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02x07 - Mercury

Posted: 02/20/17 04:17
by bunniefuu
He's your father.

Shut your lying mouth.

He's Mac's father.

Previously on Too Close to Home...

How did you open that?

J.B., he said this would help my memory.

Mixing these will k*ll you.

I thought you'd be more excited to see me.

You gotta give me a second, okay?

I want to talk to you about Regina.

What about her?

Know that I know and I'm watching.

You just be my eyes there. He's addressing the nation.

We will do a sit-down where there will be more fireworks in America than on the 4th of July.

Sheriff, what's going on?

We got to get this cleaned up now.

Sheriff, I haven't even talked to Mama yet.

Well, you better get somebody to get Frankie to come over and talk with her.

You can go to hell.

You could be evicted.

Yeah, I'm on it.

Where you going?

Eli's coming to pick me up.

No, you're not to go out of this trailer. You understand me?

I promise you on my life I would not let him do to her what he did to us.

Mr. President.

Yes, Rose.

Numerous sources are reporting that you had a heart attack, is that so?

No that is not so.

So the American people want to know what happened?

I think my doctor said to explain it, it was a mild arrythmia caused by a spike in mercury in my blood stream.

So where did the mercury come from?

Listen to me. There was nothing nefarious here.

I have eaten a lot of fish on my travels abroad.

So, you are saying that it's from the mercury in the fish?

That's what this doctor's saying.

Next question.

Yes, sir.

How much Mercury was in your blood?

Enough to cause an arrythmia.

Believe me when I say this: I'm the picture of health.

My doctors have told me what they have told you.

The heart problem was not a heart attack, but a mild case of arrythmia which has been treated and taken care of with a minor surgery.

I'm completely fine. Yes, Nancy?

Mr. President, there are rumors you were with a staffer from the Social Office when that happened.

Is that true?

I know that in today's age of scandals, there is always a thirst for another one, but there is no scandal here. Ms Hayes was briefing me on something that was on my calendar for the following morning.

Were you alone with her?

No, my secretary Judy was there and the door was open the entire time.

Can you clarify why she was there, sir?

Nicky, you guys are fishing. Really fishing. There is nothing here, okay?

As I stated before, Ms Hayes was there briefing me on something that was on my calendar for the following morning.

Is that standard protocol for a staffer from the Social Office to be at the Oval Office at that late hour?

Well, standard or not.

As you know the Asian summit is coming up and there is a lot of context that we have that are on a much later time zone.

So, we were trying to accommodate them by being available to them in their business hours.

Mr. President.

Mr. President, it is said an overdose from a male stimulant caused your heart attack.

It also said that you were in the act of having sex with Ms Hayes on the desk in the oval office.

That Secret Service pulled your lifeless body from the desk to give you CPR.

My lifeless body.

What do you say to that?

I say that is ridiculous.

I find it highly offensive the imagination of some people.

Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to get back to what's really important, and that's running this country.

Just know that I am fine. I am fine, thank you.

Good job.

I'll say.

Someone is talking.


How would Rose know all those details?

Someone is definitely talking.

I'm positive that no one here is speaking.

Maybe it's your whore from Alabama. She can't keep her lips or her legs closed.

Sir, I don't think that should be...

She knew a lot of details.

I'll say.

Will you shut up for a moment?

Will you go to hell for a moment?


Yes, sir.

Yes, sir?

I know I don't need to ask this, but have you... spoken to anyone?

About what, sir?

About the other night.

You mean when you were in the Oval Office with Ms Hayes?


Only to the people that the press secretary told me to.

And what did you tell them?

I told them what happened. That... I sat at my desk and this door was open the entire time.


Thank you.

Yes, sir.

That will be all.

Well, you've got her trained better than my yorkie.

Well, it wasn't her.

No, it's me.

Will you stop?

No, I'm telling you it's me.

Katelynn, I know you didn't.

I'm telling you that I did.

I don't buy it.

Well, Rose did, and by the way, a pressing matter, did you really say that? That is such... code for "I'm hard and I want her."

Only someone with a warped mind like you would think that.

Oh, I think Rose thought so.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Christian, please.

We have to sit down with America Now tonight.

I want to be sure you will be ready.

Of course.

And you will stand with your husband?

Don't worry, I will handle this pressing matter. I will nail it.

Mr. President.

She'll be fine.

Are you sure?

What did I say.

Yes, sir, but we need to make sure she's on your side.

She will be. Don't worry about her.

She will be.

Where are you going?

Wherever you are.

No, go back inside.

No, I'm not going back inside.

I'm not kidding.

Do you think I am?

You're being pathetic.

Rebel, you shouldn't be hanging around Eli's, you get it?

You believe that crap.

Yeah, I do.

He's not our father.

Rebel, listen to me...

No, Mac... you can't believe that.

How could that happen? He's a nice guy. Rory really likes me.

Don't care if Rory likes you. You shouldn't be hanging around Eli.

You shouldn't tell me what to do. I'm going.

Then I'm going, too.

Go back inside!

No, I'm not going back inside.

I don't think this is a good idea.

Well, it's happening, li'l darling I don't think she'll do well with this.

Look, I'm glad you could try and help.

In other words, you are going to leave me the hell alone.

No, in other words, thank you.

No, I know what you meant.

So... have you been getting along here, huh?

I'm fine.

I know it's not what you are used to.

Look, anything is better than what I'm used to.

And I'm at peace hear and... I have you and Brody to thank for it.

So thank you.

