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07x10 - My Name is Emiko Queen

Posted: 01/26/19 07:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Arrow"...

Ms. Mayor, as of today, Mr. Queen

is officially working for the SCPD.

You sure you're good with this?

Hiding the truth from Oliver and Felicity? No.


We need your help.

This is a plan to level all of Star City.

These are the b*mb schematics we found

in Felicity's hideout.

We have got to go to the cops.

The SCPD are a joke.

We go to The Glades.

I guess it's time to pay my dad a visit.




WOMAN, VOICE-OVER: The world is not a fair place.

Innocent people die while the guilty go free.

The system is broken, filled with corruption, greed,

and apathy.

The people who are supposed to protect us are failing us.

SINGER: ♪ You lust, lust because you must ♪

♪ It's all good for girls like us ♪

♪ Now all my friends are enemies... ♪

WOMAN, VOICE-OVER: Criminals continue to walk the streets

because no one is willing to stop them.

The world may not be fair,

but everyone deserves justice

and someone looking out for them.

SINGER: ♪ I think I've gone mad, but it was fun ♪

♪ I think I've gone mad, but it was fun ♪

♪ I think I've gone mad, but it was fun ♪

♪ I think I've gone mad ♪

♪ But it was fun ♪

♪ Oh! ♪

♪ Oh oh oh... ♪

♪ Oh oh oh... ♪

♪ Oh oh oh ♪

BETHANY SNOW: And in other news from city hall,

today marks the dawn of a new era for Star City,

an unprecedented partnership between the SCPD

and the recently unmasked Oliver Queen,

now a deputized member of the police force.

You expecting someone?

If anyone from my organization caught me

talking to you, it's lights out for Marco.

This will calm your nerves.

It certainly does.

Did you find William Glenmorgan?

Not exactly.

We've used Glenmorgan for a few sensitive jobs.

So have the Bratva, the Irish,

and anyone else rich enough to pay him,

but no one has seen his face.

So how do you hire him?

Through the online black market,

but he's very careful.

Glenmorgan might not even be his real name.

Word is he's in town contracting

for Talis Global.

That will get you into the Talis server room.

You'll have to find your own way into the building.


What'd this guy do to you anyway?

I'm not paying you to ask me questions.








GUARD: Freeze!

I said, freeze!

[p*stol FIRES]

Get on the ground.


Show yourself. Nobody has to get hurt.

I need your help.

Holy crap.

I got you. I got you.

Game time, rookie. You ready?

It's not my first crime scene, Dinah.

No, but it's your first one as an SCPD deputy,

so try not to screw it up, huh?


The new Green Arrow has been dropping felons

at my doorstep almost every night,

but this is something different... a B & E.


It doesn't look like it ended well.

WOMAN: Don't touch that.

This is a crime scene,

and at a crime scene, we follow proper procedure...

A concept that is clearly alien to you.

My apologies.

I'll take that, please.

Yes, Captain.

So not everyone is excited

about our new partnership, I see.

It's gonna take some time for them to get used

to the Green Arrow wearing a badge.

But, hey, this is the best lead we've had

on finding out who's under that hood.

It shouldn't take too long

to analyze the blood.

By not long, you mean at least a week.

My crime lab is buried under mountains of evidence.

There's another option.

Dinah, why is the SCPD working with the Green Arrow

if you are not going to use my resources?



Thank you.

Careful. It's gonna be sore.

Not bad.

Well, the Navy didn't teach me heart surgery or anything,

but I can handle a few stitches.

- Thank you.
- No problem.

So you want to tell me what happened out there?

Okay. How about your name?

I appreciate the help,

but I'm not looking to make new friends.

- Looks like you could use some.
- I work alone.

But you came to my place.

And I'm starting to regret

not taking my chances at the hospital.

Well, I guess stubbornness comes with the suit.

Look, you're doing a lot of good out there,

and you obviously care about The Glades.

Let me help you.

You have no idea what I care about.

If Oliver Queen knew anything,

it's that you can't save the city alone.

I'm not Oliver Queen.

Zoe, you're supposed to be at the mayor's fundraising breakfast.

He knows I hate those things.

It still doesn't look good

when his chief of staff shows up late.

He loves schmoozing donors.

bucks says he didn't even notice.

MAN: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

esteemed donors and beneficiaries.

