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04x06 - Call to Action

Posted: 11/27/18 07:44
by bunniefuu
[KARA] My name is Kara Zor-El.
I'm from Krypton.

I'm a refugee on this planet.

I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin.

But my pod got knocked off course.

And by the time I got here,

my cousin had already grown up and become... Superman.

I hid who I really was until one day

when an accident forced me to reveal myself to the world.

To most people, I'm a reporter at CatCo Worldwide Media.

But in secret I work with my adopted sister at the DEO

to protect this planet I call my home

from anyone that means to cause it harm.

I am Supergirl.

[ALEX] Previously on Supergirl...

Thank you for standing by my side and letting me handle this by myself.

And your other investigation?

Guardian who?

- I love you, Manchester.


[MANCHESTER] Fiona was looking into him.
And I tried to follow up.

Officer Petrocelli?

This is the haranel.

There's so many things we don't know about it.

Its uses, its powers, its dangers.

We're ready to begin phase two of our trials.

[GIRL] I'm sorry, but Thanksgiving for me is all about pumpkin.

- What?
- Yes.

Apple is way better and more American.

But the nutmeg, the ginger, and the dollop of fresh whipped cream.

Okay, I love it when you say "dollop."



Come on, let's go.

This used to be a nice neighborhood.

Until you infested it.

Nice is overrated.

Let's go. Let's go.

- Go get those scum!



Hey, friend-o. Remember me?



That's weird. Dogs usually love me.

[THUG] I'm outta here, man.

Take a step and I break his neck.

Thanks, but I had it under control.

Manchester, right?

We... We've met.

Yeah, I remember.

So, what are you doing here?

You know, just out for a walk and I saw this lot harassing a nice alien couple.



"To all true Children of Liberty

who believe this country is ours.

We must resist the alien scourge."

This is a manifesto.


Who is this Agent Liberty?

We all are.


Sorry I'm late.

My car was wet and these leaflets stuck to it like paper mâché.

It's okay. I was just about to check the efficiency of the haranel treatment on the tumors.

They call themselves the Children of Liberty.

I think these are the ones who kept calling Guardian a human hero.

So creepy.

I'm hoping James will denounce them today.

I booked him on Sean Chiu's television program, The Counterpoint Daily.

You did? I love that show.


Okay, we gotta get the rhythm back.

BPM is and rising.



The tumors were still growing.

Take a biopsy, we'll destroy the sample.

We still have two protocols left.

You're trying to cure cancer, it's gonna take time.


The Children of Liberty announcing themselves to the world.

Agent Dox is already working on identifying Agent Liberty, and trying to find if there's a deeper message in the manifesto.

Why? I mean, these are the rantings of a human hate group.

The FBI will deal with it.

[ALEX] But this could be dangerous.

There's precedent.

From the White Rose in Germany to the CIA in Guatemala in .

Leaflets like this, they were used to activate uprisings.

It's not our purview, Director.

And speaking of purview, where were you when you found this?

I was stopping an attack on two aliens by men in masks.

But where?

Midtown Park.

Were you ordered to patrol there?

I went because I heard...

Were you ordered to patrol there?

No, ma'am.

I know you've had free rein in the past, but things are different now.

If you want to intervene in muggings, join the NCPD.

This is the DEO.

We swim in deeper waters.

Our resources will not be used to investigate this manifesto.

You tell Agent Dox to return to his other assignments, is that clear?

[BOTH] Yes, ma'am.

I may not be the Woman of Steel, but if you push me you will find I do not bend.


And one more thing.

I brought some sweet potato pie today.
It's in the cafeteria.

Happy Thanksgiving.

She's completely dug her heels in here.

She has all of the power.

So we're just gonna listen to her?

What? No way.

- No, we're still investigating this.
- Yeah.

And if she gets any more Dolores Umbridge-y,

I'm going full Weasley twin.

Yeah, and who would eat that pie?
It's for sure poisoned.



[BRAINY] I've located the drones that dropped the manifesto.

Unfortunately, they're untraceable.

No prints, no serial numbers.

Brainy, I'm sorry to say that Colonel Haley has officially ordered you to stop the investigation.


What? No, no, no.

You understand what I'm saying, right?

I assure you our communication difficulties are in the past.

Consider my investigation terminated.

No, no, Brainy, we want you to keep looking into it.

Okay, I'm confused.

It's... It's why I winked.

