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01x08 - Inshallah

Posted: 02/24/19 07:41
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

NEWSMAN: We are now being told that the president is not returning to the White House,

- but is being moved to an undisclosed location.
- NEWSWOMAN: For those of you just joining us,

- President Andrew Pickett...
- NEWSWOMAN : Members of Congress and cabinet officers have all been placed under a -day quarantine.


This was never about k*lling a president.

NEWSMAN : So far, the president is not sure...

Suleiman's goal is the goal of all t*rrorists... to create hysteria and anti-Islamic sentiment.

NEWSMAN : He's been a step ahead of the CIA and U.S. military...

We're devoting tremendous resources to this and I promise you, we... we will find this guy.





- Hey.
- Hey.

What you got there?

Fascinating, , -word puff piece on the origins of Shiite sectarianism.

Just had to get up to read that, huh?

You know, I usually get up late enough to row.

See, if you go rowing at : a.m., you just look like a badass.

What woke you up?

I don't know.

Nothing, probably.

I'm okay.


Helicopter crash.

I was, uh...

I was in a helicopter crash... when I was in the Marines.

There was this kid.


He lived in a village in the Korengal that we were patrolling.

He'd take your picture.

And then he'd charge you ten bucks for it.

Not a bad racket, actually.

He died in the crash.

We were, uh, extracting this family.

They had been marked as collaborators by the Taliban so they would've been k*lled immediately if we hadn't relocated them and... and Sahim just kept begging me to take him with us.

He was an orphan, so... he just said he wanted to go someplace safe, someplace away from all this shit and... at least that's what he said.


It was my decision to put him on the helo.

MAN: Move out, move out!

CATHY: He was on the helicopter with you?

JACK: He was on the helicopter because of me.

He took it down.

So all my Marines, all those people I was just trying to save... ended up dead because of me.

I'm gonna take a shower.

It is bizarrely not as insane to be at the CIA at : a.m.



And for the record, I think your scars are kind of badass.

You should hear my fake stories about how I got them in the State Department.


I hope you enjoyed your flight, Mr. Mizrahi.

Indeed. Thank you so much.

- CUSTOMS OFFICER: Passports, please.
- Yes.

- Arriving from Montreal?
- Yes.

What brings you into the United States?

My son's here for a medical procedure at Johns Hopkins.

"Primary biliary..."


He requires a liver transplant.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Welcome to the United States.

Thank you so much.

♪ ♪



It's not in the system.

Let me call you back.

Can I help you, sir?

I need a doctor. I'm sick.

(ECHOING): We'll get you to Triage as soon as we can.

And I'm going to need a copy of your insurance.



This is Special Agent Kalie Thorn.

She's running point for the FBI.

Dr. Roger Wade from NEST,

Nuclear Emergency Support Team.

I'll let him brief you.

Early this morning, a Maryland dock worker checked himself into the ER.

He was suffering from acute radiation poisoning.

Cesium- is the same isotope that caused the disaster at Chernobyl.

We traced the contamination back to a cargo container at the Port of Baltimore.

KALIE: We went back through all the video, which is how we found these two.

Wait, I thought DHS checked every container coming into the States for radiation.

Yeah, but cesium- 's almost impossible to trace.

From Baltimore, he would be just a few hours drive from every major city on the Eastern seaboard.

KALIE: We're coordinating with the Boston and Manhattan field offices, looking for potential targets.

In terms of casualties, what are we talking about here?

Depending on how much nuclear material was used, you could be looking at a nuclear fallout that could last for years and k*ll thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands.

♪ ♪

CRAWFORD: Dr. Mueller?

He's ready for you.

NURSE (OVER P.A.): Code , clear.

Code , clear.

CATHY: Hello, Mr. President.

Well, I'm happy to see you're not wearing one of those full containment suits.

(LAUGHS) Not to worry.

Your tests are normal.

Deep breath.






How is Daniel?

He's not much better, but he's not worse, which is a good thing.

ROGER: Beyond all the obvious symbolic targets, we're also looking at locations where the body count would be highest.

Museums, the Metro, uh, concerts, sporting events.

Anybody know if the Nats are in town?

NOREEN: Nats are at home, O's are on the road.

This is the cargo manifest they used from the container to ship the cesium.

The only thing touched was one three-by-five-foot container of olive oil, some of its contents were removed.

