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05x18 - Just Say Yes

Posted: 12/17/18 07:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Fosters

I am going to build a robot that can navigate its way through a complex maze with the use of sensors.

- I love it.

- EMMA: I've decided to rework my project.

I'm gonna build a robot that can make its way through this maze.

STEF: You locked me in a room with some man who preceded to tell me that being gay was a sin.

Well, I was being a parent, I was pushing you in the right direction.

Hey, Dad!


Is Stef here?

You're not talking to my wife.

You have feelings for her?

No, I have feelings about her.

Alter some of your cells, then reinsert them into your body to att*ck the cancer.

- BRANDON: How you doin'?

- Good.

It seems like it.

BRANDON: I have something for you.

JUDGE: It's clear Mr.

and Mrs.

Sinfuego are honorable people.

I order that they be released from detention, after which they are to report to Immigration and Customs for immediate deportation.

CALLIE: No, I didn't get in.

Maybe art isn't your true calling.

I was impressed with how much you knew about that case law.

I want to change my major to law.

I know this might seem crazy and last minute, but I realize that the reason I was struggling so much with my art is 'cause it doesn't come naturally to me, but fighting for justice I know it's what I'm meant to do.

Look, it's not crazy.

It's not crazy at all, but it is late.

It's a little too late.

I mean, we have every spot on the program filled up.

Can't you make an exception?

If I make an exception for you, what am I gonna do with the 20 people already on the waitlist?

Look, is there some reason you can't wait a year to apply?

Listen, if you're still serious about law in a year, you come to me and I'll see what I can do.


My T-cells are working.

I'm in remission!


- Yes!

LENA: That is so amazing.

So she's cured?

Well, the odds of it coming back are pretty low.

So, yeah.

That's wonderful news, B.

Yeah, so we're heading to L.


for my interview tomorrow.

Mm, what interview?

There's this school in Hollywood, the Musicians' Institute.

It's like one of the top ten best movie scoring programs in the country.

So, uh, I'm meeting the head of the program tomorrow.

That's great.

Yeah, and it's all because you asked me to write the music for Ximena's video.


Come on, let's go.

Dinner's ready!

Hey, where's Jude?

Uh, he's having dinner at Taylor's tonight.

Anyway, um, so after L.


we're gonna go to Marin and stay with Grace's Mom and then our gig is in San Fransisco.

Hey, did you see the maze that I was drawing for Emma?

- On my desk?

- What's going on?

Mariana ripped Emma's idea off.

Uh, not true.

Last I heard, she was building a shaving cream sh**ting robot.

Why would you need a robot that sh**t shaving cream?

No, it was a prototype for sh**ting fire retardant into wildfires.

She was having trouble getting the manipulator to work so that's why we came up with the maze idea.

Why does it matter if it's the same idea?

Thank you.

Because Craig said that two students applying from the same school with the same concept could just cancel each other out.

Unless one person's robot is far superior to the other's.


Mariana, did you steal Emma's idea?

- No!

- LENA: Okay, then it is what it is.

Uh, by the way, Callie, you are in charge this weekend.

You need to find something else.

Tell her to find something else.

Where are you going?

Well, Mama and I are going to the "Harmony Soul Adventures" retreat that your grandmother so thoughtfully signed us up for.

You know what?

Let's just cancel it.

Honey, we won't cancel.

- We should go.

- You're only going for my benefit, so what's the point?

- That is the point.

- You're going to be miserable the entire time.

- I'm not, I promise.

- It's fine.

Okay, I think you guys should go.

Oh, yeah?


So you guys can throw a party?

Bust out the front window again?

No, because you two need to work on your relationship.

I think it's a good idea, Mom.

Especially, you know, all the stuff you've been dealing with.

But you have to keep an open mind.

BRANDON: Yeah, try not to shut down.

Callie, Jesus, you guys care to chime on this over here?

- I'm good.

- Really?

Jesus, anything?


Mouth full?


- Hm, guess it's settled then.

We will go.

I will try to keep an open mind and not shut down.



It's not where you come from It's where you belong Nothin' I would trade I wouldn't have it any other way You're surrounded By love and you're wanted So never feel alone You are home with me Right where you belong They said they were police and showed us a picture of some man.

They asked if they could search our house.

We didn't know they were Immigration agents.

And once they were inside, they asked them for their immigration status.

And then arrested them.

That's not right.

How can they do that?

ICE has been getting away with a lot these days.

So did you talk to your lawyer about an appeal?

They don't meet the hardship requirements.

Yeah, and appeals cost money.

I wish There's gotta be something that we can do.

You've meant the world to Ximena and to us, all of you.

