18x16 - The Newsroom

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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18x16 - The Newsroom

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system,sexually based offensesare considered especially heinous.In New York City,the dedicated detectiveswho investigate these vicious feloniesare members of an elite squadknown as the Special Victims Unit.These are their stories.

[dramatic tones]

We're seconds out to air.

Hair and makeup, you have seconds.

Camera two, ready.

seconds to air.

Thanks for being here, Olivia.

I feel like I haven't seen you in forever.

- How are you?
- I know. I'm good.

Just, you know, a little nervous right now.

Oh, don't be. You're a pro.

What are we waiting for, the damn actress?

- There she is.
- My fault.

I'm such a fan of Ms. Delucci,

- I practically kidnapped her.
- Not a problem.

We're ready when you are, Mr. Coyle.

Places. Ten seconds.

- [chuckles]
- Hi. Good morning.

- Hi.
- Please have a seat.

- We ready, people?
- Good morning.

In five, four...

Good morning from New York City.

- I'm Heidi Sorenson.
- And I'm George Thanos.

Thank you for joining uson "HNT Morning Live."

Also joining us today, Golden Globe winner Davina Delucci and Manhattan SVU's Lieutenant

- Olivia Benson.
- If you were paying attention to the recent news cycle, you couldn't miss the controversy surrounding
the film, "Turnstyle."

Davina Delucci has alleged she was r*ped, on camera, by her co-star, while filming the movie's infamous sex scene.

Davina is pursuing legal action.

We'll hear her story, but first, Lieutenant Benson, what can you tell us

- about workplace sexual as*ault?
- Well, it happens all too often, and unfortunately, it's one of the least reported crimes.

- Why is that?
- Women are afraid of not being believed, of losing their job.

Does this ring true for you, Davina?

You waited almost ten years to go public.

Yes, I was scared if I said anything

- I'd never work again.
- And your r*pist... alleged r*pist, Dante Marino, was not only your co-star, he was your director.

- That's right.
- Can you tell us

- what happened on the set?
- We were scheduled to film the love scene later that day.

Dante told me the scene was being re-written.

- Re-written how?
- He didn't go into detail.

He just told me to... respond in the moment organically.

And what happened while filming?

We were on a couch. Kissing.

Then Dante got aggressive.

Before I knew what was happening, he was raping me.

I couldn't fight him off.

I was frozen.

You couldn't move.

That's right.

For ten years audiences thought they were watching a love scene, but they were watching a r*pe.

My r*pe.

And I was too afraid to say anything.

So, you pretended like nothing happened.


He was my director. My boss.

And you were afraid for your job.


I can't imagine what you were going through.

Of course you can't, George.
It never happened to you.

A very, um...

um... disturbing story.

Thank you, Davina.
Uh, Lieutenant Benson.

We'll be back after the breakwith our special guest

Karl Rove.

- And we're out.
- Excuse me.

Hey, you okay? What just happened?

Harold Coyle r*ped me in January,

- on the couch in his office.
- Let's get you some air.

No, no, I'm fine.
I'm just... I'm tired.

Okay, I think we need to speak.

What I said, I didn't mean any of it.

- I'm fine. Sorry.
- Heidi...

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

I can't imaginewhat you were going through.

Of course you can't, George,it never happened to you.

You all saw that, right?

- On-air disclosure?
- We were watching you live.

They couldn't cut away fast enough.

Yeah, and then she told me

- that Harold Coyle r*ped her.
- Coyle, huh?

Heard a lot of rumors about that guy.

He's paranoid, he's a predator.
How well do you know Heidi?

We met at a "Women in New York" panel years ago.

We stayed in touch.
I don't see her making this up.

Okay, did she give you any more details?

Oh, no, she back-tracked.

She's now not returning my calls.

- So, what's our move now?
- Excuse me, Lieutenant?

This guy says urgent.

Hi. How can I help you?

I saw you on "HNT" this morning.

Heidi Sorenson, she was talking about

- Harold Coyle, wasn't she?
- Why do you ask?

He assaulted my wife.

This is her, Amy.

She worked in public relations at "HNT."

- Okay.
- Okay, can you tell us what happened?

Harold was always making moves, being flirty.
She told him she was married.

- But he didn't stop.
- No.

He kept pressuring her, making sexual comments.

She went along with it.

Then one day, she said "no" to him.

And he... r*ped her.

- She told you this?
- Yes.

I said we should go to the police.
File a report.

