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04x06 - Blood of My Blood

Posted: 12/10/18 07:53
by bunniefuu

We've chosen a name. Baby Klara.

They are dead.

They got the measle and...

Measles traveled with you from Cross Creek.

It spreads from person to person.

- Murtagh.
- Ah!

I have my forge here.

Will you return to Fraser's Ridge with us?

We'll work together.

I am Major John William Grey, the governor of this prison.

I couldn't give you freedom.

This is the next best I could manage.

It's called Helwater.

Well, my wedding is in three days.

I want my first time to be with someone like you.

My sister's dead.

Ellesmere knew the child wasn't his.

We named him William.

Would you look out for Willie as his father?


What the devil?

Well, what are you doing in the backcountry?

Well, your letter painted such a beautiful picture of your land, I was determined to see it with my own eyes.

And I have business in Virginia.

Virginia's some way north, John.


Which is why I sent the men who accompanied us ahead

to Woolam's Creek to make preparations

for the onward journey.

He's here with me.

He's waiting by the stream.

I thought I might have a word with you alone first

before retrieving him, if possible.

Come on.

- Oh.
- Here.

- Oh.
- Christ.

Pride goeth before a fall.

And a broken back.

Be thankful for the help while you have it.

Perhaps you should stay.

You've barely had time to complain at all.

And Jamie's quite fond of you, I suppose.

Well, it's a blessing to see ye as well, Claire.

Having you here has really made Fraser's Ridge

feel like home.

Are you sure you can't stay?

Ah, I have the forge to run.

If I'm to stay in North Carolina at all,

I'll need to pay my taxes.

And ye ken what that means.

I do, unfortunately.

As we speak, two of our best men

are presenting the governor with our petition

for fewer taxes.

Your regulator friends?


Get them off me! Ah.

What is it, lad?

Oh, they're just leeches. They won't hurt you.

Please, c-can you remove them at once?

They're vile creatures.

Oh, they're not so terribly vile.

They have their uses.

And if you can stand it, it's better to wait

until they drop off by themselves.

I hate them, and I'd rather not wait.

If you please.

Very well, then.

Murtagh, can you pass me a bucket?

Don't want to waste them.

They're very effective...

in reducing the swelling of bruises.

I want my father.

Where is he?

I don't know if he'll remember you.

He was barely six when I left Helwater.

A lifetime ago.

Best he doesn't remember.
For his own sake.


By the by, he insists we call him William now.

We would be honored if you were to stay a while.

As guests.

That would be delightful.

Is, uh, Isobel with you?


Isobel has died.

On the ship between England and Jamaica.

She and William were coming to join me there, and she took ill.

John, I...

I'm sorry to hear it.

How are you bearing up?

As you'd expect.

It has been a trial.

For William, especially.
He's grief-stricken.

But I... must keep my chin up for him.

She was such a kind soul.

And a wonderful mother to Willie.


- Yes, she was.
- Come along.

We'll see what we can do.

Lord John.

Mistress Fraser.

Tis a pleasure to see you again.

You know my father?

I do.

The pleasure is mine.

A reunion indeed.

Mr. Fitzgibbons.

Well, you appear well after all this time.

Tis the mountain air, I expect.

I see you've made the acquaintance of our gracious hostess.

Will you not also pay your compliments to our host?

I don't believe I've been given your name, sir.

How impertinent of me.

May I present Mr. James Fraser.

Mr. Fraser, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Yours as well, Master William.

The young master encountered some leeches down at the stream.

With your permission, I'd like to take him out to clean the wounds.

Yes, of course.

Come along.

William is unaware of the circumstances of how we three met.

I'd be grateful for your discretion in the matter.


Wouldn't want him to think you keep dishonorable company.

The past is the past.

Lord John is a trusted friend.

His kindness helped to preserve your life.


That it did.

I'll say nothing of Ardsmuir to the lad.

Thank you, Mr. Fitzgibbons.

Did you sail into Wilmington?

New Bern, sir.

Governor Tryon was kind enough to offer us respite at his new palace.

Ye ken the Governor, then?

Yes, we met some years ago in London.

