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06x16 - Mother's Little Helper

Posted: 11/04/18 09:20
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Once Upon a Time"...

What do you want?

Sorry to commandeer your vessel, Captain, but I'm afraid for what I have planned, you can't be in Storybrooke.

Hook: Emma, are you there?

Gideon... he sent me away.

I would never leave you.

What the hell do I have to do?

k*ll the Black Fairy.

Did she harm you?

She toughened me up.

What did she do to you?

Depends what you mean.

[Wind howling]

[Pickaxes clanking]

I've brought someone new.

Another child for the mines?


Not this one.

This child is different.

He's... precious.

I will care for him as though he were my own.

Care for him as if he were mine.

Shh. Yes.

Oh, how sweet.


A remnant of the past.


You won't be needing this anymore...


You sent Hook away on the submarine?

You took him away from me?

And you'll get him back... as soon as we destroy the Black Fairy together.

Now you want my help?

You have a funny way of asking for a favor.

I suspect, without a little nudging, I already know the answer, then.

Answer's always the same.

Then I suggest you reconsider, because given the protection spell I placed over him, it's impossible for him to return.

I'll find a way.


I have your tear, remember, Savior?

I'm the only one that can bring him back.


You tried to k*ll me with that sword, and you failed, and now you think you can bully me?

I will never help you.

If you don't bring Hook back on your own, I will make you do it.

Do you really think you frighten me?

Do you think anything frightens me?

You have no idea what I've been through.

I was raised by the Black Fairy.

Do you know the depths of depravity in her soul?

If I don't stop her, no one will.

Hundreds of people are depending on me to save them... children that I swore to protect.

So you... you think... you think you're so righteous?

You think I'm the bad guy?

You are so far wrong, Savior.

So, yes, you bested me.

But now we have a common cause, whether you know it or not, so I would think long and hard how badly you want to see your captain again.

I will not give up my mission... or my word.

"Others before him had cowered in fear becoming trapped in its web.

The hero Gideon knew this, but he was undaunted.

He fought valiantly until he slayed the Great Spider from the Echoless Forest and led the villagers to safety."

[Door clanks, creaks]

Put it away, please!
Put it away, Gideon!

If she sees it, she'll know that you stole it from her.

Who knows what she'll do.

It's okay, Roderick.

I won't let her hurt you.

As long as I'm around, you'll be safe from the Black Fairy.

[Door opens]

Good night, my little darlings.

Mother has come to wish you sweet dreams.

Gideon, I was going to tell you a bedtime story tonight... a very special one.

But I see you already have one.

Did you really think I wouldn't know what you stole?

Give it back. It's mine.

No, child.

Everything here belongs to me.

I've read the inscription.

My real mother gave it to me...

so I'd remember to be a hero.


I'm your real mother.

You're not my mother.

And you never will be!

[Breathing shakily]

You want to be a hero, do you?

Just like your real mum?

Well, here's the truth, Dearie.

Just because she was a hero doesn't make you one.


And now I'm going to show you exactly what you are.


[Cell door opens]

No! Help!

[Grunts] Help! Help!

Gideon, help!

So, you want to be a hero?


Show me.

Help me!

Help me, please!

[Groans] No! Gideon!


Help me!


Just as I thought... coward.


You have much to learn... from me.

Gideon! Help!



Please! Heeeeelp!

[Bell jingles]

Gold! Get out here... now.

- [Door closes, bell jingles]
- I've got questions, and you better have answers.

Well, if you want answers, I suggest you start by asking nicely.

I'm done with nice.

Your son has a death wish, which, if he messes with me one more time, I'm happy to fulfill.

And I'm happy to help.

We've been looking for some mother/daughter bonding.

What did he do now?

He banished Hook to another realm.

He's using him as a bargaining chip to force me to help him to k*ll the Black Fairy.

- He did?
- Yes, he did.

Now, I know nothing about this Fairy, but I'm guessing you do.

Yeah, she's my mother.

She stole Gideon from the Blue Fairy, took him away to another realm where time moves differently, tortured him for years.

Why would she do that?

To hurt me.

Her own son?

That tells you all you need to know about her.

Emma, please don't hurt Gideon.

He was not born evil.
No, she made him this way.

If you help him, though, he will be on the side of good.

I-I'm certain.

Belle, I can only go with what I see and what I know.