Can I ask why you didn't?

She told me Harold had taped her.

He had made it look like they were having an affair.

Then after he r*ped her, he said, if she went to the police, he'd release the tapes.

She didn't want to hurt me.

After that... she went into a depression.

She committed su1c1de six months later.

I'm so sorry.

I want you to go after that bastard and the network.

They all knew about him and nobody did a thing.

Coyle threatened her directly?

His producer, Turner.

He said, if Amy wanted to go after Coyle, it would be scorched earth.
"HNT" would destroy us.

- Steven Turner? SVU.
- If you're here about Heidi, your Lieutenant already knows, there's nothing to talk about, and I'm sorry, but I'm late for a meeting.

Actually, we're here about Amy James.

- Amy James.
- Yeah, she worked here a few years ago. She k*lled herself.

I did hear about that. A tragedy.

Yeah, did you also hear she accused Harold Coyle of as*ault, just like Heidi?

Maybe you should talk to our lawyers.

Good. We can ask them to turn over the video tapes of Amy.

The tapes Coyle was blackmailing her with.

I think you're off base here.

We have two allegations of as*ault.

Now, a publicist who's mentally unstable, she's easy to discredit, but the star of the network,
not so much.

Harold, Harold, Harold, what can you tell us about Heidi?

- Will she be back tomorrow?
- We hope so.

This morning Heidi was obviously very emotional after hearing Davina's story.
Why we love her here.

Margery, what's next for you at "HNT"?

I hope to follow in Heidi's footsteps.

She's a real talent, a dedicated journalist.

- I consider her a mentor.
- Mr. Coyle, what can you...

The real reason Heidi had her "breakdown"?

She was trying to renegotiate her contract.

Then she found out Margery Evans is being groomed

- to replace her.
- "Groomed"?

By who? Harold Coyle?

This is a brutal business for women.

There's a shelf life.

No matter how much plastic surgery they get.

[camera shutters clicking]

[doorbell rings]

I told you I didn't want to talk.

Heidi, please. It's important.


Is it true that you're re-negotiating

- your contract with "HNT"?
- I'm exploring my options.

Is that why you don't wanna tell me the truth about what happened this morning?

I should never have said his name out loud like that.

Why? Because it isn't true?

Or because you're scared of getting fired?

Okay, let's say it is true.

I'm not ruining my career because I had a weak moment.

I fixed it.

I apologized to Harold personally.

He knows it won't happen again.

Did you know Amy James?

- She had... problems.
- He had tape on her.

- Does he have tape on you?
- No!

We can fight this.

Don't judge me.

And don't worry.
I'm not going to k*ll myself.

All right. Well, when you're ready to have a serious conversation, you know where I am.

Uh, Lieutenant, Chief Dodds is here.

- Lieutenant. Counselor.
- Chief.

- It's been a while.
- PP got a call from Steven Turner at "HNT."

You're investigating Harold Coyle on as*ault charges?

It's very preliminary.

Who's the complainant?

It's really very preliminary.

Okay. That's what Turner said.

Your detectives are basically throwing

- spaghetti at the wall.
- All due respect,

I hope you're not advising we stay away from "HNT"?

Of course not. A powerful, bombastic news organization with a penchant for suing law enforcement,
who go after enemies on Twitter, and who have friends in the current administration...

- I hear ya.
- If you have reason to believe there are individuals in such organizations that may be guilty of sexual as*ault, of course you have to investigate it.

Just have a damn good reason.

I hear you, Chief.

I'll leave you two to it.

So, happy to be back at work yet?

After that?
Almost makes me miss suspension.

Good night, Noah.

- Another story.
- Aw, sweetie, no more stories.

We gotta go to bed. It's so late.

Okay? Close your eyes, sweet one.

All right, see you in the morning.

See you in the morning.

Night night. Love you.

[knocking at door]

I'm sorry to bother you at home.

It's okay. Please, come on in.

- [sighs]
- What's going on?

They are replacing me with Margery Evans.

Officially, I'm "on vacation."

- I see.
- You were right.

When I went to apologize to Harold, he forced me onto my knees, and he said I had to show him how serious I was.

I actually thought that would work, that I'd get my job back.

He screwed me in private, that's one thing, but he just screwed me in public.

And you're ready to go after Coyle now?

I know what it looks like.

That I'm doing this because I got fired,

- but that's not the reason.
- Oh, I believe you.

Let's get this guy.

