19x14 - Chasing Demons

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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19x14 - Chasing Demons

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

What more can you tell us about your investigation into Dr.


The first patient I spoke to, a ten-year-old boy, uh, named Sammy Price, disclosed that Dr.

West had performed oral sex on him in his pediatric office over the span of two years.

Once you had this disclosure from the first patient, what was your next step?

To determine if Dr.

West had molested any other children.

Where did this investigation lead you?

My squad interviewed 15 patients in all, and two other boys disclosed that Dr.

West had performed oral sex on them as well: Hector Ramos and Tommy Roberts.

Based on your conversation with the boys, were you able to discern how Dr.

West manipulated them into submission?

He had a playroom that was stocked with, sports equipment, videogames, uh, remote control cars, you name it.

While the parents sat in the waiting room, Dr.

West escorted the boys into this playroom, and he locked the door.


[solemn music]


This must be t*rture for them.

Thank God it's almost over.

Hey, you and Cassidy?

Oh, not since the DA's office cleared me of child abuse charges.

I mean, he's left a few voicemails, but I just haven't been able to No, no, I don't blame you.

Hey, Liv.

Hi, Amanda.

- Yeah.

- Hey.

How's my new boss doing in there?

Pretty good, considering he only got the case from Barba two weeks ago.

All right, time to go put the final nail

- in this creep's coffin.

- Mm.

It's good to see you, Liv.

The Special Victims Unit gathered a substantial amount of evidence against Dr.


The case was then advanced to the DA's office, where I'm an investigator.

I re-interviewed all three boys.

Did any new information come to light?


Uh, Sammy Price revealed to us that Dr.

West had threatened to k*ll him and his entire family if Sammy told anybody what was going on down at Dr. West's playroom.

Nothing further.

You used to work undercover in Narcotics, Detective Cassidy?

Yeah, sometimes.

- Who is, uh, Carissa Gibson?

- Objection.

Goes to credibility and bias, Your Honor.

I'll allow it.

Carissa Gibson was a prost*tute, whom you had a sexual relationship with while you were undercover, hm?

- Yeah.

- Mm.

And, um, what happened to her during the course of, uh, that investigation?

Um she was m*rder*d.

Heather Riggs, another prost*tute, she accused you of r*pe.

Come on, I was cleared of all these charges.

Do you wanna ask me a question that actually has to do with this case?


Here's one.

When you went to arrest my client, did he have a swollen face and a black eye?

He resisted.

So you smashed his face into a desk and you called him a monkey?

That's a lie!

But you do admit you violently subdued him?

Yeah, he was trying to get away!

Because you are a loose cannon that cannot control his animal instincts.

Actually, the only animal in this courtroom, Counselor, is your client, Dr.


So all black men are animals to you?

Oh, come on, this is such garbage.

And you felt justified to take out your rage on him?

[tense music]

- So what if I did, huh?

- Detective After what he did to those three boys

- Detective, sit down!

- And all the other ones?

He's lucky I didn't put him in a g*dd*mn body bag.

Detective, sit down!

I move for an immediate mistrial, Your Honor.

This witness's allusions to other alleged victims

- is prejudicial!

- The jury can be instructed to disregard that portion of his testimony.

Too loud a bell to un-ring, Mr.


Motion for a mistrial is granted.

- Yes!

- What?

You should know better, Detective.

The jury is dismissed.

Thank you so much, Your Honor.

I also move that bail be set.

Your Honor, the facts of this case have not changed.

No, on the contrary, Your Honor, Detective Cassidy's outburst has tainted the people's case.

Do we expect Dr. West to rot in jail while they try and pick up the pieces?

I'll re-try this case tomorrow, 9:30.

We both know that's not going to happen.

Bail is reduced to $50,000.

- Are you kidding me?

- Praise the Lord.

Wait, he gets to walk away from me - after what he did to my son?

- Sit down!


Order in this courtroom!

[gavel banging]

- [strained]

Shame on you!

- Get him out of here.

- Shame on all of you!

- Clear the courtroom.

- Let's go.

- Amanda I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.

[dramatic music]

In one fell swoop, you jeopardize our entire case.

- He was attacking me up there.

- That's his job.

He baited you, and you handled it like a rookie.

- Yeah, well, you could've objected.

- To what?

Your less than immaculate personnel profile is fair game.

You know what consider yourself suspended until further notice.

