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01x03 - McMillan Man

Posted: 08/29/14 03:14
by bunniefuu
[loud clatter]

You don't talk that way in my house!

Get the f*ck off me!

Leslie, stop it!

You have no respect!



I work my tail off for this family.

You guys know it.

Because I love you.

I love you guys.

You know it.

We love you, too, Dad.

Just stop doing cocaine all the time.

Act like a man.

What's going on here?

Leslie, can we talk?

What's going on here? This is my company.

What's the issue here?

Leslie, these gentlemen want to talk to you.


The closest feeling to that of cocaine is, uh... is winning or... acquiring a large sum of money... such as in a, uh... a lottery or an inheritance.

And... And good cocaine... is like pure concentrated cool.

You become an expert... Joe Cool... on all topics, and you want to pass all your knowledge on right now.

And the universe glows, and rooms... take on lovely concavities.

I recall once... after using cocaine in the office place... that my... my thirtysomething secretary, who I had not looked too closely at previously... was really... quite beautiful.

And she was very kind to me.

She had a lovely smile.

And her breasts were quite splendid.

This appetite for cocaine has led to costly indiscretions.

I'm standing trial... for embezzlement from the company that I formed when I was 24.

My family... no longer speaks to me.

This morning I...

I sat in a park... where I spent the better moments of my life... with my then-small half-Vietnamese son... and I watched a young boy... engineer and then single-handedly build a splendid sand castle.

And then he rose and gleefully stomped it back once more simply into grains of sand.

Why do we do this?

I'm Leslie Claret, and I can't stop doing something that's harming me.

Help me. Please?

Man on PA: Lockdown in five.

Lockdown in five.

Well, the steps give you order, and that gives you clarity, and out of the clarity you find purpose.

That's the long and short of it.

Man: Leslie, listen.

We've known each other a long time.

You were a legendary influence in the modern age of industrial piping.

You're welcome here at McMillan.

We're honored to have you here at McMillan.

But, Leslie, I'm afraid there'll be a ceiling for you, for good, Leslie, at McMillan.

My mother-in-law holds you in the highest regard, but she has a responsibility to our shareholders.

It's impossible, because of your conviction, to offer you a position greater than divisional.

Hey, let's get to work.

When do you want to start? June?

I'd rather start sooner than later, though, just to get back in the swing.

Let's say June, start of the third quarter.

You're good till then?

Good till then?

♪♪ [guitar]

♪ Travelin' north ♪
♪ Travelin' north to find you ♪
♪ Train was beating the wind in my eyes ♪
♪ Don't even know what I'll say when I find you ♪
♪ Call out your name, love, don't be surprised ♪
♪ It's so many miles ♪
♪ And so long since I've met you ♪
♪ Don't even know what I'll find when I get to you ♪
♪ But suddenly now I know where I belong ♪
♪ It's many hundred miles ♪
♪ And it won't be long ♪


♪ It won't be long ♪
♪ It won't be long ♪
♪ It won't be long ♪

[car brakes]

There he goes...


It's like it just calls out to him.

It summons him... C19.

He can't resist it.

Look. He's tucking right in there, his little second home.



Well, he still has to make the Denon presentation.

Hello. I'm Eugene Chow.

I'm a process engineer.

I'm sorry. His name's not Eugene.

Uh, that's cool. I don't even work here.

I'm just visiting my girlfriend.

Big step back for you, Stephen.

Well, that was embarrassing for both of us there, Stephen.

I'm sorry.

That's okay. I'm just, uh... running out of ideas, you know?

You should write it on your hand, too.

Ready for the Denon?

Leslie, yeah. Hey.

Let's say 2 p.m. The Harbaugh Room.

Sounds good.

Great. Hey, let's try to get back on the right track here, me and you.

Let's do it.

All right. Good luck. See you at 2.

We've made things difficult for your European detective.

I'm gonna do more along those lines this afternoon.


Thank you.

Tom, get out of here.

Come on. How many times have we done this?

Oh, that's game.

Looks like maybe you lost a step.

Let's go again.

We'll see who's lost something, you son of a bitch.


Carlson, are you pretending to still be in shape?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, me, too.

You want to say the next point wins before one of us has a stroke?

Oh, yeah.


Good game.

Carlson, thanks again for your help with this.

Tom, come on. It's the way it works.

We'll slow her down.

Take care of yourself.

I always do.



Man: I work here. What do you do?

Man: Me? Hey...

I'm required to have a local access writ now.

The INTERPOL Orange Writ of Coaction.

Well, we prepared the Orange Writ.

We didn't send it, though, as your Blue Notice for federal access was denied.


Okay. Well, now I can mail the writ to you.

Possibly can you just hand it to me?

My flight leaves for Milwaukee in an hour and a half.