It started day one, my job interview.

Coyle said to me, "Oh, you're beautiful, "you're bright, you could be a star. "But I interviewed five other women today, "that are just as qualified and I'm going to hire whoever shows me
she wants it the most."

And then what happened?

He put his hand inside my blouse.

Uh, and his tongue in my mouth.

I was shocked, frozen.

But I didn't run out of the room

- and I got the job.
- And the behavior continued?

Yeah. Touching...

Kissing, groping.

He would demand that I wear... lacy panties, thigh-high stockings.

Before I went on the air, I'd have to give him a private fashion show and pretend to seduce him, and he would tape me.

- How long did this go on?
- Years.

And I didn't think things could get any worse,

- until January they did.
- Okay.

Tell us about that.

The ratings were high and my contract was up and I told Coyle, if he wanted me to stay at "HNT,"

I wanted a promotion.


He locked the door, threw me onto a couch, pulled up my skirt... and he r*ped me.

I fought him... but I couldn't get away.

He said if I complained, he'd release the tapes that he had or worse.

And that if I wasn't happy at the morning show, he'd hire Margery Evans.

So you didn't report it.

[crying] No.

I straightened myself up, walked out, and I went back to work.

Like a good girl.

Like a good, stupid girl.

Did you confide in anyone?

The irony is, Margery was the one person I told.

I was trying to warn her.

Thank you for talking to us, Ms. Evans.

Of course. I hope you don't mind, I asked my lawyer to join.

I'm a little nervous.

Margery wants to cooperate, but, um, we need to protect ourselves here.

Okay, but she's not a suspect.

No, of course not.

You said you had questions about Heidi?


How would you describe your relationship?

I consider her a friend.

What about her relationship with Harold Coyle?

It's very good.

They've had their dust ups, on occasion.

Has Heidi ever talked to you about how

- Coyle treated her?
- I don't know what you mean.

Well, she told us that she confided in you that she'd been assaulted by him.

I don't remember that.

She never told you about being sexually harassed by Coyle?

She never warned you about Coyle?


Is that what she's telling the police?

- Uh, yes.
- Harold is like a father to all of us.

If that's all, Detectives, I think that constitutes full cooperation.

I don't know why Heidi would say something like that.

You think any woman would go public and subject herself to that kind of public scrutiny if it weren't true?

Well, I don't believe it's true.

That's not the Harold Coyle I know.

Harold Coyle values three things in a female anchor: high cheekbones, long legs, and how willing she is to get down on her knees.

Yeah, we've been getting that.

He's a paranoid egomaniac, who has intel on everyone.

Internal investigations dead-ended.

- Including Amy James?
- It's a real shame about Amy.

Did you know Coyle was harassing her?

Off the record? I suspected.

- What about Heidi?
- I'm sure she's had her fair share of unwanted attention.

She's making a criminal complaint

- on the sexual harassment?
- No.

Actually, she's saying that Coyle r*ped her.

[groans] Jeez.

So that's what that was about yesterday.

She says it happened the morning of January rd.

You two did a show that day?

Yes. Yes, we did.
She didn't say anything to me.

Did anything about her demeanor strike you as different?
Was she... was she upset?

Well, yeah, now that I think about it.

She's been off the past few months.

Crying jags, snapping at the crew.

I wasn't surprised she melted down on camera.

Would you be willing to tell that to our ADA?

I hate Coyle, but my contract expires in six months.

I get on his bad side, it's not like I can walk around his office in my underwear and make it all go away.

Everybody at "HNT" knows about Coyle, but nobody's willing to talk about it.

Okay, par for the course.

I was hoping for at least one corroborating witness.

Well, we have Heidi's story and once she came forward, she's been consistent.

What about texts? E-mails to Coyle?

Any change after the alleged as*ault?

Well, there's no communication saying, "Why did you r*pe me?"

And there's certainly nothing from him to her.

What about the timeline?

She got to work at :.

She was in with him from : to :.

Behind closed doors with no witnesses.

Somebody else was there. Coyle.

Look, I think it's time for us to get his side of the story.

With no evidence for leverage?

He doesn't know that.

And he's notoriously paranoid.

Okay, we'll talk to him.


You don't think that I can handle it alone?

I do, but I want him to know how seriously NYPD is taking this.

[dramatic tones]

Well, thanks for seeing us today.

Of course.

My attorney, Richard Pace.

Chief Dodds, Lieutenant Benson.

So why are we all here?