Then know this... belief in good and hope isn't the only reason to spare my son and help destroy the Black Fairy.

Right now we have an opportunity to not only destroy her and save him, but to save all of us.

She hasn't threatened anyone else.

That's because she's in another realm... only able to break free long enough to steal other children before it pulls her back in.

But if she should break free for good...

I think I can handle it. I handled you.

I broke your curse... the one you gave to Regina that started this whole mess.

Well, that's just the thing, Miss Swan... the curse, that dark curse.

It and all of the darkness you've ever faced, was borne out of one twisted soul... the Black Fairy.

And unless we try and stop her, she is gonna bring far worse.

Henry: How's it going, Mom?

It's going... slowly.

Casting a sleeping curse is one thing, but breaking it?


Apparently, Snow and Charming have met their match... me.

If there's anyone who can undo your work, it's you.


I've cleaned up almost all my evil half's messes... town line protection spell... check.

I freed that dragon from the mirror world... check.

Got Doctor Dolittle out of that cage.

Don't ask.

I undid everything... except for the big one.

I wish I could help.

Maybe you can.

There's a few ingredients in Emma's shed

I haven't tried yet.

Can you run over and grab them for me?

Of course. What do you need?

Uh... tongue of newt...

Not the eye... tongue.




You wanted to see me, Mother?

So prompt.

What do you want from me?

Do you know what day it is?


It's your birthday, Dearie!

My birthday?

Well, don't act so flummoxed.

Everyone has one.

I just... I didn't know.


I thought this year, your th...


we should celebrate.

After all, you've grown into such a strong, loyal son.

And your magic abilities are already so strong.

What a sorcerer you shall be.

I am so proud.

Thank you, Mother.

The dust you requested.

Lock it away in my vault, would you?

What is it?

The key to my vault.

It's missing.



Who would do such a thing?

Down to the mines, my son.

Find out who is responsible for this act of treason.

And when you do, do as I've taught you... make them pay.

For your dear mum.


When I first came to this town, that clock didn't even move.

Now look at it, ticking away, marking every magical second since my arrival.

Are you here for nostalgia, or do you want something from me?

I saw your parents.

Made me realize something... something I saw the last time that we chatted.

The look of someone who needs hope.

Henry had it all those years ago when he found me and told me I'm the Savior.

Now you have it.

Are you saying you will help me to defeat the Black Fairy?

First things first. [Exhales sharply]

You came here to k*ll me, which... call me crazy, but that doesn't exactly inspire trust.

So I need a sign of good faith.

Mm. And why?

It's not like I could defead you anyway, even with this sword.

Then hand it over.

And the spell to get Hook back. That's what I want.


All right.

We have a deal.

[Exhales sharply] Okay, then.

Since I'm sure we have work to do, let's get my pirate back.

[Door opens]

[Indistinct talking]


Didn't mean to interrupt.

Actually, yes, I did.

Look what the tide brought in.

Captain Hook.

Evening, Blackbeard.

By the sand on your britches, I'd say someone's been passed out on the beach again.

It's part of a long journey home.

A journey that's now interrupting my game.

Judging by your dwindling chips, I'd say I've done you a favor.

If you want a favor in return, I'd be happy to oblige.

Well, as luck would have it, I do need a favor... a magic bean, to be exact.

You got one for me before, and I'm willing to bet that you have another one.

And in return, that sorry lot of cheap jewelry you probably stole from some wench?


I assure you, those are some of the finest jewels Agrabah has to offer.

[Laughing] Agrabah?

Sailing the high seas in a desert?

Oh, you really have sunk to a new low.

If the jewels aren't enough, I do have... one more thing I could offer.

Oh, and what's that?

Well, I hear tell that you haven't had a vessel for some time... not since you lost the Jolly Roger in Arendelle.

I've been meaning to talk to you about that.

Well, it's a good thing I'm here, then, isn't it?

Because what's a pirate without a ship?

Are you trying to antagonize me?

Yes, I am.

- [Cup clanks]
- Oh, good.

Then you do wish to duel.

I wish to do something... better.

Something a bit more civilized.

How about a hand of cards...

for the Jolly Roger?

You're willing to risk your ship on a game?

Well, it's only a risk if I lose.


[Glass shatters]

Have a seat.

The Sorcerer's mansion?

Well, what are we doing here?

It's at the nexus of the most powerful magic in Storybrooke.