Ah, yes.

I shall continue my investigation in [LOUDLY] complete secrecy.


For you.

- I don't...

I swear that he's going to get me fired by the end of the day.


Oh, by the way, Eliza texted.

You're on cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.

When am I supposed to go to the grocery store?

Why were the Children of Liberty out

there patrolling in the first place?

Petrocelli could blow this whole thing.

Just make sure they all lay low until the time comes.



Sorry it took so long.

It was a zoo but I got everything.

I got the sweet potatoes, I got the rolls, and I...

...think I got the allspice.

My hero.

Well, I have some good news.

It looks like we're gonna be able to make our mortgage payment again this month.

Oh, well, when you sign up for "richer or for poorer" you kinda hope it's not always for poorer.

Is it "for poorer"?

Isn't it just "for poor"?

You know, I don't remember. I wasn't actually paying attention.

[BOY] Mom, Dad, you gotta see this!


Most were surprised by this Children of Liberty manifesto.

However, former history professor, Ben Lockwood, had a little more foresight. Take a look.

Did you know about this?

Throughout history, the downtroddenhave found ways to make their voices heard before the mainstream forgets about them.

But the irony in this caseis that the mainstream, humanity,are the downtrodden.

Dad, you're famous.

[NEWSCASTER] That was Professor Ben Lockwood commenting on

the current state of human-alien relations...

I'll be there. Thank you.

Am I interrupting, Mr. Olsen?

Always got time for you.

Uh, what's in the bag?

Why don't you take a look?



[GRUNTS] Thank you.


You spoil me.


Oh, yeah.

And, you know, you might have the opportunity to wear it, maybe in the next couple of hours.

What do you mean?

I booked you to go on Counterpoint Daily today.

I think you should go on TV and disavow the Children of Liberty.

I know you moved away from that idea, but things have escalated, okay?

Their manifesto was filled with hate speech.

Yeah, I just wish that you would have checked with me first.

I can't do that today.

Well, why not?

Well, after the Mayor's event, I reached out to Ben Lockwood.

And it took some time, but I got connected with some actual Children of Liberty.

[CHUCKLES] I'm meeting with them today.

You're meeting with a domestic terror group?

To learn who they are.

And eventually, get an interview with Agent Liberty himself.

You said it yourself, these people admire me, and maybe I can use that to change minds.

I said that before they dropped their hateful agenda on the world.

All the more reason to go now, isn't it?

It's all the more reason to think they might resort to v*olence, especially if they've got their human posterboy in their midst.

Human posterboy?

You don't think I can do this, do you?

- Who are you meeting with?
- I don't know.

Where are you meeting them?

They're gonna call me minutes beforehand.

So it's an undisclosed location with unknown context.

This is how journalists end up dead, James.

Most journalists are not me.

So it doesn't matter what I think.

Not about this. This is work.

Oh. "This is work."

Well, then your boss has booked a major television appearance for you.

So figure it out.



- My favorite Martian.

Sorry, you probably get that all the time.

You didn't reply to my invitation.

Right. Uh, yeah, Pilgrim Day.

I'm just not up for it, man.

Right. It's just that I was worried that those leaflets might stir up some bad feelings for you.

- Nothing I can't handle.
- Right.

Well, maybe a turkey dinner will help.

It's a small gathering, we'd love to have you.

Although I can't promise there won't be Charades.

As much as I love Charades...


I understand, I understand.

Well, look, man, if you change your mind here's my friend's address.


Thanks for thinking of me.



Where were we?

Oh, yeah, you were about to start talking.



Oh, James, I have words on the as*ault last night by the men wearing Agent Liberty masks.


- Everything okay?
- Yeah.

Uh, Lena booked me on this round table thing.

That's great!

Isn't... Isn't that great?

Um, she should've told me first. You know?

Okay, so I made plans to meet with somebody from Children of Liberty, and now she wants me to go on a TV show and denounce them.

Well, she's worried about your image as Guardian.

I know Lena can be forceful, but she protects the ones she loves.

She's not always right.

She's right most of the time.

Whose side are you on?

[CHUCKLES] I'm on both of your sides.

But I'm still not doing the round table.

- I can do it.
- No. No, no, no.

It's only in a few hours and there's lot of preparation that needs to be done.

And half the newsroom is gone because of the holiday.

I mean... No.

That's fine. I'll just ask Nia to help me. Where's...

