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05x08 - Engaged

Posted: 12/10/18 08:09
by bunniefuu
Previously, on The Fosters...

If you still think about Gabe, he still thinks about you.

How do you know that?

He said that you were the only woman that he's ever loved.

I have something for you.

I wanted to give it to you as a promise ring.

He gave her a ring.

LENA: A ring?

An engagement ring?

We just got an invite from Eminent Power.

They want us to be, like, ambassadors for them.

WADE (OVER PHONE): We already have plenty of girl gamers. We're just looking for some gay-mers...

you know, G-A-Y-mers. You should, uh, throw your dad's engagement party here.

- Really?

- Yeah.

SEAN: If our university will not block Shiloh McCullen from spewing her hateful speech, then we will.

Are you saying there's a chance we could get arrested?

Getting arrested is the goal.

- Under the Sea?

- Masquerade?

- Ooh.

- JESUS: Mardi Gras?

Okay, you all have a very low opinions of prom committee if you think we're that unoriginal.

Take it easy.

I remember the theme of my prom.

It was "Right Here, Right Now." The Jesus Jones's song.


Wow, I'm old.

Anyway, we moved prom up this year, so we don't have to compete for venues, but now we're way behind.

So I was hoping my lovely family could pitch in.


- Anyone?

Can I even go to prom?

I'm probably not gonna go.

Aaron's in college.

- Yeah, same here.

- LENA: Hey, I'm home!

Wait, you have to go.

You're seniors.

This could be ABCC's last prom ever.


That is a good theme.

"The Last Dance." Well, I wouldn't count on that.

Because Monte and I just met with a board member and it took some convincing, but...

she offered to give her vote to the students.

- STEF: Wow!

- That's amazing!

The students are , percent gonna vote against going private.

Hopefully, we are one vote closer to saving Anchor Beach.

Uh, so now that you both are here, I know this is kind of last minute, but Mike and Ana's engagement party has to be this weekend.

Uh, uh, that's awfully fast.

- BRANDON: Well, the wedding's in a month.

- STEF: What's the rush?

I guess AJ's turning and he's moving into Ana's apartment, so Ana's moving in with Dad, and the Gutierrezes would prefer they aren't, like, living in sin.

And this is the only weekend that works for everyone.

So, Mom, could you help me run some errands?

Oh, no, that is your deal, Brandon.

Yeah, we'll help on the day, but you're the best man.

Uh, can Emma come?

Come on, it's been a week.

So I can see her, right?

Honey, it's a family party, so no girlfriends or boyfriends.


Uh, Emma's not just my girlfiend.


She's your fiancée.

- STEF: Mariana.

- I'm done.

Hey, could you please ask to be excused?


Can I be excused?

- Yes, you may.

- Thanks.

Is he ever gonna be normal again?


♪ It's not where you come from ♪

♪ It's where you belong ♪

♪ Nothing I would trade ♪

♪ I wouldn't have it any other way ♪

♪ You're surrounded by love ♪

♪ And you're wanted ♪

♪ So never feel alone ♪

♪ You are home with me ♪

♪ Right where you belong ♪


Thanks for the food.

Yeah, it would have gone bad anyway.

So, we're having a party on Saturday for Mike and Ana.

I know.

Ana invited me.


Well, you gonna go?

I don't think Mike would want me there.

I know her parents won't.

But they wrote you the letter to get you off the sex offender list.

It will get awkward, trust me.


Because you still love her?

- I never said that.

- Yeah, you did.

You said that she's the only woman that you've ever loved.

Okay, but she's marrying Mike, so...

Because she doesn't know how you feel about her.

- Maybe, I...

- Well, neither do I.

I'm pretty sure it wouldn't make a difference, anyway.

They're getting married in a month.

So, just...

if you figure it out...

don't wait until it's too late.

How long are we gonna let Jesus think that he's engaged?

I mean, I say we go in there right now and tell him that he's not getting married, and he is going back to school or I will arrest him.

That's not gonna work, trust me.

I've seen it.

The more we demand, the more defiant he gets.

Besides, does it matter what the motivation is if it gets him back to school?

Well, what does Emma think about all this?

Well, you said yourself she's got a good head on her shoulders.

And for all we know, with Jesus's TBI, this whole thing could be in his head.

