16x05 - Three Directors

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Family Guy". Aired January 1999 - current.*
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"Family Guy" revolves around the adventures of the dysfunctional Griffin family striving to cope with everyday life in the fictional city of Quahog, Rhode Island, as they are thrown from one crazy scenario to another.
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16x05 - Three Directors

Post by bunniefuu »

It seems today that all you see Is v*olence in movies and sex on TV But where are those good old-fashioned values On which we used to rely?

Lucky there's a family guy Lucky there's a man who positively can do All the things that make us Laugh and cry He's a Fam ily Guy!

Hi there.

It's me, Peter.

You know, when it comes to making dreams come alive, there used to be nothing like the movies.

So we thought it would be fun to ask a few visionary Hollywood directors to create his Let's be honest, his Own unique version of the same Family Guy story, "Peter Gets Fired. " Of the countless directors we contacted, three did not say no immediately, and I got a weird message from Paul Verhoeven - that I could not understand.


VERHOEVEN: Ah, Pieoter, habinsky Vermhoeven.

Kibbensme comfurdle.


I've listened to that over a hundred times now.

I-I got nothin'.

Anyway, here's our first director, Quentin Tarantino.


Hey, well, I'm the friendly stranger In the black sedan, won't you hop inside my car?

I got pictures, got candy, I'm a lovable man And I can take you to the nearest star I'm your vehicle, baby I'll take you anywhere you wanna go I'm your vehicle, woman By now I'm sure you know

- That I love ya

- Love ya

- I need ya

- Need ya I want you, got to have you, child Great God in heaven, you know I love you

- What's in your lunch?

- Pizza.

From home or from a place?

A place.

Well, if you wants to be a movie star I'll get a ticket to Hollywood.

Griffin, you're three hours late.

Stop trying to be a clock, you ain't got the face for it.

I've had enough of your nonsense.

Here's Christoph Waltz to fire you in a weird accent.

Yer fi-yerd!


It's a cliché.

You think you can fire me?

I'm taking this keg as payback.


Cinema is an event.



- Where's my family?

- ANGELA: Dead.

All of them.

(g*nsh*t AUDIO SLOWED)




Oh, my God, where am I?

- What happened?

- Ugh!

Coma breath.


How long was I out?

- What year is this?

- It's whatever year Quentin Tarantino used to watch television.

Well, can I go home?

Well, you're not really ready, but if it's for revenge, you can s*ab me with this scalpel

- and then run out.

- Thanks.

Oh, that was unnecessary but cool.

So awesome!

Ah, so close.

No, this is better.



Somebody order a wet-haired black guy to help with your revenge and sometimes

(LOUDLY): speak louder than necessary?

PETER: Angela?

We got business.


Sorry, that's my car alarm.

Cleveland, turn that off!

CLEVELAND: I'm pressing the button.

Y-You got to put the keys in the ignition.

I've been doing that, but


- Oh, there we go.

Tricia Takanawa 88s!

Peter, I'm standing here because I am the only Asian recurring character on the series.






- Get on up

- Get on up

- Get up

- Get on up

- Get up

- Get on up

- Get on up

- Get on up

- Stay on the scene

- Get on up Like a lovin' machine Get on up

- Get up

- Get on up

- Taste

- Get on up

- Of piano

- Get on up.

Peter, you can tell I'm different because my w*apon is different.

Oh, well, then, maybe I won't be able to chop your head off.

Oh, yep.



Opera music makes v*olence classy.


Of course.


What's new, pussycat?

Whoa, whoa, whoa What's new, pussycat?


Welcome back to our special episode, featuring famous directors' versions of the same Family Guy story, "Peter Gets Fired." I'm still here in front of the Hollywood Sign, but I've asked the cameraman to adjust the shot so that you can only see "wood. " I thought that would be hilarious.

You know why?

'Cause of boners.

Anyway, our next director is Wes Anderson, a guy who makes you feel like you ate a pot brownie and woke up in a greeting card.



STEWIE: On a March day, with a temperature of 64 degrees, my father lost his position with the Pawtucket Brothers Brewery Company, near our village in central Quahogia.

Needless to say, it would change our lives forever.

What does it say?

I can't read spaghetti.

You're relieved of your position.

I see.

And what's to happen to my play?

The opening is only days away.

The play's off.

STEWIE: With no discernible reaction, my father made his way home to deliver the news to my mother.

Let me tell you about my house.

We lived in a New England cottage that was inside a vintage Army tent, that was inside a decommissioned submarine, that was all inside an old airplane hangar.

I've lost my position with the Pawtucket Brothers Brewery Company.

And the play is off.


We have to inform the children.

STEWIE: My brother Chris had spent his life conjoining his twin loves, medicine and escape artistry.


A possible cure.


Do you want to do a Spider-Man kiss?

STEWIE: Our dog Brian had been making a name for himself on the pickleball court.

ANNOUNCER: And that's match for Gene Porterfield.

Are those marking sole shoes?

I'd like to officially file a grievance.

STEWIE: Brian had quietly become the most successful grievance filer in league history.

I'll be there right away.

STEWIE: The exterior of our house is a lighthouse now.

Inside's the same.

Okay, back to the story.

I've summoned you all and arranged you in a perfectly symmetrical form in front of me to tell you some important news.

I've been relieved of my position at the brewery.

What of the play?

The play is postponed, indefinitely.

