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05x04 - Too Fast, Too Furious

Posted: 12/10/18 08:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Fosters...

I'm not at World's because I decided not to go.

Nobody wants you on their team, Mariana.

You have a junior team?

As if our moms would let us play a contact sport.

POPPY: Why treat girls any different?

There are so many unknowns

about traumatic brain injuries.

I told you that you shouldn't get involved with me.

That I had a kid.

You should do one thing a day that scares you.

Guys, this is Cole.

Yet you won't date me, because you don't see me as a guy.

Uh, this is Dawn.

MARIANA: Callie saw AJ kissing another girl.

I love you, Callie, but it shouldn't be so hard.

I know you're going through a lot right now,

and I know you don't want attachments.

- ♪ ... feel that heartbeat ♪

♪ Always hits so loud ♪

♪ Can you feel my hand? ♪

♪ I'm touching you right now ♪

♪ Can you try... ♪


Engineering award, that's, uh...

- big deal.
- Thanks.

Your name should really be on there.

Is it true Drew shut down STEAM

'cause you crashed our drone in a tree?

It's a temporary ban,

and I didn't crash it.

Well, we're gonna keep doing STEAM off campus.

We'll let you know when and where...


- Emma!
- It's okay.

I don't really have time for STEAM anyways.

I'm trying something new.

It's gonna really stand out on my college applications, so...

uh, congrats again on the award.

I know how hard you guys worked on it.

- That's his new girlfriend, huh?
- Yep.

He doesn't waste any time.

No time at all, as a matter of fact.

So, he was cheating on you?

Whatever. It's my fault.

(LAUGHS) How is that your fault?

Brandon, you know I make everything harder than it has to be.


Uh, he is coming this way.

Do you want me to stay or...

No, it's okay. You can go.

- Hey, man.
- Hey.


Mike told me Troy Johnson confessed.

You were right about him.

Yeah, but I was wrong about a lot of other things, so...

I gotta get to class.

Is there a story about Jesus and a baseball bat?

Uh, why?

I saw your door was smashed in.

Did he do that?

DOCTOR: So, uh, as you can see here,

we're still seeing a fair amount of neuro inflammation,

meaning he has to stay on his anti-seizure meds.

(GROANS) Doc, I can't even get it up.


You can see there's still

a little issue of impulse control.

There have been emotional outbursts as... as well.

Yeah. They're afraid of me, so...

Why do you say that?

Because I heard you telling Mom about what a monster I am.

Wait, wait, wait a minute.

That is not what she said.

- Yeah, it is what she said.
- No, it's not.

She said that she thought that I was dangerous.

Honey, that's not what I meant.


Mom and I are simply concerned

about your ability to control

your aggression, love.

The last time he went off his ADHD medication,

he also had some anger issues.

Do you think it might help if he went back on them?

I think it's possible.

Let's try a low dose.

But what are we gonna do about my... problem?

We can try other anti-seizure meds,

that may not have that effect of you.


DOCTOR: We do need some bloodwork, though.

Sarah will take you.

Okay. Thanks, Doc.


(SIGHS) Why isn't this getting any better?

Isn't the... the... the brain gonna heal itself?

When brain cells are damaged,

or destroyed, they don't regenerate,

but the brain does reorganize itself.

We're seeing great improvements in him physically,

but emotionally...

What's wrong, baby?

Sorry, I got... I, uh...

I just want our sweet boy back.

DOCTOR: I know.

You just... may have to manage your expectations.

And his.

Cause there's no pill or combination of pills

that's gonna make him who he used to be.

Okay, thank you.


♪ It's not where you come from ♪

♪ It's where you belong ♪

♪ Nothing I would trade ♪

♪ I wouldn't have it any other way ♪

♪ You're surrounded by love ♪

♪ And you're wanted ♪

♪ So never feel alone ♪

♪ You are home with me ♪

♪ Right where you belong ♪


Hey, girl.

