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05x04 - Relation of Lines and Colors

Posted: 02/22/17 09:30
by bunniefuu
Previously on Switched at Birth.

And you saw the picture?

I think everyone on campus did.

Were you offended?

I don't let stuff like that get to me.

I wish everyone felt that way.

I'm tired of not having a voice, and I can't live in a place that doesn't even ask black kids how they feel when there's a race issue on the table.

I had no idea.

Chris Walker. 90-mile-an-hour fastball...

John Kennish is going to take this team to the College World Series.

Your signed letter of intent.

You made the right decision, son.

Emmett, don't. I...

Uh, I... I have to work.

(door opens) Bay: Oh, my god, what's going on?

Are you okay?

Uh, okay.

(soft rock music playing)

About what?

That's great.


♪ That you hid behind your eyes ♪

I'm flattered, but I can't help you.

(music stops)

I'm not allowed to ink clients at the shop yet.

I'm just an apprentice.

Yeah, uh, but apparently that doesn't mean much here.

My boss is a little territorial and even if I did get her on board, I still need someone to work on.


Uh, maybe because you've never talked about getting one before now?


You're not gonna let this go, are you?

It means I'll think about it.


I so needed that.

Same here.

Hey, saw your old roomie last night.




Party at Walsh.

There's an all-black floor. Guess she lives there.

Oh. How'd she seem?

From what I could tell, great.

Good. I'm glad.

I take it you two haven't patched things up.

(sighs) I've tried, but she won't text me back.

Hey, her loss.


What the...

Why are there cotton balls everywhere?

Because somebody's trying to put us in our place.

Cotton balls as a reminder of sl*very?

That's totally disgusting.

Are you okay?


Just not surprised.

Well, I'm sure they're gonna find whoever did this.

I wouldn't hold your breath.

Come on, no one's gonna ignore something this bad.

Well, then we need to do something.

We need to talk to someone.

Count me out.

I got work-study and homework piling up.

Professor Marillo is the new Associate Dean of Student Well-Being.

I am sure she would listen to us.

Good luck.

I gotta go.

I am assuming you're gonna wanna hang this in a place of honor.

Oh, yeah, like on a rack at Goodwill.


Hey, I'm helping you turn my room into Carlton's nursery.

I get a free pass for at least a week.

(chuckles) Fair enough.

Uh, can I get your advice on something?

Sure. What's up?

I saw Emmett last night.

How's he doing?

A lot better.

He's taking a photography class and he wants to take photos of me giving him a tattoo.

And you don't want to?

No, I love the idea, and if I nail the execution, Noelle might finally start taking me seriously.

But, um...


Do you think you and Emmett can work on a project together without it meaning something?

Of course.

It would just be an artistic collaboration.

It's a win-win for both of us.

Look, I've been in Travis' position.

Just be upfront with him.

Let him know he's got nothing to worry about.

Right. Thanks.

Now, look, I assure you, this is a very inclusive campus and this administration will not tolerate anything to the contrary.

According to some of my friends, this isn't an isolated incident.

They say r*cist stuff happens a lot on campus.

Have your friends reported these occurrences?

I'm not sure.

Now see... (sighs) that's a problem.

How can we address their concerns if we don't even know that there's an issue to begin with?

I think some of them are afraid they won't be taken seriously.

Well, they're wrong.

We have systems in place to handle things like this.

The most effective action that your friends can take is alerting the university.


Thank you for your time.

Daphne, hold up.

I received a very interesting phone call yesterday from a Dr. Yao in Beijing.

Ling? Oh, my god, she's amazing.

Well, she had some pretty lovely things to say about you too.

She was very impressed with your work in her clinic.

I learned so much from her.

It got me thinking.

Maybe the department was hasty in denying you credit for the work you did in Yao's clinic.


I'd like to revisit your request with the Department Chair.

I mean, you know, if that's okay with you.



Look, I realize now that I may have... misjudged your medical prospects.

However I can help with the cause moving forward, you just know that you've got my support, okay?

Thank you, Professor.

It means a lot.



You up for some whale hunting?

You know it. How big are we talking?

A great white.

Gavin Bowers, former UMKC Q.B., 1980...

Owner of the largest self-storage chain in the Midwest and our top booster for three years running.

Someone's been doing her homework.


Well, I'm hoping to keep that streak alive.