I think you know what's inside there... or rather, what we can create inside there.

A portal?

But those take extreme magic.

They don't just come out of thin air.

It's not like hailing a cab.

Luckily, you have me, then.

Wow. Impressive.

So, what next?

Hook just walks in?

Next, you must arrange the ingredients.


Now the tear.

This is about you... your love, Emma.


I didn't start it.


She figured out what we're doing.

What the hell is that?!

That... is a message.




Gideon: Attention.

Gather 'round.


My mother has been quite generous to each of you.

And now one of you has betrayed her and stolen something from her...

a key.

Return it now, and you'll face only my wrath, and not hers.

No one?

Then I have no choice.

With just a bit of magic, I can turn you vermin into... well... vermin.

[Gasps] I didn't take it! It wasn't me! Please!

Innocent or not, you're about to be something far more important... an example.

Wait, wait, wait!

It was me.

It was me.

Well, then, little bug, it's time you learned your lesson, then.

You don't remember me, do you?

"And the hero Gideon fought valiantly until he slayed the Great Spider from the Echoless forest."


I thought you were dead.

Turns out I'm not.

This must ease some of that guilt for you, learning I didn't die by the Black Fairy's hands all those years ago.

You... you know I had no choice.

Sounds like you've been telling yourself that for some time.

But you do have a choice now.

Mother won't be happy if I let the culprit go free.

No, no, I know my old friend is still in there deep down inside, and I know he wants to make it up to me.

And how could I possibly do that?

Be the hero you were meant to be.

Help me defeat the Black Fairy.


[Hushed] After we k*ll this thing, then what?

Then we turn our sights to my mother.

I thought she was trapped in another realm.

That's where you come in.

You're the Savior.

Your magic is the only thing strong enough to not only slice into her realm, but to allow me to at last defeat her.

So, you tried to k*ll me because you didn't believe that I would help you get to another realm to get back to her?

Seemed like a... good plan at the time.

In retrospect, perhaps not.

I thought I could channel your powers via the sword to open a portal between worlds.

I'm sorry, Emma.

After everything I've done to you,

you should just walk away.




Still don't know when to quit?


What's so important that you'd be willing to trade your beloved ship for a magic bean... again?

I've been separated from the woman I love, and now she's in danger.

Same woman as last time?


Well, perhaps you should have kept the ship and gotten rid of the woman.

I don't remember asking your opinion.

Well, be that as it may, in the future, you might want to listen to me, because now... you won't have either.


Time to pay up, old friend!


Let's go, then.

Aye. Let's.


Where is it?!

Oh! Right. Ooh.

Did I forget to mention there's just one problem?

The Jolly Roger isn't actually in this realm.

It's... it's with that woman I spoke of.

So if you want to claim your winnings, you're gonna have to give me that bean and let me use it.

You lied to me!

And you had six aces in your deck!

I'm not as drunk as your other opponents.

Well played.

Don't worry. I'll be back in a flash.

Oh, no, pirate.


We're getting it together!

What is this?

You tell me.

You wrote it... right before you passed out.


I have no idea.

M-Maybe it's my Author powers?

But I-I didn't use the pen, and I didn't write in the book.

Mom, why did this happen?

I-I... I don't really know.

But, lucky for us, I know someone who might.

I don't think he's ever had visitors.

[Scoffs] Shocking.

Do you really think he'll be able to help us?

I mean, he's not exactly our biggest fan.

Well, it's worth a shot.

Henry, if your problem is being the Author, why not ask the last one?

Hello, Isaac.

We need to talk.

- Well?
- Shh, shh.

I've heard of this sort of thing happening, but it never happened to me.

Not that I'm complaining.

Well, actually, yes, I am complaining.

You've had me locked up for how long now, and what did I really do to you that was so bad?

Tried to k*ll us all.

So, if you want to earn your way back, maybe you can start by telling us what this means.

Why did Henry write it?

You're asking a lot of questions, Your Majesty, but it's just so hard to think in this dreary cell.

A writer needs motivation and inspiration in his surroundings.

What do you want?

I want out of here... for good.

I'm gonna go back to New York.

I'm gonna need a car... something sporty.

Ooh! Maybe a Porsche.

You've got to be kidding me.

Lamborghini will do.

How about I drive the sports car of your choice over your miserable little head until it squishes like a pumpkin?