Lisa. This is Mariana.

- Fresh meat.
- Ooh.

Fresh what?

New blood. Nice, welcome.

Ooh! What's in the box?

Are you seriously that desperate to win everyone over?

Girl, she's just bustin' your ovaries.

Oh, yeah, I'm just kiddin'.

I love pan dulce.

LISA: Yum.

XIMENA: Picoteando? En serio?

How about we save these for after practice, ladies?

Hey, uh, can I practice with the jammers today?

Poppy, we have enough jammers.

Okay? We need blockers.

Gear up. Let's see what you got.

What's this?

Butt pad. You're gonna need it.

- What was that?

You know, if we were at my place,

you wouldn't have to freak out every time you hear a bump.

Well, I've never been invited.

Um, it's a loft...

not a dinner party.
You're welcome any time.

- Okay.

Then, we can really be alone.


Hey, Aaron!

Hi, Mrs. Adams Foster.

Stef is fine.

And Callie I wanted to tell you

that I saw Cole at the LGBT center today.

What were you doing there?

STEF: Just some outreach for work.

Anyway, Cole said hello,

and that he would love to see you sometime.

Yeah, I'll text him.

STEF: Uh, don't forget you're on dinner duty.

Veggies aren't gonna wash themselves.

It was good to see you, Aaron.

AARON: Nice to see you, too.


I, uh...

forgot that you know Cole.

Does he know that we're... ?


I mean, I don't think so.

I haven't really talked to him, since...

And that wouldn't have anything to do with the fact

that he has, like, a massive crush on you, right?

What? N... no, he doesn't.

Uh, yes, he does.

Maybe he used to, like, a little bit,

but I'm sure he's past it.

Why? Are you jealous?

- No.
- Mm-hmm. Are you sure?

Uh, well, why don't you come to my place and find out?



XIMENA: Let's go, ladies!

I wanna see you kicking some ass!

Now, drive!

Drive! Come on! Use that outside leg to push.

Poppy! What's going on with you?

Pick up the speed. You're being lazy.

Keep it up, keep it up.


- You okay?
- Yeah, all good.

Remember, derby stance is bent at the knees.

Almost in a squat,

but upright with your torso.

Butt in, boobs out.

Got it?

Ready for more?

Yeah, you are. Come on.




♪ This is now ♪


♪ This is now ♪



♪ What is this? ♪


♪ What is this? ♪

So, they're gonna adjust my meds,

and then, I should be, like,

you know, back to normal.

(CHUCKLES) That's awesome.

- You comin' over later?
- I'll try.

I'm kind of on east coast time,

and I have a ton of homework.

BOY: Yo, Jesus! What's up, bro?

Are we, like... okay?

Yeah, what do you mean?

Come on, Emma. Wh... what's going on?

Look... can we talk about this later?

No, we can't.

You've been blowing me off

since, like, before you left for Worlds.

I know what you did to Brandon's door...

and to his keyboard.

And it scares me that...

you would do something like that.

You... you have nothing to be scared of.

I would never hurt you,

or... or anyone.

Wow. This lineup is ridiculous.

- Right?
- It's so good.

You know, I always wanted to go to Coachella.

Me, too. My parents never let me go to concerts.

Actually, they did take me to go see Neil Diamond once.

- Really?
- Yep.

- For my birthday.
- (LAUGHS) Wow.

I think they just think that music festivals

are all about dr*gs, sex,

and... people standing around in the dirt.

Mmm. Mmm, right.

Should we go?


I mean, you know, you don't have to decide, like,

right now, or anything.

It's three months away, but...

No, no, no. We should totally go.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I mean, we have to get the tickets and... and pay for them.

Yeah. It'll be fun, right?

- Yeah. It will.

(SHOUTING) Hey! Why can't you just keep your mouth shut, man?

Whoa, whoa, dude. Relax.

