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06x05 - Alter Ego

Posted: 02/02/19 07:24
by bunniefuu
Dembe, I trust Raymond. I do.

He and I go back decades.
But what the hell is going on?

I wake up this morning, make
an espresso, open the paper...

It's under control.

We have hundreds of millions of dollars

invested in Reddington.

Which have always returned a handsome profit.

Your boss is looking at the death penalty.

What happens if he cuts a deal?

Do you believe that Raymond would cut a deal with the FBI?

My partners do.

Carlo Androssani thinks we should cut ties with Reddington,

insulate ourselves from any of the, uh, fallout.

Is that a thr*at?

He called for a vote.

Can Raymond count on your support?

I'm the least of his problems.

Does he have your vote?


But you prepare for w*r.

Carlo and the others are out for blood.


We'll meet again

Don't know where


Hello, honey! Good to see...

I missed you all day. Let's go see Mom.

I know we'll meet againsome sunny day


Oh, boy, that smells good, whatever that is!

Are the Clarks here yet?!

- Daisy, be quiet!

Hey, I found that Slovenian wine you wanted... this Rebula.

[CHUCKLES] I-I had to go all the way

up to, uh, the Crestview, uh, winery to find...

Drive the dark clouds far away


Cyn? Oh, my God. Cyn, can you hear me?

Cynthi... Please, honey! Open your eyes!

- Op...

I won't be long

They'll be happy to know

That as you saw me go

I was singing this song

We'll meet again

Don't know where

Don't know when

But I know we'll meet again

Some sunny day

We'll meet again

Don't know where

Don't know when

But I know we'll meet again

Some sunny day

Keep smiling through


Just like you always do

Till the blue skies ♪

Drive the dark clouds far away


So, will you please say hello

To the folks that I know

Tell them I won't be long

They'll be happy to know

That as you saw me go

I was singing this song


- ♪ We'll meet again

Don't know where

Don't know when

But I know we'll meet again

Some sunny d-a-a-ay


JUDGE WILKINS: This case is calendared for a (B) hearing.

The defendant is challenging the constitutionality

of a search that led to the discovery

of an unregistered, defaced firearm

seized from his possession. Is that correct, Mr. Reddington?

Yes, Your Honor, on the grounds that the search was unreasonable

and therefore a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

So you are familiar with Fourth Amendment jurisprudence?

One of my favorite Amendments. Top three. Maybe five.

Feel free to make light, Mr. Reddington,

but this is serious business.

If you lose and I allow that g*n

to be admitted into evidence against you,

the Government will consider that

a violation of your immunity agreement.

And without immunity,

you will be facing multiple capital offenses.

Your Honor, please.

I'm on pins and needles as it is,

and you're not helping the matter.

I want you to hire an attorney.

And I appreciate your concern.

It's my obligation to let you know what you're up against.

A motion to suppress involves a complex legal analysis,

one that should be done by someone with a legal education.

- Which I have.
- You'll need to explain that.

We're both legal professionals.

Your business is to apply the law. Mine is to break it.

You studied your profession.

Why would you assume I haven't studied mine?

So you're familiar with the legal standard I'll be using

to evaluate Officer Baldwin's search?

If you're referring to the reasonable-suspicion standard

as articulated by Justice Warren in Terry v. Ohio, I am.

Fair enough, Mr. Reddington.

Though it may literally be your funeral, let's proceed.

A-Apologies, Your Honor.

If I could request a brief recess.

Oh, here we go.

I'm sorry. Did you say something?

Let me guess. Your suit isn't quite pressed to your liking.

Or did you prefer sparkling water instead of still?

Michael, really. The process is brutal enough.

I'm doing my very best despite my feelings about you.

You could at least make the effort to be civil.

JUDGE WILKINS: Denied. I see no reason to break this early,

unless it's some kind of emergency.

That it is. I need to meet with the FBI

about a time-sensitive case.

