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04x04 - Ahimsa

Posted: 11/27/18 07:45
by bunniefuu
My name Kara Zor-El.

I'm from Krypton.

I'm a refugee on this planet.

I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin.

But my pod got knocked off course.

And by the time I got here,

my cousin had already grown up and become... Superman.

I hid who I really was until one day

when an accident forced me to reveal myself to the world.

To most people, I'm a reporter at CatCo Worldwide Media.

But in secret I work with my adopted sister

at the DEO to protect this planet I call my home

from anyone that means to cause it harm.

I am Supergirl.


Previously on Supergirl...

I need to find Mercy and Otis Graves.

They worked for Cadmus.

I made a vow to live a peaceful life, stand up for people in a different way.


This is Fiona.

She's organizing other monsters to defend themselves against us.

"Protect the aliens." Who's gonna protect us?


If Mr. Olsen were to

resume his role as Guardian,

he will be subject to immediate arrest.

Your assistance will be greatly noted.

Earth first.


Well, she's alive.

It's only a matter of time before she's conscious.


She's strong.

Emotionally maybe.

But her pulse is erratic.

She's sick.

The suit is still filtering the Kryptonite out of her system.


Well, then, we do what we can while we wait.

Starting with the atmosphere.

Lena, I want you and Brainy to work on getting the air clean.

It's the only way we're going to get her out of that thing.


Will do.

If you're in your mind palace, tell Streaky I said, "Hi." I have my shield on me.

I can help you find Mercy and Otis.


If you go out as Guardian, you'll be arrested.

She's right.

We already have enough boots on the ground.





- Are you all right?

- No, I am not.

Look, you saved her, J'onn.

She came to me to help her fight this, Alex.

I turned her down.


It was more important for me to keep my vow of non-v*olence than to fight by Kara's side.

You chose to honor a new path.

What if I'm just making a big mistake?

My father was a great spiritual leader.

Maybe I never will be.

Maybe I've just spent too many years steeped in rage to really change.

You know, before I caught Supergirl, I was downtown at a rally.

An anti-alien group.

Full of extremists.

It was awful.

I almost...


A friend of mine, Fiona, she's missing, too.

Another alien.


Just because I chose to lay down arms.

And I left you here to pick up the pieces at the DEO.

How are you managing?

I'm good now.

Look, if you really want to help, you can search for them telepathically.

All right.






What's happening?

Why am I in here?

Get me out!

Hey, it's okay.

Just breathe.

I'm here.

Mercy fired Kryptonite into the air.


I can't breathe.

I can't breathe.

No, no.

Hey, look at me.

You're fine.

This suit is keeping you alive.

Okay, so, just breathe.

I'm okay.


Tell me everything.



What is this?

Who are you people?

Relax, man.

Anything for the cause.


Make it look convincing.

It's going to look real convincing.


I thought we didn't k*ll humans.

He wasn't human.

He was loose ends.


When can I take this off?

When the air is % Kryptonite-free.

But I can't just sit here.

This armor has the exact amount of energy to filter out the Kryptonite from your system.

If you use this to fight...

- But...

- But nothing.

- I know what I'm doing.

- And I don't?

Director Danvers.

I will check on you later.


There's been an incident at Site B.

- What incident?

- It's Mercy Graves, ma'am.

We need to get down there now.

- They're already gone.


- Casualties?

- One.

Another agent who turned.



Man, you picked the wrong house.

Don't think so.

Man your age lives alone.

No personal history to be found.

A bit dodgy, that.

Red flags.

So, tell me, J'onn J'onzz, how do you know Fiona?

- You're her fiancé.

- That I am.

Luckiest man in the world.

Only, Fiona dropped off the radar.

Not like her.

And you seemed to have spent some time following her about.

- Fiona's just a friend.

- Well, friend, I'll ask you once more.

Where is she?


Today is not the day to push me.

Not from around here, are we?

Relax, man.

Weren't going to hurt you.

"Today is not the day to push me." We're on the same side.

- This is Fi's handwriting.

- Yeah, it's a badge number.

And this is the cop it belongs to.

Fiona was looking into him.

And I tried to follow up, but I got derailed.

- Family emergency.

