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03x20 - Dark Side of the Moon

Posted: 12/01/18 07:51
by bunniefuu

Previously on Supergirl...

I imagine you have questions.

I have answers.

What is this place?

A piece of your world, the dead planet Krypton.

I love you so much.


I saw her face.


That was her.

I will do everything within my power to keep you safe.


The Rock of Yuda Kal.

Made of Kryptonian stone.

Well, if the Rock of Yuda Kal can be used to make a Worldkiller, we could just reverse the process and use it to unmake one.

We could turn Reign back into Sam permanently.

We can cure her.


Now, it is very rare, but the exact same rock is hurdling through space on a meteorite about five light-years away.


Then we better get a move on.


I always forget how beautiful it is this far out in space.


It's perfect.

Out here, with just you, I don't have to pretend.

I can just be me.



We're coming up on it.

What is that?




- It's a tractor beam.


Everything's locked up.


Thrusters, roll...

Yaw and pitch.

Nothing's responding.

- What if we're not us?

- What?

This ship can turn into other things.

Brainy's gonna be so sad he missed this.


Agent Schott, any word from Supergirl?

No, but we expected that.

They're on the dark side, which means they're probably scraping off a nice chunk of space rock off a much larger piece of space rock any minute.

I need to know the second they're on their way back.

Well, I got the radio dialed up to .

Like, I re-tasked six military satellites to scan all airspace around the meteorite, and then I've just been obsessively checking that scan for, like, the faintest blip.


- I will not miss them.

- Hmm.

And yet you seem, uh, more stoic and grave than usual, which, if we're being honest, is making me, like, a little bit queasy.


What happened?

You tell me.

Reign is becoming immune to Ms.

Luthor's synthetic Kryptonite faster than we expected.


To be on the safe side, I've evacuated L-Corp, and I have a strike team standing by with sound g*ns, body boots, and red sun grenades.

Because that's worked approximately zero times before.

Do I seem appropriately stoic and grave to you now, Mr.


Better crank that baby up to .


The cosmos.

A tree of infinite branches

flowering with stars.

Now, Supergirl is up there right now on a mission to find a substance that's gonna fix your mom.

One of these stars belongs to us.

There's so much nothing.

What if she doesn't make it back in time?

She's called "Supergirl" for a reason.

She will, I promise.

We circle this star, our sun...

- Hey, you know what?

- ...for life force.

Why don't we get out of here?

I just happen to know where there is a wicked ice cream truck.

And, I mean, all the toppings.

That's all I need right now.

Let's do it.

Me, too.

I could definitely be an astronaut.


I could see that.

You know, once you get past your motion-sickness thing, I think you'd be golden.

That's funny.

'Cause I never got motion sickness until you started driving me around.



All right, look, let me see.

Oh, yes, that is amazing.

I am getting you that hat.

You look adorable.

That's really cute.

Wait, let me see.

All right.


Excuse me.

Okay, I'll tell you what.

Why don't I pay for all these things?

Give me that.

And then you go get us some sodas.

All right.

Don't think I'm not gonna count all that change.

- g*n!

- [g*nshots]



Everybody, get back!

[MUFFLED expl*si*n]

Could you please not blow up my lab?


So, it's expl*sives they're carrying.

Your wall doesn't work anymore.

Neither does your Kryptonite.

I'm getting stronger.

Good morning, sunshine.

You're very chatty today.

How much longer do you think you can hold me?

Long enough.

Long enough...

For Supergirl to return.

That's right.

I see you, Lena Kieran Luthor.

I see your anger, your fear, your distrust.

Supergirl is your Hail Mary.

You need her right now and she needs you, but when this is all done, will you still need each other?

Supergirl and I may not see eye-to-eye, but there's one thing we can agree on.

And that's that you need to be stopped.

So enjoy your moment in the sun, Reign.

'Cause we are gonna save Sam, and end you.

The only way to end me is to k*ll me.

And Sam.

And I don't think you have the stomach for that.

There's an entire city here.

How did we miss this?


We're on our own.

And powerless.

Well, we expected that.

That's the only thing we've been right about.


Looks like the Black Rock is about a mile into the city.

We better get moving before they find us...

Watch out!


I think we lost them, whoever they are.


We have other problems.

They seem human.

- At least we fit in.


I'm not so sure about that.

We need to change.





- Let's go.

- Yeah.


You okay?

Yeah, just thinking how ironic this is.

Donning disguises across the solar system seems to be my karma.

It's necessary for survival.

So is Kara Danvers.

I just wish my day-to-day life didn't have to have a disguise.

It's exhausting.

In the future, I just live in the open.