My immunity agreement may be in jeopardy,

but while it remains intact,

I intend to live up to its obligations.

You can't just pause the legal proceedings to give me a case.

- I have a situation.
- The judge is furious!

Ever since word of my capture hit the press,

certain associates are looking to kick me to the curb.

I know you've got a lot of enemies out there,

but right now your biggest enemy is in that courtroom.

Harris Van Ness.

What if you lose this hearing

and they throw out your immunity agreem...

Do you know who I'm talking about? Harris Van Ness?

The billionaire... big in cargo freighters,

d*ed in a fire last week. Van Ness was m*rder*d

because of his business affiliations with me.

You're being paranoid. It was an accident.

[CHUCKLES] There are no accidents around me.

Not unless they're on purpose.

LIZ: Reddington claims the expl*si*n

was a targeted hit aimed at Van Ness

because he's supporting Reddington

- in ongoing business dealings.
- What business?

Van Ness is one of a group of associates,

some of whom want to sever ties with Reddington because of his arrest.

A one-percenter gets knocked off for being

in league with Reddington, and now he wants us to find his k*ller?

And Reddington has no idea who did it?

He's got a lot of enemies who want a piece of his empire.

Lucky for him, he's got the FBI to protect it.

As for protecting Reddington, he's our C.I.

Should he ever get out of prison,

we're gonna want him to be as powerful as possible.

Let's start with the family. My guess is a man of his wealth

is gonna have a lot of people coming out of the woodwork.

How many people were given notice?

. Mr. Van Ness had many bequests.

We understand that the reading of the will can be emotional.

We'll do what we can to respect that.

I'm sorry. What's your name?

We might have some questions after we talk to the family.

I don't know why you'd have any questions.

Paper said it was an accident.


These are good people.

You want to respect them? Let them mourn in peace.

"$ million each to Human Rights Watch,

the NAACP, and Brown University.

The remainder of my estate

I leave to my son, Timothy Peterson."


I didn't think Van Ness had kids.

Uh, apparently neither did anyone else.

Harris wanted this letter read along with his will.

"Timothy, forgive me.

I loved your mother,

but I didn't have the courage to stay with her.

I know this is an awkward way

to introduce you to your extended family,

but it's the only way I know how to make amends.

Take the fruits of my labor and do great things.

Love, your father."




What a pleasant sight.

My friend.

Thank goodness for the prison chaplain.

He said you designated me to provide spiritual advice.

Oh, it had the dual benefit

of getting you in here and also being true.

Van Ness is dead.

Without him, I don't have the votes

to prevent Androssani from cutting me off.

I need you to reassure Androssani.

Reason with him.

And if that doesn't work, k*ll him.

That should scare up a vote or two.

Then what?

We'll see.

And then what?

You do know I didn't really ask you here

to give me spiritual advice, right?

I'm going to give you some anyway.

Be honest.

I need that vote.

Tell Elizabeth the truth.

Everything rests on this.

Money rests on this. Power.

Not peace of mind.

Something has to be done.

It is. You are fighting for your freedom.

Every day I pray that you get it.

For now, you must leave the rest to fate.

I make my own fate.

Not from here.


I'm asking you to do this.

And I am trying to save your soul.

THERAPIST: Uh, there's signs.

The inability to recall prepositions

is a common symptom of aphasia.

Recommended therapies include word games, rote repetition,

uh, either on your own or in a individualized,

- one-on-one, or group-therapy format.
- Under. Above. Following.

The important thing is to start early.

- To. Unto. Despite.
- Without.


That is the national bird of Guatemala

and, weirdly, one of its monetary units.

- Good to know.
- No, wait, wait, wait, wait.

No, no. If you put the Q and the S on the triple word score,

it's worth over points.

Did you find out about Timothy Peterson?

Right. Work.

ARAM: As of the reading of his father's will,

Tim Peterson is the th-richest man in America

and, I'm fairly confident, the only billionaire

working in a bowling alley and living in a trailer park.