Well, we'd like to talk to your client about Heidi Sorenson.

A wonderful talent.

She's been under a lot of stress lately.

Can you tell us about your relationship with her?

It's very good.
Mutual respect, appreciation.

Appreciation, I get that.
She's very attractive.

Yes, she is.

Have you two ever been in your office alone together?

Of course. Yes.

Okay, how about on January rd?

- Were you alone together then?
- It's possible.

I'd have to ask my secretary.

- Why?
- Heidi Sorenson is alleging that you r*ped her on that morning.

Well, I'm shocked to hear that.

I'm... I'm stunned.

- Is that a denial?
- Absolutely.

I can assure you, these allegations are credible.

And I can assure you, there's no merit to the story.

Oh, I don't see the upside of her making something like that up.

She's aging out of the demo.

She's obviously looking to leverage us.

She hasn't hired a civil attorney.

She came directly to me.

When did she come to you?

After she found out she was being replaced by Margery Evans?

We just wanna hear your side.

To know what we're looking at here.

Any sexual as*ault claims are baseless, more than false, and from where I sit,

- defamatory.
- Are you threatening to sue us?

I just want to remind you that this organization is in the business of uncovering and exposing...

- the truth.
- The truth?

[chuckles] That's a matter of opinion.

The point is... if there's anything to find, we'll find it.

Like who was responsible for Sergeant Mike Dodds' death.

And why the internal investigation was closed in less than hours.


We're done here.

I think we can all agree this meeting has ceased to be productive.

And I think we know what we're looking at here.

Rest assured, we will continue to investigate.

Good. So will we.

I know NYPD's year hasn't been as disastrous as say, Chicago's, but I'm sure no one at PP wants stories about incompetence, maybe corruption, dominating the news cycle.

The thing about digging, you never know what you're going to find.


What he implied about Mike's death...

That's what they do at this network, stoke fear and paranoia.

I don't think you're responsible.

I know a few months ago I said some things... things I didn't mean.

I should've apologized sooner.

- It's all right.
- No, it's not.

I'm your boss. I was out of line.

The only thing I can say is... the wound was still fresh.

I know.

And we don't give up this fight.

You stop fighting, the bullies win.

I've always consideredHarold Coyle a mentor.Almost a father figure.I trust him implicitly.

So you haven't experiencedthe kind of harassment at "HNT"that Heidi Sorenson is alleging?

Absolutely not.

And you know, Harold and Ihave discussed this,and I can tell youhe's incredibly hurt.

He's treated Heidiwith nothing but respect.

Margery's a real pro.

Coyle knows what he's doing.
We knew this could happen.

He's just playing hardball.

- So what happens now?
- If we want to take it to court, you need more for the jury.

So, Heidi, did you tell anyone about the as*ault?

Send a text? Send an e-mail?

No. Margery was the one person I confided in.

Look, I know that you want to go after Coyle, criminally, but the fact is...
[cell phone chimes]

You might have more leverage pursuing a civil case.

This isn't about money.

Do you know a Gwendolyn Gates?

Yeah, she was an anchor at "HNT" ten years ago.

She's on her way to our squad room.

She says that Harold Coyle assaulted her, too.

I turned on the TV, saw Margery Evans spouting that inane defense of Harold.

I couldn't stay silent any longer.

- Thanks for coming in.
- I should've known it wasn't just me.

Tell us what happened with Coyle.

You're gonna need more paper.

So "HNT" is doing our job for us?

The more audacity they have with their denials, the more it's back-firing.

Liv, two more women that worked for "HNT" say they were harassed by Harold Coyle.

Well, now we're getting somewhere.

Get their statements.

All right, so we got four women, all former "HNT" employees, with credible stories of harassment going back years.

Okay, good. What's the bad news?

They're all allegations of misdemeanor as*ault, from over two years ago.

Outside of the statue of limitations.

Except for Heidi's r*pe which is a he said, she said.

And one allegation of attempted r*pe.

Alana Reed, years old.

She quit right after the incident.

- Tell me she went to HR.
- No, but she was George Thanos' assistant and he already hates Coyle.

[chuckles] And this gives him one more reason.

She was years old just like my daughter.

- Coyle is a bad guy, George.
- Why didn't Alana tell me?

Maybe she thought you wouldn't believe her.

Maybe she thought you wouldn't back her up.

Like Heidi.

Heidi and I have been behind a news desk, in the foxhole, for seven years.

