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04x02 - Fallout

Posted: 11/28/18 13:58
by bunniefuu
My name is Kara Zor-El. I'm from Krypton.

I'm a refugee on this planet.

I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin.

But my pod got knocked off course.

And by the time I got here,

my cousin had already grown up and become... Superman.

I hid who I really was until one day

when an accident forced me to reveal myself to the world.

To most people, I'm a reporter at CatCo Worldwide Media.

But in secret I work with my adopted sister

for the DEO to protect this planet I call my home

from anyone that means to cause it harm.

I am Supergirl.


Previously on Supergirl...

- I'm Nia.

- Nia, it's so nice to meet you.

Al, is Fiona here?


No, she didn't show up for her shift.

Who are you?



An agent of liberty.


Otis and Mercy Graves, a brother and sister team.


We are the good guys.

Fighting to save this country.

You think you stopped us tonight, but the fuse was lit.

- [ALEX]

Did you get them?

- Only one.


The assassination attempt has revealed that the President is an alien.


Peace for all!

Roaches out, now!




- Madam President?

- Supergirl.

Thank you for coming.

I'm so sorry.

Are you sure resigning is necessary?

There must be another way.

My presidency is in violation of Article of the Constitution.

If I stay and fight impeachment, it will only cause more chaos and turmoil.

You've done so much good.

People need to remember that.

Every step of your presidency promoted compassion, and equal rights for all...

To be honest, there is a part of me that is relieved.

Hiding who I am, it's taken its toll.

I can understand that.

Mercy Graves exposed you because she wanted to fan the flames of fear and hatred.

And I will stop her.

I promise you that.

And once she's exposed, people will realize they never had to fear you.

Fear can create monsters where none existed before.

Remind the world that there is still goodness here.

Be that beacon of hope that we still need.

I won't let you down, Madam President.





Go back to your planet, we don't need you here, you ugly roach!

Ugly is as ugly does.

That makes you the ugly one.


Peace in equality.



Now is the time to talk to each other, not fight.

As I step down, I put my full confidence in Vice President Baker as Commander-in-Chief.

She's a traitor, she belongs in one of our cages.

Not revealing her identity doesn't make her a criminal.

Yeah, it does.

She's h*jacked our democracy.

She can't be trusted.




Hey, knock it off!

This is a workplace.

If you want to discuss politics then do it on your own time.

Our mission here is to defend all citizens, that is human and alien alike.

Now, get back to your stations.

Director Danvers, I moved Otis Graves into interrogation like you asked.

Thanks, Jensen, I'll be right down.

- Hey.

- Hey.

How is the president doing?

I saw she didn't take the pardon.

She didn't want to cause any more chaos.

Has Mercy's brother talked?

Do we have a lead on her location?

Otis plays dumb, but he's protecting her.

All he's given me is that the president was just phase one.

Well, we won't let it get to phase two.

This country still has compassion and empathy.

I can still reach them.

Yesterday I would have believed you but now I fear that something fundamental has shifted.

Why do you always insist on making our collective glass half empty?

I just broke up a fight between our own people here in the DEO.

And let me show you something.

Brainy ran a search on all the anti-alien threads that you found on the dark web.

That was last night before the world found out the president was a Durlan.

This was from this morning.



Hold it.

Sorry I was rude.

I'm just in a bit of a rush.

Oh, I don't take things personal.



Do you know what they're saying about us on the news?

They're saying we're infesting this planet.

You know, they go low, we go high.

We'll get through this.

Hey, Al, Fiona make it in today?

No, she's missed three shifts.

It's not like her.

Anyone speak to her fiance?

He's in England.

You wouldn't happen to know where she lives, would you?

Give me a sec.

Sarah, I've got you on metro, see what you can get from the mayor's office.

Uh, I'm doing a feature on Mercy Graves's criminal history starting at Luthor Corp.

- Only facts, no spin.

- Got it.

Clean and steady, check.

All right, guys, the news is not going to report itself let's get to work.


Olsen, do you have a minute?

Of course, Nia, what's up?

I was just wondering if as the Editor-in-Chief, you were going to write an editorial on where the paper stands on this issue.