We're both members of the Society for the Appreciation of the English Beefsteak.

- It's a gentleman's club in London.
- Hmm.

Ian would love to hear of such a club.

- Your nephew?
- Aye.

He's out hunting with some of our Cherokee neighbors as we speak.

He lives with you here, then?

I'm very sorry to find him absent.

The young man for whom you crossed an ocean.


The Governor's built himself a palace, then?

Yes, when it is complete, it will stand as a symbol to stability in the Province.

A true monument to elegance.



Where's the money coming from?

A rather untimely investment, perhaps.

Well, given the debts of the Province due to the recent w*r.

I believe the Governor has asked the Assembly to allocate funds.

Though it appears some here in the backcountry are rallying against the taxes levied to build it.

Because the taxes are excessive.

And rising.

No doubt they feel a palace or a monument is not

the best use of their hard-earned coin.


By they I suppose you mean the mob,

for that is what they inevitably turn out to be.

And take these "Regulators" for instance.

By all accounts, they're unreasonable and dangerous.

A menace to the backcountry and given to causing disruption by means of riot.

Have you encountered anything of the kind here?

There is the backcountry, John, and there is the wilderness.

Not likely to have that sort of trouble here at Fraser's Ridge.

By all accounts, it's the Governor himself who's unreasonable and dangerous.

Those Regulators tied a sheriff to his horse and marched with his beaten body through the streets of Hillsborough.

There were women and children present.

Would you call that reasonable?

Exaggeration and falsehood.

I'm told there were many witnesses.

Have you not faired well in the New World?

Oh, aye.

I have more than rats to eat now, my Lord.

You've eaten rats, sir?

Mr. Fitzgibbons has a very peculiar sense of humor.



Thank ye for dinner.

A pleasant evening indeed.


Can I interest you in a game of chess?

I'm afraid I dinna have a chess set.

Fortunately for you, I brought mine.

I'd never travel without it.

May I be excused?

Well, there's a privy just behind the cabin, Master William.


Won't someone fetch a chamber pot?

You must become accustomed to using the privy while we're guests here at Fraser's Ridge.

Yes, Papa.

I'll show ye where it is.


Is your name not MacKenzie?


MacKenzie's one of my given names.

Then you are the groom at this estate?


No, Fraser's Ridge is my land.

But I tend to the horses, along with everything else.

Do you remember me?


Then why did you not remind me of our acquaintanceship when we were introduced?

I dinna ken.

Do you still have the wooden snake I carved for ye?

I-I'm too old for toys, sir.

Where is Isobel's estate?


That's, uh, Virginia, isn't it?

Indeed it is.

However, after I received a letter from Jamie with news of the land grant in North Carolina, I thought it wise to seek a trusted friend's counsel

on the particulars of life in the Colonies.

Counsel for you, or for the Governor?

Beg your pardon?

The Governor has sent you to ensure Jamie's loyalty.

Well, he's already given Tryon his word.

Perhaps I've had too much wine, but it, uh...

Well, it sounded as though you're suggesting I'm here to spy upon him?

Are you?

If our stay here is proving burdensome,

you've only to say the word.

No, it's no burden at all.

I just wish I had time to make appropriate

sleeping arrangements for you and the young master.

It's hardly surprising he remembers you.

When the lad said my name...

My heart raced.

I wanted to swing him through the air as I did

when he was a wee lad.

Not so wee anymore.

Lad's sprouted, but he's still got that same cock to his head.

Familiar fire in his eyes.

He is very handsome.


When the lad was near three, Lord Dunsany brought him

to the stables for his first ride.

He was terrified.

Kept screaming his favorite word at the time... mo.



Otherwise known as no.


But after I put the lad on my shoulders

and let him speak with the horse eye to eye, Willie embraced him.

We couldn't keep him away after that.

Even had his own way of brushing the horses

with short wee flicks.

He obviously learned that from watching you.


His voice.

When he asked if I was the groom...

It was the memory of a stranger.

He just needs to get to know you again.


Come here.

You know, I've been dreaming of a moment alone with you for weeks.


Isn't our guest waiting for you?


Suppose he is.