- Are you kidding me?


- Cassidy, why don't you wait outside?

Go outside.

Yeah, whatever.

You work with him before?

I have, and normally he's money.

Well, you'd never be able to tell that from his performance today.

I can't believe I let Jack McCoy talk me into taking this job.

Why did you?

Something came up after my father died, and I didn't see it coming.

Look, we need to make sure that these families know that we are not giving up on them.

[drawers rattle, cutlery clatters]

I can't believe this happened.

Felix, please!

Hector, sweetie, you wanna show me those Transformers that you got for Christmas?


I know you're both upset.

We are too.

Well, thanks to your big mouth detective, that son of a bitch is walking free.

How can the judge just let him go?


Mistrials happen.

They're rare, but there will be a new trial.

- When?

- Hopefully in a few months.

Hector has to testify all over again?

I'm afraid so.

West's lawyer made my son look like a liar.

He cried himself to sleep for days.

He wet the bed.

I'm sorry, but this is the only way that we're gonna be able to lock up West for good.

Well, you should've gotten it right the first time.

I promise you, Ms.

Price, this kind of thing will not happen again.

It doesn't matter.

I spoke with Sammy's father a few minutes ago.

I'm gonna send Sammy to North Carolina to stay with him.

Well, that's fine.

We can fly them both back here for the new trial.

Come on, Sammy!

Take it to the hoop!

Take it to the hoop!

You got it!

Come on!

Sammy needs to get away from here for good.

They bully him in school now.

Some people around here, they think we should've never come forward.

- How 'bout we talk next week?

- My mind is made up.

I don't think you've thought this through.

Okay, Kayla.

You let us know how he's doing, okay?


Let's go.

Sammy's our best witness.

He's the oldest and most articulate about what West said and did to him.

Look, she's just looking out for her son.

[phone buzzes]

We can't strong-arm these families into cooperating.

I'll I'll double back in a few days.

Um, look, can you can you take it from here?

There's there's something I gotta deal with.

Easy, Sully.

Hey, Frankie, what's going on?

He was three sheets to the wind a couple of vodkas ago, then Sully made a crack about Cassidy screwing up in court today.

Cassidy went full cage fighter on him.

Okay, thanks for the heads-up.

- I'm going.

I'm going.

- There you go, there you go.

What's going on?

Brought your girlfriend here now to fight your battles?

Yeah, you know what, you're lucky she showed up, ass-wipe.

- Right here

- Hey!


Guys, enough!


Calm down.

- Get your hands off me!

- Just quiet, shh.

- Get your hands off me.

- Okay, come walk, okay?

What, did you come here to read me the Riot Act, Liv, huh?

Is that what you came to do?

No, I'm gonna leave that job to Stone.

What was I supposed to do in there, huh?

Was I supposed to just to sit back, huh, and then take it?

You don't think, Brian.

I screwed up.

I'm sorry.

- Next time - If there is a next time.

- What are you talking about?

- What am I talking about?

West might walk, that's what I'm talking about,

- because of your epic tantrum.

- What?

And I don't think those families can handle another trial, Brian.

Then you gotta go talk to them, right?

No, no, no.

You gotta go do your thing, right?

'Cause you're the best.


You're the Olivia Benson!

Oh, my God!

- He's done.

- You know what, Joe, s seriously, get her a drink, man.

- He's done.

He's done, Joe.

- I'm not done.

Frankie, do me a favor.

Get him home, and get him in an Uber, okay?

- I got him.

- Is that it, huh?

You're just gonna kick me while I'm down?

- Are you gonna leave, Liv - Brian-Brian, listen to me Just like you always do don't touch me.

Go home, Brian.

You wanna know something, Olivia?

I am home.




Tommy's with the sitter.

I wish I could stay home with him, but I need this job.

- How's Tommy doing?

- How do you think he's doing?

After walking into a room full of strangers and facing the man who And now you tell me he's gotta do it all over again.

We're gonna put West away for the rest of his life, I promise.

Yeah, well, you said that the first time.

[pounding on door]

[pounding continues]

[pounding continues]

I need your help.


- Hey, what's up?

- Hi.

Weren't you wearing that same suit yesterday?

My, um my dry cleaner shut down.

Oh, that's too bad.

I thought you might be getting laid.

Don't think too much, Rollins.

- [chuckles]

- Housekeeper's inside.