Looks like that apple fell a few, uh, light-years from the tree.

Oh, that's putting it mildly.

His credit score is , he's $ , in debt, and...

he has got a criminal record.

COOPER: Unpaid speeding tickets, public intoxication,

a bar fight that got him thrown in jail for a week.

It seems like more of a slacker than a k*ller.

His inheritance came as a complete surprise.

Then what motivation would he have

to k*ll his father if he didn't know about it?

Well, let's say he did know.

How does a kid living in a trailer park outside Arlington

connect in any way to Mr. Reddington?

And if he doesn't, why are we even on this case?

Because something doesn't add up, and I want to know why.

Navabi, the people in his posts,

I want to know everything about them.

Ressler, Keen, talk to Peterson.

Find out what he knew about his old man and when he knew it.

Well, it didn't take him long to spend the old man's money.

Sure beats the trailer park.


I've been to my share of Irish wakes, but this is ridiculous.


Hate to interrupt Miller Time, but where's Tim Peterson at?

Hey, Tim! Hide your cash!

The IRS is already here. [CHUCKLES]

Tim Peterson. Agents Ressler, Keen. FBI.

FBI? Don't worry. The hotel suite is bought and paid for.

We just have a few questions surrounding your father's death.

- You and me both.


When was the last time you spoke with him?

Far as I can recall, I never spoke to him.

I didn't even know he was my father till the lawyer called,

told me to come to the reading of the will.

What questions do you have?

Why didn't he get in touch with me when he was alive?

What kept him from wanting to get to know me?

And most importantly, why'd he leave me all this dough?

You don't seem too upset about him dying.

It's just DNA. Like I said, I never met the man.

Tim, who are the late arrivals?

Hey, princess.

These are my new friends from the FBI.

Hi, new friends from the FBI.

I'm Deidre. I'm Tim's...

She's my sh**ting star.


Can I get you a drink? What would you like?

Answers to a few questions.

I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth,

and nothing but the truth so help me God.

We met at the bowling alley.

[LAUGHING] It only took her three frames

to get her shoe stuck in the ball return.

I had to press the little "help" button,

and he came and got my shoe back.

But I'll be damned if he didn't steal my heart in the process.

I teach second grade in Bedford.

Guess I love being around kids 'cause I come from a big family.

Seeing as he didn't know much about his, I encouraged him.

I got my birth certificate, found out my mom had d*ed.

She moved to California after she had me,

got married, had another kid.

Deidre held my hand, I pick up the phone...

Next thing, I had a sister.

I always thought I was an only child.

When Mom passed, I didn't have anyone but Marcus.

And when we heard that Helen had a brother,

I didn't know what to think.

We flew across the country to meet him.

And I gave him a big hug.

Probably talk once a day on the phone now.

Uh, when Tim called to tell me

who his father was and what had happened...

We were happy for him. How could you not be?

But I'm just glad I have a brother.

That's what matters to me.

Mr. Reddington. That recess was anything but brief.

Any further delays?

Or might we finally get this show on the road?

I'm finished serving the public good for the moment, Your Honor.

So, yes, the Government may once again

go about its business of trying to execute me.

Wonderful. Mr. Sima?

Sir, please state your name for the record.

Officer Michael Baldwin. Shield .

I'm a patrol officer with the th Precinct.

On the day in question, the th of this month,

were you in fact on patrol

- in the th Precinct?
- Yes.

Did you make any arrests that afternoon?

One. I arrested that man there, in the navy-blue suit.

May the record reflect the witness has identified the defendant.

- Uh, o-objection.
- Grounds?

That's not entirely correct, Your Honor.

The suit is actually a prunelle weave...

blue with a subtle overlay of red.

So in the right light, it goes quite plum.

Denied. So reflected.

SIMA: Officer Baldwin,

how did you come to arrest the defendant?

I received a radio run of a man with a g*n on West th Street

near the vicinity of the Red Brau Tavern.

