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03x21 - Not Kansas

Posted: 12/01/18 07:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on Supergirl...

- Mom.

- What brought you here?


She's terrorizing Earth.

We think we found something I could stop her and we followed it here.


The Black Rock of Yuda Kal.

Keeps our air breathable and shields us from invaders.

We will give you what you seek.


In the darkness of Rao's absence,

I call upon you...



Lena, we're here.

Did you get the Rock?

Just in time.




We'll keep her busy.










Can you hear me?

I need a...

Do you have some aspirin?


How do you feel?

It's a cliche, but I feel like I got hit by a bus.





Oh, look at your hair.

- Do you like it?

- Yes.

I love it.

I love you.



Thank you.

You really went to great lengths to save Sam and her family.

Well, you are the one that went to outer space.

I have to ask you something.

You were able to synthesize Kryptonite.

Can you make more of the Black Rock?



It's called Harun-El.

The meteoroid we found it on is inhabited.

It's a precious resource there, but they sacrificed some to help us.

- I'll get to work on it immediately.

- Thank you.


Well, you did it.

I have to tell you something.

Your mom is alive?


It doesn't feel real.

But it is.

I saw her, I listened to her voice, I touched her, I hugged her.

My mom has been alive all these years, living in the city where I grew up.

A lot of it's destroyed, but most of it's been rebuilt, and it's exactly the same.

Like, I never thought that I would smell the Dar-Essa flower again, but look, there are dozens of them.

I can't imagine what that felt like.

It just felt like home.

So you wanna go back.


I've tried so hard to make Earth my home, Alex.

And it has been, because of you.

You've been so much more than a sister to me.

When I first got here, I was alone, and scared, having just lost everything.

And I would walk around and feel this dull, empty pit, a hollowness.

And, yeah, we got off to a rocky start, but once we got close, that hollowness just disappeared.

That was you.

You filled my heart.

And no matter where I go, you will always be in it.

How long will you be gone?

I don't know.


I feel...





I feel selfish.


You have given all of us so much as Supergirl.

Reign is gone.

You have dedicated your whole life to taking care of others.

It's time for Kara Zor-El to take care of herself.

And no one deserves that more than you.

But, selfishly, I don't know what I'm gonna do without you.


When you went away to college, we figured that out, we did that.

Yeah, I mean, we called and e-mailed every day.

What's Wi-Fi like in space?




I can't believe you're going back.

I know.

Neither can I.

It's gonna be really hard to be away from everyone.

- It's your home.

- Mmm-hmm.

Hey, thank you for everything, by the way.

For coming back in, and helping, and being part of the team.

It's really meant a lot to me.

Yeah, well, a while ago, someone pretty great taught me how to be a hero.

She didn't do a bad job.


Hey, uh, while you're on Argo, would you do me a favor?

They have artificial gravity there, which means they have some sort of synthetic gravity manipulator.

And since gravity can bend space-time, you can use it to send a beacon into the future, and let the Legion know they can come back and get me.

You're leaving, too?

Why don't you just come with me?


I wouldn't wanna crash your homecoming.

You wouldn't be crashing anything.

It would be lovely to have you there.

You're serious?



- [WINN]

The woman of the hour!



- Hey!

You guys did not have to do this.

Oh, come on, did you think we were gonna send you off into outer space sabbatical without the right send-off?


There's only one Supergirl, but we will all do our best to channel your spirit in your honor, protect National City with pride, and make you proud.

- Toast.


- [ALL]


- [WINN]


- Come on, make a speech.


I'm really gonna miss you guys.

This world was so foreign and terrifying.

But over the years, I've learned to feel safe here.

It's been an honor protecting this planet, and being protected by it.

And I owe all of that to you.

Hear, hear.


You are my friends who understand me,

and make me laugh.

You are my role models,

who have built me into a leader

and shown me what it means to find fulfillment in the work we do.

This world has given me a family.

