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03x02 - A Philadelphia Story

Posted: 10/20/18 08:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on This Is Us...

This is the apartment building Beth and I bought last year.

It's where I found my biological father.

Her background is complicated.

She will break you, Kevin.

JASPER: I've spoken to colleagues who have had success with IVF.

At your weight, realistically, there's about a % chance of failure here.

You've been on the antidepressant how long?

- TOBY: Uh, six years.
- It's possible they're causing
the decreased sperm count.

KATE: Dad!

DOCTOR: Your husband went into cardiac arrest.

Mrs. Pearson, your husband has died.

JACK: Come on, Bec.
What's the harm in looking?

Hmm. I've heard that one before.




- Do you want some coffee?
- Yeah.

It's a big day today.

Are we finally gonna pick a house and get out of this place?

Yeah, if it's the right house.

But that's not why it's a big day.

That came for you this morning.

You know, rejection letters don't typically weigh three pounds.


Ma, I... Ma, I got-I got in.

- I got into Howard.
- I knew it.

(CRYING) Oh, baby.


Mom, are-are you okay?

Yeah, I'm good, I'm just, I'm so happy for you.

- God, get a room.

Well, good morning to you, too.

You know, your brother just got into Howard.

Randall, that's great.

Hey, I'm sure you'll hear from Berklee any time soon now, too.

I was gonna make a veggie omelet for us, if you want one.

Nah, I'm good.

But, um, we're out of these, by the way.

Okay, I'll go, uh, buy more.


I have to go wake up Kevin and tell him.


RANDALL: Hey! All right, pack it in.

You three hellions have just completed your first week of school.

That calls for some celebratory froyo.

Can't. I'm staying after school for TSA.

You're doing airport security training?

It's a Taylor Swift Appreciation club.

I'm staying after, too.
I have my Little Farmers Club.

But froyo.

- Bye.
- Bye.

What about you? Got anything?

Beyhive meeting you got to get to?

- Nope. Don't make this a thing.
- Nothing?


Yo, I'm not making this a thing whatsoever, but, uh, it's just that it's your first week at a new school, and every time we ask you how your day went, you've said it was fine.

What? Say it.

It's just, this school is pretty white, man.

What? White people go to this school?

They got a club for milk enthusiasts. What is that?

That's my kind of club.
Where do I sign up?


I miss my drill team at my old school.

Why don't you start one here?

It's not gonna work.

- How do you know unless you...
- Dude.





What do you got here?


KEVIN: He's that French guy you interviewed

- for your documentary, yeah?
- ZOE: Yeah.

Do you even know what he's saying?


Je parle français et trois autres langues.

- Wow. Man. God.

- You are so hot.
- Oh...



- Mm-mm.
- What?

I have to finish transcribing.

Are you saying I can't compete with an old French guy?

Uh, no. Not when he's talking about Earth's dwindling water supply.

- No.
- Right.

Eh, you're probably right.


I was gonna invite you to my premiere tomorrow night.

But I... it's just, it just, it's... I... it's too soon.

- It is.
- Yeah.

Plus, you know I'm going to Chicago in the morning to sound mix.
- Right.

I could drive you, tomorrow morning, to the airport.

- Thanks. You don't have to...
- I don't mind.

- Really, it's, uh, it's okay.
- No, no.

It's no problem.
I'd be k*lling time, you know?

Um... look, I just, uh, I, um, I don't want this really nice, really light, really lovely thing to be serious, you know?

You know where I'm coming from, right?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course.

Ah, I know where you're coming...
I'm the king of casj.

Okay? Casj, like "casual," okay?

- Mm. Oh.
- I'm not the king of cashmere.

Although that's a lie, I am the king of cashmere.

- I am. I'm not ashamed of it.

- You'll see. Oh, no, you'll see.
- Of course you are.

(LAUGHS) Okay.

Mm-mm. You're stress snacking?

It's my co-op kitchen proposal.

I'll work it off at barre class.

No, keep it on.

I like you a little slim thick.

BETH: Mm... oh, that feels good.

- Do not stop.
- Okay.

Just don't keep doing that thing where you're directing me the entire time.

Ooh, just a little bit higher.

Oh... I mean, uh, no.