Dispatch described the individual

as a white male, s, in a tan suit and hat.

I approached the location on foot where I observed

the defendant standing at a pretzel cart

in a conversation with the vendor.

What drew your attention to the defendant?

It was the only suit in the area wearing a fedora-style hat.

I see. And did you arrest the defendant at that point?

No, sir. I approached Mr. Reddington

in an effort to assess the situation.

I requested ID, and he gave me a fake driver's license and name.

Who did he say he was?

A shower curtain salesman named George Murphy.

How did he seem?

Nervous. His eyes were darting.

I got the feeling that he was possibly being evasive.

At one point, he turned and looked towards the tavern,

which I interpreted to be a furtive gesture...

Furtive? Is that what it was?

You'll get your turn, Mr. Reddington.

I asked him to turn around, and he refused...

made a joke about it not being his good side.

That's when I noticed a bulge in his jacket, at his waistline.

- Objection.
- Y-Your Honor.

No. A bulge at my waistline?

I'd prefer that the witness

leave my bulges out of this entirely.

You'll... Mr. Reddington... That's more than en...

I want that struck from the record. It's embarrassing.

Sit down, or I will have someone sit you down!

Officer, please continue.

I had the defendant put his hands on the cart,

and I conducted a pat-down of his person.

That's when I recovered a Browning semi-a*t*matic p*stol

from a holster in the small of his back.

Your Honor, permission to approach the witness.


Do you recognize this w*apon?

That's the one I recovered.

As you can see, the serial number's been scratched off.

Your Honor, the Government moves

to enter Exhibit into evidence.

Thank you, Officer.

That's all for now.

Your witness.

Hey. Guys. Peterson's story checks out.

He was given up by his birth mother, raised in foster care,

and has an alibi for the night Van Ness d*ed.

Cameras at the bowling alley show...

show him working that night.

So this guy really is the luckiest half-wit in history.

Or the biggest mark.

COOPER: What did you learn about the company he keeps?

SAMAR: Helen Litke, Marcus Duncan, Deidre Mori...

his sister, brother-in-law, and girlfriend.

We're still waiting on background information

for Litke and Duncan, but...

the girlfriend told you she was a second-grade teacher in Bedford?

The Virginia school system has no record of her.

Driver's license and Social Security number

registered to Deidre Mori are less than months old.

She said she met Peterson a year ago.

Keen, Ressler, time to have a little chat with Miss Mori.

Or whoever she really is.

That radio run...

According to your arrest report,

it was based on an anonymous tip.

- That's correct.
- So someone called

and said that a white man in his s

wearing a suit and a hat

was in the vicinity of the Red Brau Tavern

- and that man had a g*n.
- Yes.

And this tip came from someone you never spoke to,

someone who also refused to give his or her name

- to the police operator.
- Yes.

Completely anonymous, not a trusted source

known to have been reliable in the past.

That's true, but I didn't arrest you based only on the tip.

I conducted my own investigation.

What investigation was that?

I asked for identification.

Which I provided immediately.

A false ID.

[CHUCKLES] No, you didn't know that at the time.

That license was created

by the preeminent document forger in the world.

Not in this country. On the planet.

There's not a chance you could have known it was a fake.

You looked nervous. Furtive.

Officer Baldwin, I've been evading the police

and law enforcement for almost years.

I'm the most wanted man in the world.

At the time of our encounter,

I was armed with a Browning -millimeter semi-a*t*matic

with a round in the chamber and the hammer cocked.

Do you really expect this court to believe

that a marshmallow disguised as a patrol officer,

a comic figure in an ill-fitting uniform,

could possibly make me nervous?

- Objection!
- Sustained.

You think this is funny?!
You're a real smart guy, huh?!

Well, we'll see how smart you are!

[LAUGHS] There he is.

There's the real Officer Baldwin.

You didn't search me for looking nervous.

The truth is I was disrespectful.

