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01x06 - Return of the Kane

Posted: 01/25/19 11:39
by bunniefuu
VERONICA VOICEOVER: Previously on Veronica Mars

Veronica runs up and sees the body of Lilly Kane (from 101 "Pilot")

VERONICA VOICEOVER: It's been a year since my best friend Lilly Kane was m*rder*d.

Cut to Keith and Veronica watching a news report of the arrest of Abel Koontz (from 101 "Pilot")

TV: The Neptune Sheriff's Department HAS apprehended Abel Koontz Shoes and a backpack

Cut to Veronica with Keith's file is Lilly's death (from 101 "Pilot")

VERONICA VOICEOVER: The Lilly Kane m*rder file. Dad still has not given up on the case.
JAKE: [Offscreen] We went to Lilly and

Cut to the Kane residence. Duncan is at the dining table (from 103 "Meet John Smith")

VERONICA VOICEOVER: Duncan Kane. He used to be my boyfriend. Cut to a long view of the Kane family dinner (from 103 "Meet John Smith").
JAKE: I just want to see him passionate about something.

Cut to Veronica sitting in the outside area at school. Logan gives her a gesture, a fist with indexes and little fingers extended (from 102 Credit Where Credit's Due)

VERONICA VOICEOVER: And let's not forget Logan Echolls.

Cut to Logan smashing the headlights is Veronica's car (from 101 "Pilot")

VERONICA VOICEOVER: HAS Every school year obligatory psychotic

Cut to Logan In His SUV, flooring it away from Veronica (from 101 "Pilot")

VERONICA VOICEOVER: jackass . He's bear.
WEEVIL: You think you're

Cut to Veronica and Weevil outside his house (from 102 Credit where Credit's Due)

WEEVIL: this big outsider, push to shove, you're still one of them. You still think like one of them.

End Previously. Gates are opening in front of a large, luxurious house. Logan is coming down the drive on a scooter. He is in a dressing gown. Behind him, his mother, Lynn, also in his nightwear, at the front of the house.

TOUR GUIDE: Here folks is the house of Aaron Echolls.

Admiring voices can be heard as Logan reaches the gate. He get off his scooter. A "Home of the Stars" type tour bus is outside the gate and people are running toward Logan

LOGAN: [Antagonistic] Quite a show, huh? [Looks back at his mother, then to the crowd, derisory] Do not you people have lives?

Logan picks up the newspaper

LOGAN: You do not see me poking around your trailer park, do you?

Logan heads back up the driveway

FAN: Hey, uh, uh, are you the sound?
LOGAN: [Pausing and turning back to the crowd] I'm the guy telling you to get back on the bus and get out of my driveway.
LYNN: [Calling from the house] Logan! Come back in the house, honey.

The crowd is excited by the arrival of a large, chauffeur-driven car. Aaron Echolls gets out of the back of the

AARON: [Personably] Hey, you guys are out early.

One woman asks for an autograph, another call "Hi Harry!" (whoops) and the mobster titters. Aaron heads over to them

AARON: [Reaching for the proffered pen and paper] Here.

Logan signs some autographs. The fan who asked Logan if he was Aaron's his is taking pictures

AARON: [While signing] Hey Logan. Come here.

The fans are delighted, Logan less than he tightens the belt to his dressing gown and joins his father

AARON: Get a few sh*ts with my son, huh?

Aaron takes off his glasses and puts his arm around Logan's shoulder

AARON: There you go. [Quietly, to Logan] Smile, Logan.

Logan smiles by rote

AARON: [Less quietly, so the crowd can appreciate] Do not forget these folks pay for all of this, huh?

Aaron beams at the crowd. Cut to Neptune High School. From an external shot, cut to Duncan entering a room where Jake Kane is leafing through some papers. There is a banner on the wall over elections. Jake is carrying a bag on his shoulder

DUNCAN: Thanks, Dad. [Taking the bag off his father's shoulder] You know I'm polled the rest of the soccer team? None of them want to see my junk.
JAKE: [Turning to face him] Well, now you're covered. Oh, you did not tell me that elections were this week. You should run. I think it would be a very impressive line on your college applications.
DUNCAN: Please Dad. All they do is sell candy and argue about prom decorations.
JAKE: Right, that's all they do now. [Patting his neck and leaving a hand on his shoulder] Until the reign of Kane.
DUNCAN: [Laughs, disbelieving] Dear god! May no one have just heard him say reign of Kane.

Cut to Veronica and Wallace having lunch

VERONICA: So, my dad wants to take me to the San Diego Zoo this weekend.
WALLACE: Aw, man, I love the zoo. Everyone gets excited about the monkey house. I'm a big cat man myself.
VERONICA: My dad's gone a little nutty with all these father-daughter days.
WALLACE: Yeah, I would like to go to the zoo with my dad.
VERONICA: Wallace, don't
WALLACE: But he's dead, so.
VERONICA: Okay. I hate myself. Are you happy?
WALLACE: Um-hum.

Wallace smiles and laughs softly. He looks up at the sound of a whistle. Veronica looks round. The camera pans round to a girl coming out of the school. This is Wanda. Her T-shirt says "Sex & dr*gs" and "Rock-n-Roll"

WANDA: Yo! Man! Over here.

Wanda beckons someone, someone who is delivering food. She takes the bag and pays him

WANDA: Keep the change.

As for the delivery man leaves, a blonde cheerleader, carrying two boxes of delivered pizza and who we will learn Madison Sinclair, walks up to Wanda, hand on hip and gets into her face

MADISON: You're not allowed delivery.
WANDA: And you're not allowed to breathe my air. Go. Shoo [with gesture]. Return to Xanadu.

Madison is at the back of the road. Madison to stand behind Ms Dent, who is talking to someone. Madison, rather imperiously, Ms Dent on the shoulder taps

MADISON: Wanda Varner just had her food delivered.
MS DENT: [Slowly, staring at the pizza boxes] And that's wrong how?
MADISON: She does not have any Pirate Points. [On Ms Dent's incomprehension] Oh, I see. You're new.
MS DENT: [Indulgent of the rudeness] I am.
MADISON: Pirate points are earned by being a contributing member of the school.
MS DENT : [Glancing at the outfit] Cheerleading?
MADISON: [Obnoxiously] Is a sport. [Spotting a more likely ally] Oh, Mr Clemmons!

