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01x05 - Together

Posted: 02/19/19 09:12
by bunniefuu
[KORY] Previously on Titans...

I'm alone now.

It's you. You're the boy from the circus.

[WOLF] He hasn't been seen for over a year.


[CAPTAIN] Let's just hope to hell he's passing through.

We got enough of our own regular problems here.

[DR. ADAMSON] She's more dangerous than she looks.

[RACHEL] You were gonna leave me here.

You said you weren't but you lied.

I was gonna come back for you.


Who the f*ck are these guys?



[HANK] Who were they? What the hell do they want with Rachel?

Who needs to go before we hit the highway?

What is this freak show?

Oh, gosh. Who are you?

[DR. ADAMSON] This being who took her from you,

we have only recently become aware of her.

Come on. I have a feeling you'll do better with me than with them.

Oh, dear.

How did you do that back there?

That man... You burned him?

You are an incredibly selfish boy.

- [GAR] I can unzip my DNA and rearrange it.


Don't worry. I don't bite.

[KORY] No one survives without help.

You can have more than us.

Hey. I gotta talk to you.

- Yeah, take a number.
- About Rachel.

- What are you doing here?
- Now is not the time.

The cops are looking for you. They think you k*lled your mom.

And they're looking for you, too.

as*ault on multiple officers. Arson.


[DISTORTED] I need to go back to the Sisters!

[KORY] I know I feel danger.

And I can't let her out of my sight.

[MAN] When this girl touched our new patient,

she knew what she was feeling.

What else is she capable of?



[DR. ADAMSON] I trust you're calling me with good news.

[WOMAN] Not yet.

We're experiencing some difficulties with the patient,

but we understand how important this is.

I'm not sure you do.

I'll be seeing you shortly.


I still can't believe you traded in the Porsche for a minivan.

[SIGHS] At least we can all fit in.

I like the van.

We're not actually staying here, are we?

You know, there's probably a nicer place down the road.

We're being hunted by sociopaths.

Nicer places draw attention.

Yeah, well, they also make it easier to sleep.

One road in, same road out.

Only one point of access we have to watch.

And also, it's quiet.

If trouble comes our way, we should hear it first.

And who said anything about sleeping?

Here we go. Four rooms.
All close to each other.

Glad you had availability.

Yeah, I guess we're a little slow.

It's the off-season.

Huh. There's an on-season?

About five years ago.

That is when my shitty ex-husband left me this shitty motel that I do not know how to run.

- Sounds shitty.
- Mmm-hmm.

Hey, where's the closest place to eat around here?

Oh, uh, liquor store across the street has snacks.

Other than that, there's a pizza place nearby.

It's, uh, Edder's. It's actually pretty good.

Okay. Appreciate it.

Oh, the, um, ice machine out back, it gets a little testy, but there's a trick to it.

So if you wanna get it working, I'm always up late. Room .

I'll make sure to knock.



[d*ck] All right, guys, listen up.

We're all in one piece, more or less.

We need to figure out where we stand and determine what's mission critical.

"Mission critical"?

Is that a cop thing?
Sounds like a cop thing.

I had some combat training when I was younger.

And he's a cop.

I'm sorry, you were referring to "we"?

"We" as of right now are a group of people who share a common enemy.

Which makes us what?

Let's call it an alliance.

One born of mutual need.

And what is that?

To stay alive.

We have no idea how long we have until they find us.

You just said "they." Who are they?

What do they want?

We don't know who they are, but they want me.

It's because of her... abilities.

They make v*olence look like an art form.

[d*ck] The people that att*cked us fought in unison.

They were perfectly coordinated, we're not.

We can't fight like that unless we learn each other's moves.


And how do you suggest we do that?

We stick together and we train.

Okay, in order to work together, fight and defend yourselves like a coordinated team, we gotta see what each other can do. Any volunteers?

Kory, Rachel said you can create light.

Heat. Is that right?

Honestly, I'm still trying to figure it out.

Okay, so let's figure it out together.

How exactly does it work?

I think it comes from the sun.

I can absorb its power and direct it.

I'm weaker at night, though.

