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07x08 - Unmasked

Posted: 12/05/18 14:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Arrow"...

DINAH: This is a plan to level all of Star City.

Felicity wouldn't do something like this.

Maybe she had a change of heart,

tried to back out last second.

It'd explain why someone would want her dead, right?

Last call out was to someone named...

- Blackstar.
- What's this?

Something I lifted off Byrd before he went into custody.

It's a painting?

Looks like someone doesn't want us to see this.

BETHANY SNOW: Ricardo Diaz is behind bars tonight, thanks to the unidentified Green Arrow.

Felicity had a g*n right to my face.

I don't believe you.

I made a deal with the feds.

Oliver will be a free man again.

♪ When I go ♪

♪ Into the ground ♪

♪ Oh, they got to bury me ♪

♪ Bury me face down ♪

♪ From the rubble ♪

♪ What do I see? ♪

♪ There's a whole damn army ♪

♪ Thinkin' that they're gonna harm me ♪

♪ Say good night, I'll never get free ♪

♪ When I go ♪

♪ Into that ground ♪

♪ Oh, they got to bury me ♪

♪ Bury me face down ♪

♪ Bury me face down ♪

♪ Oh, they got to bury me ♪

♪ Bury me face down ♪

BETHANY SNOW: After keeping a low profile since his release last week, Oliver Queen will make his first public appearance tonight at a gala supporting prison reform.

But will Star City welcome back its former vigilante with open arms?

Or has public opinion soured against the Green Arrow now that we know who's under that hood?


Hey. It's just me.

Hey. I'm sorry about earlier.

I didn't mean to freak you out.

No. I'm just, um, getting used to being home.


Mm. I missed that.

Having someone to zip your dress?

Well, that, and you.

And I really miss William.

Yeah. Christmas vacation feels like it's years from now.


So why aren't you dressed?

I'm gonna sit this one out.


Oh, no, no, no.

I don't think that's how this works, especially when you're the one being honored.

Besides, you've been spending more time in the shadows recently than when you were the Green Arrow.

The last time I faced the city, I was in cuffs.

A lot of people are mad at me, Felicity.

I lied to them.

They have a right to be mad at me.

Which is exactly why this event is so important.

They want to publicly recognize you as a hero.

And after all the lives you saved at Slabside, let them see you for who you really are, without a mask.

I mean, you're probably right.

Oh, I'm always right.

You will always be the best part of me for the rest of my life.

You remember.

Of course I remember.

Happy anniversary.

Happy anniversary.


This used to be the nicest club in town years ago.

You can practically smell the money.

ZOE: Yeah. Definitely not smelling that.

I can't believe Roy's missing out on all the fun.

If he got recognized here, we'd have big trouble.

And you're sure Blackstar's here?

DINAH: The Canary network couldn't find much, but they did learn Blackstar likes to frequent this club.

I seriously question this person's choice of friends.

DINAH: That's why we need to keep our heads down.

Blackstar was the last one to talk to Felicity.

Whoever this is could have either been helping her or...

Or they're the one who k*lled her.


And you were worried this was going to be dangerous.

DINAH: Hey, we're looking for someone named Blackstar.

You know who that is?

Yeah. She's right there.


SPECTATORS: Blackstar! Blackstar! Blackstar! Blackstar!

Blackstar! Blackstar!
Blackstar! Blackstar!

Blackstar! Blackstar...

Well, she seems easy to talk to.


We didn't get this treatment after we put Diaz behind bars.

Envy is not a good look on you.

Neither is the crab cake on your face.

RENE: This event is messed up.

Rich folk and politicians fronting like they actually care about prison reform.

If everybody in here actually gave a crap, they'd use that money to help people in hard-up neighborhoods who end up in the system because they don't have anything else.


You ever think about running for office?

WOMAN: Oliver, what's it like to be out of prison?

How does it feel to be back home with everyone knowing you're the Green Arrow?

MAN: Are you gonna put on the hood now that you're back?

My husband is very grateful to be home with his family. Thank you.


Excuse me. Queen!

Max Fuller.

Hey, man, I know we've had some bad history.

You, uh, had your bodyguards kick the crap out of me and Tommy at your club.

Right. Well, you slept with my wife.

Well, now my ex-wife.

Dude, all that is in the past, okay?