She found the Vic, called 911.

- DOA when we got here.

- So why'd you notify SVU?

Say hello again to your friend, Dr.


No forced entry, multiple s*ab wounds.

Yeah, it looks like he was stabbed about ten times.

One thrust to the neck pierced his external carotid artery.

He bled out in less than a minute.

Too bad the son of a bitch didn't suffer.

- Uh, any m*rder w*apon?

- I got my guys on it.

From this neck wound, I'm guessing a thin knife, single-edged blade.

- Anything else?

- I'll swab for contaminate DNA in the event the perp cut him or herself.

That'll take time, though, so - All right, thanks, Fitz.

- Yeah.

All right, so, I got the housekeeper.

You wanna start knocking on neighbors' doors?

Or you could let Homicide handle it.

Detective Devin Holiday.

Detective Carisi.

This is Detective Rollins.

- I know who you are.

- Then you know West was our case.

Yeah, it's all over the news how that r*cist from the DA squad

- selfdestructed in court.

- Yeah.

Uh, I I know Cassidy.

He's no r*cist.

He just gets off on roughing up black suspects?


Tends to bring out the worst in people.

Let's focus on this m*rder.

Now, we investigated West for the past two years.

If we combine our resources What?

No, I I've got it from here, and I'd appreciate you getting out of my crime scene before you people screw that up too.

[tense music]

It's a little early in the morning for stick up your ass.

[phone buzzes]

Oh, that's Liv.

I'm gonna call, fill her in.

I'll meet you back at the squad room.

Thank you so much for taking him.

- Hi, Mom.

- E everything's okay?


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh, and he likes blueberry pancakes.

And school starts at 8:00, right?

- Mm-hmm.

- Yes.

So, how's the, uh, West thing going?

Homicide kicked us off the case.


Okay, so, Noah, Auntie Amanda is gonna take you to school, and Lucy is gonna pick you up, okay?

- Mm-hmm.

- So have a great day.


I love you.

I love you too, Mom.

- Here's your hat.

- Thanks.


- All right.

- You-are you coming in today?

Uh, yeah, yeah, I'll be in later.

- Okay.

- Okay, bye.

Thank you.

- Bye, Mom.

- [sighs]

Can't believe you actually held onto these sweats.

I wear them to clean my toilet.

[mutters, sighs]

- [exhales sharply]

- Thank you.

Look, Liv, you know if I had anywhere else to go

- I have a kid, Brian.

- I know.

It wasn't enough that you investigated me for child abuse.

I almost lost my son because of you, and now?

Look, you have every right to be pissed off, all right?

I understand that.

But, hey, there was a time when you actually cared about me, Liv.

Oh, don't.

Please don't.

All right, you know what, screw that.

If anyone can prove that I didn't k*ll West, it's you.

Just because I agree to hear you out does not mean that I won't turn you in.

This morning, my dog, Frannie, woke me up by licking me all over my face.

That's gross, right?

Frannie sleeps in your bed?


She's not supposed to, but she does it anyway.

- That's funny.

- Hm.

Did anything funny happen to you this morning, Noah?

I had to use white toothpaste, 'cause my mom's sink was broken.


What are you drawing there?


They were in the kitchen this morning.


are they your mom's?

No, they're too big.

Look, after you left the bar, Joe stopped serving me, so I went and I finished drinking at Kang's.

Brian, I told you to go home.


We're way past that, Liv.

Way past that.

[phone buzzes]

I just I couldn't get that smug look on West's face out of my mind after the judge released him.

And now West is dead, and you have blood on your clothes.

Yeah, but I didn't k*ll him.

And you said you'd hear me out.

Go ahead.

When I went to West's house, I went there to tell him that I was watching him, and that if he tried to intimidate those three kids like he intimidated the other victims Then what?

You'd what, Brian?

That was an incredibly stupid thing to do.

I get it, Liv!

[solemn music]

I'm sorry.

Look, I went to West's house, and I got there, and the front door was open, right, and it was dark, but I went inside anyway.

And I called out his name.


And then, boom, somebody hits me from behind, and the next thing I know, I I wake up on the floor, and I'm laying there next to West's body, covered in his blood.

That's a hell of a story, Brian.

Look, if you wanna take me in, fine, but I gotta know deep in my heart that you know in your heart that I could never do something like that.


Uh, you need to get out in front of this, Brian.


Oh, come on.