I'm sometimes empty.

And it takes me a while to recharge.

How long?

A few hours, a day, I don't know.

Can you control it?

Of course.


Could you hit that tractor?

- Watch.




I suppose I could use a bit of practice.



Your turn.

Okay, I just, uh... Give me a second.


[GAR] Okay.

Any time today would be good.

It's, uh... I can't...

It's a little weird with you guys watching and all.

The first time I transformed, I tore through my clothes and, uh...


Oh, and, like, this is my favorite jacket.

Hold on. You have to be naked to...

Yeah, but it'll be worth it. I promise.

Heard that before.

Just, uh, turn around.

Okay. Okay.


If this wasn't a drill, we'd all by dead right now.


Oh, shit.




What do you know, it was worth it.

- That's him?
- I know, right?

[d*ck] How?

Got sick or something.

The flu turned him into a tiger?


[d*ck] Okay, you can turn back now.

Into Gar.







- Ah. Heh.

[GAR] I, uh... I forgot.

[GAR] Whew!

So have you eaten anyone before?

[CHUCKLES] "Eaten"?

No. Dude, I haven't even bitten anyone before.

"Eaten anyone." [CHUCKLES]

Be a lot scarier if he wasn't green.

Or vegan.

Okay, so we have sun woman and tiger boy.

There's definitely potential here.

Rachel, you're next.

No. No, I could hurt someone.

Hurting people is kind of the idea here.

I could hurt one of you.

It's a part of you.

You gotta stop being afraid of it.

- [SIGHS] If something goes wrong...
- You can do this.





Okay, bring it back in.

- Rachel.



- Rachel!
- [DISTORTED] Stay back.

- [NORMAL VOICE] I'm fine.
- You sure?

Did I hurt you?

I just... I just need a little more practice, that's all.

So, uh... we all did our thing. What's your thing, man?

I can keep you alive.



I expected your call yesterday, Doctor. What was the delay?

When we accelerate the process, the subjects show a higher mortality rate.

I'm not interested in any more of your excuses.

I'm interested in a subject with complete bio-refit and cognitive reprogramming.

I'm interested in what I'm paying you for.

- Am I making myself clear?
- Yes, Doctor.

Would you like me to see if I can speed up the process by trying it on you?

No, Doctor.

[DR. ADAMSON] Okay. Let's see what's in the kitchen.


What's he seeing on the hallucinogens?

The deepest, darkest parts of himself.


How long till he's fully cooked?

- Within an hour.


I want Dad to meet his new family.




♪ I'm coming home I've done my time ♪


♪ Now I've got to know ♪
♪ What is and isn't mine ♪


Kids, he's here.

♪ Telling you I'd soon be free ♪

♪ Then you'll know ♪
♪ Just what to do ♪

You ready to give him a nice, warm welcome?

- [BIFF] Guess so.
- [SIS] Yes.

Danny has two moms. Why can't we?

Enough. Hmm.

Honey, I'm home.

- Hi, troops.
- Hi, Dad.

What do you say we do it right this time?

[GERALD] Yeah! This Porsche is a real sweetheart.

You really wanna put in all the effort?

Come on, let's go inside, we'll take about something with room for the kids.

[MOM] We're actually just interested in the Porsche, Gerald.

[DAD] We'd appreciate you telling us what you can about the man who owned it.

[MOM] Particularly which vehicle he traded it in for.

That would be very helpful.

[STAMMERS] Well, I got him into something with room for the whole family.

That's exactly what I can do for you guys.

- Now...
- You're very kind.

But we're interested in the make, model and VIN registration of the vehicle you sold him.

[DAD] And if he gave any idea at all about where they might be going, that would be most helpful, Gerald.

[CHUCKLES] Look, I don't know exactly what you people want...

[MOM] But you do.

Now we're just gonna see how long it takes for you to tell us.

Oh, honey, what's wrong? Why the long face?

- He ruined my favorite shirt.
- [MOM] Ah.

Hush now.

Mommy make it good as new.

Come on, troops, vitamin time.

Hurry now. We have places to be.

