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The Haunting of Hill House - 01x05 - The Bent-Neck Lady

Posted: 10/22/18 14:12
by bunniefuu



It's okay, baby.

[KISSES] It's okay.

It was just a nightmare.

I was awake.

She was there.

She screamed so loud it hurt my ears.

- Maybe it was Theo playing a joke.
- No.

- It wasn't Theo.
- Okay.

It was...


a bent-neck lady.

Well, that's a new one.

- She's gone now, right?


If she comes back...

you come find us, okay?

Yeah, and we'll scare her away.


[YOUNG NELL] Just tonight.

Won't you miss your brother?

I'd rather sleep here.

In case she comes back.


Okay, just tonight, then.


- I'll stay with her a bit.
- Okay.

Good night.

- Young ladies.
- Good night.

- Hey, will you grab her blanket?
- Yeah.



You feeling a little better?

Tell me what's inside your locket.

You know what's inside my locket.

- I am.

You are.

Both of you are.


Can I have a locket like that someday?

You can hold onto it tonight,

and when you're older,
I'll give you this one.

That exact one?

This exact one.

When you're older.






[APPARITION] No, no, no, no.

[NELL] I'm frozen.

I can't talk.

Or move my arms or legs.


I usually start to panic and
my breath gets fast and heavy.

My heart feels like it's
pounding out of my chest.


and how long does this last?

Until you're able to move again?

Maybe a minute, maybe two.

But it feels like hours sometimes.

And you said the first
occurrence happened...

When I was six.

Do you ever see anything
during these episodes?

Like what?

People sometimes say they see things.

I know this all must sound really weird.

Not at all.

Sleep paralysis is actually
more common than you think,

but it's completely harmless.

Which is easy for the
sleep tech to say, right?


Ah... and so...

you've never sought treatment or
done any other sleep studies?


I Googled it. I...

I was surprised to find that
there was something to be done.


So, during the night, you... you cycle

through different stages of sleep.

In the deepest stage,
your brain basically

switches off the muscles to

stop you from acting out your dreams.

Some people just come out of
that stage quicker than others.

Your brain wakes up before
it starts the engines again.

It just takes a minute for
your muscles to catch up.


About the things I sometimes see...

It's funny, the things people...

sometimes report. Shadow people.


Dead loved ones.

Hallucinations are
actually fairly common

because of the disrupted
boundary between

your dream state and your wakefulness.

So your dreams may carry over.

"A little spill."

What's that?


what now...

Dr. Vance?

Oh, I'm not a doctor,

I'm just a sleep tech.


Okay, um... Well then, what now,

Mr. Sleep Technician?

- Tech... Technologist.
- Technologist.


- Just... Just call me Arthur.

So what now, Arthur?

Well, first, we'll schedule
you for a sleep test,

where we chart your
brain waves, heartbeat,

and breathing while you sleep,

then we'll use that information
to develop a kind of escape plan.

An escape plan?

A series of actions you'll be able
to recall during these episodes

to help you get through them.

It won't stop the process, but
it could get rid of the panic.

- You okay?

Yeah, I...

The last doctor I saw,
my general practitioner,

he wasn't an expert. [SIGHS]

He just told me to avoid
TV before bedtime.


It's nice to be listened to.

Do you drink coffee?

Yeah, I...


Are you asking me if I
want to get coffee?

Uh, it's for the...

health history section in your file.


[STUTTERS] I'm sorry.

- No, don't be.
- No, I really misread that.

I was planning on waiting until the end

of your visit to ask you out for coffee.

But since you brought it up...

- Okay.


♪ Let us go where the wild things grow ♪

♪ Let us go where time runs slow ♪

♪ To the fields that brought you here ♪

♪ From the heels that
walked through fear ♪

♪ Everything you got is gold... ♪

Ever had a better offer
in your whole life?

One with everything?





Six! Five!

Four! Three!

Two! One!

Happy New Year!

