18x17 - Real Fake News

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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18x17 - Real Fake News

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system,sexually based offensesare consideredespecially heinous.In New York City,the dedicated detectiveswho investigate these vicious feloniesare members of an elite squadknown as the Special Victims Unit.These are their stories.

[dramatic sting]

Sergeant Tutuola.

See, that wasn't so bad, was it?

- I hate tests.

- Even when you pass?

Well, a little less then.

You know, I am gonna miss you, Fin, because they transfer new sergeants to patrol.

But first, they gotta get appointed, and that may not happen for a while.

- I'm number on the list.

- What?

I didn't get a perfect score.

Hey, sorry if I'm late.

My babysitter didn't show.

I had to park Jesse with my sister.

Look, maybe Lucy can pick her up after she drops Noah at preschool.

Do you want me to call her?

Yes, please.

Hey, where's everybody been?

It's just been me and

- the Congressman over here.

- The Congressman?

Yeah, he walked in half an hour ago.

He's been waiting in your office.

A congressman waiting around for a half hour?

He must really want your vote.

Okay, what does he really want?

Wants to talk to you.

That's what he said.

Lieutenant, I'm Luke Bolton.

Yes, of course, I know who you are.

How can I help you?

You may not be aware, but, according to the Internet, I'm a customer of an underage sex trafficking ring run out of a Chinese restaurant called the Coral Dragon.

- You are?

- No, I'm not.

But facts don't seem to matter nowadays.

It's fake news, but a lot of people seem to believe it.

People on the Internet.

They're real people, but they've drawn some crazy conclusions from my emails.

- I got hacked.

- Yeah, I heard about it.

The NYPD got hacked as well.

I've had to change my password about five times.

I still get nervous every time I log on.

I wish that were the only problem here.

It's a dangerous situation.

The owner has received threats.

- Okay, that's not good, but...

- I just put out a statement, but I'm afraid I've only made the situation worse.

If you could send someone to take a look at the place... the teenage sex slaves are supposedly held c*ptive

in the basement... and establish that it's not true.

Would anyone believe it?

One hopes the NYPD is still a trusted institution.

It's nice to think so.

This is an alleged sex crime.

You investigate alleged sex crimes, don't you?

Yes, we do.

[dramatic sting]

I guess we can pick up some General Tso's chicken while we're here, at least.

Yeah, Rollins wants some sesame noodles.

Yeah, maybe tomorrow, we can investigate Italian.

- Mr. Lee?

- Yes, Detectives.

The Congressman told me you were coming.

- I hope you can help us.

- I honestly don't know if we're going to be able to help, Mr. Lee.

I've been getting death threats.

My employees are getting death threats.

Okay, we can pass that along to the other detectives.

In the meantime, why don't you show us around and...

- You! Where are they?

- He's got a g*n!

[people screaming]

The girls... where?

I don't know... what girls?

The girls in the basement, the ones for sale.

Everybody stay calm and easy!

I'm not here to hurt nobody!

Just show me and let them go.

Okay, why don't you put that g*n down,

- and then he'll show you around?

- Ain't your business, buddy.

Yes, it is.

I'm a police officer, okay?

Good, you can help me self-investigate.

All right, first, I need you to put that g*n down.


How do I know you ain't in it?

Hey! [g*nsh*t]

[people screaming]

- We're not done here!

- Oh, yes, we are.

He's a police officer too.

Get on your knees!

Hand me that g*n slowly.

On your knees.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

This is out of control.

Who's gonna come eat here now?

Well, we'll get the precinct to provide security, but hopefully this is a one-time event.

Why are you talking to him?

Why aren't you doing your job?

Why don't you shut up?

Tell him to show you the basement.

Okay, Mr. Lee, is that where you keep your teenage sex slaves?

In the basement?

No, this is crazy!

I saw the building plan online.

Just look through that door.

Wait, he wants to see that door?

Well, Mr. Lee, if you don't wanna show him what's behind that door, you don't have to.

He wants to see? [Mop rattles]

So what's this?

This is your teenage sex sl*ve?

Just check... check the back wall.

It opens.

[hand smacking solidly]

Sounds pretty solid.

Get him out of here.

This restaurant has no basement.

Unusual for New York.

Yeah, but it kind of rules out the sex sl*ve dungeon.

