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The Haunting of Hill House - 01x07 - Eulogy

Posted: 10/30/18 06:53
by bunniefuu


[BECKLEY SIGHS] Sorry about that.

Did you say you took cream or sugar?


sh**t. I forgot 'em.

I'll run and grab 'em. Sorry about that.

You don't have to do that.

Oh, it's no problem.

The clothes okay?

Sorry, that's all we had on hand.

And yours, well, if there's blood
on 'em, we have to take 'em.

You understand.

How much longer is this going to take?

We just need to go over a few things.

And I want to revisit
your initial statement.

Again, thank you for
doing this voluntarily.

I got to get back to my kids.

Your kids are fine, I
just checked on 'em.

They're with their Aunt Janet.

You know, you can leave
whenever you want.

I told you that, right? You know that.

- Yes.
- [BECKLEY] It's just...

[SIGHS] To be honest, it
wouldn't look so good.

I wanna make sure that when
you do walk out of here,

whenever you walk out of here,

that you walk without a
whiff of suspicion on you.

You understand.


Beyond reproach.

We both want that, right?

Of course.

We just need to go over it a few times.

In particular, I'd like to talk about
what you said about the house.

What about it?

You mentioned a few
things to the officers.

I've been up all night. I've
probably said some crazy stuff.

Of course, I understand that.
We all understand that.

And I'm not under arrest?

[BECKLEY] Oh, no. You are not.

My guys...

are at the house right now,

and my guys are talking to the, uh...

[SIGHS] What are their
names? Nice couple?

Uh, the Dudleys, I believe?

And your wife, she's with the
medical examiner right now, and...

it's a mess.

I got to be honest, Hugh, it's a mess.

It's a real mess.

Your kids are being pulled out of
bed in the middle of the night,

and we're talking to them, of course.

You know it's a mess, right?

We haven't talked about the other body.

That didn't have anything to do with us.

Of course not, but you
can fix it right here.

You like to fix things.

You're good at fixing things.

I keep hearing this about you.
Is that right?

I'm not so sure anymore.

You leave or lawyer up,
suddenly we can't fix this.

This mess begins to spread,

until it becomes bigger than both of us.

So you'll stay.

And we'll talk.


Talk about the house, talk about Olivia.

Talk about what happened last night.



I will run and get you
your cream and sugar.

I don't need it.

We can talk now and get this over with.

Sit tight.

It's no trouble.

It's no trouble.



[HUGH] Why? What's wrong with it?

Well, you know, it's a rental.

Not a lot of choices.


How about this?





Yeah? All right, well, uh...


Yeah, all right.

You're right.

It's better.




[SHIRLEY] I put this order in
two days ago. Calla Lilies.

You promised me Calla Lilies,
you're bringing me Calla Lilies.

[ALLIE] You're really our grandfather?

That's right.

How come we've never met you?

I don't care about their order,
I'm talking about my order.

Look, you...

- You've done business with me enough...
- Actually, I met Jayden a while back.

I don't remember that.

Well, you were, um,
you were really little.

How come I've never met you?

[SHIRLEY] Rachel? You're not hearing me.


[SHIRLEY] That won't...

Where have you been?
You missed breakfast.

Kevin's on his way. We'll
take the four, that's fine.

There better be four bouquets of
Calla Lilies for him when he lands

or you can forget about doing
business with us ever again.

Jayden, Allie, go get dressed.

- I'm not finished...
- [SHIRLEY] Dressed.

- Um, can we please talk?
- Everett screwed us.

Gave half our lilies away. You
need to pick up for four bouquets.

I'll go in a minute,
but can we just... ?

You're already on your way.

I have to shower and change my
clothes. I didn't bring any of my...


- I, um...


I saw your husband at
the hotel this morning.

He was picking at the free breakfast.

I know you're upset with him
'cause he took Steve's money,

but he was only looking out
for you and business...

The service starts at : . It's : .

We're not open yet.

If you wanna lecture
someone, lecture Theo.

Wonder where she gets that from.


I needed my space, but not like Shirl.

Since she was three years
old, Shirley needed...

Shirley space.

- Mmm.
- Bear with her.

Today, especially.

Just bear with her.


What a mess.

[HUGH] Oh, what a mess.

Never seen a storm
make a mess like this.

It really missed you guys?

A little rain, that was all.