Freedom, sports car, Big Apple.

And, since you're making this so difficult, "Hamilton" tickets.

Henry, grab your things.

I was foolish to think this washed-up hack would help us.

His Author powers are taking over.

He thinks he controls them, but he doesn't.

They are more powerful than you know.

Well, what's going to happen to him?

Those trances...they'll become more frequent, more intense.

He might even end up in a cell right next to me.

Well, what can I do to help?

You can start by giving me what I want.

- What now?
- We got to get behind this thing so we can smash it back to Hell.

Roderick: Where are you taking me?

Do you know how dangerous it is to even hint at what you want to do to Mother?

If my transgression protects the ones I care about, then it's all worth it.

Protects them from what?

Haven't you ever wondered why the Black Fairy is collecting all this dust?

Years ago, the Black Fairy used her dust to create a most terrible spell.

It was called the Dark Curse.

The Dark Curse?

She was obsessed with perfecting it and never stopped collecting the dust.

And now...

I-I don't want to find out what else she's capable of.

What happened... after...

[Exhales shakily]

It's better left unsaid.

I'm sorry.

I regret it every day.

I was weak.

I could barely survive the mines.

And what you endured... it would've...

I'm sorry I was weak.

We were children.

But now we must stop her before it's too late.

What do you suggest we do?

There's someone in another realm who can help us... a brave hero called The Savior.

We just need to reach her, Gideon.


I've heard rumors of a crystal ball... a magical orb that would allow us to communicate across the realms.

If you'll help me.

[Breathing heavily]

Over here.

[Breathing heavily]


It's a dead end.


[Breathing heavily]

What the hell are you doing?!

I already told you.

Once you're dead, I'll be able to channel your powers and use this sword to open a portal to a realm.

I was helping you.

It's the only way.

The spider... you brought it here.

You knew you couldn't k*ll me on your own.

Alas, you were far stronger than I anticipated.


And while I created it, controlling it is a different matter.

Which is why I must bid you farewell now, Savior.

What about Hook?!

I'm afraid, no matter what he tries, returning to this realm is impossible for him.

I told you to walk away.




What the devil... ?

So, where the hell is the Jolly Roger?

The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can k*ll you.

That's just it... this isn't my realm.


Then where are we?

I'm not sure. Something must have gone wrong.

"Gone wrong"?

"Gone wrong"?!

Don't you know how to use a magic bean?

You think of the place you want to go, and it takes you.

It's quite simple! I did!

When we stepped through, I thought about getting home to Emma, but this definitely isn't home.

Whatever dark magic banished me must have affected the portal, preventing me from returning.

So now I'm the victim of your banishment?

So, where are we?!

[Whooping in distance]


- Do you hear that?
- [Drumbeats]

- [Whooping intensifies]
- What is that sound?

I think I know what it is.

Bloody hell.

Who are they?

Those are Lost Boys.

Where are we?


k*ll them!




Where's a -foot can of Raid when you need it?


Okay, Charlotte, let's do this.





It's time, Mother.

[Spider chittering]

[Spider chittering]



Ms. Swan?




Are you all right?


I think so.

[Breathing heavily]

Ms. Swan... where's Gideon?

[Breathing heavily]

Did the beast k*ll him?

That beast was his pet.

He brought it here to k*ll me.

I'm sorry, but your son cannot be saved.

He's evil.

This is where she keeps all of her most powerful possessions.

If the orb exists, it'll be in here.

[Exhales sharply]

Thank you, my friend.

I knew you'd come through for us.

Now, let's see if we can reach this Savior.

Such powerful toys are not meant for such disobedient boys.


How did you know we were here?

I led you here... just as I led your friend to my key.

This whole thing... it was a test, wasn't it?

From the moment you arrived, you were supposed to be different, Gideon.

You were a gift... my loyal son.


You stole me from my parents.

They abandoned you!

I'm the one who took you in, gave you a home, taught you, fed you, shared with you everything that I had!

And this is how you repay me?

I am so disappointed in you, Gideon.


You can't intimidate me anymore.

I should have stood up to you years ago.

Oh, Gideon.

How many times do I have to tell you?

You are not a hero.

Yes, I am.

And I know you've been hoarding the Black Fairy Dust.

And I know you're planning to do something terrible with it.

Well, I'm not gonna let you.