He's flying in tomorrow night for our annual wine and dine, and I want you by my side to help turn that five-figure check into six figures.

Great. I will walk him through the plans for the football stadium renovation.

Oh! And the NCAA just posted our student-athlete graduation success rate.

It's at 92%!

Oh, bring it on!

7:30. Carter's Steakhouse.


Oh, and, uh, he's a leg man, so wear a dress.



That's part of the game.

Gavin's married, but he likes to flirt.

Heh, it's for a good cause, right?


All right.

Let's do this.

(hip-hop music playing)

(door opens)

Uh, hey.

Ho-ho, hey!

G.I. Joe, did you get my text?

I need to talk to you about something.

(scoffs) Do I need to stage an intervention?

You look exhausted. What...

I don't think that it is physically possible for you to be in better shape.

Whoa, hey, easy there, all right?

Just breathe. Relax.

You can do this.

I know that you can.

You just have to stop psyching yourself out.

Forget it.

It can wait.

Get back to your training.


Oh. (laughs) Definitely.

All right. Let's see some here, Chris.

Come on, nice and easy.

(rock music playing)


Nice job painting the corners there, buddy.

One more now.

Nice and smooth.


Uh, he's a recent transfer from Michigan.

His name is Chris Walker.

He's, uh, starting next week.

Travis, come on.

You've been away from the game for almost a year.

Look, we're up against the Eagles.

They're one of the best teams in the whole league, okay?

If we want to beat them, we gotta be bringing some heat.

I know you've been working hard, but the regionals are on the line here.

Carlos, charge the ball!

Don't let the ball play you! Come on!

Hold on.

Travis, I have to make the best decision for the entire team.

Okay? Chris is where I need him to be right now.

I will get you back on track. I promise.

Yo, Coach.

Is this the back-up catcher?

'Cause Martinez looks like he needs to ice down that hand.

No, this is Travis. He's our second starter.

Travis, this is Chris. I was telling you about him.

I hope you like the bullpen.

All right, get back out there.

All right, I'm gonna catch you later.

(rock music playing)

You bring the vodka too?

After that four-hour session, I'd k*ll for a screwdriver.

I cannot believe your hand didn't cramp up.

You've got serious stamina.

So, uh...


I was wondering...

No, you're not ready for a chair.

Slow your roll, Padawan.

You've been here like a week.

Hear me out, okay?

I'm not asking to work on customers, just one of my friends.

In my shop, using my machines.

I've done this before, dozens of times.

In another country.

It would be after hours and he's not paying for it.

He won't post it on Instagram.

No one will know.

And we'll sign whatever waiver you want.

Just please, at least consider it?

Let me see 'em.

It's a Zhu Que.

They're, uh, pretty huge in Chinese mythology.

I like the vibrancy, but your shading's patchy.

You need more layers. See?

If you want to make it pop, you need clean transitions.

You can't just slap it on.

You gotta give it life.

So, that's a yes?

If you've got a friend that wants to be your guinea pig, off the record, have at it, but... you might want to do a few practice runs first.

♪ You've got my heart on pins and needles ♪
♪ You've got a voodoo, darling ♪

He actually said that?

Isn't that sexual harassment?

I know, right?

I was like, "What is this, 1950?"

Men are always gonna expect women to peacock a little.

I know, but should I really wear a leggy dress?

When I worked at K&D, I would dress for clients all the time.

We all know women judge each other on our clothes, so I played along.

The right purse, the right shoes, and now that I'm a student here, I try to dress more like them so I fit in.

Is that any different?

I guess not.

You know, it's a game, but you are in charge.

You're pulling the strings.

Just remember that.

I know, but is this us just spinning the situation to make us feel better about shaking our asses a little?


You could always show up in a pantsuit like a big "screw you."


Oh, I can't believe I have to deal with this.

Oh, welcome to working in a man's world.

I have to go, okay?

Oh, thank you.

Good luck.

Thank you.




It's good to see you.

Look, I'm busy, so...

Hey, I just wanted you to know that I spoke with Professor Marillo.

She said that any time you experience anything r*cist, you need to report it immediately.


Like that'll do any good.

No, it will. She said there are systems in place.

Then explain the cotton ballers.

What do you mean?

You know about the cotton balls in front of the Black Student Union?

Yeah, it was disgusting.

The police caught who did it.

Two guys from Dillon Hall.