This restaurant... the Internet is not letting this go.

It claims that the Coral Dragon has this deep, hidden basement that you guys just didn't look hard enough to find.

There's no basement.

Who believes this stuff?

Nowadays, people are gonna believe what they wanna believe.

But there is such a thing as reality, so who's putting out this stuff about the Coral Dragon?

Well, it's this website, TheEndlessTruth.com.

And your guy with the r*fle, Malcolm Barnstable, he'd been posting comments.

"Thank you for exposing this evil. These people have to be stopped."

TheEndlessTruth.com has to be stopped.

Well, if idiots with g*ns are taking their lead from them, yeah.

You two, pay him a visit.

[dramatic sting]

This is the headquarters for "The Endless Truth"?

It's all it takes.

That computer connects me to the world.

And who are you?

Ron Duca. It's my news service.

You don't have any other employees?

Oh, no need. With the Internet, one person's voice can be as big as any organ of the mainstream media.

Except the mainstream media doesn't spread lies about a sex ring that doesn't exist.

They're not lies.

You know Congressman Bolton's email account was hacked, right?

- And whose hasn't been?

- Bolton's emails were a revelation.

I had a moral duty to publish them.

Yeah, he got a few free rounds of golf from a lobbyist.

That was nothing.

Some of my readers took a closer look at his emails, starting with this.

"Meet you at the Coral Dragon, as usual, : p.m.

"They've got a new dish on the menu: fresh Chinese broccoli, highly recommended."


Okay, this isn't about Chinese food.

I mean, who eats dinner at : p.m.?

And Chinese broccoli? Initials, CB.

On pedophile message boards, CB stands for "child brides."

It can also stand for "Chinese broccoli."


Look at these photos, taken outside the restaurant.

- Where are those girls going?

- Home, with their fathers.

Where are their mothers?

And look at this.

[tense music]

Coral Dragon.

Well, look at the dragon's tail... heart-shaped.

Oh, man.

I'm sure you're familiar with this from your law enforcement research.

Butterfly with heart-shaped wings, a symbol for "child lover" on the dark web.

That restaurant is advertising what goes on there for those in the know.

Yeah, speaking of advertising, how much do you make when the nut jobs that believe all this stuff go to your website and click on the ads?

I'm entitled to make a living.

I'm providing a public service.

Public service?

One of your wacko fans walked into that restaurant with a g*n.

He could've k*lled somebody.

If you really wanna do a public service, you could switch your focus to, say, UFOs, maybe Bigfoot?

- Okay, this is dangerous.

- This is free speech.

You can't make me stop.

And, instead of harassing me, you should be investigating the Coral Dragon.

We already did. There's nothing there.

Nothing? [Chuckling]

Really? Have you seen this list?

"Varsity Restaurant Supplies. Owner: Ronald Fleming."

Arrested by the NYPD, you guys, and convicted of sex with a child.

Do you think that's a coincidence?

Well, if we show that it is, will you let this whole fairy tale go?

- I'm a reasonable man.

- Great.

[door clicks]

Coral Dragon?

I sold 'em dishes and cutlery, but I lost the account more than ten years ago.

They went with the owner's cousin in Queens.

The Chinese like to stick together.

You here because of that crap on the Internet?

We're trying to shut 'em down.

And you're part of their so-called evidence because of your conviction.

Statutory r*pe, years ago.

I was ; she was .

That's a sex crime.

Yeah, the judge kind of made that point when he sent me upstate for four years.

But that was another lifetime.

I'm married now. I have children.

So you and Congressman Bolton don't hang out with sex slaves at the Coral Dragon?

I've never met a congressman.

I haven't stepped foot in that restaurant since I lost the account.

And I'm allergic to MSG.

The man who fired the shothere yesterday,Malcolm Barnstable,has been charged withcriminal possession of a w*apon,criminal mischief, and menacing.The NYPD has investigatedthis alleged illegal activitythat brought him here,and we have concluded thatthere's absolutely no basisto these allegations.The Chinese restaurant is that indeed.It is a Chinese restaurant, period.And we appeal to the publicnot to believe...

Thank you, Lieutenant, all of you.

Will that website cut it out now?

I'm not sure Duca believes one word he's saying.

He's... he's making a bundle attracting readers who click on the ads.

Yeah, there oughta be a law.