No, you relax. Why would you tell Emma

about... about your stupid, little room?

- Why? So she'd break up with me?
- What?

She overheard Mama talking.

JESUS: Specifically about your keyboard?

Come on, man. Who told her that?

- Whoa, wait, stop it.
- Brandon, stop it!

You want him to fall and hit his head again?

Well, he started it! He shoved me first!

He's got a TBI. What is the matter with you?


(SIGHS) Come on, let's go back to the house. Come on.

Let's go.


- Hey.
- Hey.

So, I was wondering, maybe...

why don't you come and stay with me for a couple nights?

You know, until everyone kinda cools off.

I... I mean, if it's cool with your parents.

- Um...
- You don't have to. It's just I...

No! No, I... I... I want to.


My... my moms will be cool with it.

I... I think it's a good idea, actually, you know,

to give Jesus some space.

I mean, he should be the one giving you space, right?

Yeah, well, I shouldn't have pushed him.

I know, but you're human.

You just reacted. I would've done the same thing.

Alright, well, I'm at my dad's for dinner,

and then I can come to you.

I can text you when I'm on my way.

Okay. I will see you later.

Hey, uh, thanks.


- So, I'll see you...
- When you see me.

- Oh, hey.
- Hey.

I'm just gonna get a shower before dinner.


So, you coming back?

Not everyone does.

Oh, uh...

Yeah. Probably.


I'm just not really good at not being good at things, you know?

Look, you don't have to be great to start,

but you got to start somewhere to be great, right?

Okay. You totally stole that off an Instagram post.

A t-shirt. (CHUCKLES)

Hey, you wanna catch a movie or something this weekend?


Dinner's ready.

Oh, okay. Uh, I'm hungry.

What are we having?

- Wait till you taste these.

They're the best enchiladas I've ever had.

Oh, they look great.

Hey, are y'all still going out tomorrow night?

What's tomorrow night?

Date night.

You said there was a new place you wanted to take me.

- I did?
- ANA: Uh, yeah.

- Can you still sit?
- Yeah, that's no problem.

AJ, who was that girl I saw leaving when I got home?

Just a study buddy.

Mmm. With benefits.

What happened with Dawn?

Nothing. We're just not exclusive.

Does Dawn know that?

- AJ: That's what she wanted.
- Interesting.

I find that most girls want to be exclusive

even if they say they don't.

Well, then, it's up to her to say something.

Oh, well, maybe it's because you had a girlfriend

when you two started hooking up,

and she was afraid to say anything.

Callie told you that?

Is it not true?

It's not your business is what it is.

I have to say I agree with Brandon.

I think most women
are, generally speaking,

naturally monogamous.


That's pretty sexist.

Not every woman wants a committed relationship.

I mean, you don't have to marry a girl

just because you sleep with her.

Or move in and raise her kid.

I'm not talking about y'all.

ANA: It's fine.

I... I think the point is

there's no reason to rush into a commitment.

You know, when you move too fast

you can get in over your head before you know someone.

Brandon and I are, uh...

old school when it comes to women.

We're "all or nothing" guys,

and there's nothing wrong with that.

Hey, Dad, uh...

is it cool that I maybe stay here for a few days?

Yeah. Is everything okay at home?


♪ Got one more night ♪

♪ You got a heart that's bendin' in your hands ♪

♪ And if I turn the page, then the story ends ♪

♪ I can't be what I can't be ♪

- ♪ And you can't see what you can't see ♪

♪ Don't you worry ♪

♪ I'll be fine ♪

- Hey.
- CORTNEY: Hey, Brandon.


Look, I'm... I'm really sorry to call, but...

I kinda need your help.

♪ I'll be fine ♪

It is so good to see you. You look great.

So do you. It's been too long.

I know. My mom told me that

you've been working at the center full-time.

Uh, yeah, yeah. It's been great.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

So, tell me everything.

- Everything?
- Yeah.

That could take a while.

