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01x03 - We Wanted Every Lie

Posted: 02/22/17 07:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Imposters"...

Hi, Ez.

There is no easy way to say it, but here it is.

You will never see me again.

Sooner you accept it, the better it is for everyone.

Where is she?

I don't know where...

Where is she?

I don't know where...


I am her husband.

Yes, we married the same woman, and she took us both.

Do you have a picture of Alice?

Well, that's her.

Hello, Alice.

Hello, Ava.

[knock at door]

Hi, I'm Ms. Keyes. You can call me Saffron.

Ms. Keyes, you are a breath of fresh air.

Well, aren't you my knight in shining armor?

The way I see it, man, you either want to find her or you don't.

Oh, I do.

Then do whatever it takes.

What are you two zibs doing?

Go, go, go!

Oh, my God. Okay, okay.

That did not go well!

This girl...


Oh, such a pretty name.

And you like her?

She makes me want to be nice.

I think you have good luck with this girl.

Come on, why don't you sit with me for a minute?

Saturday I'm having a barbecue, some friends, some family coming by.

Why don't you join us?

Max is just freaking out 'cause I talked to some guy at a coffee shop.

The Doctor sent me a message... that anybody not in the life, not like us, is a liability.

Who the hell are you?

Who the hell are you?

Do you know this woman?

She's my wife.

No way.

And I answer the door, and it's these two guys

I've never seen before.

Like, one of them's kind of macho, and the other's kind of not.

And they just start barraging me with these questions, like, demanding to see her, and...


CeCe. They were looking for CeCe.


Yeah, and they're telling me they've come all the way from...

I don't know... someplace... Indiana or something...

And they're sure... they're, like, positive she's in my apartment presently, and they have these weird surveillance pictures of her and other pictures of her where she just looks totally different, and they keep calling her these other names, like Amy and Ava or Alice or something, which is just totally crazy-making.

Well, you actually don't know her real name.

Yeah, I know, okay. I'm just saying.

Go on.

Anyway, then they tell me... oh, man... that she conned them too, same thing, married them, took all their money, disappeared.


Yeah, I know.

So now I'm starting to get trigged, right?

So I do the positive thinking that we worked on, and I even take out my cards.

Great. That's what they're there for.

Yeah, I start reading them to these guys loudly.

I'm saying, "She's gone. She's not here. She's not coming back."

And still they won't shut up, so I tell them forcefully, "Whatever happened to you, I'm sorry. Like, I'm genuinely sorry, but I can't help you."

Yeah, boundaries.


I have done work on myself.

I have healed.

I refuse to be part of some deranged, like, seriously demented plan to go after her.

Absolutely not.

I'm fine. I'm over her.

Yes, you are.

I am fine.

I'm fine.

[light quirky music]

♪ ♪

Ma'am, please.

If you could just hear us out.

I told you.

It's odd-number alternate side-street Tuesday.

And we're sorry. We misread the sign.

We'd absolutely move the car, but we can't...

This one locked the keys inside.

Well, you didn't tell me the keys were in the back.

Oh, do we have to have conversations about everything now?

No, we don't have to have conversations about which kind of face cleanser is unavailable in farm country.


You guys have yourselves a nice day.

Please, ma'am.

Ma'am, ma'am, can we...

Clearly with your forces combined you won't have any trouble finding her.

That was sarcasm.

Or do they not have that where you come from?


There's obviously no way you're figuring out where she is without me, so... I'm in.

[upbeat quirky music]

♪ ♪


Brought you some coffee.

No, thanks. I already had mine.

Hey, I'm sorry if I was terrible Friday.

I don't remember much, except that you were a perfect gentleman.

Nothing to apologize for.

But I don't think this is appropriate conversation for the workplace.


Let me know if you need anything.

You have a gift, you know.

It's true. You're a... [laughs] natural.


Um, you know, uh...

I am concerned we're not gonna finish these end-of-quarter filings by Monday.

Well, I'm free this weekend.

It's on. He's taking me out tomorrow night.

We're right on schedule.

Are we?

I told you I'll close him tomorrow night.


[phone buzzes]

What do you mean, I can't join?

What do you have, a club? Like a boys' club?

It's not a club.

But we do have a code.