- No.
- I was disrespectful, you got angry,

and you decided right then and there

to show me you were in charge.

- That's not true.
- I was a wise ass.

You said as much to your fellow officers at the scene.

Tell you what... I'll apologize for my behavior

if you apologize for the illegal pat-down

that has exposed me to the death penalty.


Think about it.

No further questions, Your Honor.


Aram, do me a favor and confirm the trace on Mori's cell.

ARAM: Corner of Trenton and Willoughby.

I can't get any more specific than that, but she's there.

Along with other people.

Now we know why she isn't answering.

This is gonna be a mess.


Did I tell you my, uh, cousin in Idaho's getting married next week?

You've got a cousin in Idaho?

Yeah. Perp-loving cop hater.

There. Now you've met him.

I don't see her among the guests.

OFFICIANT: You may kiss the bride.

RESSLER: That's 'cause she's not one of them.


Does this make any sense to you?

No. Deidre's now "Hiraki."

I'm guessing Hiraki's no more real than Deidre.

He's got to be in on it, right? Helping her con Peterson?

Maybe she's conning them both.

I told you, I don't know where she is. She left.

She left her own wedding reception?

Can we talk about this somewhere else?

My parents think that Hiraki's back th...

No, we know her name's not Hiraki.

Shh! Please, not here.

Wait. You know her name's not Hiraki?

Yes, but my family has no idea. What's this about?

Why don't you tell us? Why'd she leave?

That's all I could afford.

You paid her? To marry you?

Through a service. Well, for today for my family.

My parents, they have public lives,

and they're very traditional.

And this, the wedding, Hiraki and I...

it's a dream that they want to believe

- to save them from the shame.
- What shame?

Why on Earth would you lie to your family about your marriage?

Because I'm gay.

And in their world, that remains unacceptable.

Wait. This service. what's it called?

Alter Ego.

What's that?

MAN: Here at Alter Ego,

our artists provide clients with an immersive experience.

Not a performance.

An experience that is unabridged.

It's unpredictable. It's very close to real life.

So, I'm sorry. Your firm, you rent humans?

We fill vacancies.

We provide the relationships

that are missing in our clients' lives.

SAMAR: For example?

A young professional wants to take

the "wife" that he doesn't have to his high-school reunion.

Or a single mother wants to introduce

her young -year-old to the father that she never had,

and so she creates a new, more healthy narrative

with a "father" whose story line she can write and control.

These people are paid to lie.

- The actors may be counterfeit,

but the roles and the emotional support they provide

are very real.

A billionaire dies, leaving his fortune

to a son that no one knew he had,

and the actress playing his loving girlfriend

is conning him.

Do you recognize her?

Does she work for your company?

Uh, she doesn't look familiar, but that doesn't mean anything.

We have hundreds of artists on staff.

You're going to have to find her.

Our employees do not con clients.

If someone has taken advantage of a role or a scenario,

then Alter Ego had nothing to do with it.

You can go a long way to proving that

by giving me Deidre Mori's real name.

JUDGE WILKINS: Mr. Reddington. The Government has rested.

The ball's in your court.

If you intend to testify or call a witness,

now would be the time.

I want to hear the tape.

- Excuse me?
- Of the anonymous call.

We haven't offered the tape into evidence.

Exactly. How do I know it even exists?

How do I know you're not fabricating the entire call

as a way to justify the search?

Should I even ask if you have any foundation for that?

Oh, come on. The government pretended

my immunity agreement didn't exist.

How do I know you're not pretending the tape does?

Under the circumstances, that's a fair question, Mr. Sima.

This hearing is about Officer Baldwin

and whether he had a reasonable suspicion

that this defendant was carrying a w*apon.

Yes, and he relied on the information

that was relayed in that call.

No. He relied on the information relayed by his dispatcher.

I was targeted. I want to know why.

The why is irrelevant. What you want to know is who.

You want to hear the voice on that tape.

I have a Sixth Amendment right to confront my accusers.