All Legionnaires do.

There's no secret identities, no disguises.

/ , I'm just me, Mon-El, from the Legion of Super-Heroes.

And it's still exhausting.

What we do, the responsibilities we have...

There's always a trade-off, isn't there?




We're getting close.

It's this way.

This place is intense.


Definitely don't touch anything.

Agent Danvers, Ruby, how are you?

Oh, my gosh.

It was crazy.

There was this guy at the park, and he was sh**ting, and everyone was running, and then Alex caught a grenade.

Uh, it was really just not that big of a deal.

I mean, we're fine, so everything is chill.

It's just super chill.

Are you chill?


Listen, you know what, I have some work that I have to do, so, um, how about you just start reading that Ada Lovelace book I got you?

- Sure.

- Yeah?

All right.

Um, why don't you go into the conference room?

Get your read on.

Someone's trying to k*ll me.

Things were not chill.


You sure you were the target?


A hundred percent.

Guys, this is really bad.


I can't have some psycho who's trying to m*rder me out there on the loose while I'm taking care of Ruby.

I mean, she's been through so much.

She's seen so much.

And God forbid, what if she got hurt?

And it's on my watch.


I can't live with that.

- All right, all right, let's just...


Who would want you dead?


Where do we start?

Okay, well, there's Griggs, uh, the Hellgrammite, Hannibal.

I mean...

Look, the Hellgrammite and Griggs have been in containment.

So that's a no.

Hannibal, we deported after the Daxamite invasion.

- Right.

- Okay, so let's just keep narrowing it down.

Who else has tried to k*ll me before and failed?

What about good ol' Ricky, huh?

He definitely hates you.

Oh, hated.

- I mind-wiped him, remember?

- Oh.

But we shouldn't discount people from your past, if this really is personal.

It may be someone from before your time at the DEO.

Somebody who may have threatened you before.

Pull up Ron Collins.


"Ronald Collins." Let's see.

Age .

Recently made parole after six failed attempts.


Uh, let's see.

He was in for...

First-degree m*rder.

I should know.

He was my first arrest.

I'm sorry, that would have...

That would made you when you arrested him.

Yeah, that...

That tracks.

He lived his whole life in Midvale, and then he moves to National City after he was released from prison?

Eh, it's a big city.

And yet, he moved to within six blocks of your apartment.

Okay, I ruined his life.

He's trying to ruin mine.

That's him.


- Winn, about Ruby.

- [WINN]



No, I can't.

No, I do not babysit anymore.

She's , okay?

She's not a baby.

So, it's just...

You know, your words.

Chill, it'll be fine.

It takes a village, Agent Schott.

The Black Rock is definitely in there.

Let's go.


"And on Earth, the soul is lost "in destruction.

"May their flames forever burn in Rao's light." It's a Kryptonian memorial.

- This is Krypton.

- No.





Don't move.

Identify yourself.

Stay where you are.

Do not move.


Stand down, caretakers.



Is that you?




How are you alive?

Your father created a shield to protect Argo when Krypton exploded.

We would never have sent you away if we had known it'd work.

I thought you were dead.


I don't understand.

I saw your pod get knocked into the Phantom Zone.


I was stuck there for years, but somehow, my pod got loose, and I fell to Earth with Kal-El.

Kal made it.


He's alive.

He got there first.

If I had known...

If I knew Argo was here, if I knew you were alive, I never would have stopped searching for you.


I recognize you.

The Prince of Daxam.

There is no more Daxam.

I'm just Mon-El now, ma'am.

There's no more Krypton, either.

Only Argo.

And you are welcome here.

Thank you.

If you didn't know I was alive, and you weren't searching for me, what brought you here?


Earth is in trouble.

When Krypton exploded, the followers of Yuda Kal sent three pods after me, each with a Worldkiller.

A Worldkiller?

I stopped two of them, but one remains.


And she's terrorizing Earth.

She's hurting people I love, murdering indiscriminately.

And we think we found something that could stop her, and we followed its radiation signature here.


The Black Rock of Yuda Kal.

You know what it is?


After the fallout, ashes and destruction poisoned the air.

We had nothing to protect us as we hurtled through space.

The young and the old were the first to become sick.

They struggled in our new atmosphere, their lungs more vulnerable, more weak.

But after the fallout passed, the shield kept our atmosphere more hospitable.

It is what your father gave his life for.

There was no more time.

Argo was in constant darkness.

We were running out of air.

We were dying.

Your father repurposed his unfinished research to create a livable environment.

He believed that the Harun-El could act as a shield for the city, and he was right.

His legacy keeps our air breathable, and shields us from invaders.