You guys came to me.

Yes, but we weren't looking for you.

We thought she'd be here.

We didn't know she'd conned you before Richard.

Wait, what? She went from me to you?

Guess she must have thought something was missing.


Guys, come on. Can...

Wait. Did you give her HPV?



All I'm saying is, I can help you guys find her.

That's not what you said before, and you said we were delusional...


And that you were over her...

And you threw flashcards at us.

Do you guys want to find her or not?

Because clearly you need some help.

Really? How so? What exactly do we need?

Help reading street signs, someone to make sure the keys are, you know, not in the car when you lock it, something about women.

Told you, lesbian card.

Oh, my God.

You guys are so far out of your league; you have no idea.

Well, we found you, didn't we?

You weren't looking for me.

Well, yeah, but... still.

So what are you and SpongeBob Square Jaw gonna do now?

You're sharing a bowl of chicken noodle soup?

I bet you don't even have money for lunch.

Hey, we didn't have money for gas or hotels either, but we figured it out.

We don't need your help.

Yes, you do.

No, we don't.

God, you are so desperate; it's pathetic.

I am not pathetic.

Whoa, whoa.

Hey, Jules, listen, seriously, no hard feelings, we've all been through a lot, but I really think it's best if we just, you know, went our separate ways.

No, you don't get to just barge into my life right when I was getting better, when I was, like, this close to getting over her.

You don't get to do that and then reject me.

I reject you.

Reject us.

Jeez, man, what a freakin' psycho.

I don't know, man. I think she's just heartbroken like us.

Like us, my ass, dude.

That chick is seriously disturbed.


Oh, my God.



You all right?

You hit me, you assh*le.

You ran right into the street. You hit me.

I can't feel my arm. Look what you did.

You ran right into my car.

You plowed right into me.

Oh, shit, my phone.

You broke my phone, and you broke my arm.

All right, let's... Okay, let's just calm down.

This was not my fault.

Did anyone see him hit me?

Yeah, yeah, I saw it. You hit her.

What? No.

I... no, no.

Yeah, you did, man.

I got it on video. You totally hit her.

Hey, someone... someone call the cops.

No, no, no. No, wait.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

I'm calling right now.

Wait, no.

You do not need to call the cops.

We can handle this. We can handle this.

All right.

Can we? Can we... can we handle this?

Can we handle it?


Okay? Okay, great.


Here, just... just take it.


Yeah, we're good.

Well, get the hell out of here!

Watch where you're driving, bud.



You're not serious.

480, 490, 500.

Lunch is on me, boys.

Uh, how'd you do that?

You just threw yourself in front of a car for 500 bucks.

Smacked my hands against the hood.

Didn't even touch me.


How'd you guys get out of your piano recitals?

So am I in or what?

Make yourselves at home.


This place is seriously large.

How often do you throw yourself in front of moving cars?

It's not really mine.

Belongs to my parents.

After CeCe took everything, they cut me off.

But I can live here as long as I stay in therapy.

That way they can shame me without feeling like monsters.

So my shrink told me to throw away everything that had any association with her.

I got as far as putting it in a bag.

[upbeat funky music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

So this is what you meant when you said you were an artist?

I wouldn't expect you to get it.

♪ ♪

All right, with what I know about her and what you guys know about her, we might just find a clue to who she really is.

Now let's find this bitch.

Both: Don't call her that.

[knock at door]

Sorry to disturb, Doctor.

There's an urgent call for you.

I told you no interruptions.

It's Dr. Steppenwolf.

Patch it through.

[light music]

♪ ♪


I'm getting close, Doctor.

It's a complicated case, and I'm not entirely sure yet if the patient is truly infected.

We need a prognosis as soon as possible.

If his disease turns out to be fatal, I would hate for it to spread.

I understand, Doctor, and I'll have it for you very soon.

Very good.

[light music]

♪ ♪



[faint laughter]

[light latin-tinged music]

♪ ♪

Hey, look who's here.


You made it.

Yeah, I made it.

I can't stay too long.

I hope that's okay.

No, I'm glad you came.

Yeah, me too.

Come on. Let me introduce you to my friends.


Got Dave and Sheila.


And this is my buddy Mark.

Nice to meet you.