We will never forget all that you've done for us.

CALLIE: So I found this case from 2008 where these ICE agents were pretending to be local police officers and they talked their way into this woman's house using the same tactics that ICE used with the Sinfuegos.

Now even though the woman did invite them in, the judge said because ICE misled them so thoroughly, it rendered her consent meaningless.

And because they violated her constitutional right against warrant-less searches and seizures, he threw out the order of removal against her.

That gives the Sinfuegos a precedence for an appeal, right?

Uh well, I think it's something.

But they'd need a lawyer willing to argue it.

They said they can't afford any more legal bills.

Okay, I have an idea.

But it would involve my study group which means Amanda.

That's cool, I like Amanda.

She likes you too.

So is I mean, are things serious?

Uh - We're taking it slow.


Hey, I got done early.


Oh, Callie's here.


- Hi.

- Hey.

I was just leaving.


Let me talk to everyone and I'll call you tomorrow.

Yeah, okay.


- Yeah.

- Bye.



So, uh, you you will drive safely, yes?

Uh, I was gonna drive recklessly, actually.



Uh so listen, the, um In regards to all the stuff that's been going on with me, you know, we really haven't talked again about, uh, you picking me up at the grocery store.

Well, have you had any more anxiety att*cks?

I had a little something on Mother's Day.

But, um, I'm okay.

I got this, B.

It's not your job to take care of me.


I I don't feel like it's my job to take care of you, Mom.

Maybe not anymore, but you know, you did, I think, when you were little.

I was going through a hard time.

You were this little five year old guy playing piano, trying to help his hysterical mother calm down.

I don't remember you being hysterical.

Well, I may be exaggerating a little but sit.

Sit, please sit.

You do remember, B, you you remember those messages that you get as a child about your worth.

You know, those stick with you.

Yeah, but I'm okay, Mom, you know?

You didn't ruin me.

I think I just, I want you to know your worth in a relationship is not as a caretaker.

You don't have to rescue someone to be worthy of their love.

I think now that Grace is well, I just I think it's a great time for you to refocus on your dreams.

Yeah, and and that's what I'm doing.

So you don't have to worry.


I won't.

Good talk.

I love you, my beautiful boy.

I love you too, Mom.


How'd it go?

Uh great.

I think I have a pretty good sh*t at getting in.

Brandon, you got into Juilliard.

I think you have an excellent chance at getting into the Musician's Institute.


- Yeah, it's not New York.

No, but it's it's Hollywood.

You'll be going to school on the Walk of Fame.

And look, you'll be standing on Adam Levine every day.

How cool is that?

Pretty cool.

And there's Janis Joplin and Journey and Gloria Swanson.

Who's uh who's Gloria Swanson?

I don't know, but she must be somebody.

Uh, we need selfies.

Lay down next to Adam.


It's kind of dirty, don't you think?


All right, uh One, two, cheese!

Timing is everything So what are you waiting for?

I keep telling myself Over and over again This feeling is never ending Takes a hold of me and it won't let go

STEF: Whoa!

This is much fancier than I thought.

Oh, they even valet.


- I'll get the bags, okay?

- Yeah.

- Checking in?

- Yes, uh, Adams Foster.

They keys are in the car.

Did I hear you say Adams Foster?


Oh, we're Bill and Beth Green, your couples' counselors for the weekend.

Oh, so nice to meet you.

These are for you and your husband.

Oh, actually it's my wife, Stef.

Hi, how are ya?

We are so sorry.

Oh, no, it's fine.

The registration form said Stev and Lena.

I gotcha.

No, my mother signed us up for this and she probably hit the "v" key instead of the "f.

" They're right next to each other.

We can get another "Hers" envelope.

Oh, no, no, it's no problem.

- I'll be the the man.

- You sure?

That's fine.


Your assignments for the weekend are in there.

Little surprises for each other.


Wow, we love surprises.

Don't we, honey?

As long as mine doesn't involve a penis.

'Cause that would really be a surprise.

BILL: No, no it doesn't.

Ah Well, then here are some of the activities which I hope that you will participate in.

And then this afternoon, we'll meet for group.

- Sounds good!

- Thank you so much.

- BILL: Enjoy.

- Thank you!

We will.

Kinda can't read this.

What does that say?

Goat Yoga?


Couples Canoing?

Ooh, I'm good at canoing.

Honey, we don't have to do any of this stuff.

No this is what we are here for!

I think we should try the Goat Yoga first.


Wow, that's scary.

What do the goats do to you when you're doing yoga?



