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03x08 - First Wife

Posted: 11/08/18 07:38
by bunniefuu
- CLAIRE: Previously...

- Where is the gold?

The Silkie from the sea.

Are you sure the patrol caught sight of him here?

Yes, sir.

Thought they saw him swimming out to the islands.

CLAIRE: Did you ever fall in love with anyone else after I left?

No, Sassenach.

I never loved anyone but you.

So good to see you.

IAN: Jenny and I, we grieved of you for years.

It's Young Ian.

He's run off again.

- IAN: Have you seen him?

- No.

CLAIRE: Since when do you lie to your family?

JAMIE: I'm the only one teaching him the ways of the world.

Who the hell are you?


Your uncle's been a busy man.

But inciting sedition?



Please bring Young Ian home.

I'll take the lad home to Lallybroch.


♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Of a lass that is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lass ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

♪ Merry of soul ♪

♪ She sailed on a day ♪

♪ Over the sea ♪

♪ To Skye ♪

♪ Billow and breeze ♪

♪ Islands and seas ♪

♪ Mountains of rain and sun ♪

♪ All that was good ♪

♪ All that was fair ♪

♪ All that was me ♪

♪ Is gone ♪

♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Of a lass that is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lass ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

♪ Merry of soul ♪

♪ She sailed on a day ♪

♪ Over the sea ♪

♪ To Skye ♪


CLAIRE: Here I was, at the place that had been imprinted forever in my head and on my heart.

It was home once.

It didn't appear that anything had changed, but somehow, nothing felt the same.


Never thought I'd see ye grace my front step again.

Me neither.

When Ian said ye were still alive, ye might have knocked me down with a feather.

I-I know it...

It must be quite a shock.

But here I am.

Here ye are.

Well, you look well.

How are the children?

Grown now.

Some wi' bairns of their own.

Ye had me worried half to death.

I dinna mean to worry ye, but...

IAN: Better get inside, lad, before your tongue gets ye in more trouble.

IAN: Jamie, why did ye not just tell me he was wi' you?

Your sister was worried sick!

YOUNG IAN: Because if he had, ye'd have brought me back home.

JENNY: Aye, he'd have brought ye home where ye belong.

Feeding chickens, when I could be in the city earning a wage?

So that's what ye were doing?

Earning a wage, eh?

Aye, and I was good at it too!

Fergus said so.

Said I was a natural.

I sold cask of brandy before we were forced to flee after the fire.

What fire?

And why did you have to flee?

You had my son sellin' liquor and consortin' with criminals?


I told you I would look out for the boy, and I did.

Then there was a wee fire at the print shop.

IAN: Wee?

Ye wouldna be standing here if it was wee.

There's nothing left then?

So that's why ye're home, tail dragging.

And wi' a stray.

Who's drop back into our lives after years as though nothing's changed.

Everything was fine in Edinburgh, Janet.

Then an agent of the Crown started extorting me.

Sent his ruffian after Claire.

Auntie Claire k*lled him.

k*lled him good.





And you better be where I can find you when it's time for your thrashin'.

You k*lled a man in front of my boy?

He wasn't there when it happened.

I had no choice.

Th-the man att*cked me.

CLAIRE: I was defending myself.

But there's more to it than just...

JENNY: Oh, well, then, mebbe we should all gather around the fire.

I mean, if we're to listen to a tall tale.

Ye do not complain when I send you money every month, and you know fine well it doesn't come from printing copies o' the Psalms.

JENNY: Aye, I ken how you make your money, but that's you, brother.

You could have taught young Ian the printing trade, not how to be a criminal.

JAMIE: I promise ye, I treated him as if he was my own son.

IAN: Aye.

Then ye can punish him as yer own.

Mebbe there's another way he can make it up to ye.


I hate this.

Stinks like the devil's arse.

If Ma hears yer cursin'...

No one likes a wee clype, Janet.

You're getting covered with muck.

Well, you're covered with foxtails, so there.

'Tis no fair.

Ye run away, and ye don't even get yer thrashin'.

This is a boy's task.

Matthew should be doing this.

I'd rather get a thrashin'.

You've even got muck 'round yer mouth.

Oh, it isna muck.

It's whiskers.



- Aye.

- Ha!

Ye may have been right.

As were you.