Something tells me you're interested in more than just confrontation.

Your Honor, given this defendant's history...

What history? I haven't made any threats.

And in case you've forgotten, I'm in federal custody.

Oh, right, and I'm sure if you recognized the voice

you're not gonna put a b*llet in that person's head!

JUDGE WILKINS: Enough! Now, I agree, as a matter of law,

what matters is what the officer believed

at the time he conducted the pat-down, period.

That said, given the government's penchant

for dishonesty where this defendant is concerned,

I think it's more than reasonable to wonder

if the police are playing fair.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Oh, don't thank me just yet.

I am ordering Mr. Sima to produce the tape,

but for my ears only.

- Objection.
- Overruled.

I'm not giving you that tape, Mr. Reddington.

But I will confirm that it exists

and that it says what they claim.

Best I can do. Back in an hour.



- Hey. How was Alter Ego?
- Very strange.

But I got copies of all of the employee files.

Could tell us who the girlfriend really is.

Great. I'll print them out.

And, by the way, I downloaded Word Splurge.

- Why?
- So we can play against each other.

I don't think that's a good idea.

Okay. If you're worried about crushing me

- and my rather minuscule ego...
- It's not that. warned... I'm highly competitive at word games.

- Aram.
- And... Uh, what?

- I don't want to play.
- But you do play.

On my own. And I'd like to keep it that way.

- Why?
- Because I do.

Can you just print out the files, please?

RESSLER: Actors being hired to play fathers, mothers, brides.

How can someone lie about a thing like that?

The groom we talked to did it to please his mother.

ARAM: Hiding the truth that your marriage is fake?

I don't know how long that can last.

In a relationship, the truth always comes out.

MaryAnn. . Registered nurse.

[LAUGHS] Special skills... marijuana distributor

with an intuitive understanding of supply and demand.

This would be the perfect date for your cousin's wedding.

ARAM: Wait. What? I love weddings.

Wait. If you need a plus-one, I'm totally down to go.

I'm only half-kidding.

I mean, we all know how amazing you are,

but you're pushing with no prospects.

Why let your cousin in on that?

Because it's the truth, the part about me being amazing.

She's fluent in Spanish and French.

I'm not gonna lie about being someone I'm not.

Unlike our blushing bride...

Jan Chuckerman.

Does it say who hired her? Sister or brother-in-law?

I highly doubt it, because... they're fake, too.

They're all actors?

RESSLER: This tells us the who, but not the how.

Peterson was the illegitimate son no one knew about.

How did they?

They... had someone on the inside.

Recognize him?

That's the kid from the estate hearing,

the one who didn't give us his name.

- And now we know why.
- He had all the information.

Must be his op. I say we bring him in.

He's an actor. Let's see how well he performs under pressure.

[SLURRING] Thanks.

Put this on the room, too.

And % for you. Cheers.


Okay. Stop!


God. Stop. She's had enough.


Do it again. One more.




Hey, Tim. You're early.

ASAMAR: Look familiar?

They should. You k*lled them.

I want a lawyer.

How 'bout we start with the senior partner at your firm? Ashton Hirsh.

Want to know what he told us?

That Harris Van Ness had a heart att*ck last year,

that he amended his will after that to include his son.

He also said that you were his personal assistant

and that you filed the amendment.

I was doing my job. That's not a crime.

What about Tim Peterson's will?

Did you have access to that, as well?

See whether or not he changed it

to make sure that his loved ones were taken care of?

Except they're not his loved ones, are they, Roger?

I don't know what you're talking about.

They're actors. Just like you.

RESSLER: We know about Alter Ego,

that you're hired out to play parts,

that you figured out how these three play the part of a lifetime...

the family that Tim Peterson never had.

It was a clever plan getting into Peterson's life a year ago,

making sure he trusted them before you m*rder*d his father.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

Sounds like you know who did.

No one was supposed to die.

I made that clear from the beginning.

Van Ness was sick. It was just a matter of time.