You, you mean Nia Nal, the one who's literally asleep on the job?

No, she's not...

- Oh.

[GASPS] Chocolate-covered espresso beans.

- Nia.

You feeling all right?

Oh. Oh, no. Please don't fire me.

No, no, no, no. [CHUCKLES]

No one's gonna fire you.

You do amazing work when you're... awake.

I'm sorry I didn't say anything before, but I have that sleep thing.

The one that causes you to fall asleep at random times.

- Narcolepsy?
- Yes!

That's it, narcolepsy.

Oh. Well, Nia, that's a serious illness.

Have you seen a doctor?

Yeah, yeah, back in DC.

I haven't found anyone here yet.

Well, if there's anything we can do...

Yeah, don't hesitate to ask for help.

[JAMES] Yeah.


Uh, let me get you that information on Children of Liberty.

Hey, have you found anything?

Nothing on the identity of Agent Liberty.

However, I was able to find , codes within the leaflet.

It is literally littered with codes.

For example, if you scramble every seventh letter, it clearly indicates a common phrase in the Raolian language.

"Ham sandwich."

On a holiday celebrated exclusively with turkey, that is just a slap in the face.

And that is the most promising code?

[HALEY] Agents, a briefing on your current work, please.


Oh, no.

Uh, you caught me, Colonel.

I must confess, your sweet potato pie is so delicious that it inspired me to search for a recipe and make one of my very own.

For Thanksgiving.

I apologize for allowing your masterful baking to distract me from important DEO business.

Back to work, Agent Dox.

Director Danvers.

Yes, ma'am.

You see, Alex, some human behaviors require experiential learning.

Now I can add "covering on the spot" to my skills of mastery.

Yes, well, that was a little too close.

So just keep a low profile and let me know if you find anything.

- Mmm.
- Good, good job.


- I'll keep a low profile.
- [ALEX] To yourself, please.

James Olsen?

In the flesh.


You're a lot bigger in person.

Tell me, what do you bench?

Normally, drug dealers.

[CHUCKLES] You're funny, too.

Oh, man. I mean... I'm sorry, it's just such an honor to meet you.

Your work as Guardian has inspired so many of us to stand up and fight for justice.

Thanks, man.

- What's your name?
- Oh, yeah...

Sorry, I'm just a little nervous. Tom.

Tom, nice to meet you, brother.

Me too.

You, uh, you ready to go?

- Let's do it.
- Okay.

Do you wanna throw that in the back?

- Yeah, sure.
- Cool.


You're not afraid of dogs, are you?

The hearts keep dying.

We shocked it three times but it wouldn't revive.

Did you measure the tumor?

. millimeters.

[LENA] The tumors are growing.

The He radiation should be shrinking them completely.

Why don't we stay and adjust the protocol?

No. No, you go home to your family.

I don't really like them that much anyway.

No, we can figure this out.

No. We're not gonna come up with any solutions staying here today.

Incinerate it.

The heart didn't burn up.
Why didn't it burn up?

That's impossible. Try again.

- Did the haranel do this?
- It must have.

It made the heart invincible.

As a reporter for CatCo, what role do you think the media should be playing in the rising anti-alien sentiment?

The goal of the media is to ensure that every voice is heard.

Ignorance breeds fear.

So the more factual, dynamic news stories we write, including about aliens, the less we will...

- Nia!
- I'm listening.

Nia, we have got to get you help.

Hey, you know, you should come to my place on Thanksgiving.

My mom will be there, and she knows all the top doctors in the city.

She can help you.

- No, I don't...

We're ready for you, Miss Danvers.

Uh, got it. Yup.

Thank you.


Okay, wait, wait.

I'm good at this.

You're gonna do great.

You are passionate, you're intelligent.

Your hair looks amazing.
Did you get highlights?

- Yeah.
- Go get 'em.

I thought I was the mentor.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Kara Danvers, thank you so much for joining us on the show.

Thanks for having me.

And this is your counterpoint.

Hi. Ben Lockwood.

It's very nice to meet you.

Everything okay?

Yeah, it's just my wife.

Last minute grocery list keeps on growing.

So when do I get to meet Agent Liberty?

You're talking to him.

You're Agent Liberty?

Well, we're all Agents of Liberty.

[CHUCKLES] Nah. I mean the big guy.

Guy who signed the leaflet. I was hoping to get to interview him.

Well, that's above my pay grade.