You're the freaking Green Arrow.

Well, I'm Felicity.

I am the wife of the freaking Green Arrow.

That sounded a little less strange in my head.


You see, he didn't used to be the marriage type.

- Ah. Hmm.
- Yeah.

But, hey, people change, right?

FELICITY: Yes, they do.

And we are just gonna say hi to some friends if you'll excuse us.

Yeah, please.

Is it just me, or is that guy the absolute worst?

- Uh...

I never got to ask you.

What was your first meal when you got back?

FELICITY: Double Double at Big Belly Burger.

That's what I'm talking about.

JOHN: Taking a while to get those sea legs back, huh?

RENE: Speaking of, you thinking about getting back out there, trying that old suit on for size?

Shh, shh. No, no, no.

He's absolutely not just like we don't do that anymore.

Dinah's right.

I'm very much enjoying not being in prison.

So what now?

I don't know.

Find a different way to help the city, way you guys did.

What about you, Felicity?

Well, I'm developing a new security system.

LAUREL: Well, then I'm sure it's the best one in town.

We're friends with her now?

It's more like frenemies.

It's a long story.

Relax. I'm just here keeping up appearances.

D.A., remember?

Actually, we should all really be thanking Laurel.

I mean, she is the one who did the trade to get Oliver out of prison.

OLIVER: That's true.

I'm very grateful.

I know that I haven't always given you the benefit of the doubt, so...

Well, it was really Felicity who was willing to do anything to stop Diaz.

She's ruthless.


POLLARD: Welcome.

Thank you all for attending this evening.

I would like to introduce this evening's honoree, Mr. Oliver Queen.


Thank you, Mayor Pollard.


I used to believe that justice was as simple as putting criminals behind bars... but then I spent some time in prison, and I realized that the truth is nowhere near that black and white.

The truth is that our institutions have a long way to go before they achieve true justice.





The attack perpetrated by the Green Arrow this evening is further proof why we, as a city, cannot trust men that hide behind masks.

There is a reason why the anti-vigilante law exists.

Thank you.

RENE: Look, I know how this looks, but this wasn't the new Green Arrow.

He hasn't m*rder*d anyone.

That you know of.

Has anyone actually seen who's behind the mask?

Well, no. But whoever it is has been helping the city.

And helped us take down Diaz.

This was cold-blooded m*rder.

Now, I appreciate how all of you feel as though the new Green Arrow is an ally, but I would like to be sure.

And how are you gonna do that if you're a no-go on the Arrow?

Is there a law against me consulting?

You mean an investigative consultant, like "The Mentalist"?

I love that show.

I can't think of a better way to investigate a copycat Green Arrow than with the original.

RENE: I can. With my help, because I'm not sitting this one out.

I appreciate it, but there's nothing left to be done tonight, so go home.

Let my guys work the scene.

And if I need help, I'll call you tomorrow.

RENE: This is everything Dinah's compiled on the vigilante...

Every sighting, targets.

It's all there.

It says here the SCPD nearly arrested him last month.

But he had an accomplice?

Uh, yeah, that... That was me.

I, uh,

I didn't want Dinah to lock him up.

Oh, I bet she really appreciated that.

She threw my ass in jail.

I'm really sad I missed that.

What else do we know?

RENE: Uh, he's definitely not a rookie. I know that.

I mean, the guy's efficient, disciplined, precise.

I mean, he works the bow and arrow about as well as you do.

That takes a very specific type of training.

DINAH: Hey. Sorry I'm late.

Pollard's on the warpath.

That's okay. Forensics pull anything from the scene?

Well, nothing we didn't already suspect.

Arrows are consistent with the vigilante's.

Here. Take a look.

Thank you.

OLIVER: Well, they're both handmade.

The materials in the arrowhead seem to match.

This would be difficult to replicate.

But not impossible, right?

The security camera footage?

Yeah, but you're not gonna find much.

The k*ller was off-camera.

His arrows weren't.

If this guy is as precise with a bow and arrow as Rene says, then he would've had a target.

Based on the trajectory, that guy.

Oh, wait a minute. That's... That's Clayton Ford.

He's a rich dude who actually helped the Glades.

He funded a clinic.

This makes no sense.

The vigilante's only targeted people who've hurt the Glades.

Ford helped it.