Your place is, what, like a
ten-minute walk from here?

A little more.

Didn't even hit the whole property.

Wondering if it's one of those micro...

Hey, bud.

Wondering if it's one
of those microbursts.

- You ever hear of those?
- Uh-uh.

It's a downdraft, it moves like a
tornado, but it's super localized.

Maybe like two miles wide.

One of the most dangerous storms,
but it hits a really small area.

- [STEVE] Dad?
- It's gotta be that, I think.

I mean, it feels like
it only hit this house.


This wall feels squishy.


[STEVE] See?

Oh, shit.


Mark it.


No way all this came from a storm.

No, no way.

Busted pipe, most likely.

It shouldn't be. It really shouldn't be.

I mean, we took care of all...


If it is, it's okay.


I can fix it.

What's that smell?


That is the smell of ruin.


Same thing.

It can't.

The storm was just last night. It
can't be all the way down here.

It can't be down here.

Please don't be down here.



[STEVE] What does that mean?

Means we got water pooling all the
way down here, three floors down.

That's really bad.

Mother f... [SIGHS]

Fother mucker.

Really, Dad?


No, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Stevie, why don't you go on upstairs?

I want to help.

This is black mold, it's
dangerous to breathe.

So go along now.



Do you hear that?

Maybe rats.

Could be what happened to the pipes.

When rats get thirsty enough,

they'll chew through
just about anything.



This could ruin us.

This could.



I'm a little early for the...

You know.

And Shirley doesn't want
people in the house just yet,

so I thought maybe I'd say hi.

Yeah, I bet Shirl's in a mood. [SIGHS]

Can I come in?

[SIGHS] I remember when Luke lived here.

I was really hoping that it would work.

I thought if anybody could, you know...


keep him on track, it'd be your sister.


But he's looking a lot better now.

Right? Doesn't he?

Guess so.

- You, on the other hand...
- Thanks, Dad.

No, it's just, you look
a little, uh... [SIGHS]


I'm just... You know, I've
woken up plenty of mornings

looking like that myself, I'm just...

I f*cked up last night, Daddy.

I mean, I really...

I f*cked up.

Even by Crain standards.

If I make it through today alive,

I'll have to pack this all up
and find a new place to live.

And I don't think Shirley is

ever going to talk to me again.


I'm sorry.

I should have made more
of an effort with you.

You tried.

As best as you could.

And I...

I should have met you halfway.

People f*ck up.


I guess you don't...

get that, you don't really get it...

until you f*ck up.

Really f*ck up.

This doesn't have to do with
Steve's money, does it?


I have to shower.


- Yeah, um...
- [THEO] You can stay.


Enjoy your coffee.

[OLIVIA] I didn't expect that.

Gotta start somewhere.

That's a good start.


You were always good at that.

Assessing the damage.

Where is it? Where's the damage?

[HUGH] Second floor hallway
behind the library wall,

- master bedroom.
- [OLIVIA] You're kidding.

[HUGH] Downstairs.

The parlor, library,

and then the pooling in the
basement, there are veins of it,

veins of mold that are spreading
from somewhere on the third floor.

- It's all over.
- It doesn't make sense.

- The waterlines don't even...
- I know.

I mean, I can't think of a water source

that explains it spreading
like that down there.

- Gonna lose our shirts.

The blueprints for this
house are a disaster.

I've got four plans, none of them match.

This house is schizophrenic.

Some of them are just scribbles
and the work records are a mess.

I can't flip this house if
it's rotting with mold.

And if I can't flip it
in a couple of months,

- we'll be stuck here.
- I know, I know, I will, um...

I'll combine these plans into
one master blueprint, uh,

draw up something that
represents the actual piping,

and then we'll find out
how f*cked we really are.

It's bizarre. I can't really identify

a leak and I'm not finding water.

That's something, at least.

You got moisture coming from somewhere.

Somewhere upstairs, the
way it's spreading.

Have you actually looked everywhere?

Everywhere but one room. There's
one room we don't have a key.

I've checked everywhere but one room.

That's probably your culprit.

We were wondering, did
rats get through a pipe?

Have to be a lot of rats, several pipes.

I don't see any droppings.
Have you actually seen rats?

Well, I keep hearing
them scratching here.

So of course it's quiet now.