- Enjoy your game.
- Hmm.

But as soon as our guests leave,

I'll be expecting your full attention.

Save some for the rest of us, will ye?

So ye continued yer acquaintanceship

with the warden after Ardsmuir, then?


He saw to my parole.

Grey's sympathies lie with Tryon.

And with his dishonest sheriffs and tax collectors.

Yet my sympathies lie with the rats ye'll be dining on

once again when ye're imprisoned for taking the law

into your own hands if ye're not careful.

And we're to stand by and watch a man build a palace

while others are left wanting?

I spoke with the Governor.

He wishes to address the matter and put an end

to these complaints.

So he can carry on building his monument to elegance.

And your guest keeps company with men like Tryon.

The Governor has no reason to keep secrets from Grey.

Talk to him.

Find out what he knows.

I'll no take advantage of my friendship.


With an English redcoat?

Redcoat or not...

Willie needs him.

And what is it that concerns you so

about a lad you barely ken?

Willie has lost two mothers.

John Grey is all he has left.

And how does that make the lad your responsibility?


He's yours, isn't he?

Ye must keep this to yerself.

Ye ken that the reputation of Lord William Ransom,

ninth Earl of Ellesmere would be ruined.

He'd lose all he has if anyone were to find out.

Don't worry about me keeping yer secrets.

I've kept them, each and every one.

Does Claire know?


When ye find the time, perhaps ye can tell me about his mother.

Unless that's a secret as well.

You sure you want to make that move?




Try a wee drop of this.

You're meant to drink it, John,

not savor the scent.

Let me guess. It's meant to be whisky?

After it ages a bit, it might be.

Well, will you redeem your honor with another game?

Ah, aye.

You can hardly expect the same trick to work twice, after all.

Do you feel yourself content?

I have all that a man could want.

Home. Honorable work.

My wife by my side.

Good friends.

And the knowledge that my son is safe and well cared for.

I want no more.

Mistress Fraser, your hospitality these past

few days has been greatly appreciated.

I'll, uh, escort you to the road that'll have you

on your way to Virginia.

I don't think that's a good idea.

You're burning up.

There's a measles epidemic in Cross Creek.

Did you travel through there?


Have I got the measles?

If so, you must keep William away.

Open your mouth.

How long have you been feeling ill?

I felt somewhat lightheaded when I retired last night.

I awoke with a bad headache, but I thought it a consequence

- of Jamie's so-called whisky.
- Yeah.

Well, I'll put some willow bark to steep.

That will help with the headache.

- Aye.
- But you need to rest.

He's very infectious.

Thank God you had measles as a child.

Murtagh, as well. It willna infect us?

No, nor me, either.

I've been inoculated.

But William may have been exposed to the same source

as Lord John and just not shown signs of it yet.

Pass me the pot.

I'll have Murtagh stay here with me.

But you'd better sleep outside with William.

You'd better stay away for at least six days.

Hopefully by then, John will be well on his way

to recovery.


I'll take the lad for a tour. Show him Fraser's Ridge.

I'll look after him.

Master William.

William, mount up?

I'm not leaving.

Come on.

Here, no, no. Come... Don't kick.

It's ill-mannered.

Now get up.


It's very loyal of ye to want to stay with your father,

but ye canna help him.

You may do yourself harm by staying.

And don't try it.

I dinna want to tie your feet to the stirrups, but I will.

Make no mistake.

You, sir, are a lout.

Ye still have a way with horses.

Ye see these initials?

You'll find similar markings all along this area.

They serve as a Treaty Line between Indian land

and the King's land.

Ye must always stay on this side of the marked trees.

Why are the savages permitted to remain on the land?

Well, they were here first.

The Crown has already taken most of it from them.

The Indians respect the King's land,

and we must respect theirs.

These Indians, they are agreeable?

Ah, some.

But they can be fierce when provoked.

Have you ever seen such a glorious thing before, sir?


Get you some tea.

I'm most grateful mistress Fraser.


Isobel truly believed a cup of tea could cure any ill.

I'm sorry.

I had meant to offer you my condolences on the loss

of your wife.

Thank you.