Easier said than done.

I hope that suffices.

Thank you, again.

You're welcome. Good luck.

What now?

We go back to actual sex crimes?

That's a thought.

There's no shortage of those.

I'm on "The Endless Truth" website, and one of those

Endless Truthers searching for clues found a real sex trafficking site on the dark web.

Okay, get this to NCMEC and Computer Crimes.

See if we can trace it.

[foreboding music]

These are the innocent images.

There are also semi-nudes showing off the merchandise.

Where are these from?

Could be across the street.

Could be Romania.

The come-on lines are in English.

Universal language of pedophiles, like air traffic controllers.

That's a U.S. phone number.

Burner cell... they don't pick up unless they recognize the caller ID.

You have to be a known customer.

Okay, what if we work backwards?

We go from the pimp to the customers?

It's not hard for johns to anonymize themselves.

They'd be pretty dumb not to.

They can't all be geniuses.

Can we at least try?

All right.

♪ ♪

[keyboard clicks]

[electronic beeping]

Most of the messages to the johns disappear into the ether.

But we've got one with an identifiable IP address.

Do you have a physical address?

A name?

West th Street. The name is Bolton.

Congressman Luke Bolton?

That's the guy.

Looks like he sent in an order for a little girl.

I've never seen this before in my life.

We're gonna need to take your computer and examine it.

For God's sake, I've got a teenage daughter.

We just need to be sure.

When my email was hacked, I thought it was routine harassment, business as usual these days, but this... they can plant things remotely on people's computers, can't they?

But who would wanna do that on your computer?

I'm on the House Foreign Affairs Committee where I play an active role.

We read the papers.

Well, then you might know that I... I'm a strong supporter of aid to Kosovo, which pisses off Serbia.

So, what, this was planted by the Serbian secret police?

Or the Turks.

I support arming the Kurds.

Or China.

I promote arm sales to Taiwan.

Or Russia because of my stance on Ukraine.

You have any friends overseas?

Canada loves me.

My mother's from Winnipeg.

Okay, and we're gonna take all of that into consideration, but we need to start by taking your computer.

Do you really think I'd be stupid enough to ask you to open an investigation that would lead straight back to me?

Probably not.

Okay, that was Computer Crimes.

Bolton's hard drive was full of child pornography and messages about teenage hookers.

Either this guy's a perv, or he's being framed by some foreign spy group.

Bolton gave us his schedule.

He was in Washington every time one of those messages was supposedly sent from his computer in New York.

And it is quite a coincidence that his computer address is the only one that wasn't shielded.

Okay, so the stuff on his computer was planted.

These pictures are real.

These girls are real.

Yeah, none of them are older than , and they definitely did not volunteer for this.

Somebody's running them and selling them.

And Computer Crimes found messages from predators.

They're ordering them for delivery.

We find these girls.

We rescue these girls.

That's our priority.

They can't trace where the messages or the pictures come from.

Right, but whoever is framing Bolton did find them.

They needed a real child sex ring to make their frame stick, so they found one.

But if a spy outfit went to all this trouble just to smear a congressman, then maybe if we find out who they are, they can lead us to these girls.

And who do we call to find these spies?

- James Bond?

- No.

Someone a little less dashing.

Duca. Find out who sent him the hacked emails.

You should be going after Bolton and that restaurant.

And we'll get right to that, but first, we need to know who sent you Bolton's hacked emails.

- Why?

- Because it could lead us to an actual child prostitution ring.

That's what I've been trying to tell you.

No, an actual, actual child prostitution ring.

Forget it. Anyways, I don't know.

Those emails came to me anonymously.

You sure? No return address?

Not a hint?

- No.

- All right, then you won't mind us taking a look at your computer, right?

No, I would mind. Absolutely not.

That's what we thought.

That's why we brought a subpoena.

[dramatic sting]

So not only is Duca fighting the subpoena; he's representing himself.

Well, as they say, anybody that represents themselves has a fool for a client.

Yeah, well, unfortunately, he's more dangerous than that.

I have here a motion to quash the State's subpoena

- against Mr. Duca.

- Yes, Your Honor.

And you're represented by?

By me.

I see. Ms. Callier?

The state opposes the motion.

Accessing Mr. Duca's computer is the only way to gain crucial information about two on-going criminal investigations: the hacking of a U.S. Congressman and an underage sex trafficking ring.

