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05x05 - Pena Dura

Posted: 02/01/19 07:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on Gotham...

Where's Jeremiah?

Selina, she's not herself, Alfred.

She's desperate for revenge.

You can't save her from herself.

This time, woke up on a rooftop.

No idea how I got there or what happened

during the preceding hours.

In Haven, as long as we survive,

hope survives in Gotham.

You've been promising me help for weeks.

I'm working on getting you help.

I promise I won't stop

until I find those responsible.

I've got a lead on a guy selling RPGs.

Oh, oh, please don't hurt me.

I just want to know what you saw.

You had some kind of a rocket.

And you sh*t it at that building.

Raise your hands, Mr. Gordon.

I'm sorry, Steve, they made me do it.

All right, be quiet, you.

Miss Zant, we're sorry to interrupt your breakfast,

but you'll come with us, quickly.

You may lower your hands now, Mr. Gordon.

Turn around.

There a problem, Officer?

We know you sold the RPG that took out Haven.


So I want to know who bought it.

Or what? You gonna arrest me?

Who said anything about arresting you?

I want a name.

What do you say, boys?

Should we show this lawman

how we feel about uninvited guests?

Now, who told you I sold that RPG?


Nice sh*t, right?

Lower your w*apon now.

Delta Force,

stand down.

What are you doing here?

Come on. The last time I saw you,

you were running through sn*per fire,

plucking my sorry ass from a burning truck.

Least I could do was pay you back.

I had that guy right where I wanted him.

I'm glad you're here.

Yeah, me, too.

We hated each other in boot.

Jim disapproved of my ops tempo.

Yeah, 'cause you only had one speed: too fast.

Took me a while to realize he wasn't afraid

to get his hands dirty. Just being careful.

- Yeah.
- Well, Jim's taught me a thing or two

about being careful.

So what's the mission plan?

Well, we are the help Secretary Walker promised.

Our goal is to make this hellhole safe again.

So it took the m*rder of hundreds of innocent civilians

to get the government to act?

We're here to eliminate all criminal threats.

We're gonna blanket the city with flash sweeps.

Well, what about the people that are still trapped here?

- They need relief now.
- Hey, I'm with you,

but my mandate's clear:

first we restore order, then we take the next steps.


We got something, sir.

Captain Gordon, this is my second,

Sergeant Angel Vallelunga.



Our arms dealer kept track of his buyers.

"Edward Nygma.

Two RPG."


Yeah, that name's on my list.

Think he's our bomber?

Only one way to find out.

All right, you and I will get Nygma.

Harvey, I need you to set up

a command center with the soldiers at GCPD.

- I'll grab some guys.
- Yeah.

Hey, look, hey, Jim.

I'm not as fast as I used to be,

but I still got some fight in me.

I'm not a desk jockey. I'm a street guy.

What you are is the best cop that I know.

We're going after Nygma. He's ten steps ahead.

This thing goes sideways, you're gonna have to take over.

I need your help, buddy.

I got it.


Oh, there you are, Master Bruce.

There's been a break in the Haven bombing.

Seems that Gordon and Bullock

have got a rather strong lead, apparently.

What's the matter with you?

I can't find Selina.

I've looked all over the Green Zone.

Somehow, I think Miss Kyle is perfectly capable

of looking after herself, Master Bruce.

Except that she's not herself.

You saw what she did to Jeremiah.

Yes. I did.

Listen, come here.

Jeremiah Valeska deserved to die.

Jeremiah made Selina a m*rder*r.

Just like Ra's made me a m*rder*r.

Ra's goaded you

into stabbing him, Master Bruce.

He used you as an instrument. You're no m*rder*r.

But Selina is.

You're not the same.

She did what she did with open eyes,

and you got to learn to respect that, son.

You're wrong about her, Alfred.

And I'm gonna go find her.

It's Monday, : p.m.

I'm standing in a dumpster. My head hurts.

It's happened again. It's... Saturday, : a.m.

My fingernails are full of dirt.

Have I been digging?

I think it's Sunday. I can't find my watch.

And it's dark outside, my feet are wet.

There's mud everywhere.


It doesn't make any sense!

You're not a m*rder*r, Ed.

Except Kristen Kringle.

And Officer Dougherty.

But all those people... and children.

How could you do it?


It doesn't matter why.

What matters

is that it was you who k*lled them.

Not me.

Edward Nygma, you're under arrest for the att*ck at Haven

and the m*rder of hundreds of innocent people.


No, Jim, I can explain.


You son of a bitch. You actually did it?

- On your knees, now.
- No! I didn't.

I can prove it, I just,

I need... I need a little bit of time.

Say the word, Jim.

You know me, Jim.

The people that I...

have hurt, they hurt me first.

I didn't know a single person in Haven.

I'm innocent.