Look at this Life I'm starting with you The brightest of lights Shining on our beautiful view Deep in your BOTH: Eyes, I find a love that's wonderful and true All the things I'm gonna do I'm gonna do with BOTH: You I'm gonna do with you


GRACE: Thank you.

Oh, you guys are so cute.

What are your names?

- Julian.

- Harlow.

Well, thank you so much.

BOTH: You're welcome.


Oh, nothing.

You're just really good with kids.

You ever think you might want some of your own some day?

I probably can't because of all the chemo.

I always wanted to adopt.

Just I guess it's all about the right time with the right person.

The purpose of Goat Yoga isn't to execute the perfect downward dog, it's to open your hearts to these fuzzy, big-eyed love magnets.


- As you assume the tabletop position, feel the calming effect of goat-healing energy.



We're Jeannie and Brad.

- Hi.

Stef and Lena.

- Hi.


You guys here for the couples retreat?

- Yeah.

- Really?

See, I always figured two women together wouldn't have any trouble communicating.

You guys must talk and share each other's feelings all the time.

Maybe that is the problem.



- Oh!

Oh, oh.




POPPY: Wait, so it's doing that by itself?

MARIANA: Yeah, the sensors are bouncing sound waves off the walls so that's how it knows where to go.

Hm, I can't believe you know how to do this.

Well, you build the robot it's kind of just coding.

It's really not that hard.

EMMA: sh*t!

JESUS: Here, Emma, maybe you could just adjust the sensors?

Maybe I should have used an ultrasonic instead of infrared?

Okay, why don't you just change it?

Yeah, but then our robots are going to be exactly the same.

There must be a problem with the code.

Excuse me.

Hey, you could help her, you know?

I need this internship if I want a chance to get into M.I.T.

If I help her, I'm just hurting my chances.

So sorry.

Watch out for my robot.

If you'll represent the Sinfuegos, we'll all write up the argument and briefs as a class project.



Look guys, I think the case Callie found shows good legal precedence, but it's gonna be the Sinfuegos' word against those ICE agents.

And they are not going to admit they entered that home under false pretenses.

What if we could get an ICE agent to testify on the Sinfuegos' behalf?

Who witnessed the arrest?

No, but he has knowledge of these kinds of tactics, as well as other inappropriate behavior by ICE.

He's sort of like a whistle-blower.

Maybe he could write an amicus brief?

- CALLIE: What's that?

- It's like a person that's not directly involved with a case, but can educate or raise awareness about the issue with their expertise.

That's well put, Amanda.

Look, I've gotta run but if you can find that ICE agent and get him to cooperate, I'll file the appeal.

And I was serious about next year.

I decided I want to apply for the five year law program.

You should, you're great at this.

You get one chance to say "I told you so. " Oh, no.

I wouldn't do that.

Even though I did tell you so.

So what about this ICE agent?

Do you really think he'll testify?

I don't know.

I might need your help.

Okay, this is an exercise in partnering.

The objective is to row your boat across the pond, working together as one without one party dominating.

We can win this.

BILL: Okay, on the whistle.


- Wow!

- Oh, okay.


Whoa, whoa!

We - (THUD)

- BOTH: Oh!

- Okay.

- Okay, thanks for the push.

- Yeah.

- STEF: Okay, we're going the wrong way.

We're going the wrong way.

- Row!

- No, no.

- First, this way.

- Okay, ready and pull!

- Row!

- No, you have to pull!

Don't push!

- I'm pulling.

- Stop!

Oh, my god.

Can you just let me do this one first and then we can But we're supposed to pull at the same time.

One, two, three!


- Hey!

Okay, it is in the water now.

It's in the water now.

Okay, if you Okay.

You're not supposed to dominate this.

Who is dominating right now?


Can we ?

We're good!

We're good, we're good.

I got my I got it, I can put it right back.


That's my arm.

That's my arm.

STEF: Brad and Jeannie are all the way to Canada.

LENA: Well, Brad and Jeannie can go to Canada.

Well, it's a little difficult to row a boat with one hand tied behind my back.

- You were dominating.

- I don't I was what?


What about that couple?

What about Brad and Jeannie?

Turning it into a competition.

What do you expect?

This is a retreat for straight couples.

We have nothing in common with these people.

Exactly why I didn't want to come here in the first place.


I knew you couldn't keep an open mind.


Why don't we just skip the rest of it and go to the spa - or do whatever, you know?

Shh, shh.

- Okay, h Hello, there.

STEF: Well, hello!

BETH: How's it going?

Just fantastic.

Ready for group?

More than anything.

We wouldn't miss it, would we, honey?


Right this way.

Hey, what what's the point?

- What?