Yeah, we had known each other all our lives.

She might as well have been my sister.

She satisfied with that?

To be your sister?

You cannot be at all a comfortable woman to live with.

I believe she was satisfied with the life she lived.

She never said that she was not.

I was an adequate husband to her.

In all ways.

That's not for me to judge.

But you don't approve, because if you did,

you could not keep thinking of me as you choose to.

You shouldn't presume to know what I think.

You're envious of the time Jamie and I shared together

and with William.

You're envious of the fact that I'm raising Jamie's son.

Are you not?

We have a daughter.

Her name is Brianna.

She's grown up now.

She lives in Boston.

But we were robbed of the opportunity to raise her

together because of Culloden.

I meant no offense.

No, but you did mean to imply that you and Jamie

have something together that we did not.

Perhaps you're right about that.

Let me ask you, what if your son

takes a good look at Jamie's face and sees his own?

If he did learn that he'd been lied to his entire life,

he'd be devastated.

So I can't for the life of me understand your motivation

for coming here.

The obvious.

To allow Jamie to see the boy.

Or the other obvious.

To allow you to see Jamie.

You are a rather remarkable woman.

In what way?

You are neither circumspect nor circuitous.

I don't believe I've ever met anyone so devastatingly

straightforward, male or female.

Well, it's not by choice.

I was born that way.

So was I.

I don't understand why they're not taking the bait.

Because that's a fly.

Yes, one of the very best.


But it's the wrong time of year.

The fish are wise enough to ken flies are no here.

Try a worm.

I don't use worms, sir.

Ye did when ye were younger.

D'ye not recall?

After heavy rains at Helwater, we'd gather the wee beasties.

I do remember some such thing.

But I prefer fishing with a fly.

The Indians dinna bother with line and hook.

Sometimes they... they place branches to stop the fish

from crossing.

Then they stand with sharp sticks, spearing them.

What are you doing?

Catching our dinner.

Highlanders can catch fish

with bare hands and a tickle.

A tickle?

Please, sir, I'm not a child.


Ah, yeah.

Now, we'll have to make camp for the night.

Rise before dawn to find the best deer.


Are we to hunt deer?

Stand down, William.

It was clearly a stag.

Now you've let it get away.

The distance was too great for a r*fle.

I could have injured it.

Aye, and made it suffer.

Ye sh**t to k*ll.

Ye ken how to deliver a fatal shot?

Yes, sir.

A-Aim for the heart.




Take aim.

Well done, lad.

Tha-thank you, sir.

Where are you going?

I-I'm allowing you time to dress the deer.

Yer servants may have dressed the game at home,

but here in the New World, we're no hunting for sport.

Ye dinna prepare the gralloch, ye dinna eat.

Come here.

You begin here.

Angle your knife up like this, then cut down the middle.

And be sure to pull the meat away from the offal

as ye cut it.

Mistress Fraser will be upset if you damage the intestines.

She uses them for healing.

And I need a new bow string.

That's it.

Mebbe ye're not quite old enough.

That's it.

Good lad.

How's the liver?

Delicious, sir.


Yeah, my dad always said it tastes better

when you've earned every bite.


- Master William?
- Yes?

Do you feel unwell?

Are ye warm or feverish?

I'm quite well, sir.

Those dried apples no sit well?

I have a potion that will cure ills of the stomach.

It'll no take long to brew.

Claire made it.

She's a fine healer.

She said Papa would live.

She... She gave me her word.

Then you may depend upon it.

I've had enough of sleeping under the stars as savages do.

I want to go home.

Dinna fash, my Lord.

We'll begin our journey home in the morning.

I... I want to see my papa now.

It's too dark.

This is all your fault.

If my papa hadn't come to visit you,

he never would have fallen ill.


Now he's going to die.

Oh, God.

Oh, God. My head will surely split.

Here, let me try some acupressure.


See if it won't ease the pain.

That's it.

Am I to die today?

Your temperature's very high.

We need to bring it down.

I need to make a confession.

When I heard that Isobel had died...

I felt nothing.

We shared a life.

I should have felt something.

But I didn't.

Just relax.