Of the president being an alien.

Um, right now, we need to focus on facts.

That's what we need.


- Um, I'm on it.

- Thank you.

All right, let's try this again.

Where does Mercy usually like to go after she's k*lled a few dozen secret service agents?

That Italian place on th Street.


This isn't a joke.

Neither are their bread sticks.

Okay, I get it.

Out there, it's your sister that's the boss, right?

But in here, I'm the boss, and I can make your life extremely miserable.

Oh, I know.

I have heard stories about the DEO.

Poisoned a boatload of Daxamites by lacing the atmosphere with lead?



You're cruel as ice.

I bet you even keep that lead dispersal device around as a trophy.

You know what?

Mercy's too smart to tell a plan like that to you.





Why do you got to be so mean?

Jensen, take Einstein here back up to his containment cell.

Keep searching, boss.

Those two are so far underground by now, they're probably in China.



Otis slipped up.

When he was talking about Mercy, he referred to "those two." So she's working with another person, we got to figure who it is.

Maybe it's someone she knew at Luthor Corp.

I'm heading to Lena's now.

I'll try to find out.


A riot broke out among protesters today at the White House.

Luckily, Supergirl was there to promote peace in our nation's troubled times.

People who think taking candy from a baby is easy, have never taken a laptop from a prepubescent computer nerd.

Look at Supergirl peddling help.

She's going to be a problem, isn't she?


But one we can manage.

Where did you get that?

The web is dark and full of fun things.

Listen to me, you have to be very careful about that.

We do not want to make her a martyr.

The only thing that you and I are going to create is chaos.

This... just a security blanket.



Oh, my God.

I am so glad to see you.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Is that Big Belly Burger?


Have I ever told you you're my favorite person?

James said you have been working through lunches and dinners.

I have.

Sales for the image inducers have been skyrocketing ever since the revelation that the president is an alien.


How do you feel about that?

It's kind of like the whole world changed overnight.

To be honest, I didn't have very much faith in politicians to begin with.

I don't think any of them can be trusted.

Thank you.

I had no idea you were so cynical.

- Of course you did.


To be honest though, I have to commend her for stepping down.

You know?

The last thing we need right now is a tumbling stock market or trade embargoes or whatever other chaos can come out of this thing.

Well, actually the last thing we need is democracy descending into anarchy.

You are right.

Neither of us need that.

How are you doing?

It's hard.

Seeing this many people fighting.

But James is trying his best to manage it at CatCo.

You know, telling both sides of the story.

Which is actually the second reason I'm here.

I was wondering if you could help me with an article I'm writing about Mercy Graves.

Mercy's complicated.

But, her work with Luthor Corp is well documented.

- I'll get you the files.

- Great.

- But, burgers first.

- Yes, burgers always first.


All right, listen up.

I want facial recognition combing everywhere for Mercy Graves.

Let's get to it.

Leadership looks good on you.


Can't say the same for that visitor badge.


Ah, it's such a chaotic time.

Your first as director, and I thought I should swing by and see how you were doing.

- Any advice I can offer?


Thank you.

I'm managing.

What about you?

I mean, out there in the streets with the riots.


People are scared, you know?

It's not much different in here.


You know, a friend of mine, um, she might be in trouble, Fiona Byrne, she works at Al's Bar.

Greetings, J'onn.

Hey, Brainy.

I checked all the cams along the boulevards from rd Street to th - for detection of Mercy.

- And?


Not one lead.

You know what, um, looks like you got your hands full here, I'll follow up with Fiona on my own.

I'll see myself out.

Take care.


I do miss him.

Not that I don't enjoy your leadership.

I can sense that you're upset about the current state of the nation.

I'd like to assure you that based on my calculations, this moment of crisis does not deeply impact our planet.

I don't know if you've noticed, Brainy, but we're not in the future.

And the future can change.

Ah, that was "snark." And you snark when your blood sugar is low.

I know how to help you.


Humans seem to find calm in the consumption of food.

My calculations lead me to the conclusion that pizza might be the right thing at this very moment for everyone.

- Go.

- All right.