- We don't have anything in common with these people anyway.

Well, I think the point is that maybe you should keep the open mind.

They're good kids and we love them so much.

But they take so much out of us.

One has a learning disability and that's been stressful.

And, you know, teenagers Uh, my wife had, I guess what you call an emotional affair with a coworker.

And I guess that's made it harder for me to trust her.

I had a lot of unresolved issues with my father.

And I think it sometimes gets in the way of my ability to be truly vulnerable and intimate with my husband.

BILL: Have you considered confronting your father?

I can't, he's dead.

Is he?

He's still a voice in your head, a complication in your relationship.

You know, he doesn't have to be here for you to tell him how you feel.

BETH: Would anyone else like to share?

Uh, we have two kids leaving for college next year.

And I guess what scares me is what happens when they all leave?

And it's just the two of us, again.

You know, I mean we've been co-parenting together so long, it's been the glue that's kept us together.

We can renew our vows all we want, but if we can't connect, if we can't be vulnerable with each other (SIGHS)

I mean, without the kids will there by anything left between us?

GRACE: You know, I'm really proud of you.


For what?

Applying to college and just taking care of yourself.

You sound like my mom.

I do?

Yeah, she She thinks I'm like a caretaker, you know?

But I I I can still be in a relationship and do what I need to do for me, you know?

So everyone can just stop worrying.

God, it's so beautiful.


I'm more of a sunrise guy.



I like beginnings.

I don't know.

Sunsets are kind of like the end.

Well, some things last forever.

Like a selfie.


Come on.

- Please?

- All right.

In the sunlight


- Your eyes are flashing brown


You cold?

Uh, just a little chilly.

I'll get you a sweater.

Okay, thanks.

You feel like an ocean and I would surely love to drown My eyes, rarely stay focused In one place for very long But I catch my gaze lingering for more than just one song This I promise early, I will never do you wrong

- 'Cause I can never wander too far - Thank you.

So, uh why do you why'd you bring this?

Uh, it's a good luck charm.

For our gig.

I'm extremely fond of you I know the agents who arrested the Sinfuegos, I'm not surprised to hear they used deception to enter the house.

There's a lot of that going on.

I need you to tell the immigration judge that.

And the other misconduct you've told me about.

No way.

You can write it in something called an amicus brief.

We'll file it "under seal", the judge won't have to share it with anyone.

It'll get out.

That type of thing always does.

Look, I'm sorry but I can't help.

We're going to compel you to testify.

And how do you plan on doing that?


Who's this?

CALLIE: It's my friend you helped after he was arrested at the raid.

What's this?

A subpoena.


You've been served.

Our very first motel room together.

It's not the Golden Door Spa, but it has a bed.

That's all that matters, right?


STEF: Well, the food was a lot better than I thought it'd be, didn't you think?

What's that?

It's my assignment.

Supposed to write an x-rated letter to "my husband" about all of our past sex-capades, but I went a little more romantic.


Come on, are we really gonna do this whole his and hers thing?

Forget it.

Well (SIGHS)

Lena, I have said yes to everything today.

I have.

Everything except me.

- Oh, come on.

- What?

You went through the motions, but we never connected.

You never said a word in group.

What am I supposed to say after you basically questioned whether or not we'd stay together after the kids leave home?

Well, let's talk about that.

Let's talk about that and everything else that's been going on instead of just paddling around in a circle and never getting anywhere.

I mean, talk about the perfect metaphor for our relationship.

If you are so afraid of us not staying together, then tell me!

Not a whole group of strangers, for God's sake.

I'm telling you.

I have been telling you.

All you tell me is that you're not happy.

And it's not because of Tess, but it's because of how you feel about Tess.

I mean talk about an emotional affair.

Is that what's going on?

Is that what's happening?

No, Lena, that would be your M. O.

So so you still resent me for that?

You don't trust me?

I don't trust anyone.

I'm gonna go get some air.

I love you.

I love you.

Am I a fool?

I don't know why I didn't just get back with Aaron when I had the chance.

I mean, it's not too late, right?

He said he's taking it slow with that girl, Amanda.

Yeah, overnight bag slow.

The other night it was obvious she was staying over.

I just don't want to be that girl who stabs another girl in the back.

This world pits women against each other too much as it is.

Yeah, but No girl wants to be a guy's second choice.

And I mean, it's not like you're trying to get him into bed.

You're just telling him how you feel and I think he needs to know that.

Look, Callie, you don't have to keep creating these tragic love stories.

Just say yes.


Hey, little guy.

What are you doing out here all by yourself?

There you go.

Back with your buds.

That's it, safe and sound.

