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01x07 - The Boy

Posted: 02/24/19 07:38
by bunniefuu
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Welcome back.


GREER: Ryan.

- Get any sleep?
- Yeah, a few hours.

- You get the wife set up?
- Yeah.

NROC got her and the girls set up in a safe house in Annandale.

Excellent. Location checked out.

We got sat images and we're establishing persistent surveillance with RPAs.

We're still waiting for visual confirmation that Suleiman is on site, but POTUS is ready to approve a HALO insert for ISR advance.

JSOC is working up an as*ault plan.

Good work, gentlemen.

BURKE (QUIETLY): k*ll team in position.

Going internal.

Go, go, go.

Move right.

Hold left, clear right.

- (SILENCED g*nsh*t)
- One male combatant down.

Moving to target bedroom.
Moving to target bedroom.

Open, open.

Get up now, m*therf*cker!

Move! Now!


Not bad.

Bring it in, guys.

If he goes down, who's next in the room?


Who's got Casevac?

Who's responsible for SSE?

All right, y'all. Any other questions?

Uh, yeah. Who gets to keep the blonde?


Okeydoke, gents. Let's take five.


♪ ♪

MATICE: What side of the bed does he sleep on?


What about g*ns?

Does he sleep with a w*apon near the bed?

He keeps a r*fle by the bed, a p*stol under the mattress.

He also keeps a knife in the bedside drawer.

(SCOFFS) Is that all?

All right, well, I'm gonna take a leak before we do this again.

You better be right about her, Doc.

This is us going through that door, not you.




Yes, Dad?

Come here, son.

What is it?

I have some news for you.

Your sisters are coming home.

But your mother is not.

What do you mean?

Your mother decided to leave us.

She went to live with the enemy.

Allah punished her for this.

The enemy... k*lled your mother.

May God have mercy on her.


We're going to take revenge.

They're going to pay a high price.

A very high price.

♪ ♪

Based on drone reconnaissance, we believe there are occupants, military-aged males, six women, one child.

Jesus, he's got a f*cking platoon in there.

Let's cut to the quick here, Sue.

Is Elvis in the building or not?

SINGER: Well, our analysts assess with moderate confidence that Suleiman is on site.

The president is not authorizing kinetic action on the basis of moderate confidence.

Moderate to high.

- It's not happening.
- TRENT: Bobby.

That man and his followers k*lled people in that church.

French people on French soil.

There were Americans in that church, too.

- Exactly.
- I get it, Jim.

Why don't we give the location of the compound to the French and let them extract their pound of flesh?

We're not even sure he's at the compound.

We know enough.

The second MEU is on alert in the Red Sea.

All we have to do is redirect them to the Persian Gulf, get a squadron of F- s within striking distance of that compound before breakfast tomorrow.

Ground as*ault.


Sir, we've had a JSOC team training for this for hours.

Blue trained for a month before the Abbottabad raid.

Ryan, why would the president risk American lives when he doesn't have to?


An air strike may very well k*ll Suleiman, but you will not neutralize the threat to the United States and to its allies.

This is an international organization.

They have cells in France,

Yemen, Syria, and those are just the ones we know about.

Sir, you drop a b*mb, and we lose all vital intelligence on his larger operations, not to mention the plans that he's already put into action.

I believe Dr. Ryan has made his position very clear.

A ground as*ault is off the table.

You want an air strike, Marcus?

Get me confirmation that Suleiman is at the compound.

Will do.

GREER: What was that?

We present intelligence.

We give them options, if they ask for it.

What we don't do is f*cking advocate a course of action.

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- Dr. Mueller?
- Yes.

My name is Sergeant Grant.
This is Specialist O'Shea.

We're from the Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease.

We'd like to ask you some questions regarding a cable you sent about an Ebola containment breach.


We have a car waiting downstairs.

- Right now?
- Yes, ma'am.

My Sheikh.

You wanted to see me?

Dr. Nadler, I have something for you.

What is that?

Antibiotics, acetaminophen, iodine tablets, multivitamins. Go ahead.

That's everything you asked for, yes?



Yes. Thank-thank you.

Uh, how is, uh, your son?

Have you thought about letting me examine him?

My son is fine.

Are you sure?

Quite sure.