It keeps us hidden...

That's why we didn't detect you in our scans.

Why there were no signs of life.

And why we can't get in touch with Earth.

- No signal can get out.

- Exactly.

We mined all the Harun-El left.

All of it is here.

And every ounce of it means one more moment of life.

Because of that, we have none to spare.

There's gotta be a way.

We only need a little bit.

It is not mine to give.

But I will call a meeting with the High Council.

Thank you.

It'll take a few hours to gather the members.

In the meantime, I was hoping to get to know my daughter.


Have you heard anything from Supergirl yet?


That's why I'm still sitting here.

Can you show me how this all works?

You know what, no offense, kid, I really...

I don't need help.

Then I can just keep you company.

You know, I'm really busy.


- Yeah, you seem stressed out.

- Do I seem stressed?

Do I?


Oh, well, you know, I have been staring at a stupid computer monitor for about hours.

I haven't slept.

Haven't eaten anything.

Haven't even had time to go get my damn pizza bagel out of the microwave.

All I've done is monitor about million miles of outer space waiting for confirmation that Supergirl...

Supergirl is on her way back to Earth with the Black Rock of Yuda Kal, - so we can finally stop and defeat...

- My mom.

Well, um...

Reign is technically not your mom.

You're right.

Reign is a monster, and my mom has disappeared.

I might never get her back again, or even see her.

Especially if Supergirl doesn't come back soon.


Yeah, sorry.

- Um...

- I don't sleep anymore, either.

I'm exhausted, too.



- Where are you going, Sheriff?

- Far away from you.

That's right.

That's because you prefer to sh**t from a distance.

Or behind the back, like a coward.

Kenny Lee was a long time ago.

I'm not talking about Kenny Lee.

Two of whatever he's having.

I'm not surprised.

You sent me to jail when you were...

- Seventeen.

- Seventeen.

You're trying to k*ll me.

Are you kidding?

You tried to sh**t me this morning at the park.


At the park?

Heh, man.

Are you still ?

You don't even care about the countless kids that you could've hurt trying to get to me.

Then again, what's one more dead kid to you, right?

I owed a debt for what I did.

I paid my debt.

What you did was m*rder a teenage boy.

And I have to live with that!


Oh, you want me to feel sorry for you?

Why would you?

I don't even feel sorry for me.

Every time I close my eyes, I see that young boy's face.

The future that I stole from him.

I see the blood bursting out of his body.

I can feel the weight of the g*n in my hands.

I wasn't a good person.

I was corrupt.

Then I never thought of myself as a k*ller.

Kid k*ller.

But it turns out, I was a monster.

And I deserved everything I got.

But I'm not trying to k*ll you, Danvers.

What the hell difference would that make?

It's not gonna bring Kenny back.

It's not gonna save me.

I'm already damned.

J'onn, it's not Collins.





I was so sure it was the Sheriff.

We'll figure this out.

The list of people that want me dead is endless.

All the more reason to cull it.

No, J'onn, look, you don't understand.

If Sam is gone, I am all that Ruby has left.

And if I'm gone...

Screw the list.

If this guy wants me, he can come and get me.

It's our turn to hunt.

You wanna set a trap.

Like I said, I'm already a target, right?

So let's draw this guy out and take him down.

I remember this flower.

This is a Dar-Essa.

You kept one in my room when I was little.

It was a gift from Grandmother for your first birthday.

Yeah, you used to measure it to see how tall it was.

It was, um...

Wasn't it supposed to...

Grow as you grew?

Yes, I got it for you when you were so little, but you outsped the Dar-Essa.

You grew so tall so fast.

I can't believe it survived the fall.

It's strong, like you.

I feel as though I've let you down.

- Mom...

- No, please.


I shouldn't have accepted that you died.

I had always taught you to hope.

But I gave up.

I could say the same.

I gave up hope.

I thought you had died with Krypton.

But here I am, and here you are.

So tell me about your life.

I've missed so much.





I was taken in by this amazing family.

Jeremiah, Eliza, um, a sister, Alex.

A sister?

And she's so much more than that.

She's a friend.


She's amazing.


Fort Rozz crashed on Earth.

Fort Rozz was my deepest shame.

The prisoners, they all survived?

Astra survived.

Non, too.

I've thought of her so much.

I should've listened to her, but the way she did things was so...



Her and Non tried to bring terror to Earth for a while, but she changed.

Well, she was changing.

Before she died.

We gave her Kryptonian burial rites.

On Argo, we learn from Krypton's mistakes.

We look to our past for edification.

My mistakes were the biggest of all.

I sent so many to suffer at that prison without a second thought.