[GAR] Sure you're okay?

It was kinda scary back there.

I'm fine.

Are you?


So does it hurt?

When you transform.

Close your eyes.

I'm not gonna do anything weird. [CHUCKLES]

Well, not that weird.

Just close your eyes.

Take a deep breath.

Now imagine electricity running through your whole body.

It... it doesn't hurt. It just... feels like you get plugged into something.

Then you start to feel strong, like... like, really strong.

And when you breathe, it's like you're breathing in the whole world.

Feel it?

You feel totally free.

All that strength. You wanna run.

You wanna jump. You wanna break shit. Just...

You feel like you can do anything.

And you wanna roar.

Not because you're angry, but... because you just wanna let it all out.

So, roar.



That's what it's like.

[d*ck] Think they're okay?

They're cute together.

Good to see her look like a normal kid again, you know.

[SUCKS TEETH] What I saw back there was not normal.

Why do you think they're after her?

I think it has something to do with that prophecy that I found on my wall.

She's gonna bring about the end of the world?

Or stop it.

That's bullshit.

People make up stories about things they don't understand.

Maybe. That doesn't mean the people after her won't k*ll to get her.

Those two are gonna have to learn to fight for themselves.

She's just a kid.

They both are.

Part of me feels bad for turning them into weapons.

Once you learn to see the world that way, you can't unsee it.

Not ever.

That combat training you were talking about, was it military?

More of a civilian contractor-type thing.

And you walked away from that?

I had to.

When you hide behind a mask for so long... it starts to give you a license to do things.

It was getting out of hand.

You said you trusted the wrong person, but... what happened?

I'd rather not talk about it.

Gosh, you are so secretive.


You're not exactly an open book yourself.

I don't know who I am.

You're afraid to let people know who you are. There's a difference.

I'm just still trying to figure it out, that's all.

Well, maybe we can figure it out together.

You should get some rest. We'll leave first thing in the morning.

- [D.J.] Are you ready?
- [MICHELLE] I'm ready, DJ.


[D.J.] Did you catch the ring?

[MICHELLE] Did I catch the ring?
Did it look like I caught the ring?

- [D.J.] Do you know how to turn this off?
- [MICHELLE] Another...


[DISTORTED] All your friends are gonna die.



Could you turn it around, please?

Thank you.

Aren't you gonna ask me why?

It's enough that it bothers you.

You really think I can learn to control my powers?

I do.

You need to show us.

- Show you what?
- What you can do.

You need to show us.




You should get some rest.



[JAN] What's your poison?

[KORY] Hmm.

I don't remember.


Any suggestions?

Well, folks who wanna party usually buy beer.

Folks who wanna think, they buy whiskey.

You kinda gotta line it up with your intended activity.

- Tequila.
- Mmm-hmm!


It's me. Kory.

[d*ck] What's wrong?

We need to talk.

Um, can I get dressed first?

I've seen Gar naked. Nothing can shock me.

I was thinking about earlier.

What are you doing?

[KORY] You're hiding something.

I'm gonna find out what it is.

[CHUCKLES] So this is your plan, get me drunk and I'll spill all my secrets?

Yeah. It's brilliant, right?

One problem.

I'm not hiding anything.

Of course you are.

How did you put it earlier?

"We can't fight together unless we know each other's moves," right?

So you've already seen mine.

Now I wanna see yours.





♪ I've been cleaning ♪
♪ Up my messes ♪

♪ I've been paying off ♪
♪ My debts ♪

♪ 'Cause it's time I learn my lessons ♪

♪ What you need is what you get ♪

♪ I need your fingerprints ♪

♪ I need your fingerprints ♪

♪ I need your fingerprints ♪

♪ All over me ♪

♪ I need your fingerprints ♪

♪ All over me ♪


♪ I need your fingerprints ♪

♪ All over me, all over me ♪

♪ I need your fingerprints ♪


I can't get your boots off.

I want them on.


♪ All over me tonight ♪

Could you zip me?

Do you wanna talk about it?

The sex?

Which part would you like to talk about?

[d*ck HUFFS]

Okay, then, all good.