- I'll shut up.
- Uh-huh.

Please don't stop.

This proposal is kicking my ass, babe.

Oh, and I may have to go into work tomorrow before the premiere.

- On Saturday?
- Yep.

(INHALES SHARPLY) Just a little bit lower, more pressure.

I think I'll take Deja to the rec center by our building.

What for?

There's this girl, Sky.

She's one of the tenant's daughters.

- She's about Deja's age.
- Mm-hmm.

Maybe I can introduce them, they can hang out.

She may feel more comfortable there.

- Couldn't hurt... ow.
- Sorry. That's... but you-you said more pressure.

- Yeah, but modulate, baby.
- Right. You got it.

Modulate, but don't stop.


Toby, enough with the knee.
You're driving me crazy.

Sorry. I'm just su... I'm super excited.

I mean, come on.

An NYC premiere? This is too much.



What? What's the matter? What's the matter? What's the matter?

- Fertility hormone hot flash.
- Oh, I got this.

Hey, man, can you crank the A.C.?

- Oh, that's good.
- Oh, well, that is...


Oh, damn, girl.

You look like you're in a Whitesnake video.

Yeah, you make IVF look very rock and roll.

- Mm.

Stop, that's my spot. Stop.

- My gosh.

I'm on the hormones, and you've been extra frisky lately.

Yeah, well, the idea of you and me making a mini you and me makes me and mini me very excited.

Listen, all of this is big news, and it's still early.

And I-I don't want to talk about risks or hormone sh*ts with my mom, so let's not say anything to my family.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Some things are best kept between a husband and his wife and his Lyft driver.

Really hope the IVF works for you guys.

- Okay, thanks.
- Thanks.


Looks like you could use a hand.

Thank you. I can manage.

Fair enough.

Please, do not touch my things.
I said I can manage.

WILLIAM: I didn't catch your name.

RANDALL: Hey, ChiChi.

Hey, Randall. Is everything okay?

- You got my rent check, right?
- I did. Everything's good.

I just, uh, I wanted to introduce Deja to Sky.

CHICHI: Sky, over here.

RANDALL: Hey, Sky. This is Deja.

Deja, Sky.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Uh, were ya'll just stepping?

Yeah, you step?

No, but I was on a drill team.

Oh, cool. Come on, I'll show you what we're doing.

Why is that mattress up against the wall?

- Because of the hole.
- Well, why is there a hole?

Because of the busted pipe.

Why is there a busted pipe?

Because of the water heater.

Randall, are we going to play this game all day?

Because I'd like to get back to my book.


Why doesn't somebody call the city or Parks and Rec, fix this place up?

We call all the time.

It doesn't work.

We don't even have proper street lighting.

But if you think you can do better after sitting around for all of five minutes, feel free to go to city hall.

Talk to Councilman Brown.

Maybe I will.


Maybe I will right now.

(LAUGHS) Okay.


I had to tell you guys first, Ms. Yvette.

We're all here. Go ahead, hon.

Guess who got into H.U.?


- (LAUGHING): Yes!
- I told you you'd get in.

RP, you're gonna love the campus, man.

The Greek parties, the step shows.

Yeah, and I'm-a make sure you pledge, too.

Okay, look, boy, he is going there for an education.

Hey, I can't wait.

YVETTE: You'll come over tonight to celebrate.

Isaac is gonna grill and I'll make my fried okra.

REBECCA: Randall, we're late to meet the realtor.

I got to go, but tonight sounds good.

I just have to ask my mom first.

Okay and that's the living room.

Let's take a look at the kitchen.

JACK: You got to admit, this place gets more light than ours.

Yeah, well, light is overrated.

REALTOR: This way.

Now, this house does only have three bedrooms, so if that's an issue...
- No, no, it's fine.

I mean, the boys can share a room, right?

I mean, Randall, you're gonna be heading off to college in the fall and Kate, fingers crossed, you'll hear from Berklee any day now.

As for me, I'll be right here.

Me, too.

What do you mean?

I never sent in the tape they asked for for my callback audition.

- I-I bet you can still
- Nope.

- apply for springtime.
- I'm done.

RANDALL: But if you just explain...

Randall, she said she's done, all right?

Um, have you seen the backyard?