Then what the hell's the motive?

Sure would help if we could ask directly.


Wait. Hang on. Are you... are you in contact?

That was one time, all right?

And count me out if we're gonna roll up and arrest him.

DINAH: I'm not talking about the SCPD.

Just us. We just need to talk to the new Green Arrow.

OLIVER: You think he's innocent. So we'll be fine.

And what if we aren't?

Then we deal with him.

You should make the call.

JOHN: Hey.

Got to say, I never appreciated how tightly you run this ship until you were gone with the brass.

It is so good to see you behind that desk again, Lyla.


Shut the door.

What's going on?

I had my contact look into the image that Curtis decrypted from the Malcolm Byrd op.

The "Dante" painting.

It's being used as some sort of highly advanced identification protocol within t*rror1st circles.

Kobra, Basilisk, the Third World Liberation Army...

They're all using the name Dante like it's a contact.

For what? Or for who?

I don't know, but I might know how to find out.

When I cross-referenced the t*rror1st groups with the financials that we obtained in Geneva, I found a common account.

- Could you trace it?
- No.

Come here. Look at this.


JOHN: Five transactions in the past months between Dante and a consulting firm called Rubrum, Silentium, and Ursa.

That's Latin for "red," "silent," and "bear," the Longbow Hunters.


You got to be kidding me.


This is definitely the place.

OLIVER: Then where is he?

Maybe he got held up.

DINAH: Rene, stop.

What are you talking about?

There are motion detectors.

We've been made.

[DISTORTED VOICE] I said, come alone.

These are my friends.

You already met Captain Drake.

You can trust them.

We only want to talk.

I'll pass.

A piece of advice from one Green Arrow to another: cooperate.

Because right now, most of the people in this city think you're a k*ller.

Are you?

- Cut him off!
- On it.


Mr. Queen. Mr. Queen. Mr. Queen.

Do you know who the new Green Arrow is?

Are you helping with this investigation?

I have no comment, guys.

DINAH: Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell is this?

You all know the precinct is off-limits.

Captain Drake, care to comment?

The SCPD does not comment on ongoing investigations.

But I do. The vigilante didn't do it.

Okay. Can somebody please get these guys out of here?

Not helping.

Hey. Why does the mayor have to have all the fun?

OLIVER: Maybe meeting at the precinct wasn't the best idea.

Yeah. Well, I thought the jig was up after you were spotted last night.

Oh, and speaking of last night, turns out we were right about your Green Arrow clone.

He is innocent.

How do we know?

Remember our second suspected target, Clayton Ford?

- Mm-hmm.
- My guys found him dead across town at the same time we were chasing the vigilante.

- We're his alibi.
- OK.

What do we know about the Ford m*rder?

DINAH: Emerald arrow, center... chest, same as Hutchinson.

RENE: Someone's going through a lot of trouble to pin this on the new Green Arrow.

We really need to come up with a better name for him.

He's making everyone, including Pollard, look away.

The question is from what?

Well, Ford may have known.

He was trying to skip town when he was k*lled.

He found him with bags packed and ready to go, clothes and cash.

Yeah, he knew he was the target.

What the hell is going on?

Last time I checked, Mr. Queen and Mr. Ramirez were not employed by the SCPD.

Well, they're just here giving statements.

That the vigilante didn't do it. Yeah, I heard.

You know, it's no big surprise that the old Green Arrow would be supporting the new one, but I expected more from my police captain.

You telling me how to conduct my investigation, Ms. Mayor?

Because last I checked,

I was still in control of this precinct.

I hired you to restore the city's faith in this department.

That means bringing that vigilante to justice.

And if you can't do that, I will find someone else who can.

RENE: She may be the tiniest, most unpleasant person I've ever met.

You have to listen to her, but I don't.

What are you thinking?

It says here both victims were members of the same society at Yale.

I know a guy. Max Fuller, he was a member, too.

I could go see him, gather some intel.

I'll be in touch if I learn anything, all right?

Excuse me, Ms., uh, Blackstar?

Can we talk to you?

I'm kind of busy.


We only need minutes.

Not interested.

Like I said, I'd love to talk.

So this whole fight club thing, you just beat people up for what? Fun?

Stress relief.


Do you really want to spend your minutes talking about my hobbies?

ZOE: How do you know Felicity Smoak?