It's my honor to introduce the man

who single-handedly cleaned up The Glades...

My friend and your mayor, Rene Ramirez.


Thank you, Keven.

And thank you all for coming out today.

Many years ago,

we came together for a common purpose...

To improve The Glades when no one else would.

And look at us now.

The Glades have never been stronger,

but our work's far from over.

And I promise you if I'm reelected,

I will keep fighting to make sure

The Glades remains the greatest place on earth.


Afternoon, Mr. Diaz.

I have to say, the accommodations here...

A lot more comfortable than Slabside.

You can thank me by telling me

everything you know about

the t*rror1st financier known as Dante.

Three days you keep on asking me the same thing,

and I keep on telling you I don't know anything.

Then why did he help pay your debt

to the Longbow Hunters?

You must be really desperate to be reaching out to me.

Is that your husband on the other side of the glass?

How you doing, Johnny Boy?

Keep stonewalling, Mr. Diaz,

and watch how fast those accommodations

you're enjoying disappear.

You'll see just how uncomfortable a place

A.R.G.U.S. can be.

Or we can send you back to Slabside,

let you rot there.

Let me be...

Real clear.

For the cheap seats,

screw you.

I want my lawyer.

You belong to A.R.G.U.S. now.

No one knows you're here,

and no one ever will.

So I suggest you cooperate.

I got nothing more to say.


COMPUTER: DNA match... Oliver Queen.

Whoo! DNA signature confirmed.

I knew you were here before you even walked in the door!

How's that?

- That's good work.
- Thank you.

Aren't you a working man now?

Shouldn't you be at the SCPD?

Uh, they need a little help from Team Arrow...

Specifically you.

- Cool.
- You need to analyze this DNA.

It belongs to the new Green Arrow.

Some husbands bring their wives home flowers,

and mine brings me blood from a crime scene.

They say romance is dead. Ha ha!

Any idea on who it could be?


Oh, you're no fun.

You don't think it could be Roy, do you?

Oh. We are not even on the same continent as Roy.

Yeah. Well, let's find out who our mystery man is,

shall we?





Well, shame on us for being so sexist.

Our mystery man is actually a woman.




Can you sit down?


'Cause the, um... Well, before you ask,

I mean, no, it's not, it's not Thea...

The DNA match is on your father's side.

I'm sorry. Say again?

The vigilante is your sister.



Get in! Get in, boss.

Go! Go! Go!

What the hell are you doing?

You mean besides saving your ass?

I knew that sn*per was there.

I told you, I don't need your help.

Well, it looked like you were gonna k*ll that guy.

I was gonna take him alive

to get some answers.

Talis Global is no joke.

They recruit Navy SEALs, mercs, assassins,

not the kind of folks you want to mess with alone.

This is my mission.

It's personal, so stay out of it.

The next time you get in my way,

I'm putting an arrow through you.

No hits on the state birth index,

no hospital records.

As far as the government is concerned,

your mystery sister doesn't even exist.

Well, my father was always very good at

burying his secrets.


Hey, you okay?

You know, this has to be a shock,

not as big as a shock as maybe

becoming the Flash and then fighting alongside Batwoman,

but still a shock.

I have come to terms with the fact that

my father kept things from us.


Hey, maybe you should reach out to her.

I feel like if she wanted to talk to me,

she would've come and talked to me.

Oliver, she's running around town dressed like you.

I mean, I'm no therapist, but I'm pretty sure

the technical term for that is cry for help.

She has to have a reason.


I don't feel comfortable just barging into her life,

not without knowing more.

I need answers.

Well, luckily for you, your wife is

very talented at finding invisible people.

Some even call her a genius.

So one thing we know about your father is that he loved

a good old-fashioned paper trail.

He used an offshore account to handle

some of his more sensitive financial transactions.

Yup, recurring payments to M & H Storage

in Orchid Bay, and the good news is

the account is still active.

We need whatever's in that storage unit.

We need it here immediately.

Okay. Copy that. And...


One more thing.

Just one more?

The account is not registered to your father.

It's registered to your mom.

There he is...

The man himself.

You think you're gonna be the one

to get me to talk?

Let me make one thing clear, Ricardo.

You will tell us exactly what we need to know.

A little good cop...

Heh... bad cop.

I've beaten that game before.