You know what happens if I come in.

You know that that if I say that I went to West's house, after what I said in court, case closed.

Okay So let's go back to the beginning.

What is the first thing you remember when you went inside that house, Brian?

Did you hear anything?

Did you see any piece of their clothing?

Did you smell anything?

Did you smell his blood?

You're not gonna trigger anything here.

I was blitzed.

You want my help, you're gonna do it my way.

Otherwise, there's the door.

All right there's one thing.

When I was taking off my jeans, I found this in the tread of one of my boots.

Careful, it's got blood on it.

- What is this?

- I don't know.

[mysterious music]

What do we do?

Hey, who's handling the West case at Homicide?

Uh, Detective Devin Holiday.

She made it clear that she did not want our help.

Yeah, and if I'm not mistaken, she flashed a quick peek at the race card.


You know, her father's the Deputy Commissioner of Corrections.

- Explains the gold shield.

- Yeah, and the attitude.

Did you at least get crime scene photos - before she chased you away?

- Yeah, this is everything.

- They're pretty brutal, huh?

- Yeah.

- You talk to Stone?

- Not yet.

Listen, do you remember anything unusual from the crime scene?

Maybe bloody fingerprints?

Not that I noticed, no.

- You get your sink fixed?

- Huh?

Oh, not yet.


- Liv, what's going on?

- What do you mean?

The pair of men's boots at your apartment this morning.

Excuse me?

You're really gonna make me work this hard for it?

They're Cassidy's.

[solemn music]

- Are you kidding me?

- It's not what you think.


Cassidy was at West's brownstone last night.

He went there to admonish him.

- "Admonish him"?

- Never got the chance.

Walked in, he was hit over the head from behind, and when he woke up, he found West's body.

You believe that?

He's in pretty bad shape, Amanda.

Is he still there?

- He needs to come in, Liv.

- Yes And he will.

Just not yet.

Because you and Cassidy used to be together?

If I thought that he had anything to do with this, that wouldn't matter, and you know that.

Come on, Liv.

He exploded in the courtroom.

I mean, what's he what's he capable of one-on-one after a few tequila sh*ts?

I mean, he could just be playing you.

Amanda, can you just give me a little bit of credit?

I know Cassidy, and I know his fuse is so short, and he is notorious for making really bad decisions.

What would you do, Amanda?

[stammers, sighs]

So, what what's your plan?

For now For now, we work the case.

And if Stone finds out that Cassidy's hiding out in your apartment, it's not just your ass on the line now.

It's mine too.

[door opens, closes]

So, I'd like to do some follow-up on the West m*rder.

Detective Holiday reach out to you?


Then why are we pursuing this, Liv?

You know what, let let me deal with Holiday.

- This coming from Stone?

- Nope, this is coming from me.

Then what am I missing?

Look, the families of these kids have been through a two-year ordeal.

If we can rule them out, with minimal intrusion, I think it would help them start their healing.

Well, I'm surprised Cassidy hasn't reached out to you

- to see if we got a suspect yet.

- Me too.

Yeah, let's just focus on the case, and I will check in with Cassidy.

I'm glad that bastard's dead.

We were fooling ourselves to think we'd get justice any other way.

I just tightened the leads on the light socket, changed the bulb.

You're good to go.

- Thanks, G.

- Who was that?

That's Glanville.

He lives down the hall.

Well, listen, we have to ask you: Where were you and Reggie Tuesday night around 11:00?

- Everything cool, Ma?

- Yes, Reggie.

We all watched "X-Men. " Sammy fell asleep on the couch around 10:00, Reggie carried him to their bedroom, and we all went to sleep.

Hey, Ma?

So, uh, Darren and PJ are going ice skating.

Hold on.


You ready, bro?

[solemn music]

- Thanks, Ma!

- Mm-hmm.

- Thank you, Mom.

- Have fun, baby.

- Let's go, Reg.

- Get out of here.

Ms. Price, I couldn't help but notice that envelope.

Oh, yeah, somebody slipped that under the door around dinner time Tuesday night.

There was $5,000 in there, and a note.

A note?

Do you do you mind if I take a look at that note?

"More if you don't go back to court.

" Why didn't you tell us about this?

I was trying to figure out what to do.

That's rent, groceries, Sammy's therapy.

And now that that son of a bitch West is dead, I'm going to keep it.