It's your call, buddy.

He basically confessed.

We bring him in.

He stands trial.

Yeah, I don't think so.

Your friend is standing on a pressure-plated IED.

One of several throughout the rooms.

Twitch, and you'll repaint the room with your organs.

Don't do it, Jim.

This little doohickey monitors my heartbeat.

It increases by ten?


Decreases by ten?


You try to walk out of here,

and a special forces sn*per will put a b*llet in your head.

No, they won't.

This thing can detonate his b*mb from a mile away.

Or am I bluffing?

Once words gets out that you're responsible for Haven,

you'll have a target on your back.

I'll take my chances.

- I think he's bluffing.
- No, no.

He doesn't bluff.

I don't want anyone here

- if this thing detonates.
- You heard the man.

Tell Sergeant Vallelunga to stand down.

- Yes, sir.
- Nygma walks.

A wristband that monitors his heart rate.

Welcome to Gotham.

So what we do?

Well, the way I see it, now we're all tied up.

I just got to save your life one more time,

then I'm back in the lead.

Funny. Seriously, the hell are we gonna do?

Well, he pulled a book to set the booby trap.

I think I can make it.

Assuming the vibrations don't trigger the IED, what then?

Then we just got to figure out

what sort of puzzle he wants us to solve.


There's always a puzzle with Nygma.

You ready?

Chess Strategy: Knight Moves Nimbly in the Dark.

I'm gonna wring this nerd's neck.

In chess,

knights move in an "L."

Two spaces straight,

then one at a -degree angle.

Butterfly Collecting with Conviction.


Chess Strategy:

Knight's Gambit: Escaping Checkmate.

You okay?

You left the Army for this city?

It grows on you.

Harvey, come in.

Jim, you nab Nygma?

No. Put the word out:

Nygma's wanted for m*rder and the att*ck on Haven.

I'm looking for Selina.

Follow me.


raise your glasses to the k*ller

of Jeremiah Valeska.

The freak is dead!

The freak is dead!

The freak is dead! The freak is dead!

Citizens of Gotham,

this is a special bulletin from the police department.

We have identified the person who fired

a rocket-propelled grenade that decimated Haven.

Be on the lookout for a tall, skinny man

who goes by the name of Ed Nygma.

He was last seen wearing a green suit and eyeglasses.

Ed Nygma.

The monster of Haven.

- Let's go get him!
- Yeah!

Let's k*ll him!

k*ll him!

k*ll him! k*ll him!

k*ll him! k*ll him! k*ll him!


b*ll*ts, as promised. Go have fun.

And there's more where that came from

if you keep up the good work.

Off you go.

Mr. Cobblepot, sir.

- It's...
- What? What?

"Edward Nygma is the monster res...

responsible for k*lling the innocents at Haven."

Ed, what have you done?

I saw him go that way! He's over there!

Get him! Come on!

Bang Zero-One.

This is Bird Zero-Two.

What's your status, Angel?

We cleared th to th Street,

west of Broadway. Gonna keep pushing uptown.

That's progress. Still no Nygma.

My boys will scoop him up by nightfall.

Now tell me about this... Scarecrow.

Well, he has chemical weapons.

Your guys will need gas masks.

But taking him down would be a big win.

Well, that's why we're here.



Time to wake up.

Who are you?

I'm the woman who's gonna carry out your execution.

That's just a taste.

It's only fair you die slow and painful

to pay for JoJo.

Who's JoJo?

JoJo was in Haven

when you blew it up.

This is a joke, right?

people d*ed in Haven.

We don't care about people.


Look at how happy JoJo was.

He always had a smile on his face.

You anthropomorphizing nincompoop.

Dogs can't smile.

I'm going to fix you, Ed.

What the hell?

Floor it!




I'm going to fix you, Ed.

Did I say stop?

I'm sorry, Ma.

Ma, can't we just b*at him to death?

It's not starting.

Yes. Anything but electrocution.

Please don't let me die this way.

Oh, thank God the fuel line's clogged.

Unclog the line.

We got it, we got it. Come on.


sh**t me, s*ab me,

anything but another jolt.

Hit it.

Oh, no!

Put it out!

Boys! Oh, my Lord!

Help him! Help him!

Who's gonna fix who, Oswald?

The Army's invading the city,

locking everyone up.

- They're coming this way.
- Please.

An invasion is tanks, infantry.

These are scouts.

What about Nygma?

Nobody's seen him, but we got feelers out.

Well, you tell your "feelers"

that the first man to bring me Nygma

is the one who gets to live.


I am surrounded by morons, Edward.

If I didn't have an empire to run,

I would go get Nygma myself.

Hello, Oswald.

We have a great deal to talk about.

But first,

did you name your dog after me?

Jim, Harper just radioed.

She saw Nygma going into City Hall.