Madison leaves Ms Dent standing and heads for Vice Principal

MADISON: Mr Clemmons. Wanda Varner ordered in Chinese food.

Mr Clemmons does not understand the nature of Wanda's actions as he and Madison stare in his direction. Cut to Wanda who is sitting with Felix, eating her Chinese food. She's laughing at something he's said. Clemmons approaches, Ms Dent in tow

CLEMMONS: Wanda, I know you know the rules. If you'd like having your lunch delivered, why do not you get more involved here at Neptune.

Wanda snorts derisively

CLEMMONS: In the meantime, I'll have to confiscate your food.

Wanda boils for a moment then springs up, has determined look on her face. She walked past Clemmons and Ms Dent toward Madison's table. Madison

: Oh, you little bitch! Without pausing, and with the encouragement of onlookers, she steps onto the seat and the table, planting one foot in one pizza and one foot in the other
WANDA: Oh, really?
CLEMMONS: Wanda! Be so kind to follow me to my office.

Wanda jumps off the table to follow Clemmons. Madison stares, mouth agape. The camera spins back to Wallace and Veronica, watching the show

WALLACE: Who is that girl?
VERONICA: That? Is Wanda Varner. Used to be in pep squad together.
WALLACE: You two seem less peppy.

Veronica smiles and snorts. Cut to a can of whipped cream being applied to the contents of a bowl. Keith enters the apartment just as can empties. The television is on the faint sound of its audio can be heard

KEITH: Hmm, all out, huh?

Veronica adds chocolate sauce to her confection. Keith tiredly collapses into his armchair with a load sigh

VERONICA: Tough day?
KEITH: [Philip Marlowe impersonation] That's not the half of it. See, this lady walks in and you should've seen the getaway sticks on her. Says something's hinky with her old man.
VERONICA: [Adopting similar old movie black voice] D'ya put the screws to him?
KEITH: You are not kidding. He's blood like a canary.

Veronica is just finishing off her sundae

VERONICA: [Normal voice] Well, you're in luck, Philip Marlowe because it's a desert for dinner tonight and I've got a whole thing here.
KEITH: You know if Child Services Finds Out This, They Will Take You Away.
VERONICA: Well, that's a risk I'm willing to take.

Veronica downs a wide spoonful of her sundae

KEITH: Honey. Should you try something at the base of the pyramid food, you know, fruits and vegetables?

Veronica looks down into her bowl and gasps

VERONICA: What is that? [Picking it out with her spoon] A maraschino cherry?

She looks over her father, quite satisfied, pops it in her mouth and heads for the armchair into which she sits, leaving her father standing. He sighs and hits the trail sundae

TV: [Offscreen] The Lilly Kane m*rder case

This catches Veronica's care and she watches the TV

TV: Took an unexpected turn this morning as Abel Koontz fired Convicted k*ller His public appointed legal council. Forfeiting further appeals, the defendant is scheduled to die by lethal injection as early as next year

As the commentator speaks, there is evidence of being arrested and brought in by Sheriff Lamb. There is a close-up of the bag in his left hand. In it, there is a pair of white sneakers, decorated with sparkles along the edge and wide laces of ribbon, pinks stars on white. On one of the shoes is drawn a heart with a name inside

TV: [Offscreen] And, coming up n

Keith, Who has come to stand next to Veronica During the broadcast, switches the TV off with the remote control. He's going back to the kitchen

VERONICA: Why did he do that?
KEITH: Guess he's ready to die.
VERONICA: Well, what are you going to do about it? You do not believe he's guilty
KEITH: I hate to break it to you, honey. But nobody in Neptune cares what I believe in. They did not care when I was Sheriff, they sure did not care. This town's gonna have to find another conspiracy nut.

Veronica puts down her desert with a worried look. Cut to Veronica entering her green-tinged bedroom. She walks over to her jewelery box

LILLY: [Offscreen] Check you out, Veronica Mars.

Veronica looks around, surprised. Lilly is standing in front of Veronica's wardrobe, holding a hanger with black garment on it

LILLY: You're like a rocker chick now.


: [Offscreen] You and I? We'd have a lot of fun together Cut,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
VERONICA: Why are you here?
LILLY: Do not you watch any horror movies? [Ominously] Veronica
: Really?
LILLY: [Back to normal] Yeah, that, and kind of a side project, I dispense fashion advice.

Lilly grins

VERONICA: [Earnestly] Did Koontz do it? Lilly sucks

LILLY: Wish I could tell ya.

She shrugs

VERONICA: Why would he have to k*ll you?
LILLY: Honestly. I was awesome, right?
VERONICA: [Smiling sadly] I miss you, Lilly.

With a cross between an "ooh" and an "aww", Lilly smiles and shrugs sympathetically. Veronica wakes up from her dream, a sad yet thoughtful look on her face. Cut to the journalism class. Veronica is dark, seated at the large central desk. The Neptune High School broadcasting service is on

TV: [Offscreen] So let's get you there and cheer on our teams in the last game of the regular season. In other Pirate news, school council elections
MS DENT: Morning, Veronica. I was thinking maybe you're interested in covering up for the student newspaper.
VERONICA: Sure. I'll write it up this afternoon.
MS DENT: The election's tomorrow.
VERONICA: And I can already see the headline. Brown-nosing, resume-packer wins in a landslide.
MS DENT: Maybe you wanna dig a little bit deeper.
VERONICA: I'll take it.

Ms Dent nods and exits. The announcer on Pirate TV is still droning on

TV: This morning, we'll be hearing from our first hopeful for the office of President, sophomore Wanda Verner.

Duncan and Logan are sitting next to each other at the table. They glance up at the TV

WANDA: I'm Wanda Varner and I'm running for the office of student council president.

Duncan turns to listen more carefully. Logan follows follows

WANDA: Let's be honest. Student government does not do jack.

Cut to the art room where one of the students starts to pay attention

WANDA: I'm here to promise you real change. If elected, I bet to abolish the unfair and elitist Pirate Points program for good.

In the computer room, the geeks cheer

Wanda: God bless you and God bless America.

Wanda salutes. The geeks clap as do the artists as do some of those in the journalism class. Veronica smiles broadly. Duncan is the last one left slowly clapping and he tails off. Behind him, Logan is less enthused. Duncan on the arm

LOGAN: Hey dude. Can she do that?
DUNCAN: giveth student councilor, student council taketh away.
LOGAN: No, we're not giving up those points, man, you gotta run.
DUNCAN: Actually, I do not.