Well, are you seeing anyone?

I am, kinda, yeah.

- What's her name?
- Marissa.

She's... she's pretty great.

And you're blushing, so you must really like her.

I do.

But what about you?
Are you still with AJ?

Um, no. I'm actually, uh, seeing someone else.

Um, Aaron. You know him, right?


Aaron Baker?



So, is it serious, or... ?

Well, I mean, we just started seeing each other, so...


I guess I'm just surprised that you're...

dating a guy who's...

I told you that wasn't...

I guess I didn't totally believe you.

It was easier in thinking it was me who was the problem.

Cole. (SIGHS)

Wait, wait, there was never any problem, okay?

- We were friends.
- Well, weren't you friends with Aaron, too?

Look... (SIGHS)

it's all good. I'm seeing someone. You're seeing someone.

I'm happy for you,

and Aaron's a great guy from what I can tell.

So, like, how's it going?

It's good, yeah.


just we haven't...

you know.


I think we probably are going to...


Have sex?

Is this weird?

- Yeah, it is.
- Yeah.

But I'm your friend.

Okay, um, well, like, I don't, um...

know what to do.

You know, like... uh, like...

I don't know what's okay and what's not, um...

like what's he's gonna like

or what he's not gonna like.

Are you asking me?

I just, like, don't have anyone else to talk to.


- I mean, no one knows he's trans, so...
- It's okay.

What do you wanna know?

LISA: Yeah, girl!

Looking good, Mariana!

Great speed, too.

I think we've got a future jammer here.

Jammer? Is that a good thing?

The jammer's the only person who can score during a bout.

It's a great thing.

Alright, ladies!

Falling drills.

Oh, uh, I thought the whole idea was not to fall.

Well, falling's inevitable.

The idea is to fall the right way.




- Hey.


I didn't think anyone was home.

What are you looking for?

I... walked in on Mike last night,

and he shoved something in the drawer like he'd been caught.

And you know, he's an addict,

and so am I, and...

anyway, I thought, maybe, he was drinking again.

So, did you find anything?




It's date night.



Uh, didn't you get my texts?

No, I left my phone at home.

I'm living without electronics for hours.

It's my one thing that scares me for today.

- Is everything okay?
- Uh, yeah.

No, I... I... I just... uh, I'm sorry, I can't hang today.

Oh, okay.

- Why?

- Uh...
- (TOY g*n HUMS)

Mason, not in the face.

- Not in the...

- Hi, cutie.
- Thank you.


I... my friend needed a last minute babysitter,

and I... I just... I couldn't say no.

- So...
- Oh.

Hit the larger strikes!

Mason, no, hey! Not... not upstairs.

Looks like you could use some help.

Look, if you feel like Aaron's really uncomfortable talking about sex,

then go slow.

Next time you guys are making out,

maybe go to tug on his shirt,

and see if he makes the move to take it off.

And then, make sure he knows that you're still really into him.

- I like it when my girlfriend,

you know, talks about how masculine I am.


what about you?


Have you thought about what you want?




are you?

- Go, go!
- No, no!

Oh! No, no, no, no!

No! No! Oh, God!


No! Ah ah!



No, no.

Ohhh, you got me.



Um, I'll catch up with you guys.

BOY: Hey, man!

What are you doing here?

Look, I gotta know.

- Are we done?
- I don't... think so.

I... I mean, I don't want to be, but...

But what?

You don't have to be afraid of me.

Emma, I'm not mad at you. I...

I think you are.

I don't think you're mad

that Brandon took me to get an abortion.

I think you're mad that I had one.

Yeah, I'm mad that you didn't tell me about it.


Do you think that would have made a difference?

I don't know.

Mariana told me...

that you never wanted to be like your birth parents

because they abandoned you

and that if you were in their same position,

you would be a dad to your kid no matter what.

Is that how you feel?

I guess. Yeah.