♪ Don't you know you're not alone ♪

♪ Universe in bloom ♪

♪ Hear the roots calling ♪

♪ Universe in bloom ♪

♪ Meet me in the garden ♪

♪ I planted for you ♪





You haven't had one of these in a while.


You got it.

Remember the plan.

All right?

Control your breath.

[INHALES] Uh-huh.

Now clench your fist.


And I'll get the light.

Okay? Right here.


There you go.

Clench your fist.

- Good.


Huh? Yeah.

- You did it.

♪ All the clouds blew away ♪

♪ Got no trouble today ♪

♪ With anyone ♪

♪ The smile on your face ♪

♪ I live only to see ♪

♪ It's enough for me, baby ♪

♪ It's enough for me ♪

♪ Oh heavenly day ♪

♪ Heavenly day ♪

♪ Heavenly day ♪

- Watch. Any second now.
- Okay.


It's taking her forever.

No, any second. Penny's gonna drop.


There it is.

[STEVEN] Ten minutes. It
took her almost ten minutes.

Ten minutes and years.


- Hey, did you close on the house yet?
- Next week.

Arthur doesn't start his
UCLA job till June,

so we'll have lots of time
to spend with you guys.

- Great.
- Yeah.

Luke said he might move out there too.

He's following you west, huh?

Yeah, it's a twin thing.

I wouldn't get my hopes
too high. I mean...

Who knows if he'll be
in any condition to?

I hope he does.

I wish he was here today.

You're gonna love LA.

- Oh, yeah?
- Oh, yeah.

You can go skiing and
surfing on the same day.

- Why?
- I don't know.

I don't know why you'd want
to do that, but you can.


And you'll never have to scrape ice
off your windshield ever again.

That's so nice.

- It's very nice.

It's the best.

What are you looking at?



- Too much champagne maybe.

You deserve this, Nellie.

Thank you.

I mean, Eleanor Vance.

- Oh, yeah.

I'm gonna have to get used
to that, but I like it.

It's perfect.




It's been a long time.






I'll get the light.











[NELL] He was dead.

He was dead and she was back.

How long had it been?

Since you'd seen her, I mean?

It'd been almost two years.

I actually hadn't...

seen her since...

well, since Arthur and I met.

I started seeing her...

when I was a kid.

And after the house when we lived
with my aunt, I saw her some more.

But then he came into my
life and she went away.

And then she k*lled him.

We've talked about this before.
Arthur died of an aneurysm.

I know.

Well, if you know, then you
must also know that it was a...

a random tragic event.

I know it looked like an aneurysm.

It's perfectly normal to want
to find something to blame.

I know what's to blame.

Hill House.

Hill House.

That's right.

Don't worry, Dr. Montague.

I don't expect you to believe me.


Your hair is awful
tangled, Mr. Bristles.

Maybe I could find a brush for you.


Mrs. Dudley, look what I found.

My goodness.

What a lovely tea set.

Can I keep it?

Well, let's see.

Where did you find this?

In the toy room.


Look at this one.


A cup of stars.

Well, I'll be.

It's beautiful.

You know...

I think I know who this
may have belonged to.


Jacqueline's cup of stars.

Here she is.

- Jacqueline?
- Jacqueline Hill.

Her mom owned this house, Mrs. Hill.

This was her room, actually.
Hazel. Her name was Hazel.

That's her when she was young.

- Did you know her?
- I did.

I took care of her when she was old.

She lived in that bed.

She said a lot of things toward
the end that didn't make sense.

One of the things she kept saying was

that Jacqueline needed her cup of stars.

I didn't understand then,
but I guess I do now.

So, can I keep it?

Yes, I'm sure it's fine
that you keep the tea set.

As long as your parents agree.

I'm only going to drink out of this one.

For anything.

For juice, or milk, or
anything Mommy has.

Unless Mommy says no.

I broke a mug once.

I'm not supposed to have
things that are fragile.

And this looks fragile.

No, dear.

Use your cup of stars.

Insist on your cup of stars.

Once they've trapped you into
being like everyone else,

you'll never see your
cup of stars again.