Duncan turns back to his computer when he was playing solitaire. Logan stares at him. Cut to Corny unfurling a large poster. It is a skeleton Uncle Sam who advises: Give me Wanda or give me death

CORNY: Hey Wanda, check it out.
WANDA: k*ller. Thanks.

Wanda is sitting with Veronica on a low wall in the outside area of ​​the school. Veronica is interviewing Wanda, using a small recorder

VERONICA: One of your campaign staff?
WANDA: I'm all about grass roots.
VERONICA: How do you account for your sudden popularity?
WANDA: Is not it obvious? It's class warfare, the haves versus the have-nots. You should understand that at school.
VERONICA: But it's more quotable if you say it out loud.
WANDA: Okay. The rich kids, they run things around here. They're the minority and they're corrupt. They get away with m*rder.

A student passing behind them shouts his support

RODNEY: Hey, give 'em hell, Wanda!
WANDA: You give 'em hell, Rodney! [Returning her attention to the interview] Pirate Points are just another way they reward themselves for so swell. They have all the power, we are the disenfranchised [with increasing stridence] but only because we let ourselves be. It's time to take action!

Veronica is impressed

WANDA: How was that? Was I quotable?
VERONICA: Yeah, I think I can find something there.

Veronica smiles. Note that there is no mention of the usual opening credits or theme song in this episode. Cut to logan's car pulling into a petrol station. The music is "Still In Love Song" by the Stills.

SONG: When we were lovers We were kissers We were holders of hands make believers We were losing time and You Just Said you'd rather live in tepee land

d*ck Casablancas and two other 09ers get out of the car and head into the station while turns off the ignition. He gets partially out, standing on the running board

LOGAN: Hey! Hook me up with a beverage, huh?

As Logan exits the bus and walks round it to get to the pump, a beefy black guy walks towards his windscreen

HOMELESS VET: And what goes with an icy, cold beverage? A nice clean windshield.
LOGAN: No, you do not have to do that.

The man sprays the windscreen and starts cleaning it Logan gets the pump

LOGAN: The car was just professionally detailed.
HOMELESS VET: Ah, they got a lot of nerve calling themselves professionals.

The man wipes the squeegee onto a clothe and shows Logan the dirt

HOMELESS VET: Look at that. They just move the dirt around.
LOGAN: Man, A for effort but, uh, you're not getting paid for it.
HOMELESS VET: I do not remember asking.

The man turns to the sign behind him who says: Homeless Vet. Accepted donations. Logan just nods. d*ck comes back to the car by Logan who is still filling it. They both watch the man

LOGAN: Hey, what about him?
d*ck: Pretty well fed for a bum.
LOGAN: Yeah.

Logan finished filling the t*nk

LOGAN: [To the man] Hey, you army?
HOMELESS VET: Hell, no. United States Marine Corps.
LOGAN: That's even better, huh. LOGAN: What are you?

Logan giggles and walks back

LOGAN: What are you? About 240?
HOMELESS VET: Uh, in my prime.
LOGAN: Yeah? [Hey, I'm, uh, I'm putting together a little amateur boxing night. If you're interested.

Logan has a $ 100 bill which he sticks into a frame of the open window. The 09ers get into the car

HOMELESS VET: What do you want me to fight?
LOGAN: No, man. I want you to win.
HOMELESS VET: What do you think that you'd just come in here and buy me like that? Is that how it is?
LOGAN: Yeah, that's exactly how it's. I think we're on the same page.
HOMELESS VET: Get out of my face. Before I beat your ass for free.
LOGAN: All right, you follow yourself. [Accompanied by the appropriate squeegee actions] Chhu-chhu. [Grabbing the bill] You have a nice day.

Logan smirks at the man, starts the car and drives off. Cut to Neptune TV where one of the candidates is doing her thing

TV: And in conclusion, I promise to uphold the duties of presidency to the utmost of my ability. Thank you.

Cut to the students in the journalism class, listening to the broadcast. Veronica and Duncan are there, seated at the central table along with a punk rocker. Logan is standing next to him at the end of the table

PUNK ROCKER: Wanda's gonna blow this chick out of the water. [To Logan] You can kiss your precious Pirate Points goodbye.

Logan does not respond but keeps his eyes fixed on television

AARON: [Offscreen] Duncan Kane.

On the TV, Duncan's name in superimposed on an American flag. Military music belts out

AARON: [Offscreen] A natural leader.

Duncan looks at the screen, seems vaguely and reacts in his familiar way

AARON: [Offscreen] Two time All League Soccer. Editor of the Neptune Navigator.

Duncan Kicking a Football; Duncan presiding over a group of students around the central journalism class table. Camera switches to Ms Dent who looks over at him. Duncan breathes out and slowly turns his head to look at Logan

AARON: [Offscreen] Three point nine two four grade point average. AARON: [Offscreen] National Honor Society.

Logan is exceptionally pleased with himself and holds up both hands

. National Merit semi-finalists

Cut to Veronica who just looks incredulous

AARON: [Offscreen] and all around, righteous dude.

Aaron's picture of the dude with two other guys

AARON: Hi. I'm Aaron Echolls. [There are gasps among the watchers] And I've known Duncan Kane for a long time. He's the real deal. Duncan Kane for student body President.
LOGAN: [High voice] That's my dad.


LOGAN: All right!

Some pat Duncan, who just looks serious and maybe a little pissed and throw out congratulations and messages wishing luck

MS DENT : That's the last of the five candidates.

Madison struts into the classroom and hands to a sheet of paper to Ms Dent

MADISON: Good luck, Duncan.

Veronica watches this with increasing distaste

MS DENT: Mark the letter of the corresponding candidate. Only one bubble will be counted. If none of the candidates receive a majority the top will be entered into a runoff election.

Duncan sh**t up from his seat

DUNCAN: [Sincerely] Please, whatever you do, just do not vote for me.

Duncan glares at Logan who is not slow to take an opportunity

LOGAN: Did you hear that folks? He's humble to boot. God! This guy.