[tools clanking]

- You think I k*lled him?

- When you lost it in court, you kinda made yourself suspect number one.

- So what?

I got a temper.

- Yeah?

If Hector was your kid, what, you would've just sat there like a statue when they let that pervert walk?

- How'd you hurt your hand?

- Look around.

- Sharp objects everywhere.

- Okay.

So, where were you on Tuesday night around 11:00 p. m. ?

I went for a walk to let off some steam.

- Where?

- Around.

All right, you're gonna have to do better than that.

You mind telling me what you're doing here, Detective Rollins?

SVU spent two years with these families building a case.

Just because it's over doesn't mean we fall off the face of the earth.

Does your lieutenant know you're here?

I'm not trying to step on your toes.

- I already told you once to back off.

- Take it easy!

You know what happens if one of these witnesses gets on the stand and the defense finds out he told two different stories to two different cops?

I know you're trying to prove something.

It would be helpful if you were a little less of a bitch about it.


Okay, thanks for the advice.

By the way I gotta talk to Detective Cassidy.

- Any idea where he is?

- I haven't seen him.


Kayla says she spent all night home with her kids.

And she took West's hush money.

He was gonna give her more.

It doesn't make sense that she'd k*ll him.

Felix Ramos says he was out for a walk the night of the m*rder.

I mean, he's got two as*ault collars on his sheet, so

- Let's bring him in.

- Yeah.

Detective Holiday tells me you're working West's m*rder?

Uh, may I have a word with you in my office, Counselor?

I need to go out for a minute.

I'm sorry.

Please don't blame my people.

I should have told you.

You can't be running a parallel investigation.

I agree with you, and with all due respect to Detective Holiday, I believe that I am better equipped to run this case.

Homicide caught the case.

If she needs your help, she will ask for it.

I have a son, uh, Noah.

He's adopted, and not too long ago, he was kidnapped by his biological grandmother.

She didn't hurt him, but I can't sleep at night.

I stare at him at night while he's sleeping, wondering if he's gonna be okay.

The damage that West did to these boys Doesn't justify m*rder.

My point is is that this case, no matter how it plays out, has to be dealt with sensitively.

And since we're the ones who botched your trial Cassidy, not you.

He took a few days off.

Have you talked to him?

Yes And he's very upset.

We all are.

Look, your trial prep, would you mind if we went through it?


Because West had other patients, other victims whose families must have been affected by the mistrial.

Whatever you uncover, Holiday is your first call.

- Absolutely.

- I'll send the file over.

And no more surprises, Lieutenant.


What are you doing here?

I never took you for a coward.

- I didn't k*ll West.

- But you got drunk?

You went over there looking for a fight?

Yeah, why else would you be hiding out here?

- I didn't have a choice!

- No?

Oh, so now you're just gonna sit back and watch Liv destroy her own career?

What are you talking about?

Stone is at the squad room right now, ripping her a new one, because he found out that we're back working West's case.

So when Stone finds out that you were at West's brownstone She'll think of something.

Oh, Cassidy, she shouldn't have to!

You you really want charges brought against her?

That's not gonna happen.


Because your ass is covered, right, Brian?

And the hell with everybody else?

I got ya.

Oh, that's really rich!

Really rich coming from you, Rollins.

You got some skeletons in your closet, right?

Who bailed you out?

That was different.


God only knows why she trusts you.

Hey, you think I k*lled West, hmm?

Go ahead.

Arrest me.

You know I would never go against Liv.

And if you ever gave a damn about her, I'd man up and turn yourself in.

[door opens, closes]

Detective Holiday.

I spoke with Olivia Benson.

- You'll be happy to know that - Oh, that's not why I'm here.

We pulled this video from a parking lot down the street from West's brownstone.

- Have a seat.

- I'm good.

It was shot the night of his m*rder.

He's tossing the m*rder w*apon.

I got guys opening up the sewer right now.

Keep watching.

[suspenseful music]

Holiday's people said they found a hat encrusted with blood in the sewer.

Well, I'm sure that Cassidy has a good reason for being there.

Besides k*lling the man he threatened in open court?

Let's not jump to conclusions.

Do you have any idea how bad this looks for me and my office?

I understand that the optics are not good, but there is a possibility Holiday told me that you two used to be a couple.

What does that have to do with anything?

She went to arrest him tonight.

He hasn't been home in two days.

Do you know where he is?