That's a relief.

You want to know what happened to them?


They got tickets... for littering.



Then Dean Peterson suspended them for three days. That's it.

That's crazy and insulting.


We finally agree on something.

I am tired of talking.

It's time for action.

So, you're hunger striking?

I'm camping in front of the B.S.U. and refusing to eat until those guys are expelled.

Wow, that's serious.

So is what's happening on campus.

Okay, but... you know how unsafe that is?

I already don't feel safe.

Hey, Iris, no. There are ways of fighting that don't jeopardize your health.

We could boycott classes, we could lead a march, organize a town hall meeting.

You don't get it!

A hunger strike makes a huge statement.

This is the best way to get attention.

I just want you to be smart about how you...

Look, Katy Perry, she doesn't need you telling her what's smart.

I was talking to Iris.

Why don't you run along to your BFF, Lil Wayne?

You should probably go.


Just go.

I thought you said you'd handle it.

How is a three-day suspension handling it?

Look, I understand.

Believe me, I feel the same way, but this decision was not just up to me.

How does someone get away with a slap on the wrist for a hate crime?

Dean Peterson and I reviewed the case.

We just couldn't prove intent.

Two white guys put cotton balls in front of the Black Student Union.

What else could that possibly mean?

The students involved are claiming that it was an artistic statement to make people think.

Oh, please.

Look, someone in charge better do something fast 'cause people are starting to take matters into their own hands.

What are you talking about?

My old roommate is planning to stage a hunger strike in front of the B.S.U.

She shouldn't have to endanger her life to get justice.

Well, of course not.

This is the first I've heard of it.

I'll get on it right away.

Someone needs to organize a... an open forum on campus, get a dialog started.

The school needs to prove it cares about the well-being of all its students.

That's an excellent idea.

You ratted me out to Dean Peterson?

No, I spoke to Professor Marillo...

Who told Dean Peterson, who called my dad!

Now he's freaking out.

He threatened to pull me from school if I continue with the hunger strike.

Iris, I am so sorry. That was not my intention.

I was trying to help, I swear.

I didn't ask for your help.

Stop trying to be the great white hope, okay?

I can handle this.

(rock music playing)

Oh, you mean rip off Noelle's work?

No way.

Some do, but not Noelle.

All of her designs are completely original.

It's like having Banksy ink you.

She's a real artist.


It wasn't the right time.

But you and I are not talking about this.

Travis is off limits.
(door closes)

This the guinea pig?

Uh, yes.

Noelle, meet Emmett.

Ballsy move offering up your skin to a rookie.

He says thank you for letting us use your shop.

No problem.

Lock up when you're done.

Yeah, but impossible to impress.

I do.

Her stuff is just so vivid and... and detailed and unique.

Okay, so what'll it be?

You want MJ on your arm?

How about the chestburster from Alien? Right?

Nice, big, right there.

(chuckles) I was joking.

I mean, it would be fun to ink, but I am so not the one explaining that to Melody.

Oh, Ripley! Your old motorcycle!

Oh, I miss that girl.

Do you have a picture?

Let's do this.

I don't blame her for being mad.

At Marillo, sure, but I don't see where you did anything wrong.

What do you think?

I think your heart's in the right place, but maybe it's not your battle to fight.


But if Iris gets sick and ends up in the hospital, then how does that help?

Hunger strikes do tend to get attention.

And results.

So, do you think she's doing the right thing?

I'm worried about her health of course, but if she's that committed to the cause, then... maybe you need to respect her willingness to take such a risk.

Oh, my god.


"Watch your back"?

Mike: Our new training facility will be the finest west of the Mississippi.

We're also planning an extensive expansion of the track and field arena.

Oh, was that your sport? Track?

No, actually I was a cheerleader.

Oh. That makes sense.

So, Gavin, um, you've built quite the self-storage empire.

What's your secret?

Our top two demos: the big ho's.


Homeless and hoarders. (laughs)


Hey, Mikey, say it ain't so... you got engaged?

Afraid the rumor's true.

I got two words for you. Pre. Nup.

My first wife swore up and down she was gonna have her own career and then promptly took me to the cleaners.

Just like a woman, right?

Not every woman.

Oh, come on.

If you and I were to get married right now, and remember, I'm loaded... (Gavin's phone vibrates) would you sign a prenup?

I don't even know how to answer that.