Ms Dent puts up: A) Duncan Kane B) Veronica Wanda Varner firmly marks her ballot paper at the B bubble. Cut to late, at Mars Investigations. Veronica is working on the laptop in the outer office. All the lights are out for the lamp on her desk

VERONICA VOICEOVER: If Lilly's ghost is going to be served, then I get my ass in gear.
VERONICA: Where to begin? Quotes:

Abel Koontz, Jake Kane, Celeste Kane, and Logan Echolls

Veronica Voiceover: How about the obvious? Abel Koontz was founded by Abel Koontz

, a picture of him, on the file and on expanding it, there are four tabs: information, alibi, motive and evidence


She highlights the evidence of "Confession" Shoes, backpack, bloody clothing at home

VERONICA VOICEOVER: He gave a confession on the spot. But Dad was convinced that the mystery of the mystery of the family was in order. The three people were at the scene of the crime before he arrived. Jake Kane, beloved billionaire, Celeste Kane, renowned philanthropist

Veronica pauses then clicks on a symbol, allowing her to add a new

VERONICA VOICEOVER file : [Typing] and Duncan. Each of the Kanes alibis was airtight. That is, until the day of death.

Veronica ponders then looks in the direction of her father's office. Cut to Veronica's hands on the safe combination. She opens the safe

VERONICA VOICEOVER: I do not know what I'm looking for. But if there are any Lilly, then they're in Dad's safe.

Veronica takes a little bit of stuff with smaller ones and pulls out of the smaller ones out. A time pass effect blows to other files

VERONICA VOICEOVER: Arrest record, evidence log, autopsy postponement. How many times to I look at this stuff. Until it starts making sense.

Cut to an overhead view of Veronica studying the files. Cut to a ring made up of cars parked in a circle, bed by the headlights. The music is the Red Onions' "Feeling Alright". Logan is master of ceremonies in the middle. There's a crowd of 09ers cheering throughout

LOGAN: [Shouting] All right, all right, all right! It's time for the main event. [Louder cheers] Gentlemen! In the red corner [holding up the red-gloved fighter] hailing from Balfour Port is Mighty Mike. And in the blue corner, hometown hero

Logan leans over closer to the homeless man

LOGAN: [Quietly] What's your name?
HOMELESS FIGHTER: Robbo Roth [? Uncertain?]
LOGAN: [Shouting] Robbo Roth [? Uncertain?].

Cheering especially loudly is d*ck who has a fistful of cash

LOGAN: All right, gentlemen, I want a clean fight. Go!

The two men, unsteady on their feet, start to circle each other. The crowd urges them on. Cut back to Veronica. She puts a file on the big file and rummages a little more. She pulls out an envelope marked: Crime Photographs. Lillian Kane. DOD. BBZ. Crime No A-97-92184xx. 10.03.03. Case 18900-C2. Bedroom

VERONICA VOICEOVER: Where did this come from?

Veronica opens the envelope and looks at the crime scene. Something catches her eye and she bends to examine it more closely.

VERONICA: It's impossible! It's Lilly's white sneakers with the heart

Veronica hears a door slam. She hurriedly puts everything except the pictures back in the large file, stuffs it back into the safe and rushes to the outer office. She slams shut her laptop. She just gets the pictures when Keith walks in, she is a little out of breath


Keith walks to his office as he goes in. Cut to High Neptune, the outside eating area. Veronica and Wallace are eating their lunch. On the 09ers table, they are eating take-out, including Duncan and Logan

VERONICA: [Offscreen] In a way, it's a little sad. You know, the end of an era. Wanda wins and no more Pirate Points. No more lunch delivery.
CLEMMONS: [Over the public address system] Attention students. The results of the election have been tabulated. There will be no runoff votes in any of the races.
DUNCAN: [Relieved] Thank god.
CLEMMONS: The winner in the office of secretary, Bryan Gibson.

A lot of the students have started to sing "Wanda". Logan looks around smugly

CLEMMONS: Vice President, Katie Keenan. And it gives me great pleasure to announce, the 2004-2005 SCA President, Duncan Kane.

There are some cheers and a lot of boos. Logan stands on the table to gloat

LOGAN: That's how it's done!

Corny, sitting next to a disappointed Wanda, is stunned

CORNY: That's a steaming crock, Clemmons.
WALLACE: There's no way Duncan Kane
VERONICA: Now I've got a story.

Cut to Veronica knocking on a classroom door. She opens it and goes inside.

Veronica: Mrs. Donaldson, did you get my message? The room is empty save for a teacher sitting at her desk, marking papers, at the far end of the room
MS DONALDSON: About inspecting the ballots.
MS DONALDSON: My short answer? No. [Officious] My long answer would not be enough, but it does not mean the outcome.
VERONICA: The Student Charter says it is possible to lodge a formal protest.

Veronica goes into her bag and pulls out the Charter

MS DONALDSON: Which this is not. And if you had to read article 15 concerning student council elections; You would know that the votes have been certified, a faculty sponsor must approve any request for a recount.
VERONICA: That's it? So I need to rubberstamp this?

Mrs Donaldson looks up, a little alarmed. Cut to Veronica and Ms Dent coming down the school hallway

VERONICA: I think it's really cool That You're doing this.
MS DENT: Oh, I'm happy to help, Veronica. I just find it difficult to believe that someone would try and tamper with the student council election.
VERONICA: Well, you're new.
MS DENT: [Laughs] No one will let me forget it. All I'm saying is I admire your enthusiasm just don '
VERONICA: Fair and balanced, that's me.

They meet Mrs Donaldson in the hallway

VERONICA: As promised, one faculty sponsor.
MS DONALDSON: I'd like to speak with Ms Dent for a moment please.

The two teachers move over to the

MS DONALDSON: I can not believe you'd let her rope you into this.
MS DENT: I'm sorry.
MS DONALDSON: Look, Mallory. I've never heard of anything like this happening in a student election.
MS DENT: Is there really any harm Veronica double checking the votes.
MS DONALDSON: Well that's not the point. She's manipulating you. And I'd like to give you the chance to reconsider.
MS DENT: I ​​tell my students to be dogged. I tell them to follow hunches.
MS DONALDSON: [Condescendingly] All great. Certainly not telling you how to teach your class. But this is a student election and, um, I'm just giving you this go. For your own good.
MS DENT: I've signed the form, the request is official. [Shrugs] We'll see those ballots now.