I'm taking this chance to revisit my home,

my first home.

I'm bringing you all with me in my heart.

And I'm at peace knowing you'll be

holding down the fort here until I'm back.

And this is not goodbye.

It's "See you on the flipside."

Or as we say on Krypton...


"To be continued."

It's so good to have you back, Kara Zor-El.

It's good to be back.

Welcome home.


My certificate of Kanar-Onn!

What's that?

A Kryptonian rite of passage requiring hours and hours of studies of Kryptonian history.


You loved it.

I would come home every day and find you pouring over books, rattling off new information you discovered.

- [MON-EL]

Thank you.

- Okay, maybe I was a bit of a nerd.

Uh, that sounds about right.



It's really you!


We all thought you were dead.

The ceremony broke my heart.

I can't believe my eyes.

Neither can I.

Your parents, your brother?

I'm the only one who survived.

I'm so sorry, Thara.

I've recovered.

And with you, it's a miracle.

You've lived on another planet all these years, a planet where you can fly?




There's so much to tell you.

We'll have to climb up onto the roof, fill each other in.

I would love that.


Thara Agfar this is Mon-El of the Legion of Superheroes.


Hi, it's just like a space police.


Well, Thara is in law enforcement as well.

She's Chief Peace Officer on Argo.

Times have been peaceful ever since we resettled, thanks to Alura and the work of the High Council.

Well, we all play our part, but Thara has really stepped up.

She knows the city like the back of her hand.

Well, maybe you can help us find something for Mon-El.



A synthetic gravity manipulator?

There's a guy in the market who sells anything with a microchip.


And after that, I'd love for you to meet my family.

Your family?

My husband, Lir-Al and our two kids.

Okay, we really need to catch up.



There's nothing going on?


Not even a jaywalker.


How did Supergirl do this on quiet nights?


Yeah, she would stay home.

Oh, yeah, right.

The luxury of super hearing.


Yeah, right?

I mean, dealing with the slow days is just all a part of learning to do things without her.

You think Kara's gonna stay?

I don't know, man, I just...

I got a feeling that we're gonna be seeing a lot less of her.

Well, let's call it a day, shall we?


Hold it right there.

- Hold on.



I thought I heard something.


Uh-oh, there's a bank around the corner.




I said stop right there!

[RAPID g*nf*re]

- You okay?

- Yeah.


Was that a cannon?

What kind of g*n was that?


Kara always hated the opera.

But I'm sure that if she had heard Puccini, she would absolutely love it.


Yeah, I miss her, too.

Hey, you know, you should come with us to the opera next week.

The complex rhythms and orchestrations of the music, I think really benefited my father's memory.

Isn't that right, Father?

I cannot go.

No, I was just telling Alex about your love of opera.

She may come with us next week.

You should not make plans for me, J'onn.

That is what I was speaking about when you asked about my mind.


Why not, Father?

You've been so lucid lately.

He's been better than he has been for weeks.

The surge of clarity that comes right before the end.

I've been wanting to tell you, my son.

The time has come for us to perform The Reach.

"The Reach"?

An ancient rite on Mars.

The elder generation passes down their memories, their knowledge, all the experiences of their life, before they pass.

You are not passing anytime soon, Father.

You are better.

I am not.

And if we don't begin The Reach before the beginning of my end, all of my Mars memories will be lost forever.

Alex, will you please tell my father he's nowhere near his end?

Alex, please tell him.

J'onn, that's not my place to say.

I mean, only your father knows.

And I do know.

The time we've spent together these past months have been the most joyous of my life.

But all the memories we've preserved by doing the Ta'ar Ka'riq

are at risk if we don't begin the process.


We will preserve them, Father.


Just not yet.



Oh, there's a situation at work.

I'm sorry, um, I have to go.


I'll come with you.

We'll talk about this later.

Do not forget what I've said, my son.

It hurts me to see a masterpiece in ruins, man.