He's right here.

[dark string music]

You don't need to test those.

Those are my clothes.

West's blood.

I'll take him to Interrogation One No.

Fin Interrogation One.

Call Detective Holiday.

So, where have you been for the last couple of days?

Just trying to figure things out.

You're not answering my question.

Look, let's stop playing games here, okay?

Do you wanna know what went down at West's house, or do you wanna keep on dicking around with trivialities?

You didn't have to call Holiday.

I could've handled this myself.

You think for a minute I'm going to let you - interrogate your ex-boyfriend?

- Okay, Peter, listen to me Cassidy has been staying at my apartment.

I know how this looks Right now, it looks like you were obstructing justice.

I was trying to get justice.

By running a rogue investigation?

So what are you gonna do?

Prosecute everyone here?

If they keep k*lling people.

I went to West's place, to check up on him and make sure he would behave until his court case came up again.

You really expect me to believe that after you told an entire courtroom you'd be happy to see him in a body bag?

Are you kidding me?

Do you really think that I would k*ll this guy after I threatened him in open court, in front of, what, a dozen reporters?

Come on.

Maybe you went there to talk and things got out of hand.

Oh, really?

And then what happened, Detective?

And then, instead of using my g*n, what, I decided to butcher the guy?


You know we can trace your service w*apon.

The plain facts are that after explicitly threatening the victim, you were at the m*rder scene.

You tried to get rid of your bloody hat.

Yeah, well, I don't remember that.

Maybe you don't remember that you k*lled him.

You see, now you're twisting things to fit your theory.

Why should I believe you?

Well, for starters, Detective, - we're both on the job here.

- Exactly, dude.

And then, when you screwed the job up, you did the next best thing.

I don't roll like that.


Your reputation around here says otherwise.

You smacked West around once.

What's to stop you from murdering him if you thought you could get away with it?

Especially with your ex-girlfriend around - to screw up the investigation.

- Hey, listen to me!

She had nothing to do with that!

You got that?


You wanna know what I see?

I see another overzealous cop trying to get over after he kills an unarmed black man.

You know what, I think I'd like my PBA rep now.

- Oh.

- And a lawyer while you're at it.

What a surprise.

You're gonna hide behind a couple of white suits now.

Let's get one thing really straight here, Detective You're the one that made this a race thing.


He asked for his lawyer.

Defending your ex, that's touching.

I wouldn't need to if I thought he was getting a fair shake in here.

You have something that points to another suspect?

[tense music]

I didn't think so.

So, you do what you need to do, Detective, but the next time you have a problem with me, at least have the balls to talk to me face-to-face, huh?

Cop to cop.

I'm just doing my job.

Trying to fight my way up like you did, Lieutenant.

Place Detective Cassidy under arrest for m*rder.


Stone, don't come down so hard on Liv.

You a part of this too, Detective?

If she had asked me to, I would've been.

That's refreshing.

You stick around long enough, you'll see.


That you're all criminals?

Yo, Stone Stone, listen When I first got to SVU, I was a hot head, okay?

More times than I'd like to admit, I wanted to put a b*llet in one of those sickos' heads.

Liv saw I was spiraling, and she sent my home, so I could get my head together.

If she thought Cassidy was guilty, she would've brought him in.

So I'm just supposed to ignore the fact that she lied to me?

I've been around the block a couple of times.

Trust me on this.

Perp walk into Central Booking.

Wanna join me?

Hell no.

It doesn't look good, Liv.

- I know, Fin.

- For you.

I mean, you knew he was there and you covered up for him?

I was giving him the benefit of the doubt.

You still think he didn't do it?

At this point?

I don't know what to think anymore.


Tests for contaminants came back.

Pretty much all the DNA was West's, obviously, but there were trace amounts from another source.

- Brian Cassidy?

- Nope.

Somebody else in the system?

Not unless you have a database for SeaWorld.

- What?

- It's from a fish.

Okay, that's that's not helpful.

Maybe the m*rder w*apon was, uh,

- one of West's kitchen knives.

- Mm.

That could explain fish DNA.

At least it wasn't bad news.

Hold on.

I remember something from Stone's prep files.

Sammy Price went to see Dr.

West once, because he got his armed sliced open on fishhooks.

He got four stitches.

Not following.

Well, where there are fishing hooks, there could be a fishing knife.

Yeah, but Kayla doesn't strike me as a fisherman.