I shoulda sent word, told ye he was with me, and I didn't.

I'm sorry.

It's only that the lad loves ye so, Jamie.

IAN: He follows ye around like a pup, hanging on yer every word.


GIRL: Henry!


Give it back!



Ye wee devils!

That'll be your supper then.

You certainly have a full house.


I'm Claire.

This is Angus and Anthony.

Oh, it's a pleasure to meet both of you fine young gentlemen.

Go on.

They're Maggie's.

Ye remember holding Maggie in this very room?

Of course.

You were so certain she was going to be a boy.

Strange to think she's old enough to have children of her own now.

Eh, well, that's what happens when years go by.

I heard we had visitors.

I'm James Murray.



Wee Jamie.

Well, you're certainly not so "wee" anymore.

The last time I saw you, you were barely tall enough to see over the top of a washtub.

Claire used to live in Lallybroch when you were about Matthew's age.

Our Jamie here is now husband to Joan and father to Henry, Matthew, Caroline, and new wee Benjamin.


I'll away out and see my uncle then.


Och, he's wet himself.

Can I help?

Dinna want to bewilder the bairn wi' a strange face, now.


Young lan's made enough dall for a month's supply of fuel.

The lad's paying for his crimes.

Our father woulda had ye over the gate.

Aye, but a thrashing's not the only way to teach a lesson.

Ye're an authority on raising bairns now?


No, but I am an authority on being a -year-old lad that lives on a farm.

Ye treat him as a child, but he's a man now.


Ye ought to give him a taste of freedom, while he still thinks it's yours to give.


Listen to you, telling me what I should do.

Ye must ken it's a mortal sin to take another wife while the first still walks the earth.

I would never have taken a bride if I thought Claire was still alive.

Since ye believed her to be dead, why didn't ye share yer grief wi' me?

I barely wanted to breathe, let alone speak of it.

I ken.

But ye must speak of it now.

I need to know what happened.


I was prepared to die on the b*ttlefield at Culloden.

With me dead, it would've been dangerous for Claire to stay, so...

So I arranged for her to hide at an inn.

Gave her money for safe passage to the Colonies after things had settled down.

Later, I heard the British went through the village, k*lling everyone...

Man, woman, and child.

But she got away?


She thought I'd died in battle.

So she boarded a ship to the Colonies.

I didna ken it at the time.

I sat on these very steps watchin' this very road with Claire when you were taken by the redcoats.

When you didna come home, we rode together to find you.

The Claire I kent would never have stopped looking for you.

JAMIE: We could build a cottage, on the western edge of the land.

We could make a life here, Claire.

Except that Jenny can barely stand the sight of me.

Yet, perhaps...

perhaps we should tell her the truth.


We say ye traveled from another time, ye may as well convince her ye're a mermaid.

Murtagh understood.

That was a chance we had to take wi' a...

a man that's been out in the world.

Jenny has never left this farm.

We're always at loggerheads.

She'll be full of questions we have no answers for.

But if I don't tell her the truth, then...

there will always be this wall between us.

Jenny casts a very warm light on those that she trusts and a very cold shadow on those that she doesn't.



I still canna believe ye're truly here.

I went searching for ye...


The day I escaped Ardsmuir.

You escaped?


There was a man named Duncan Kerr.

Claimed there was treasure hidden on an island.

He was fevered.

Kent he was dying.

It was his only chance to tell someone he thought he could trust.

His last words were that the treasure was guarded by a buidseach bàn.

La dame blanche.

A white witch.

My heart...

Almost stopped when he said it.

I thought maybe you'd returned, that you were out there.

JAMIE: There are hundreds of isles all down the coast, but only one where the selchs live.

Silkie Island.


I swam to it.

Out of my mind with cold.






Of course, I didn't find you there.

I realized it was foolish to think you'd come back.

If he hadna been dead already, I...

I woulda gone back and k*lled Kerr myself.

For giving me hope.


And then I noticed it.

The MacKenzie crest.

Etched into stone, just like Kerr had told me.

That's where I found the treasure.

At least Kerr had been right about that.

The box was full of ancient coins and gems...

Rubies, emeralds, three large sapphires.

I took one and gave it to the governor of the prison.

You were free.

You had the treasure.

Why did you go back to the prison?

Couldna take it with me.

Besides, the prisoners needed me.

