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04x14 - Doors and Windows

Posted: 02/22/17 07:24
by bunniefuu
Brandon: Previously, on The Fosters...

What the hell is going on around here?

You're getting high, you're stealing Jesus' pills, and he cheated on the SATs.

There are far too many secrets going on around here, so the doors are coming off.

You lied about Nick, about the Adderall, and I don't think that I'm ever gonna be able to trust you.

Watch out!

(tires screeching)

Why is she in cuffs?

She's under arrest.

I know you k*lled your grandmother, and we're gonna prove it.

You're crazy.

Hey, what kind of job are you doing as parents?

This is the second time that Callie's been in juvie since she's been with you!

So I'm going to send Ms. Adams Foster to adult court.

There are so many unknowns about traumatic brain injuries.

There can be significant ups, and unpredictable downs.

Come on, Jude, let's go! Been in there forever.

Seriously? There are other people who live here!


Ma, c... can we please get our doors back?

Uh, no.

Come on... Everyone is using this bathroom for, like, everything, especially Jude, who's taking... really long showers these days, if you know what I mean.

Sounds like he's done.

Callie: I'm in here!

I was waiting!

Hey, so was I. I'll just be a second, God!

Guess you should've taken your shower last night.

Well, yeah, well, Mariana was in there last night, and...

Oh... and now I have to go to school with dirty hair.



Oh, you used to fight us so much about taking a bath, and now look at ya.

Is Mariana awake?

Hey, come on, let's go. Time for school.

Hello, come on, I know you're awake.

I don't wanna go to school.

Oh, come on.

Ever again.

Honey, listen...

I wanna be home schooled.

Okay, well, that is not an option, Mariana.

Just the thought of seeing Mat, and... and the whole school knowing that we broke up again, it's completely humiliating.

I hear ya.

I just can't believe we're not gonna be together.

Well, I am sorry about that, love, but that is no reason to drop out of school.

'Kay? You can talk about it in therapy today.

I don't wanna go to therapy.

So you don't wanna do anything?

Come on, this is not open for discussion.

H... he comes highly recommended.

My love, this is gonna give you a... a productive place to talk about all of these feelings.


Okay, enough with the melodrama. Let's go.

Brandon, why aren't you dressed? You're gonna be late.

C... can you talk to Mom, please? We need our doors back.

Brandon, please, not now. I... the last thing I need is more stress.

This is ridiculous!

Hey, you know what? How about you try to figure out a way to be part of the solution instead of the problem, for once.

Hey, did Jude leave yet?

And you need to get started on your college applications.

And for God's sake, finish your senior project, please.

I don't really know what the point is, since I'm probably going to jail.

Honey, you're not going to jail.

Oh, and don't they have, uh, college classes in prison?

Oh, I have an idea. Why don't you take the SATS for me?

Wow... juvie's hardened you.

All right you guys, enough.

Enough. Yes, we have all had our setbacks lately, but... on we soldier, right?

Mariana doesn't wanna go to school, but don't worry, I told her she's going to school.

(shower running)

Mariana: I'm in here!

You showered last night!

Gotta be faster, B.


Callie: Moms!

What? Oh my God.

What happened, honey, what happened?

What is it?

What happened?

I just... I just... I just... wanted to be upstairs with... with... with everyone.

Okay, okay.

Okay, baby.

Take it easy, take it easy.

(theme music plays)

♪ It's not where you come from ♪

It's where you belong ♪
♪ Nothin' I would trade ♪

I wouldn't have it any other way ♪
♪ You're surrounded ♪
♪ By love and you're wanted ♪
♪ So never feel alone ♪
♪ You are home with me ♪

Right where you belong ♪

So is everyone talking?

About what?

Me and Mat?

I don't think anyone even knows or cares.

How's Jesus?

He fell down the stairs this morning.

Well, up, technically.

I think he just really wants to get back into his bedroom and out of that dining room, you know?

It can get pretty lonely down there.

So... what's going on with you?

Um... I'm fine.

I only ask because... well, the reason that Mat dumped me... well, sort of... the reason, anyway...

Can... can we talk about this later?

Well, no, this is about you... you'll see.

So... Brandon saw you buying a pregnancy test at the hospital.

He thought that you were buying it for me... long story.

So Brandon asked Mat if I could be pregnant.

Which made Mat think that I had sex with Nick.

For the record, I did not.

