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06x13 - Ill-Boding Patterns

Posted: 11/03/18 08:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Once Upon a Time"...

- You're up.
- Regina, what were you thinking?

How could you bring him here?

[Crowbar clatters]

Regina: He wanted a fresh start, and I'm just trying to help him.

I know when you're lying.

What are you hiding from me?

When I k*ll Emma Swan, I will finally become a hero.

Defeating the Savior won't be as easy as you think.

[Roaring in distance]

- [Soldiers screaming]

[Wheels creaking]

[Indistinct shouting]

[Horse neighs]

Man: Come on, move that wagon!

[Horse neighs]

On my word... charge!

[Indistinct shouting]

[Soldiers screaming]

I-I can't.


Where do you think you're going?

The Ogres... they'll k*ll us.

We're the only things standing between those monsters and home.

If we run, they'll k*ll everyone.


How can we possibly win?

This blade... it's called Hrunting.

It was enchanted with light magic to ensure that whoever carries it into battle will be hailed a hero.

So, you can either be remembered as a hero or forever known as the coward who ran on the eve of victory.

All right, Beowulf.

[Sword unsheathes]

I'll fight.

To victory!

[All shouting]

[Shouting continues]





[Indistinct shouting]

[Soldiers screaming]


Aah! Aaaah!



Do your worst!




Y-You k*lled him.

[Roaring, thudding]

I k*lled all of them.


[Door bell jingles]

It's a little early for rum, isn't it?

I called your office.

You didn't have an opening.

The bottle did.

I take it you asked David for permission to marry Emma?

[Bottle thuds]


And what, he said "no"?

Quite the opposite, actually.

He gave me his blessing, patted me on the back, practically called me "son."


Well, so, what's problem?

Cold feet? 'Cause, I mean, that's perfect...

Captain Hook doesn't get cold feet.


I've since learned something about my past... something Emma will never understand.

There's not another living soul who knows this secret but me.

I could take it to my grave.

So, why don't you?

Because it would seem that I am broken.

[Glass thuds]

I actually want to tell Emma the truth.

Now, tell me, Cricket, why is that?

Well, maybe because you really are the man that Emma wants to marry.

If I tell Emma what I did, she's not gonna want to marry me.

Yeah, but the fact that you want to tell her, even though you don't need to, means that you've changed.

Do you think Emma will see it that way?

I think maybe you need to find out.




Did you find any sign of him?

- No.
- There was nothing in the North Woods, either.

Why am I not surprised you couldn't find him?

Could it be because you were the one who lost him in the first place?

If you're looking for a fairy to take your anger out on, perhaps you should find your mother.

Well, since the Black Fairy is trapped in another realm, I suppose I'll have to make do with you.

The most important thing right now is finding our son.

I think maybe it's best if I continue to look on my own.

I'm beginning to think we're not gonna find him out here.

Well, why? Where...
Where do you think he is?

His heart is set on fulfilling his destiny.

And he can't do that without the sword.

What sword?

The sword Emma shattered when he last faced her.

I don't understand.

Why does he think that... that k*lling Emma with this blade will make him the Savior?

He's not the first one to think wielding that sword would make him a hero.

We have to find him before he gets his hands on it, before he goes after Emma again.

We will.

You can trust me, Belle.

I've already lost one son.

I won't lose another.

[Indistinct shouting]

To Rumplestiltskin, hero of The Ogres w*r!

[All cheering]

Is it true, Papa?

You really defeated the ogres?

Aye, Baelfire, it is.

I told you this dagger would change our lives.

Now no one else has to die.

[All cheering]

Why are you cheering that monster?


You lost this at the front.

[Light laughter]


Oh, you've changed since you hobbled yourself to escape the w*r.

How did a coward who ran from the w*r manage to defeat an entire army of ogres?

I had something worth fighting for.

I know how.

You became the Dark One.

[Men murmuring]

Dark magic comes with a price.

We'll pay dearly for this... all of us.

[Door opens and closes]


Don't listen to him, Bae.

He's just jealous.

Maybe, Papa, but he's right about magic.

The w*r's over.

You don't need it anymore.

I can't just give it up, Bae.

It's part of me now.

That's not true.

Beneath those scales, you're still my papa.

You don't need the dagger anymore.

All right, son.

No more magic.

Let's go home.


[Doorknob rattles]

[Lock clicks]


[Safe dial clicking]

[Safe handle clangs]


- Father.
- Gideon.

After your little showdown with the Savior, this is the last place you should be.

Don't worry, Father.

With this, she won't be able to get the best of me again.


Perhaps she won't.

But there's still a few things you need to learn from your papa.

[Birds chirping]

[Twig snaps]

Not another step!

How did you find me?

Believe it or not, this is where the other Robin used to come to think.

I thought we already established I'm not that man.