Working too hard already?


Um, coffee.


I need some coffee.

I'm going to get some.

Do you want some?

Yes, you do.

I will be right back.



My friend, what's it going to be today, pepperoni, pineapple?

I'll have a dozen large pizzas.

Eleven with everything and one with apples and olives.

After you.

Um, do you make espressos?

I had no idea your brother's history with Mercy went back this far.


Mercy started out as his head of security, but over time she became his closest confidant and frequent dinner guest.

I knew Lex had a close relationship with her but I had no idea you did.

Growing up, my mother was very critical of me, as you know.

She wasn't very helpful with the life stuff.

Then Mercy came into our lives and she kind of took me under her wing.

She taught me how to act, how to dress, how to always reach for the biggest g*n.

She was almost like a big sister.


Was it hard for you after she left Lex?


I felt abandoned.

But I really can't blame her.

Truthfully, I blame Lex entirely.

What happened between them?

Mercy grew frustrated because Lex was so hyper-focused on Superman.

He lost sight of the bigger picture.

She felt intelligence wasn't enough, that humans needed to develop even greater powers and abilities than aliens.

- That sounds unhinged.

- Yeah.

But I don't disagree with her main point.

Well, why can't humans be as powerful as aliens?

- Well...


What is it, Eve?

- You know Kevin Oh?

- Of course I know him.

He's the chief programmer for our Image Inducers.

He's dead.

He was found at his apartment complex this morning.

Oh, my God, that's horrible.

His laptop was missing, and Cyber Security just called to say that it's been used to log into the mainframe.

Well, then I have to block this hack before they can breach us.

How much do I owe you, my friend?

For the...

It's broke.

One moment.

Someone's put a trojan horse into the system.

It's trying to take down the entire Image Inducer platform.

The first user has already been compromised.

Brainiac- ?

If I don't delete the trojan, then every user will be exposed.


- What are you?

- You know me.

I purchased pizzas from you multiple times.

You're a traitor.

Hey, guys, there's an alien out here.

This has to be Mercy's doing.

I'd bet considerable money on it.

v*olence is the most basic human emotion and should only be a last resort should communication fail.

Damn it!

She's hacking the system faster than I can patch it.

You need to back off.

Did I stutter?

I said back off.

- Got it.


Okay, I'm putting a lockdown on the cloud so no one can access the system through a computer.

Mercy Graves is never getting in here.

As a reporter for CatCo Worldwide Media, I am going to make sure everyone knows about the v*olence and cruelty I witnessed here today.

You, sir, are the traitor.

Now, give him his pizzas.

I thought he was my friend.

A true friend will accept you for who you truly are.

You look familiar.

Do I know you?

I don't believe so.


May I...

...get to know you?

I think we can make that happen.

Well, how?

My name's Nia Nal.

If you truly want to find me, you will.

All right, Fiona, let's try .

Nia, is everything okay?

I just witnessed a business owner refuse to serve an alien and then as*ault him.



We're getting a lot of calls like that lately.

And it's good for us to follow up on these types of stories so that people know how these businesses are treating aliens.


But, it's bigger than that.


Olsen, I really think we need a statement from our Editor-In-Chief.

Aliens are being subjected to hate crimes like never before.

It is horrible.

Which is why we are reporting on this kind of stuff.

We are.



I have to think strategically.

And this is not the best time for me to write an editorial.

I know you've been under a lot of scrutiny since unmasking as Guardian.

You have another chance to fight for justice now.



What's on your mind?

You may not know this about me, but, I am a transgender woman.

I know what it's like to be att*cked and denied because of who I am.

When I saw that alien being att*cked, I couldn't let it pass.



I had to stand up, hold a mirror to that bully's face.

And I made a difference.

And that was just one person.

You are the Editor-In-Chief of CatCo Worldwide Media, you can hold a mirror up to the entire city.

We have to show people that v*olence against aliens is not okay.

And that the only way we are going to survive is if we start truly seeing each other.

Thank you for sharing your truth and your passion.

But there's something else that I want you to understand, too, is that our readers that share our values already know that we support aliens.

And what about the others?

We're trying.