That's all well and good, but the information on my hard drive has not been published and is privileged.

How so, Mr. Duca?

I need to protect my sources, or I can't continue to conduct important political investigations.

Mr. Duca is hardly a journalist.

He's the author of a website disseminating fake news and salacious conspiracy theories.

I report on the truth.

I'm a watchdog for the people.

I protect regular citizens from government malfeasance and abuse.

Let's imagine for a moment he's a legitimate reporter.

The State is still entitled to the information on his computer.

In the United States versus Sterling, the court held, "So long as a subpoena is issued in good faith "based on the legitimate need of law enforcement, "the government need not make any special showing to obtain "evidence, criminal conduct from a reporter in a criminal proceeding."

Bottom line is, young girls are being exploited as we speak, and the data on Mr. Duca's computer can help us find them.

I agree. The subpoena stands.

[gavel bangs]

- Duca didn't look happy.

- Good.

Look, we need to get his hard drive to Computer Crimes

- as soon as possible.

- On my way to Evidence Control

right now.

This isn't over. You're attacking the wrong journalist.

Okay, watch yourself, Mr. Duca, or gonna be back in court as a defendant.

Is that a threat?

- Yeah.

- Well, as long as I know the rules of engagement.

- Go home, Mr. Duca.

- Oh, I will.

You have my hard drive, but not my brain,

- not my website.

- So?

"The Endless Truth" has two million unique visitors a day, and they all believe whatever I tell them to.

Do you think he even believes his own hype?

That's he's a "watchdog for the people"?

I actually don't think that he believes anything at all.


- Anything?

- Computer Crimes has opened Duca's hard drive.

They're working on it, and they will let us know when they find something.

And did they say how long it might take?

Could be hours, could be days.

- So what now?

- We do what the man says and track this ring down another way, the way that we usually do it.

So let's run the photos through facial recognition.

Cross reference them with missing persons.

Follow up with NCMEC.

Let's cultivate sources and see if we can flip anyone who might be involved or knows someone that knows something.

- Hey, Lieutenant?

- Yeah?

"The Endless Truth" just posted some new accusations.

Against who?

You and Rollins.

You need to see this.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Those pictures are from yesterday.

You notice somebody following you?

I wasn't looking.

"How to explain SVU cover-up of Coral Dragon sex ring:

"Detective Benson and Rollins both have fatherless babies "of unknown origin.

Human flesh payoffs "from sex ring to look the other way? What do you think?"

I think this guy needs his computer shoved down his throat.

♪ ♪

Okay, and you spoke with your mother, and she's expecting you?

- Yes, yes, it's all set.

- It's all right with her?

- It's fine.

- Okay, so the squad car will escort you up there, and then, when you get there, the township police will keep an eye on the house, okay?

- Okay.

- And I'll be out tonight

- as soon as I can.

- Okay, you're just gonna go for a little ride with Lucy, and I'm gonna see you tonight.

And you've got enough bananas, Cheerios, diapers?

They have grocery stores in New Jersey.

Okay, see you later.

Look, it's probably nothing, all right? We just... we just

- wanna be careful.

- I understand.

They'll be fine.

You come when you can.

- I will.

- Bye.

- Love you.

- Bye, baby. See you soon.

- Buh-bye.

- All right, sweetheart,

- love you, okay?

- Bye.

Bye, honey.

[engine turns over]

Bye-bye. Drive safe.

Bye, babe.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

You got 'em away?

- Yeah.

- Good.

"The Endless Truth" is still pushing that garbage story.

Now some of its readers are posting threats against you and Rollins.

What about Jesse and Noah?

Some of the self-investigators like that guy Malcolm, they're interested in them.

"Someone should take those kids from "their so-called mothers and test their DNA. Crack the sex ring. Let the truth ring out."

Arrest the son of a bitch who runs that thing.

For what?


Those photos you took?

That's felony stalking.

I didn't take them.

My readers sent them in.

Yeah, readers encouraged by you to investigate the situation by taking their kids.

Pal, that's enough to make an attempted kidnapping case.

I didn't stalk anyone.

I didn't kidnap anyone.

I just raised a legitimate question about this unit's odd failure to investigate a ring that enslaves children.

Do you even believe anything you're saying right now, huh?