Hm! Oh, ball and chain number two.

Excuse me.

Hey, baby-cakes.

I have to run.

What? You're going now?

Come on, you got this.

I can't.

Gavin: Yeah, sure. Whatever you want.



Always a pleasure.


I am going to leave you in Kathryn's capable hands.

Oh, you're too good to me, Mikey.


See you tomorrow.


Another martini?

Uh, no, no. Thank you.

Oh, come on, the night is young and so are we.

Excuse me, give me two more.




Are you kidding me?


No one threatens my daughter and gets away with it.

Okay, let's not overreact.

It's a flyer, not a car b*mb.

And how do we know that that's not next?

This is all because m1ngo wore that stupid costume.

It's not his fault.

And then you wrote that op-ed defending him.


Excuse me, you're blaming her?

She's the victim here.

This person tracked down my car.

What if he follows me home?

That's it.

You and Bay are staying here until this blows over.

She shouldn't have to hide.

Toby: Dad?

John, what are you doing?

Whatever it takes to protect my daughter.

So, knowing your generosity level in the past, if you were to donate at an elevated level, we could green-light the renovations...

Cannot take my eyes off of this.

It really suits you.

Thank you, but...

To earn it, your husband must have pissed you off something terrible.

No, no, no, it was just a... a normal birthday present.

Yeah? And you know, beautiful women always have such beautiful hands.


It's amazing.

Excuse me, could we have the check please?

We're gonna go and have sex.

Wait, what?

That's what you want, right?

To seal the deal?

I didn't... I never said that.

Gavin, you have been hitting on me all night.

Okay, we're done here.

Are you sure? Because we could do it right here.

Lady, you're nuts.

(folk music playing)

(shutter clicking)

Okay, what do you think?

♪ Ooh ♪


Um, this might sting a little bit.

Um, what does that mean?

I felt awful about that.

Seeing my art up there, easily one of the coolest moments ever.

I'll never forget that.

♪ Still the one to call me names ♪
♪ I said all I ever wanted ♪
♪ All I ever wanted ♪

It's getting late. Uh, I should get started.

♪ Ooh ♪


♪ You're still the one to break my heart ♪
♪ Still the one ♪
♪ To tear it apart ♪
♪ Still the one to call me names ♪
♪ I said all I ever wanted ♪
♪ All I ever wanted was pain ♪
♪ Still the one to break my heart ♪
♪ Still the one to tear it apart ♪
♪ Still the one to call me names ♪
♪ I said all I ever wanted ♪
♪ All I ever wanted was pain ♪

(shutter clicks)

Yes, Dean Peterson. All right.

Thank you so much for your support.

It means a lot. Thank you so much.

Okay, yeah. Bye-bye.

Uh, sure.

Oh. (chuckle) Are you serious?

Travis doesn't like my decision, and so he sends his mom?

Okay, all right.

Last time you and I had a little talk like this, you kind of ripped into me for derailing his future.

Well, it didn't seem like that when he took off to China.

Okay, but that doesn't excuse the fact that he abandoned his responsibilities.

It's not enough.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, all right?


Travis and Chris, they can have a pitch-off and we can see who's starter material, but let me tell you something.

If Travis really wants this, he has got to bring his "A" game.

You're welcome.

I'll see you.

Hey, did you hear?

They caught the guy who made that flyer.

Yeah, a black student.

Dean Peterson expelled him thanks to your dad.

You don't think he should've been?

Can we not talk about this right now?

I'm trying to study.

Hold on.

I want to hear this.


Let's do the math.

White girl gets intimidated, the guy gets expelled.

The entire Black Student Union gets intimidated, three-day suspension.

Well, but one was a threat.

Cotton balls in front of the Black Student Union, you know what that makes me think of?

Chains and whips and keeping the black man down.

That is a threat just like that flyer.

And maybe it's right the guy got expelled, but the cotton ballers should have been too.

I hadn't thought of it like that.

Why would you?

It's not your reality, and be glad that it isn't.

The fear that you felt over that flyer, I feel like that all the time.

See you later.


Move along, Katy Perry.

You're not welcome here.

Iris, can I talk to you, please?

I got this.

Look, I can never know what it's like to be you.

All I can really offer is my support.

So, if you'll let me, I'd like to sit here with you.