It's like the Picassos that went down with the Titanic, you know?



I heard you went into a bank robbery, with some kind of concerning weaponry.

Alien g*ns again?

I would say DEO weaponry.

This one to be exact.


A DEO as*ault r*fle?


No, that's impossible.

After Agent Schott's mother raided this place, I had every w*apon in here microchipped.

Look, J'onn, I saw it, I felt it.

It was yours.

Yeah, we even did a ballistics test out on the firing range.


Yeah, we shot this w*apon at that shield from the same distance.


Which one was which?

- Can't tell, can you?

- Because the impact is identical.

That's just impossible.

We use proprietary technology, g*ns solely designed for our use.

Somebody shot this w*apon at me and a cop, and he got away.

I just want to catch the guy because if he has this one, he might have ten more.

We are down one bulletproof superhero, so I suggest that we follow the only lead that we have at this point.

All right, Agent Schott, keep pushing with the ballistics, see if it was this g*n that was used.



There's only one other place this g*n might have come from.

Let's go talk to the manufacturer.


Why are you smiling?


It just feels amazing to be normal.

I'm actually relieved I can't fly.

No one to save.

Do you hear that undetectable sound in the distance?



- Mon-El!

- Oh, hey.

How you feeling, buddy?

- Good.

- Yeah?

Hey, Kara, this is Val.

Nice to meet you.

New friend?

Mon-El saved his life.

Healed him with the device from his belt.

It's a development from the future.

Saving people without telling me, hmm?

I can't thank you enough.

- Of course.


Watch out!





I'll see you, buddy.


Well, they're gonna be all right.

I'm just grateful neither of you were hurt.

I'm so sorry.

Usually, our construction sites are up to code, but it turns out, this one hadn't been inspected yet.

So, you think it was an accident?

Of course.


What do you think it was?

I'm not sure.


I saw someone after it fell running away.

It could've been anyone.

It's just, in my life, nothing happens for no reason.

There are no accidents.

That was on Earth.

Do you think you could look into it further?

- Of course.

We'll get right on it.

- Thank you.

I'll see you two later?

- Yes.

- Of course.


Are you sure you're all right?


Yeah, we're fine.


Do you think I'm being paranoid?

If I've learned anything, it's that your instincts are usually spot on.

I think you should take this.

- No, Mon-El, don't...

- It's just in case.

It will allow you to fly.


Thank you.


J'onzz, Mr.


Thanks for waiting.

Thank you for seeing us, Mr.

Preston, we won't take up too much of your time.

We just have a few questions.

No problem.

Contract with your division of the FBI is one of our most important.

Have there been any missing shipments of weapons?


Anything from your factories?

Absolutely not.

Well, the suspect, um, used a w*apon identical to one of Director J'onzz's as*ault r*fles and used it to sh**t at a police officer.

Is the officer all right?

- He will be.

- That's a relief.

Well, as for theories, the criminal may have purchased one of our Heel- r*fles and modified it with a bump stock.

I'm sorry, a "Heel- "?

We designed a civilian version of the as*ault r*fle we produce for you.

Not to worry, it's perfectly legal and in line with our contract.

It's a hunting r*fle.

That is not a hunting r*fle.

Someone used a w*apon we designed and used it against a police officer.

And that is not your fault any more than it's mine.

Yeah, but you can do something about it.

You can stop selling that w*apon.

I have , employees to pay.

Taking any of our products off the market hurts every one of them.

This is a family business, and our g*ns bring families together.

I remember when my grandpa gave me my first hunting r*fle and taught me how to sh**t.

It was an inter-generational experience.

And it's my hope to help as many Americans as possible capture that feeling, and pass it on to their children.

Look, no one values families more than I do, but that is not for families.

That is for military personnel, trained officers, law enforcement.

All right, here's what's gonna happen right now.

You are gonna hand over all documentation relating to the Heel- , and you're gonna comply completely, % with our investigation.