- Officer Petrocelli?

- What, thorns in his garden?

- I think so.

Then I am just buzzing to meet him.

He's got tricks.

I'd be careful if I were you.

Ah, don't worry.

You've got tricks, I've got tricks, too.

You got a name to go with those tricks?


How rude of me.

I'm Manchester Black.

Do you know what we do to people like you?

Good morning, Kopy and Hellgrammite.


You so much as touch that thing...


What is that?


It's a parasite.

Like you.


Scary talk from a coward in a mask.

"Coward in a mask." This mask signifies that it doesn't matter who I am.

Who am I?

I'm just a small piece of something much bigger, something necessary.

Something that will restore this planet to its rightful inhabitants.

Just a moment.



Now you're a part of it, too.

When we get out of here...


All right, team, listen up.

As you may have heard by now, two of our agents have turned against us, against the very thing that this agency stands for, and that is to protect this planet from all threats.

And that's from humans and aliens alike.

So, if at any point, you find yourself wavering, I want you to take a moment and look around and remember why you signed up.

We'll lean on each other, like we always have.

I believe in the DEO because I believe in every one of you.


I came for a pint.

I think you've got the better idea.

What he's having.

Leave the bottle.

Lost my job to one of those roaches today.

- Sorry.

I get a few in me...

- No, no, no.

I've been hearing that a lot lately.

- It's disgusting.

- It is.

To us then.


I'm trying, Father.

Just like you taught me.

But every time I reach out, all I feel is anger.

And it scares me because the anger is all mine.

You said you'd be with me.

So, prove it.

Show me.





And the next one.


The next rally, when might that be?


Who cares?

The real show is happening tonight.

Columbia and Fourth, that's where everyone is gonna go.

What's happening tonight?

- Can't tell you.


- She?



Americans, man.

No idea how to drink.

Did you get anything from him?

Just kept whispering "Mercy." It mean something to you?

Mercy Graves hurt somebody I care about.

I looked for her and...

I heard Fiona's voice.

I think Mercy may be holding her c*ptive.

Heard her?


I'm a telepath.

Let's lead with that next time.

I think Fiona is trying to make contact with me.

He said his mates had something nasty planned for tonight.

Maybe that's where we can meet this Mercy of yours.

Columbia and Fourth.

- What's over there?


They're going for the precinct on Fourth Street.

Echo Team, I want you on me.

Kilo Team, you're behind us on overwatch.

Let's go.

- [KARA]

I'm coming with you.

- The hell you are.

I'm literally wearing armor.

And I told you that that armor is using everything it's got to keep you safe.

If you do anything else in it...

I've fought at half capacity before.

I can do this.

There is a chain of command here.

I know what I'm capable of, and you need my help.

What I need is for you to do exactly what I say.

- Howdy.

- Evening.


Weren't you just...

- Howdy.

- Howdy.

- Howdy.

- Howdy.

Sorry, we'll be providing the excessive force today.


It's a freaking Whac-A-Mole.

I told you to stay put!

You know I can't do that.







Brainy, I need you here now.




Up you get.

I'm not gonna hit you, but he will.

- Ahimsa.

- Stop!

It's Fi.





An alien attack this evening at NCPD Rampart Division,

with reports of wounded officers.

We're told Supergirl was on the scene in some form of armor,

but she appears injured

and there's no official word on her condition.


She's fine.

Thirty more seconds and her suit would've stopped filtering K-radiation.

- And she would be dead.

- Horribly so.

Is that Supergirl?

Or one of the blokes from Daft Punk?

Supergirl, unfortunately.

- Manchester Black, right?

- At your service.

I'm told you are the one to thank for the heads-up.

- I'm sorry to hear about...

- Fiona.


Do you know why Mercy and Otis have her?

Fi's a psychic.

We think they're using her to control the other aliens.

Targeted att*cks to scare humans.

Director, President on the line for you over in Mobile Command.

Excuse me.

President of what?

Director Danvers, I have tolerated you

while a proprietary device was stolen on your watch,

while a rogue agent you recruited set enemies of the state free.

And I've done everything possible to lock down the situation.

And on top of that terrible Sunday of incompetence,

Supergirl goes on a fun su1c1de mission.