FRANK: I used to love the goats on my grandfather's farm.

I didn't know he had goats.

And chickens.

And a llama.

God knows why.

Anyway, they were great summers.

I wish I'd met your grandfather.

He was an assh*le.

I liked the farm and the animals, but him?

Not so much.

What are you doing here, Dad?

You said something to Brandon about the messages you receive in childhood stay with you?

Well, I'm the messenger.


I mean, I ruined you.



You can't keep walking away from people unless you want to end up alone.

At some time you gotta plant your feet, have it out.

So what was it that you wanted that I didn't give to you?

Let me hear it.


What every kid wants, Dad.

Your approval.


That's why I became a cop.

That's why I married Mike.

That's why I tried to be straight.


How'd that work out for you?

Not great, your rejection of me and my sexuality made me feel ashamed of myself and I still feel ashamed of myself.

I'm not here anymore.

You're not gone.

What do you want me to say?

That you're sorry.

That That you love me, that you're proud of me, of who I am, of who I love and my beautiful children.

That there's nothing wrong with me.

I can't say all that.


I know, I know.

But you can say it to yourself.

Say it.

I love me.

I love me.

I love who I am, I'm proud of me and who I love, my beautiful Lena.

And my beautiful kids, and this this life we have made.

And there's nothing wrong with me.

When you can truly believe that maybe then that all the the shitty things that I said or did, they wouldn't matter so much.

And that maybe you'd remember all the things I did right.

Like love you.

Which I did.

And always will.


When Tess moved in next door, um, it brought up this shame that I carry around in me that keeps me from being completely vulnerable with you.

That sometimes when we make love makes me feel like what we're doing is not right.

Like Like I am not right.

I love you and I am so proud of our family.

And yet, you know, I carry around this fear that it could be taken away from us.

Our right to love each other because we're not normal.

But, you know, I just power on through and act like I'm stronger than I know I am because I'm afraid to hurt you or scare you.

I'm afraid you'll reject me because I'm not enough.

After all these years I see you.

I know you.

You don't think I know you?

I know your struggles and your fears and I love you for them, not in spite of them.

I want you to share your dark places with me.

I So I can help you heal, so we can help each other heal.

So my love can show you that you're enough.

'Cause for me, you're everything.

You're my everything.


I couldn't tell him.



Oh, that reminds me,

- I almost forgot.

Uh - What?

My assignment as "the husband "


- Mm-hmm.


was to propose to my wife again.

So, Lena Adams Foster, will you marry me for the third time?


- Please?

Honey, I will marry you every time you ask.


I tried telling you on the way up.

Why didn't you tell me at the doctor's office?

Because I was afraid you wouldn't want to go to L. A.

and have your interview if you knew that the T-cells didn't work.

You know, your mom's right, Brandon.

You have trouble taking care of yourself when you think someone you love needs help.

You put them first, and you sabotage yourself.

That's not true.

You did it with Cortney and and Juilliard.

I'm not gonna let you do that with me.

But this is different, Grace.

I'm not going back to San Diego with you.

- You - I need to be home now.

And I need you to go.

What what about after our gig?

I can't do the gig.

Busking on Hollywood Boulevard was pretty cool, huh?

What You I mean, you can do another round of gene therapy.


I'm done.

I don't want any more treatment.

You can visit me on weekends but you're gonna go home and you're gonna finish your senior year.

And you're gonna graduate.

And then you're gonna go to the Musician's Institute.

I don't want to leave you.

You have to.

There's one


thing that I need you to promise me to do.

Be my proxy when the time comes.

I need you to let me go.

In my arms you fell After fighting tooth and nail You've been served.


Nice one.

Aw, come on.

You loved saying it.

I really did.

You followed that trail What, do I got mustard on my face?

Do not let that dark voice call you out I love you.

Even if it gets hard I'm ready to be with you, all in, if you still want to.

Even if it gets hard Okay, so No, uh, it's No, uh It's not that I don't I'm just, um I'm just not exactly where I was with Amanda, when we almost hooked up before.

I get it, um I don't want to hurt anyone.

I'm not saying no.

I just I can't say yes right this minute.

Can I have some time to think about it?

Of course.

EMMA: Thanks for helping me with this.

MARIANA: Girls need to help each other.

You ready for nothing?



Now we both have sophisticated robots!

Even if it gets hard Don't lose that light Even if it gets hard Don't lose that light Even if it gets hard Don't lose that light Don't lose that light Hi.

Thought you could use some some company on the way home.


Even if it gets hard, don't lose that light Even if it gets hard, don't lose that light


- Baby, it's okay.