If you do not, we'll take our business elsewhere.

Of course, I'll comply.

I wouldn't dream of standing in the way of your investigation.

Oh, you just dream of a world where everybody's armed to the teeth, right?

And you dream of a world where every person reads CatCo magazine.

We're both businessmen, Mr. Olsen.

Do you mind if I come in here and work with you?

I've got a ton of reading to do.

Anybody who brings a mountain of pizza into this office can stay for as long as they want.

I know, I brought too much.

So, what are you working on?

I thought the issue went to print at : .

That did, but, uh, [CLEARS THROAT] now I'm trying to track down a gunman by using the w*apon that he used.

Clark did an expose on the g*n epidemic for the Daily Planet years ago.

And I'm trying to figure out how he was able to track a private sale of an as*ault w*apon without a registry.


People don't like the government keeping track of the g*ns they own.

I never really understood that argument, that someone's right to own an as*ault w*apon is more important than someone's right to go to school safely.

I have a g*n for self-defense.

I have used it for self-defense.

You're not telling me that you're one of these people that thinks that having a g*n makes everybody safer, right?

We disagree, but I can see your side and hopefully, you can see my side, too.

I'm open to listening.

Good, 'cause things get done when we listen to each other.

Speaking of which, I can hear that pizza talking.

That is a lot of pizza.

- Yeah, I'm sorry...


It's fine.


Ms. Tessmacher?

Yes, Mr. Olsen?

We are gonna need your stomach on at least two of these.

Thank you.

Could I get either of you anything?

You know, Eve, I could really do with a cup of coffee.

This article on spontaneous fishing is seriously dry.

Is that the one by Forrester?

Scientific Universe Journal?

- Yeah.

- You need to check out Jen Steinmetz-O'Grady's work.

I studied with her at Yale.

Her brain is beyond.

I'll be right back with that coffee.

Did you know Eve studied nuclear physics?

There is nothing that surprises me about Eve anymore.


Did you find the gravity manipulator you were looking for?

I did, but the guy who sold it to me was sort of an oddball.

Do you know him?


Everybody knows him.

Ol-Irus, our schoolteacher?


Do you remember that time he made us take home insect samples to study, and they reproduced by the hundreds in our houses?


Well, maybe you weren't so good at your insect homework, but I'm sure you are an amazing mother.

Yeah, she is.



And, uh, your children, where are they tonight?

They're with the babysitter.

Whose mother, Laura, is our landscape architect.

Please don't bring it up.

It's all so distressing.

We're building a gazebo in our backyard.

It's been carved out of this huge, beautiful piece of stone that was left from the wreckage.

We couldn't have been more clear with Laura that we wanted it to face south.

So that we could enjoy the lake off the orchard in the evening.

And she's carved it in the wrong direction.

So, now we have this stone monolith in our backyard that's facing the woods.


Nothing can be done about it.

It's so tragic.


Well, I mean, it's not that bad.

You'll see that the direction you're facing matters a great deal.


Of course it does.

It affects your mood.


And your quality of sleep.


Well, we will find a way to manage.

Uh, excuse me.




You were at the marketplace earlier.

I saw you.

Are you spying on me?

Kara, what's going on?

She was there right after the crane fell.

It's not true.

I wasn't there.

I know what I saw!

Why do you want to hurt me?

Tell me!

She's crazy.

I did nothing.

You're lying.

Now, you're gonna tell me who you are, and what you want with me, or I promise you, you will regret it.

Kara, enough.

Felra, go home.

Her husband owns the grocery.

I've known her for years.

She would never hurt anyone, let alone somebody she's never met.


Let's call it a night.

Kara, please, go home.

Get some rest.


Have we identified any potential suspects yet?

Uh, not yet.

We've been going off that list that you had from the g*n manufacturer, but trying to locate the weapons like this is particularly hard.

There's no digital trail, there's no paper trail.