You just...

You did what you thought was right.

So did Astra.

But I was wrong.

It took losing you, losing everything, to learn that.

Can you forgive me?

Of course I do.

Of course.



Excuse me.

My friend and I were in trouble earlier, and we needed to borrow these so we could, uh, fit in.

You mean you needed a disguise.

The daughter of the great House of El back from the dead.

That's all anyone could talk about today.

I'm afraid I don't have any money to pay you for these.

Oh, keep them.

It's a gift.

It's my honor.

Well, perhaps I can give you a gift in return.

Uh, your son, he has Thalonite lung?



Krypton eradicated the disease when I was still a child, but much was lost.

This is Val.

Hey, Val.

I'm Mon-El.

You may not believe this, but I'm actually...

I'm from the future.

So is this.

This is called a...

You know what, it doesn't matter what it's called.

What matters is that a really, really smart friend of mine, he made it.

His name is Brainy, so it's gotta work, right?

Can I see your arm for a second?


It's a built-in size.

It's a vaccine and booster.


It'll automatically detect hostile cells and deploy antibodies.

He should wear it for a week.

And then, maybe you can find someone else who needs it, and give it to them.


- See?


It's a miracle.

Slept here again, huh?

I don't really have much choice.



Reign's becoming immune to my Kryptonite.

If Supergirl doesn't get back soon, she'll become stronger and break out, and then God knows what will happen.

But I can still flood her system with the Kryptonite.

It would work.

She would OD, but...

She would die.

So you lose Sam.

It's Sam or the world.

I mean, well, there's still a chance that Supergirl can come back in time.

And if she doesn't?

James, I don't know what to do.

What would Sam want you to do?

Sam wanted me to heal her.


Not what Sam wanted you to do.

What would Sam want you to do now with the choice that you're presented with?

She'd choose Ruby over anything.

Even her own life.

She'd want me to protect her daughter.

It's a difficult choice, but it sounds like you have the answer.


I'm a...

I'm a jerk.



I know what you're going through.

I actually...

I actually do.

I had a very complicated relationship with my dad.

He actually tried to, um, k*ll me, too, believe it or not.

And, you know, for the longest time, dude, I was terrified that whatever made him what he was, like, that that was inside of me, too.

You know, that evil.

I know what you mean.

But you're not evil.


No, I'm not.

Just a jerk.

Hey, Supergirl's coming back.

And I...

I kinda need some help.

Maybe you could aid me in tracking Supergirl?

Oh, come on.

I'll teach you how to be a jerk.


Is everyone in position?

I repeat.

Is everyone in position?

We're good to go, J'onn.

Copy that.

Keep your eyes open, everybody.

Where have you been?


You didn't need that disguise after all.

You get to just be you here.

- Supergirl.

- Not Supergirl.

Kara Zor-El.

Are you ready?




Allow me to introduce my daughter.


Welcome home.

Esteemed members of the High Council of Argo City.

Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.

Alura is a pillar of our community, and a long-standing member of this council.

We would be remiss in refusing her daughter an audience.


As you may know, Zor-El and I came up with a plan to save Kara during the dark days before Krypton's destruction.

We didn't know that Argo could survive, and so we put Kara, our only child, into a pod and we sent her to Earth.

Its people took her in.

They saved her.

And in exchange, she serves the people of her adopted home.

She's a hero that embodies our greatest ideals.

But unfortunately, Kara was not the only Kryptonian to travel to Earth.

A Worldkiller followed.

You must forgive our skepticism.

You've been away a long time.

Here on Argo, Worldkillers are the stuff of children's stories.

I, too, was hesitant to believe that such a thing could be real, but I faced it.

She is real.

And she calls herself Reign.

I traveled here from across the stars because I could not defeat her myself.

And Earth is in grave danger.

An unfortunate situation if true, but how can Argo be of help?


We are a recovering city.

Still limping wounded from the trauma of destruction.

We can't communicate outside our protective dome, let alone send troops or aid beyond its border.

It isn't troops we need.

Then what is it you seek?

A gift...

Of Harun-El.

Any sign of the suspect?


All's quiet down here.

But I'm completely exposed, so if he's gonna strike, the time is now.


Come on.

Where are you?

You would have us give away our most precious resource, our only lifeline, to an alien species?

The people of Earth share our ideals.

They're more like us than you realize.

Or perhaps you've become more like them than you realize.


With all due respect, Councilman, the danger currently facing Earth is of Kryptonian making.

And I need not remind you, Alura, that Krypton is dead.

Argo City is all that remains.

And yet the sins of Krypton live on in this Worldkiller.

Can you abide this as our legacy?