It's like a vacation out there.

That sounds nice.

- Oh, this way. Follow me.
- Okay.


Well, that was fun.


Kev. Kev, are you hammered right now?

I'm fine.

Okay, so, Megan Markle tiny hat?

Or no tiny hat?

- I don't know.
- I like the tiny hat.

- Yeah?
- Yeah. It's cute.

- Huh? Eh?
- Oh, look at you.

It's Italian. Huh? Made in Pasadena.

- It's very handsome.

Oh, no, no, no, m'lady.
If you want handsome, please allow me to introduce Miguel Rivas!

Huh? Huh?


Guys, we have to go.
Car's all gassed up.

As soon as I grab a snack for the road, then we can head out, okay?

Ooh! Caramel creme. That's my favorite.

- Oh, and only calories.
- Oh, no, actually, you can't.

- These are Kate's.
- I can't use my own...

I'm a heroin addict.



I know it's loud.

It's too hot. She won't stop crying.

I was wondering if you'd had dinner.

I might've made too much is all and, uh, you'd be doing me a favor.


I said I made too much.
I didn't say I made it well.

It's not bad.

It's not good, either.

My food tends to live somewhere in the margins.


ChiChi. It's a pretty name.

It's Ibo. I'm Nigerian.

So it's just the two of you here?

I was married.

I married very young.

Me and my husband Emeka met when I was nine.

(CHUCKLES) He used to come to my house and my mother would let us watch karate movies and Walker, Texas Ranger.


So, when we won visa lottery, we knew we had to go to Texas, see the cowboys for ourselves.

Emeka died before we traveled.

I decided to still come... but not to Texas.

Wouldn't... have been the same without him.


My NA group is putting something together, a little... celebration for me being five years clean and sober.

It's at the community center on Fifth.

A lot of people in the building go there.

Good people.

A lot of them with small kids.

You're welcome to come.

Thank you.

But I'm all right.

Would you like to hold her?

Are you sure?

Uh, I haven't had much practice.

Hello, my sweet.

Sky, meet William.

Hello, Sky. Yeah.


You're a natural.

Hello, Sky.


Hey, how's it going?


I might have to meet you at the premiere.

That's fine. Don't worry about it.

So, uh, I took Deja to this rec center to hang out with Sky.

Place is a bit of a dump.

Oh, really? So you're thinking about buying it?

- Ha-ha ha.
- Ha-ha.

But I did go to city hall.

I wanted to speak to the councilman about fixing the place up.

Apparently, dude is getting his hair cut.

- So you are...
- Headed to his barbershop.

My man.

Hey, babe, I got to finish up here.

I'm buried in work.

All right. I'll see you tonight.

JACK: You could grow basil for pesto.

When have you ever eaten pesto?

Where are you right now?


Sorry, hon.

I'm right here.

So what do you think of this place?

Have you noticed Kate's eating?


You know, and Kevin's drunk half the time.

But-but you don't seem to care.

I do care.

I'm doing the very best that I can.

They're both grieving.

- What would you like me to do?
- I don't know.

But anything. I mean, you lied.

You said that you'd take care of everything.

You said we'd be okay, that you'd step up and make sure of it, but you lied.



It's getting late.
I think we need to go.

MIGUEL: You know, our friend Carol, she has a daughter who did the in vitro.

- REBECCA: Mm-hmm. Yeah.
- Remember?

The cute, little twins with the weird names.

- What were they?
- Eloise and Plaza.

- Yeah.
- REBECCA: Mm-hmm.

Terrible names. Yeah.

- Mom.
- Hmm?

- What's up?
- What? Nothing.

Nothing at all, Bug.

This is exactly what I was trying to avoid.

Just say it.

Kate, have you guys really considered all of the risks?

Oh, can we not do this?

I'm sure that they've done the research...

Because I-I did learn a lot from helping my friend Carol and I know that the egg retrieval surgery is a dangerous procedure for someone...

someone... your size, Kate.

♪ What did I do wrong? ♪

♪ Someone tell me... ♪

Excuse me, Councilman Brown, may I have a word?

A word? (CHUCKLES)

Hell, you can have a whole paragraph.

My name's Randall Pearson.

I own the property on Olney and Third.