I seriously doubt she agreed to marry him.

Well, I think that we should find out.


MARIANA: Save Anchor Beach.

Protect our public charter.

Anchor Beach Academy is fascist.

So, have you talked to your moms?

Um, yeah.

They're letting me play as long as my grades don't slip and I put some of the money away for college.

Well, then, we're good to go.

Have you heard back from Eminent Power?

When do we start?

Um, no, no.

I haven't yet.

Keep Anchor Beach free.

Do you think Noah's gonna be okay with you playing video games every day?

Guys, stay focused.


Don't be fooled by empty promises.

Can we count on your vote?

I don't know.

Have you seen the model?

What model?

- JUDE: Holy...

- MARIANA: Crap.

- BOY: So legit.

- GIRL: Right?

BOY: Seriously?


You wanted to see me?

Oh, Emma, hi.

How are you?


Is... everything okay?

Yes, everything is fine.


We just wanted to let you know why you haven't been allowed at the house.


I get it.

I told him he shouldn't have gone to that party.

Well, we didn't want you to think it had anything to do with you.

And we are so grateful for how supportive you've been of Jesus and his recovery.

And thank you for convincing him to come back to school.


we don't know what he'd do without you.


I'm happy to help.

Whatever it takes.

We're very happy you've chosen to apply to UCSD.

And your essay really set you apart.

I had no idea how vulnerable foster youth are when they age out of the system.

Most people don't.

Well, I see you're interested in the art school, but can I be perfectly frank?


I think you'd have a better chance of getting into the university, if you chose a less competitive major.

I mean, based on your background, and the fact that your portfolio isn't finished, I think you'd have better luck if you applied for, say, Social Work, or Psychology.

Just... give it some thought.



- Hi.

- Hey.

- Are you...

- Interviewing?


For the art school.


You're not mad?

Why would I be mad?

I've got to live-stream two hours a day, six days a week.

Yeah, for money.

Okay, it's a totally different thing.

This is a job.

Taylor must be psyched.

Now she gets you every day.


They only wanted me.




How did she take that?

She doesn't know.

I don't know how to tell her.



Look, all you gotta do is tell her that you really want to do it and that it's a great opportunity, but you won't do it if she doesn't want you to.

What if she doesn't want me to?

Look, she'll be glad that you offered, but she'll feel too guilty and she'll tell you to go ahead.

Trust me.

Look, it works on my mom every time.

I had no idea you were doing anything other than comic book stuff.

Why would you?

But, yeah, I decided I wanted to try some different things, show the schools a wider range.

CALLIE: It's all really amazing.

Thank you.

So, what major are you applying for?


Social Work, I think.


You'd be great at that.

MAN: AJ Hensdale?

Good luck.

Thank you.


I'll see you at the party?


- Mike and Ana's?

- Right.


Chips, salsa, pizza, cookies.

Is this a birthday party for a five-year-old?

All you need is a clown.

That's what I'm saying.

I mean, I don't know how to throw a party.

- Yeah.

- And I want it to be, you know, nice.

- All right, let me help you.

- Thank you.


_ ♪ The stars align over shallow seas ♪

- What?

- Oh, nothing.

It's just, Mariana's part of the prom planning committee, and...

I mean, I'm sure you don't want to go.

Well, of course I want to go.

- Really?

- Yeah.


Never had a prom.

But, I mean, if we go, we have to do it right.

I want the whole dress and corsage, and...

You know, you can ask me when you're ready.

Well, I...

thought I just did.


Whenever you're ready.

Uh, okay.

Well, Grace, would you want to go

- to prom...

- Hey, hey, hey.

Take your time.

Whenever you're ready.

- Mm-hmm.

- Mm-hmm.

♪ Even if the world stops turning... ♪

Maybe she's right. Maybe you should look into social work.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

That's not what I mean Look, the point is to just get into the university, and then you could always transfer into art.

Or into the law program I'm in.

I mean, you'd be amazing.

Um, speaking of, I got that internship I told you about.

The one in New York?

That's great!

It's for the whole summer.

Yeah, but it's a great opportunity.

I'll be here when you get back.

♪ It's so unbelievable ♪

♪ But it's no surprise that I found you ♪

I didn't mean to say you're not super talented.


But you're also super passionate about transforming the foster care system, and social justice.