JACK: Wait a minute.

How much cesium would you need to have the fallout you're talking about?

, kilograms.

Doesn't that look small to you?

Y-You'd need nearly five, ten times that much.

What if he's not trying to k*ll thousands of people?

GREER: What do you mean?

In Paris, Suleiman k*lled that priest, but he used the death to get everyone into the church, and that's when he att*cked.

It was a multi-step process.

What if this is the same thing?

What if the outbreak is just part one of a larger objective?

What does Ebola have to do with cesium?

I don't know yet.


It's remote detonated.

The number's already programmed into the phone.

All you have to do is select it and hit send.


Just enough expl*sives to turn the powder into a cloud.

The ventilation ducts will do the rest.

Great work.

All this can be done without you, my sheikh.

How will my message resonate with those we wish to inspire if I'm not prepared to take the same risks?



Go put our bags away.






What are you doing?

I was in the bathroom.


I promise... when all this is over... we'll get your mother and sisters.

We'll be a family again.

Do you trust me?

Could we have the room, please?

Has your husband ever mentioned the word "cesium"?

No. Never.

Take a look at this photo.

Let me know if it jogs your memory.

I've told you everything I know.

That was our agreement.

And you've been very helpful.

What about my son?

You promised me you'd find Samir.

I have done everything you've asked.

And I am doing everything I can to find your son.

You are doing everything you can to k*ll my husband.

My son doesn't matter to you.

That is not true.

He knew we were coming.

Your husband knew that we were gonna raid your home.

And I don't know how he knew that, but he did.

And you think I what?

Warned him?

I'm sorry, Dr. Ryan.

I don't know what my husband is planning.

- All I'm asking...
- I can't help you.



♪ Give me your heart ♪

♪ Or I'll steal it... ♪

MAN: Here you are.

WOMAN: Hey, guys.


You have to order from the counter.

Oh, right.

♪ She found faith in a new place ♪

♪ She found faith in a new... ♪

Excuse me.

I'm so sorry.




You can't stop it.


GREER: Ryan.

You okay?


Pizzeria just blew up in Georgetown.


What's the capacity? , people?

He k*lled in Paris.

- I don't get it.

- Greer.
- LAYLA (OVER PHONE): It's Layla.

NEST is onsite at the pizzeria, and saying that the b*mb was just straight-up plastic expl*sives.

All right, thank you.

No cesium.

He didn't use it.


Where are these ambulances going, anyway?

Where's the nearest hospital?

Uh, Washington Memorial.


JACK: That's where the president is.

Turn the car around.

- What?
- Turn the g*dd*mn car around.

Cathy, it's Jack.

If you're still at the hospital, you got to call me as soon as you get this message, all right?

Take him to four.


MAN: Let's go, guys, move it!

But right now, we've got multiple wounded...

Guys, trauma bay is back this way.

These two didn't make it.

We're taking them downstairs to the morgue.

Everybody needs to be searched.

James Greer. Dr. Jack Ryan. CIA. We called ahead.

- No one told me.
- Let them through.

I got the call. I'm Crawford.

Here, you'll need to wear these so we know you're the good guys.

What do you know?

Four or five men, Middle Eastern, maybe even Mousa bin Suleiman.

- From the church in Paris.
- Exactly.

Can I help you guys?

♪ ♪

JACK: We think the pizzeria may have just been a distraction.

Distraction for what?

You have the president, vice president, and speaker of the House all in one place.

Not to mention other members of Congress and cabinet.

He may have been using all this chaos to sneak a dirty b*mb

- into the hospital.
- Fantastic.

Red, three-three Delta. Repeat, three-three delta.

President's in quarantine on seven.

Marine One is eight minutes out.

We're gonna evac him from the roof.

I need to get him ready to move.

- What about everyone else?
- POTUS first.

Then we'll worry about the others.

I'll deploy my guys to search the hospital.

- What can we do?
- Help with the search.

- Shit.

Your phone's not gonna work.

The minute the Secret Service gets a credible b*mb threat, they jam all the public cell service and RF in the area to prevent remote detonation.

Nobody's calling in or out who's not on their airwaves.

You take these.

I'll take the ones down at the end of the hall.

Where's my dad? Why isn't he back yet?

Samir, relax.

He'll be here soon.

meters down the hall on the left, okay?


You sure this is it?