I was their leader.

I wasn't on an island.

But I was out there.

Wishing you'd come and find me.

Sounds silly, but...

whenever I would hear birdsong...

I would pretend it was you talking to me.


Ye ken the...

greylag, yeah, it mates for life?

You k*ll a grown one, out hunting, you must wait...

For its mate will come to mourn.

Then ye must k*ll that one too, otherwise, it will grieve itself to death...

Calling through the skies for the lost one.

What is it?


Something I've been meaning to tell ye, Sassenach.

Hasna been easy keeping it from ye.

I was hoping to speak to Ned Gowan before I told ye, (INHALES)

to see if the law was in our favor.

Ned Gowan is still alive?

It's very complicated.

Ye must listen wi' all yer heart.


JOAN: Daddy.

Daddy, who is that woman?




Sassenach witch!

JAMIE: Laoghaire, what the...

Laoghaire, what the hell are you doing here?


ye're supposed to be dead!


How could ye do such a thing to me, Jamie Fraser?

Slip home behind my back?

- Put yer prick in that whore?

- Ma, please.

We shouldna be here.

JAMIE: Be still.

I havena done anything to ye.

JOAN: Daddy!





He didna tell ye?

He's my husband now.

Have ye no shame, you adulterous bitch?

Go back to the hell ye came from.

Let me go!

Let the English c**t stand up for herself!

Get yerself downstairs, right now.

LAOGHAIRE: Oh, get your hands off me!


- Oh, wait here.

- Can't believe you did this to me!

- JAMIE: Laoghaire!

- LAOGHAIRE: That woman!

- JAMIE: Laoghaire, wait!

- LAOGHAIRE: With that witch!


- JOAN: Daddy!


Who's that woman?

Why'd she upset Ma so?

Well, that woman is Claire.

My wife.


first wife.

I thought she was dead, but by the grace of God, she came back to me.

I-I planned on telling you and your sister about her, but I didna get a chance.

What about Ma?


I tried very hard to be a husband to her, but your mother and I...

We didna have a bond that keeps people together forever.

An' ye have that bond wi' that other woman?


Now, ye'll go away...


Dinna fash, Joanie.

I love you and yer sister.

I'll always look after ye.

I promise.


Now, go and find Marsali.

She'll take ye home to yer ma.

Go on.

She needs ye.



Will ye let me explain?

- It's a little late for that.

- I dinna live with her.

She and the girls live at Balriggan.

I-I didna think they'd come here.

It was a great mistake, the marriage between Laoghaire and me.

With two children?


took you quite a long time to figure that out, didn't it?

The lassies arna mine.

I-I'm not the father.


That little girl with...

the red hair?


Well, there are other redheaded men in Scotland, Claire.


Look, Laoghaire was a-a-a widow wi' two bairns when I wed her.

It's been less than two years, and we've lived apart most of that time.

Oh, and I suppose that makes it all right, does it?

It's Laoghaire?


she tried to have me k*lled!

Well, ye're the one that told me to be kind to the lass!


I told you to thank her...

not marry her.

Ye're not going anywhere.

You cannot stop me.

You lied to me.

You told me that you never fell in love with anyone else.

I didna fall in love.

You told me about your son.

Why couldn't you tell me about this?




Because I am a coward.

That's why.

I couldna tell ye for fear I would lose ye, and...

I couldna bear the thought of losing you again.

I wanted you so badly that nothing else mattered.

I would sacrifice honor, family, l-life itself to see you, to lie with you again, even though you left me.

Left you?

Left you?

You forced me to go back!

I would have died gladly at Culloden with you.

And now you want to blame me for that?

I dinna blame you for it.

Ye had to go for Brianna's sake.

I c-canna regret that.

But you blame me for coming back.





God, no, I...

Do ye know what it is to live years wi'out a heart?

To live half a man and accustom yourself to exist in the bit that's left?

Do I know?

Do I know how that feels?

Yes, you bastard, I know!

What did you think, that I went back to Frank and lived happily ever after?

Sometimes, I hoped ye did.

And sometimes, I could see it...

Him with you, day and night, lying with ye, taking your body, holding my bairn!

And God, I could k*ll ye for it!

Well, I don't have to imagine Laoghaire!



I dinna care about Laoghaire, and I never have!