♪ Like the ocean in your eyes ♪

I'm all for art, but...

is that the best way for you to change the world?

Why do I have to change the world?

Why can't I just be me?

Well, from what I've seen, changing the world is you.

♪ 'Cause we were meant to be ♪




I guess the protest is on.

I, uh, won't tell you to be careful.

Well, I appreciate that.

- Hm.

- Hm.

I'm so pissed off.

I mean, you should see this stupid model.

It's a total fantasy.

I can't believe people are dumb enough to actually fall for it.

- CALLIE: You all right?

- Yeah, sorry.

Just a rough few days.

What's going on?

It's just my dad.

He's trying to update our family plan.

Like for cell phones?

Like if, uh, any of us get deported.


You know, we've had this plan for years now.


with the current political situation, he's putting everything in my name.

And I'm gonna be Poppy's legal guardian now, if, you know, if anything happens to them.

And they already told us, no matter what, they want us to stay here without them.

That's awful.

It's so messed up that they're tearing families apart like this.

Plotting to overthrow the world, are we?

If that's what it takes.

So, Emma is not wearing the ring.

I called her into my office today just to check in, and, you know, thank her for supporting Jesus.

Well, did you happen to ask if they were engaged?

I didn't want to embarrass her.

But she seemed perfectly fine, and everything between her and Jesus seems status quo.

I really just think this engagement thing is all in his head.

All right, good.

Oh, also, I invited her to Mike and Ana's party tomorrow.

- Oh?

- If she's the one keeping Jesus on track, I really don't think keeping them apart is the best idea, do you?

I guess not.


- STEF: All right!


Put me to work, boss.

Where shall I set up the bar?

Uh, well there is no bar.


Well, for one, Dad and Ana are in recovery.

Okay, but your father has never minded if other people around him...

And two, I can't buy alcohol.

And I asked for your help, but you didn't want to run any errands, so...

you can help me roll these into these napkins.

- Yeah, I'll grab the ribbon.

- Thank you.

- Sure.

- Love you.


So, did you ask Grace to prom yet?

Well, I thought I did, but then she told me to take my time and ask her when I'm ready.

- What does that mean?

- She wants a promposal.

An over-the-top invite.

- A grand gesture.

- STEF: Oh.

Like a flash mob, or...

Like, in the vein of a flash mob, but definitely not a flash mob.

I'm so glad I'm not in high school.



Kids did a great job setting up.

Where's the, uh...

where's the bar?

There is no bar.

It's a good thing you always tell us we don't need alcohol to have fun.

Come in.

- I missed you so much.

- I missed you, too.

- You look amazing.



You're not wearing the ring?

Oh, yeah.

I was...

worried about your moms seeing it.

Don't be.

They know we're getting married.

And they're totally cool with it, too.



Come on.


Oh, AJ, that's wonderful.

- Oh, God.

- LENA: Wow!

STEF: Very nice job, AJ.

Thanks, you guys, for doing this.


No, we didn't do anything, truly.

Yeah, it was all Brandon and AJ.

Better go say hi to my future in-laws.

STEF: Yes, you should.

- Hey, Elena.

- Hi.

- Hey, is that, uh...

- Yes.

ELENA: What's he doing here?

Oh, good.

Gabe decided to come.

Stef and Lena are letting him live here while he helps Jesus with his school project.

Please be nice.

You, too.

- I am nice.

- Mm-hmm.

- Victor.

- Come on!

- You're family now.




Official photographer of the night.

Get together.

- MIKE: It's good to see you.

- VICTOR: Welcome to the family.



- VICTOR: Look at this guy.

- ELENA: So handsome!

Oh, hey Brandon.

Where's the bar?

There is no bar.


But there's soda and water in the cooler on the patio.


Look at you, beautiful.

ADRIANA: Come take a picture.


Grandma's got to be in front.




Hi, honey.

- How are you?

- Good.

Good to see you.

Thanks for coming.



That's, uh...

the ring that Jesus gave you?

- Yeah.

- Oh.

That's, uh...


That's very pretty.


So, AJ, how are your college applications going?

Good, good.

I'm running out of humble brags...

- It's a nice party.

- Thank you so much.

Brandon and AJ, you know, they did it all.

- Try some of the hors d'oeuvres.

- Ooh, I think I will.

- Okay.