Supergirl is alive and we're taking her back to the DEO.

Supergirl does not leave the DEO unless I give the order.

Is that clear?

Yes, sir.

The country is already nervous.

They think an alien in the White House has undermined our democracy.

It's created a powder keg.

Your job is to make the public feel safe, not more at risk.

So, handle this.

Or so help me, I will have you...



That will be all, Director.




Where are we with filtering the Kryptonite out of the air?


We're wasting our time because I've got nothing.

We're sprocked!


The best case scenario is that Supergirl spends the rest of her life confined in a life support suit.

Unless, of course, you've been hiding some sort of giant vacuum that can suck every particle of Kryptonite out of the atmosphere.



Wait, are you crying?


That's unanticipated.


I'm not a robot.

I'm techno-organic.

I have feelings.

You should be crying, too.

These are tears of logic.

Listen, I've been where you are now, and believe you me, I have feelings.

Right now, I'm feeling intense rage.

I created this device for good.

To save Earth.

And once again, my technologies have been stolen and abused.

I could m*rder someone right now.

Do humans feel like this all the time?


It's intense and disruptive.

How do you get anything done?

My solution?

- Boxes.

- Boxes.


What variety?





I want you to imagine that you're full of tiny, itty-bitty boxes.

And then I want you to take your feelings and I want you to shove them into those itty-bitty boxes.

And then I want you to take those and shove them way deep down till you forget you even had feelings in the first place.

Then you and I are gonna do science and get this air cleaned, understand?



I've done it.

I feel much better.



Actually, I figured it out.

It's nanites.

L-Corp owns a nano-tech subdivision, yes?

Formerly Spheerical Industries.

We just have to reprogram the nanites so that they can detect and filter the Kryptonite out of the atmosphere.

We don't need a giant vacuum cleaner.

Just trillions of small ones.

I told you not to leave the premises.

I saved someone's life.

By jeopardizing your own.

I'm a hero, Alex.

I take risks.

You are also an employee of the DEO.

We've been working together for years.

Why are you all of a sudden acting like this?

Because I am the director now!


So if someone gets hurt, that's on me.

And if someone escapes and fills the air with Kryptonite, that's on me!

And if you had died...

But I didn't die.

And if it were you, you would have done the exact same thing.

I am not going to stop using my own judgment.

We have rules for a reason.

Otherwise this place would fall apart.

So, if you want to continue working with me, then you will obey orders.

And as your commanding officer, this is your final warning.


I seem to recall you telling me that Supergirl was dead.

We never said it was official.


We'll make her dead.

The plan still stands.

Your plan is small.

Excuse me?


You want to show people that aliens are monsters.

That's good, but you don't do that by attacking their protectors, the police, the DEO.

Yeah, that will make them afraid.

That'll make them feel fear, up here, in their mind.

What you need to do is make them feel it in their bones.

And how do you plan on doing that exactly?

You show them that they need to be afraid for their children.

All right, forget the aliens.

We're looking for this woman, Fiona Byrne.

We find her, we find them all.


Lena and I have found a way to clear the atmosphere of Kryptonite.

- We've reconfigured L-Corp nanites...

- Okay, how long?


None of the nanites have eaten Kryptonite before and they're understandably very nervous.

I don't wanna ask too much of them, they're just nanites.

That word, "Ahimsa," it's Hindu?

It means non-v*olence.

Just something Fi used to say.

Tell me about her.

When I met Fi, I was...

Well, I guess you'd call it "ganged up." - Mmm.

- It was football hooligans.

Sorry, soccer hooligans.

Any excuse to break a window.

We worked for my dad.

He taught me how to win a fight.

It's easy, once you know the trick.

There's a switch in here.

Keeps you from hurting another person.

You can turn it on...


And off.

So, why did you stop?

I met Fi.

She kept the books for the g*ng.

Didn't hurt no one.

No one but me, because one look from her, and I was [CHUCKLES]

dead, man.

Gone, hers.

And she showed me...

Showed me other ways.

Non-violent ways.


Then the boys found out she was an alien.


Wasn't safe there anymore.

So, I told her...

I told her to go to the States so she'd be safe.