I was just asked to show you what we do and answer some questions.

And this is what you do?

We patrol the streets, keep them safe for humans, just like you do with Guardian.

This week is special.

We don't want any roaches crashing people's Thanksgiving dinners.


That's pretty heavy language, and I would really appreciate it if you didn't call aliens "roaches" in my presence.

But that's what they are.

Or do you just classify them that way so you don't have to deal with the fact that they're living, breathing beings just like you and I?

That's funny 'cause I've seen you decimate quite a few of them yourself as Guardian.

And I also fight against humans that break the law.


- Your wife again?
- Yeah, I better give her a call.

Do you mind holding onto that?


"Children of Liberty."

Well, that's a stupid name, innit?

What's with the mask? Too cowardly to show your face, eh?


Weird lenses.

Right, I'm gonna ask you once more.


Who is Agent Liberty and where can I find him?

Don't give me a reason to have to use these.

Please, it's like I said.

[STUTTERS] I just got the mask.

I'm supposed to patrol the street and scare roaches.

That is all I know.



Well, I tried to save you some suffering.

It seems like some blokes are just masochists.

If only I could see into this big,

ugly head of yours.


Maybe I can.

Most aliens want to live peacefully just like humans do.

Okay, and where's the proof in that?

Because there have been numerous alien att*cks, human lives have been lost.

But there are also aliens making extraordinary contributions.

Every one that I interviewed for my Aliens in National City series was exceptional.

Okay, but for a second, let's just talk about human exceptionalism.

For example, your own editor in chief, James Olsen.

He was supposed to be here tonight, was he not?

Uh, yes.

Okay, so Guardian, if the Children of Liberty are such a problem, why hasn't Guardian renounced them?

In fact, rumor is he's meeting with them right now, which seems to indicate that James Olsen understands that these people have something of value to say.

There is a very clear difference between having something to say and the hate speech in these leaflets.

This manifesto will only incite v*olence and fear, and as Americans, we are better than that.

On Thanksgiving, tomorrow is Thanksgiving.

It is a day for family, for our community.

It is about welcoming different cultures and celebrating a gratitude for life together.

That is what liberty is about.


Maybe that's a good place to end this conver...

That's a really good point. I'm sorry, I just need to respond to that.

I think it's very interesting that we are here, having this debate the day before Thanksgiving Day.

I mean, American history, it has this nasty habit with this holiday particularly to just wrap it all up in a neat little bow, when the truth is in the years following the indigenous Wampanoag people inviting the pilgrims to a wonderful Thanksgiving meal, the European invaders slaughtered their hosts.

So if we do not learn from American history.

Is it possible that years from now, the aliens will have their own wonderful, thankful holiday about how they slaughtered us?

- I...
- [AUDIENCE MEMBER] Yeah! That's right.


You didn't think about using real cranberries?

Well, like that's any better than this.

Well, it does look easier to digest.

I'm still feeling queasy from hearing the audience cheer for Lockwood.

Look, don't beat yourself up, okay?

Yeah, that wasn't even supposed to be you up there.

- [NIA] I can get it.

Oh. Well, if it isn't my stalker.

Nia Nal. I didn't realize you were going to be here.

So those flowers aren't for me?

Uh, no, they're for Kara.

I was once told to always show up not empty-handed.

Sounds like your mother raised you right.

No, she most definitely did not.

Brainy, I'm so glad you made it.

These are lovely.

- They're not real.
- Oh.

Hi. Is J'onn here?

- Yeah.
- I'm Manchester.

Oh, hi. I'm Kara, it's very nice to meet you.

I've heard so much about you.

I am sorry for your loss.

- Thank you.
- Oh.


- You made it.
- Yeah, got hungry.

Oh, we can take care of that.

I am Eliza, Kara and Alex's mom.

- You're Alex's mum?
- Mmm-hmm.

Yeah, she's quite a inch, isn't she?

Thank you?

Oh, let me give you a hand.

Thanks, Nia.

Saw Supergirl the other night.

Yeah, she mentioned that.
Said you were quite helpful.

I hope you don't mind, but Kara told me about your narcolepsy.

Oh, it's really not that big of a deal.

My friend, Dr. Moger is a specialist in sleep disorders right here in National City.

Oh, my gosh, what an unexpected coincidence.

I've already texted her, she can get you in any time next week.

No! No, thank you, um...

I already have a doctor here.