Nobody has her back more than I do.

Then act like it.

Testify that you saw how upset she was after the r*pe.

We need someone to back up her story up.

I want to, I do, but I can't.

George, you said you had a daughter, right?

Well, she must've heard about this on the news.

She hasn't ask you what you know?

What you're doing about it?

This is a Kamikaze career move.

This of it like this, you'll go down as a hero.

[dramatic tones]

On one count of first degree r*pe of Heidi Sorenson,

- how do you plead?
- Not guilty, Your Honor.

- People on bail?
- Given Mr. Coyle's financial resources, including an on-call private jet, we believe he's a flight risk.
People ask for $ million.

My client has no priors, and fully intends to show up in court and defend himself against these baseless charges.

Bail is set at $ million and Mr. Coyle surrenders his passport.

I hope you know what you're doing.

It's good to see you, Harold.

Good luck.

Careful what you wish for.

[both sigh] Now what?

I file a motion to include the testimony of the four other victims.

The defense files a motion to exclude.

Okay, you know the other women are pursuing

- a civil case.
- I do.

I already asked for the depositions.

Hope to hell the judge agrees that they show pattern or we're looking at a he said, she said with a man who has no compunction about lying.

My name is Alana Reed.

I was an employee of "HNT" from January to December of .

- My name is Diane Douglas.
- Gwendolyn Gates.

I'm Christine Davis.

I had just started at the network.

I was a cub reporter.
I had just turned .

It was four and a half years ago.

- I was a newlywed.
- I was only .

I was a production assistant on "HNT Update."

I was introduced to Coyle at an awards dinner.

He invited me to audition for an opening in broadcasting.

He pulled out some stockings from his drawer,

- asked me to put them on.
- Lifted my skirt, slid his hand on my leg...

Put a hand on my shoulder.

Eventually...he tried to kiss me.

I didn't know what to do.

At first it wasn't so bad.

He'd say, "Lift your skirt, show me those legs."

Later it escalated.
"Take off your blouse."

Putting his... tongue in my mouth.

If I complained, he'd remind me,

- he had me on tape.
- He had a tape.

I didn't feel like I could tell anyone.

I mean, he was the head of the network.

- I never even told my husband.
- I never told anyone.

I... [labored breathing]

I had to quit.
I couldn't sleep or eat.

[crying] I thought that since I didn't leave the room...

- I was complicit.
- That it was my fault.

That's why I never came forward.

Until now.

Gentlemen, I've reviewed the depositions at issue and am prepared to hear arguments.

- Mr. Barba?
- The statements, which detail bad acts by the defendant, show one more example of the crime he's charged with is part of an on-going and pervasive pattern of behavior.

Defense objects.
These are unproven allegations from years ago which were never reported at the time.

The State had the opportunity to bring them as criminal charges, but declined to do so.

These women's statements clearly show motive, and the same MO, in each case.

The jury needs to hear them to understand that the r*pe that Coyle is charged with is part of a broader pattern of conduct.

The only question before the jury should be the facts of the specific charge.

Anything else would be extremely prejudicial in this case.

Mr. Barba, while I find these statements to be important evidence, I agree with defense, that in this case, it would be more prejudicial than probative.

People's motion is denied.
[gavel pounds]

- Thank you, Your Honor.
- Thank you, Your Honor.

Not the ruling I was hoping for.

- So where does that leave us?
- With two witnesses.

Heidi Sorenson and George Thanos.

Is that enough to go to trial?

[scoffs] If I'm willing to go out on a very high, very shaky limb.

I assume that's a yes?

Damn right it is.

He was my director. My boss.

And you were afraid for your job.

I can't imaginewhat you were going through.

Of course you can't, George,'cause it never happened to you.

You were seated next to Ms. Sorenson.

In your experience as an SVU, Lieutenant, what can you tell us?

She was triggered.
She was traumatized.

In my opinion, she exhibited symptoms of a victim of sexual as*ault.

But when you tried to follow up, she refused to speak to you?

No, she had an emotional reaction and then she backed down which is not uncommon.

Two days later, she did disclose that

- Harold Coyle had assaulted her?
- Yes.

Thank you. Nothing further.

That was well-timed.

A "spontaneous" disclosure of as*ault when the SVU Lieutenant was in the studio.

- And I believed her.
- Oh, I'm sure.

It's your experience to believe most victims

- at first disclosure, isn't it?
- Yes.