- LENA: Where are you applying?

Mostly UCs.

Hopefully I'll get into UCSD.

I just had my interview for the art school today.

Oh, you did?

You know, Callie is applying to the art school as well.

She's auditing an art class there this semester.

Did you tell him?

What is wrong with you?



Oh, sorry, honey.

I just, I have, uh...

I think I have something in my eye.

- It really...

- Okay.

I'm so sorry.

Why didn't you tell me?

Like, your work is so good.

I mean, there's no way I'm gonna get in, so, what's the point of even saying anything?

Why would you assume that?

You got asked to audit a class.

That's huge.

Yeah, just because the art teacher saw my senior project at Anchor Beach.

I only have three pieces in my portfolio.

That's not enough, and I don't even know if they're any good.

Well, can I see them?

Just to make sure they're as bad as you think they are?

- She's wearing it.

- What?

The ring.

The engagement...


it's out of Jesus's head

- onto her finger.


Maybe she doesn't think it means what Jesus thinks it means.


What are you...

What are you doing?

There's not enough to share and we need this.

This is a new low.

I think that we need to ask her, directly, are they engaged?

Right now?

In the middle of a party?

No, not now, but soon.

Very, very soon.


- Hey!

- Hey.

Did you talk to Ana yet?



No, and I'm not going to, Jesus.

This is her engagement party.

Maybe that's why she invited you.

So that you'd realize that this is happening and you would say something.

Come on.

What is the worst that could happen?

She says no?

- Say something.

- Oh.


- Hey!

I'm glad you came.

- Hey.

Yeah, I'm not so sure your folks feel that way.

Oh, they're fine, I promise.

I am gonna go grab some food.



where's, uh, where's Isabella?

We finally got her to sleep.

Can you believe it?


She likes you.

- What's there not to like.


All right, let's take a birth family photo.

Come on.

JESUS: Come on.

Okay, everyone get close.


They are a beautiful family.

ADRIANA: Three, two, one...



Aw, it's so cute.

You ever think maybe we made a mistake, pushing Gabe out of her life?

These are great.

I love this one.

Yeah, you're the only one.

You should have heard the critique my class gave me.

Oh, the hell with them.

No, I mean, maybe I should apply to another program, do something that can make a difference.

- You don't think art can make a difference?

- You know what I mean.

No, I don't.

Art raises awareness.

It changes opinions and politics.

It overcomes cultural divisions.

It can move people to move mountains.

I hope you said that in your interview yesterday.

I'm serious, Callie.

- But yes, I did.


There's a lot of ways you can make a difference.

Maybe there's an easier way for me.

Don't do that.

Don't give up on what you really want just to do what's easier.

Do what makes you happy.

What inspires you?

Shiloh McCullen.

She is the devil.

She's speaking at the university tomorrow.

We're gonna block her.

Oh, yeah?

You want some backup?

Okay, everybody.

Hi, everyone.

Can I get everyone's attention, please?

Okay, so, as the best man, it is my job to give the first toast.

I'm sorry there isn't any champagne, but there is plenty of ginger ale, so go nuts.

Anyway, um...

instead of a toast, I decided to write this for you, Dad.

♪ Looking up to you ♪

♪ And your integrity ♪

♪ It's greater than a sunrise ♪

♪ Orbiting around you ♪

♪ Giving strength to me ♪

♪ The man I want to be in your eyes ♪

♪ Father and son ♪

♪ A fate that can't be undone ♪

♪ Two men in a big, brave world... ♪

Someday soon they're gonna be throwing a party like this for us.

♪ Aiming to make it right ♪

♪ Two stars in the universe ♪

♪ I am respecting ♪

♪ Reflecting ♪

♪ Your light ♪

♪ Deep roots, a new height ♪

Be right back.

♪ Your life my birthright ♪

♪ I'm bold ♪

♪ 'Cause you're bright ♪


- I love you, B.

- I love you too, Dad.

BRANDON: All right, who's next?


Us, us.

- Hi.

- Hi.

By the way, that was beautiful, Grace and Brandon.

Anna, I just wanted to say congratulations.

I'm so happy that you found Mike.

He's an amazing guy.

- Told you.

- And...

you guys are totally soul mates, so...

I'm so happy for you.

- STEF: Hear!



- Uh, yeah.