They look over at Veronica, who smiles. Cut to a nerd machine. Wallace is feeding the machine. He is in the school with Veronica and Wanda. The machine finishes

VERONICA: What'd you get?
WALLACE: Duncan still wins with 743 votes. How many times are we going to run it?
VERONICA: No sign of anyone erasing nerds. No ballots missing. [Considering one ballot paper] Hey. Student 43059. Who the hell is the candidate E and why did you vote for her?
WALLACE: You think I'm not voting for the sister? And for what possible reason do you have my student ID number memorized?

Mrs Donaldson Enters from one of the inner offices

MS DONALDSON: [Supercilious] You can toss Those ballots in the recycle bin When You're done uncovering [Makes air quotes] corruption.

She smugly saunters out. Veronica and Wanda exchange a glance then Veronica returns to the ballot papers

WANDA: What is it?
VERONICA: Well if "Wanda rulez" why'd you vote for Duncan, you head case? I wanna find out who this kid is and what art room he voted in.

She passes the ballot to an offended

WALLACE Wallace : Yeah, and I want a statue of myself in the lobby lobby, holding a musket, staring down danger.

Veronica and Wanda exchange

WALLACE: Since we are talking about stuff we want.
VERONICA: [Smiles sweetly] Please?
WALLACE: How hard was that?

Wallace goes over to one of the office computers and taps in the student ID number

WALLACE: Kevin Carney. He's got art first period.

Cut to an art room. Veronica enters and checks the teacher's desk and the rubbish bin. She walks over to the blackboard and sees the fifth name on the ballot. The other names are obscured by a pull down. She is a jumper and is a jumper, a) Wanda Varner B) Duncan Kane C) Laura Hildebrand D) Steve Whacker E) Melissa Lewis Comprehension. Cut to Clemmons office. Clemmons sits at his desk. Mrs Donaldson and Ms Dent are also there

MS DONALDSON: Well you saw the voting cards yourself. You certified the count. There's nothing left to argue, it's over.
VERONICA: Someone cheated.
VERONICA: There were two sets of ballot instructions.
MS DONALDSON: That simply does not make any sense.
VERONICA: Yes, it does. It makes perfect sense. [Offscreen on going to shot of Ms Dent writing the names on the blackboard] The classes heavily populated with 09er kids got the candidates names in the correct order. The classes that Wanda would have - band, autoshop, art - got the list with the candidates names reversed. When these students thought they were voting for Wanda, they actually gave their votes to Duncan.
MS DONALDSON: You do not really expect us to believe this.
MS DENT: We've invited the students from first period art. We could always ask them to review their bales.

She opens the door and has a large group of students stare in

CLEMMONS: Hold on.

Clemmons gestures for Ms Dent to shut the door

CLEMMONS: Veronica. Exactly who do you accuse of doing this?
VERONICA: I'm not accusing anybody. Then again

Cut to the

VERONICA photocopy machine : [Offscreen] It would not be hard to find out which code was punched into the copy that made the bundle instructions.
MS DONALDSON: I had my student help make them.
VERONICA: And that would be who?

Cut to the photocopy machines and Madison's look of satisfaction

MS DONALDSON: [Offscreen] Madison Sinclair.
VERONICA: Well there you go. Mystery solved.

Clemmons ponders, then looks up at Mrs Donaldson who, for the first time, is not smug. Cut to a busy school hallway. Clemmons' voice rings out through the school through the public address system

CLEMMONS: Attention students. May I have your attention please?

The students pause to listen. Cut to Clemmons

CLEMMONS: I regret to inform you that it has been a mistake in tabulating the election results.

Back in the hallway, Veronica threads her way through the motionless crowd. She eventually reaches Madison, at her locker

CLEMMONS: There will be a runoff election Thursday between Wanda Varner and Duncan Kane.
VERONICA: [Cheerfully] Hi Madison. I heard you lost your student and help your student council spot. If you want to make a recommendation, Fridays, ee-uh, and Sloppy Joes are your best bet.

Veronica tsks and walks away, leaving Madison glaring after her. Cut to Veronica's room. She scanning in the crime szene pictures into her laptop

VERONICA VOICEOVER: I've been waiting for a moment alone to take a closer look at the photo of Lilly's bedroom on the night of her m*rder. The last thing I need to be Dad popping his head in and discovering that I've been poaching from his safe.

Veronica enlarges an area of ​​the photos. Lilly's white sneakers with the heart. This achievement sends Veronica into a flashback. Lilly and Logan are talking softy in the cafeteria outdoor cafeteria, all lovey-dovey. Lilly has her leg slightly extended.

LILLY: All right, when do I get to do yours?

Veronica, drawing the heart on Lilly 's sneaker

VERONICA: Finishing touches.
LOGAN: [Offscreen] Duncan?
LILLY: Oh, yeah, now that's just creepy.

The camera cuts back to the enlarged picture on Veronica's laptop. Veronica, visibly shaken, stretches over, phone and dials

TELEPHONE: Action News. This is Hank.
VERONICA: Hey. I'm a student from Neptune High and I'm doing a follow up story on Abel Koontz. I'm wondering if you could send me a copy of the piece you did on Koontz a couple days ago.

Cut to a Mexican roadside burger bar. Jake and Duncan are sitting in Jake's car, finishing off some food

JAKE: Do you know your mother?
DUNCAN: Agreed.
JAKE: What do you say we, uh, stop on the way home, knock out some, uh, campaign bumper stickers.
DUNCAN: When you say we
mean you JAKE : I mean, we're going to talk to some of my guys.

Duncan is not enthusiastic

JAKE: Oh, come on, Dunc. Look what you have done and you are not even trying. Imagine what you'd be able to do if you just put your heart into it.
DUNCAN: Cue inspirational music here.
JAKE: I'm so tired of your cynicism.
DUNCAN: Oh, Dad, I'm sorry, I mean, I mean, you know, that's what I think it's about to get out of my house.
JAKE: Well, I got news for ya. I'm not concerned about this election, I just want to see you Enthusiastic about something.

Duncan does not

respond JAKE: Look. Your happiness. Is all I've ever wanted.

Father and son stare at each other. Then Duncan gives a little chuckle

DUNCAN: Well what if I find happiness living in a grass hut, carving driftwood figurines for tourists?
JAKE: I feel confident you have greater ambitions than that. But, if you're, uh, happy and committed to driftwood carving, be the best driftwood carver you can be. After you've graduated from Stamford, [Duncan groans and nods] Law School, [Duncan chuckles] Suma cum laudi [Duncan laughs out loud]. See that! You're already smiling.