But you should wash it first.

It's very dusty.



look what I found.

- Can we have a tea party?
- Not now.

- Young lady.
- Please, oh please, oh please?


Come with me, right now.

We have a very, very important job.

And that's to take care of this house.

To fix it.

We take care of the house,
it takes care of us.

- So why would you do that?
- I... I didn't.

I saw you playing with chalk yesterday.

On the patio.

I wouldn't write on the wall.

What happened?

Would you like to tell
your sister what you did?

I didn't!

She says she didn't.


Are you okay?


I have a steel poker in
my head and my daughters

are trashing my...

You know what?

You can help her clean up, Theo.

And I expect it to be done

before I get back.

Well, she's in a mood.

I didn't do it.

I swear.


You didn't.

You can tell?

With your hand?

I don't see why it matters.

They're pulling down
this wallpaper anyway.


- Hey.
- Hey. Thanks for picking me up.

How you doing?

- I'm good. So we're going to...
- It's on Seventh.

Just go like you're
going to the stadium.


I'm proud of you.

Yeah. I'm a real winner.

- Is this a good place?
- Oh, yeah.

It's a palace. Turn left here.

A summer camp for junkies.

I'm proud of you.

Doesn't matter where you do it.
What matters is you want to change.

It's always gonna make me proud of you.

How are you?

- Me?
- Yeah.

- How you doing?

I'm good.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Yeah, it's been really hard
ever since Arthur, you know.

I've been having a hard time sleeping

in that house without him, so...

Well, yeah. I mean...

Yeah, it's just been...

Can you take a right
and pull over, please?

I, uh... I just need one more favor.

- Why are we...
- See that guy?

The guy in the white hat over there?



Okay, so here it is.

I need to get well before I go in.

I'm not sure I understand.

It helps, you know,
you... you get well...

one last time.

You get to kind of go through the gates

and kind of get it out of your system,

you know, and... and get
well one last time.

And it helps, it's really helpful.


You know, I was gonna have you stop here

and I was gonna hop out
and take care of it, but...

But you see that guy in the white hat?

See, I owe that guy,

and if he sees me coming and
I don't have enough money,


He's just not gonna sell to me.

But... he doesn't know you.

- So...
- So you want me to...

- Nellie, it's a little...
- You want me to buy you heroin?

- It's... Don't say it like...
- And then drop you off at rehab?

It's a little thing, Nellie.

And I'll pay you back
as soon as I get out.

And it's going to take, I promise you.

Look, I'm tired of this shit.
Okay? I'm done.

I'm gonna do it this time.

All right?

Look, I can bullshit Steve and Shirl

and Theo if I gotta, but not...

not you, Nellie.

Never you.

Look at me.

It's just you and me.

That's it. This is it.

I'm... I'm gonna do it. I just...

I just... I just need to get...

I just need to get well
one last time, just to...

just to push me through the gates
and then that's it. That's it.

You believe me, right?

I believed you.

I always, always believed you.

When we were kids and then...

and later when you saw...

when you said you saw... I believed you.

Believe me now.

How much is it gonna cost?

Twenty bucks.

One balloon. That's all you need.

You know, I always believed
in you, you know that?

And I get it. [SNIFFS]

I've been having a really hard time too,

and nobody wants to see it...

Look, I wanna see it.
Okay? I wanna see it.

I get it. So...

you help me get well...

and then you can tell me all about it.


- Okay.
- Okay?



I'll be right back.

f*ck. f*ck.


- Thanks.
- He just spit that out of his mouth.

Yeah, that's what they do.

You still collecting those buttons?


I'll see if I can find some
for you at the center.



We all just need a little help
sometimes, right, Nellie?





[NELL] I saw my brother last month.

A bed opened up in a center downtown

and he needed someone to drive him.

And did you?

I did.

Last month?

That's right.

Is there any particular reason
that you didn't mention this

at any of our other sessions since then?

How's he been doing?

Good, actually.


you've spoken to him again?


