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07x17 - Driving Miss Crazy

Posted: 01/28/19 13:37
by bunniefuu
(narrator) Previously on "Pretty Little Liars..."

No more messengers.

No more go-betweens.

Hanna: You have to help me play this game.

- Do what?

- Play the game and win.

Did you come to the Radley Hotel that night?

- And did you see Archer Dunhill?

- No.

- You pay with your own card?

- Yes.

Which of your cards did you pay with?

- I don't remember.

- What's the amount you paid?

- I don't recall.

- What was the...

I don't recall.

We have to find that credit card slip.

- What the hell are you doing?

- There'll be nothing left to find.

"I write this because I am ashamed."

"I need someone to forgive me"

"and the only person to do that is you."

Mary is dangerous.

She cannot be trusted.

You've been lying to me for my entire life.

- I will not hurt my friends.

- You'll do as you're told.

[door clacks]

Don't forget about Ezra.

He's just a document away from going to prison.

[salsa music]

(female trainer)

Nice, very nice.

- Whoo!

- Alright.

(female trainer)

That's it for tonight, folks.

You want me to get next week?

Same time, same place. Same feet.

- Did I step on you?

- No.

'Cause I could've sworn I saw pain.

My shoes are too small.

It's fine.

That should be a lot easier in a pound wedding gown.

- Ah, my brother's stalking me.

- Why?

My mother doesn't approve of who he is dating.

And she's...

terrified that if Crystal's still him with her on our wedding day then she'll blight the family photos.

What does he expect you to do?

Broker a deal.

Seat her in the back behind a very thick pole.

Hey, maybe we could put 'em in the same table as your cousin who raises ferrets.

- [cell phone ringing]

- _ Aria?


Look, we're gonna be fine.

Nothing is going to ruin our perfect day.

I promise.


I'm sorry, I got to run.

Wes wants to do this in person.

Call me every minutes, please.

Save me, please.


[phone beeps]

I cannot do this right now.

You can't afford not to.

You still want this, don't you?

Not if it means torturing my friends.

But you agreed that you weren't done.

I've done enough.

- I want it back.

- And you'll get it.

But first you need to deliver a gift to Spencer and her family.



Not Spencer.

She's already been through too much.

Your call.

Maybe the best man could use some of this in his toast.

Does the groom know that you once referred to him - as a twisted, conniving predator?

- Stop!

Or that you wanted the Rosewood Police to formally charge him for exploiting a teenager when he was in a position of power.

I never filed that report.

But you filled it out, sweetheart.

No one held a g*n to your head.

I was angry, I wanted to punish him.

That was like six years ago.

Oh, fortunately for me there's no statute of limitations so either you deliver that gift or you're getting hitched in cell block .

♪ Got a secret ♪

♪ Can you keep it? ♪

♪ Swear this one you'll save ♪

♪ Better lock it in your pocket ♪

♪ Takin' this one to the grave ♪

♪ If I show you then I know you ♪

♪ Won't tell what I said ♪

♪ 'Cause two can keep a secret ♪

♪ If one of them is dead ♪


Did I wake you?

Ah, no.

What is this about?

May I come in?

There was an incident at the Radley Hotel on Thursday.

Basements storage room was flooded.

Why are you telling me this?

Because a witness saw you and your friend Caleb there that night.

Is he here by chance?

Okay, well, who's this witness, and what do they think they saw?

May we sit?


You know what, I really don't have time.

I have to go in the shower.

Oh, guess it's your turn.


What's goin' on?

Detective Furey said that there was a flood in the basement at the Radley and someone saw us there.

Why wouldn't they?

I live there.

Yet you shower here.

Hanna has nicer shampoo.

Why are the police investigating a flood?

Doesn't that fall under bad plumbing?

No, this was no accident.

This was staged.

A flood destroyed crucial evidence in a m*rder investigation.


Just curious.

Why do you live in a hotel?


My mom manages the Radley.

She offered Caleb a room and he upgraded the security system.


Well that system failed on Thursday between : and : .

Besides you who else has access?

I don't know.

You'd have to speak to Ashley Marin.

I already did.

We spoke last night.

And we will again.

Until we figure out what happened.

We already know why.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

There might be.

We may have lost one item but other compelling evidence has surfaced.

This had to happen today?