Then how can you not be mad at me

if that's something you really believe?

- If you...

really think...

that you were capable

of taking care of a baby at ...

Okay. Yes. Maybe I am angry

that you didn't ask me about how I felt before you did it.

And maybe, I think, that you did it

not because of my TBI,

but because you didn't want to hear what I had to say,

because you wouldn't care, 'cause you didn't care,

because you just would go and do it anyway.

I would have done it anyway, because it's my body.


I was on the pill.

It was not my fault.

I didn't know that some herb could cancel it out.

And even if it was my fault,

it's my choice,

it's my life,

and I'm not ready to be pregnant,

I'm not ready to raise a baby,

and I'm not ready to give one up for adoption.

And I can't be with you if you feel angry or betrayed by that.

And I also can't be with you

if you keep tormenting your brother,

because he was only trying to be there for me.

He wasn't just trying to help me.

He was trying to help you...

because he loves you.

Okay, I... I...

Don't. Don't say anything.

Don't tell me what I wanna hear.

Tell me what's true.


XIMENA: Come on, Mariana! Get in there!

A jammer has to hit her way through the blockers.

Okay. I'm sorry.

I just... I... I don't think I'm tough enough.

Don't do that to yourself.

Get back out there.

Don't let her make you do something you're not ready for.

No. I got this.



You okay?



Let's do this.



Now, that's jammer material!

Good job, Mariana!

And on that note, I'm calling it.

Nice work today, ladies.

That was a dirty hit.
What the hell was that for?

What? I was just trying to get Mariana mad so she'd hit harder.

Well, that's not your call to make.

She could've gotten hurt.

You ever do something like that again,

you're off the team.

Thanks for helping out with this.

- MIKE: Yep!
- I would ask Gabe,

but he's in Escondido for a few days on a job.

How is that having him living here?

(LAUGHS) It's not ideal, but...

it's important to Jesus.

Yeah, Brandon said something about it being tense with Jesus.

Yeah. He's, uh, he's been taking out a lot on him,

but, uh, Brandon's being very patient.

It's just...

I don't want him to feel like he has to move out

every time things get tense here at home.

(SCOFFS) I don't think he's moving out,

I think he just...

needs to take a few days.
He'll be back soon enough.

Things aren't too cramped at your place?

You got a full house over there.

Oh, you know.

I've got Ana's apartment down the hall if I need to get away.

That almost living together. Things going well?

Uh... yeah.

Yeah, as a matter of fact, I, um...

I bought her an engagement ring.

- Wow.
- Yeah.

I'm, uh... I'm proposing tonight.

Good! Think she's, uh...

think she's ready for that?

What makes you say that?

Well, she's...

not officially living with you. I... I just...

seems a little soon is all.

You guys talked about marriage?

No, but I mean...

Well, how do you know she even wants to get married?

I mean...

she did say something last night at dinner about...

all women not wanting a commitment, but...


Man, I don't want to propose if she's gonna say no.

Just give her some time.

Trust me, you're gonna know when she is ready.

Women are excellent at dropping hints.

- CALLIE: You're so strong.


Such a...

- hot man.
- Mm, yeah?

Yeah, and I love your stubble. You look so handsome.

Mmm, thanks.

Mmm, when you hold me...

- it's so...
- Okay, um.

Why are you being so weird?

I'm, uh... I'm sorry.

Uh, it's just you've never been quite this chatty before.

I thought you would like it.


I don't know.

Guys are into that kinda thing, right?

Not this guy.


I talked to Cole,

- and he said...
- Wait.

You talked to Cole about us?

Well, about sex.

Um, and he said that,

he really likes it when his partner

tells him how masculine he is.

Why are you talking to Cole about this?

Well, who else am I supposed to talk to?

I'm not allowed to talk to anybody about it.

I... I didn't want to hurt your feelings.

Well, why not talk to me, Callie?

My God, why do you have to make things so complicated?