And he is. Cut to school. Veronica rounds a corner and hears something of a hubbub as students, and now Veronica, see that Wanda's posters have been defaced. The word "NARC" has been sprayed on them. Kane bumper sticker on it. She's going to the opposite lockers where Wanda is just closing hers. It has been marked "

WANDA: I think the opposite campaign just went negative. [Slamming her locker shut] I'm gonna k*ll whoever did this!
VERONICA: They're just posters. You still own the message.
WANDA: They're not just posters. They spray painted "Narc" on the hood of my car.
VERONICA: You know they only thing the word "narc" because it would hit your home with your constituency.
WANDA: I should not find that comforting. Goal I do.
VERONICA: Well, why do not you come out tonight and we'll make new posters. [With growing, fake, enthusiasm] And I'll get some puppy paint and an Avril Lavigne CD and it'll be just like our pep squad days.

Wanda plays along and claps

WANDA: Awesome.

She strikes a perky pose with hands on hips, straight out of "Bring It On". Veronica laughs and then gets very serious

VERONICA: Okay, do not do that.

Cut to the journalism room where Duncan sits at the central desk looking at some clippings. He glances over to where we will see that Logan is sitting at one of the computers. Veronica enters and heads straight for Logan

VERONICA: Bravo, Logan. It's a new low. And just when the critics were having some doubts.

Logan looks over towards Duncan, then back at Veronica

LOGAN: Mmm. Must be talking about your, uh, narc friend, WWW-Wanda. [Laughs] Well, that's another bad guy. [Off Veronica's hard look, and maybe seriously, maybe not] Look, I just don't'have time to be responsible for every little thing that goes wrong in your life.

He laughs again and gets up from his chair for the other side of the room. Veronica turns to Duncan

VERONICA: So, was it your idea or did you just play it your usual way?

Veronica crouches by the desk

DUNCAN: What's my usual way?
VERONICA: Oh, you know, Duncan. You do not initiate trouble. You do not initiate much of anything anymore.

She takes a deep breath

DUNCAN: Do not stop there, Veronica. Say it. What's my usual way?
VERONICA: [With deliberation on each word] You stand idly by.

Duncan just stares at her. After a break, Veronica gets up and heads to the other side of the desk, leaving Duncan lost in his thoughts. In the meantime, d*ck has come into the classroom and approached Logan

d*ck: Gotta check out "The Smoking g*n" website.
MS DENT: Excuse me, we're in the middle of a class here.
d*ck: Dude, you're famous.

d*ck exits. Logan heads for one of the computers. From the Neptune High School (Neptune High School) The Neptune High School (Neptune High School), Neptune High School, Neptune High School, Neptune High School, Neptune High School, Neptune High School The area is dominated by the local Universities and Adjunct Research and Development Colleges of the United States and the United States. ice creams captioned: The Pirate Points To Hold The Pirate Points Holders On The "The g*n g*n" website, the featured document shows a picture of Aaron. Aaron Echolls his caught bruising bums for cash. October 23 - In twisted and horrific brutality Aaron Echolls sound, Logan Echolls, has been participating in organized fights. The only catch is, the fighters are homeless men. A tip to TSG for a video tape shot by a spectator. Logan smiling and cheering at the battle. No word as of yet from Aaron's publicist for comment on the matter. But we are sure the Echolls' household is none too pleased with this barbarity and tarnishing their Hollywood perfection. Click to View Video. * Caution * Contains Graphic Images. The video shows Mighty Mike kicking the stuffing out of the other guy Logan clapping and cheering. As he watches, he looks in his face, he is in deep, deep trouble. Cut to Veronica's room. Fresh Wanda posters are everywhere. Veronica is lying down on her bed, being raised on her elbows doing her fingernails and is sitting on the floor doing her toenails

WANDA: So, what's the story with you and Weevil?
VERONICA: Weevil? There's no story. Why?
WANDA: No reason. Lilly's bad boy thing. But I guess I was wrong.
VERONICA: Lilly had more of a boy thing.
WANDA: Are you sure? Lilly and Weevil never, because I heard-
VERONICA: [Laughing] Never!
WANDA: Okay.

Wanda picks a book off the floor, about making it into top colleges

WANDA: So. Is this one any good?
VERONICA: Umm, I, uh, I do not know, I have not read it.
WANDA: Yeah. Most of these college guys are pretty unreadable. So what's your first choice? Ivy? Baby Ivys? Seven Sisters? Liberal Arts? East Coast?
VERONICA: It gives me a panic attack to just think about it.
WANDA: Yeah. I really want to go to Williams. Now all of a sudden the SATs.
VERONICA: I think we're in the same boat.

Cut to the Echolls' residence. It is dark and logan is carrying his shoes, coming in quickly but quietly. To no avail

LOGAN: Hey, Dad.

Aaron is across the room, sitting in the dark. Logan gives an uncomfortable grin which fades and he is clearly nervous

LOGAN: What are you doing up?
AARON: I could not sleep. What with the phone ringing every five minutes. "Access Hollywood", [Rising from his seat] "Entertainment Tonight", "Walking inexorably towards an increasingly wary Logan" "E". Any guesses what they wanted to talk about? My charity work? No. My latest Christmas movie? No.

Aaron reaches Logan and plants a hand, heavily, on the back of Logan's shoulder. He turns to his arm around Logan

AARON: They wanted to talk about my son's latest opus. "Skid Row Boxing".

Aaron bends his arm on his back. His tone throughout has been steady, but menacing. Logan puts his hand to his eyes

LOGAN: Look, Dad, I, uh I did not know what -

Aaron grasps the back of Logan's neck hard

AARON: [Dangerously soft] I have to say that your performance was really impressive. [Louder] The way you play the ungrateful his determined to humiliate his father was [shouting] utterly impressive.

With that, Aaron flings Logan across the room. Logan lands face down on a sofa and scrabbles round his face, still half-lying across it. Logan's expression is caught between fear and readiness

AARON: [Shouting] Do you have any idea what you just cost this family? [Taking it down a few notches] Of course you do not. You never had to work for anything in your life. [Softly] Well, tomorrow, after school, you're going to get your first lesson in public relations.