It's the big one, right next to the laundromat.

Nice to have a black landlord in this city.

Not many of those.

Councilman Sol Brown.

- th District.
- Nice to meet you.

All my pleasure.

My father lived in the building for several years.

When he passed away, my wife and I took it as a personal mission to turn the place around.

Good for you. Come on, sit.

- Join us.
- Thank you.

So, what's on your mind, Mr. Pearson?


I'm actually here about the rec center on Fifth Street.

The place is falling apart.

I'm talking holes in the wall, water damage.

The streetlights out front are either broken or missing.

Yeah, that place isn't what it was.

Kills me.

What part of town do you live in?

Oh, I actually live in New Jersey.

- In the suburbs.
- Oh, good for you.

I grew up in South Philly.

Spent a lot of time at a rec center myself back then.

Ree's Recreation Center.

- Ever hear of it?
- No, I can't say that I have.

My pops owned the grocery store right across the street from it.

I think I was in high school when there was a sh**ting at Ree's.

The mayor tried to shut it down, but my pops wasn't having it.

He always said, "Boy, ain't nothin' worth having if you ain't willing to fight for it."

He got everybody in the neighborhood to rally to keep Ree's open.

Your father sounds like he was the real deal.

He was. He really was.

Last year, I cast the deciding vote to shut Ree's down.

Eh, it wasn't structurally sound, became dangerous.

In my position, Mr. Pearson, I have to make decisions I don't always love.

Ironic, isn't it?

I got into politics to honor a man who I'd now be constantly disappointing.


I'm adopted.

My adoptive father passed away as well.

So I have two dead fathers that I'm constantly trying to make proud.

Tell you what.

I'll have a maintenance crew come out there today.

I'm gonna be there to make sure.

Hey, you have my word, brother.

Thank you very much, Councilman.

- My pleasure, son.
- Appreciate it.

Thank you, sir.

Hey, all right. Cool.



Kevin Pearson, brace yourself.

- Really?
- Okay, no, here it is.

I found it, so "doctors will not even perform IVF on women over a certain weight in Australia."

- Because it's that dangerous.
- Hi, everyone.

- Oh, hi, sweetheart.

So proud of you.

Really excited for tonight.

Yeah, no, that's-that's obvious.
What's going on here?

Oh, well, uh, Kate and Toby are getting in vitro, and your mother knows everything there is to know about IVF because of Eloise and Plaza.

- The book?
- No.

REBECCA: Kate, I'm just saying, why would you take that risk when there are so many other options out there?

Because I want to.

'Cause I want to.

Because I want to look that baby in his face, and I want to... I want to see Toby.

I want to see myself. I want to see...

I want to see Dad.

And I'm the only one in the family who's gonna carry on a piece of Dad.

- What about me?
- Okay, Kev.

"Okay, Kev"? Real...
What's that supposed to mean?

- You're not serious.
- No, no, apparently I'm not serious ever about anything.

- This is great...
- Okay, enough, enough, enough.

And, Kate, of course a baby would be cause for celebration.

- But... I... there...
- Why is there a "but"?

How about stop at "celebration" and just stop there?

I just think it's irresponsible.

- Because of my weight?
- No.

Yeah, you've already made that really clear.

No, Kate, now you're twisting my words.

Okay, well, for the past years, you have swallowed every single comment about my weight, but now, you want to bring it up now because it's something that I want?
- Kate!

Where do I draw the line?

How do I toe the line, Kate, because...

Shut up! Everyone just shut up!

This is... it's not about you, Rebecca.

It's not about any of you.

This is about me and Kate.

All right? We lost a child, and now we want to start a family.

And we needed a little help because we have bad eggs, and apparently I have really bad sperm.

So we have every expert in town telling us how dangerous this is.

And we know it probably won't work out for us.

So please, for the love of God, save the asinine commentary from the cheap seats.


I'm sorry. Look, I'm gonna, uh...

I'm gonna go clear my head.

I'll see you guys at the premiere.

Five, six, seven, eight.

WILLIAM: Hi, my name is William, and I'm an addict.

GROUP: Hi, William.

I've been clean for five years and... one minute.


Strange thing to celebrate, huh?

Somehow it feels more special than my own birthday.