These people have suffered long enough.

Have they?


No, no, no, no, no! Stop!

As far as I can see, this one's just begun to suffer.



How dare you use that on me!

I gave you this magic!

You wouldn't hurt me.

Oh, Gideon.

Haven't you learned?

There are so many ways to hurt a person.


Or a bug.


Please... please... please don't...


You could've saved him eons ago, but you didn't.

This is on you, Gideon.

And my boot.

You're a monster.

You may have stopped me, but you can't stop The Savior.

I will find her.

And when I do, she will destroy you with her light magic.

You don't need to find her.

I know exactly where she is.

That's right.

I know all about this Savior.

And I have plans for her.

Just as I have plans for you.

[Thump, squish]


Now you are mine in every way.

You will do exactly what I say... always.

Now, you will find The Savior.

And when you do, you will k*ll her.

And then, when The Savior dies, the sword will do what it must... free me from this prison.

[Drumbeats, whooping]

Blackbeard: I've heard tell of this place, but I thought Pan was dead!

Hook: He is. This land must have transformed without him.

If he's dead, then who in bloody hell is chasing us?

When last I left, we rescued his minions... his Lost Boys... but not all wanted to leave.

- Some stayed.
- Who?

The worst of them.

And they have no love for me or anyone.

Keep up, old man! The shore is just through here!



Oh, what the... ?

This "old man" still has some spring in his step!

Enjoy your stay, Captain!

What are you doing?

No way I help you... after all your double crosses.

I double-crossed you?!

You just knocked me out!

We're pirates! What did you expect?!

And if you do manage to survive, don't forget... you owe me that ship!

Captain Hook always survives.

[Laughs] I'm counting on it!


[Whooping intensifies]

- Are you okay?
- Emma: Yeah.

I'll never look at Spider-Man again the same way, but I'm fine.

Rumple, where's our boy?

Gideon led Emma to the creature and left her to die.

I thought you were helping him.

I was, but Dark One Junior had different plans.

He played me.

He came to you for help, though.

Belle, I know you want to believe the best in him, but it's like you said... evil is not born, it is made, and that is exactly what the Black Fairy did to him.

Careful with your accusations, Ms. Swan.

May I remind you... I saved your life tonight.

Because your son tried to k*ll me... again.

He needs help.

You're a hero, Ms. Swan. Gideon is my son.

You can't keep cleaning up his messes, Gold.

He needs to take responsibility for his actions.

Are you threatening my child?

I don't have a choice.
He's tried to k*ll me twice.

I'm not gonna give him a third chance.

All right, Savior.

If you cross my son, I will do what I must to stop you.

We didn't start this fight.

Let's go home.


He's ripping us apart.

Gideon has been here a matter of days, and look at all the destruction he's caused.

Don't listen to them.

They only see the world in black and white.


They're right.

We've lost him.

We could still bring him back to us, Belle.


Look, the Black Fairy isn't here with him now.

We are.

Whatever damage that woman did to him in the past, it's over.

I promise.

I'm not sure if you can hear me, Mother... but I thought you should know...the Savior survived.

Your plan failed.

Black Fairy: Did it?


How are you here?

The portal closed.

You may not have k*lled her, but our dear spider came close enough.

As her life ebbed away, the portal opened just enough to allowed dear old Mum to slip through.

Oh, Gideon.

Don't tell me you underestimated me.

The spider was an ingenious stroke on my part,but you played yours to the hilt.

I was under your thrall.

I had no choice.


But part of you wanted to help me, though, didn't it?

Part of you always does.

Of course, Mother.


Because there is much to do.

Isaac: What the hell is that?

I asked for a sports car.

I wouldn't drive that to a ping-pong tournament.

Well, then you won't be driving it to New York, either.

- Back to your cell.
- Okay. Wait.

Fine. I'll take it. Doesn't matter.

As long as she gets me the hell out of this town, and fast.

I'm guessing the "Hamilton" tickets are a "no"?

Yeah. No one's magic's that powerful.

All right, then. Adieu.


And if you want to take care of your son, I'd follow along right behind me.


You want to know what's going on with Shakespeare here?

I'd take a look at the book.

It's the final chapter.

Ah, so it is.

The end of the story.


what happens at the end of the book?

The Savior fights the final battle.

And trust me... no one wants to be around to see that.

[Engine starts]

[Tires squeal]