We section off the infested walls,

bring in fans to dry everything out,

treat it with Thiomold, powerful stuff,

then we can see how bad off you
are, once you find the leaks.

My budget's stretched as it is, so maybe

you can give me a quote for fan rental.

It's a big job for one person.

Well, I've got help.

- What do you say, Steve?
- [STEVE] Yeah.

Yeah, I'll help.

[MAN ] It's a tough gig for a kid.

Oh, he's not a kid.




[OLIVIA] Don't say that.

- What?

That you wish he'd had
better role models.

A better marriage to emulate.

We were solid, babe.

[HUGH] We were.

[OLIVIA] Those last
few days don't count.

That wasn't us.



[HUGH] Leigh.

Everything okay?

Yeah, yeah, it's fine.

How are you holding up?

[HUGH] Oh, you know, um..


- Hey.
- Hey.

How you doing?

[SIGHS] You know.

I didn't get a chance last night
to tell you how proud I am of you.

Ninety days.


[OLIVIA] He doesn't wanna
make today about him.

It's okay to just sit.

Just be with him.

You don't have to talk.

There's a lot... Uh...

There's a lot of people here.

- That's good.
- Mm-hmm.

A lot of people loved her.

[SIGHS] Yeah.



[THEO] Hey, boys.

Beer and tomato juice.


For the hangover.

Mix beer and tomato juice
and power it down.

Does it work?

Well, not as well as a shot of smack.


So you're saying the best
hangover remedy is heroin?

By a mile.


Are you f*cking kidding me?

What are you doing here?

I saw the obit and I
wanted to be here...

You thought you'd what, exactly?

Well, you didn't tell me
that your sister died.

I wanted to support you,
and if I'd known...

If I wanted you to know that
I'd have told you that.

Look, it's okay, I...

I'm sorry.

f*ck my day.


I'm guessing you heard what
happened at the wedding.

You know...

Nellie, she was laughing
so hard when she told me.

Oh, yeah. We knew.

Your mom, uh...

Yeah, she... she guessed it

when Theo was about eight.


- Huh.
- Oh, yeah.


My sweet boy.

There she is.

- What happened to you?
- Oh, I fell.

- Hey.
- Hi.

You knew she'd be here.



It's just so hard.




[JANET] I'm sorry we're here.

[SIGHS] I'm so sorry.

I mean...

None of us should be here.

I know what you mean.



We're going to make a
tent over this whole area

and then we'll bring the fans in.


Do you hear that?



That mold guy telling me
there's no rats down here.

- What a pro, huh?

I'll add some strychnine
to the shopping list.


[HUGH] It's rat poison.

Huh, look at this.

Crain men, hard at work.

I have a present for you.

- Master blueprints?
- Master blueprints.

Was I right?

You see, Steve, your dad
thinks that all this water

is coming from that red room upstairs.

So, what's next?

Hanging plastic and
then we ventilate it.

- Ventilate it? Very professional.
- What?

[OLIVIA] Be safe down here.

Good job, honey.


[SHIRLEY] "Away" by
James Whitcomb Riley.

I cannot say and I will
not say that she is dead

She's just away

With a cheery smile

And a wave of the hand

She has wandered into an unknown land

And left us dreaming, how
very fair it needs must be

Since she lingers there

And you, o' you

Who the wildest yearn
for the old-time step

And the glad return

Think of her fairing on

As dear in the love of
There as the love of Here

Think of her still as the same, I say:

She's not dead

She's just away

If anyone wants to say a few words...



I, um...

I was born seconds before Nell.

And, uh...

I'd use that to,

you know, if we had a fight, or, um...

if I wanted something, I'd
say I was the oldest, so...

she had to do what I said.


And she let me get away with it.

I mean, even though she
knew it was bullshit.

The last time I saw her, she, um...

she was driving me to rehab.

So she... she dropped me off.

And she...

she looked at me and she said,

"You go in there and you
bring my brother back."

"Bring my brother back."


I was born seconds before Nell...

but she was always my big sister.


If you could take another look for
a key to that red room upstairs,

I could really use it.

I've ruled out just about
everything else as a water source.

Don't know what could be in
there losing this much water,

but I gotta look.

What's this?

Oh, it's the, uh...


I don't know exactly.

The missus do these?


I'm sure it's...

No, I'm not, I got to ask her.