But... Mat broke up with me because he doesn't know if he can believe me or not.

Anyway... are you pregnant?

Um... no.

I'm... I'm... I'm not.

I... I thought that I might be, but... the test was negative, and I got my period.

Thank God.

I know, right?

See you in class.

Kyle: You got arrested?

I'm sorry. I can't believe you did all that for me.

That's all right. It's gonna be all right.

Um, but the good news is that we got a match from the DNA on the m*rder w*apon.

The curb painter guy?

Uh, no... um... according to the report. it belongs to a male relative of Martha's.

And the only male relative she had was her grandson, Troy.

O... okay, so, can we take that the police?

Well, it wouldn't be admissible because it wasn't court-ordered, and it could get Callie in even more trouble.

Right, but all we need to find is a motive.

If we can prove that Troy had a reason to k*ll his grandmother, then... maybe a judge would force him to give a DNA sample.

Did you... know Troy, did you ever see him?

No... I don't think so.

But I remember her saying that her grandson only ever called when he wanted money.

Okay. That's something.

That's good.

Um... we have to go, I have to meet up with my lawyers.

So... um, will this change the JJC's mind, y... you think this will make 'em take my case?

I hope so.

Well... at least they stopped me from getting moved to Folsom early.

And we're gonna do everything we can to make sure that that never happens.

You got six weeks, then...

Um... look, I... I don't... know if I said this already, but, thank you.

I mean, what you guys are doing for me is... you know what I mean.

Good luck today.

(jail door buzzing)

Up... down... you got it, you got it.

Good, now side to side.

Uh-huh. Good. The sooner you get your balance back, the sooner you'll get up those stairs.

I hate you.

(laughs) Just wait 'til we add the flash cards.

Combining physical activity with cognitive exercises actually helps the brain re-wire itself.

Okay, Jesus... what's this say?

(weights hitting floor) I'm done.

No, come on, not yet. Five sets of flash cards, here we go.

Come on.


Honey, you can do this...

Shut up!


Okay, hey, let's just... let's just take a little break.


Let me get you a cup of coffee.

Is it too early for vodka?

Outbursts like that are totally common in people with TBIs, so... try not to take it personally.

Yeah, uh, our doctor warned us. Just... sucks.

How long is he gonna be like this?

It's hard to say.

For some people with TBI, the short fuse never goes away.

If we can get everyone involved in the accident to sign a contract saying they want all charges against Callie immediately dropped...

And that they have no intention of pursuing her civilly...

We take all that to the judge.

Now, the DA will balk, they always do.

But the judge will be inclined to accept it, since his docket's so full, and the jails are overcrowded.

So the charges will just... be dismissed?

It'll be as if the accident never happened.

Okay, why would they agree to this, the people involved in the accident?

Because we're gonna pay their bills.

Medical, auto repair, any lost wages, as well as a little something for pain and suffering.

How much are we talkin' here?

We're hoping to lock it down around three hundred grand.

Well, we don't have anywhere near that amount of money.

Robert: I do.

No, Robert.

It's a small price to pay to keep Callie out of prison.

But I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't cause the accident.

Wh... why are we trying to settle or whatever?

Because of this.

What is that?

That's Callie's file.

Chip: Look... this is a he-said, she-said case.

So it's gonna come down to a matter of character.

Who the jury believes.

Okay, but I'm telling the truth.

We know. We believe you. But it doesn't matter.

What's going on trial is your record.

So much of what is in there is... is bias, and... and false.

Can't we fight that?

We would lose.

Okay... so, uh, we pay off the people who were hit, and then...

And Troy Johnson.

N... Why does he get paid?

No, no way. The accident was his fault, not mine, I only took off 'cause I was afraid of him.

The problem is... other than your word, we have no way to prove why you were so scared, Callie.

Stef, talk to you alone for a minute?

Yeah. Uh, hey, Cal?

Meet you at the car, all right?

She'll come around, I'll talk to her.

(sigh) Yeah, actually, it's um... it's about Sophia.

She told me that there was this strange man following her around Bayfest.

Accused her of... of watching him, and then breaking into his house.

Wow, okay, did she say what he looked like?

Yeah, he was about my height, uh... light hair, blue eyes, wore a green Army jacket.

Sophia swears that she never saw him before, so I just figured he was some kind of weirdo, and I forgot about it.

Just now... it occurred to me, Sophia and Callie, they... they look so much alike.