Yeah, my mom hired a realtor who thinks that having a paper clip is too much clutter.

- Why Jason?

- What?

Why did you feel the need to go see Jason now?

You know, Ali needed the break.

I'm glad she's in New York.

And you know what it's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better.

You know, all the books say that the nausea lets up in the second trimester.

I'm not talking about barfing, Emily, I'm talking about Furey.

He's hell bent on being super cop.

He's tryin' to solve every single cold case on the Rosewood Police blotter.

- Hey, Emily.

- Hey.

Uh, what's our system here?

A Harrisburg dumpster.

You guys need to have a giant yard sale.

Oh, no, no, no.

When we leave here we're not leaving any bits of us behind.

We're gone.

Hope you come visit.

What's that?

Property of Radley Sanitarium.

I think this must be what they brought me home in.

Was that in the dumpster pile?


Maybe you should keep it.

[cell phone rings]

- Hanna, stop.

- What other evidence?

What is Furey talking about?

- Did A.D.

send him a nose?

- Hanna, breathe.


No, you breathe.

We have to play the game until the end or that body is gonna end up in somebody else's hands piece by piece, and it's not gonna be ours.

- I'm taking another turn.

- Okay, it doesn't work like that.

You have to be chosen.

- Why haven't you had a turn?

- I don't know.

I'm not in control of this game.

[door clacks]

- What was that?

- That was me.

I'm sorry I'm late.

- What did I miss?

- Ah, an invitation.

- Mona knows about the game.

- But why?

Because we need her help, Emily.

She's brilliant.

She knows the answer before you even ask the question.

Well, the question is, why you waited so long to ask and for that I have no answer.

Hey Mona, this isn't trivial pursuit.

There's a missing body and...

Stop focusing so much on the dead body and put your attention on the live one.

What, you think you know who A.D. is?

I have a short list, starting with Jenna Marshall and ending in Mary Drake.


You know what, we don't need your theories.

And there's no piece on that board that looks like you.

I guess you're forgetting who replaced the shattered windshield once you peeled Dunhill off of it.

Which makes me an accessory to your crime.

And if you think I'm gonna leave my fate in your fumbling hands you've been smoking the drapes.

[elevator bell dings]

Ashley, I...

Mrs. Marin.

I didn't know that you were back in town already.

- Hanna thinks that...

- Yeah.

Just texting her an update.

We always skip the hug.

How are you?

Oh, my God.

Welcome home.

- How are you?

- Concerned.

Can we talk somewhere with a little less traffic?


[Caleb clears throat]

I just spent the last hour in a meeting with the Rosewood Police and my support staff.

- Was I supposed to be there?

- No.

They specifically asked that you not be.

Do you know about this flood?

Um, yeah.

I-I mean, I heard.

But Hanna and I didn't have anything to do with it.

She only came to pick me up...

Caleb, Detective Furey keeps circling back to you.

He seems to think that this stunt may have had something to do with protecting Hanna and her friends.

Is this true?

So much has happened since you've been gone.

The girls are just easy targets.

Please, look me in the eye and tell me that Hanna is not in any kind of trouble.

She's not...

... in trouble.

Sheila, that-that swing has been hanging from that tree since we bought the house.

I wouldn't even know how to take it down.

The whole tree?

I'll call you back.


[phone beeps]


Whoa, what are those?

Well, you had mentioned you'd forgotten to eat and I figured your cabinets were already empty.

Oh, we only tossed the condiments but that's so sweet of you, honey, thank you.

Um, I have one more closet to tackle before we take a dinner break.

Will you join us?

Oh, no, actually, I-I really can't stay.

Another time then.

So, are you as ticked off as I am?

About what?

About Mona.

Hanna should not have pulled her in any of this.


I mean, I don't know.

She can help, it might be nice - to have a different perspective.

- (Emily)

Her perspective is warped.

She needs to take Mary off of her list.

Yeah, you're probably right.

She should.

- Do you need this?

- No.

But, thanks.

- Actually, I got to go.

- Oh, why.

What's up?

- More wedding stuff?

- Yeah.

Ezra is flipping out about the guest list.

- I'll see you.

- Okay.


Thank you.


Hey, when you come down will you bring

some more tape with you?

(female # )

'Why are you calling me here?

(male # )

You know why I'm calling you.