So, I, um...

Well, I guess I never really...

thought that I'd be at an engagement party for my birth mom.

I never really thought that we'd have a relationship...

with you.

Or you, Gabe.

But, um...

one thing that I know...

is that it's never too late.

Even if you think it is.

So, yeah, that's pretty much what I wanted to say.


- All right, Jesus!

- Woo!

- What the hell was that toast?

- What do you mean?

This is my dad's engagement party!

VICTOR: There is so much to say, mija.

We are so proud of you.

- VICTOR: It takes such strength and faith...

- Okay.

Look, Brandon.

If Gabe and Ana still have feelings for each other...

It's none of your business!

Do you really want your dad to marry Ana if she still loves Gabe?


- Good on the grill!

You're unbelievable.

Just stay out of it, okay?

- To Mike and Ana!

- ALL: Mike and Ana!


What are you doing in here all alone?

Sorry, I was just taking a break.

Honey, are you all right?

I really want Jesus to get better and go back to school, but I'm not ready to be engaged.


Got a minute?

Mr. and Mrs. Gutierrez.

Gabe, this is, um, hard for us to say.

We're sorry.

For what we did to you.

We thought we were doing the best for our daughter.


who knows what might have been if we had handled things differently.


Thank you.

Way to make your old man cry, huh?

Well, that was what I was going for.

This is a great party, B.

Thank you.


Everything okay?

Brandon, thank you so much for the party.



Um, Dave's leaving, so if you want to say goodbye.

Oh, okay.

Um, excuse me.



- Hey.

- Hey.

Jesus's recovery is not your responsibility.

It's his.

And it's mine and it's Stef's.

And I'm so sorry that I didn't think about the burden I was putting on you.

So, you're not okay with us being engaged?


No, of course not.



Honestly, honey, we just thought that maybe it was all in his head.

- We should have asked you.

- It's okay.

I think it sort of all is in his head.

I never said that I would marry him.

We'll talk to him, okay?

Would it be okay if I talked to him first?

Yeah, yes, of course.

Come here.


Thank you.



Maybe my mom was right.

About indulging Jesus.

I can't take the path of least resistance just because I'm afraid of the outbursts.

Hey, there's no "I" in this.

Okay, it's "we." It's "we." We're not giving up, okay?

We're not giving in to this thing with Jesus.

We're gonna fight to get our boy back.

Whatever treatment it takes, we'll try them all, until something works, okay?

- When are we gonna see that doctor in LA?

- In a couple weeks.


So, in the meantime, we take away that tree house, and whatever else we have to, to get his attention.


I know, baby.

Have a good night, Brandon.

Can I talk to you for a minute?


What's up?

Why... why did you cry...

when you told me you were marrying Mike?

It was, uh, just something Jesus said.

That I still had feelings for you?


Yeah, it just...

He has this crazy idea that you and I could still be together.

What if we could?

Look, I know I blew it.

When I got out of prison...

instead of feeling sorry for myself...

I should have found you.

And the twins.

And we should have been a family.


we still can be a family.

I could be a father to Isabella.

What if it's not too late?



I still love you.

You have no idea how many times I've dreamed of you saying this.

How long...

I've wished you came back.

But it is too late.

I love Mike.

And I can't wait to marry him.



There you are.

Shall we, uh, shall we shut the door, or...

I love you.


But I can't wear this if it means what you think it does.



Are you breaking up with me right now?

No, I'm not.

But we're too young to be engaged, Jesus.

And I can't be your only reason for wanting to go back to school.

You need to do that for yourself.

Wait, I'm sorry.

So, that's why you said yes?

I never said yes.

Well, if that's how you...

if that's how you feel, then maybe we should break up.

- Jesus!

- I'm not a charity case.

I never said that you were!

What, you think that I can't survive without you?

- That's not what I meant!

- You know what, Emma?

I don't need you.

Yes, you do, Jesus.

She's stuck by you this whole time!

She's been, like, the best girlfriend ever.

Oh, and now all of a sudden, you like her?

You guys are friends again?

Well, that's great.

But you know what?

Leave me the hell alone.

- Jesus.

- I mean it, okay?

Let's just call it.

- Don't do this.

- You need to stay out of this.

And you, if you don't want me forever, then I don't want you at all.

So just go!