You know, um...

it probably ain't my place...

but maybe she could use a little
time away from the house.

Time away from the house?


I think you might be right.

It's probably not your place.

You know, my mother
worked in this house.

She was kitchen staff.

I was actually born here.

Oh, is that right?

[MR. DUDLEY] Yeah.

When I was young they moved us out

to the cottage at the
edge of the property.

That's where I grew up.

We ended up buying it from Miss
Hill and we're still there.

But my mom,

she... she never liked Hill House.

She'd come home sometimes

after a long shift

or a night shift,

and she'd be...

scattered, you might say.


[MR. DUDLEY] Talk to
herself and the like.

Towards the end, she'd wander
into the woods at night barefoot.

And I swear I could hear her out there,

giggling like a schoolgirl in love,

out there in the cold,

talking low, like to a suitor.

And she'd sleep out there
sometimes, too, so yeah,


I see.

So Mom died and, um...

I met Clara when she got hired
on working for Miss Hill.

We even got married on the grounds.

But, uh...

Clara, she spent a lot of time in here.

Especially when Hazel got sick.

I mean, double shifts.

Even, even longer sometimes.


Clara got pregnant.

Our first real blessing.

But, uh...

Miss Hill made her keep on working,

even with the baby coming.

You know, and Clara didn't complain,

'cause she's a strong woman.

She's a towering woman.

And so she did it. She
didn't take any time.

And, uh...

So the day comes, the doc comes, and...

my little girl's stillborn.

[HUGH] Oh, I'm so sorry.

It was a dark time, my first one, and...

she never even got to...

Anyway, we, uh...

we offered it up, put it
in God's hands, and...

She went back to work fast.

I mean, she's...

never been one to dwell, but...

Grace of God, she was back
to it, not a month later.

But the nightmares she had.

I mean, Clara is a brave woman,

and these nightmares,

they had her down in a corner,

shaking so bad I thought
she'd seize up dead.

[HUGH] God, I'm sorry.

So one night,

she's cleaning the
master bedroom up there.

This is before Hazel passed.
She's cleaning Hazel's room.

And, uh...

she hears a... a baby crying.

Hears it in other rooms, too.

And she goes looking and looking.

And I mean, I thought she
was losing her damn mind.

But it rattled her so good,

she ran home.

Through the woods, no light.

Scratched her face to
ribbons on the branches.

So I came back here with
her one night and...

I'll be damned, but I
heard it, too, and I...

I... I knew it.

I don't know how,

but sure as St. Thomas,

my doubts, they just dropped away.

And I knew.

That was my first

little girl's cry.

That... That first cry,

the one she never got to...


we stopped coming here after dark.

Told Miss Hill, you can fire us,

but once dinner's served, we leave,

come back in the morning for the dishes.

Never spend a minute inside after dark.

Ah, just superstitious at first.

But here's the thing.

It worked.

No more nightmares,

no more crying,

no one acting scattered.

We stuck to it and it's better.



it's not my place.

But if you find your missus
is acting scattered...

then, yeah, maybe a little time away

would do the trick.

From the house, I mean.

And a little prayer, too.

Most likely.

Well, prayer's not
really our thing, but...

I take your point.

Each their own, I suppose.

[SHIRLEY] You guys hop in here.

All right, get in.

Ride with us.

- I'll meet you there.
- Shirl.

Coming with us?


I'll meet you there.

- [CHUCKLES] There's plenty of space.
- I gotta do a few things.

I'll meet you there.

Jesus, Shirl.


Even today?

Not everything's about you, Steve.


Need a ride?

[HUGH] Beautiful service.


Who knew Luke had it in him.

[OLIVIA] Don't.

You know, I was talking
to Theo this morning.

That so?


after listening to what you said today

about Nellie, and what
your brother said...


You have problems, we all do,

but if there's one thing we
can take away from today,

it's that in the end, all you
guys have is each other.

Did Theo tell you what she did?

Uh, no.


But you know, we all f*ck up and
we can be upset with each other,

but one day, we'll wake up
and it'll be too late...

Stay the f*ck out of my business.

[OLIVIA] There it is.

Stuck your hand...

Right in the fan.

[HUGH] f*cking fan.

You see, Steve?

I didn't let them mold
guy do the whole job,

so he gave me some busted fans.

This one's totally screwed. I'm
going to have to open it up.