Heidi initially reversed herself, saying she didn't mean what she said?

- Yes, but that's...
- She didn't want to take your calls so you decide to pay her a personal visit.

At that point, did she repeat her allegations

- or deny them?
- At that time she did not

- want to cooperate.
- In fact, she only decided she wanted to cooperate when she found out she was being let go
from "HNT" correct?

I do not think that her motivation was financial then and I do not think it's financial now.

Really? She was losing a $ million-a-year job.

But, as you said, you're a believer, Lieutenant.

Is there a question here, Your Honor?

- Mr. Pace?
- No, nothing further.

Harold Coyle f*ndled my breasts, and put his tongue in my mouth, during my job interview.

It escalated from there.

At dinner the night before I started at "HNT," he tried to convince me to have sex and I declined.

How did he respond?

He said he controlled my career and that no one said no to the boss and he was gonna have to fix that.

How did he "fix" it?

He forced me to dance provocatively in lingerie.

I would have to touch myself while being taped.

Why did you go along with it?

There was always the underlying threat of being fired and he'd... he... he... he tortured me

I-I felt trapped.

What happened on the morning of January rd this year?

I went into his office, to discuss my future at the network. I-I wanted more.

I was argumentative. He got angry.

He pushed me onto a couch... he pinned me down...

- and he r*ped me.
- Did you report it?

Did you call the police?

No, I was... I was in shock.

I was afraid for my job.

I...I buried the feelings for months.

I had trouble sleeping and eating, being on camera.

Until one day, I couldn't keep it in any longer.

I needed to tell the truth.

At financial and career cost?


I'll never work at "HNT" again.

My future is uncertain.

Thank you.

Ms. Sorenson, have you, at any time, been in contact
with a civil attorney?

I spoke to someone, but I decided

- not to go that route.
- Are you aware that four of your former co-workers are filing a civil suit against "HNT" and Harold Coyle?

- Yes.
- And I'm sure you're aware of the recent spate of sexual harassment complaints, with women in your position scoring settlements

in the tens of millions?

Yes, I'm aware.

Yet you're not pursuing that route.

- No.
- Not ever?

Or just not now? You're a smart woman.

Are you waiting until after the disposition of the criminal trial, which would be a smart strategy?

- Objection.
- Sustained.

Nothing further.

You may step down, Ms. Sorenson.

Next witness, Mr. Barba.

I'll need a recess, Your Honor.

Court is in recess.
We will resume after lunch.

[gavel pounds]

- Where is George Thanos?
- He's not coming.

- He just texted me.
- With no explanation.

- Coyle must've got to him.
- Find out.

Heidi will be fine; she'll get paid.
Corporate wants this to go away.

Yeah, that's understandable, but it doesn't change the fact that Harold Coyle is guilty of sexual as*ault.

I'm telling you, I can't testify.

What the hell's going on here, George?

- Is this about your contract?
- No, Coyle won't even extend the courtesy of a bribe.

His trolls are going after my daughter.

She's got a juvie record for dr*gs they got a hold of.

They're threatening to go public.

- It would devastate her.
- We could subpoena you.

We all know how that goes.

I still have a chance to protect one woman in my life from Coyle... my daughter.

I've worked at "HNT" for four years.

Harold has always behaved like a gentleman, a mentor, a great boss.

What was your impression of Heidi Sorenson's relationship with Harold?

I never sensed a problem or issue.

Heidi was always so upbeat.

So she never expressed any dissatisfaction, or complained about being harassed?

Never. Heidi seemed to love her job.

Your Honor, objection to this line of questioning.

It's pure speculation.

Overruled, but move along, Mr. Pace.

Tuesday, January rd of this year,

- did you see Heidi?
- Yes.

We spent about an hour in hair and make-up together.

- How was Heidi's mood?
- Happy.


She was telling me how much fun she had on New Year's Eve at the Ritz Carlton in Puerto Rico.

So not the demeanor of a woman

- who had allegedly been r*ped?
- Objection.

- Sustained.
- Nothing further.

Ms. Evans, you replaced Heidi on "HNT's" morning show after she accused Harold Coyle
of sexual as*ault, correct?

That's right, but the conversations had been

- on-going for months.
- And was part of those conversations your new salary for your new job?

$ million a year?

That in the ballpark?

So the jury has to decide whether they're gonna believe me or Margery?

You know what?
Let's get you out of here.

No. I just wanna ask her why.