I mean, do you think that maybe he... he got them confused?

Uh... I don't know.

Um... it's... you know, a possibility, I'll check into it.

Okay, just... wanted you to know.

Yeah, yeah, I appreciate that.

I... um... appreciate everything... you know?



Did you break into Doug Harvey's house?

I am at the end of my rope with you, Callie.

If the DA finds out that you broke into Doug Harvey's house, that's it! That's it, okay? You're not buying your way out of anything, you're gonna go to prison, for years.

Okay, but maybe that's what you deserve.

God, I...

I didn't mean that.

I know.


I know. But... if I didn't steal that toothbrush and get it tested, then we wouldn't know about Troy.

And Troy is the real k*ller.

Kyle even told me that he used to ask his grandmother for money all the time, that could be his motive.

Lots of kids hit their grandparents up for money.

And listen, Troy's DNA could've ended up on that w*apon the same way that Kyle's did, okay? Helping Martha out in the garden.

You have got to leave this to the professionals!

The professionals didn't even test the other DNA, they buried it!

And what about Detective Gray? Or Patrick Molloy? Who...

Is anyone making sure that he's not hurting other kids?

I am going to do everything in my power to get Gray and Molloy, okay?

But for right now, I need you to focus on your problems.

This is my problem, if we can prove that Troy k*lled his grandmother, then I won't go to jail!

And Kyle will get out of prison.

We won't have to pay anyone off... the only person who will pay is Troy Johnson.

This is hard.

I know, honey, but Tomas said that it will help you with your tremor.

Can I have some water?

I can keep an eye on him.






Oh, wow, that's... that's great.

Yeah, I'm... I'm done.

No. One more time.


Just one more time, honey, and you can take a break.

I said no!



Okay, right, right, right, right...



Hey, you know, I, uh, I... I got it.

And... why don't you let me take Jesus to therapy tomorrow?

You could use the break.

Okay... why am I doing this?

Ah. Well, EMDR uses rapid eye movement to lessen our distress when recalling traumatic experiences.

Lets us talk about our feelings.

And it also helps us reprogram our response to the upsetting memories.


Let's just... give it a try, see how it feels, okay?

Why don't we begin with the moment you discovered Nick in your room?

You saw the g*n.

How did you feel?


Anything else?

Powerless, I guess.


You ever felt that way before?

Yeah, sure.

Bunch of times.

Like when?

Like, when the whole robotics team turned on me.


Any others?

When my mom got sh*t and we thought she was gonna die.


When was the very first time you can remember feeling powerless?

Jesus and I were babies.

We were in our crib crying... calling out for our mom, but she never came.

How long did you wait?

I don't know, it... could've been a day, maybe longer.

And how did you feel, as that abandoned little baby?


And powerless.

Oh, Troy, 301?

(whistling) That's not just bad credit, that's no credit.


What the hell are you doing?

It's okay. My therapist gave me permission.

Your therapist gave you permission?

Yes. An important part of my recovery is taking my power back.

By disobeying your mother?

Look... this isn't about you, this is about me.

And I feel powerless having zero privacy, so I'm changing that.

Also, he wants to talk to all of us together, but... I told him that wasn't gonna happen since you guys are so busy.

But he assured me that since you guys love me, you'll make time to come in.


Tomorrow, at three.

Tomorrow. Hm.

You know what? Forget it. It's fine.

No... no, honey, we will... we will make the time.

Are you sure?


Well, if you have any more questions or concerns about my privacy, we can discuss them then.

Good night!

Uh... are we in trouble?

I think the point is, Mariana is.

Yeah, I get that.

(phone rings)


Stef, it's Captain Roberts. I just wanted you to know I got your message the other day, and I'd like to find a time for us to meet, if that's okay.

Yes, uh...

Why don't we get together tomorrow morning at around 10 or so?

Um... okay.

Will that work for you?

Absolutely, I... I will see you tomorrow.

I look forward to seeing you, Stef.

Okay, bye.

Who was that?

Uh, Captain Roberts.

She wants to see me in her office tomorrow morning.

You think they made a decision about you becoming detective?

Uh... maybe, but, um... I did leave a message for her a while ago.

When we were at Bayfest, telling... her that there was something...

I needed to take to Internal Affairs.

Stef, we talked about this.

We agreed that you weren't going to do that.

Okay, and I was talking to Callie about the fact that sometimes you have to do what you gotta do, no matter how hard it is.