Yes, I-I know, which is why I'm here.

I-I came to apologize.

I-I might have put pressure on you to be someone you're not.

I'm sorry.

[Stammers, sighs]

I just, uh...

I-I think it's taking me a little longer to get used to this world than I imagined.

Well, let me help you. I...

No. Regina, really, that's not necessary.

Says the man who's hiding in the woods, pointing a bow and arrow at everything that moves.

Well, when you put it like that...

Why don't I meet you at your manse tonight?

Just give me some time to clear my head.

[Inhales sharply]

I'm afraid I couldn't take any chances.

You said you'd help me.

You said you were on my side.

I did, and I am.

But k*lling the Savior, even to destroy the Black Fairy, you will never become the hero you want to be.

Gideon... do you know why I became the Dark One?

Afraid not.

I took the power to end The First Ogres w*r, to save my first son.

I embraced darkness for good.

But I never became a hero.

Because once you give in to darkness, it's almost impossible to resist its call.

Not if I become the Savior, not if I steal Emma's light magic.

And how are you gonna do that?

This is a useless relic, Gideon.

It never worked to begin with.

You know, I thought you'd want to see the fall of the Black Fairy more than anyone.

Oh, I do...but not if it costs my son his soul.

I have to defeat her.

I have to save my people from her curse.

Gideon, no one knows more about darkness than I.

If you do this, giving into darkness can only lead to heartbreak.


What happened?

Who did this to you?

You can tell me.

The baker's son.

Well, why did he do that?

So... So I'd look like a monster.

Just like me.

I think it's about time I had a word with his father.

No, Papa, you'll only make things worse.

[People murmuring]

- Rumplestiltskin.
- What?!

There's a creature called a Grendel.

He raided our village, carried our family and friends off into the darkness.

I'm afraid my monster-slaying days are over.

I made a promise to my son, and I intend to keep it.

We sent Beowulf after the beast days ago, but we haven't heard from him since.

Papa, you can help them.

But I won't break my promise, son.

I won't use dark magic.

You don't have to.

You can save those people without your magic.


- I-I can't.
- You can.

And it'll be a chance to show everyone in the village the truth... that you're not a sl*ve to that dagger.

You think that'll make things better for us?

I know it will, Papa.

This little Munchkin went to see the Wizard, and this little Munchkin stayed at home.


And this little Munchkin never lived to see the light of day again.

Careful. I don't think your sister would be too pleased if you caused the demise of a second Robin.

I don't care.

You're not getting my daughter!

Oh, I'm not here for the brat.

I never was one for children.

[Clears throat] You see, back where I'm from,

I robbed enough witches and warlocks to know the kind of magic you need to break a protection spell.

Problem is, I had a partner that was savvy with that kind of stuff.

[Scoffs] Sorry. Grand theft sorcery isn't my thing.

Oh, I don't need your help to break in somewhere.

I need it to break out.


Do you want to leave Storybrooke?

It's just that there's this pesky little protection spell surrounding the town.

I came here for a fresh start... new people to rob, places to drink, women to meet.

But, you see, I'm not gonna get any of that, not with your sister threatening to reform me at every step.

Believe me, that I understand.

But why should I help you?

Because you need to leave this town more than I do.

I know when somebody's got a target on their back.

I may have a few enemies.

Well, isn't it time to make a few friends?

When do we leave?

Gideon: You think tea with dear old Dad is gonna make everything better?


But a chat might.

I want to know what the Black Fairy did to you to make you think k*lling the Savior is the only way to become a hero.

How can I trust you with the truth when you don't even trust me?


[Roaring in distance]

This way, Papa.

Grendel must be in the caves beyond the lake.

[Roaring continues]

We'll never find the entrance.

Yes, we can.

The water's not deep.

We can wade through it.

[Roaring continues]

What is it?

You brought the dagger?

I couldn't leave it behind.

We could be in those caves in the blink of an eye.

But, Papa, that's not gonna prove anything to anyone.

I want to do this the right way, Bae, but...

I can't explain it.

I can.

It's just like when you needed the crutch to walk.

Yeah. Only worse.

When I felt the power this gave me, I couldn't imagine living without it.

Remember when an ember jumped from the stove and caught your store of wool on fire?

You rushed across the hovel to put it out... without your crutch.

Well, that was a short distance.

So is this.

Think of it like walking across the hovel, one step at a time.

There's only one way I'm gonna be able to do this.

But, Papa, this can control you.

Exactly, Bae.

If you see me go to use its dark power, you stop me.

Gideon: "Her Handsome Hero."

Your mother's favorite.

She sent me away with that copy.

Years after the Black Fairy kidnapped me, I found it amongst her things.

I kept it beneath the mattress in my cell.

That tale got me through the endless nights.

But then one night, the Black Fairy caught me reading it.