You thought you could pin this on me?

(female # )

I could pin a lot on you, Peter.

(male # )

I think burying a dead body in my yard is plenty.

(female # )

I didn't have a choice.

If it wasn't Jessica it would have been me six feet under.

I knew what you two were planning.

(male # )

Six feet isn't deep enough for you.

What the hell is this?

Where is that coming from?

(male # )

You know why I'm calling you.

You thought you could pin this on me?

- Peter, what is going on?

- How did she get in here?

(male # )

In my yard is plenty.


This is what happens when you open the door to a lunatic.

Damn it!

[door closes]

(female # )

Why are you calling me here?

(male # )

You know why I'm calling you.

You thought you could pin this on me?

(female # )

I could pin a lot on you, Peter.

(male # )

I think burying a dead body in my yard is plenty.

(female # )

I didn't have a choice.

If it wasn't Jessica it would have been me six feet under.

♪ - So, is she out there?

- No.

Who recorded that conversation?

How should I know?

- It was a hundred years ago.

- Six.

Why would she think that you and Ali's mom wanted to k*ll her?

Please, Spencer.

These are the delusional ramblings of a sick person.

Who else would do something like this?

- What're you doin'?

- Calling the police.

No, no, no.

Don't do that.

Somebody broke into our house.

You don't need to call the police.

- I'm calling the police...

- Please don't call them.


I'll call you back before you go to sleep.

Tell Jason I say hey.

Make sure she takes her folic acid.

That was Mona.

Something about acid.


Yeah, you too.

You can tell Ali you love her in front of me, Em.

That hasn't been a secret since we were in Brownies.

Okay, please, you shouldn't be touching that.

You still don't realize how badly you need me, do you?

Look, I didn't ask you to play this game.

You also didn't ask me to find out the name of the fertility doctor who did Alison's procedure but I did.

Don't you wanna know who bankrolled it?

That person might also be your baby's daddy.

Still takes two, hon.


Don't mess with me, Mona.

If you know something, spill it.

I don't know anything except for the name of the doctor and you'll meet him tomorrow morning at : .

You made an appointment?

We're going as a couple.

Dress appropriately.

She isn't goin' to give you a polygraph test.

She doesn't have to.

My mother knows I'm lying when I talk in my sleep.

You don't talk in your sleep.

I do when I've lied to her.

- Hanna, you've covered your tracks.

- Really?

'Cause I think I've made them worse.

Dumping those receipts on the floor didn't make it look like an accident.

Furey can't prove anything.

And the important thing is that Spencer's mistake is gone.

Yeah, well, if she could make a mistake like that what other stupid stuff have the rest of us done.

I-I nearly left my bracelet in that car.


I-I tossed those shovels behind the shed and then they just ran off.

Hey, Ezra.

I come bearing gifts.

Hmm, thanks.

Do you have anything stronger?

What are you stressed about?

I'm the one who's best man maybe coming down the aisle via Skype.

Does that mean he can wear half a tuxedo?

Honestly, I just wanted to make a commitment to someone I love and now, it's about everybody else's agenda.

Wish we had gone by the sandals and gelatos.

Just a private ceremony for two in a perfect Tuscan village.

Wait, who are the two?

Did we just get us invited?

- Hey, sunshine.

- Hi.

- Have you eaten?

- Oh, I'm not really hungry.

I think I'm just gonna go upstairs.

It's been a really long day.

Sorry, guys.


That, my friends is what a happy bride looks like.

It's been a long journey for us.

And we talked about having a child our first date.

Didn't we, Em?

Uh, yeah.

Have you discussed which one of you would, uh, like to carry the child?

- She will.

- Mona.

Well, we were actually hoping that you would help us make that choice, Dr.


I-I can't do that.

Oh, w-we're not talking about eeny meenie minie mo.

Just more of an informed medical decision.



Have either of you been pregnant before?


Answer the question, hon.

- Uh, no.

- Good.

Wow, you sure went to a lot of schools for somebody so young.

No wonder you come so highly recommended.

- Oh, who referred you?

- Alison Rollins.

You may know her as Alison DiLaurentis.

[dramatic music]

I understand you're willing to work for an unusual arrangement.

All cash, no questions asked.

Okay, I'm not sure why you're here, but I don't think it's for the right reasons.