The first few days he was there,

I felt like I had the
worst flu of my life.

Day four, I started to feel better.

And I haven't had any phantom
pains or anything like that.

You probably don't believe
in the twin thing, do you?

I believe a unique shared empathy
exists between twins, sure.


my shared empathy made me feel
nauseous for the first few days,

but then...

I guess he got better.

How is this new medication
working for you?

Any... issues?


It's great.

Are you sure?

What kind of question is that?

I mean, this event seems
to have really upset you.

Is there more to this story?

He needed my help and
I helped him, and...

that's all.

[THEO] Wait, you did what?

He needed to get well.

I wish you would have called me.

That is not the way you help an addict.


It was a little thing and he's fine.

Can we drop it?

So are we heading out?

- I'm really excited to see the beach...
- Not yet. [SIGHS]

Could you just...

You said you would.

- Please, you know I don't like...
- You said you would.



The pillow.

- Which one?
- [SNIFFS] That one.



I'm sorry.



Okay, okay.

It's where he died.

Nellie, I don't want to...

- You said you would.
- Hey! Hey!

The f*ck! Nellie!

- Anything?
- Jesus, no! All right?

You really can't feel anything?
I mean, I feel like...

I can feel him here sometimes.

I am feeling serious f*cking concern.
That is what I am feeling.

- I just want to know if he's still here.
- He's not.

And that f*cking sucks.

And I know that.

And I'm sorry, but you can't...

You can't live like this.

Jesus, when was the
last time you cleaned?

I came out here to see my sister.

I thought we would go to a
museum, go to the beach,

I thought we might get
drunk and f*cking cry,

but I didn't think I'd be
treated like a servant.

I'm sorry!

What is this new doctor
doing for you, anyway?

- I'm sorry.
- You look worse now

than you did four months ago.

- Has this new quack got you on new meds?
- He's not a quack.

Well, he's not exactly impressing me,

and I know what the
f*ck I'm talking about.

Oh my God.

Honestly, Nell, I wish you would
consider just moving back east.

- You are here all by yourself.
- I have Steven.

When he's not on a book tour.


I have to be here for Luke,
you know, when he gets out.

So he has a place to
crash after a binge?

He's in rehab.

He made you buy him
heroin on the way in.

Does Shirley know what he made you do?


Like you're above taking
money from family?

You want to talk about what
Shirley knows and doesn't know?

What does that mean?

I guess that's a no.

She might not let you freeload anymore.


I've got your back...

- but I also have my limits.
- Only with us.

Yeah, never with yourself.

You've never cared about
anyone more than yourself,

and that's sad.

But don't lecture me
about adulthood, Theo,

not from Shirley's f*cking guest house.


[STEVEN] It was fascinating.

Prisoners, rangers, visitors.

They had so many stories to tell,
more than I could fit in the book.

Whispering in cells, locked
cell doors shutting,

phantom figures.

Even the sounds of musical
instruments and sewing machines.

I wish I could have included it all.

Any other questions?


Have you or your siblings been
back to Hill House since ' ?

Look, I'm thrilled you guys
came out for the reading today,

but I'm really here to
talk about Alcatraz.


Do you keep in touch with your father?

Again, I'm not going to answer
questions about my family.

So does anyone else have
another question...

not related to Hill House?

I have a question.

Oh my God. That's Nell Crain.

I have a question, Steve.

Nell. I didn't know you...

I'm so glad you're here.

Why do you keep lying to these people?

[SCOFFS] What?

I'm saying, why did you charge
these people $ a head

to sit here and listen to you talk about

things that you don't believe.

Nellie, we can talk about
this after the reading.


I'd like you to answer me now.

Look, everybody, I'm sorry about this.

My family is just like any other family.

- We don't always agree on everything.
- We're not, though.

Like any other family.

We're different.

Because of where we grew up.

Now, you stand there and you
talk about ghosts and spirits.

And you sell tickets for the privilege,

and yet you don't believe in any of it.