Okay, fine. You don't want to have sex, whatever.

Well, who said I wanted to have sex?

Well, isn't that why you invited me over?

Uh, no, I invited you here so we could be alone.

Look, no offense, I'm...

I'm just not ready for us to...

Why? Cause of me?

No, because sex is just, like... (SIGHS)

a really vulnerable thing for me,

and I need to know that I can trust you.

You don't trust me?

No, that's not what I mean.

It's just...

AJ broke up with you, you know.

I... I just need to make sure that this isn't, like, a rebound thing.

You know, I'm really sick of boys

telling me how I feel

and... and how complicated I am.

I'm not the only one who complicates things, okay?

Callie, come on.

I actually can't do this. I gotta go, so.

Hey, Mason.

We're gonna play a new game called "The Change Machine."

You turn into a different animal

every single time you go inside.

Yeah. See?


- Now Brandon!
- Yeah.

Uh... o... okay.



- Ready?
- BRANDON: Here we go.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ah, ah.

You can do better than that.

I know. Yeah, exactly, come on.

Come on! A little effort for Mason!

- Okay, okay.

One more time.

What is he gonna do?




Look, look!

Yeah, go chase him, come on!



Ooh! Ooh! Ooh...

Hey, Mom.


you remember Grace, right?

I do, indeed. Hey, Mason.

- MASON: Hi.
- How are you, buddy?

Cortney here?

Uh, no, no. I'm just, uh... I'm babysitting for today.

Oh. Well, that's nice of you.


Cortney is Mason's mom?


When are you gonna move back with Mommy and me?

Hey, um, is it okay if I leave my skates and stuff here?

It's just easier not to lug it all around.

Yeah, sure.

Great job today. Proud of you.

So, we still on for the movies tomorrow?

Oh, uh, actually, I forgot.

I made plans with Lisa and some of the other girls.

Oh. Okay.

Do you wanna join us?


That sounds cool.


Okay. He is asleep, finally.

So, your moms wouldn't let you spend a couple nights with me,

but they let you live with your last girlfriend and her toddler?

Uh, well, they didn't let me live with her.

But, uh...

you are right.

They didn't exactly say I... I couldn't stay with you.

It's just...

I don't know. I guess I'm... I'm...

I got in my head that maybe we're moving a little too fast, or...

I mean, for the record,

Coachella was your idea.

Yeah, I know. I...

I just... I obviously...

got in over my head with Cortney, and...

I don't know. I...

I guess I can sometimes be...

a bit of a caretaker.

I don't need you to take care of me.

I know.

You're super independent, and I love that.

I just... I don't want to make the same mistakes with you.

You know?

And it'd be really easy, too,

'cause... I really like you.

I really like you, too.

Let's just...

play this whole Coachella thing by ear.



She's down.

I doubt she'll wake up before we get home.


You two have a great time.

Stay out as long as you want.

Thanks, Dad. We won't be too late.


Uh, AJ, someone here to see you.

Uh, do you have a minute?


So, what's up?

It's not my fault that you cheated on me.

Okay. I never said it was.

Maybe you didn't say it,

but you made it seem like it was.


By saying how hard everything was,

how I make everything hard,

like that's some kind of excuse for what you did.


Why are you doing this?

Callie, why are you over here rehashing all of this?

'Cause I needed to say it.

And I need this... to be over. I need it to be done.

It was. It is.

I'm seeing Aaron.

Of course you are. Should've seen that coming.

I just want things between us to be clean.

So you... you want to make sure that I take the blame for cheating

when you were cheating all along?

- I was not...
- You were always into him.

From the first day you met him, right?

Kissing on the beach?

You want things to be clean with us, fine.

This was a two-way street.

We both made it hard,

and we both made it end.


That clean enough for you?

- JESUS: Yo, B, you got a second?


- What are you doing?
- I'm, uh...

I'm... I'm gonna go stay with my dad for a little while.