We're reaching over the aisle.

If I editorialize too soon, they're just going to call us biased.

They're going to prejudge us.

Look, I've been doing this for a long time and the only way to reach people is through balanced reporting.

When innocent people are being att*cked, it's not about balance.

It's about justice.


So, are you going to let the staff in on all these pizzas or, are you and I just going to knock them out ourselves?

Because challenge accepted.

Yes, please help yourself.

This is apples and olives.

It's my favorite.

So, Kara just called me and, uh, she said your Image Inducer was hacked?


It was just for a moment.

I've been trying to find the source of the glitch and it seems it was a command from the computer of a senior L-Corp programmer.

Well, she and Lena think that Mercy's responsible.

So Lena put up a firewall, no one can hack into the system.

That means the only way Mercy can access the Image Inducer now is through the mainframe at L-Corp, and based on the simulation I just created for her, there is a .

% chance that she is on her way there now.


What's that?

- The building's in lockdown.

- Mercy's here.



- We can't stay here.

- I know.

But wait.

These aren't my security alarms.

Put these in.

Did you feel that?

It's a sonic attack.

Mercy's taken out our whole security team and got control of the whole building.

But how?

When Mercy was head of Lex's security, she designed the whole system.

Kara, wait.

No, no, you can't go out there.

We're on lockdown.

There's no going in or out.

Well, should I hide somewhere, is there, like, a closet, or somewhere I can lay low?

The safest place for you to be right now is with me.

I know Mercy's dangerous, but I know how to handle her.


Mercy's trying to shut down the mainframe.

But since I installed the firewall, the only way for her to do that is a manual override.

All we have to do is stop her from getting to the servers.

Well, well, well, I love the ren-o, Lena.

Although, I'm a little surprised you've put the whole building online.

So unlike you.

Well, she's fun.

Okay, so, what's the plan?

Do we split up?

Absolutely not.

Safety in numbers.


Watch out.


- Kara, are you okay?

- Yeah.

Mercy must have hired terrible marksmen.

They totally missed me.

I always wondered what the house of Lena would look like.

But this is more innovative and imaginative - than even I expected.

- You underestimated me.

- It's insulting.

- You have a gift and I don't intend to squander it.

What did she mean by that?


- Glitch in the system?

- I don't know.



Supergirl, are you there?


Just hang on.

Alex, hi, hi.

It's, uh, yeah, it's Kara.

I'm here with Lena and Eve.

So you haven't been able to get away?

Uh, yup.

Yeah, that's right.

Supergirl has not arrived on the scene.

Is the DEO coming?

I can have a team to you in four minutes.

Three minutes seconds.

- Have you seen Mercy yet?

- Only on every monitor in the place.

Where are you now?

Lena, where are we?

East Wing, third floor, corridor B.

Brainy's going to find a place for you to change.


There's a broom closet feet to the west.

Uh, wait, no.

There's a % chance that Mercy's mercenaries will approach from that direction.

Okay, any other options?

A proto-lab, unoccupied.

feet behind you.

- Wait.

- What is it?

Is Mercy there?

Yes, yes.


Rather no, no.

There's a .

% chance that she'll be using that corridor to reach the server room.

Uh, %.

Brainy, which is it?



We don't have time.




I'm sorry, I forgot to take my allergy medicine today.

- We need to get out of here, come on.

- Eve, enough.

Come on.

Wait, wait.



They went that way.


sh**t them, they're getting away.


These doors were built with a hidden quick-release.

I spent a summer in high school working at a theme park.

I was a bunny.

- Cool.

- Okay, right.

Eve, get to the control room and see if you can wrestle this building away from Mercy.

We'll get to the servers, okay?

I really think I'm safer here.

This door looks so strong...

Okay, all right, Kara, I promise you, you are safer with me, all right?

I got you.

- Okay?

Eve, come on.

- Right.

Of course she would come here.

Where is here?

What is this?

It's where I keep all my experimental prototypes.

Don't print that.

Reporter's honor.

Your mother's Lexosuit.

Yeah, it's in pieces.

Shouldn't there be another arm here?