People do things for all sorts of reasons, don't they?

I'm sure you had yours.


I think you need to find another doctor.

[music continues]

[crow cawing]


[dramatic music]

Can I help you?

[elevator bell rings]

Oh, this was a stupid idea.

Some ideas take longer to execute than others, Emily.

- You stole that?

- Mm-hmm.

What's that supposed to tell us?

His home address.

Baby doc forgot to peel off the mailing label.

I doubt this is the most personal piece of mail he gets.

We're gonna do some digging.

Look, lady, I don't mind calling you a tow truck but I don't have any shovels.

How is that possible?

I mean, how do you plant a tree without a shovel?

I don't plant trees.

That's a different department.

But if your vehicle skidded off the road maybe we could find something else.

No, I just needed a shovel.

I'm sorry.

They took 'em.


W-what do you mean "Took them?"

Well, they were confiscated.

I mean it could've been used in crime or something.

They're running tests.

So, we can find something else here.


Hey, how about this?

Oh, try wedging this beneath your...



[intense music]



(female # )

Why are you calling me here?


You know why I'm calling you.

You thought you can pin this on me?

(female # )

I could pin a lot on you, Peter.


I think burying a dead body in my yard is plenty.

[phone ringing]

- Hey.

- Oh, you picked up.

Where have you been?

I've called you like five times.

- I know, I just...

- What's wrong?

I'm staring at a burner phone that was in a box that basically just blew up my whole family.

I think I'm taking a turn at the game without knowing it.


What happened with your family?

My dad might have had more to do with Mrs.

D's death than we thought.

My mom's a wreck.

They both think that Mary Drake made this special delivery.

Is that what you think?

I don't know what to think. I-I just...

Mary wrote this letter that makes me cry every time I look at it.

I mean, how can this be the same person?

It just can't be.

I'm gonna tell my mom about the game.

- I have to.

- No...


Just don't tell your parents anything.

We may be a lot closer than you think.


just give Mona a chance to figure this out.


We're gonna wait for Mona to save us?

She'd rather see us behind bars.

She saved us before, Spencer.

Just don't tell your mother anything.

I think talking about it might just make it worse.

But listen, I-I gotta go.

[dramatic music]

Are you okay?

Who was that?

Uh, Spencer.

Can I try and change your mood?

I think I may have found a song for our first dance.

[instrumental music]

Uh, please don't make me dance right now.


Okay, fine.

We'll sway.

Or j-just listen.

- You hate it.

- No.


It's sweet.

I like it.

I just...

Have reservations about everything else.

- What?

- Let's be honest.

Aria, I know why you were whispering on the phone with Spencer.

There are things have been done that can't be undone.


can't be forgiven.


You still have doubts about me.

About whether you can trust me or not?

- Ezra.

- No-no.

I-I get it.

Maybe there's some part of you that has never forgiven me for taking advantage of you and your friends for the sake of a book.

Look, Ezra, that's not...

I wish that I could change history but I can't.

I fell in love with you, Aria.

And this is where we are now.

And I-I truly believe that we are stronger for having weathered those storms.

Don't you?

[dramatic music]

Sorry, when did we go from dating to stalking?

I'm here to do a follow up.

- More questions?

- It's my job.

So, why are we in the middle of the streets instead of down at the station?

I thought you might be embarrassed.

I hadn't realized until I spoke with Hanna's mother the other night that you and Caleb Rivers had ever been more than friends.

Why would that be embarrassing?

Was he the reason that you stopped with me that night in the elevator at the Radley?

What relevance does that have?

He'd have strong motive to protect you, wouldn't he?

I really hope you're not having a hard time separating what's personal from what's professional, Detective Furey?

Given that I know how much you value sticking to the letter of the law.

I have to go.

I'm just curious.

Did your interest in me have anything to do with you suddenly needing a cop in your corner.

If you have anything real to ask me you can do it in your office, under fluorescent lights.

And I promise you, it will not be me who's embarrassed.

[dramatic music]


Park here. We can talk inside.

Why can't we talk out here?

- Please, let's go inside.

- I'm just more comfortable out here.


How sad...

that it's me you're frightened of.

Well, can you give me a reason not to be?

Why did you plant this in my house?

I didn't leave that in your house.

But I'm sorry you heard it.

- So you know what's on here?