All we can do is actually call the individual retailers that sold the g*ns.

Well, what are we waiting for?

I want that guy found and off the streets as soon as possible before he can use that w*apon on anybody else.

You're not avoiding going home, are you?

No, I'm not.


Thara spoke with the owner of that construction site.

The pillar fell because of a part they were having trouble with in the past.

She also checked.

Felra was at work when it happened, so if you saw someone suspicious, it wasn't her.



I know that being back here is an adjustment.

The remnants of your home that you thought had been destroyed...

Believe me, I understand.

I was haunted for a long time by the end of our planet.

And the loss of your father, it wasn't easy to regain a sense of peace.

So, how'd you do it?

Oh, it took time.

I'm so happy to be here with you, and Thara.

And yet...

I do feel unsettled.

Well, the accident yesterday didn't help.

I know it sounds crazy, but I don't think it was an accident.

I think something's behind it, and I have always followed my intuition.

Kara, you've had to live your life as a warrior, surviving on a foreign planet, defending others.

You have to take in the fact that you don't have to live that way anymore.

You've spent so much time taking care of others.

Maybe it's finally time that you take care of yourself.

It's funny, my sister, Alex, she almost said the exact same thing.

Well, I know why you love her so much.


Any leads on tracking the g*n owner?

Listen, we were only able to identify like, % of the people that actually purchased the Heel- , and that is with state-of-the-art tracking.

So, what's the next move?

Old-fashioned police line-up.

We need you to take a look at some photos, James, see if you recognize the guy who bought the g*n.

Winn, let's start with the guys that purchased more than one w*apon.


- Okay.

That's him.

Bottom right corner, Arthur Willis.


Arthur Willis.

Are you sure?

'Cause this says that he passed his instant background check at the g*n show.

He has no history of mental health issues.

I mean, he doesn't seem like a threat.

I don't forget a face.

How many g*ns did he buy?

Uh, let's see.

Four that I can see.

Get a strike team together.

Wait, a strike team?

What do you want me to do, James?


If you send your guys out there with the same weapons as him, it's gonna turn into a w*r zone.

I need my guys to be armed to defend themselves, and protect the public.

We're not the bad guys here.

Sometimes, without trying, we can be part of the problem.


Uh, I'm so sorry to interrupt, I have just been perusing Arthur's social media and he just posted what looks like a manifesto.


"To whom it concerns, so you understand why.

For those who ruined my life, for the partners of Vang and Morales who spit on me when they fired me." Vang and Morales, that is a law firm.

It's in the same business plaza as the bank where the cops spotted him.

He wasn't robbing the bank.

He's going back to his office.



He threatened to file a lawsuit for wrongful termination.

But he had outburst after outburst.

Did the firm offer mental health counseling?

Of course.

But he refused.

We're gonna find him.

All the entrances are secure.

We're checking the building right now.

Did you check the cellar?

There's a back way into the loading dock, but there's no cameras on that door.

- Where is it?

- South side of the building.

I'm on it.



- [COCKS w*apon]

- Don't move.

I'm unarmed.

Who are you?

Just someone who wants to talk.

Yeah, well, it's too late for that now.

No one wanted to listen to me before, but they are gonna listen to me now.

This is the only way for me to be heard.

Arthur, if you pull that trigger, no one's gonna listen to a thing you have to say.

They took everything from me!

My wife left me because I was always working, then they just kept passing me over for partner.

They lied to me!

Look, I know you feel like they took everything from you, like you got nothing left.

Trust me, I know how it feels to lose everything.

They never respected me.

You think that g*n gives you respect?

It has no power.

It's just a tool for spreading fear, and fear is not respect.

Look, Arthur, I know you've been bullied, but that doesn't give you the right to bully back.

You got something loud and ugly there.

You think that's gonna make people hear you?

I shot at a cop!

My life is over no matter what.

Your life doesn't have to end like this.