Oh. Who? Maybe I know them?

Uh, Dr. Smith.

Gene Smith?

No, um... Uh, Minsky?

Dr. Minsky Smith.

He's really young, I'm sure you don't know him.

Not that you don't know young people.

It's okay.

I'm gonna go get some napkins.

So you would never use your powers against someone?

Not even to stop more v*olence?

Well, in defense I might.


What about mind reading?

That's not v*olence.

It's a type of v*olence if done without consent.

Prying in to someone's personal thoughts.

Why do you ask?

Just thinking about Fi.

I'm wondering what she would do if she were here to see how bad things are getting.



You made it.

Um, of course.

I just thought you'd be sitting down to dinner with your new friends.


- Did you get my message?
- Yeah.

Did you still go meet with them?


Well, there you go.

[KARA] How did things go with your Children of Liberty contact?

Doesn't seem very safe, James.

I happened to meet with a regular guy named Tom who happens to be afraid of aliens, and afraid of their capabilities, and he feels inferior.

People can be powerful, too.

You and Alex are examples of that, James.

[ALEX] Yeah, but not as powerful as aliens.

I mean, no matter how many weights you lift you'll never be as strong as Supergirl.

No, but with technology we can hold our own.

[LENA] What if we could do more?

What if we could make people super?

It's not possible.

The biological processes that cause alien powers are incompatible with human DNA.

[LENA] Okay, but just say we could, right?

If James is right and people feeling inferior is what makes them join these hate groups, then we could just level the playing field.

The last thing we need is a bunch of evil people running around with super powers.

Okay, but evil people wouldn't get powers.

So only certain people qualify?

And who would decide who gets them?

They'd be playing God.

Let's eat!

Hey, I saw you on Counterpoint Daily.

I'm really sorry to put you out there like that last minute.

I just worry that this manifesto really is a harbinger of something terrible.

In the text, we found numerous hidden messages, but even the most threatening was about charcuterie.

It seems scarier now that they've trained dogs to identify aliens.

- They have?
- Yup.

Actually, the guy Supergirl fought the other night had a dog.


What are you thinking, James?

Tom and I were walking his dog yesterday and the dog kept barking at certain houses.

Alien houses.

Did they mark them somehow?

He kept texting somebody, who he claimed to be his wife.

But I guess he could have been texting somebody else

to mark those addresses for later.

The only reason they'd wanna identify

alien homes is to target them.

Yeah, but if they were marking houses we would see that, right?
We would notice that.

The marks might not be visible to the naked eye.

The mask had some kind of night vision tech in them.

Why did you bring that to dinner?

Oh, uh, I figured if things got boring I might just do a little work.

Oh, look at that.

Wait, that's a low spectrum enhancer.

You use it to see infrared.

[ALEX] Here, let me see that.

Look at that, I see one there.

Right, so they're gonna attack.

The question is, when?

"Twilight's last gleaming."

It's the title of their manifesto.

Tells them when to strike.

Twilight's last gleaming is sunset.

Then we don't have much time.

Great party. Thanksgiving.

Um, here, look.

Sunset is in minutes.

I gotta get to work so can you give me a ride?


Haley won't back us up but I'll do what I can at street level.

I'll get rid of as many markers as I can so they won't know where to attack.

I'm gonna go, too.

I connected with Tom. Maybe I can talk some sense into them.

And if they don't listen?

Then I will find a way to make them listen.

That's not a plan.

I don't have time to talk about this right now.

They don't have time to talk, either.

They're out there looking for a fight.

I appreciate the fact that you're trying to help me, I do, but I don't need it.
I'm gonna be fine.

Right, because you can handle it?

Yes, I can handle myself.

I don't need you freaking out about every little problem that I have in my life.

Now, take the DA for example.

You got all worked up about that and it turned out to be fine.

Okay? I'm going.

It was fine because I made it fine.

What are you talking about?

I talked to the DA, James.

I traded information about Bruno Mannheim, she dropped the indictment.

You did what?

You heard me.

You lied to me.

I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I love you, and there is no line in the universe

I would not cross to keep you safe.

If that's what you think love is, I'm not sure if I want any part of that.

Well, I guess this year it's my job to say grace.

I am thankful for my family.

You have believed in me, you've supported me.

[SIGHS] Even though I know it's been a struggle.

I see your power,

I see your strength, and there has been so very much this year to fight against.