Good friends of mine.

In fact, the only friends I kept from my old life.

You must be Saffron.

Ahh, my beautiful pain in the... I mean, my sister Gina.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

Come here.

Oh, hi.

Mm, oh, look at you.

You are just as stunning as he said.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, come on.

You're giving up the goods now.

And this beautiful young lady here is my Auntie Colleen.

Auntie, this is my friend Saffron.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

Her name is what?

It's Saffron, Auntie, Saffron.


What kind of name is that?

We should go get a drink.

Come on.

Yeah, that sounds good.

Yeah, let's get a drink.


Ugh, let's just keep going, okay?

What about her favorite food?





Yeah, weird, right?

She used to eat it one at a time like a little bird.

Oh, put allergic to peanuts and shellfish up there.

I don't remember that.

Are you kidding?

She was, like, terrified even of being near shellfish.

It was pretty annoying.

Popcorn was really the only thing that annoyed me.

The only thing? I had, like, 100.

Well, yeah, obviously.

What do you mean, obviously?

That was her M-O, okay?

For you, she was drama and provocation.

For him, she was poise and sophistication.

For me, she was... everything I ever needed, I guess.

Ugh, please.

All, you guys, come on. Come on. This is stupid.

How are we supposed to know what's even real if she was completely different with each of us?

We just have to find one thing that rings true for all of us, all right?

She... She couldn't have been faking everything.

Definitely not the sex. That was real.

At least for me, man. She was a freak.

Okay, you know, I don't want to hear this.

Well, then you definitely don't want to hear about the time her and I went to Vegas.

Oh, my God, dude. We met this chick from Zumanity.

That's the one where they're naked acrobats.

Bro, we were in the elevator, and she unzips my fly, swear to God...

[light classical music]

♪ ♪

So she bends over, lifts up her skirt,
and right as I'm about to...

That's enough.

So she can talk about shellfish, but I can't talk about sex?

I thought we were searching for the truth here.

Well, here's the truth.

Just because you got off doesn't mean she did.

Oh, she got off, sweetheart.

Let me tell you something else.

After you, she was clearly done playing with toys.

Oh, my God. Seriously?

Ready for the D.

Jesus, both of you, stop it.

Oh, wow.

What about stories from her past?

Like, did she ever tell you anything about when she was a kid, stuff about her childhood?

You know, I remember a story about a dog.

A... A bichon.

A bichon.

Yeah, yeah, she really loved it, but this one time...

It ran out of the house...

And into the snow...

And the dog was all white...

So they couldn't find it...

Because snow is white.

And she was super sad.

Right, it was gone for days...

But then it came back...

Like a miracle.

Just in time for...

Winter solstice...



Oh, my God. You guys.

Write it down. Write it down. Write it down. Write it down.

"She had a dog."

Oh, that's sure as shit not helpful.

No, no, no.

See, now you're making it sound all flaky and...

No, first it was yoga.

Then it was painting.

Then it was building schools in Cameroon.

Yeah, well, hold on. Hold on. Wait.

Are you really gonna give me shit about building schools?

Tough crowd, man.

Thank you. See, she gets it.

I'm finding my passion.

I'm on a journey here.


Leave me alone.

Okay, fine.

You can go eat-pray-love yourself.

I am going to just drink your wine.

Oh, sorry. His latest thing is wine.

See, now, that's not true. That's not even true.

I've always been into wine. What are you talking about?

Patrick, a year ago, you didn't know the difference between a Merlot and a mermaid.

Now all of a sudden he's buying vineyards in Oregon.

Oh, yeah, and we're making some elegant pinots, I should say.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, I don't mind a pinot now and then, but I've always been more of a cab girl myself.

They're just as complex as a pinot but not as delicate and fussy.



You say fussy.

I say sophisticated.

You know, the thing about cabs, they're the most adaptable of vines.

You can plant them just about anywhere, and as long as you tend it, they'll always give you something beautiful.

We're still talking about wine, right?

Hear, hear.

Anybody ever tell you there's sort of a mystery to you?


Like, how do you know so much about wine?

Not very mysterious, really.

When you work in a restaurant, you learn about wine.

I can see why he likes you.


There's something about him.