I'm not here to play any games with you.

I'm here to offer you a deal.

John, what are you doing?

Deputy Director Bell.

What are you doing here?

The Pentagon sent me to help deal

with the situation brewing in Kahndaq.

Imagine my surprise when I heard

a rumor that you had taken Ricardo Diaz

into A.R.G.U.S. custody.

Clearly not just a rumor.

What kind of deal?


It's simple, really.

You give us Dante, you go free.

Are you serious?

Those are the terms.


BELL: Mr. Diggle, a word.

You think about it.

Ricardo Diaz was just arrested.

Now you two want to set him free?

What the hell is going on here?

My apologies for not looping you in sooner, sir.

Director Michaels and I were in the process

of reinstating the Ghost Initiative.

And Mr. Diaz here was our first potential recruit.

BELL: What's that?

A defunct A.R.G.U.S. program that employed

expendable criminals for covert operations.

It was scrubbed

shortly after my predecessor died.

And you think it's a good idea to bring it back?

Are you questioning my decision,

Deputy Director?

Of course not, Madam Director.

That kind of radical, out-of-the-box approach is

exactly the shot in the arm A.R.G.U.S. needs.

I'm sure the Pentagon will be very excited

to hear about this.

Nice work, agent.

Looking stronger in the ring, peanut.

Just got to work on your right cross a little more.


Guess the new Green Arrow needs

Wild Dog's help after all.

I'll be fine, Dad. Go.

All right.


RENE: Thank you. Okay. See you soon. Okay.


How you feeling?

Must have been a nasty bug

for you to miss days of work.

It was, but I'm better now.

Good. Because the education initiative

is coming to a vote next week,

and Councilman Roberts still needs some hand-holding, so...

Actually, Dad, there's something else

I need to talk to you about.


Someone's planning an attack on Star City.

Zoe, please tell me you haven't been talking to Dinah.

They're planning to set off multiple bombs.

And we need to find out where.

I want you to give the SCPD access

to the Archer Program.

You want me to use our security system,

the very thing that keeps us safe,

to help Star City?

You're out of your mind.

You're the mayor. You have a responsibility...

Don't you dare talk to me about my responsibility!

When The Glades needed help,

no one came to our rescue.

Dad, if this b*mb goes off,

thousands of people could die.

How could you turn your back on that?


The Archer Program wiped out crime in The Glades

and helped it thrive.

You do remember what happened

when it fell in the wrong hands once.

And we barely recovered.

Oh. So I'm the wrong hands?

You know that's not what I meant.

You know what I know is,

is that you used to stand up for anyone in need.

It didn't matter which part of town they were from.

You were a hero.

What happened to you?

I want to know why.

You're gonna have to be more specific.

Why do you want to help me?

'Cause we're the same.

I doubt that.

You said your mission is personal.

So is mine.

I watched as my wife got shot to death

by a drug dealer from these streets.

And for a long time, all I saw was red.

Then I met Oliver Queen and their team,

and they helped me channel my anger

into a fight for a better life.

I just want to pay that forward.

That can't be all.



Ever since Oliver went to prison...

I've been alone.

My friends, my team...

They... they moved on, found another way to be heroes.

And I've been running around the city helping you.

You can trust me.

Follow me.

If I knew there were this many boxes,

I wouldn't have had them all delivered to our living room.

This feels like a waste of time.

Hey, you call this a waste of time?

I don't know. You were pretty good.

You clearly weren't too happy about Thea being born, though.

Yeah. But she grew on me.


What's that?

This is a letter to Walter Steele...

From my dad.

I always forget that Walter and your dad were friends

before Walter and your mother, you know?

What does it say?

"Dear Walter,

as you know, I haven't always made

the best choices,

and if you're reading this letter,

it means I'm gone."

"I need your help to right one last wrong."

"There's a woman...

Kazumi Adachi.

I loved her.

We had a daughter.

And I treated both of them unfairly.

I abandoned them.

I'm not proud of what I did,

but I'm trying to make it right.

You're the only one I trust with this.

Please take care of Emiko."

Are you okay?


I don't know what to think.

Emiko and her mother were

supposed to be taken care of

in the event of my father's passing.

It clearly didn't happen.


The secret identity of your unknown sibling

has been locked in a storage unit for years.

Your mother made sure of it.