Okay. Everybody, take one of each, and then, uh, then pass them around.


NADLER: No, no, no, no. Easy.

BENJAMIN: What are you doing?

Well, he's had a fever for three days.

His arm's broken in two places.

He's got cracked ribs and God knows what other internal injuries.

So, to answer your question, Ben, I'm...

I'm giving him an aspirin.

He's the reason we're here in the first place.

As long as we have breath in our lungs, we're doctors first.

Don't forget that.


TAREK: Where were you guys?

We had a meeting on the seventh floor.

Why? What's up?

What's up? I'll tell you what's up.

This photo was taken at a private airfield in Azerbaijan six months ago.

JACK: Azerbaijan?

- What are they doing there?
- I have no idea, but guess where they were coming from.

I don't know, the North Pole?


I ran a manual check on every flight arriving in Azerbaijan that day.

One private plane chartered out of Roberts Airport in Liberia listed two French nationals bringing home the remains of a relative to be buried.

They took a body from Liberia to Azerbaijan?

Holy shit.

USAMRIID asked CTC Africa to send a rep to an emergency brief, discussing an Ebola-infected corpse that went missing from Liberia.

Well, when's that brief?

- minutes.
- Shit.


He's clear.

PHELPS: You were successful in treating and containing the EVD- outbreak in Western Africa last year.

Is that accurate?

Me and my team, yes.

Uh, in the Konteke province.

Given that this particular strain of Ebola is vaccine-resistant, what does the CDC have in the way of treatment options?

Well, like influenza, Ebola is a virus that mutates rapidly.

Right now, we do not have an effective treatment for EVD- .

James Greer, Jack Ryan, CIA.


GREER: Colonel.

PHELPS: Go ahead, Jim.

I'd like to present some recent findings to the doctor.

These should help clarify the situation for her.

Dr... .?

- Mueller.
- Dr. Mueller.

You spent time on the ground in Liberia, is that right?


This was taken at Roberts Airport, six months ago.

Do you recognize either of these two men?

CATHY: This is the man from the video from the attack in Paris.


The other man is his brother.

Was his brother.

He's recently deceased.

I'm sorry, but how am I involved in any of this?

Dr. Mueller, we believe that the body you reported missing was stolen by these two men and flown by private plane to Azerbaijan.

- Azerbaijan?
- GREER: The Caucasus region is notorious for its Soviet scientist defectors.

They set themselves up at universities with research grants, and they use the labs for black biology, creating bioweapons to be sold on the black market.

Doctor, what we're asking is, is it possible that these two men found a way to weaponize Ebola?

Uh... well, EVD- , like all Ebola strains, is transmitted directly through bodily fluids.

Th-The most challenging issue would be the delivery system.

- The delivery
system? -Y-Yes.

The means of carrying the widespread infection.

Oxygen kills the virus, so transmitting it through the air would be difficult.

But is it possible?

Yes, it's possible.


- Cathy.
- Hmm.

Cathy, please just wait.

Just give me five minutes.

I didn't want to lie.

I had to.

I'm not allowed to say that I was in Yemen, hunting an international t*rror1st.

Well, you could have said anything.

You could've said you work for the government, but you can't actually tell me what you really do.

Something simple, easy, honest.


Was any of it real?

What does that even mean?

About your father, about... about how he died?

Of course it was. I would never lie to you about that.

Just everything else.

The truth?

It's a covert identity, and it's what I was trained to say.

And how am I supposed to know what's real and what's bullshit with you?

Good luck, Jack.

♪ ♪


MAN: Next.

Photo I.D. cards out and ready, please.

- Paperwork, please.
- How you doing?

Thank you.

MAN: Let him through, let him through.

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There it is.

Slowly, slowly.





No, no, no... Look!!

Let's leave it!

The seven remaining are enough.



DOUG: Oh, hey, Marabel.

Hey. Hold this for a sec.

- Hey, what'd you get?
- Not for you.


MAN: Hey, boss.

All quiet.

- Anything I should know about?
- No, we're all good here.


Wrap it...

Slowly, sweetie.

I'm back! Brought some gifts and stuff for the girls.

Figured they were going a little stir crazy.

Hope that's okay, and seven spices.

Thank you.


Is this the one you wanted?