I don't know. It's just... easy.


Maybe it's too easy.

Is this something he does, bring the new girl to the barbecue?

Is my brother a player?

Is that what you're asking me?

Hey, a girl has to wonder.

Look, if you had asked me that a year ago, he's just... he's been through a lot.

I mean, we all have.

I don't know how much he's told you, but he's changed.

I think he's into you.

And for once, I approve.


[light quirky music]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Are you lost?

Such a big house.

Mm, listen to me... whatever your name is.

My nephew is a really fine young man.

But he doesn't know people, not the way I do.

[tie rack whirring]

[light quirky music]

♪ ♪

[vacuum whirring]



Oh, Mr. Heller. [laughs]

You scare me.

I listen to podcast.

I finish now.

Sorry, I just... Well, I wanted your opinion.

Oh, I see.

For business or... something else maybe?

Something else maybe.

Oh, wonderful.

The same woman as before?

I can see you like her, this one, yes?

Mm, people think she's a certain way, but she's got something.

Oh, Mr. Heller, you stop my heart.

This one here.

Mm, yes.

I'm glad to make a new friend, Saffron.

Same here.


I'll call you later.

Oh, you better.

Hey, it was so nice to meet you.

All right, Auntie, you ready to go?


Bye, y'all.

I am not an invalid, Gina.


Okay, all right.


Love you, guys.

Love you.


Yeah, Auntie does not like me at all.

Oh, don't feel special. She doesn't like anybody.

Oh, yeah.

Mean old lady.


Yeah, she's just been having a hard time lately.

Lost her sister recently, my mom.

I'm so sorry, Patrick.


Oh, I love this song.

[gentle piano music]


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

So what about your family?

Your folks?

Not much to tell.

You know, pretty boring suburban family.

Yeah, are you close with them?

I was once.

I don't really see them much anymore.

[clears throat] Kind of complicated.

Mm, yeah, family is always complicated.


Do you find most things complicated?



Me, I think that some things can be pretty simple.

♪ ♪



Don't say what I think you're about to say.

No, please don't.


It's just... I... I'm sorry.

I just can't right now.

Listen, I spent the better part of my life pushing good things away.

I don't want to live like that anymore.

All you have to do is be open to possibilities.

I am... open to the possibility of being your friend.

Ohh... ohh.


Well... no, I can... I can live with that.

I can live with that.

Hey, how about you stay for dinner?

We order in, keep it simple... as friends, obviously.

What time is it?



I'm sorry, I-I-I lost track of time.

I'm so sorry.

I've got to go. I'll see you, um...



[light music]

♪ ♪

In here.

Oh, hey.

Oh, so sorry I'm late.

Oh, you won't believe what happened.

My neighbor had a massive fire in her kitchen, like, a real fire, and her cat just had five kittens, and she couldn't find them all.

I mean, what was I gonna do, not help her find the kittens?

And my phone had died, and that's why I couldn't call.

Anyways, how are you?

I am much better now that you're here.

Wow, and what a special place this is.

Well, as we have to be discreet, right?

Of course. We have lots of work to do.


Yes, please.

Thank you.

[tense jazzy music]

♪ ♪

And that's when I decided to have my gallbladder removed.

You know, the organ that helps the body digest fat.

Yeah, I heard all about it on "Dr. Oz."

It's not a vital organ, though.

Runs in my family, these gallbladder issues.

Wow, what else were you gonna do? I mean...

Both: It's genetic.






You know, this is... it's really nice.

Just being able to sit and talk.

It's rare.

It's really... it's rare, but, you know, when it happens, it's... it's really special.

Heh, of course, well...




Do you not like your moo shu?

I love it.

[light jazzy music]

♪ ♪

[singing indistinctly]

♪ ♪


Oban, please. Neat.

♪ ♪

I'm guessing Toledo or Columbus maybe.

But it's Ohio somewhere.

[laughs] Close, Saint Louis.

Ahh, see, I am... I am good at this.

Put hers on mine, please.

Oh, that's... that's not necessary.

♪ ♪

You know, the hardest thing about being on the road, you feel like you never get to be hospitable.

And it starts to make you feel like less of a person.

So from one fellow traveler to another, hmm?

Well, thanks.