I don't.

Well, that's strange, because you were the last person she called before she was k*lled.

Felicity's dead?

Oh, so you do know her.

We worked together sometimes.

What kind of work was that?

The kind that's none of your business.

So, illegal.

Well, you're one to talk, Canary.

You're not as smart as you think you are.

But you want to come in here and judge me?

At least I'm not lying to everyone, pretending to be some kind of hero.

At least I'm not a vigilante.

You don't know what you're talking about, kid.

You know, you're part of the reason Star City is in the shape it's in right now.

Really? 'Cause I could've sworn, the story goes, it's because of you.

Hey, just tell us why Felicity called you.

Then we'll leave you alone.

I work as a broker.

I help people find certain items.

Felicity asked me to find her an electrical firing circuit and a couple transmitters.

Those are mechanisms for triggering a b*mb.

BLACKSTAR: I don't know why she needed 'em.

I didn't ask.

As long as I get paid, you can ask for whatever you want.

Sounds like you two had a lot in common.

If that's it, I have my next fight coming up, and I really should stretch.

Yeah. I'm done here anyway.

Word of advice.

Asking questions about Felicity Smoak will not end well for anyone.

MAX: Five fully-stocked bars, private lounges, and the sound system is the best... outside of Europe.

A.I. adjusts the acoustic environment based on capacity.

Right this way here.

That's a ton of security you got down there, Max.

It must be costing you a fortune.

Heh! Not when you pay for them with crypto you mine yourself.

All it costs me is the little USB drive

I put it on. Scotch?

It's a -year.

Why not?

We can toast your new club.

Hey. Toast to your new prison- and Green Arrow-free life.

It's really got to piss you off, though, huh?

Seeing some lame copycat screw up everything you sacrificed for.

I wanted to speak with you about that.

The last two murders weren't connected to the vigilante.

So the rumors are true.

You are helping the cops investigate this.

How can I help?

You were a member of the Scroll and Key back at Yale.


It is a secret society.

Fair point.

How well did you know Clayton Ford and Sam Hutchinson?

Clay and Hutch.

Well enough to mourn them.


But we'd sort of fallen out of touch.

Ford looked like he was trying to skip town before he died, like he knew the hit was coming, but we just... we don't know how.

You're looking for skeletons.

And are we gonna find any?

I know you're not supposed to talk ill of the dead or whatever, but, you know, there were always rumors that they had shady business dealings going on with the Triad, I believe.

So who knows? Maybe they got in over their heads.


I won't take up any more of your time.

Thank you, Max.


You mind if I ask you a question?

They sent you to prison for helping this city.

Why the hell should you care about any of this?

Old habits.

I guess some people don't change that much after all.




Sorry I'm late.

That's okay.

I'm still getting used to you coming home at all.

How did things go with Fuller?

Max Fuller is hiding something.

Do you mind looking into it?

Of course.

Hey, you just came in the front door, and none of my security measures triggered.

You sure?



Who are you?

My husband asked you a question.

Where'd you get that?

We'll talk about it later.

Stay down!

Hey, hey.

DINAH: All right. As soon as the doc gives the okay, we'll take him into the station for questioning.

In the meantime, we'll go through his effects, see what we can find out.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Oh, hey, and just a bit of advice.


You probably shouldn't be sh**ting people your first week out of prison.

- That's a good tip.
- Yeah.

He must've somehow countered my alarm

- by sonically hacking into the sensors.
- Felicity.

That is a design flaw that could take weeks to fix.

- We need to talk about this.
- No. We need to be safe.

This security system was supposed to bring peace of mind.

- You mean like owning a g*n?
- Yeah.

Where'd you even get a g*n?

Your best new friend Laurel?

Of course not.

I got it from your ex-best friend, Anatoly.

You what?

I've barely been gone months, and you've aligned yourself with two of the most immoral people we know?

Oliver, you don't get to judge me.

You just shot a man in our living room.

Something you've done a million times.

Hey, this isn't you.

You don't obsess over security.

You certainly don't carry a g*n.

This is me, Oliver, not because I was influenced by Laurel or Anatoly.

This is me because of you.

You were the one that decided all on your own that you were going to sacrifice yourself, leaving your son and your wife alone at home as sitting ducks for Diaz.