I started using years ago, when I lost my mother.

The only family I ever really had.

Then I moved a couple of blocks away, and all that changed.

I met Sam, who drove for Septa and didn't begrudge me when I couldn't pay my fare.

And Bernadette, who bested this old junkie to a game of chess, and for her prize asked that I accompany her to an NA meeting.

And last night I met this young Nigerian woman named ChiChi.

And she let me hold her beautiful baby.

And she told me I was a natural.

And it might as well have been my birthday when she said that.

When she gave me that gift.

WILLIAM: Community.

That's a strange word on its own.

The word's not as warm as "family," but some people, people like myself,we don't have family.

But that's okay because we have each other.

We have this place...and that's not nothin'.

That's not nothin' at all.

I'm going to Ms. Yvette's.

Okay, sweetheart.

Hey, Ma...

I-I'm sorry.

- You know, about before.
- No, no.

No, you don't have to be.
You shouldn't be.

- Okay.
- Randall...


Randall, it's a struggle for me to get out of bed every morning.

It takes every single ounce of energy that I have, and then I have nothing left for the rest of the day.


And I know that isn't fair to you guys, but I can't... seem to stop it.


Did you know that your father took me to look at a new house a few months before the fire?

Come on, Bec.
What's the harm in looking?

Yeah, I've heard that one before.

Sometimes I think about where we would all be right now if we had bought it.

This house does get a lot more light than our place, right?

Yeah, well, light is overrated.

You could grow anything you want.

Tomatoes, herbs, maybe some... maybe some basil for pesto.

Uh, when have you ever eaten pesto?

Okay, go.

Have fun with your friends... college boy.



Okay... we saw it. Can we go?

- Y-You don't want to see...
- I don't.

I'm sorry, I know I'm being a bad sport, but I just... I love our house, Jack.

Even if it's old and too small and doesn't get enough light, and there isn't any room to grow basil, it's... it's our house.

Okay, so we're just gonna stay there forever?

Sounds pretty good to me.

Me, too. Yeah, I just wanted to hear you say it.


You sure you don't want a ride home?

I bought a bus pass. I'm gonna get my money's worth.

Fixed the light.

I see that.

One down, , to go.

RANDALL: I'm gonna stay on him.

We deserve better than this.


I can't figure you out, Randall.

- What do you mean?
- I loved your father.

He was a good man. We were his family. He was one of us.

I look at you, Randall, and oh, my goodness.

I see so much of him in you, so clearly.

It makes me happy. It gives me a piece of my friend back.

But we are not a we.

You are not one of us.

You brought your daughter to come play here, but instead of sitting and chatting and getting to know the place, you spent the whole day seeing its problems, trying to fix them.

I'm not even sure you know why.

We are not our problems.

I know you're not.


I got to get going.

I know you do.


- Oh, wow.
- This is amazing.

- Yeah.
- Toby's not returning my calls

- or answering my texts.
- Ah. No way he misses a premiere.

He'll be here, trust me.

- Hey, Kev?
- Yeah.

I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings earlier.

Oh, no, no. Hey, listen, it's, it's fine.

Okay? I mean, honestly, the idea of me having kids makes me physically nauseous.

It wasn't that, it was, um...

He never saw me act.

He was always the hardest one on me.

And I think it was because he was the one person in the world that ever took me seriously.

A-And I always wondered, you know,if someone actually gave me a shot, like, a real shot,to be the man that he thought I could be,if I could actually go there,
if I could actually get there.


And here we are, you know?

In a couple hours, we'll find out if I deserve to be taken seriously, I guess, right?

And now I'm gonna go do an interview with Mario Lopez.

The world is running out of water.

It's a major human crisis.

Hey, man, I am hearing nothing

- but positive things, Kevin.
- KEVIN: Good. Good to hear.

- There's a lot of great buzz right now.
- KEVIN: Thank you.

- You should be excited.
- KEVIN: Thank you. I am excited.

- Who's joining you here tonight?
- Uh, you know what? My whole family.

What about a special lady friend?

- KEVIN: Uh, I just...
- No?

- Solo tonight. Just me, just me.
- Okay. All right.

KEVIN: Uh, I got to ask you a question.

We want to know how you keep yourself looking so young?