Do you really have no idea what kind of a man

- Harold Coyle is?
- If you think I'm happy

- about any of this, I'm not.
- Then why defend him?

- I believe in loyalty.
- Not to me.

Not to the dozens of women that Harold harassed.

- That's not my experience.
- Let's go.

No, she needs to hear this.

He promised you my job.

What else did he promise you?

There's a cost, Margery.

You know, you may think that you have to do whatever Coyle asks of you.

Perjure yourself on the stand, let him treat you like you have no value, and then just discard you
when he's through.

It doesn't have to be that way.

He would never do that to me.


I'm sorry for whatever it was that happened to you...

But I'm not you.

Margery? What a surprise.

I'm just checking in.

Come in.

I am so happy you came.

I thought I'd see how you were doing

- with all of this.
- Ha.

Actually, I'm doing great.
We should celebrate.


You do know the trial's not over yet.

Yes, it is.

The jury's looking at Heidi and you know what they see?

A cold, calculating, aging career woman with dollar signs in her sights.

But you did r*pe her.

The truth isn't important.

What's important is what you can get people to believe.

Now, how about that celebration?

- I like that idea.
- [chuckles]

[glasses clink]

What'd you have in mind?

I can think of a lot of things.

I like the way you think.

But first... I've been a good soldier all these months. Loyal.

Mm. Absolutely.

Defending you and taking the stand.

Now I need a show of good faith.

I want my tape back.

Margery, I'd never use that tape against you.

Ever. I have too much respect for you.

Well, then, respectfully, I'd like it back.

Wherever you keep those tapes, you get mine and hand it over.

I'll wait.


Now you're demanding.

I'm serious, Harold.

Now that I have the new position, we can start over.

Have a real, professional relationship.

Actually, I have another idea.

I have been a gentleman.
I have been patient.

No dancing away tonight. Tonight... if you want to keep that job?

It's time to show me how much.

Take off your clothes.

Get on your knees.


Come on now. [Gasps]

Come on. Take off your clothes.

- Get on your knees. Do it.
- Get off of me.

- You know you want to.
- Harold, stop! Get off me!

[static droning]

I managed to fight him off and run out.

You took a huge risk, Margery.

Had to find out for myself.

I thought I was different.

I wasn't.

I realize I perjured myself on the stand.

I'm willing to re-testify.

That's good to hear.

I'm sorry. For everything.

- What happens now?
- We get this to the ADA.

Margery... Come on.

Come on. Take off your clothes.

- Get on your knees.
- No! No!

- So what's on the table?
- Given that with Margery?

We're looking at misdemeanor forcible touching, at least.

And I'm feeling pretty confident about an argument for aggravated sexual as*ault.
That's a D Felony.

Or... I get the judge to admit this tape at Heidi's trial.

The jury sees that, plus Margery's testimony, you get convicted of r*pe-.

- This was entrapment...
- Harold, enough.

[chuckles] That damn bitch.

Okay, see you in trial.

Let's start talking.

I know it doesn't look like much now, but with a few million from "HNT," this will be the new office
space for Step Up.

Mentoring and empowering teenage girls.

What an incredible use of the settlement.

I wasn't sure you were gonna take it.

Well, Margery convinced me.

I'll take some time to travel, figure out my next move.

Maybe I'll write a tell-all.

You won't miss the business?

Actually, no.

For as long as I can remember, I've been beholden to Coyle and ratings, corporate mandates.

You know, I-I finally feel free.

Thank you, Olivia.


- Really.
- Thank you.

Good luck.

Chief, how can I help you?

I wanted to congratulate you.

"HNT" is back on their financial heels and Coyle will do months.

Well, the guy just couldn't help himself.

The tortoise and the scorpion.

I'm sorry?

Scorpion asks a tortoise for a ride across the lake.

The tortoise says, "Well, sure, as long as you don't sting me."

Scorpion says, "Why would I sting you?"

"We'd both drown." So they start off.

Halfway across the lake, the scorpion stings the tortoise.
The tortoise says, "Why the hell did you do that?"

And the scorpion says, "Because it's in my nature."

Oh, you do know that one.

I guess the scorpions keep us in business.



I've barged into your office enough for one week.

Please, any time.

I, uh...

I guess I've been avoiding SVU.

Every time I walk in the place...

I think I'm gonna see Mike... sitting at his desk.

- Is that crazy?
- Nope.

Not at all.

I'll see you, Olivia.

I'll see you, Chief.

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