Wait a minute.

That ring...

I saw something like this.

Just a fragment, right before I heard Fiona's voice.

Yeah, she has a matching one.

This is what I need.

A talisman.

Something on her person with emotional weight.

I can use it like a cell tower to amplify my link with her.


- Mr.


- Hey.

- Everything okay?

- Of course, yeah.


I just wanted to mention how thankful I am.

'Cause, uh, I've been reading about Ms.

Grant, and CatCo, and you.

You know what we do up here is important, right?

I've also been reading about matters of the law.

Did you know someone could be prosecuted for continued instances of the same crime?


- I have a lawyer.

- Of course.

I'm not even saying you're thinking of taking up the shield again.

But, if you were, especially with Supergirl down...


Is this the same Nia Nal I'm talking to, the cub reporter who convincingly and rightfully convinced her boss to act?

And to speak out when the innocent are being att*cked?

I know.

I don't sound like myself.

But that's because this is different.

If you go out there again, I have a feeling something bad will happen.

Heroes go out there, even when they know something bad's gonna happen.

That's what makes them heroes.



- It's working.




Can she hear me?

Here you are, darling.

You look an absolute state.

And you look perfect.

Did they hurt you?

Nothing I can't handle.

You were the first person to see this.

How can you not join me now?


Because it's no longer in my path to fight.

I'm sorry, I cannot join your battle.


What's happening?

We need to move quick.

Fiona, do you know where you are?

I don't.

They're using a parasite to control my telepathy powers to control other aliens.

I think they've got me near some sort of a crowd.

I can smell cakes and sweets.

Like the pick 'n' mix.

And there's music.


- Bring her back.

- I can't.

- Why not?

- I can't!


I tried, Alex.

I tried to use prayer, the power of my mind to find Fiona, but...


Every time I think I'm getting somewhere, my mind is just h*jacked with anger.

v*olence, how I failed Kara.

It's no use, I'm not the man my father hoped I'd be.

Only thing I've done right is put you in charge of the DEO.

No, that's...

That's the only thing that you've done wrong.


Everything is my fault.

I mean, all of this, it's...

It's on me, okay?

A lot of bad things happened here under my watch.

But I prevailed because I trusted my gut, and my people.

Alex, you have to trust your gut.

You do that and you will soar.

You realize that, um, wisdom literally emanates from you?

You are exactly who your father saw you would be.


How do we reconcile who we are with who we want to be, Alex?

We forgive ourselves.

Pacifism doesn't mean inaction.

It just means that you have to learn how to fight without raising the sword.

I was right to put you in charge.

- Oh, that was too soon.


Okay, so, you tell me everything that you saw.


We're gonna find Fiona and the people who took her.

Yes, boss.

I'm scanning for anything that draws a crowd within miles of National City.

Cross-referencing those events with every item of food sold at a pick 'n' mix and every known psychic energy signature.

So, have you found them?

Yes, of course.

They're at the National City Fair.

I'll go get Manchester.

Nice work, Brainiac.


Okay, assemble a strike team, all available agents.

And make sure that they're ready to go in five minutes.

Yes, ma'am.

Hypothetically, what are the odds of us winning without Supergirl?

Aliens being mind-controlled, with no instinct to protect themselves.

Only harm others.

The odds are not great.

And with her?

If she can handle the fight, you will win.

But the atmosphere isn't clear of Kryptonite.

Then finish getting it clear.

- You've been drafted.

- [KARA]

Wait, what?

Isn't there still Kryptonite in the air?

I thought you were doing things by the book.

I was.

But I really need you out there with me.

I was scared.

Of failing, of letting everybody down.

The president, the country.

So, I thought the rules would protect me from screwing everything up.


Danvers sisters have never really been big on rules.

I know and I forgot that for a minute.

I'm sorry.

The only way that we're gonna win this thing, is if I trust my instincts and I trust yours.

And you're right.

The air isn't fully clear.

So, this is a risk.

Do you think you can do it?

I know I can.

Then suit up.

No choice.





You smashed my Beebo.

That's a metaphor for life.

Will you stop drawing attention to yourself?

We have a job to do.

- How are we doing?


Aliens are mind-controlled.