You can go on, you can change, you can...

You can begin something new...

If you just put down that g*n.


I need it.

You don't need it, Arthur.

None of us do.

Give me the g*n.


Come on.


That's good.



Good man.


Good man.


♪ I remember when the sea ♪

♪ Was singing ♪

♪ And all of my thoughts ♪

♪ Were ringing ♪

♪ Crossed the ocean ♪ ♪ 'round the world ♪

♪ Speeding ♪

♪ No pirate could catch me ♪

♪ Daydreaming ♪

Your mom told me I might find you here.

Just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Are you?

I don't know.

Argo survived, my mom's alive.

This place is beautiful.

It's perfect.


Something's off.

My mom thinks it's because I've had to be on guard my whole life.

She thinks I need more time to decompress.

And what do you think?

Maybe that's part of it.

I just feel disconnected in other ways.


When we were young, we were so similar, we could predict each other's thoughts.

And now...

Now she's governed by the Kryptonian version of feng shui?


Basically, yeah.


I do envy her, though.

I want that happiness for myself.

I just don't know if I have it in me.


And what I do know is that I'm very happy you're here.

Your friendship has made this whole journey a lot easier.

So, thank you.


- You okay?

- Yeah, I just didn't want to...

I didn't want to burden you before.


I know you've moved on...

From us.

But I didn't just come back here to help you fight Reign.

When I left Imra, she asked me to sort out how I felt.

And not just about her.

About you.

And I've been trying to convince myself that friendship between us was the right thing.

But I think I've been lying to myself.

I'm sorry to spring this on you in the midst of you trying to acclimate here.

Don't be sorry.

I just don't want to hide things, pretend like they don't exist.

After you left, I had a dream where I was walking down this path.


A lot like this one.

It was peaceful, and serene and...

You were there, waiting for me.

And all I wanted was for you to be in that field with me.

Now you are.

Now I am.

♪ Daydreaming

♪ But I'm daydreaming now


What is that?

Oh, no.



I defended you the other night and now you try to k*ll the daughter of the House of El?

After everything Alura and Zor-El have done for the survival of this city, how could you betray that?

We are the daughters of the night, children of Juru, the deliverance of all Krypton.

And Selena is our high priestess.


But she helped me defeat Reign.

Nothing is as it seems.


It's your mother.

We have to go.

You sure you can do this?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

% sure.

Dude, that is as sure as you're allowed to be in science.

Are you sure you can do this?


I am.

All right, everybody, gather around.

I have an important announcement to make.

Today, we had to deal with a crisis, which sadly has become all too common in our country.

Normally, this would not fall onto the purview of the DEO, but because of the decisions I've made about how we choose to protect ourselves, we played a role.

But I must make a stand today and do something I should've done a long time ago.

Your safety is my number one priority.

The DEO will begin phasing out the use of weapons of lethal force.

We are destroying our g*ns.


Director J'onzz, sir, I'm sorry, but how are we supposed to defend ourselves?

I know this transition may be difficult for some of you.

Agent Schott will be developing a line of non-lethal weapons which we will begin using as soon as possible.

I know some of you may find this uncomfortable.

If so, I won't stand in your way.

I will be happy to help you transition to another unit.

But I believe we can have a lasting, important and necessary impact on the world by doing this.

The greatest strength in the universe lies not in w*r, but in peace.

We are agents of peace.

Thank you.



Director J'onzz.

I heard what you said about strength and peace, and I believe in that.

That's why the only w*apon anyone needs is a shield.

That's something my father taught me a long time ago.

Thank you for helping me remember that, James.


I really can't thank you enough for bringing me on.

It's such an honor, and to be doing a project for Supergirl...

What is it?

It's this Harun-El.

If this data is correct, it's more than just a biolistic delivery system.

It could be revolutionary.


I'm sorry I wasn't ready before, but I am now.

Are you sure?





Where is the ship?

It's gone.