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GREER: "Yeah?" That's how you answer the phone?

At : a.m., it is.

Director's brief. Starts in minutes.

Greer, what happened?

That's what the brief is for.

- Oh, and, Ryan?
- Yeah?

Wear a tie.


Nice tie, Winklevoss.

Wow, so this is what you think is funny?


He's ready.

WOMAN: Going live in three, two, one.


Good morning, Mr. President.

- ALL: Mr. President.
- Morning, sir.

PICKETT: No, please.

Sit down, everyone.

And, uh, thank you, everyone, for coming in.

At least I know the traffic wasn't bad.


Mr. President, we sent you the sat images of the compound.

And if you direct your attention to the monitor on your side, we'll continue.


I'd say that's definitive.

Mr. President, we have confirmed it is Suleiman.

We have, uh, been monitoring everyone coming in and out.

There have been no changes in patterns, routines or numbers for hours.

Uh, there is, however, Mr. President, a significant new development.

Who are they?

SINGER: We have identified a dozen hostages being held at the compound.

We have high confidence that they have physicians from Doctors Without Borders, who went missing near Aleppo, uh, weeks ago.

Four of them are American.

Including Dr. Daniel Nadler.

(QUIETLY): Nadler and POTUS served in Nam together.

Are you sure that's Daniel?

JOYCE: Yes, Mr. President.

What would you like us to do, Mr. President?

I'm told there's a ground element ready to deploy?

Yes, sir.

Let's bring them home.

JOYCE: Yes, sir.

All right.

- Uh, Mr. President.
- Oh, sweet Jesus.

Uh, there is an -year-old boy also at the compound.

Suleiman's son.

Sir, we never would've found this compound if it wasn't for the wife's cooperation.

She just wants her son back.

Well, okay.

Let's tell the rescue team there are hostages to bring home.

Yes, Mr. President.

- JOYCE: Yes, sir.
- Thank you, sir.

Thank you, everyone.
Very good work today.

- Thank you, sir.
- Thank you, sir.

My brothers in God...

As you know, you came to me from all over to be an example of a new order.

Those of you who follow God's will... will have for generations to come the pride and recognition that it all started with you.

May peace be with you in the name of God most merciful.

Praise God!

God is great!

- Praise God!
- God is great!


♪ ♪

Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.



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MAN: So, I just want to make sure you understand that we're all on the same...

- Jim.
- Hey.

- Ryan.
- Sir.

MATICE (OVER RADIO): Covenant? Covenant.

Covenant, this is Kilo Actual.

All right. Here we go, everybody. Feed's up.

FARNSWORTH (OVER RADIO): Kilo Actual, this is Covenant.

State your position.

MATICE: Confirmed touchdown.

Eight klicks outside of objective.

MATICE (OVER COMM): Watch your high angles.

We're at the main entry.

Fire in the hole.

Three, two, one.

Got a cooking fire, still hot.

Covenant, this is Kilo Actual.

Kilo team is under the wire.

Exterior courtyard empty.

Going internal.

Clear. Clear.

On mine.

Covenant, this is Kilo Actual.

Interior courtyard empty.

Something's wrong.

Heads up. This could be an ambush.


- Clear.
- Moving to target bedroom.

Open, open, open! Push it left!

Covenant, this is Kilo Actual.

We got a dry hole here. Over.


All clear.

Commence SSE.

How can that be?

MATICE: There are no HVTs present at the target.

There's no one f*cking here.

He knew we were coming.


Covenant, how's Hotel team doing on the hostages?

Breacher up.

- Up against the wall.
- We're Americans.

Hands in the air. Come on.

- Move, move, move.
- Let's go.

Push left. Clear.

Captain, over here.

Covenant, this is Kilo Actual.

There's a tunnel under the compound.

Can't really tell which way it goes, but there's lots of ways out.

I need to deploy my team on foot.

We're gonna see where it goes. Over.


Getting the hostages out is the priority now.

You, sir, come with me.

What's your name?

- Katie Becker.
- Hi, Katie.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. And him?

He's one of them.


Covenant, this is Hotel Alpha.

Hostages secured. Extracting and traveling packs.



Tell the president we have the hostages.

Where did they all go?


PILOT: Halo One landing in the evac spot.