Well, see, it's in the mailroom.

We'll never find it.

Is the Orange Writ orange?

It is.

That will probably make it easier.



Is that it?

That is probably it, yes.

I'll be frank with you.

Carlson Sohns, who runs INTERPOL U.S., said "Let it get buried in the mailroom."

We delay like that all the time when we're awfully busy.

I don't think he expected for you to get your Blue Notice.

Yeah. Thanks. You showed me.

So I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now.

I called Carlson. They said he went out to play racquetball five hours ago and never came back.

I don't want to piss off my boss by handing you something he wanted me to mail later.

And I don't want to piss off my boss by not catching someone who m*rder*d someone.


See you at 2.


Sounds good.

Make no mistake. A nuclear-armed Iran is not a challenge that can be contained.

It would thr*aten the elimination of Israel, the security of Gulf nations, and the stability of the global economy.

It risks triggering a nuclear arms race...

[beeping] the region and the unraveling of the Nonproliferation Treaty.

[ding] _

That's why a coalition of countries is holding the Iranian government accountable, and that's why the United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from attaining a nuclear w*apon.

I organized a plan to transfer a sum of money to the candidate who would work against the goal of a nuclear Iran.


I put it in... the hands of the other guy.

And that guy had set the table at that moment to use it to employ a specialist to put the final systemization on their program.

So in May of 2012, I was in the position of possibly having single-handedly armed Iran.

[Man speaking Egyptian] _

Ally: So what we try to do is personalize Stephen's recovery.


Organizing his exercises around, say, Stephen's favorite movie.


So this exercise is a comprehensive indication of where Stephen is on his road to recovery.

It involves recall, motor skills, and sequencing functions.

So did you guys practice this at lunch?





Let's see where we're at.


♪♪ ["Heart and Soul"]

♪♪ [random notes]

She wants to interview me tomorrow.

I'm going to miss the duck hunt.

When we have guys in town like Denon, we go out in the marsh, take him out.

It's fun. You should go tomorrow.

It's kind of a McMillan Man thing.




Because I don't want to sh**t birds.

Hey. Listen.

Focus on this interview because it's...

It's for real.


It's the real deal.

Yeah. It's the real deal.

You should come over for dinner, help me prep for that.

Denon in ten.

The Harbaugh.

Do you know who this guy is?

Galvanized United?

Leslie Claret.

Of course. What about him?

This is Leslie Claret.

You are Leslie Claret?

A million years ago.

Founder of Galvanized United.

A million years ago.

This is John Lakeman.

John is going to walk us through our terrace installation program.

Are you on this project, something this... something this size?

Well, this is, uh... foundational division at McMillan.

I pay attention to it, but I'm not your point guy.

I'm not your guy on the ground because...

Because you're Leslie Claret.

No. Thank you. No.

Because I'm old.

Our young bucks here handle the day-to-day stuff.

So, John, let's just jump in here and give them the 10 cent tour of the terrace plan.

Yeah. Guys. Hey.

Let's do it.

So... uh, let's do the, uh... uh, let's start with the patch handlers.

Oh, shit.


We're handler-free.

We're what?

We can't filter at any stage during the transfer.

I'm sorry. I thought that was clear.

Uh, we don't plate process or filter with samplers or any patch process.


Well, that's fine. It's not uncommon.

It's probably wise.

John, throw out this week's filter floor plan and just get into the nitty-gritty of our systemized nonfiltered diffusion.

Can you give us a sec?

I just want to...

I don't want to overstep my...

I want to hone in on this with Leslie so we don't land on any unsustainable or, uh, unavailable, uh... sss... products along our line.


No problem.

Leslie, do you mind taking the lead?

I don't want to...

You don't want to what?

I... I thought the whole thing was filtered.

It's no big deal. It's 101.

Yeah, I'm not, uh...


I'm not prepared to pitch for an unprocessed filter line.

I'm sorry.

John, what the f*ck?

That's rote, 101, man.


Ugh. Here's the thing.

I was hired to run a division, and we employed you to help me, and you have serially failed to do that.

You are burdening me, and you are disrupting the very important order of the way McMillan operates.

The McMillan way. 101, man.

All right.

I'll do it myself.

I'll do f*cking junior work, work that wouldn't have crossed my desk when I was your age... when I ran a company at your age, not a f*cking division... because I cared.

And I was good because I cared.

And you?

You just don't seem to, son.


And the roster for the trial squad comes out on Monday.

Don't bother looking at it, Lakeman.

Tom: Luxembourg, yes?



I have something with Efram.

I'm sorry, but you're going.

We know something serious is happening there.

The physicist's wife is from a strict sect.

She's never left her home in her life without a male escort.

She bought a plane ticket to Luxembourg... one ticket, no escort.