No, you can't do this. You can't lose your job.

I... I am already on leave.

Monte has hired a replacement.

What am I supposed to do, then?

I... I gave my word to Callie that I would deal with Gray and Molloy.

What kind of message is that gonna send to her if I just... if I just let it go?

Oh, I don't know, Stef, what kind of message is it gonna send when we are on the streets because we both lost our jobs?

That's... I just... I don't think that I can walk this back with Captain Roberts.

Well, you better figure out a way...

Apparently, I'm a total sociopath.


Yeah, I'm, uh... defiant, paranoid, prone to violent outbursts, with no respect for personal property, authority, or the rules of society.

No wonder my lawyers don't wanna go to trial.

If you believe this, I should be locked up forever.

You took a baseball bat to your foster father's car?

Yeah, 'cause he was b*ating the hell out of Jude.

Well, why isn't that in here?

And why doesn't it say that that same guy ended up k*lling a kid?

This is exactly what's wrong with the justice system.

All it says is the "what," and not the "why."

It's this kind of thinking that makes us lock people up and throw away the key.

They put me in solitary.

In juvie?

Oh, my God, I'm... so sorry.

Any chance you know anything about construction?

Not really, no.


All right... you got this, bro.

I'm not... your bro.

Actually you are, or did you forget that, too?

Hey, come on, Jesus, stay focused.

Come on, you got this, let's go, you can do this.

It's hard!

I know, but you can do this, come on, let's go.

Go away, man.

Woman's voice: Nice, good job.
(piano playing faintly)

Um, okay, so, we have to build the base first, and then mount it on the skids.


What are skids?

I have no idea.


You guys need some help?



Thought you had basketball practice.


I did, and it's over, and I missed you.


Hey, man.


So what's happening?

Uh, Aaron was just helping me finish my senior project.

So what's it supposed to be now?

Uh, it's a cell.

Solitary confinement?

Kinda like the one they... put me in at juvie.


Yeah, it's cool, right?


So... a skid is basically like a platform, it's what supports the structure.

I didn't know you knew about construction.

Yeah, well... you would've. If you'd have asked me.


Can I... help you?

My brother is, uh, a patient here, and, uh, I w... I was just wondering, this class, what is it, exactly?

Music therapy.

That... that noise was therapy?

That... noise can actually rewire an injured brain.

Well, maybe I should, uh, have my brother check out your class, then.

He, uh... has a TBI, and he's getting really frustrated in physical therapy, so...

Ah, yeah.

You know, music works wonders when it comes to improving movement.

It shares the same circuit as motor control, so...

Wow. I'm... I'm a musician as well. I play piano.

But I've just never heard of... music being used that way.

Um... are you free right now. Could I, maybe get you a cup of coffee?

(exhaling) Whoa there, Beethoven!

I... have a boyfriend.

Oh, I, um... I'm not, like... looking for a girlfriend, or... or anything. I just wanted to ask you some questions to see if I could help Jesus. That's... my brother.



Well, um... I'm busy right now, I... I have to do some homework, but, uh... you're welcome to, uh, sit on one of my classes.

I'm here every day at this time.

I have to ask my supervisor, but I'm... sure it'll be fine.

Okay, yeah, maybe I, uh, will.

I'm Brandon... by the way.


Sit. So I got the message that you left me.


But then the whole thing happened with your kids, and I thought maybe it would be better if I hold off a b*at before we talked.

I appreciate that.

Um... I called because, as you know...

Before you say anything, I think you should know that you made detective.


Thank you.

They wanna place you in Human Trafficking... which is quite an honor, for a newbie.

And you could do a lot of good there, Foster.

I don't know what it is you're compelled to tell me, but hear me when I say this... you are one of the good ones.

And if this is anything that could put your career in jeopardy, please... think carefully before you speak.

Now... what is it... you wanted to say to me?

Detective Gray: Congratulations, Detective.

I haven't accepted the job yet.

Well, when you do, you can thank me for the good word I put in for you.

Did you know Troy Johnson was having money problems?

And that Martha took him out of her will just a few days before she was k*lled?

Did you ever even consider him a suspect?

Okay. Here.

This will give you access to all the case files.

Whatever you want.


'Cause whether you wanna believe it or not... I do my job.


All right. Good.

It's not bad. It's pretty sturdy.

All right, so what's next?

All right, now I have some wallpapering to do.