A look of disappointment seems to flit across Logan's face

AARON: [Almost whispering] Logan. Do not you ever embarrass me again.

Aaron walks away. Logan watches him as he steadies his breathing and pulls himself into a sitting position, almost defiant but very shaken. Cut to the outside of the Neptune High. Veronica is encouraging passing students

VERONICA: Vote for Wanda. [On him] Weevil. [Holding out a "Go Wanda" sticker] Put one on the back of your bike?
WEEVIL: Naw. I'm not going to vote for that narc.
VERONICA: Come on, Weevil. You know better than to believe everything you hear at this school, that's just dirty politics.
WEEVIL: You might want to explain that to Felix. Somehow the Sheriff found out that the "Welcome to Neptune" signs are hanging up in his bedroom, a week after he hooks up with your Wanda girl. Now how did that happen, huh? Now homeboy's got four weekends of highway clean up.

Weevil raises his eyebrows, turns and walks into the school. Veronica is thoughtful. Cut to the hallway. Veronica catches up with Wanda

VERONICA: Hey, superstar. Are you nervous?
WANDA: I'm so embarrassed but yes.
VERONICA: Well, I think we should celebrate this weekend. Win or lose. I heard about this rave out in the desert. And we can make it if we leave directly after school tomorrow.
WANDA: Bitchin '. I'll tell my mom I'm spending the night at your place.
VERONICA: Provisions? With a capital E, absolutely. But I know a guy.
WANDA: Oh, jealous. Wish I knew a guy.

Wanda wanders off. Cut to journalism class. Veronica takes her seat at the large table in the center as a student hands in her work

STUDENT: Here you go, Ms Dent.

The television comes on Clemmons broadcasts. Duncan is at his place in the office of

CLEMMONS: We will be voting simultaneously to prevent confusion. By now everyone should have their scantron nerds.

The art room is ready

CLEMMONS: All right. Here goes. If you'd like to vote for Duncan Kane, mark "A"

Veronica's pencil hovers over the ballot form

CLEMMONS: and if you'd like to vote for Wanda Varner, mark "B".
VERONICA VOICEOVER: Let's see. On the one hand, we have the hot cold ex-boyfriend and heir to the status quo. On the other, the potential duplicitous new friend and champion to the disenfranchised.

Veronica flashes back to a scene in the school outdoor cafeteria. Duncan is playing with his hand, Logan and Lilly are opposite and at the table. A boy at the place

LOGAN: [To his own group] Wanna hang out? And I'll impress you with my diving skills.

Logan looks at the newcomer and then at Duncan who just raises a quizzical brow

LILLY: Oh, did you hear that Becky Lacey is trying out for mascot?
DUNCAN: Really.

d*ck in the meantime has unceremoniously grabbed the newcomer's tray and place it on the next table. He slaps the newcomer on the back

d*ck: Table's ready.

Lucky looks at d*ck and the scared newcomer, Logan looks at Duncan

DUNCAN: You know what, man?

Duncan twists round In His seat and gets the tray and places it back in front of _him_

DUNCAN: You're fine Where You Are. d*ck, here, can find his own spot.

Duncan returns to playing with the hand of an impressed, if drippy, Veronica. Modern day Veronica sweeps back, Duncan staring over, pencil still poised. Cut to Aaron filling his car with petrol. His cell phone rings

AARON: Yeah. [Listens] I know I'm late Marty. Look, is this the closest homeless shelter you could find?

Logan is sitting in the passenger seat

AARON: No. Never mind. Are the cameras ready. Good.

Aaron finishes his call and filling the t*nk

AARON: All right. Now this is how this is gonna work. They're gonna get a few sh*ts of you volunteering at the kitchen, then I'm gonna join you for an interview with the TV crews, you got it?
LOGAN: What do you want me to tell them?
AARON: What do you think, Logan? That you're sorry. That you're bone-headed. And that ya screwed up. I'll take care of the rest.

Aaron's cell phone rings again. Logan listens in

AARON: Vince! What's happening? [Listens] Yeah, I got the script. I've seen better writing on cereal boxes. [Listens, guffaws] Oh, big deal. The man has not made a watchable movie since the seventies. Are they gonna meet my quote? [Listens] Hot damn!

Aaron holds the phone to his chest to speak to Logan

AARON: Sound! How do you argue with eight figures? [Logan nods] Ya can not. Can not be done.

Aaron giggles and returns to his call

AARON: Okay. Have 'em to draw up the contract.
HOMELESS VET: [Offscreen] Hey. [Coming into view on Logan's side of the bus] It's Don King. Hey, you got some sucker who's willing to make a bitch outta hisself for cash?

Logan does not respond and walks away, not disguising his disgust. Aaron, sunglasses on,

AARON: All right. You ready to do this?
LOGAN: Yeah.

Aaron switches on the engine of sports and turns on the stereo. The intro to America's "Ventura Highway" plays. He drives out of the station, Logan stares at him with an expression bordering on hate. Cut to the homeless shelter. The first part of the song plays under the action

SONG: Chewing on a piece of grass Walking down the road Tell me, how long do you gonna stay here Joe? Some people say this town do not look Good in snow You do not care, I know Waitin 'on a falling star Watchin' for the early train Sorry boy, but I've been hit by Purple rain Aw, come on Joe, you can always Change your name Thanks a lot, just the same Wishin 'we're a star Watchin' for the early train Sorry boy, but I've been hit by Purple rain Aw, come on Joe, you can always Change your name Thanks a lot, just the same

Logan is one of three helpers dishing up food. Cameras flash as he reserves one of the homeless

HOMELESS MAN: Thank you.

The camera pans round to show a number of homeless people eating at tables. There '

AARON: Hey, thanks a lot.
PRODUCER: Mr Echolls, we're ready for you anytime.
AARON: Catch you guys later. Logan!

They meet in front of the cameras, Aaron 's arm around Logan' s shoulders, Logan 's around Aaron' s back. Logan smiles for the cameras

AARON: Excuse me! Uh, I just wanted to say that my father was not an educated man. He dropped out of school after the eighth grade so he could go to work in the new automotive plant in Pontiac, Michigan. And he once told me something that I'll never forget. He said his, the good heart is worth all the heads in the world put together. Now my son here is the first one to admit that he was not using his head. But I promise each and every one of you, that this boy, this boy has a great heart.