Mercy took the bigger g*n.


I have to hand it to you.

This suit is such an exquisite instrument of death.

This creation could really move humans into a new phase of physical excellence.

I know.

That's why I made it.


Well, then, join me.

Once we destroy the Image Inducers, then the aliens are going to go crawling into the light and then we'll know exactly who we're fighting.

I don't want to fight them, Mercy.

Isn't that what L-Corp is all about?

Your fight for control and superiority?

No, it's about doing good for the world and helping clear the Luthor name.


Do you remember when you were afraid to show Lex your little inventions?

That you would hide them from him until they were absolutely perfect?

Do you remember what he would do?


He'd say they were cute and I should make them in pink.

This is exactly what he was afraid of.

That you would outshine him.

I know that you want to resist.

But you are just like me.

You don't want to just be the best, you are the best.

Oh, I know I'm the best.

You're the one not living up to your full potential.

You've chosen a side.

I'd never do that.

All you care about is lining your pockets.


Also, she's not a m*rder*r, so...

Maybe that's just because she hasn't tried it yet.

- You missed.

- I wasn't really aiming.

No, wait.

Guess you didn't see the upgrade, 'cause the left arm's got more goods now.

- Kara, get out.

- Uh, okay.


You don't deserve the Luthor name, Earth traitor.

You got that backwards.

The Luthor name doesn't deserve Lena.



I'd ask how you bypassed a lockdown but...

But you're in a crisis and you're happy to see me?


Thank you.

You know what, they say the Graves twins are collector's items.

Vintage Lex Era.

Well, I hear that they're worth more.

If they never come out of the box.

The people are angry, Agent Danvers.

Their fear is metastasizing.

And you can't stop it.


You're right.

I can't.

Changing hearts and minds, that's not really my thing.

It's mine.

And she's really good at it.


Somebody thinks this is funny?

This isn't funny.

I'm just trying to work here.

Who did it?

Who put wood chips in my coffee cup?


I thought that's what Dryads ate.

Wood and stone?


I told you that in confidence.


What's going on here, Mackenzie?

It was just a dumb prank.

We respect people here.

I'm sorry, Franklin.


You know what, guys?

Just humor me for a second.

I know it's late.

Look, I know some of you are upset about what the president did, but that does not change who we are as a country or as a publication.

CatCo does not tolerate hate within these walls or on our pages.

And it is our duty as journalists to expose the truth.

And ignorance is our enemy, not each other.


Thank you.

Remember that.

Feels strange, doesn't it, Jensen?

How do you know my name?

I bet when you joined this organization, you never thought you'd be throwing humans in these cages, did you?

My job is to maintain peace amongst humans and aliens alike.

They attack us, deceive us, those roaches want to be us, Agent Jensen.

And that's why they're here.

They came for our planet.

And your job is to protect that.

And yet here you are, working side by side with Earth traitors and aliens.

No, I trust Director Danvers.

And I took an oath.

So did the president.

It's like there's no one left to trust, right?

I mean, if the president lies, who can we believe in?

This country is falling apart.

Excuse me.

Um, sorry to interrupt.

But that is so true.

Yeah, right?

It's not like when we were growing up, right?


Yeah, I mean, the world sure has changed a lot.

I just can't keep up.

I work the streets as a beat cop and I just feel older and less relevant with every passing day.

Uh, what neighborhood?


You know, I have a friend from around there.

Um, does a lot of work in the community, um, Byrne, Fiona Byrne, do you know her?

No, I'd remember that name.

Well, not a lot of Fionas in the world, so maybe someday.




- I'm off.

- Take care.

- Good talking to you.

The answer was the broom closet.

I knew it.

Even a first-level intellect would know that it was the broom closet.

Why didn't I tell Supergirl that?

Hey, you okay?

I told Supergirl to go the wrong way.

She could have gotten caught.

Everyone makes mistakes, Brainy.


No, not me.

I predict eventualities with a .

% accuracy rating.

It used to be .

% before this happened.

Is this about what happened at the pizza place today?

When my Image Inducer malfunctioned, I discovered something rather unsavory about Massimo.