He's going to Penguin.

Cobblepot's at the top of my list

from Walker. Sounds like a twofer.

Penguin's sitting on all

the a*mo in Gotham.

He's better defended, better manned than anyone else.

We need shock and awe.

Shock and awe is my default.

You ready?

You know what, take Harvey on this one.

I'll keep things locked down here.

Let's saddle up.

Man, you're k*lling my buzz.


I know you, and this isn't you.

- You know me?
- Yes.

Maybe better than you know yourself.

Let me tell you something.

That night

that your parents were m*rder*d,

I was in that alley

on the fire escape.

And I watched that guy

sh**t your father

and sh**t your mother.

And through it all,

I did... nothing.

I didn't call for help, I didn't...

I didn't scream for the guy to stop.

It wasn't your fault. You were just a scared kid.


You were the scared kid.

We are not the same, Bruce.

I didn't do anything because I wasn't willing to risk my neck

for someone else because I didn't care.

That's who I was and that's who I am.

I love this song.

♪ When I want to go, I know what you'll say... ♪

What did you do to me, Oswald?

What are you talking about?

Oh, please.

You did something to me.


You are the reason

that I k*lled those people.

How could you?

You have made me into some murderous puppet.

For weeks,

I've been waking up in strange places,

not knowing how I got there or what I did.

Driving myself mad,

thinking I had gone mad.

And now I know that it was all your doing.

Of everything

that you have put me through,


this is the most cruel.


I don't know what you're talking about.

I did not make you do anything.

Then what is "I'll fix you"?

What did that mean? You didn't fix me.

You broke me!

W-W-Wait. No.

I said that to you the night the bridges blew. I-I...

Think I wouldn't remember?

No, Ed, I saved your life!

That's it!

What are you talking about?

You had been stabbed,

I paid Hugo Strange to save your life.

I bet he did something to you

when he was patching you up.

You paid Hugo Strange to save me?


What was I supposed to do? Let you die?

After Butch, you were my only friend.

You sh*t Butch!

Which is why I needed you!

Edward Nygma,

if I wanted you to suffer,

I would never do it in some backhanded way.

If you and I

are ever at odds again,

you will know, without a doubt,

that I am your enemy.

I promise you that...

... as a friend.

What a mess.

I might have k*lled you, Oswald.

And if that day comes...

I swear to you...

... I will stare you in the eye

as I s*ab you in the heart.

Look on the bright side.

If Hugo Strange did do something to you,

it means you are not responsible for Haven.

Where is he?

Sir, GCPD and the Army have blown the gates.

Stay here. You'll be safe.

Grab Nygma. They want him, not me.

He's gone.

Idiot! Ugh!

Why, hello, Harvey.

Now, last time we were in a standoff,

you ran out of b*ll*ts.

I hope you're better prepared.

We don't want to take your territory, Oswald.

But you have to put down your weapons

and hand over Ed Nygma.

Or, if you and your friends aren't out

by the time I count to three,

I will mow you all down!

We good?


Go ahead. Count.

Harvey, you're not thinking clearly.

Maybe call your boss,

see what he thinks.

I don't have to call anyone.

Go ahead. Count.


How's that for better prepared?

Where's Ed Nygma?

The whole of Gotham is looking for you.

I need information, your specialty.

I am going to cut your face

into a jigsaw puzzle

and watch you try and put it back together again.

Barbara... Barbara! Am I dumb?

In all the years of plotting

and the betrayals between us,

have you ever... ever... known me to do something

as idiotically brutal as sh**t a rocket

into a building full of innocent people?

I did not k*ll those people in Haven.

Not exactly.

There's more going on here.

I'm waiting.

The night the bridges fell,

I was hurt. Oswald took me to Hugo Strange.

And he did something to my brain.

And that's your excuse for murdering hundreds of people?

I'm saying that Strange, or somebody,

can control me.

They k*lled those people.

Okay, let's say, by some miracle, I believe you.

Why the hell should I help you?

Because who's working with Strange?

Who would force me to k*ll all of those people?

Information is your lifeblood.

You help me,

and I will give you the best intel you've ever had.

I don't know where Strange is.

But I can tell you where you'll find his Igors.

Where is Edward Nygma?

You're protecting a mass m*rder*r.

Don't look to me for sympathy.


But not with that meathead around.

You know,

they say you can judge a man by his friends.

This from a man who has no friends.


Nygma's a patsy.

He is not a mass m*rder*r.

Puzzles, games,

perhaps the odd k*lling here and there,

but hundreds of people?

No. That's not him. You know this.

So who set him up?

Jim, you want information,

I want to go home.

- Eduardo's not gonna go for that.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

I thought you were in charge.

Even if I were to let you go,

sooner or later, the Army's gonna come for you.