This council does not concern itself with legacy, only survival.

And what is the point of survival if there's no soul to save?

I agree with Jul-Us.

His position is wise and thoughtful.


Status check.


No sign of your suspect.

Wait a minute.

I think I got something.


Baseball hat.


J'onn, we're made.

I think he knows that you're not me.

How did he know which one of us is which?

I don't know, but he's on the move.

I'm going after him.

Wait for backup, Agent Danvers.

Damn it, Alex.

Your point is well-made that Krypton is dead.

But its legacy lives on.

For good and ill.

My own mother sentenced prisoners to Fort Rozz.

Prisoners who broke free and took their anger out on Earth, many of whom we're still trying to apprehend.

There are people on Earth who work every day

to solve the mistakes of Krypton's past.

People who are trying to make Earth fairer.

Or just better.

These people dedicate their lives to this work, and some have even given their lives to it.

This planet, these...

These people, they took me in.

An alien immigrant from a world they knew nothing about.

A world whose legacy threatened their way of life,

and their safety, again and again, and again.

And now, they deserve it in kind because their very existence

is threatened by this Worldkiller of Kryptonian making.

My mother tells me Argo City has changed, that it has learned from the mistakes of Krypton's past.

So, I beg you.

Give us the gift of Harun-El.

We don't need very much.

And this bit of charity, it will save Earth.

Well said, Kara Zor-El.

But my concern is for those of us you left behind.

I'm afraid we cannot spare the Harun-El.

Hello, Agent Danvers.

That was a neat trick with your Martian pet.

- I recognize you.

- Not me.

My twin brother.

And you should.

After all, you arrested him.

He was on Fort Rozz.

- He k*lled people.

- Lies!


Who votes with me?

And those who believe we should help the people of Earth in their time of need?

And how do you vote, Selena?

If this Reign is as strong as you say she is, are you sure this plan will work?

I am.

We will give you what you seek.

Thank you.

Argo was spared the fate of the rest of Krypton.

But what value is our civilization if we don't use our stolen time to right the sins of the past?

We must set an example for future generations.

Or else our survival means nothing.

Thank you.

May Rao's light shine upon you.

It was a pleasure meeting you.

I'm very fond of your daughter.

As are many others on Earth, and across time.

You should be very proud of what she's become.

I am.

It's amazing that something so small and unremarkable could hold the key to so much survival.

For you.

The last time I left you, I thought I'd never see you again.

I know better now.

Now go save your friend.

Earth is waiting for its hero.

Hey, we just finished interrogating your attacker.

He's from Naja Falk .

He was able to tell us apart with his heightened sense of smell.

A whole list of suspects from my past, and he wasn't even on it.


You know, when you first approached me about working at the DEO, I was failing med school, But you, J'onn, you gave me purpose.

You know, something to stand up for, something to devote my life to.

But today, I risked my life for it.

You know, I jumped straight across without hesitating, without even thinking.

And to be honest, I mean, that wasn't even the tallest building that I have jumped off of in the line of duty.

You are someone who makes the hard choices, Alex.

You go the extra mile.

Yeah, exactly.

And that's who I am.

It's just baked into me.

You know, jumping buildings, making enemies.

That's all part of the job.



But the irony here is...

Is that the thing that I had to do to save myself is the very same thing that could have k*lled me.

I mean, one more inch, and I would have died.

And then...

Where would she be?

I broke up with Maggie because I wanted to be a mother.

And one day, I will be.

You know, whether I'm with somebody or if I'm doing it by myself.

I know that's what I want.

And I know that that is who I am.

Just like I know that I'm the person that's gonna jump the building to stop the bad guy.

And I...

I keep wondering.

I mean, can those two people coexist?

And is that fair?

Is it fair to the person that I'm coming home to?

Hey, come on.

Look, you may be the person who jumps the building to stop the bad guy, but you're also one of the most intelligent, and intuitive women I know.

You're an incredible agent.

And I know you're going to be an incredible mother.

So when the time is right, I know you'll make the choice that's right for you.

Thank you.


In the darkness of Rao's absence,

I call upon you, the bringer of justice,

the harbinger of death.

I call upon you, Worldkiller.

There's no one to pray to.

There is no god, there is no Rao.

There is nothing except you and me, and that k*ll switch you think I haven't noticed.

The one that will end me before I end you.

You're strong, ruthless.

You are so much darker than you realize.

You're just like me.

You wish.

I don't have to wish.

I'm standing right here.

I can see it with my own eyes.

The same eyes that will set fire to you and your world if you don't press that button and end me.


Lena, we're here.

Did you get the rock?

Just in time.