And the best part about the whole thing is that you didn't even ask us about how we felt about it.

I've already apologized for this.

I don't know how many times
you need me to apologize.

What am I supposed to do with an apology, Oliver?

I'm just supposed to move on?

While you were gone, I had to figure out how to survive.

And I am glad that I did

because the old me, she was weak.

How could you possibly think that?

The old you was the person I fell in love with.


she's gone.

And she's not coming back.


I thought you didn't drink.

Yeah, well, it's been a tough week.

I know the feeling.

You know, Roy told me this would only bring me pain, and he was right.


I'm going home.

Just like that, huh, without any answers?

Felicity is dead.

And before that, she had a plan to blow up an entire city.

So I'm not sure exactly why I'm supposed to care about what happened to her.

I'm just sorry I dragged you all into this.

You need to see something.

It's called the mark of four.

Your dad came up with it.

I don't remember that.

You were already gone.

It was right before everything.

It symbolizes the pillars of heroism...

Courage, compassion, selflessness, and loyalty.

We all got them as a reminder that no matter what happened, if one of us was in trouble, the other ones would be there.

That's why Roy came with you back to Star City.

He saw the symbol written on the inside of your father's bow.

So that's why you're helping us?

I didn't know what to make of you at first.


Trust doesn't come so easily to me.

Yeah? So what changed?

I started seeing the best parts of your dad in you...

The strength that made him a hero.

I am not that.

You sure about that?

'Cause your dad, he had this way of looking into things, of seeing beyond the evidence.

So what does your gut tell you about Blackstar?

That she isn't telling us the whole story.

Good. Let's find out what she's hiding.

Hey, hey. Who's hungry?

Ohh. You're a life saver.

It's not often I get to buy the police captain dinner.


Well, you'd better get your fill in now because I probably won't have this job much longer.

Why? You don't think this will blow over with Pollard?


I don't know.

You know, maybe it shouldn't.

How can I really be effective here if she's just gonna undercut me the whole way?

I'd be better off as Black Canary.

Whew. You don't know how long

I've been waiting for you to say that.

But you're the best damn person for this job, D.

This city needs you here.


Hey. How's it going with the hit man?

Good. He's still recovering, but we got an ID thanks to A.R.G.U.S.

Frank Cassaday, otherwise known as "the Mirror."

Specializes in kills via mimicked m.o.

Proof the vigilante didn't do it, but who ordered the hits?

Where'd you find that?

I found that on Cassaday. Why? You recognize that?


Fuller. He used those to pay his muscle in the club.

This was Fuller.

He ordered the hit on Hutchinson and then Ford and then me once I got too close.

Why? I mean, he's a rich douche bag, but I didn't peg him to be a k*ller.

Felicity ran background on Fuller.

He had secret business dealings with both Hutchinson and Ford.

If they were gonna cut him out, this was payback.

All right. Well, the hit on you failed, so that means Fuller's gonna know something's up soon if he doesn't already, right?

I'm gonna send S.W.A.T. in while we still have the element of surprise.

It's not that simple.

Fuller's in there right now with at least hired g*ns, and the club is at capacity.

So it could get really messy.


It won't get messy if the Green Arrow goes in... the O.G. one.

No. I... I can't risk being separated from my family, Rene.

I can't do it.

I might know a way you can.

Even if you did,

Pollard would never stand for it.

Pollard wanted me to restore the city's faith in this department, and that is never gonna happen if we

keep treating our heroes like criminals.

It's time the mayor realizes that.

Dinah, I trust you, but you have to be sure.

Half this city believes in the vigilante because they were hoping it was you.

Now they don't have to hope anymore.


I need to make a pit stop.

The bunker has seen better days.

Yes, it has.

It didn't seem right coming back here after the team disbanded.

Thanks for bringing this.

The FBI still has mine.

It's a good thing you made another one.


Does that mean you changed your mind about breaking the cycle of v*olence?



I cannot burden William with this.

But it's not just about breaking the cycle of v*olence.

It's about accountability.

What does that mean to you?

If Star City wants to hate the Green Arrow, that's fine.

They'll have to hate me, too.

You want some backup out there?

Thank you, but this time, I got to go solo.



Don't you need this?




♪ Uh, do it till they feel it... ♪

Cassaday, you were supposed to check in here when the job was done.