God. You must have so many questions.

This answers most of them.

I mean, it'd be one thing if my father had...

An affair.

He had a second family.

He... he had a woman

that he wanted cared for,

he had a child that he wanted protected.

That he loved.

How am I supposed to believe that he's

ever loved anybody but himself?

How... how could he abandon them

in the first place?

I don't think Moira gave him much of a choice.

I worked...

So long and hard

to redeem my family's name

after the terrible things

that they've done,

but abandoning someone

and a little girl?


It's unforgivable.

What do you want to do?

You put all this together alone?

People can't let you down if you don't let them in.

Spoken like someone who knows what that feels like.

My father gave this to my mother

the last time he saw her.

When I was a little kid,

we used this quilt to build play forts.

We'd play so long that sometimes,

we'd just fall asleep there.

And before we closed our eyes,

we always hoped for the same thing...

That we'd wake up in the morning, go upstairs,

and my father would be waiting for us.

I'm guessing he never was.

Mom and I struggled, but we got by.

We had each other no matter what.

But last year, there was a fire in the apartment.

And the fire department was nowhere to be found

because who gives a damn

about some tenement in The Glades?

By the time they finally arrived,

there were no survivors.

Your mom was in there.

It wasn't the fire that k*lled her.

He did.

She was dead before the fire even started.

He put a b*llet in her head,

a very specific kind of b*llet.

You tracked a b*llet?

Why would he k*ll your mom?

That's what I've been trying to figure out.

I know these guys.

The arms dealer who provided the r*fle

and the arsonist who tried to destroy all the evidence.

Your mission is about revenge.

It's about justice,

which has always been in short supply in The Glades.

William Glenmorgan is my last stop.

And you need help taking him down.

I need to finish this.

Let's go get that son of a bitch.


You lost your edge.

What the hell do you want?

I want your access codes to Archer.

So you have been talking to Zoe.

If you've gotten her mixed up in your Canary business...

She's not a kid anymore,

and that's not why I'm here.

We found this in Felicity's base of operations.

She's a criminal.

Criminals like to blow stuff up.

Felicity's dead, Rene.

She was m*rder*d.

And we think the person who k*lled her was

behind this plan.

Like I told Zoe,

whatever happens in Star City isn't my problem.

Well, the old Rene would've made it his problem.

Jeez. Do you have any idea

how much you've hurt your daughter?

She used to idolize you.

At least as mayor,

I'm actually getting things done,

not wasting my time running around the city

with a hockey mask, pretending that it mattered.

It did matter!

And it still matters.

We made a promise to always keep fighting,

to be there for each other no matter what...

All of us...

You, me, Roy, Diggle, Oliver, and Felicity.

We owe her this.

The next time you come back here,

I will have you arrested.

And you stay the hell away from my daughter.


For Zoe's sake, I do not want to hurt you,

but I'm not leaving here without those codes.

The last time we fought each other,

it didn't end so well for you.


- You are still upset.
- Damn right.

You had no right to make that call.

You're right. It is way above my pay grade,

but it worked out for us.

Is that your version of an apology?

Hey, Lyla, you have to admit,

I actually did help.

I'm the one who shut down the Ghost Initiative.

And I swore never to reinstate it.

You knew that.

I know that, but you would have

absolute oversight and zero accountability.

This is the perfect cover for our operation.

Lyla, we had to do something to get Diaz to play ball.

Which you did

by undermining my authority and forcing my hand.

And here I thought I was the one in danger

of becoming Amanda Waller.

Glenmorgan is holed up in his compound

outside Star City.

I spotted at least bodyguards.

So the k*ller's surrounded by even more K*llers. Great.

And he's got a bleeding edge security system.

Bypassing security system's is gonna be a piece of cake.

You guys have cake?

I mean, I don't want cake, but if you got a cake, I would have a piece.

But if you don't have it, don't worry about it.

You don't have it, right? Okay. Anyway, it's... yeah, hi.

RENE: This is Curtis.

Curtis, this is... you still haven't told me your name.



I'm a huge fan of your work.

This was not the deal.

I know, but you agreed to letting people help you,

and if we're going to get to Glenmorgan,

we need a guy in a chair.

CURTIS: Person in a chair.


Does this mean what I think it means?

Suit up.

It does mean what I think it means. Heh!