Or is this all about getting money for clicks on ads?

You clearly have no interest in getting to the bottom of this.

If you did, you'd have an independent laboratory test those children's DNA and tell us where they came from.

Because of your insane fantasies about "human flesh payoffs"?

Think she's gonna rip his head off?

- If she doesn't I will.

- What fantasy?

Now you admit there'sa sex ring exploiting children.

You've seen my evidence about that restaurant.

Your people even supposedly talked to that child r*pist, Ronald Fleming, but instead of investigating that, you're making empty threats against me.

- Oh, believe me...

- Stalking, kidnapping?

You can trust me right now.

Those threats? Not empty.

Listen to me. Listen to me.

If you really want to help children who are victimized, then tell us who sent you those hacked emails.

I told you, I don't know.

But I do know that young sex slaves sometimes get pregnant and have babies their bosses don't want, and you are a single woman without a child who suddenly, out of nowhere, gets a mystery baby.

Oh, that baby is not a mystery.

That baby is my son.

Yeah, where'd he come from?

- Lieutenant?

- Not now, Fin.

- It's important.

- It can wait.

Liv, please.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Why are you pulling me out?

I was just getting started with that guy.

- Just listen.

- Computer Crimes found something on the son of a bitch's hard drive.

Someone's been sending info to "The Endless Truth."

Like the hacked emails from Congressman Bolton.

- That's great.

- Yeah, so it could be the same hacker that planted the child porn

- on Bolton's hard drive.

- You have an IP address?

Even better, he just got picked up.

He's being held at PP.

You're kidding me.

They already have him in custody?

Computer Crimes have been tracking this kid for months.

He's... he's a pretty active hacker.

Let's go talk to him.

Start talking, Raj, or you're gonna be spending the next ten years of your life behind bars.

Disseminating child pornography is a serious charge.

It's a federal offense, so there's no way around it.

So if you have any hopes of getting out of here while you're still in your s, you need to come clean.

I'm not a pervert. I swear.

I didn't look at any of those pictures, not one.

But you did plant them on Congressman Bolton's

- computer, right?

- Yeah.

For fun? You have something against the Congressman?

It was a job. I was getting paid.

- By who?

- I don't know.

They found me. On the dark net.

- It's untraceable.

- So what did they want?

Hack Bolton's emails, then send them to this website, "The Endless Truth."

The "Endless Truth" guy, Duca, he's the one who started the whole Chinese restaurant hoax.

And what about the kiddie porn?

The restaurant hoax wasn't enough.

They wanted me to connect Bolton to an actual kiddie trafficking ring.

And how did you do that?

Where did you find the website?

The actual website with the underage girls?

- On "The Endless Truth."

- What do you mean?

There were lots of posts about this guy who used to do some work for the restaurant, so I hacked his computer too and found a link to a sex trafficking website.

This guy, he's the real pervert, not me.

I told you I haven't been to the Coral Dragon in ten years.

Well, this isn't about the restaurant anymore.

Then why are you here?

I served my time.

This was all decades ago.

Then you have nothing to worry about.

Is that your computer?

Yeah, so?

This is your computer, your browsing history.

This is what we find.

And other pictures

- with girls unclothed.

- I was only looking.

Oh, that's a confession.

Illegal child pornography.

Plus, you were doing more than looking.

We found messages to the pimp, ordering up girls.

Twice in the last month.

Well, it looks like your sins aren't all in the past, hmm?

I, um... I can't help myself.

Sure, you can. You're just not trying hard enough.

My wife... this will destroy her.

It's a little late to think about that.

I can't go back to jail.

My business, my children...

Well, we can put a good word in for you to the District Attorney, but you'd have to do something for us.

[horn honking]

Do we have an ETA?

He made the call for the girl about an hour ago, so they should be getting here any time.

What kind of car are they in?

Fleming said a black one.

That's a big help.

Guess he wasn't checking out the car.

[indistinct radio chatter]

[tense music]

Fin, how's he doing?

It's all good. Unis checked the place.

It's clean. Fleming's sitting here calming himself with some cheap scotch.

Is that a good idea?

Well, it stopped him from crying.

Why do you even need me here?

Shut up.

Where does he take the girls when they get there?

He's got a couch in a room in the back.

I mean, this guy is first class all the way.