But Marcus... He was getting antsy.

He wanted his cut, and I told him to wait.

He wouldn't listen.

Not about Van Ness or... or about Tim.

He's not gonna wait to bleed Tim dry, is he?

No. He's working, uh, much faster than that.

Deidre, what is he doing to you?

- Go get the pills.
- They're in my room.

Then don't just stand there like a post! Go get 'em!

Talk to me!

Hey! No one's going anywhere!

- Just...
- [g*n COCKS]

Helen, go get the damn pills.

What is this? Why are you doing this?

For the money.

Peterson's on the th floor, in the penthouse suite.

I'll go up. You secure the building.

I'm gonna need you to take me to your head of security.

Tell him.

- Tell him what?
- Tell him.

I'm pregnant.

It's yours, Tim-bo.

A real-life bun in the oven. Congratulations.

DEIDRE: Sorry, babe, but...

how else do you think we're gonna get that cash?

Here's how it works.

You found out about the baby...

You didn't take the news so well.

Of course you've been drinking. And along with the pills...

- We fought, you got violent.
- No.

No choice but to defend herself.

She got her hands on that g*n of yours you've been traveling with

ever since you got rich and paranoid.

Nobody's gonna believe you.

Honestly? Tim...

A kid from a trailer park...

drunk and high on pills

is k*lled by his pregnant girlfriend

who's only trying to defend herself?

Got 'em. Here you go.


You'll never get the money.

I don't have a will, an estate plan.

But you have a kid, and with you dead,

the inheritance goes to your only living next of kin...

your child.

And guess who gets sole custody of our child, hmm?


How's that for a plan?




FBI! Hands. Show me your hands!

Don't even think about it.

Damn it.


- Keen.

RESSLER: I got Peterson and two of the preps,

but Deidre's on the move.



We should've called the bellhop, told him to bring the cart.

We don't need the cart.

You say we don't need the cart, then I carry the bags!

We need the cart!

Okay, next time, I'll get the cart.


Don't move! I said don't move!

Not you, sir. Ma'am, can you please hold the door?

- You. Get up!

This place doesn't get our business anymore.


Uh, welcome back. I want to make a brief record.

First to establish my findings, but also to preserve the facts

for Mr. Reddington's inevitable appeal.

I have listened to the recording provided by the prosecution.

The call is in sum and substance

exactly as the resulting radio run describes.

I find no compelling justification

for forcing the Government to put the recording

in evidence at this proceeding.

Mr. Reddington, if you have any final argument,

I'm ready to hear it.

What did he have, Your Honor?

- What did who have?
- Officer Baldwin.

A tip from a source who refused to give their name.

No explanation as to how their information was acquired,

no prior history of reliability,

no compelling reason to believe the tip was even credible.

And the details?

A white man in his s wearing a suit and hat?

On a busy street in New York City?

I couldn't possibly have been the only one.

And how did the caller know

I was carrying a concealed w*apon?

It was concealed, for God's sake.

In what stretch of the imagination

could this kind of tip justify this search?

Officer Baldwin obviously knew that when he got there,

which is why he didn't just throw me up against a wall.

He knew that what he had

didn't amount to reasonable suspicion under the law.

So what did he do? He investigated.

Please excuse my drip of sarcasm,

but Officer Baldwin asked for some identification,

and I gave him a false ID so magnificent,

even I started to believe my name was George Murphy.

He said I looked around nervously.

The truth is, I made fun of the man.

I refused to give him

the respect he somehow believe he deserved.

It happens. I get impatient. I make a comment I might regret.

It's one of my biggest issues in therapy,

along with some residual anxiety from childhood

and a sexual fascination I'd prefer to discuss in chambers.

But the point is the tip gave him next to nothing,

and his own observations didn't change things one iota.

I know it, you know it, and even he knows it,

which is saying a lot since I'm pretty sure

all he cares about is reading his name in the papers

and the whiff of his boss's backside.