Oh, so you would marry a woman you don't even want and then just discard her the second you're done?

No, I'm damned one way or the other.

If I felt anything for her, I'm a faithless lecher, and if I didn't, I'm a heartless beast!

Well, you should have told me.

And if I had, ye would've turned on your heel and left without a word.

But having seen you again, I would do far worse than lie to keep you!




Get off me!



Claire, no!

Claire, I-I love you and only you.


JENNY: Stop it!

Both of ye.

Fightin' and ruttin' like wild beasts, and no carin' if the whole house hears ye!

JANET: Would ye like a whisky?

Suppose I could do with one.

Thank you.

I apologize for...

disturbing the household.

I should be apologizin' to you.

I told Auntie Laoghaire ye were here.

That's why she came.

I didna have it in mind tae cause such a kebbie-lebbie.

Truly not.

Well, I suppose one of us would have found out sooner or later.

Why did you tell her?

Mother told me to.


You told Laoghaire to come?

She's his wife.

I am his wife.

Then why'd ye no try to find him after the w*r?

And why'd it take ye years to come back here?

Because I thought he was dead.

In a way, he was.

Took him an age to start livin' again, and now you're back no more than a week, and ye've k*lled a man, his print shop's razed to the ground, and he's on the run from the law.

I suppose that's all my doing?

Well, there's no denyin' trouble finds my brother, but ye didna help matters much.

I wanted to come back to be part of this family again.

Well, family writes letters.

Telling one another they're alive.

What, d'ye think we were all just frozen in time waiting for you to return?


Look, I...

I had another husband in America, and it was a matter of survival.

Now, it wasn't easy, but I had to put my past behind me so that I could make that marriage work.

Does Jamie know?


Did ye have any bairns?


I never had children with him.

But when he died, I decided to come back to visit Jamie's grave, to tell him that I never forgot him.

But instead, I found him alive.

I hear truth in what ye're tellin' me.

But I can see it in yer eyes, there's still something ye're keepin' from me.

I don't know if I can or even want to put my trust in you again.

When a horse breaks its leg, ye put it out of its misery because it'll never heal right.

Neither will we.

If my mother was still alive, this would k*ll her all over again.

Jamie's retired to the stables, and Janet's given Claire blankets in the guest chamber.


This doesna bother you?

Him laying wi' both wives?

He and Laoghaire are not living as man and wife, - and ye ken it.

- He makes a fool of this family.

IAN: Ye're the only one being foolish.

If there's a pot of shite on to boil, ye stir like it's God's work.

Oh, this is my fault then?

D'ye forget I hear yer prayers every night?

And all ye ask for is Jamie's happiness, after all the sorrows he's seen, and here he is, but ye canna let him have it.

Does this look like happiness to you?

JAMIE: Claire.


JAMIE: Please.

I should never have come back.

Canna take back those years...

Or the life I've lived.

But I mean to make things right.

I knew coming back was a risk.

That you could be a different person, that we both could be different people, but...

I'm still the same person you fell in love with.

"When you tell me something, let it be the truth, and I promise you the same." Those were your words, Jamie.

We could have secrets, but not lies.

I'm sorry, Claire.


I've only known one love in my life.

And that was with you.

LAOGHAIRE: There's the truth of it then?

(g*n CLICKS)

- Oh, God, Laoghaire.

- Laoghaire, p-put the p*stol down.


I will not just sit at home and let her walk away with ye.

I've come to protect what's mine.

This isna Claire's fault.

Time for her to leave us be.

To stay out of our lives.

You and I have not dwelt in the same house for many a month.

Mebbe it wasna perfect, but you were mine.

If not under my roof, ye provided for me and...





- Aah!

- Get away from him!




CLAIRE: Help me get him onto the table.

Och, what's a few more scars?

Leave me be.

I'm just fine.

Get me some alcohol, please.


Take this off.


Take your shirt off.



Oh, dear God.

Who did this?


It's nothing Claire canna fix.

I'll get clean towels and bandages.

Go get my medical kit.

It's in my bag in the courtyard.


Can you get hot water and see if you can find an apron?


It's only bird shot.

Nothing serious.

Have you forgot what I told you about germs?

Aye, thank you.

- I'll help my father.

- Here.

I'm going to have to dig those pellets out.




- Lie down.