Filthy couch in the back room of a pots and pans store.


Prison's gonna be a step up for this guy.

Mmhmm, I'm not sure he's gonna see it that way.

♪ ♪

[engine revving]

♪ ♪

He's here.

We move?

No, not till she's inside, and he offers money for sex.

I need another drink.

♪ ♪


What was that?

This fool just tried to sh**t himself.


[tires squealing]

Get him, go! Go!

[engine revving, crash]

[tires squealing]

We're not going anywhere.

[tires squealing, siren wailing]

Call for backup.

[siren wailing, engine revving]

All units, SVU Two, pursuing a black Mazda, going on east on Second Street off Bowery.

[dramatic music]

[engine revving]

[tires screeching]

♪ ♪

Hey, turn off the car!

Open the door, now!

Hands up!

♪ ♪

Keep your hands up where I can see 'em!

That's right, nice and easy.

- You got him?

- Yeah.

Hands on the roof. Hands on the roof!

It's okay, honey. It's okay.

You're okay now. Come with me, okay?

You're safe now. It's okay. It's okay.

You're under arrest for sex trafficking.

- Sex trafficking?

- Yeah, now where are

- the other girls?

- What girls?

I'm a car service driver.

This is just a fare.

She owes me $ . !

Get him to the squad!

Come on.

I told you, she's just a fare, man.

I don't know what she was up to.

Well, what she was up to was getting pimped out, and she's underage.

You're looking at years.

I don't know anything about that.

I was just giving the girl a ride.

Okay, can you tell me your name?

I'm Marian from Salvador.

Okay, Marian.

So what were you doing tonight?

Working... for Jerry.

- And who is Jerry?

- The boss.

He make us do the sex.

You just gave her a ride, huh?

Well, where'd you pick her up?

In Queens, by Astoria Park.

By Astoria Park, huh?

You got an address?

I don't know. She was on the street.

- On Ditmars.

- Did you ever see her before tonight?

I don't know. Maybe?

- I drive a lot of people.

- Yeah.

Jerry me da cincuenta dolare.

I give it to the driver.

He take me to a man.

He wait. I do the sex.

Y él me lleva de vuelta

He take me back.

And this driver, the one tonight,

- has he driven you before?

- Sí.

Before, many time, many time.

How'd you get the call to pick her up?

Some guy on my cell.

I figured maybe her father.

Her father? Send out his little girl wearing that much makeup, dressed like that?

- I don't know.

- You don't know.

You know his name? You know where

- he called you from?

- No. Why would I?

You're saying that you never saw this girl before?

I... don't think so.

[door clicks open] Know what?

You cut the crap. The girl is talking.

He drives her all the time.

bucks a pop.

He waits half an hour, and then he takes her back.


Guess you thought she was dropping off Girl Scout cookies, huh?

Okay, so maybe I suspect, but I got nothing for you.

I swear.

Jerry put me in car and take me to driver man.

Okay, takes you from where?

La casa.

Other girls there.

Nosotras nos quedamos juntas.

We all stay there together.

We come to America for job.

Pa trabajar.

To work. No sex.

Okay, how many other girls?


Maria, Sofia, Valeria, y Christabel.

And where is this house?

I do not know. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I don't know.

You don't know.

Who brings her to where you pick her up?

I don't know. I never see him.

- You don't know Jerry?

- Jerry who?

Okay, this guy, where does he bring her from?

I don't know.

Listen, this is your last chance.

You're looking at hard.

So I'd tell you if I knew.

That's why he does it the way he does.

He fixes it so I don't know.

Is the house near where the driver picks you up?

Yes, close.

We drive por cinco minutos.

What do you see on the drive?

Do you see any stores?

Do you see any buildings?

Una casa de bombero.

Uh, fireman house?

So is there... is there a number, a número, on the fire truck or on the firehouse?


Okay, um...

And the house where you live with the girls, is there a number on that house?

I don't know.

Do you know the name of the street?

No, I do not know. I'm sorry.

- It's okay.

- I'm sorry.

It's okay.

If he knows, he's not saying.

- And I don't think he knows.

- How's the girl?

Scared, confused.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- How's Fleming?

- He'll live.

b*llet just grazed his head.

I thought he was going for another bottle of scotch, and he had a g*n stashed in there.

The unis missed it.