Steve, can you unplug it over there?

And hand me that hex wrench,
it should be in that box.

- Ah! Jesus Christ!

- f*ck!
- [STEVE] Dad?


- I told you to unplug the...

- I unplugged it! I did it!
- f*ck!

It's okay. It's okay. [GROANING]

- I unplugged it.
- It's okay.

It was an accident.



Listen, pal.

Why don't you go upstairs and play?
I think I got this covered now.

I want to help.

It's okay. You've helped.

All right, you fucker.



f*ck... you.




f*ck you!

[SOBBING] My little girl. No.

She did raise her.


Come on. Get up.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry, Nellie.







Did you... ?

Did... Did you see her?


It was... It was Mom.
It was Mom and Nellie.

Stop it.

- I saw them.
- No, you didn't. Look at me.

You didn't because they're dead.

People see things, Luke. I know
all about it. I write about it.

Hell, I've seen things this week,
but it's not real, it's not.

- They...
- If you don't get that,

if you don't get your shit together,

like Mom and Nell didn't
get their shit together,

you'll end up just like
them, you understand?

Because it's in our genes.

It's... It's a sickness.

So you've got to be vigilant.

Get it together.

And stop talking like a
f*cking crazy person.

I don't want to bury you,
too, you understand?

- Okay?
- Okay.

We're almost through it.

You're almost through it.

Gonna be okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.






[OLIVIA] Hugh?



- Liv, what the f*ck?

[OLIVIA] I'm sorry, I was...

I was... I was having a horrible dream.

You think?

[OLIVIA] I'm sorry. I'm... I'm so sorry.

- I don't even know...
- What's going on with you?


You're holding a f*cking
screwdriver to my throat.

No, I wasn't.

We need to talk.

We got to do... You're not...

I don't know what we have to do,

but we have to do something. You're...


I'm what?

Uh, I don't...

What is this?

It's the master blueprint you drew.

No, it's not.

Yes, it is.

I didn't know what this was.


It looked familiar.

You used the same shape dozens of times.

Over and over.

It's the footprint to our house.

To our forever house. You just...

You drew it again and again.

But I... I didn't.

- You did.
- I didn't.



Maybe you should take a break.

Take a little rest.

I could...

I guess I could see if
Janet's up for a visit.

Just for a couple days or something.

[HUGH] That could be good.

- Just a few.
- But how?

You'd have to juggle the
kids and the house and...

I'll manage.

- I just want you to be...
- Not crazy?

I didn't say that.

I just think I've underestimated

these migraines, you know? [SNIFFLES]

I'm not sleeping through
the night at all.

These constant dreams.

[HUGH] I know.

You're just tired.

[SOBBING] It just snuck
up on me all of a sudden.

[SNIFFLES] But, um...

I'll sort it out.

I promise.

[OLIVIA] Almost over.

You did good.

Finish your drink.

Say your goodbyes.

Probably won't have to see them again

for years if you don't want to.

But you do want to, don't you?

[LUKE] Hey.

[HUGH] Mm-hmm.

How you holding up?

You know, I'm... Yeah, I'm okay.

[HUGH] Hmm.

I, um...

I overheard

you and Steve talking
earlier at the grave.

- You know...

- Well, that was embarrassing.
- No.

You know,

I see your mother every day.

I do. I have since she died.

Well, that's pretty nuts.

Well, it's... For me
it's a coping mechanism,

and you'd be surprised, a
lot of widowers, widows,

who... they do that, they recreate
loved ones in their mind, and...

Nothing to be embarrassed about.

In fact, my therapist says that
it's a perfectly normal...

Well, I'm happy for you, Dad.


it doesn't mean it's always the case.


Because people see things.

And it's... I know it sounds
nuts, but it's, uh...

But you don't have to feel
crazy, because sometimes...

Big boys know the difference
between what's real and imaginary.

Isn't that right, Dad?


I, uh, listen...


just so proud of you.

And you're doing so well.

[STAMMERING] Hey, keep it up.

Okay? Just keep it up.


I'm glad you're here, Dad.




You little shits.

You little shits are dead.


So dead.





[BECKLEY] Good Lord.

I'm going to keep children upstairs.

Make sure they don't see this.

[BECKLEY] Well, Mr.
Crain, I think you just

solved one of our oldest cold cases.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

William Hill, been missing since ' .