- Nell...
- And you tell me I'm crazy,

and that Mom was crazy and Luke's crazy

and we're all just nuts,

and then you tell our stories.

My stories, the same
stories that you told me

were just dreams or delusions.

We can talk about this later...

And you're supposed
to be my big brother.

You know, you're supposed to protect me.

But you say the meanest things
to me when I try to tell you.

And then you make

so much money.

- Nell.
- I'm just asking why.

I don't ask you for anything, ever.

Just this.

I just want to know why.

What the f*ck, Nell?

It was a fair question.

This is my work.

This place, think of it as my office.

I'm at work right now.

You don't come in here and
embarrass me like that.

- Me embarrass you?
- Jesus.

Have you read what you wrote about us?

You've had six years
to file a complaint.

Why the hell are you doing this now?


- Are you off your meds?
- No.


I've seen all the phases with you.

The Christian phase, the New Age phase,

the crystal phase, the
antidepressant phase.

You don't get to just start
smashing up our lives

because you're transitioning
into a new treatment, Nell.

This was not the time or place.

Not the time or place.

[NELL] I confronted my brother.

Just like you told me to.

I'm not so sure I used
that word "confront."

I drove to Ojai

and I called him out,

in front of all of his little fans.

You should have seen his face.

Do you think that was constructive?

It felt good.

I'm going to...

I'm going to ask you something

- and I need you to be honest with me.
- Yes, I'm taking my meds.

And I'm standing up for myself.

For the first time.

In ever.

You're certain you're
taking your medications?

Because, you know, this was
never about confronting Steven

or your other siblings.

The problem is that you
haven't confronted your past.

Every time we talk about

your mother or your childhood...

or your symptoms or Arthur...

it always comes back to one thing.

The house.

There's an excellent reason for that.

How can a house, just a collection of

bricks, wood, and glass...

have that much power over people?

[SNIFFS] You've never been there.

Well, that's true.

But see, neither have you,
not for a long, long time.

And I think that if you
were to look at it today

after all these years,

empty in the woods, you'd
find it's not a monster.

It's barely even a house.

It's a carcass.

I mean, no one's lived there in...

what, years, you said?

It's just a building.

Probably littered with...

with graffiti and dirt.

- I...
- What would Arthur say to you

if he could talk to you right now?

[DR. MONTAGUE] What do
you think he'd want

for the rest of your life?



What are we doing here?

Are we going back for Mom?

Not yet.



Come in.

Why did we leave Mommy?

It's okay.

Everything's okay.

I just need you guys to camp
out here for a little while.

I have to...

I have to go back to the
house and get Mommy.

You're leaving?

I'll be right back. I promise.

Stevie, I need you to
be in charge, okay?

- What's wrong with Mommy?
- She looked hurt.

- When?
- I'll bring her back,

but I have to go now.

Now, I need you guys to take
care of each other right now.

Can you do that for me?

Come here.



You lock this door behind me.

What the hell is happening?

I don't know.

You were the last one out.
What'd you see?

Dad woke me up, carried me out.

- I'm not sure what I...
- Theo.

Did you see anything?

I don't know what I saw.

What did you mean, Mommy looked hurt?

She fell on the floor.


We were in the Red Room.


We were in the Red Room
having a tea party

with Abigail and Mommy.

How? The Red Room's locked.

That wasn't Mommy.



One, two,

three, four,

five, six,








Come on.

[YOUNG NELL] Did you find Mommy?

I found her.

Is she okay?

She's okay now.

It's just paint.

You should get some sleep.
You've had a rough night.

I was waiting for you.

I didn't know if you'd come back.


It's okay, honey. I called them.


Give me a second, sweetie.


Thank you. I'll just be a moment.

What's going on?

I have to go with them now
and answer some questions,

but one of them is going
to stay here with you guys

- until your Aunt Janet gets here.
- What?

- She'll be here a little later.
- Later?

How long is later?

- It won't be that long.
- No.

You said you'd be right back before,
and it was the longest time.

[INHALES] Your Aunt Janet's
flight gets in at...