Surveillance feed coming through now.

Oh, yeah. That's a lot of bad-looking dudes with g*ns.

I see why you guys needed me for backup.

Can you disable the alarms?

I can do you one better.

I can knock out the whole system... cameras,

motion sensors, the whole shebang.

But it's up to you guys to deal with

that army of terminators yourself.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

And here we go.


We got a situation out here, boss.

Then why are you talking to me about it?

Deal with it.

Let's move.



Teamwork makes the dream work.


RENE: Go ahead. You go get him.

I'll take care of them.


If you want something done right...

k*ll 'em yourself.

Whoever you are, you just made a big mistake.


I dare you to do that again.


You come into my house to k*ll me?

You'd better have a damn good reason.

Kazumi Adachi.

You shot and k*lled her last year in The Glades.

I've k*lled a lot of people.

Tell me why you did it.

I didn't.

g*ns aren't really my thing.

Liar! The b*llet that k*lled her was yours.

It wasn't. Someone must have set me up.

I've been on a covert mission in Santa Prisca

for the last two years.

I just got back into the country last month.

I swear.

It wasn't me.

You did it. You got him.

Glenmorgan didn't k*ll her.


I failed my mission.

I failed my mother.

You must really hate that book.


Go home to your daughter.

I did. She told me to come here.

I'm sorry things didn't go

the way you hoped for last night.

Glenmorgan's alibi checks out.

He really was in Santa Prisca

the night my mother was m*rder*d.

I spent months working through that list,

thinking I was getting closer to answers.

Now I'm back to square one.

The b*llet's still a lead.

Someone purposely sent me down the wrong path.

I'm gonna find out why.

Yeah. We are.

You're not alone in this anymore.

I'm still not looking for a team.

Okay, fine.

Then how about a partner?

You'd be breaking the law.

Hmm, never stopped me before.

What about your daughter?

Again, her idea.

Archer access codes as promised.


How long will this take?

William wrote us a targeted search algorithm.


If you got the codes, that means my dad

decided to help us.

Not exactly.

I forced him to.

I thought seeing you would make him remember

who he used to be.


Your dad may have lost his way,

but deep down, I still believe he's good.

Don't give up on him yet.


We're in.

This is the feed from yesterday,

but we now have unfettered access

to the Archer Program's entire security interface.

Let's find those bombs.

Yesterday was a bigger success than we anticipated.

You had them eating out of your hand.

A shoo-in for reelection.

That's not why I called you in.

Last night, one of the Canaries

paid me a visit.

She has the plans.

Maybe there's another way for us to achieve our goal.

The Glades is the future. We've always agreed on that.

My mission to build up The Glades

never included wiping out the rest of the city.

Well, Star City's a cancer.

The only way to get rid of a cancer is to destroy it.

The Canary also said

Felicity Smoak was m*rder*d.

You wouldn't happen to know

anything about that, would you?

Ms. Smoak was becoming a liability.

She had to be dealt with.

Is that a problem?

Of course not.

Good. I would hate to think

that you're getting cold feet, Mr. Mayor.


You okay?

Dumb question?


You know, even after everything that I've learned

about my father...

I just never expected anything like this.

He ruined Emiko's life.

Just abandoned her.

Well, you don't have to.

You said you didn't want to barge into her life

without knowing more about her,

and now you do, so what's holding you back?

I just think that I'll make things worse.

Oliver, you became the Green Arrow

to right your father's wrongs.

What your parents did to Emiko and her mother

is beyond wrong.

You are a better man

than your father ever was.

Don't make the mistakes that he did.

Reach out to your sister.

Make things right.

When I agreed to this deal,

no one said anything

about sticking a b*mb in the back of my head.

Didn't we?


Do it.



Tracking is activated,

and the subcortical incendiary is armed.

So this is your failsafe.

You are, which is why we need

to take every precaution to keep you in line,

because the second you step out of it...


You'd better hope so, lady,

'cause if it doesn't...

I'm coming for you.



EMIKO, VOICE-OVER: People say that revenge corrupts the soul...

That if you go down that path, you'll never come back.

[g*nsh*t, MAN YELLS]

But sometimes, embracing the darkness is

the only way to get justice.

My name is Emiko Queen.

I will get justice for my mother,

and no one will stand in my way.

Hello, Emiko.