Just get out, Emma!

You're so stupid.




He doesn't mean it.

I know.

He's gonna get better.

He really is.


I miss him, too.


- You don't have to do that.

- I don't mind.

Ana's getting Isabella.

She really loves you, Dad.

Yeah, I know.

MIKE: Hey.

I gotta get my bag.


- Thank you, again.

- Thank you.




Protest is tomorrow, huh?


I'm proud of you.

You know that?

Taking a stand.


You're not a student at UCSD yet.

You really want to do something that could jeopardize your chances of getting in?

So, I should just not express my beliefs

- 'cause I'm scared?

- Mm-mm.


No, it's just, uh, just something to consider.

A lot of these campus protests have been getting violent lately.

- We're gonna be peaceful.

- Yeah, I know.

It's not you that I don't trust, Cal.

There are people who sometimes like to take advantage of these emotionally charged situations, create chaos.

So, are you saying I can't go?


I just want you to promise me...

that if things do start to get out of hand, that, uh...

you will make the right call.



You know, Stratos doesn't even care about Anchor Beach Academy.

He just wants revenge against Anchor Beach 'cause of Nick.

I mean, it's crap.

If anyone deserves revenge, it's you and me.

- 'Cause of what Nick did to us.

- You're right.

I heard back from the people at Eminent Power.


They only want me.

But we're girl and gay guy.

I know, and that's what I told them.

And, you know, even though I really want to do it, and it's an amazing opportunity, I told them I won't do it without you.

If you don't want me to.

Y... you did?

If you really don't want me to.

Well, thanks.

Screw them, right?

We'll do our own thing.


I got to go to the bathroom.


My God.

- Oh!


Uh, hi.

I'm Brandon.

Grace's girlfriend.


Well, I'm her mother.


Uh, well, this isn't what you think it is.



it's kind of a joke, actually.

A few weeks ago, Grace...

Never mind, it's not important.

I'm sorry you have to be meeting me this way.

You know, Grace has no business having a boyfriend...

let alone going to prom, so.

Uh, hey...

- Uh, Mom, this is Brandon.

- Yeah, we've met.

Well, I'm just gonna...


Hey, um, the answer's yes, by the way.


Well, I wish you would have told me that the first time.


Hey, how did it go?

Did you get the posters hung?

- Yeah.

- No one was there.

It was perfect.



- Hello.

- DREW: I need you to come to the school now.

PROTESTERS (CHANTING): Two, four, six, eight, our university's anti-hate!

Two, four, six, eight, our university's anti-hate!

Two, four, six, eight, our university's anti-hate!

Two, four, six, eight, our university's anti-hate!

Two, four, six, eight, our university's anti-hate!

Two, four, six, eight, our university's anti-hate!

- Two, four, six, eight...

- Got any extras?

- Our university's anti-hate!

- You came.


Or maybe a large?

You're pretty jacked.

Two, four, six, eight, our university's anti-hate!

Two, four, six, eight, our university's anti-hate!

Two, four, six, eight, our university's anti-hate!

Two, four, six, eight, our university's anti-hate!

Two, four, six, eight, our university's anti-hate!

Two, four, six, eight, our university's anti-hate!

Two, four, six...

DREW: So, I come in today to get a little work done, and I find this.

Oh, my God.

Who did this?

Why would someone..

No idea.

So I checked the security cameras, and your kids were the last ones in the building.


- Yo, Gabe.

PROTESTERS: Love, not hate!

Makes our university great!
Love, not hate!

Makes our university great!

Love, not hate!

Makes our university great!

- Stoked you made it.

- Nice turnout.

Shiloh McCullen's a patriot.

Hope you snowflakes melt in hell!

- Hell is where the haters go, my friend.

- Get out of my country!


- Hey, it's her country, too!

Go back to Mexico, you Third World trash.

- You!

Stop that!

- Build a wall!


Build a wall!

Say it loud!

Say it clear!

Immigrants are welcome here!

Say it loud!

Say it clear!

Immigrants are welcome here!

- Say it loud!

Say it clear!

- Build a wall!

- Immigrants are welcome here!

- Build a wall!

Say it loud!

Say it clear!

Immigrants are welcome here!

- Say it loud!

Say it clear!

- Build a wall!

- Immigrants are welcome here!

- Build a wall!