She's going to get the money.


And what?


What do I do?

You help John.

Yeah. I mean, of course.

I'm gone. I just... I don't...

What is your reluctance, son?

What? No. I don't... I don't have one. I...

It's... Alice had asked me what John does, and I realized that I don't even know, really.

I... So how can I...

Don't you have guys, like, trained guys for this?

I said I was going to ask a lot of you.

I'm also going to ask you not to ask me any more questions, Edward.

Get packed.

Yeah. Okay, Dad.

Driver: [speaking Egyptian] _
Dennis: Kitchen. There's a little pool out back.

Mm, standard.

We can talk out here.


For, like, an hour or more, openly.

What does she... What does your wife think we're doing out here in the garage for an hour?

I told her we were going to lift weights, so we should probably lift weights because you can hear the weights in the kitchen.

How'd it go with the Denon presentation?

I'm f*cked.

What now?

You got to go on that duck hunt, kiss his ass... Leslie's.

I'll deal with my thing.


This interview tomorrow, have you ever been interrogated before?


No, I have not.

Don't cough, twitch, or touch your face.

Or tell the truth.


There will be long silences.

She'll try to stress you out over time.

Is there anything that stresses you normally, like being hungry or... caffeine?



Twins, yeah.

They creep me out a little.

They unsettle me.

Well, that probably won't come up.

Dad, Mom said dinner 45 minutes.

Okay. Thanks, girls.

Cool. 45 minutes. We can do legs.

You got to go on that duck hunt, John.

Everyone gets drunk. There's camaraderie.

Everyone relaxes. Go.

Win Leslie back.

You got another plan?

Can I tell you something? Honestly?

You kind of suck at piping.

If you're going to suck at piping and also not sh**t birds, you're not going to be a McMillan Man.

Leslie will most likely fire me out there.

Leslie won't.

La Croix does that.

He always does that. He's good like that.

He's a good leader.

Lawrence might fire you.

But not Leslie personally.

You have to go on that duck hunt.

That's the way I see it.

You got your story straight, right?

For tomorrow?

John, you might think that I'm boring or normal, whatever.

But I'm not stupid.

I know how important this is to you.

♪ I don't want to sh**t a duck ♪

[quack quack]

Safety's on.

Don't feed the dogs, remember.

What's up, Richie Rich?

All right, let's get out in the marsh.

Snag a marsh partner.

And let's try not to drop our g*ns.

Okay, Richie Rich?



Maybe we could get some time together in that marsh.

Icabod is my marsh partner, so... nope.

What's your last name anyway, Peter?



I thought that was a nickname.



Why did you think it was a nickname, John?


[Dennis coughs]

Would you like some water?


To clear your throat. You're coughing.

Coughing? That doesn't count.

The interview hasn't started yet.

I'm not going to cough during the interview.

How do you know?

Just have a strong sense of myself.


Okay. Let's get started.


Gregory: 30 years. Never seen that.

John: Yeah. I know. It's weird.

Ten digits on a Social Security card.


You want a cold one?


You arrived in Luxembourg on the 11th?


What did you think?



It's... I loved it.

You loved it?


You loved being stabbed in the leg in Luxembourg?

No. Not that part.

What part?


[sigh] the castles and stuff.

Cold one, Leslie?


No. I have my own.



I wanted to say to you I respect the way you run the division.

Great. Thanks, kid.

Agathe: Describe the moments just before your stabbing.

Walking. Really dark.

This figure appeared in front of me.

On Chantalain?

On Chantalain.

And I was checking my phone, and I looked up, and it seemed like they were fighting to get past me, and they jostled me, and I said, "Hey, man, watch it."

Uh, they moved left, and then, unfortunately, I moved right, and then they moved right, and then I got in their way, and I think they mistakenly thought that I was trying to impede them, and then, next thing I know, I got a hot slice in my quad.

You were stabbed.


Yes. And then I went to the hospital, and then I went to dinner, and then I went to my room, and then I worked out.


[pen scratches]

He's long gone. He's gone.

Do it this afternoon.

It's just... [sigh]... you know, doesn't show up for dinner.

And he fucks up with Denon.

Well, I'll give him a big talk in the little boat.

What was the destination of the walk you were on when you were att*cked?


Just enjoying your beautiful sights, your castles, with my friend John.



Last sortie. Then we'll haul ass.


Richie Rich, west marsh.

You guys go east and south.

Partner up, everyone.


John, you want to come with me?


Okay. Thanks, John.

Agathe: And what was your friend's destination?


Uh, we were... we were strolling together.

But he wasn't with you when you were stabbed.


Why did you stop strolling together?

I think he... he went to prepare for a meeting.



I don't know.

Back to his room, possibly.



Did you make any phone calls around the time of your as*ault?