It appears he didn't appreciate my natural visage.

He didn't know you were an alien.

He wasn't just surprised, he was...

He was angry.

I know that people fear what they do not know but Massimo knew me.

And being from Colu does not change the fact that I am also Barney of the olives and apples pizza.


Barney is my pizza and coffee name.

Look at me.

Not everyone is like Massimo.

I knew that Earth would face a short period of unrest while humans adjusted to their alien compatriots, - I just never expected it to...

- To hurt so much?



But the next time someone tries to hurt you, you send them my way.

You're a true friend.

All aliens deserve an Alex Danvers.



Hey, is there something you want to say to me?

No, ma'am.

Everything's copacetic.


I'd like an update every hour.

Yes, ma'am.


Fellow citizens of America, these are complicated times.

Some of you are confused, many of you are scared.

You just found out that the President of the United States is not from Northern Iowa, like you thought.

She's from a planet somewhere out in the vast universe.

Many of you feel betrayed because you were lied to.

President Marsdin took responsibility for that.

She resigned from office.

But the fear that's spreading in this country like wildfire isn't because the president lied.

It's because she comes from some place different.

All of you know that I am also from a different place, another planet.

But I've lived here long enough to know that it doesn't matter where we were born because we are all the same.

The character of a person or alien is not defined by where we are from, but by what we do.

The people that exposed President Marsdin wanted to divide us.

They want us to turn on one another, live in fear, grow in hate.

But I know we are better than that.

I know we can work together with love and respect, treat our neighbors with kindness.

I'm an alien and I love this planet that I am proud to call home.

I want what we all want, to be a good American.

I will stand by the new administration as this nation begins to heal.

And I'll continue to protect my friends and neighbors just as I always have.

I hope you will all do the same.

You think blue's the right decision?

I wanted to go with red but they all told me that blue was more presidential on TV.

I think you look very presidential, sir.

You're gonna be great.

This all happened so quickly.

But I want to thank you for capturing Mercy Graves.

Well, we are still actively pursuing any of her associates.

I know fear is growing but we will overcome this.

I, uh, I was worried you might not be behind me.

I know you are loyal to the president, to Olivia...

I am loyal to this country, sir.

No matter who runs it.

Well, I am honored and encouraged to have your help.

Thank you.

Of course.

Uh, President Baker?

Can I...

There you go.

- You got this, sir.

- Thank you.


I accept the responsibility of the office of the President of the United States.

- I do solemnly swear...

- Jensen, hey, I'm just checking in for an update of Mercy and Otis.

Agent Jensen, are you there?


...preserve to protect and defend...

Um, pull up the camera on that containment cell.


Otis seems anxious.

He's been pacing around that cell for the past hour.

Wait a minute.

Look at that.

That's a stutter step.

He's not tripping, that's a glitch.

The security feed's been breached.

It's a hologram.



This is some crowd, isn't it?

How many of you lost your jobs recently?


I did.


I know it's a lot of hands.

I'm so sorry.

And if I'm being honest, I'm right there with you.

Let me ask you another question.

How many of you have lost your home to an alien attack?

How many of your children still have nightmares?

How many of you have gone looking for a job?

A job that you desperately need.

But you don't get that job.


Because you don't have super strength.


The law says, "No discrimination." But, of course, it's always "Protect the aliens, protect the aliens." Who's going to protect us?


Surely not the government.

Who allowed an alien to become the President of the United States?

- Doesn't that scare you?



That's weird that it should scare you because Supergirl says that you should have hope.

It's easy for her to say, she's an alien.

Do you know what I want you to feel?

I want you to feel fear.

- It might energize you.



Because when the highest office of this country can be infiltrated and occupied by an alien, - none of us are safe.



All of them have super powers.

Which one of you alone is strong enough to protect yourself should that alien decide to attack, and they will!




So what do we do?

Because we can come together and we can tear out this alien disease that threatens to poison our world, we can invite them to return to the planets that they came from and we can restore health and vitality and security to this country.

And I, as your Agent of Liberty, will stand with you as we dare to put Earth first!


Let me hear you say it.


Earth first!

Earth first!

Earth first!