No, Mr.


You need to do this play.

We'll help you.

But I've lost access to the brewery.

That's where the whole piece is set.

Maybe it doesn't have to be.

But that's where the free tape and paper is.

I'll buy you new tape and paper.

The play is back on.

STEWIE: On an overcast Thursday afternoon, my father presented his play, one of the most compelling stories of the 1980s, Max Dugan Returns.

Max, you've returned!

I have.


This took a lot of work.


STEWIE: My father passed away in the spring of his 43rd year, and was put to rest in the family graveyard.

He died chasing a Pokémon across a busy street.

Hey there.

It's me again.

Wouldn't it be great if Wes Anderson's movies were actually that short?

Anyway, the Hollywood Sign is more historic than you think.

On this very spot, 52 years ago, a piece of beef jerky was planted in the ground and watered with Red Bull.

A speedboat erupted from the soil, and in that speedboat was Michael Bay.


This already doesn't make sense.

You're fired, Griffin, for destroying company property.

Tell it to my tongue.


Mr. President, we have a situation.

The Decepticons plan to destroy the Seven Wonders of the World, starting with the Hagia Sophia.

The what?

Is that even one of the Seven Wonders?

CARTER: The Decepticons have only one weakness.

They're allergic to beer.

I don't like the taste either so much.

CARTER: That chest plate is where they're most vulnerable.

If we could find someone strong enough to throw a keg with enough force, we might have a shot.

(8-BIT BEEPING, expl*si*n)

The only problem is, there's not a man alive who can throw a keg with that kind of force.

There may be one.

BRUCE: I wonder who it is.

Our top story, stopping the Decepticons with beer?

According to our sources, the search is underway for a man strong enough to throw a keg with enough force to save the Seven Wonders of the World.


What took you so long?

There was a train and I like to count the cars.

It was a big one.

Me, too.

That is fun.

But you're wasting your time coming here.

I don't throw kegs anymore.


Who's this?

What are you wearing?

That's my funeral shirt.

Look, Peter, I didn't want to ask you to do this because of that maverick but awesome thing you did in the battle w*r of the past.

Is this the stuff you didn't want me to ask you about?

I told you not to ask me about that.

He went rogue and saved everyone's lives, but he didn't do it by the book.

Is that why he can't get an erection?

Everyone stop talking about me!

Listen, it's not me that's asking, it's America.


Tell America my answer is "no. " Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go change my mind in the shower.

POWER BALLAD SINGER: Peter's country needs him But he just doesn't know He's scared he'll miss his shows And he's expecting a UPS package Who's gonna water his plants?

He's got a lot of balls in the air That's for sure.


PETER: Hold on!

Damn it, I'm in.

But I do things my way, and I pick my crew.


Now let me sit sideways on your motorcycle like a Vietnamese woman, and let's get out of here.



Still trying to put the world back together, I see.

Hello, Peter.

We're not joining your team.

I'm putting together a team.

- We're in.

- Good.

Let's shake hands like tough guys.

Some of your sweat went in my mouth.



Oh, hello, Peter.

I was just out back working in the garden.

Oh, yeah?

Trying to grow some balls?

Okay, okay.

LOIS: Play nice, boys.


Love the cookie-cutter house you and Poindexter got here.

Never pegged you for a burbs dweller.

Peter, you used to live here.

That was a long time ago.

It was two months ago.

Two months is a long time when you don't sleep and only eat ground beef.

Did you tell Chris about my mission?

I thought you should.

CHRIS: This is my favorite out of all the Seven Wonders of the World.

The Hagia Sophia.

It's like God made a basilica for himself.

Dad, nothing bad will ever happen to the Hagia Sophia, right?

Not on my watch.

TOM TUCKER: The Decepticons' second target has been announced.

It's Machu Picchu.


City in the clouds.

Inca Empire.

When did our kids get so obsessed with the Seven Wonders?

They learned it from you.

Got to go, babe.


Save that (BLEEP)




According to the calculations on my Microsoft Surface, they have advanced cloaking technology.

The Microsoft Surface confirms it.

Microsoft Surface.

My Samsung Gear S2 watch says the same thing.

We came from outer space to step on church stuff.

That does it.

Let's have a fight with so many quick sh*ts and close-ups, you can't tell what's going on.

Up To break it back down We're building it up To burn it down We can't wait To burn it to the ground




The colors conflict.


Peter, don't.

It's su1c1de.

Take care of my kids' bikes.

They're expensive.

Oh, my God!

I can't believe Peter's gone.

I never got to repeat to him the line he said to me earlier in the film that has taken on new meaning in the context of all that has happened.


Today is the day we honor the late Peter Griffin, the hero who saved the Seven Wonders of the World.

PETER: Who's that ugly son of a bitch?

Peter, you're alive.

But-but how?

You were blown into a million pieces.

Luckily, I know a couple of pretty good welders.

Wait, they-they welded you back together?

A-And they knew you were alive the whole time?

You want to ask questions or you want to do it in a cemetery?


LOIS: Is is everything all right?

PETER: Yeah, no, I-I think I'm just tired from all the flying back and forth.

Maybe we just talk here for a little bit, and then you can tell everyone that I functioned as I should.

LOIS: Yeah, uh, okay.

PETER: So, which director thing was your favorite?

Mine was this one.

LOIS: Oh, honestly, I-I didn't care for the episode.
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