FARNSWORTH: Prepare for extraction.

- Standing by at the rally point.
- What about the boy?

Any sign of the son?

FARNSWORTH: Kilo Actual, any sign of the boy?

MATICE: That's a negative on the boy.

He ain't here either. Over.

♪ ♪

Grab all maps, cell phones.

Anything electronic goes, guys. You know the drill.

Station two, three towers, two laptops.

Pack it up.

Keep moving, keep moving!

Come on. Quickly!

Keep moving!

- Bring it in.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ She said she don't know what she's doing ♪

♪ Like she ain't been here before ♪

♪ I don't know who she thinks she's fooling... ♪

- Club soda and lime.
- BARTENDER: You got it.

You know, there's a few other bars in D.C. where you can get a club soda and lime.

Uh, yeah.

But if I went to one of those other bars, I might meet some friendly strangers, get into some conversation, end up having a good time.

Only here, at this bar, can I sit next to a morose m*therf*cker in a J.Crew button-down and be depressed all night.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

hostages are coming home to their families.

We collected a mountain of intelligence.

We crushed his support network, and the son of a bitch is on the run.

In our world... in ops... that's a huge win.

But we didn't find him.

Who are you talking about? Suleiman or his son?

You know what?

You can keep flying this "mission first" bullshit, but you know that going after that kid was the right call.

Let me ask you something.

What makes you think this boy can still be saved?

When his mother and sisters fled, he stayed.

He chose to say. He chose his father.

You don't know that.

Maybe you're right.

And maybe one day my black, Muslim ass will be the Director of the CIA.


♪ ♪


You made it.


Did you get everything?

Yes, I did.

Give this to him...

and tell him we are grateful.


- Thank you.
- No problem.

♪ ♪

Let's go.


Yeah, let me call you back.

WOMAN (OVER TV): Dr. Daniel Nadler, Katie Becker,

Benjamin Johnson and Theresa Lowe have returned to the United States after a harrowing weeks in captivity.

The doctors were doing aid work in Aleppo when they were kidnapped by Islamic fundamentalists.



I wasn't, uh, sure you'd come.

Uh, you wanted to talk. So here I am.

- Afternoon.
- Hey.

- Uh, wine?
- Sure.

Red or white?

The red, please.

Two. Uh, Chianti. Is that all right?


- Right away.
- Thanks.

So, here we are.

So, here we are.

What did you want to talk to me about?

I owe you an explanation.

I, um...

You don't work for the State Department.

Well, truth be told, I don't usually carry around pictures of t*rrorists.

I work in a cubicle. I write reports.

And get picked up by helicopters, disappear for days without any excuse.

That is more than fair.

I mean, how is this supposed to work?

You're a spy. You're a CIA agent.


We say officer.

The movies get that wrong all the time. (CHUCKLES)


Look, Cathy.

I think you like me.

Begrudgingly, but I think you do.

And I like you.

I just feel like both of us have been on enough bad online dates or Tinder hookups or whatever to know that this doesn't come along very often.

- I was never on Tinder.
- I was never on Tinder.


I'm not crazy.

There's something here, right?

You're not crazy.

Can we just start with that?

And the rest of it, we'll just figure out as we go.

Is this you thinking?

- Yes. This is me thinking.

Take as much time as you need.



You make a compelling argument.

- Is that a yes?
- Yes.



Can we order something stronger than red wine?

- Please, God, yes. Excuse me.
- Yeah.

- Come in.
- Boss, SEG just sent these over.

What is it?

Some of the shredded material from the compound.


- Suleiman's. Just like ours.
- Really?

Huh, that's weird.

What's weird?

These were in the hostages' cell.

Aspirin, iodine, vitamin C.

He gave them vitamins.

Just because you're an international t*rror1st doesn't mean you have to stop caring.

♪ ♪

- Find Ryan.
- Yes, sir.

CATHY: Those poor people.

What they went through.

- Oh, shit. Sorry.

- Let me turn this off.
- No, it's okay.

Now that I know you're literally saving the world, you can take a phone call.

Be right back.


We found a clipping of the President and Nadler in the compound.

Suleiman knew they knew each other?

Then he knew the president would send for them.

Holy shit. It's the hostages.

He's not building a biological w*apon.

They are the w*apon.