Same as the hospital I worked in Riyadh.

We'll use this vent to release the cesium.

With this air volume once detonated... it will reach the president and quarantine ward in seconds.

You'll press this one.

With the peace of God.

The detonator phone is hardwired into the hospital's system.

I've programmed the number.

All you have to do is hit "send."


- Let's go.
- Okay.

All good.

What's going on?

Dr. Mueller, I'm gonna need you and your people to clear this floor immediately.

- Why?
- Possible threat.

We're evacuating the president.

What about the patients and the staff on the other floors?

Right now we have certain protocols.

The president needs to be evacuated first.

General evac has to wait.

Go back to your office.

- Check the stairwell.


AGENT: They're all heading up this way.

Let's go. Move it.

Someone's coming.

Let's separate. Take the stairs.

WOMAN (OVER P.A.): This is an emergency evacuation.

NURSE: Follow me all the way down the stairs, meet outside.



WOMAN (OVER P.A.): This is an emergency evacuation.

Proceed to the nearest exit immediately.

This is an emergency evacuation.

Proceed to the nearest exit immediately.

Buckeye en route.



Dispatch, this is Three Romeo Baker, do you have a description on those suspects? Over.


Stay calm, stay together.

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

Hey, hey, uh, what's going on?

Just keep moving until you get outside.



♪ ♪


It's all right.

You're all right.


It's okay.

- (g*nshots)

MAN: sh*ts! sh*ts!


- Where'd he go?
- Down there.


- Move, move, move, move, move.
- This way, sir, this way.

What's the problem?

It's not working.

Try yours.


They must've turned off the cell towers in this area.

We have to get further away.

- Baba!

DISPATCHER: Multiple suspects, all are Middle Eastern military-aged males.

Suspects may be armed and should be approached with caution.


Stop right there.

- Hands up!

On your knees. Go!

- Stay down!
- Go!

Don't move.

Keep your hands up. Don't move.

Turn right around. Come on.

I'll cuff him.

Folks, stand back. Everybody stay back, please.

Let's go.






MAN: Oh, come on.

WOMAN: Hey, what the...?

MAN : Hey!


MAN: Hey!

DOCTOR: Let's move it, move it.






♪ ♪


MAN (OVER P.A.): Waterfront Station.

Waterfront Station. Train approaching.


I have your son!



♪ ♪



WOMAN (OVER RADIO): Uh, Unit , are we clearing for...?

GREER: He's gonna be all right?


f*ck me.

Jack, you did good. Real good.

For an analyst.

- f*ck you.
- Now... you talk to your boss like that, you'll find yourself in a shitty cubicle writing t*rror1st finance briefs.






You were right not to give up on him.


You saved that kid's life.

We'll see.






♪ ♪

(SILENCED g*nsh*t)



- Hey.
- Come in.

Doesn't look like you have too much to pack.

A wise man once said, "Never move anything into an office you can't carry out in one box."

So, you gonna make me guess?


Deputy chief of station.

Holy shit.


Thank you.

So, what about you?

Here. Just happy to be in one place for a while.

Well, that makes sense.

You're great at this nerd shit.


Is that it?

I guess so.

Have fun in Moscow.

You know, I went to pray the other day for the first time in a long time.

It was good.

In fact, it was really good.

And I was struck by the words of the Prophet, "No man is a true believer "unless he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself."

And I... felt like it was a very important lesson.


See you around, bright boy.


He's ready to see you now, Dr. Ryan.

SINGER: As I'm sure you've heard, Greer's getting transferred.

- I heard that, yeah.
- Yeah. Great job for him.

- Absolutely.
- Mm.

So, the reason I wanted to see you is, obviously, there's a vacancy that needs to be filled.

And I can't think of a better man for the job than you.


Yeah. I want you to be the head of T-FAD.

You've earned it, Jack.

Wow, I, uh... I don't know what to say, sir.

You can't go wrong with "thank you."

Thank you, sir.

Now, before he transferred, Greer made this read book for you.

Now, we're gonna be bringing in some new blood.

A few new analysts.

Change the reps at Treasury and Justice.

You impressed a lot of people with your work on the task force.

This is going to be good for you, Jack.

You want to stay at headquarters, you want to stay visible.

You could be on the seventh floor before you're . (CHUCKLES)

Congratulations, and good luck.

Thank you, sir.