Where the hell are you?

Listen, I want everyone on high alert, okay?

No one gets in here.


♪ Do your thing ♪

♪ Do your thing, do your thing ♪

♪ Just make it happen ♪

- I'm in.

Copy that. We're ready.

Keep your men in position and wait for my word.

I don't want to tip our hand or panic the crowd.

Let's hope you're not rusty.

All units, stand by.



Aah! Uh! Uh...

[FIRES p*stol]


Aah! Uh! Uh...

♪ You don't hate me ♪

♪ You hate you ♪

♪ If you're looking for me, I'm right here... ♪

DINAH: Oliver, do you have Fuller?

I'm about to.

♪ I'm right here, I'm right ♪

♪ I'm right here, I'm right ♪

♪ I'm right here! ♪


Stay back!

Drop the g*n, Max.

- I'll sh**t.
- Hiring K*llers is easy.


Taking the shot yourself isn't.

Oh. You're a vigilante.

You don't have the authority to arrest me.

She does.

Max Fuller, you are under arrest for the m*rder of Clayton Ford and Sam Hutchinson.


Take Mr. Fuller into booking.

Should I give you two a minute?

We do this together.

Ms. Mayor, to what do I owe the pleasure?

You've got some nerve.

I want Mr. Queen booked in violation of the anti-vigilante law.

Hmm. Afraid I can't do that.

Then I want your resignation.

I think that would be a mistake.

Oh, that's rich, coming from the man who stared this city in the face and lied.

You made a mockery of city hall.

I'm gonna show you that no one is above the law.

I could not agree with you more, which is why, as of today, Mr. Queen is officially working for the SCPD.

He's no longer a vigilante.

I'll get that tossed by this time tomorrow.

Well, you can try, but I have a strong feeling the district attorney is going to side with me on this one.

This isn't over, not even close.

This should be fun.

Got to warn you, this one's a handful.

We know.

You sure you're good with this?

Hiding the truth from Oliver and Felicity? No.

But this is the strongest lead we've got.

If we don't exploit it now, who knows how many people will be hurt later?

LYLA: Open it.


We'll take it from here.

Hello, Mr. Diaz. Remember me?

I'm sure you remember my husband.

What do you want?

We need your help.

Man. And I thought I was messy.

How are we supposed to find anything in this place?



These are the b*mb schematics we found in Felicity's hideout.

Blackstar knew about her plan to blow up Star City.

Maybe she didn't just know about it.

Maybe she was part of it.

Huh. If Felicity got cold feet, that's one hell of a motive to k*ll her.

Okay. But why hang on to these?

I mean, why not destroy the evidence?

Because she's still planning on using them.

Okay, we have got to go to the cops.

The SCPD are a joke.

They'd love to watch

Star City go up in flames.

Well, there is another option.

We go to the Glades.

I thought we weren't welcome there.

Well, we're not, but she is.

No. No way.

Zoe, we don't know when or where this is going to happen, right?

And by the time we find out, it could be too late.

I don't love the idea either, but we need resources.


I guess it's time to pay my dad a visit.

SNOW: With the successful arrest of Max Fuller assisted by Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow will officially be working on the side of the law hand in hand with the SCPD, marking a new era for Star City.


Well... it looks like you're famous again.

Could you have imagined years ago that you'd be working unmasked and alongside the cops?


A lot has changed.


All those months at Slabside, there wasn't a day that went by...

There wasn't an hour that went by I didn't think about you and William and... getting our life back.

Me, too.



So what's changed?

I think time apart forced us to move in different directions.

Okay. But how do we... start pushing in the same direction again?

I want to.


But you're right.

You know, I've changed... more than you know.

I almost k*lled Diaz, and I would've k*lled him

if Laurel hadn't stopped me.

And I know that you're gonna want to talk me down to the old Felicity, the one that you met chewing that red pen.

While you were gone, I had to learn how to protect myself.

I put you in the position where you had to do that, and I'm sorry.

No. This isn't on you.

Well... okay.

I love you more than a human being should love another human being.

I just don't know if what's best for me right now is the same thing as what's best for us.

Hey, Dad, turns out Oliver is more like you than I thought, more like me, too.

But I'm not giving up, not ever.



You failed.

Why are you doing this?

You did this to yourself.

And now all of you will perish.