♪ ♪

I'm Max.


So this is my son Peter.

And this is Stephanie.

She's the youngest.

They look like great kids.

Oh, they're pains in my friggin' ass.

But God, I love 'em.

So how about you? You got any kids?

I had a dog once.

Oh, well...

No, I just never settled down.

I could have a few times, but something always took me away.

It's too late now, you know?

You know, I saw this mug the other day in the... the Newark airport gift shop.

You know what it said?

It said "If you wanted to, you would have done it."

And I just thought, "Yes, that's right," you know.

I mean, when it comes down to it, we all choose the life that we want.

I mean, even if it isn't the life we say we want.

Did you buy the mug?

Ahh, I shoulda.

[both chuckle]

So this is actually the 4.6-liter.

I had the 3.5, but this takes my horsepower from 350 to 386.

And, you know, I kind of thought about it, but I thought, sometimes you just, you know, you've got to...

You got to go for it.


Sometimes you just have to splurge, you know, go with what feels right.


Mm, Gary...

Oh, no.

Thank you so much for a... such a wonderful evening.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.

I didn't...

No, no, it's not you.

You're perfect. It's just... it's me.

I... I don't want to rush things.

Can I walk you to the door?

Good night.


[light music]

♪ ♪

I miss you.


Don't give up, sweetheart.

Remember what I used to say?


You said that we could do anything, Mm-hmm, and we will, everything we've always dreamed of.


Tell me the plan again.

I love it when you talk about the plan.

All right, phase one: you're not just a car salesman.

You're the face of the dealership.

You do all the commercials.

I love phase one.


Phase two: you run for state senate.

State senate sucks.

Phase three: you make powerful friends.

Okay, fancy dinners.

I look good in a tux.

Yeah, you do.

Phase four: you run for the real senate.


Senator and Mrs. Richard Evans.

That's right.

But I can't do any of it without you.

I mean, we were that couple that everyone looked at and was just like, "Damn."

Why can't it be like that again?

It can.

You're going to find me.

Just have to keep looking.

And I promise you will.


I know...

We've got cheesesteaks.

I'm not hungry.

What the hell was that?

He's gluten-free?

[light music]

♪ ♪

[lighter clicks]

Let me ask you a question.

CeCe, Ava, Alice.

You ever thought about k*lling her?

I have.

I've thought about it.

Before, I never understood how someone could k*ll another person, like, take away their life.

But now...

My therapist, he says we're attracted to people not just because of the good things about them but also because of their pain.

Like, my pain is attracted to their pain.

Do you think she feels pain at all?

Like, if this is what you do, and if this is your thing, conning people into loving you, what does that do to you?

I still don't understand how someone can make you love them and then just walk away like it was nothing.

How do you do that?

I don't know.

But you know what all the con books say?


For a successful con, you need a willing mark.

We wanted every single lie she told us.

But I have to believe someday it's gonna catch up to her.


[tense quirky music]

♪ ♪


Yes, I intercepted Heller's courier last night, and you were right.

That bastard was taking way more than his cut.

The launderer has been stealing the laundry.

Looks exactly as you suspected, yes.

For how long?

Best I can tell, almost two years.

He could have skimmed close to 2 million from you.


Scorched earth mode, Max.

We get the 2 million back.

We take everything he's ever had.

We destroy him.


Yes, Doctor.

I have a concern about Maddie.

Is she getting distracted?

No, I've got it under control.

Huh, I'm not so sure.

Maybe I need to send Lenny Cohen.

No, there's no need for Lenny Cohen.

I... I'll... I'll take care of it.

[phone clicks]

[light music]

♪ ♪

It's hopeless.

We tried. We really did.

No, we didn't.

But if we give up now, we suck.

You know what I think?

I think our lives are like a m*rder scene.

Perfectly cleaned up. No clues left behind.

We need that stuff.

What's that stuff that the police use to see where the blood was?

Oh, Luminol.

Yes, we need some Luminol up in here.

Maybe it's better this way.

At least now she can't destroy us with all her inside information.

What are you talking about?

The envelope she left in the freezer after the good-bye video.

She left me an envelope with information in it.

Bad stuff you'd never want anyone to...

Why are you looking at me like I'm crazy?