But today, you make me feel like we can win again.

Together we will rise and we will overcome.

Do not do this.

These are choices everyone has to make.

It is my family first!

Do not let your anger become v*olence.

There are lines that we do not cross.

Get out of my way!


[VOICE FALTERS] I just wanna protect my family.

You'd do the same thing.

Not like this, I wouldn't.

I don't think I can find them all.

Never fear. I'm also on the streets removing markers.

In fact, I see one right now.

[THUG] Hey, what are you doing?

Return to your homes.

- Or else.
- Or else what?

Or else I'll be required to beat you up.

With physics.

There's one!


Get out here, you filthy roaches!

Sorry, Fi.

I've got to do it my way.

[THUG] [CACKLING] Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Stay back.

Can't hide, roach.


This is our home!
We've lived here for years.

You can't hide behind that image inducer any longer.


Spike, do something. Please!


What the hell?

Alex, there's a dragon on Main Street.

That's what I get for making a Harry Potter reference.



I don't think he likes that.


No! Don't hurt him!

He's just trying to protect us.

Supergirl, hey, I'm here with a little girl, her name is Alana.
So the dragon is her pet, his name is Spike.

And he's just acting defensively, he's trying to protect her family.



Spike! Spike...

Spike! Alana's safe.

You did your job. You protected her.

You were loyal, you were true.

You kept everyone safe.


Good boy.


Well, dogs may not like me anymore,

but I still got it with dragons.

Director Danvers.

Once again, you and Supergirl have disobeyed my direct orders.

I told you this manifesto was not a matter of priority.

Colonel Haley, you have to...

That said, the violent actions of the Children of Liberty are stirring

National City's most dangerous aliens to defend themselves.

And we must make sure not to provoke them any further.

So, from this point forward we will consider the Children of Liberty a matter of priority for the DEO.

Thank you, Colonel Haley.

You are dismissed.

Director Danvers.

Don't think there is anything that happens under my watch that I'm not aware of.

I could've stopped your little rogue investigation at any moment.

But I gave you just enough rope to hang yourself.

Fortunately for you,

this time you had a chair to stand on.

But do not ever disobey my direct orders again or there will be consequences.

I followed my instincts and they were right.

And I will continue to do so because

that is what makes me a great leader.

And if that means that you have to court-martial me, then so be it.

Once again, the Girl of Steel proving just what she's made of.


Honey, you have a call.

It's the woman from the show.

Hey, Sean, how are you doing?


Well, that's incredible.

My own show.

Uh, no, of course. Of course!

I would love to do it.

[SIGHS] Eliza left so soon. She usually stays a few days.


She had to get to her, let me see if I get this right, ethno-xeno-biology conference where she is speaking about the regressive hereditary traits of inter-terrestrial children.

[LAUGHS] Wow, I'm really glad she didn't talk to Nia about that 'cause she would have put her right to sleep.

I did see the two of them talking, though.

Mom was trying to find her a doctor, but Nia said she already had one.

That's weird. She told me she hadn't found one yet.

Why would she lie about that?

[J'ONN] I'm sorry you're worried about your friend, but at least you got Agent Haley to make the Children of Liberty an urgent matter for the DEO.
That's a big win.

Well, we did stop the Children of Liberty from hurting innocent aliens.

But Agent Liberty is still out there.

And the rhetoric of hate is growing.

Just haven't figured out how to win this fight yet.

With so many people siding with fear, how far will this go?

History tells us moments like this can get very, very ugly.

I've seen it with my own eyes.

We won this time.

But this is gonna be a fight like no other.

It's gonna be one step forward and two steps back.


[TOM] James.

Thanks for meeting me.

You saved my life.

All those guys I was supposed to meet last night, they all went missing.

Tom, the v*olence is only gonna get worse if we don't stop this now.

Look, I don't have direct access to Agent Liberty.

But I can connect you with people who do.

But I... I gotta warn you,

these guys are dangerous.

I gotta try, man.


You need to take that?


When can I meet these guys?



Ms. Luther? Are you all right?

It's getting more dangerous out there.

Feels like we're on the verge of a civil w*r with the aliens.

The people we love are gonna need our protection.

I want to move forward with the haranel protocol.

We're gonna need a human subject.


Okay, that's all I know. I take my orders from Caldwell.

That's so odd.

No, no, no. No, no, no, no.

Please, please, you don't have to do this.