Case went cold with the department.

Widow had PIs looking for
him for years after.

I'll be damned he was here all along.

How did he... ? I mean,
how did it get in there?

It looks like he bricked himself in.

The tools were in there with him.

And man, the scratches...

I guess he had second thoughts.

Yeah, he was...

He was trying to scratch his way out?

Well, good news is, Massachusetts
doesn't require that you disclose

you've had any death on the
premises to any potential buyers.



You folks have a good night now.

You know, I got to ask.

You know, folks around town talk,

they've always talked about this place.

Is it?




You know, yeah.

At least, a few my kids sure think so.



Sure nice meeting you.

- You, too.
- Mm-hmm.



That was a day.

It was.

Um, listen, I'm flying out
early in the morning,

so I probably won't see you.

- [STEVE] All set with your flight?
- Yeah.

I'll, um...

I'll be around at the hotel later
if you want to get a drink or...

- Well, I'm an early flight, too.
- Yeah, right.


Listen, uh...



I'm sorry I didn't talk, and
I'm sorry I didn't listen.

And I'm sorry I wasn't there.

And it's the regret of my life.

I'm so, so sorry

that I couldn't fix it.


You fly safe.

You, too.


[HUGH] You okay?

Yeah, I can't...

I can't find my credit card and
the caterer's got to be paid.

Did you tow my car?

Reception's over, Theodora.

As far as you're
concerned, we're closed.

[THEO] Sorry.

My car is gone.

[STEVE] What do you mean?

- [THEO] I mean, my car is gone.
- It's gone?

It was outside my house like
always and now it's gone.

You probably parked it somewhere else.

I know where I parked my car.

My wallet's not in here. It was in here.

You saw him.

Where the hell is it? Did
Kevin take my g*dd*mn wallet?

You saw him but didn't wanna believe it.

Shirley, uh...

[STEVE] I'm sure it's around.

- Kevin's by the kitchen.
- Guys...

[STEVE] You want my card?
I can pay for it.

[SHIRLEY] That's not the point.
It was right here.

You knew it looked wrong.

He looked wrong.

[STEVE] Has anybody seen Luke?


Oh, no.

Your silence doesn't protect them.



He was...

right there.

He was looking at your...

And then he...

he wanted to have a smoke, he
went outside about an hour ago.

Well, did he come back?

I don't know. I... don't know.

f*cking hell!

- He can't even last one day?
- [STEVE] An hour.

He probably already has
a needle in his arm.

We don't know that.

[STEVE] I'll check outside.

What's that?

[THEO] Oh, God.


Oh, no, she's gonna k*ll someone.

That's... It's okay. I can...

- I...



[THEO] Make it stop! Make it stop!



What was that screaming?

Oh, God.



Who did this?

[STAMMERING] It wasn't...

It was...

It was like this when... when we...

I can... I can fix it.

I can... I can fix it.
I can fix it. Yeah.

[BECKLEY] You're not fixing this.

I'm giving you every
opportunity and you...

- Don't know why you won't help me.
- I'm helping you.

You keep saying that
you didn't hurt her,

but you get real upset if
I say she k*lled herself.

I'm very tired.

[BECKLEY] And twice, twice now,
you say that the house k*lled her.

I know what I said.

So you're either in denial of
your wife committing su1c1de,

- or you're in denial of something worse.
- I didn't touch her.

I don't know why you won't
give me these three hours.

These three hours would
help you so much,

and you won't do it. I don't get it.

I told you.

The three hours you waited,

after you discovered her
body, before you called us,

what happened in those
three hours, Hugh?

[HUGH] I was in shock.

I was mourning.

You didn't call us for three
hours because you were grieving?

That's right.

[BECKLEY] First you say
your wife went out of town.

- I thought she did.
- Uh-huh. To be with her sister.

- But we talked to Janet and she never...
- I know.

- Anything you want to add to that?
- Not really.

I thought she went out of town.
She hadn't, that's all.

I must have misunderstood.

Your daughter Shirley
says she woke you up

'cause she was surprised
to see Mom in the kitchen.

- That's right.
- Then she says that

you ran up the stairs to the...

the Red Room.

[BECKLEY] So what did you see?

When you got to the Red Room?

[HUGH] Nothing.

That door's been locked
since we moved in, so...

it was nothing.