- I do.

I overheard it while I was waiting to see you.

I didn't know it was being recorded at that time.

The hospital must have done that.

They did lots of heinous things.

Yeah, well, what about you?

Possibly you did a few heinous things yourself.

Don't judge.

You'd be surprised at the things you have to do sometimes to protect yourself.

[dramatic music]

Where are they?

Veronica took the girls to New York for the weekend.

Thank you for just...

letting me in.

Well, take a good look.

'Cause it's the last time you'll ever be allowed in here.

You'll never see Spencer...


Please don't say that.

She's one of the few good things I've ever done.

- Don't rob me.

- What was the good part?

You tricking me into thinking you were Jessica?

You only did that to punish her and take me down with her.

You're not taking Spencer.

You wanna know what's punishing?

Who do you think signed the papers that put me into a straitjacket?

[door opens]

What are you doing here?

I thought we were taking care of this.

[dramatic music]

Those pills...

that stopped your sister's heart they were meant to stop yours.

We shared the same DNA.

The same medical conditions.

And my father?

Supplied Jessica with the medication.

But I intercepted them.

Finally, for once, I stepped out of her shadow and stood up to my bully.

I've been cheated out of so much, Spencer.

Most of all, knowing you.

Do you wanna change that?

Would you consider staying with me?

I've survived pretty well underneath the radar.

It'll be like a, like a second chance for us.

You have a detective breathing down your neck.

Wouldn't it be nice to finally be free?

[cell phone buzzing]


Do you want butter on the popcorn?


Hey, where have you been?

You didn't answer any of my texts.

My phone died.

I drove all the way over there for nothing.

I mean, Furey already has those shovels.

- And God knows what else.

- Hanna!

I spent the last four hours getting Lucas's car detailed.

There's no way that they're gonna find anything in there.

I made him vacuum the ceiling.

I made him clean the seat belt with a Q-tip.

- Hanna.

- Hello, stranger.


Oh, my God, I missed you so much.

Um, I ordered some food to pick up from Aria's.

But your mom brought over a nice bottle of wine.

- Should we open that?

- Of course.

Why were you detailing Lucas's car?

Uh, it's kind of been my office on wheels.

You know, making deliveries picking up fabrics, eating meals...

Really disgusting.

Uh, Caleb, why don't you get the nice wine glasses?

So, has Emily moved out?

Uh, she sort of moved in with Alison.

So, you two could live here together?

Well, when I'm not at the hotel.

You know, here, as in, permanent.

What... is...

Um, I'm not sure I understand what you're asking.

Caleb, I'm happy you're back in Hanna's life.

I just wish I knew...


Did Hanna need your help with something?


What are you doing?

I'm standing right here, don't ask.


It's alright.

They're good questions.

The truth is, I'm here because I needed Hanna's help.

I needed to figure some things out.

Like how I felt about her.

And I know that we drifted apart for a little while and we almost ended up with other people which would've been a disaster.


I would've spent the next years of my life kicking myself for losing the best thing that's ever happened to me.

I can't imagine my life without Hanna.

I don't want to.

What are you saying?

[instrumental music]

I wanna marry your daughter, Mrs.


[music continues]

No bells and whistles just the two of us exchanging vows.

And finally make this official.

[music continues]


[all chuckling]

We have something to toast.

[intense music]

Where am I?

Come on.

Let's get this over with.

Your toilet paper's starting to wilt.

["Jailhouse Rock" by Elvis Presley]


♪ The warden threw a party in the county jail ♪

♪ The prison band was there and they began to wail ♪

♪ The band was jumpin' and the joint began to swing ♪

♪ You should've heard them knocked out jailbirds sing ♪

♪ Let's rock ♪

♪ Everybody let's rock ♪

♪ Everybody in the whole cell block ♪

♪ Was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock ♪

♪ Number forty-seven said to number three ♪

♪ You're the cutest jailbird that I ever did see ♪

♪ I sure would be delighted with your company ♪

♪ Come on and do the Jailhouse Rock with me ♪

♪ Let's rock ♪

♪ Everybody let's rock ♪

♪ Everybody in the whole cell block ♪

♪ Was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock ♪

♪ The sad sack was a sittin' on a block of stone ♪

♪ Way over in the corner weepin' all alone ♪

♪ The warden said Hey buddy don't you be no square ♪

♪ If you can't find a partner use a wooden chair ♪

♪ Let's rock ♪

♪ Everybody let's rock ♪

♪ Everybody in the whole cell block ♪

♪ Was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock ♪

♪ Dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock ♪

♪ Dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock ♪

♪ Dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock ♪

♪ Dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock ♪

♪ Dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock ♪

We are gathered here together...