She should be here no
later than two o'clock.

See, so...

when a little hand's on the two and...

the big hand's on the ...

she should be here, okay?

Two o'clock.

You hold onto this,

and I'll try to...

I'll try to be back here
soon as I can. Okay?

Okay, Daddy.



Thank you.

Holy shit.



How are your brother and sisters
doing, I wondered, since the book?

- How are they doing these days?

You know who I wish would
write a book? Your dad.


I'm sorry.


Are you saying you'd prefer
not to do a viewing?

It's Nell, um...

I need you to call me.

It's hard to understand,
everything's so...

twisted and it's hard to explain, but...

I'm worried about Luke.

Have you talked to him?

Call me.





It's Steve. Sorry I missed your call.

I talked to Shirley. I know
you're worried about Luke,

but I called his rehab
center and he's fine.

He actually got his -day chip
today, if you can believe that.

I'll be around tomorrow if
you still need to chat.


I hope you're well, Nellie.

I mean that.



Okay... [SNIFFS] Okay.

How long are you gonna
put this off, Nellie?



You probably shouldn't
have slept all day.

There's nothing wrong
with going at night.

It's just a carcass in the woods.

It's just a carcass in the woods.

It's just a carcass...

in the woods.





Honey, are you okay? What time is it?

Do you remember the Bent-Neck Lady?


She's back.


Nell, where are you?

I'm at home.

In bed.

I want you to go to Steve and Leigh's.

I'm... I'm gonna drive to Orlando...

and get a flight to LA.

You... Steve's closest,
so you go to him.

Okay? And I'll see... I'll
see you there tomorrow.


I love you, Daddy.

Are you okay?

I'm fine. [SNIFFLES]

I'm sorry to wake you.

Good night, Daddy.


[YOUNG STEVEN] One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight,

nine, ten,

eleven, twelve, thirteen,

fourteen, fifteen, sixteen...

Where have you been?

... eighteen, nineteen.

Here I come.

Which way did he go, Nellie?

Oh, there you are.

Where have you been?

It's almost bedtime.

We were going to have a tea party.

Okay, then.

Nellie, your mom's looking for you.


Shirley, where's your mother?

Come on.

She's over here.

[EXHALES] Mommy.


Oh, good.

You're here.

But you're not even dressed.


- _
- I didn't... [SNIFFLES]

I didn't write that.

I know.

We know.

I know you didn't, sweetie.

We always knew.

We always believed you.


Now you have to get dressed for bed.

I have something you can wear.
Middle drawer of my dresser.


[OLIVIA] You're so beautiful.


So are you, Momma.

My goodness.

We need to get downstairs.


Of course.

We can't be late for the reception.

You're expected.



You look amazing.

Sorry for everything I said.

I always should have believed you.

About everything.

I'm so sorry that we fought.

It's okay.

- You were right.

I'm so proud of you, button.


Thanks for believing in me, Nellie.

It did the trick.

I'm clean and sober, all thanks to you.


Hi, gorgeous.

[SOBS] Hi.


I've missed you.

- So much.

I've missed you.

I know.

- I know.

♪ All the clouds blew away ♪

♪ Got no trouble today ♪

♪ With anyone ♪

♪ The smile on your face ♪

♪ I live only to see ♪

♪ It's enough for me, baby ♪

♪ It's enough for me ♪

♪ Oh heavenly day ♪

♪ Heavenly day ♪

♪ Heavenly day ♪

♪ No one at my shoulder ♪

♪ Bringing me fears ♪

♪ Got no clouds up above me ♪

♪ Bringing me tears ♪

♪ Got nothing to tell you ♪

♪ I've got nothing much to say ♪

♪ Only I'm glad to be here with you ♪

♪ On this heavenly, heavenly,
heavenly, heavenly day ♪


Come along.

We're going to have a tea party.

[OLIVIA] Nellie.

It's yours now.



It's okay, honey.



It's time to wake up, sweetheart.



No, no, no, no, no, no.