She asked me if I wanted to be like the character I was named after... a hero.

I said I did.

She just laughed, and she said, "We'll see about that."

That night, she took the boy in the cell across from mine.

She dragged him to her tower, where she whipped him.

I could hear his cries echo through the halls, begging for someone to stop her.

I reached out to the door of my cell, and it was open.

I had a chance to save him.

But I didn't. I just...
I just sat there, listening to his cries.

She left the door unlocked on purpose.

[Inhales sharply]

To show me I didn't have what it takes.

I was a coward, Father, just like you.

But we can show your mother that she was wrong about both of us.

Will you help me?


But first you must settle your nerves.


What kind of tea is this?

One laced with memory potion.

In a few moments... you won't remember what the Black Fairy did.

Your pain will be gone.

Did you really think a memory potion would work on me?

I was raised by the Black Fairy.

Gideon, don't.

You know, I thought you cared about what she did to me, but you're no different than her.

Now you're going to keep your promise, and you are going to help me to fulfill my destiny, whether you want to or not.

[Roaring in distance]


We're too late.

[Roaring in distance]

[Horn bellows]

An ogre's call?

Papa, what is it?

Are you all right?



Stay away from my son!

Or what?

Don't. We should be fighting Grendel together.

There is no Grendel, Bae.

There never has been.

Your father's right.

The only monster down here is the Dark One.

You k*lled those villagers.

I didn't.

You did.

Why are you doing this?

So he can be the hero he thinks he was meant to be.

We would have won that w*r without your dark magic!

You would have died.
Everyone would have died!

And doing this now won't make you a hero.

That's not what the villagers are gonna say when they see you standing over these bodies.

Dark One, I command you... stay exactly where you are.

- No. Papa!
- Bae, run. Get help.

Think your boy can stop me?

You may have ended The Ogres w*r, but I'll be remembered as the hero who defeated the Dark One.

This book contains the spell to repair the sword.

Restoring its power is gonna be more difficult than you think.

It requires the blood of the person who forged it.

[Lid closes]

If that's what it takes, Father.

Gideon, look, you were willing to k*ll the Savior.

Now you're willing to spill innocent blood.

I don't have a choice.

I need to fix this sword to fulfill my destiny.

And what happens then?

How does it end?

With the destruction of the Black Fairy and all she stands for.

That's not how it ends.

That's not how it ever ends.

The Black Fairy destroyed your childhood.

Don't let her destroy the rest of your life.

You don't get a say in the matter.

Dark One, who forged this blade?

Whose blood do I need?

The Blue Fairy's.

My Fairy Godmother?

There's good in you, Gideon.

Don't snuff out the light in your heart.

If you do this...

you might not be able to get back.

That's a risk I have to take.

Gideon, please.

And I can't have you getting in my way.

I truly am sorry, Father.

Dark One, I command you... don't try to stop me.


Where have you been?

Don't get your arrows in a twist.

I just had to pick up a few things.

[Snake hisses]

Pet snake?

Well, she's practically family.

And with so many dank sewers out there, I could hardly leave her behind.

Right. So, we're doing this.

Mixed to order.

It'll drain the magic out of any spell, including the town line.

And then it's hello, New York City.

I thought you might be here.

I should have known you'd be with him.

I know you're gonna miss me, sis, but I couldn't pass up a ticket out of here.

And Baby Robin needs her mummy very much alive.

Do you really think I wouldn't notice my magic was missing?

- I can explain.
- Oh, you mean lie to me again?

You said you came here because you wanted to find meaning in your life.

Was any of that true?


I truly wanted to find a purpose here, but you made it so hard.

How did I make it hard? All I did was try to help you.

By bringing me somewhere where I'm constantly reminded of somebody that I'm not.

Regina, I can't live up to the legacy of a man who died for you.

It won't work.

Don't listen to her. She's lying.

Fine. Don't believe me.

Go ahead. Try it.

What the devil?!

[Baby cries]

If I had all the ingredients to break the protection spell, do you really think I wouldn't have done it already?

So, we're trapped here?

I bet you're happy now.

Robin, I know you want to leave, but you don't understand the world out there.

It's not like where you're from.

I can handle myself, Regina.

I know.

If you really want to leave, I'll dig through every book I have to figure out how to break the protection spell.

You will?


I owe it to him... to you... to let you find your happiness... even if it means helping you walk out of here.


You're just like your father.

You don't have it in you.

Dark One, I summon thee!


I told you to stay away from my son.


Go ahead. k*ll me.

Then your boy will see that you are a monster.


I'm taking you back to the village, and I'm telling them the truth.

You think they'll believe you?

They're afraid of you, Rumple.

They watched you bring an army of Ogres to their knees.

They know it's only a matter of time before you turn that dagger on them.

He's right, Papa.
They'll never believe us.