The crowd awws at the saccharine performance. Logan laughs

LOGAN: Um. I know now that, uh, that what I was wrong. I'm really sorry. I, uh, I only hope that one day I can live up to my dad's good example.

Logan turns to his father. They hug

LOGAN: I love you. [On stepping out of the hug] Okay, look, uh, I know you do not want to make a big deal out of this [] but I'm just so proud of him that I, I can not keep it a secret.

Aaron keeps his proud face, and looks at it. Logan is saying

LOGAN: Dad told me he's donating half a million dollars to the Neptune foodbank.

The crowd gasps and applause breaks out

LOGAN: Way to go, Dad.

Logan claps. Aaron is angry and has a hard time on his face. It's back when he turns to the crowds and laughs. Logan puts his arm around Aaron's back and rests his head on Aaron's head. The cameras go wild. "Ventura Highway" hits the chorus

SONG: Ventura Highway in the sunshine Where are you going to go? The nights are stronger Than moonshine You're gonna go I know 'Cause the free wind is blowin' through Your hair and the days surround your daylight There Seasons crying no despair Alligator lizards in the air

Seen through the glass fronts of a wardrobe, Logan approaches and slides. The section contains belts, hanging from one side of the walls of the closet. He considers them, and then chooses one, feeling its weight. He takes his time folding it in his hand. He slides the door closed. Logan reappears in the hand part of the Echolls house, walking quickly to his father's study. Posters of Aaron are standing on the walls. Logan pauses at the door, belt in hand, and enters his father's acknowledgment of him. Aaron holds out his hand for the belt. He unfurls the belt and goes to close the door. As he does, Logan can be seen lifting his shirt. To the sound of a belt on flesh, the camera slowly to the round to reveal Lynn, sitting on a sofa, drinking a highball. (How - powerful, beautifully played.) Cut to Veronica at school. Another student approaches with a slip of paper

STUDENT: Hey Veronica. Deputy wants to inspect your locker.

He hands over the slip and considers it

VERONICA VOICEOVER: You'd think I'd quit being white surprised at finding a knife in my back.

Veronica shakes her head. Cut to the school hallway. Deputy Sacks and Clemmons are waiting for her locker

DEPUTY SACKS: Ah, Veronica Mars.
VERONICA: We meet again.
CLEMMONS: The Sheriff's Department has asked me-
VERONICA: I could just give you my locker combination, save a lot of trouble.

Veronica opens her locker. Sacks pulls out her backpack and sets it down on the floor. Crouching down, he searches it. He pulls "Cat in the Hat" red and white stripped hat. His search is fruitless

VERONICA: There's a couple of suckers. [Off Sack's glare] In the bag if you want one.

Sacks and Clemmons exchange a look. The public address system starts

MS DONALDSON: This is Mrs Donaldson, the student council advisor. I'm pleased to announce that the winner of the presidential council is Duncan Kane.

The students in the hallway react variously depending on allegiance. Veronica sees Wanda in the distance. She grabs some Wanda stickers, shuts her locker and hurries to speak to her

VERONICA: Wanda! I guess we're not going to rave in the desert.
WANDA: You do not understand.
VERONICA: You're right. I do not. Why don '
WANDA: I got busted last year for possession. This was the only way they would keep it off my record. I'd never get into Williams with a drug load on my file.
VERONICA: So you were willing to wreck my future to save your own.

Wanda does not have an answer. Veronica turns away in disgust

WANDA: Veronica! This was not just about getting into college. If I would have won, I would have done what I promised. We would have changed the way things work around here.
VERONICA: You know what? [Handing over the stickers] No hard feelings. I did not vote for you.

Veronica leaves Wanda standing. Cut to a classroom. Veronica is lining up a shot of Mrs Donaldson and the new president

MS DONALDSON: Well, it's been a crazy week, uh, but I am proud to introduce your new student body president, Duncan Kane.

The crowd crowd in the room applaud. Jake can be seen standing and clapping at the doorway. Duncan moves up to the small podium

DUNCAN: Thank you Mrs Donaldson. And now, my first act as President, I would like to make sure that I do not have a single Pirate Point. [Applause] But you know what? In addition to varsity sports, I would like to make sure that students in the band, students who make honor role, students who perform in school plays, that write for the school newspaper ... [Glances at Veronica] should be eligible to earn Pirate Points. [One person cheers and applauds the rest of the council is non-responsive] And they should share in the benefits. Okay. So what kind of candy should we sell this year.

Jake is proud of his son. Cut to Veronica entering Keith's office. She goes to the safe, purpose can not open two DESPITE Attempts

VERONICA VOICEOVER: Dad changed the combination. He knows.

Cut to Veronica entering the apartment. Keith is on the couch, reading.

KEITH: [Pointing] Package for you.
VERONICA: Oh great.
KEITH: Something from Action News?
VERONICA: Oh, uh, nothing, a tape for a journalism project. Just to compare and contrast TV news with, uh, local print coverage.

Veronica takes the envelope with the tape and heads for her pauses and considers what she is doing. Keith watches her closely. She turns back and sits in the flesh

VERONICA: I'm lying. You know I'm lying. I do not want things to be so between us anymore.
KEITH: Like what?
VERONICA: Like our own game of spy vs spy. You know I was in the safe. And I know you're still investigating Lilly's m*rder.
KEITH: I was. I'm not anymore.
VERONICA: Why not? Dad, we're running out of time.
KEITH: I used to think that the case was the key to our happiness. Solve the case and my reputation is restored. Solve the case and your mom comes home. Solve the case and you go back to being a normal teenage girl.
VERONICA: So let's do it, let's solve the case-
KEITH: Wait, Veronica. What I believe in now is that we make the most of what we have here and now. I believe in going to the zoo with the person I love the most.
VERONICA: [Holding out the envelope] This is not a school project. It's the footage of Abel Koontz's arrest. [Taking the video out of the envelope] And I need to show you something. [Getting the crime scene pictures out of her bag] This is an enlargement of a crime scene photo taken from the night of Lilly's m*rder.

Veronica hands the photo to Keith then takes the video to the player under the television. She switches it on

TV: The defendant is scheduled to die as soon as possible.

Veronica freezes the tape on Lilly 's shoes as held up by Lamb. Keith looks at the photo

KEITH: What are those shoes doing in Abel Koontz's possession?
VERONICA: Good question.
