess with kids, they don't usually make it out with all their parts.

Tell me how you mess with kids.

The boy and the girl.

Your landlady said you didn't come home last Friday night.

- What?

- The th.

That's not...

I was out.

I-I was just out.

Help me understand what it was like for you in the moment.

Let me feel your side of it.


Tell me why you k*lled the boy.

I didn't!

I never seen him before he was on the news.



You'll wanna explain to me where you were that night.


- Help me see your side of things.

What'd you do on Halloween night?

Where were you?



we're here to listen when you want to share.


- Aaaaah!




He's here Mondays and Fridays.

We do storytime twice a week in the evenin's, and he plays guitar for it.

But his name's Robert Hebert, not what you said.

And he worked on the th?

Last Friday?



You know what time he left that night?

Probably about : or after.

He helped us put up the tables and chairs.

Did he do something?

You're not gonna see this guy anymore.

If you do, give us a call, okay?

ALAN: Robbery was a couple of months ago.

All I know for sure is that her prints showed up.

It's like you said...

They don't know if she was a customer or part of the break-in.

Was it a partial or a full?


It was her.

They had video surveillance?

They smashed the camera in the pharmacy.

Store's got footage goin' back three days prior.

We subpoenaed it, but we have to wait.

Somebody watchin' the store in case she comes back?

My understandin', Sallisaw PD's focused on the robbery.

And I wouldn't say the locals are a crackerjack investigative team or anything.

So nothin'.

Man's family didn't have the resources for an investigator...

but obviously, we'd like to find her.

What about Arkansas PD?

They lookin' for her?

There's nobody on the case yet.

Kindt's office will have to look at it since they'll be defending our motion to overturn, but right now, no.

I don't think so.

You all right goin' up against your old boss?

It's overdue.

Talk to Roland?

We have an appointment.

He's done well.

He has.

ROLAND: You wanna execute him?

We can bury him right out here, I don't give a shit.

Throw him off a bridge...

Nobody'll care.


- Put him in holding, get his parole violated.

He'll be back in Wrightsville tomorrow.

- Full sentence.

- If you say so.

Talk shit about us...

I'll have monstrous n*gg*r*s f*ck him to death in his cell.


D'you hear me, boy?

You will bleed black cock.


Gotta catch up, man.

Just spent the day on this bullshit.

That was a vivid description of prison r*pe.


Could tell he had the racial thing.

Remember what he said in the barn?


it's gonna haunt me.

POLICE DISPATCH: D- , do you copy?

Copy, dispatch.

Lieutenant Twiggs wants y'all at the Purcell place.

What's up?

Someone said the family got a note.


On the way.


- HENRY: Hey, Dad.

- Hi.

_ Hey.


Did you see?

They sent me the galleys.

That's great.

You got a little loose after work?

How was the deposition?

It was fine.

It's as much about us as anything.

And I think her and me, it was as close as she could give the thing a happy ending.

DIRECTOR: After the events of , and what happened with Julie and her father, you left the PD.

Did you believe that concluded the case?

Did you feel the investigation ended too abruptly?

She wrote six novels after.

This was her first.

Uh, very... to a cop, very impressive eye for detail.

Have you read it?


Hays, did you have theories after what happened with Julie Purcell and her father in ' ?

Theories that weren't in line with your superior's directives?

I heard what you asked.

The answer is...

I never stopped coming up with theories about that case.

And I hit Todd and Dave into home, and when I went over, we won.

Coach saw, and came and talked to me about baseball when I get older.

- That's fantastic, Henry.

- HENRY: Mm-hmm.

You're gonna be very athletic.

You already are.


The publisher said we can issue an update for the paperback once this appeal goes to trial.


You're a bit out of it tonight.

The kids noticed.

You can't be that way in front of them.

- I'm not drunk.

- What's going on?

What happened with the deposition?

They overturning the conviction?

Julie Purcell is alive.



Thought for sure you'd all beat us here.

TOM: What is that, huh?

What's that mean?


Well, what's it mean?


WOMAN: You want more chicken, Wayne?


Thanks for the spread, Heather.

This is wonderful.

Are you feelin' all right?


He's been goin' back through that case.

Mom's book.

I never read the whole thing.

Couldn't stand I was in it so much.

Goin' back over the story, it's good...

Makin' me work my brain, I mean.

Leadin' me to other stuff.

Maybe you guys could see about gettin' Rebecca out here.

I'd like to see her.

She's in L.A, Dad.

When did that happen?

What's she doin' out there?

She's playin' music, Wayne.


She okay?

You talk to her?

HEATHER: I talked to her a few weeks ago.

Think she'd come back home for a visit?

She don't like it here, Dad.

Why not?


I just don't think it suits her.

- She never liked it.

- She didn't?


- Hey!

One more time, okay?





It's goin' by pretty quick.

Don't I know it.

Maybe you guys could see about gettin' Rebecca out here.

I'd like to see her.