Things are changing in Gotham.

I'll take my chances.


do you want Nygma or not?

I know where Nygma's going.

I trust you know what you're doing.

We do what we have to do, right?


Come in. You're late.

The last body you procured for me was gangrenous.

Completely unsuitable.

Oh, my.


Hello, Professor.

Mr. Nygma.

Let's skip the part where you deny

making me into a k*lling machine.

Tell me how you took control of my alter ego.

I don't follow.

You did something to access

the Ed Nygma side of my personality.

But... you're Ed Nygma.

I'm also the Riddler!

Tell me what you did!

Why did you make me k*ll all those people

in Haven?

You did that?

How interesting.

I had no idea.

You really expect me to believe that?

Mr. Nygma, I don't know anything about

your alter egos.

But I will confess that

when I was sewing up your Kn*fe wound,

I may have tinkered a little with your grey matter.

- Would you just...
- I put a chip in your brain.

It allows you to be able to be controlled remotely.

I knew it.

But I don't control you.

I gave control to others.


I will write it down.

That way, if I'm ever confronted,

I can honestly say that I never told you.

Not to worry.

You're experiencing a simple neural cutout.

I am mystified as to how you've become aware

you're being controlled.

I suppose we're just going to have to open you up

and take a look under the hood.

Won't we?


Sorry, kid, it's just me.

You all right?

Yeah, I'm just, uh, just looking for Jim.

It's nothing.

I saw soldiers downstairs.

Yeah, the Army's finally gotten off their asses

and decided to help.

Jim's out with them now.

Are you sure you're all right?

I don't know.

I see people losing their will to do good.

People I love.

What if we don't make it out of this?

I'm not gonna lie, kid.

These past few months,

I've wondered the same thing.

And when I don't know what to do,

I come up here and I dig into these case files.

I sit my ass down and I get to work.

I used to hate this kind of paperwork;

now it's the only thing that keeps me going.


Because the little things mater.

Act by act, deed by deed, it means something.

Even if no one notices

or cares.

Thanks, Harvey.

You're welcome, kid.

If you really want to do an old man a favor,

you can scrounge me up a cup of joe because I, uh...

Kid's fast.

I apologize for the discomfort.

The neural cutout inhibits muscular function,

but not pain receptors.

A simple reboot of the chip should be all that is required.

Although, the sound may be...

... uh, somewhat unpleasant.

Not to mention the smell.

Edward, I believe the time has come

for a change of scenery.

It seems a powerful electrical charge

overloaded your chip,

but I've gotten everything updated.

I will pass the good news along to your handler.

Care to expand on that?

I was merely helping a man who needed medical attention.

Yeah, not buying it.

His eyes are open.

I gave him a biomedical anesthesia.

Wake him up now. Do it.

Oh, very well.


I told you this wasn't me!

He put a chip in my brain.

And someone's been controlling it this whole time.

And then he drilled in my head!

Better talk now.

I am a scientist.

A contract came along; I developed a tool.

"A tool"? How dare you?

A contract from who?

Please escort the professor out, thank you.


What the hell is going on?

Sorry, pal, but this part of the op is need-to-know.

I couldn't say anything until we had the suspect in custody,

but Walker wants Ed Nygma taken out now.

Walker was behind this?

She's been controlling Nygma the whole time?

You know I hate this spook crap.

I don't ask questions; I follow orders.

She's responsible for Haven?

I don't understand, why...

Jim, stop right there, trust me.

Walker wants you to put a b*llet

in his brain.


Call it proof of loyalty.

It's what she needs from you before she can move forward

with final relief plans.

Hey, come on. Look at him.

He's a loon.

A cop-k*ller.

Tell me the truth.

Did Walker destroy Haven? Did you know?

- Tell me.
- Jim, ours is not to reason why.

And this is your chance to be a part of this mission.



You pull the trigger on him,

or I pull the trigger on you.

After all this, you'd k*ll me for some bureaucrat?

Mission comes first.

You taught me that.

What's your answer?

Looks like I saved your life one too many times.

Maybe so.

You know Jim Gordon.

You know this city.

Find him.

And k*ll him.

Boss. Wake up.

Wake up.


Oh! Stitches still sore, huh?

Never would have happened

if you wore that armor I prepared.

That b*llet is making you sentimental.

Give her a shake, huh?

Hmm. Better?

I told you I had to let Selina thrust the Kn*fe

into my flesh at least once.

Verisimilitude trumps precaution, you see.

I get it.

Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne needed to think

you were dead, boss.

Yeah. Right.

I take it you have news?

All systems go.

- Well, then lead the way.
- Oh!


I'm hearing good things.

The bandages are ready to come off.

Your assistant thought you'd like to see the results.

Indeed, I would.

Oh, you two look beautiful.


I love family reunions, don't you?