Then we'll find a new village, Bae.

We'll start over, you and me.


I won't let him do this to us.

He's the monster. He's the one who should pay.

Step aside, boy.



Dark One, stop him!

Bae, please...

Do it! k*ll him!


[Bones snap]

Oh, Bae.

[Insects chirping]

You were my Fairy Godmother.


I have been looking for you everywhere.

You were supposed to protect me when I was just a baby.

I know.

I tried.

But the Black Fairy... she was too strong.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

You may not have been able to help me back then, but maybe you can now.

No. k*lling Emma with that blade... it... it will not make you the Savior the way that you think.

Save the lecture.

There's only one thing I need from you... your magic... all of it.

Please don't do this.

Don't make this any harder than it has to be.



[Exhaling sharply]

Gold: Gideon, stop.

Father, what are you doing here?

I watched one son darken his heart long ago.

I can't watch another do the same.

You can't stop me. I command you.

I'm not here to stop you.

I'm here to do it for you.

[Exhales sharply] Gold, please don't.

I'm sorry.




We will defeat the Black Fairy.

You will become a hero.

But I won't let you touch the darkness to do so.

Thank you, Father.

I don't think I'm going to be needing this anymore.

Bae... what are you going to do with the dagger now?

I don't know.

But the baker's son will think twice about pushing me in the mud when he sees me carrying this.

Oh, Bae, listen to yourself.

Papa, I'm sorry I asked you to give up your power.

I understand now why it's so hard.

But we need it.

It's the only way to protect ourselves.

You're right, Bae.

You're right.

Now, here.

Drink your tea.

What's in this, Papa?

It tastes strange.

[Breathing heavily]

Memory potion.

I won't let you follow me into the darkness, Bae.

One of us has to be strong.

Wha...? Papa, Papa, where are we?

How... How did we get out of the cave?

You bumped your head.

It must have been harder than I thought.

Don't worry, son.

Beowulf won't be bothering us anymore.


What happened to him?


It's not important.

You k*lled him.

Papa, how could you?

I'm sorry, Bae.

I did what I had to do.

Beowulf was right.

That dagger is turning you into a monster.

[Door slams]

Belle: What happened?

Belle, I can explain.


Rumple, you promised me.

You said you would find Gideon before he did something he couldn't come back from.

Gideon didn't do this to her.

- I did.
- Why?

Because it was the only way to stop him from doing it himself.

If he had...

I fear he would already be lost to us.

Once we stop him, I can return her magic.

No one needs to be hurt.

Gideon has the sword now.

It's more powerful than ever.

He'll go after the Savior once again.

I just hope there's enough time that we can stop him before he does.

We will.

For once, you put our son first.

You darkened your soul so he wouldn't have to.

If you can make the right choice after all the wrong you've done, then that means that there's hope our son will, too.


Emma? Are you home?

- There you are.
- Hey.

Oh, wow. Captain Morgan.

I thought we were switching to water.

I'm afraid it wouldn't give me the courage that I need.

You see, there's something I need to tell you.

It's just, what I have to say isn't exactly easy, and I'm not entirely sure how you're gonna react.

Well, maybe I can make it easier and tell you that my answer would be yes.

Yes? I...

What was the question?

I might have found something in your sea chest that I shouldn't have.

Are you mad at me?

No. How could I ever be mad at you?

It's just you and me.

No walls, no secrets.

I know I ruined the surprise... but what do you say?

Emma Swan... will you marry me?

Yes, Killian.


[Footsteps approaching]

There you are.

Here to steal some more of my magic?

No. I'm here to return Queen Cobra before the Charmings realize she's missing.

And maybe to... apologize.

I shouldn't have gone behind your back and helped Robin escape.


No. This one's my fault.

Your fault?

Okay. Let's go with that, then.

How did I ever think that removing my evil half would change anything?

When I saw Robin in that alternate world, it was a test... to see if I could move forward, and I failed.

[Inhales sharply]

Well, I thought I was rid of you for good, Queenie, but I guess I'll always be paying the price for what you did... what I did.


Where the hell is she?

[Snake hissing]

Easy, there.




Hope that didn't sting.

A... A bit of that anti-magic potion stuck to you in the blast.

And, well, as you can see, I needed some.

So, thanks.

I just left you at the town line.

You left Regina at the town line.

You are Regina.

I'm the Evil Queen.

You, of all people, should recognize a Doppelganger when you see one.

There's two of us now.

I don't care if there's seven of you now.

I'm leaving as soon as possible.

Well, that's a shame... because there's nothing for you out there.

Nothing you can say will keep me in this abysmal hamlet a moment longer than I need to be.

"Abysmal hamlet"?


Sounds like you haven't had the right tour guide.

But now you do.

And when I'm done with you, you'll have a whole new appreciation of what Storybrooke has to offer.