You're gonna put the pages from your file up in there?

Why would you wanna do that?

Why would you want everyone to see what's in there?

Well, I think the point is to expose what's wrong with the system.

You know, show how a life can be boiled down to a bunch of words on paper that aren't even true.

Um... so... I have a midterm tomorrow, that I should probably be studying for...


So, I'm gonna go.

Thank you.


And good luck.

What is the matter?

Well, for one, I think Aaron should let you answer for yourself.

Okay, uh... I don't... really think he was trying to answer for me.

But okay.

He's right.

Well, it's great to see that the two of you are so...

Are we seriously doing this again?

I'm no... I'm not jealous.

Okay, not romantically, or not because he's trans, I'm just... wondering why it is that you asked him for help and not me?

Because he was here, AJ.

Of course he was here.

And how come I didn't know you were in solitary?

I wasn't gonna tell anyone.

Why not?

Would you?

I'm just glad you're not gonna end up like Ty.


You're lucky your birth father has money.

He can make this all go away.

W... uh... are you saying I'm taking advantage of my rich white privilege?

I didn't say you were taking advantage of anything.

Don't put words into my mouth, Callie.

'Cause I'm not.

I wanna go to trial, take my chances.

Well, that's just stupid.

Ty didn't have a choice about going to court.

You do.

Play it smart.

Yeah, I... uh, I've gotta go, I've got work to do.

What... what did I say wrong?

You didn't say anything wrong.

Everything you said was right.

(playing "Row Row Row Your Boat" on piano)

There you go, that's it, Jesus.

That's great. Emma, not so much.

(all laughing)

But... okay.

Uh, try it again, guys, try it again.

It's great...


I, uh, I met this music therapy student at the rehab center that... that works with TBI patients, and she was telling me how music can rewire the brain.


That's amazing.

Emma: You're so good. (laughs)

Jesus: You're so bad.

(Emma laughs)

Okay, guys... let's do this from the top, one more time.

Let's go. One, two, three, four...

("Row Row Row Your Boat")

That's good, that's good, and Emma, just make sure you keep your hands here...

That's good... there you go...

Just like that. Got it?

(laughing) Yeah...

All right, let's start over, let's start over. You're doin' good.

You're doin' good.

This looks serious.

Hey, come join us.

What are you talkin' about?

You... and your... situation.

What's going on?

Troy didn't k*ll his grandmother.

We have all kinds of proof that he was at work at the time of the m*rder... a stamped time card, security camera footage.

His alibi is, uh... it's airtight.

There's no way we can claim that you had a legitimate reason to be afraid of Troy.

How do we know that Gray didn't mess with the files?

I saw the video... Callie, I saw it.

We want the lawyers to settle, Callie.

No. No, I want to go to court, I didn't do this!

We know that you didn't do it.

But this is not your decision to make anymore.

We agreed when you wanted to do the fitness hearing, and that backfired badly. We're not gonna take that chance again.

It's not right.

Things aren't always right or fair in life.

Sometimes, we... we just... we gotta do what we gotta do, and this is... this is what we're gonna do.

That's not surprising, given what happened to her with Nick.

Um, but I think it goes deeper than that.

All the way back to early childhood.

And, unfortunately, some of those same feelings. Feelings of fear and powerlessness are being re-experienced by her at home.

Well... I... I mean... does this have to do with the... the doors being taken off?

That's one example, yes.

That's one example, so... in what other ways does... does she feel powerless at home?

'Cause honestly, from my perspective, she... she exerts her will on all of us pretty much all of the time.

I'm glad you used those words, "from my perspective," because that's really the issue here.

Tell me what you see right there.

Um... I guess that's a "W."


Um... I see a three.

How about you, Mariana?

Obviously, it's an "M."

Well, I see an "E." My point is, that we can never assume that our perspective is the only perspective.

Which is why communication is so important.

All right, well,. communication is not the problem in our family, I don't think it is. The secrets are, which is the failure to communicate.

Not to mention deliberately withholding, misbehaving, flat out lies...

And that's why you took all your kids' doors off.


I absolutely hear your frustration, however, uh, bedroom doors, aren't the reason that kids shut their parents out.

Lack of trust is.

Trust that you're going to hear them, that you're going to respect their feelings without assigning your own perceptions to them.

Okay... Do we do that? When have we done that?

We always encourage the kids to talk to us, all the time, about anything.