Does Kayla have a man in her life?

When we were at her apartment, there were two wine glasses in the sink.

Is this about the money?

Because I already gave some of it to my landlord.

No, no, it's it's not that.

Now, the last time I was at your house, I noticed that you were washing two wine glasses.

My friend, Glanville, stopped by the night before.

The guy who fixed your light?

Yeah, I see him from time to time.

Glanville ever take Sammy fishing?

They go to the East River all the time for stripers.


[solemn music]

- You have a bait knife?

- Of course, man.

Well, it must've hopped out of there somehow.

Glanville wouldn't do something like this, never.

Even for Sammy?

Kayla, I know what it is to wanna protect somebody that you care about.

You're wrong.

Was Glanville angry about the mistrial?

I don't know.

I'm sure he was, but He didn't even know about it until the next day.

That's when he came over with the bottle of wine, right, Mom?

Reggie, can I see that fidget spinner?


[soft music]


[solemn music]

I hear you're a Mets fan.

Oh, you're here to talk about baseball?

Yeah, why not?

We've got some time to k*ll.

You know I used to play for the Cubs?

Just for a cup of coffee.

I blew out my UCL.

I had to quit.

That was a bad time for me.

My whole identity was wrapped up in being a ballplayer, and when I felt that ligament rip, it was like someone robbed me of who I was everything I could be, kinda like what Dr.

West did to Sammy.

I didn't have anyone to blame nowhere to put my anger, and it tore me up inside.

- You blamed yourself?

- Yeah.

Plus, I let my family down.

What happened to Sammy That's on me.

- You couldn't have known.

- Yeah.

Yeah yeah, I did.

And I didn't do anything to protect him.

Sammy told you what West was doing?


I went to Dr.

West, too.

I was11.

My dad had just left us.

And my mom my mom cried all the time.

And I couldn't tell her what was going on Or anybody else.

I didn't want them to think that I liked it or My friends find out, and and think that I was gay.

How long?

A year or so.

[gasps softly]

If my mom and Sammy found out that I knew, they'd hate me forever.


He tried to buy us off.


And my mom was gonna send Sammy away.

I I had to do something.

I I I couldn't let him get away with it Not again.

How did I miss this?

What kind of mother lets this happen to her babies?

[whimpers, sniffles]

I'm so sorry, Kayla.

Hey, no, I'm good, Johnny.


What, are you here to fall on your sword?

I heard that Reggie confessed.

Yeah, he did.

I mean, can you cut this kid a deal?

Don't you think he's suffered enough?

So, you total my case, you, uh, run from a m*rder scene, and hole up with a fellow officer, and now you're telling me how to do my job?

Okay, so then fire me then, all right?

I deserve that.

I get that.

But not Reggie.

Come on, man.

After what West did to him?

This kid's gonna be chasing demons away the rest of his life.

Every relationship, every time this kid looks into a mirror, there's just there's gonna be this looming shadow there.

Olivia didn't tell me.

Olivia doesn't know.

- [exhales]

- That's why I left.

All those years ago, I just I just couldn't handle SVU.

It was my Little League coach.

Yeah, truth is, though, it only went on for a couple of months.

And then, my father found out.

He beat the crap out of the guy.

Look How about Reggie?

[music softens]

I'll see what I can do.

[solemn music]

Fair enough.

Thank you.



- Hey, Liv.

- Brian I was just inside, begging Stone not to fire me.

- How'd that go?

- I don't know.

We'll see.

Hey, Liv, I'm real sorry about what happened, really.

You would've done the same thing for me.

- Yeah.

- Take care.


Hey, about Noah Just hear me out, please.

Look I I, uh I wasn't airing your dirty laundry to the DA.

I was actually I was airing mine.

- What does that mean?

- Uh, I I just I I was I was trying to explain to Morrison what had happened between you and I.

I I had no idea that you were under investigation.

I would never, ever, ever do anything to intentionally hurt Noah or you.

I mean, come on now.

You're the love of my life.

[soft music]

Sorry, Brian, I don't I don't know where that's coming from.

We broke up a a long time ago.

I know that.

You and I, we had a lot of good times together, a lot of mutual love and respect for one another, but please, you got to ad admit to me that you were never gonna bare your soul to me.


Am I right?

[solemn music]

Yes, you are.


Go inside.

It's cold.

[door closes]
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