Uh, yes.

Mm-hmm. To who?

To my loving wife.

Her name?


I can't... Holy shit.

What... Audrey.

Jesus. Audrey McClaren.



Would you write the following on a page of paper for me?


77 de Champlaine.

Agathe: I traveled this distance because a second man was stabbed within several blocks of your as*ault, the same evening, within the same hour.

And your wounds are similarly sized.

Assaults like this are uncommon in Luxembourg City.

I don't know anything about that.

I'm surprised to hear that.

You read our newspaper the next morning.

It was a featured item in the morning's paper.

I meant... noth... anything further.

Uh, yes, I heard about the m*rder.

Uh, I remember some of the staff was discussing it in the lobby, and I read the paper only because I thought it might shed some light on my attack.

It might, you know, illuminate my attack, but it didn't. There weren't any facts that helped me have a greater understanding of what happened to me.

Thank you. That's all.

I appreciate your time and your help with our investigation.

I'm sorry I couldn't be more of a help.

Lawrence: I'm not from here, John.


From Montreal.

Piping. Married into it.

But you know, we've had good success because, well, I hire good people, and I let them guide and marshal through their divisions.


Yeah. That is cool.

Never held a g*n until I came out here.

Really. In fact, never got a bird since I've been out here.

Well, there's other things to enjoy.

I enjoy looking at Lori often.

I guess it's like my hobby.

You, uh...

Did you meet her?

She's here with her boyfriend d*ck.

I, uh...

Uh, I've had a few beers. I should stop talking.


I think I love her.

Uh, I'm certain I love her, and she won't give me a second look.

[ducks quacking]


I'm scared before pulling the trigger, and I don't like holding it.

It's smelly, and it's a cheat.

It would be one thing to use a g*n against an animal if you're the man who invented g*ns, but if you just bought one at the store, I mean, big whoop, right?


Still what?

Still I'd like to sh**t a bird some day because when I'm feeling optimistic, I think, well, maybe Lori simply has never considered me because we're from two different worlds, and those days, I think, Man, if I sh**t one of these birds on one of these outings, she might say...

"Hey, Lawrence isn't from a different planet.

"He can get his hands dirty.

"Hey, look at him.

Hey, let's make love now."

But I always come back with zilch.

Her boyfriend openly mocks me, which makes me... well, a world apart from Lori.

John, Leslie says you're having trouble finding your footing at McMillan.

I care about this company, so I wanted to have you out on this little boat and explore why it's not working out and maybe figure out a way for us to part on good terms.

For you and McMillan to part company.




I got jack.

Whoo! Hey! Check it out, f*ckers!


All right, Lawrence.

I blasted them!

I'd say they were thousands of feet away.

Well, maybe not thousands, but boy, were they up there.


I mean, yeah.

Why would the guy buy a car when he can buy a truck?


Two sh*ts, two ducks.

You like this, you dumb f*ck?

Yeah, you do. You love it.

Just like I love...

Just like I love this company and you guys and this guy right here.

Come on in. My men.

McMillan Men.

You men ready to have some fun in Luxembourg?

Lakeman's not going to Luxembourg.

Well, that's not a divisional decision, Leslie.

That's an executive call, and yeah, he is.

This kid's got something.

Come on in here, my McMillan Men.

He was okay with it.

We'll hit a game when I get back.

He wants a snow globe from there, he said.


I'll call you from there.


Uh, just to, you know, check in?



Okay, bye.


Can we go over this again?

So all you needed for this trip to take care of everything, everything that's going on in Luxembourg, $170,000, nine rolls of duct tape, and the telecast schedule for the English soccer squad Jaywick Sands.


And I could use a chair for in here.

Yeah. We're working on that.

So how did it go with the Brazilians?


They knew jujitsu, didn't they, John?



Didn't they?


See? I don't waste your time, guy.

I'm the A-team.

John, I think the interview went okay.

She asked me one thing about you, and that's it: where you went when we split up.

Get some rest.

I need you to smuggle $170,000 through the airport tomorrow.

[train whistle blows]

Thanks for letting my buddy come in.

Mm-hmm. Any dog with a job is welcome.

Dogs with jobs.


Warms the heart.


Honey, is this your dog?

We're just hanging out.

Well, I know a little about what these guys do.

They're HALT dogs.

What's that?

Hungry, angry, lonely, tired.

It's for, uh, trauma victims or addicts.

Whoever might crack.

Well, when they're all those, when they're HALT all at once, so they do. They crack.

These guys are trained to sense it coming, and they try to calm their patients when they need to sleep and signal when they need to eat.

You know, that kind of thing?

You should really get this guy back to wherever he's supposed to be.

Yeah. Yeah, I should.

Chk-chk. [whistle]

Come on.