But then you call me melodramatic, and act like my feelings aren't as important as... Jesus' injury or...

Brandon's drama or Callie maybe going to prison.

Okay, well... maybe their problems are a lot bigger than mine, but...

No, honey, don't do that to yourself.

I mean, Nick held a g*n to your head.

And that's the challenge, isn't it? As parents?

To treat every child respectfully?

And that's one way we can earn their trust.

And hopefully, then, they'll share their secrets.


Oh, I'm... sorry, I thought it was Mariana.

She's at therapy.

Are you okay?

Did Jesus yell at you? You can't take that personally, okay, it's just 'cause of his injury.

It's like he has no filter.

No, I... I know, he's never yelled at me, it's just... there's something that I need to tell him, and I'm not sure that I should.

Is it something you can... tell me?

I think you already know.

♪ Now push the folds of life to dust ♪
♪ Put eager heads to sleep tonight ♪
♪ To dream ♪

How far along are you?

A few weeks.

I don't know what happened.

I mean, I'm on the pill.

C... can you talk to your parents?

What are you gonna do?

I don't wanna be a 16-year-old with a baby.

Is it horrible if I don't tell Jesus?

I just think, you know, with... his condition, I'm just afraid that's it's gonna be too much for him.

I... I think it'd be... a lot for Jesus to handle, even without... the brain injury.

What if you talked to my moms?

I can't tell your moms and not Jesus.

Does Mariana know?

No. And please... don't tell her.


You know how she is with secrets.

Ones that aren't hers, anyway.

Well, I'm... here.

If you need anything.

Even if it's just to talk.

That's sweet.

Thank you.


I'm just gonna... clean up a little.


And, uh, apparently, he's got, like, an airtight alibi.


Okay, so... if it wasn't Troy Johnson, and it wasn't Doug Harvey...

Oh, I'm gonna keep looking, but I, uh... really don't know what else to do.


Thanks for tryin'.

Really sorry.

Yeah, no, I know.

So, um... what happened with your lawyers?

Um... it looks like they got a deal.

My birth dad's gonna pay off the victims.

And then it all goes away.

Good for you.

You okay?


No, why wouldn't I be?

I mean, I shouldn't have let you get my hopes up, but hey, that's on me, right?

I gotta go.

I'm really sorry, Kyle.

I know you are.

(door buzzing)

You got a ton of cards from both the volleyball teams.


Check out this one from Laurel.

Y... y... you have too much makeup on.

God, Jesus.

W... w... well, I'm tired.

You sh... should go.

So how was your meeting with Captain Roberts?

You haven't said.

Um... well, I asked her to give me 24 hours to think about it.


And, uh... what... what are you thinking?


I am...


I think that... think I'm gonna take the promotion.

You are?

Yeah, I was thinkin'... after talking with Callie... about her deal and everything... just realized that that's probably what... you've been trying to say all along.

That sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do, right?

I know this isn't easy for you.

No, that's all right, I'm fine.

Not gonna give up on Gray or Molloy and the whole thing, I'm just gonna... just gonna do it from the inside.

So I talked to Emma. Everything's cool. She's not pregnant.

Uh, thanks for tellin' me.

(tapping noise)

Hey. Um...

So I... I've been doing some thinking.

It's... you know, and um... I... I don't think that... that doors are really the problem, here. Um... secrets are definitely... an issue, um, and... trust.

Stef and Lena: Trust.

Yes, which we are... working on developing.

Yes. We are. But no more secrets.




Okay, well... doors are at the bottom of the stairs. Feel free to help.

You're welcome.


♪ Limit one: you're born ♪


Mmm... can I come in?

Technically, "solitary" means only one.

♪ Is real or make-believe ♪

So I went and saw Kyle.

I told him about Troy and everything.

How'd he take it?

He tried to be nice about it, but... was obviously upset.

And why wouldn't he be?

He's gonna go to prison for the rest of his life, I'm just gonna walk away scot-free...

You are?

Yeah, we're gonna take the deal.



Doesn't seem unfair to you?

♪ Limited in deed ♪

This girl...

♪ Unlimited in dreams ♪

.. deserves a break.

♪ So sleep with eyes aware ♪

Don't you think?


♪ And when you know enough ♪

I should finish it.

Yeah, um... you want some help?


♪ Catch yourself a fire ♪
♪ Call my God a liar ♪
♪ Burn like angel wood ♪
♪ Get limitless in love ♪