Mrs. Hastings...

I am so sorry.

- Please forgive me.

- Forgive you?

Oh, honey.

You're just a selfish little bitch.

I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

He'll never pitch for the Yanks anymore.

Hey, how do you like Mr.


- Daddyo!

- Daddyo!


Daddyo, Daddyo, Daddyo, Daddyo, Daddyo.


(male # )

You all finished?

Fine, Reggie got that audition...

[cell phone buzzes]

_ [soft music]

[door opens]

What're you doin' back here?

We thought we hadn't finished your interview with you.

Yeah, I don't have any answers for you.

Oh, but you did have the cash to pay off a medical school loan bill overnight.

Shall I read you the statement?

You went through my mail?

We have what you want, you have what we want.

Tell us the name of Alison's donor daddy.

I can't do that.

Then tell us who handed you the cash to make the transfer?

Unless you'd rather tell the state board.

Look, no...

I-I don't have names.


I never did.


It was all handled electronically.

All I can do is give you the donor's ID number.

We'll take it.

[door opens]

What's going on here?

[door closes]

Where did you get that?

It was on the table.

You know everything in here is just a manipulative ploy.

- Peter...

- She'll suck you in.

And before you know it, make you share responsibility for all...

For what?

For what you were willing to do make her go away forever?

I'm not gonna dignify that.

Answer her question, Peter.

What's the question?

Did I try to protect my family from a deranged sociopath who wanted to shatter our lives?

Hell, yes!

And I'd do it again.

If someone continually threatens you, Spencer...

I don't think you'd do any different.

Well, you can start unpacking these boxes.


We're not going to Harrisburg.

I'll make an announcement in the morning.

I'm forfeiting my senate seat.

No, Mom, you can't do that.

You had nothing to do with any of this.

But I'm married to someone who did.

Spencer, you know how these things work.

How can I take that job when I'll just be treading water waiting for the shark to take another bite.

I guess some dreams were meant to be just that.



Mom, Mary...

She didn't bring that recording into this house.

She's not out to hurt us.


Then who did?

Who is?

_ _ [sighs]

[owl hoots]


- You found me.

- Yeah, barely.


Why are we here?

Well, when I dropped your mom off at the hotel the staff was giving me the hairy eyeball.

Probably they all work for Detective Furey now.

Better to be off the grid.

What's in the bag?


Did you really mean what you said?


To my mom.

- Did you really...

- Hanna.

I need to know.

Because I don't know if you said it just to distract her...


I would marry you right this second if we could find a bear who's licensed.




♪ I didn't know what I was looking for ♪

Uh, whoa!

When did you pick up this habit?


Well, I came prepared.

Just in case.

[soft rock song]

When can I kiss the bride?


[song continues]

I'm so happy to see you.

I'm glad you came.

Did you tell them that you were leaving?

Do they know you're with me?



You packed lightly.

Are the rest of your things in your car?

I'm not going with you.

I thought you were ready to leave this town.

I am.

I just...

I can't leave the people in it.

My friends need me, and I-I need them and I can't walk away from my parents right now.

Especially not my mom.


I'm sorry.

- I'm so sorry.

- Don't apologize.

She is your mother.

And you are lucky to have her.

Do you know who delivered that recording to your house?


But at least now I know that it wasn't you.

I hope you can forgive me.

I already have.

But you need to forgive yourself.


[breathing heavily]



_ Emily?

What're you doing here?

Hold on.

This is from Spencer.

A.D. left it in her house and we're hoping you can find something on here to help us.

Where's Caleb when you need him?

He and Hanna aren't answering their phones.

Give it.

Just be careful, okay?

You really need to watch your step.

Note taken.


I also think I narrowed down the agency that the...

Tomorrow, hon, it's been a wicked long day.

Some of us need our beauty rest.

Could I at least show you on your laptop?

I'll call you tomorrow, okay?


[keys clacking]