Wait. Is that because of me?


Don't do that, please.

Yeah, I... I'm sorry that I keep taking everything out on you.

Look, I have been really, really angry,

because I'm... I'm afraid that I'm never gonna be the same again.

You're not.

When, uh, my hand got smashed,

I thought my life was completely over.

You know, everything I worked for.

I... I mean, I thought I'd never play piano again.

Yeah, but you did.

Yeah, I did.

But you know, I had to learn how to play differently.

Took a lot of hard work, you know, and a lot of time.

But if you're patient...

you can come back from this.

Just because things won't be the same

doesn't mean they won't be okay.

Now I just gotta convince Emma of that.



- BRANDON: It's okay.
- JESUS: Yeah, thanks, man.

This isn't a rebound thing.

And you were right, and I am over AJ, but, um...

I'm not over the fact that he really hurt me.

Which is...

why I'm not ready for us to have sex either.

But you were going to anyway?

I don't know, I guess, yeah.


'Cause I was worried that

if I told you I wasn't ready, that...

you would think it's cause you're trans,

- and it's not.
- Okay, I...

I don't think that. I won't think that.

And, um...

when we are ready,

like both of us, um...

I'm gonna need to ask you some stuff

without... you know, being afraid I'm saying the wrong thing,

which I'm probably gonna...

Okay, hey, hey. There's nothing you can't ask me.


Just... please ask me.

And not someone else.

I need to be able to trust you, too.




Hey. Do you guys need some clean towels in here?

Oh my God! What happened to you?


Oh, uh, nothing, I...

I... I mean, I fell at school.

I didn't even know that was there.

Honey, you gotta be more careful.

Let me get you some arnica for that.

(WHISPERING) Thank you so much.

You're a total lifesaver.

Yeah, no, it's no problem, really.

So you... you got everything moved in then?

Where's your new place?

I got that great apartment off Monroe Street,

but I can't move in for a week.

Oh, so, where are you staying?

Uh, I'm just gonna get a motel room

for tonight, and then, um...

hopefully couch surf with some friends till the apartment's ready.

What... do you have money for a motel?

So, we've been looking into what it would take

to get you back to school.


And, well, there are a couple things.

First, you'll need to get, uh, an assessment

to see where... where your learning is,

how you're retaining information, and all that.



And then, once we know exactly where you are,

you will probably get a...

- uh... right.
- A paraprofessional.

What... what is that?

It's, uh, an educational aide

who will go with you to your classes.

Wait, is that like a... like a babysitter?


Oh, no, no, no, no. Come on!

No! Abso... abso-freaking-lutely not!

- Come on.
- Jesus, listen.

If you would like to go back to school,

you really have no other choice.


Okay, well, then... then I won't go back to school.

- No.
- No, wait, look.

We know that things are never gonna be the same.

So I can get my GED,

and... and I can... I can work construction with Gabe.

No! That is not an option.

That is an option! I am .

I can drop out. It's my life.

Jesus, no!

- Jesus!




- Hey.


How was dinner?

Uh, it was fine.

It was kind of a disappointment.

I mean, I did get this.


What? Oh my God!


- You guys are getting married?


I had no idea.

What? Why's he laughing?

I told him everything.

Are you...

Sorry, we had to mess with you. (LAUGHING)

Ha-ha. Very funny.


- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

One little happy family.


So... Gabe won't be back for a few days,

and so you're welcome to stay here until then.

Brandon, are you sure your mom's are okay with this?

You've already done so much for us.

No, we're happy to help.

Seriously it's... no worries.

♪ We just watch the seasons change ♪

♪ And wait for the storm to break ♪


Whoa, wait, whoa, Mason!

That... that's super dangerous, bud. Thank you very much.

Thank you. Why don't you run over there?


- Hey, where did you go?
- Alright, Mason.

♪ We are fighting ♪

- ♪ With our backs to the wall ♪