So all good here.




Reported attack

at the National City Fair.

Police are on-scene securing the area,

and people are being advised to stay clear of the fairgrounds.

The attack began earlier today

as people packed the fairgrounds...


Air quality at %.


Drop her.




Ooh, not the pies.


I can't believe he went.

Little boxes.


- Air check?


Ninety percent.

That's still lethal if the suit fails.

You need to back off.

You need to try and conserve.

I've just gotta handle one more thing.



Over there.



Guys, we gotta go.









What's happening?


The suit's taking

too much damage.

So, power's being diverted to life support.


I'll give you a jump.


You're gonna wanna hold still.


Thanks for the charge.




What's happening now?


I'm reading full systems failure.

The suit's locking down.

I can't move.

- We should leave, sis.

- Not till we finish what we started.

Make her dead, got it.

Screw it.



I call this move "the can opener." Ah, there's still Kryptonite in the air, right?

So, uh, what happens if I pull the trigger?

- No, stop!

- Air check.

The atmosphere is % clear.


Why are you protecting her?

Why are you protecting any of them?

- Look at what they do.

- They aren't doing this.

- You are.


People need to be afraid.

Even if it means we have to sell it to them.


Rerouting power away from life support.

Unlocking suit now.

Yeah, what she said.

Welcome to Otis...



We're fighting for freedom.

From roaches.



- Mercy!



Now, they're free.




Hey, I'm here, love.

I'm here.


- I'm here, I'm here.

- Here you are, darling.



Okay, okay.

We need to get her to a hospital.


I held on for you.

I know, love.

But there has to be something we can do.

There has to be something we can do.

- I could take away her pain.

- Then do it!

Please, man.



I'm here, I'm here.

Just promise me...

No, stop it.

- Promise me.

- No.

Please don't be angry.

I know you'll want to.

- I love you, Manchester.


I love you.


I don't want you to leave me.


I'll look after you.

I promise I'll look after you.

That's my girl.






Why me, man?

They took my baby.

They took my baby, man.

Why, man?

Why, man?

I know that in all likelihood you'll want to jump back into work.




What's going on?

Congratulations, Director Danvers.


All right, we put one in the win column.

And that's...

That's because of you.

You all should be so proud of yourselves.


- May I help you?

- Hi.

I'm Colonel Lauren Haley.

- Hi.

- POTUS sent me.

Given how you disobeyed direct orders, he thought you might need some oversight.

And how long will you be with us, Colonel?

As long as it takes.

It just should've been a discussion.

What did you expect me to do, just sit here?

What if you'd been sent to prison?

Yeah, about that.

I talked to my lawyer.

It's weird.


No new charges.

No indictment.

The cops might even deputize Guardian.


I know, it's, uh...

It worked out better than...


- ...I could have possibly imagined.

- Hey, kid, what's up?

- You're trending.


In a bad way.

"Roaches crushed by Guardian's boot." What?

"Humans strike back strong." "Guardian of Liberty." Yes.

Mmm, I really need those.

- Do you have any, um...

- Rhubarb?

Yeah, three.

What do you think this is, amateur hour?


The queen of pies.


Thank you.

Hey, you okay?

Oh, I've dealt with much worse than G.


Jane coming to babysit me.

Yeah, but she wouldn't be here if I had followed your orders.

I'm sorry, where was this attitude six hours ago?

- I'm sorry.

- Hey...

You followed your instincts.

And I followed mine, so there's no apologies.

Being a leader means doing what needs to get done and taking the consequences.

So, we did the right thing.

Well, hell or high water, - I've got your back.

- Mmm.

Hell or high water.

Oh, speaking of, can you please scratch this one spot...

- Oh, absolutely not.

- I was in a full body cast.

- I know.

- I can't...

It's really bothering me.

- No.

- It's...


How much for the lot?



_ _ [JENSEN]

They're dead.

Mercy and Otis.

Supergirl is back.

What are we supposed to do?




What did I tell you?

There is no "we." It doesn't matter who we are.

It doesn't matter who leads us.

Jensen, the only thing that matters is that you joined up for a reason.


And that reason is because you wanted to make something of yourself.




- Okay.

Let's see what we can make.