I have literally no idea what you're talking about.

Yeah, me neither.

You guys are so full of... I bet whatever's in your folder is way worse than what's in mine.

Yeah, man, who gives a damn?

It's all in the past, right?

Never backwards.

Always forward.

That's what she'd say to me in French when I was bummed out about work.

[speaking in French]

She's say that to me when I had a fight with my family.

I put a little bit of weight on over the holidays.

I'd beat myself up, and she would say it to me.

Hey, could that mean something?

I don't know. It's just a saying.

Yeah, maybe like a fortune cookie or...

Yeah, no, but it's a... what do you call it, a... a...

A motto.



Looks like it's a translation of a Latin phrase.

Hey, man, what's the Wi-Fi password?

[speaking in Latin]

Could you spell that for me?

Check it out.

It is a motto...

Oh, never mind. I'm on.

For five high schools plus a Jesuit seminary and a soup kitchen in Nova Scotia.

Guys, what if one of these places was her school?

Oh, that would be huge, man, track down her roots?

How do we narrow this down?

Well, two of these are all-boy schools, so we can scratch those off.

I mean, I think we can all agree she's always been a girl, right?

Oh, and here. This one wasn't even founded until three years ago.

So that just leaves...

Three schools, one in Texas, one in Florida, and one in Pennsylvania.

That's still too many.

Holy shit.

Guys, Panther.


St. Agnes Academy in Pottsville, Pennsylvania.

Their mascot is a Panther.


That was her name for me. She used to call me Panther.

No, she didn't.

No, no, hey, she did, okay?

I don't mean to offend you guys, because I know you're both total freakin' prudes, but yes, we had names for each other when we...

Dude, we get it.

You guys had great sex.

We're not going to a place called Pottsville for that.



Wait a minute.

In the dog story, the one she told us, in all three versions, it was winter.


Oh, my God. You're right.


The dog gets lost in the snow.


In the snow. Think about it.




Pennsylvania. That's what... That's what I'm saying.

The Panthers are in Pennsylvania.

Pottsville, here we come.



Good job, guys. Good job.


Where is Pottsville?

About an hour away from Philadelphia.

We set off now, we'll be there...

No, no, no, no, no.

Seriously? Another one?

It's alternate odd-number side-street Thursday.

Oh, come on. Please?

It's already Thursday?

Come on.

Shit, man.

We still got to get the keys out of the car.

Hey, what about a coat hanger?

No, we're not using a coat hanger.

Yeah, dude, I read a book about it.

Dude, you unbend it, and then you slip it down...

Coat hanger your own car. Absolutely not.

You slip it down... I don't have a car!



What in... Are... This is my car.

And now it's unlocked.

Are you crazy?

Oh, my God.

Did you see what she did?

Richard, I've waited two years for this.

We're not wasting any more time.

Now, get in the g*dd*mn car.

[light music]

Oh, my God.

Addition to the code: no further damage to personal property.

You guys were serious about having a code?

Oh, it's real. You're sitting on it.

Additional addition to the code: no sitting on the code.

What are you gonna put it under glass at the National Archives?

Can we just have some quiet, please?

Here we go.

♪ ♪
♪ Love, love ♪
♪ La-la-la, la-la-la-la ♪
♪ Love, love ♪
♪ La-la-la, la-la-la-la ♪

[Son Little's "The River"]

♪ ♪

From the guy over there.

♪ ♪

No, thanks.

♪ ♪

Come on, gorgeous.

Oblige me.

Makes me feel like I'm not drinking alone.

Maybe you should find some friends.

Let's you and me be friends, huh?

What's your name, sweetheart?

I bet you've got a pretty name.

Go back, sit down, and mind your own business.

What you gonna do if I don't?

Ow. Ahh-ahh!

♪ ♪

The name's Lenny Cohen.

♪ Many a moon come this way at night ♪
♪ Many a moon comes and shine her light ♪

You bitch!

Get back here!

Get back here!

[tires squealing]

♪ Twenty to seven baby time to rise ♪
♪ Heart is blazing blue electric fire ♪
♪ Want you so bad it's like I'm out of time ♪
♪ Want you so bad I had to break your mind ♪
♪ Gimme your love baby all your time ♪