But if you'd like to talk about the other stuff, we can.

I'm gonna do one last check of the perimeter, then turn in for the night.





Look, Kory, I...

I got the ice machine working.

Wine's on the house.

So is the company.

- [d*ck] Oh.

That's very sweet of you.
Thank you. But, um... it's late.

I just thought maybe...

Um... [SIGHS]


Okay, well, if you change your mind...

I know where to knock.










It's Kory.

[RACHEL] Kory!


Get her out of here, Gar.





- [d*ck GRUNTS]



- [d*ck GRUNTS]




Honey, we should check on the kids.






- Where's d*ck?
- I don't know.

- Kory.

[KORY] f*ck. Stand back.

Get behind me.

It's time to burn, assholes.

[GRUNTS] f*cking night!






That's Robin.



You should put your toys away when you're finished with them.











Well... look at the mess we've made.

Who are you people? And why are you looking for Rachel?

Oh, dear, you're right. How rude of us to not introduce ourselves.

I'm Dad. This is Mom.

We're pleased to meet you, Detective Grayson.

And what a nice bird suit that you have, if I do say so myself.

That was quite unexpected.


I asked her a question.

Yes, you did. My apologies.
All the fighting... to deliver her, of course.

To who?

Why, our employer, dear.

Why are you and your weird family trying to k*ll me?

You should come with us.


It'd be better for everyone.

If not, we're all going to be in trouble.

You don't wanna be in trouble.

No, you do not.

Who's your employer?

I can't answer that.

Loose lips sink ships.

That's true.

Nobody likes a tattletale.

Okay, it's my turn.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait!

Come here.

The way they're reacting, I've seen this behavior before back in Gotham.

They're brainwashed. Beating the shit out of them isn't gonna make a difference.

Okay, so now what?

Help yourselves. Give us the girl.

And we'll be on our way, lickety-split.

[d*ck SIGHS]

[d*ck] I'm gonna check their car, see what I find.


So you're Robin, huh?

That's your big secret?

I was gonna tell you.

Look, when I was in Detroit, I was planning on leaving Robin behind.

No luck, huh?


When I put on that mask...

When I put it on, I become someone... someone I can't control.

Someone that likes hurting people.

I know the feeling.


I know you do.

So, uh, Batman... [CHUCKLES]

you know him?

[RACHEL] Of course he knows Batman.

Are we gonna see him? Uh...

I'd really like to meet Batman.

No, you're not.

[KORY] Any luck?

I'm gonna find out who's running this freak show.

Yeah, I'll come with you.

They'll k*ll any cops who try to handle them.

Oh, I know what to do with them, all right.

Kory, no k*lling.

Please. There's been enough.

I thought we weren't splitting up.

I'm coming back.

I promise.

- Keep them safe.
- Of course.



Thank you.

You're very welcome, dear.

I think we got in trouble.


Nap time, kids.



Oh, shit.

d*ck's gonna think I did it.




Detective Grayson.

Are you Mr. Adamson?

Dr. Adamson. Are you hungry? I've got something on the stove.

You're not a vegetarian, are you?

I do prefer an animal-based protein.

Who are you people, and what do you want with Rachel?

As much as I'd love to have a lengthy conversation with you about Rachel Roth, Detective,

I'm afraid there's no time.

You found me.

I've been exposed.

So the organization is sending people to k*ll us.

We have one minute.

Unless we leave right now.

Or we could stay for one last glass of champagne.

No one knows I'm here.

I do.

So does the old woman downstairs.

They're everywhere.

Does this organization work for Rachel's father?

Is he still looking for her?

You could say that, yes.


Oh, dear, my crepes are burning.

If you don't give me some answers, I'm gonna stick your face in it.

I'm sorry, Detective, but we have ten seconds before the final answers come for both of us.

What do you want with Rachel?

I do love a good champagne.

I want some answers.

Five, four, three...

Okay, you're coming with me.

- One.
- [g*ns COCKING]



[d*ck GROANS]


Wow. d*ck Grayson in the flesh.

Nice to meet you, bro.

I'm the new Robin.