You asked me why I came here.

I came to see whether I can still feel.

Whether it is my feelings that have died...

Or only Isobel.


I can still feel shame, at least.

Oh, it's hard.

It's hard watching you with him.


Why t*rture yourself?

Surely you knew coming here that you could never have him.

Oh, I could have had him.


In exchange for my commitment to serve as William's father...

Jamie offered himself to me.

Of course I refused.

I would never take him on those terms.

You should stop talking.

You need your rest.




Look what I found.

You shouldn't be here.

It's to break our fast.

I thought I told you...


Stay calm.

The boy took fish from the place of the Cherokee.

He must pay with his blood.

No, no, no!

The boy is my son! His blood is my blood.

Take mine instead.

I won't go without you.

Yes, you will.

Follow the stream back to Fraser's Ridge.

May the Lord protect her, her and the children.

No, no, he's not my father!

He's not my father!

He showed me the boundaries, but I did not respect them.

I alone stole your fish.

Stand down, Willie.

No. No, no! Willie, no!


I dinna ken the meaning of all they're saying, but...

I believe their mercy was due to you.

Your courage.

I must beg your forgiveness.

My... lack of discretion,


pierces my very core.

You were very ill.

It's no excuse.

But you were wrong.

Knowing you have Jamie and I never will

is not that which grieves me.

It's a truth to which I am reconciled.

It's witnessing the satisfaction on your face

that wounds me.

Something I could never give Isobel.

Do you know what it's like to love someone

and never be able to give them happiness?

Not through any fault of yours or theirs,

but simply because you were not born the right person for them?

I understand.

All too well.

When I thought

Jamie was dead, I...

I was married to another man.

Oh, a good man.


I must ask for your forgiveness, too.

You were right.

I suppose I am envious

of the time you spent with Jamie.

We were deprived of years together.

Now that you've come here...

And seen him...

Do you still have feelings?

I do.


God help me.

When you said you have nothing of Jamie,

you're wrong.

You have William.

Do you remember the day you left Helwater?


I ran to you.

But you did not look back at me.

Why did you not look back at me?

I wanted to.

I didn't look because...

I didn't want to give ye false hope.

I never expected to see you again.



He's well.

And no longer contagious.

All right, lad.


I trust he was well-behaved for you.

William was a very brave travel companion.

You've raised him well.

You're a good father.

You're fortunate to have each other.

How can I repay your kindness?

You can get plenty of rest.

And eat well.

Lots of carrots and squash and liver.


Don't lose hope.

You, too, deserve to have the look of satisfaction

on your face.

Ye sure ye remember the way?

Yes, sir.

I'd be delighted if you accept this.

Your chess set?

- No, John, I canna...
- Please.

It will give me great pleasure to think of you

having a game now and then.

Perhaps you'll teach your nephew.

I look forward to it.

I'm afraid the time has come to bid you all farewell.

A pleasure, Mistress Fraser.

The pleasure is all mine.

Good luck to you both.

Well, I hope Murtagh comes to see us again soon.

He'll no stay away now he's had a taste

of your fine cooking.




So often I've burned for ye.

But this water on your skin...

Caressing you.


Makes me jealous of the rain itself.



Your kisses raining down on me...


Is it a drizzle or a torrent?

I'll bathe you in them.

Then I... should hurry up.

Ye have no need of cloth tonight, Sassenach.

Well, that's not fair. You're still fully clothed.


There are times when a husband kens best.

And I am your husband.

Though ye'd never ken it.

I don't need a ring

to know how much you love me.


But it helps.


It's so beautiful.

Where is it from?

I had Murtagh make it.

From one of the silver candlesticks.

I ken my mother

would give her blessing to fashion part of it

into a ring for ye.

She would be proud

to know that she raised such a thoughtful son.

Oh, there's an inscription.

Give me , kisses.

And I'll give you , more.









Time is not a reality.

It's a concept or a measure.

There's going to be a fire.

I can prevent their death, if I go to them now.

I'd like to by passage on the Phillip Alonzo.

A wise man beyond his power to the gods.

But on this ship...

Everything is in my power.

Do you hear that?