We gotta find this house where the pimp keeps these girls before he runs.

What do we got?

All we know is that it's a five-minute drive from the north end of Astoria Park, and there's a fire station in between.

Well, Engine is on th Street south of Ditmars.

South of Ditmars, near Steinway, okay.

Let's look at Street View.

Okay, Marian, is that the firehouse that you were talking about?

- Yes, I think.

- Okay, good, so, listen, we're gonna show you all of the streets around that area, and you tell us if anything looks familiar, okay?



It all look same.

It's okay, you keep looking, all right?

Keep trying, anything, any numbers.

Espera, espera. Wait.

- We get fudgies there.

- Fudgies?

Mmhmm, there.

[speaks Spanish] Bring good money...

- Uh-huh.

- Jerry take us to buy fudgies.

- Como helado, like ice cream.

- Yes, yes, fudgsicles.

Okay, and how do you get from the house to the store?

- We walk, very close.

- Great.

So we're in the right neighborhood, okay.

Great, excellent. Thank you.


Which way, Marian?

You see the house?



That one.

[dramatic music]

- You sure?

- Mm-hmm.

The statue on the grass.

La Virgen, the Virgin.

Uh, number , white door. Let's go.

♪ ♪

[gate creaking]

♪ ♪




Go. Go, go. Go, go, go.

Get your hands up! Sit your ass down!

Sit down! Don't move!

- Where are they?

- What?

- Your name Jerry?

- Yeah, why?

What do you want?

There's nobody back here.

There's a door to the basement, locked.

- Let's get it open.

- You have a warrant?

Yeah, and you're under arrest. Get up.

Let's go.

[indistinct chatter]

[handcuffs clicking]

♪ ♪

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

[indistinct whispers and sobs]

[girls gasping]

- Quién eres? Qué está pasando?

- It's okay. It's okay.

We're the police, all right?

Everything's gonna be okay.

Marian, where's Marian?

She's... she's good. She's with us.

That guy Jerry's going to jail right now.

It's gonna be okay. Come on.

Come on, let's get you girls out of here.

[indistinct chatter]

Great news, Rollins. That's great.

Okay, so call the CAC and let them know that you're on your way.

Okay, all good.

See you back at the squad.

Mr. Duca, I was just coming to see you.

- This is harassment.

- No, this is a warning.

If you ever post another word about my son or Detective Rollins' daughter, I will make it my life's mission to connect you to that sex trafficking ring that we just busted.

- I'm a journalist.

- No, you're not.

You're a fraud. You spread lies.

You write stories that you know are false just to create hysteria and panic.

I just put it out there.

If people wanna believe it, that's on them.

No, this is on you.

And I want a full retraction today, by end of day today, and, if not, I will arrest you on child pornography charges, and I will do everything in my power to make them stick.

Do you understand me?

We're clear.


The girls are all from Central America.

CAC will be getting in touch with their families.

They'll be getting counseling and medical treatment here and then going home.

What kind of jobs did they think they were

- gonna get in America?

- Nannies.

Look, I've been checking in on "The Endless Truth" website.

They've backed off on you and me.

You must've put the fear of God in that guy, Duca.

That was the idea.

He is still going after Congressman Bolton and the Coral Dragon.

He's saying "absence of evidence" isn't evidence of absence."

Dude is nuts.

Yeah, but, if you think about it, his fake news did lead us to a real sex trafficking ring indirectly.

Send him a thank-you card?


- Lucy.

- Hi.

There he is. Hi.

Come here, sweet boy.

- Lucy has a doggy.

- [chuckling] Yeah, she does.

Things go okay out there?

My mother wants to adopt both of them.

Well, that's not happening.

We're going home. Right, Noah?

Two hours of personal time?


Come on, sweetheart. Come on, thanks.

- Bye-bye.

- Thank you. Here we go.

[phone buzzing]

Benson, SVU.


Okay, I'm coming.

What is it?

The restaurant.

What happened?

The Congressman, he felt bad my business was down.

After you told the truth on TV, he wanted to show people it was safe to come here.

He came for lunch with his daughter.

He brought a photographer.

That man came in with a g*n.

[camera shutter clicks]

He saw the Congressman with his daughter.

He shouted at him.

He thought the girl he was with was... was a...

I know, I know, I know.

So he shot him.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Is this ever gonna stop?

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