Ah! You see? There I go again.

I promise I will work on this with my therapist

just as soon as you kick the g*n

and let me get the hell out of here.

Thank you.


How could I have been so stupid?


You wanted the fantasy to be real.

You wanted a family.

All that time.

All those lies.

I know what it's like

to be fooled by people who you think are family.

I know how painful that is.

What are you doing here?

- I need to speak with him.
- Why?

This doesn't have anything to do with Reddington.

I only need a minute.

Mr. Peterson.

Who are you?

I work for the man who saved your life.

I'm here to ask you to do him a favor in return.

Harris Van Ness was m*rder*d for his money.

His death had nothing to do with you.

He's still dead.

When he expired, so did his vote.

It didn't expire.

It was transferred to his heir.

Van Ness doesn't have an heir.

As fate would have it, he does.

My father would have voted with Reddington.

In his absence, I vote with Reddington.

You tasked the FBI to find an enemy,

and in doing so, you found a friend.

What a pleasant surprise.

Sometimes you make your own fate.

Sometimes... fate makes you.


- JUDGE WILKINS: All rise.

Let me be clear.

Reasonable suspicion can be based

upon a tip given to the police,

but only if the information provided has

what the Supreme Court calls "an indicia of reliability."

Now, to make that judgment, the courts look

at the source's veracity, reliability,

and basis of knowledge.

The officer knew none of those things.

All he had was a small amount of predictive detail.

White male, right age, wearing the right suit and hat.

Mr. Reddington is correct. Alone, it's not nearly enough.

But there's more.

The officer made his own observations.

In his view, the defendant seemed nervous.

Whatever looks the defendant gave, he interpreted as furtive.

The defendant resisted his instruction to turn around.

Is that enough? It probably wouldn't have been for me.

But the issue is not

whether I would have patted Mr. Reddington down.

The issue is, was the decision to do so

manifestly unreasonable?

I find that it wasn't.

Accordingly, the defendant's motion

to suppress the g*n seized from his possession is hereby denied.

Your Honor, in light of your ruling, it's our position

that the defendant violated his immunity agreement.

Upon conviction for the g*n possession at trial,

that agreement will be nullified.

We intend to pursue all of the outstanding indictments

against the defendant and seek the death penalty.

One step at a time, Mr. Sima.

Mr. Reddington, you made a good case.

For what it's worth, it wasn't an easy decision.

So, I guess I've got that going for me.

♪ We were sun-b*rned and shoeless kids ♪

With. For.

♪ We were skipping stones
- Into.

Of. To. Despite.

♪ In the failing light

♪ I smelled the fireplace

♪ Although we were miles away

♪ We were infinite

♪ There was no time in those days ♪


♪ When all we knew wasn't stolen ♪

♪ There was nothing real to lose ♪

Welcome to Alter Ego.
What is it that you wish for?

I have a wedding to go to, and, uh...

You'd like to bring someone.


I mean, yes. I'd like to bring someone.

I hear you guys can help with that.

♪ When regrets were nowhere


I came as soon as I heard.

Can you appeal the ruling, get it overturned?

I was wrong about Van Ness.

I was so sure my enemy was out there...

when he was in here all the time.

I must be getting old.

Either that, or I'm facing a particularly worthy adversary.

The g*n's been admitted.

They'll throw out your immunity.

I was set up.

What are you talking about?

There's a recording of the person who tipped off the cops.

Have you heard it?

What goes on in court...

yeah, there are rules, people play their parts.

Your enemies are known. It's a fair fight.

And despite losing today, it's only just begun.

Have you heard the recording?


♪ You barely talked, and I didn't mind ♪

- But I intend to.

And when I do,
- I'll know who betrayed me.

And at that moment, no matter where I am...

on the street, in solitary confinement,

or on the receiving end of a f*ring squad...

at that moment, whoever set me up...

his fate will be sealed.

♪ Ohh-ahhh, ohh-oh-oh-oh