♪ Lord, have mercy now, oh ♪
]♪ I can't shake this feeling ♪
♪ Get shook when you come around ♪
♪ You got me all worked up ♪
♪ I'm digging all your stuff ♪
♪ You got that thing I want ♪
♪ Give it to me now ♪
♪ You got me on my knees ♪
]♪ You want me to beg and plead ♪
♪ You've got that thing I need ♪

Yeah, here we go.

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh, give it to me now ♪

Dude, seriously?

Travis, hey, where's your head at?

Chris, let me see the slider now.


John: Yeah, that's the heat.

Okay, Travis, let me see the cutter.


Dude, this is a joke, right?

You suck.

You're a freakin' embarrassment.

Oh, hell no.

Hey! Hey! Hey!


Break it up! Break... break... break it up!

Break it up! What...

Hey! Stop it! Stop it!

Hey, what is wrong with you?

You don't hit him!

Chris, you're starting.

Travis, take a lap. Cool down.

Hey, you started it! I saw.

I don't care what he said!

You don't make it physical!


You watch it.

You know what? Get off my field right now!

Get off!

What are you looking at?

Get back to work! Come on!

What the hell?

I just spent the past hour on the phone with Gavin Bowers begging him to give us even a dime!

He crossed the line.

I had to defend myself.

Are you kidding me?

I handed you a sure thing, and you blew it.

Well, you did put me in a terrible position.

It was harmless flirting.

How would you know?

No boss has ever told you to sex yourself up to snag a donor.

And if they did, I would do so happily.

Oh, sure, easy for you to say, since that's never actually gonna happen.

And why do we even accept money from scumbags like Bowers?

Don't we owe it to our kids to set a good example?

What we owe them are facilities and equipment and opportunities to succeed, which they won't have if we reject money from every mildly offensive jerk.

You want to play with the big boys?

Then get with the program.


I was trying to follow your advice in adding more detailed gradient.

Let the work speak for itself.

Contour's on point and the letters feel organic like everything's in motion.

Solid job.

Really? Oh, awesome. Thank you.

I'm gonna grab some food. Be back in an hour.

I'll hold down the fort.

Oh, and can you add 30 minutes to my 3:00 on Friday?

That sleeve is gonna take longer than I thought.

You got it.

What the...


Look, I... I was going to tell you.

No, that's crazy!

Emmett is just a friend.

But not anymore, okay?

I was just helping him with an art project!

I... I didn't see it like that, I promise.

Because you were so stressed about the team and going to regionals!

Travis, wait!

You showed your tattoo to Travis?

What did you do, wave it in his face?

I know that.

I was waiting to tell him until after regionals!

Look me in the eye and tell me that this wasn't a plan to try and get between me and Travis.

Well, I don't know!

And that's all this was about?


When I came home from China, you said...

Was any part of this to try and get back together with me?

As long as I'm with Travis, you and I can't be friends.

All we're asking for is equal justice and respect.

Miss Watkins, if you don't mind.

Thank you.

Although the administration supports your right to peacefully protest, it's against school regulations for students to camp out overnight.

That's for your own safety.

If you truly cared about our safety, you'd expel those guys who put the cotton balls in front of our building.

Students: Yeah!

That's right.

Those young men have been punished.

Not enough.

The laws on this campus don't govern everyone fairly.

Black and white students are treated differently.

I understand your frustration, but their punishment had nothing to do with race.

Students: Oh, surprise!

If you really believe that, then you're a part of the problem.

Students: Yeah! You're the problem! You!

Look, why don't we go to my office and discuss things calmly?

You want us behind closed doors so you can shut us down.

No way!

Not unless you guarantee us the cotton ballers will be expelled.

That's right.

As I have said, my hands are tied.

That's a load of crap!

I'm so sick and tired of all of this.

The laws on campus suck and they need to change.

You need to do something!

You need to watch your tone.

Don't tell me to watch my tone.

If you don't get this, you need to step down.

Calm down.

And don't tell me to calm down.

Maybe you should be a little bit more upset!

All right, you know what, you and your friends, you need to pack up your things and go home now!

We won't go!

Students: We won't go! We won't go! We won't go!

All right!

We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go!

All right, that's enough!

We won't go! We won't go! We won't go!

Hey! Hey!

We won't go!

Hey! Hey!

What are you doing?

Let her go!

We're just standing here! Hey!

I'm okay.

We won't go!

Students: We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go! We won't go!