'Cause you look like you could walk right back into Saved by the Bell.
I'm not kidding you.

There you are. Miguel found our seats.

Toby's not here yet.

I don't know what's going on with him.

I'm sure he'll make it.

No, it's time to take my shot.
And he is supposed to give it to me.
- And I'm sure he'll make it.

But it... if I don't get it in time, it's gonna throw off my whole hormone cycle.
I'm at high risk.

- Okay, Kate, Kate.
- One little slip-up

- is gonna ruin the whole thing.
- Kate.

Do you have it with you?

Just make sure you keep the site really clean.

I got it. And then it's just one push, right?



You know, Kate, after your father passed away, there was a period of time where I just didn't...

I didn't know if I was ever gonna make it back.

You know, if I could make it.

MAN (OVER TV): Hey, you okay?

WOMAN (OVER TV): No. Why? Um...

MAN: You're sure?

It doesn't hurt.

So the thought of anything ever happening to you,anything, anything that could ever put you in any sort of real harm, is just paralyzing to me.


You'll see, when you have kids.

WOMAN (OVER TV): All I can think about was...

I gained pounds.

WOMAN (OVER TV): You know what it's like when everything is suddenly different?

And I should have done more when you really started gaining the weight.

I was almost .

I should have made better food choices.

Well, we've had a terrible few months.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

- (QUIETLY): Should we do this? Okay.
- Yeah.

Here we go.


- Okay, right there? All right.
- KATE: Mm-hmm.

One, two, three.

- Okay. Is that okay?
- Mm-hmm.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.



♪ Older chests reveal themselves ♪

♪ Like a crack in a wall... ♪

Thank you.

♪ Starting small ♪


♪ And grow in time ♪

- Hey.
- ♪ And we always seem ♪

♪ To need the help ♪

♪ Of someone else to mend that shelf... ♪

♪ Too many books... ♪

♪ Read me your favorite line... ♪

♪ Papa went to other lands... ♪

- Hi. Hi, I'm sorry.
- Babe.

I overreacted, and-and then I lost track of time.

Do you still need your shot?

My mom did it.


- Hey, hey. Babe?
- Yeah. Yeah.

I've never seen you blow up like that. Ever.

What's been going on with you lately?

Yeah, it's probably just jet lag.

You know, I'm okay.

All right. Let's get our seats, yeah?

♪ Some things, they stay the same... ♪

Uh, I'm sorry.

How'd it go at work today?

I kicked that proposal's ass.

That's what's up. Psh...

How'd it go with you?

Uh, it's complicated.

This stuff's always complicated for me.

What is?

Just where I fit in.

How I come off to certain people.

It's either I'm trying too hard or I'm not trying hard enough.

I can never get it right.


♪ Mama tried to wash their faces... ♪

I won't have any fun there. (LAUGHS)

All right.

♪ And Daddy lost ♪

♪ At the races too many times ♪


♪ She broke down the other day ♪

♪ Yeah, you know, some things in life may change ♪

♪ But some things, they stay the same... ♪

Hi, um, uh, this message is for the admissions office.

I'm Randall Pearson, and I already sent in my form saying that I'll be attending Howard this fall, but I just wanted to call to say that, actually, I... actually, I won't be.

I got to, uh, stay, stay close to home for family.

Thank you for this opportunity.



- KEVIN: Hi.
- Ah.

- My brother, on the big screen.
- Hi.


Is this movie gonna make me cry?

Uh, well, you cry at everything, so probably.

Oh, it's gonna make me cry buckets, I can tell.


What'd I miss?

- Today? Uh...
- Yeah.

You missed quite a bit, actually.

Um, Kate and Toby are doing IVF.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- RANDALL: Good for them.
- I think so. Yeah.

KEVIN: Mom kind of flipped out a little bit, though.

You know, which upset Kate.
She was like, "Well, I'm the only one that's gonna be able to pass on a piece of Dad," right, which made me upset, and... even though, to be honest with you, it really wasn't about that for me, you know what I mean? You...

Let me ask you a question.

Do you think serious people take me seriously?

What? Hey.

No, I... She said she was the only one who could pass on a piece of Dad?

(WHISPERS): It's starting. Hey.