- Mm.



Those're very fancy knives ye've got there, Auntie.

I, uh, I knew a very fine cutler in the Colonies.




All right, this is the one I'm worried about.

If the pellets penetrated the artery, then you'll bleed to death, and there'll be nothing I can do about it.








Did it penetrate the...



He was very lucky.




Eh, he has enough alcohol for now.

- Thank you.

- It's not for Uncle Jamie.

It's for you, Auntie.


You're the only one who calls me that.



Uncle Jamie's lucky you're here.



She made a nice Swiss cheese of your arm.

I dinna ken what Swiss cheese is, but if it looks like that, I wouldna want it on my bread.

Well, the pellets are out, and your artery's intact.

I need a whisky.

You've had enough.

You need liquids.

Water or broth.

Whisky's a liquid, no?



Drink this.

I'll never understand what you saw in that woman.

Well, she wasna toting a p*stol when I chanced upon her again.

That's it?

You truly wish to hear?

You won't get angry?

I haven't stopped being angry.

So you might as well explain yourself.

I'd been away so long.

When I returned from Helwater, from England, everything was...


Jenny's bairns didn't recognize me.

I was a ghost.

If ye ken what I mean.


I do.

I was here...

but I wasna home.


I suppose I was lonely.

It was my first Hogmanay at Lallybroch since I was a lad.


JAMIE: Everything about Lallybroch was shining, warm.

Jenny had dressed the parlor.

Never seen it so bonny.

The fiddler was by the window there, playing jigs and reels.

Every table laden wi' food, drink.

I could feel my father and mother there and my brother Willie.

I was filled with joy and loneliness at the same time.


JOAN: Do you like figs?



Thank you.


Would you like to dance?


It's been a very long time since I tried.

We can teach you.







JAMIE: After a few moments, my heart felt lighter.

The music wrapped around me, and I was laughing.

I realized I hadna truly laughed since that last time...

well, the last time I was with you.







Ye're a bonny dancer.

- Thank you.

So are you.

- Ha!

Ye've fair worked up my appetite.


You Cousin Aileen's daughters?


Our mother is Mistress MacKimmie.


JAMIE: So there she was.

Twice widowed and two bairns aching for a father.

That was plain enough.

I found something to fill the hole I had in me.

Jenny kent it as well.

Urged me to make the match.

I wanted to be a...

a father, a husband...

all the things I thought the future held when I was with you.

All the things I had to forget when I said good-bye to you at the stones.

To care for Willie or Brianna...

Watch them grow up, to show them how to be in the world.

I thought if I married Laoghaire, I could have all those things.

And did you?

My fondness for Marsali and Joan grew.

It was a very special time for me.

And not always easy...




it was all right.



So then what happened?

How did you end up living in Edinburgh?

There were days...

weeks where she wouldn't speak with me.

To be honest, I-I didn't mind that.

Meant we wouldn't be fighting over this or that.


I tried to be gentle wi' her, but it was no use.

Maybe it was her first husband, Hugh, or her second husband, Simon.

Well, nobody kens what happens in the marriage bed.

She was hurt.

I could see the fear in her eyes.

So I left.


I couldn't bear the thought of...

someone being afraid of my touch.


you're burning up.


Why on earth didn't you say something?


I thought it was the heat of shame.

If you won't stay with me, then I'd rather die and be done with it if that's all the same with you.

I'm not going to let you die, tempted as I might be.



What in God's name is that?

Something that will help bring down your fever.

Now, roll over onto your right side.



Yeah, that...

that, uh, that looks mighty sharp.

It is, so you better hold still and relax.

Look, will ye please explain why jabbing needles in my arse is going to help my arm?

Because germs are no match for penicillin.



I had a vision of ye, ye ken.

When Jamie wed Laoghaire, them standing by the altar, ye were there wi' them, standin' betwixt him and Laoghaire.

I didna ken who ye were or what.

We didna know your people or your place.

Even when Jamie told me you might tell me things that might no make any sense, I didna question it.

Ye said plant potatoes, I did as told.

The crop kept us alive for more than one winter after Culloden.

You saved us, and I never asked ye about any of it, did I?

Jamie chose ye.

That was enough.

But it's not enough now, is it?

I suppose ye'll never tell me the full story.

What I can tell you...

is that I love your brother very much.

I never forgot him.

Or any of you.

I never stopped wearing his wedding ring.

You were a sister to me.


I loved you too, Jenny.

Still do.

I'm only asking for a second chance.


- Oh, my dear.

Is it truly you?

Oh, Ned!


Oh, w-what are you doing here?

Well, I've-I've come to speak to your husband.


You're-you're a feast for these old eyes.


Pardon me.


I'm a trifle overcome.

You look exactly the same.

What is your secret?

Well, I never married.


Well, with the return of the first Mrs.

James Fraser, legally, the marriage to Laoghaire MacKimmie is invalid.

Eh, you'll have to make reconciliations with the Church, mind ye.

Oh, it's a price I'm willing to pay.

Funny you should mention that.

Laoghaire has made a complaint to the Justice of the Peace, uh, for distress and loss of support.

How could she do that?

"Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned." Hm.

But she shot him.

Indeed, and in the Highlands, as we know, Disarming Act means that owning a firearm is a criminal offense.

NED: Now, where is the w*apon now?

Young Jamie has it hidden in the stables.

Any way of proving that it belongs to Laoghaire?

Well, besides myself and Claire bearing witness and the five holes in my arm...


Well, uh, if it proceeds to trial and you're summoned to court, she may be indicted.

Uh, we could arrange for the w*apon to be turned over to the British.

And what would happen to her?

If found guilty, she could be transported to the Colonies.

Virginia, most likely.

I do hear Richmond is nice this time of year.




No, I won't turn the p*stol over.

But she must be punished for this.

JAMIE: Aye, you're right.

Laoghaire deserves to be punished, but I willna do it to the girls.

They're already losing a father.

I-I won't have them lose a mother as well.

What does Laoghaire want?

Well, I believe her chief desire is to have you castrated and your bollocks mounted on her wall, but I suspect that she may be amenable to alimony.

How much?



That's two years' wages!

And pounds a year to maintain a household for the girls until they're properly wed.

That's an outrageous sum.


Aye, I ken.

But I wo...

I won't put that burden on you.

Where do ye intend to get the money to pay her?

There's a place I know.

There's a box full of ancient coins...

on Silkie Island.

I swam there once.

JAMIE: Maybe I could go back and get it.

CLAIRE: You can't swim anywhere, not until that arm's healed.

YOUNG IAN: How far is it?

Mebbe a quarter mile.


I can swim that.

I'm a better swimmer than either of my brothers.

JENNY: Away you go.

You can bring that in later.

Well, what good are ancient coins in the Highlands?

Laoghaire canna use them for food and rents.

I'll take them to France.

Cousin Jared will know how to trade them for sterling.

He's family.

He'll be discreet.

Then I'll bring the proceeds back for Laoghaire.

I'd also like to take young Ian to France as well, if that's all right with you.


- JAMIE: He's old enough to see a bit of the world outside of Scotland.

You and I had our time in France, Ian.

Better that than w*r.

I suppose it's best we let him have his freedom while he still thinks it's ours to give.

You'll take better take care of him this time, aye?

We will.


You can trust us.

The water must be freezing.


JAMIE: It's the current that's the worst part of it.

Ye must surrender to it.

JAMIE: But as ye come nearer the island, ye must break free of it or be carried away to the New World.

Dinna fash.

Ian's a braw swimmer.



We've barely been alone since we left Edinburgh.

Now we're the only two people on this cliff, and ye canna meet my eye.

I'm afraid th-this is...

all a mistake.

I'm just not sure if we belong together anymore.

How can ye say that?

I had a life.

We both had lives.

And families.

It wasn't the plan, but...

I didn't hate Boston.

I had a career.

A home.


And you had your print shop in Edinburgh.

It wasn't so bad, really, was it?

Being a printer was naught compared to being your husband.

For years, I was haunted by the memory of you.

The moment I found out you were alive, I...

But ever since I've arrived back, it's been...

so much harder than I could ever have imagined.

When has it ever been easy?

But I apologized for it.

I've done all I can to make it right.

Ye belong wi' me.

We're mated for life, Sassenach.

Will you risk the man I am for the sake of the one ye once knew?





Oh, where's Ian?

JAMIE: There.

Making his way down.



Go back!


Jamie, no!

- You can't!

You're hurt!