You are welcome, darling.

And I would never tell you to go to hell.

Yeah, to my face.

No... never.

Are you flirting with me?

Hell, yeah.

Okay I'm sure Jenny wouldn't like that.

She would probably tell you to take me, please... might even pay you.

I'm not doing either.

Give me a call if you need me.

What, you are not going to stay around and help us clean?

Okay, that is not in my comfort zone.

That is not a good idea.

What? Do you think we're done?

I'm so confused. Who the hell is she?

Come on, help me clean that over here.

Oh for God's sake. I'm tired. I will see you.

Tired, you haven't been doing nothing.

Well, she needs to be doing it.

She can't, you know that.

Well, it ain't my fault.

It's yours.

How the hell is it my fault?

You keep feeding her, trying to k*ll her.

Shut up.

I really wish you would.

Oh, make me.

Will you three stop it and come and help us? Huh? Come on.

Shelby. What y'all doing?

Trying to clean up this mess.

Come on, let's go.

She ain't going nowhere with you.

I gotta pay you.

I said, she's not going anywhere.

Let me see that, did you get paid?

Ohhh, that looks very nice, thank you very much.

Gimme my cheque.

Hey! No you, come on.

Not until you finish.

You're not going.

We've got to go.

Let me go.

Oh please, please let her go.

No, I've got to keep my eye on you.

Come on, let me go.

Dammit, let's help him out for a little bit until she gives you back the check.


Do something! Aint my fault.

You are still at it, huh.

It's looking better, isn't it?

Yeah, yeah it is.

Not a good idea, I know.

Have you spoken to her?

No. Just inside rummaging around and screaming about everything.

This isn't a good idea.

I'm sorry, but it's got to be done.

I hope you have a plan when she breaks down.

Yeah, you are the plan.

I tried in the beginning.

Look, when she breaks, it's going to be like a dam of rushing water with the emotion and... if you keep this up it's going to happen quickly... and she may not come back.

It's just trash.

Not to her, this is emotion, it's pain, anger, it's rage, it's years and years of holding on to stuff.

Is it really that serious?

Yes, yes it is.

Believe me, I know.

She hasn't seen it in years.

This is a control for her.

It's trash.

That she controls. And if you take it away from her, I mean, you are taking her control away.

This is not good.


Thank you, Frankie. We don't really have a choice now, do we Sheriff?

No, no, we don't.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Yes, ma'am.

We are aware.

We are very aware of that.

Thank you.

Get this cleaned up, boys.

Excuse me.


Can I talk to you?

Yeah. Sure.

Found this... in my husband's van.

But you know it's not mine.

I know, but I thought you might know whose it is.

Why did you ask me?

Because you live right there.

I don't.

I'm done working two jobs, if my husband is cheating, I just can't...

It's okay, it's okay.

Iit's okay.

Do you know whose it is?

I don't.

I don't know.

Are you sure? Are you... are you sure?

Yeah, yeah.

If you knew something, you...

...whose is this?

I don't know.

It smells like the cheapest perfume.

Then that shouldn't be hard to find.


Well... perfume... it tells you a lot. If she lives here you will know.

Well, if you hear or see...

Yes... I'll let you know.

Thank you.

How is it going down there?

It's good, sir.

What's she up to?

Nothing much.

What did you do with the press?

I threw them off.

I'm not sure how long it will hold.

Has she spoken to anyone?

Just the usual suspects.

How much time is she spending with our subject.

She's only seen him twice.

Do you get the sense that she's talking to anyone?


This situation.

No. No, sir, not at all.

I have been monitoring every phone and all the places she's been.

Are you sure she hasn't spoken to the press?

No, sir.

That's my girl.

I want to talk to her, take her the phone.

Well, sir, I don't think that is a very good idea right now.

Why is that?

She's cleaning her mother's mobile home.

Cleaning it?

Yes, sir.

That's very domestic.

Well, this is more of a hoarding situation, sir.

Is that so?


She never told me her mother had that problem.

I'm sorry, sir.

No, no, keep me posted on this.

But I may have you setup the Pelican.

Sir, that's very risky.

Yes, but it worked the last three times.

Yeah, but not with nowhere near as much press on you.

Are you saying you can't do it?

I'm just saying it's very risky, you are the president.

You hear me? Enough with the bull. Make it happen.

Yes, sir.

He put his *** for you?

Yeah until he fell asleep.

Thank you.

I know I should be doing this, but I had dishes to wash, and laundry to do, take out the trash.

Baby, baby it's okay.

Where is Regina?




That girl sure sleep a lot.

Like a pregnant woman.

Don't say that.

I just got here, how could she be?

Yeah, you right. How could she be?

So how you been?

I'm all right.

Yeah? How has she been, she been good?

Yeah. Yeah.

Everything all right?



Yeah, she is acting funny.


I don't know, but she's just acting really funny.

Well, are you all right?

Are you happy?

Yeah, but she's not.

I think I know what it is.

What is it?

She hadn't seen me in so long she missed me.

That's what it is.


Yeah. That is what it is.

I mean, it's hard to be away from the man that you love.

Yeah. That is exactly right. You are right.

What are they doing out there?

Something they should have done a long time ago.

What's that?

Cleaning out Jolene's nasty ass trailer.

That is a big job.

Sure is.

Come on.

The hell you preach.

Girl, come on, let's go help them out.

I ain't helping them, that trailer nasty as hell.

Didn't you always complain about it?


Then let's go do something about it.

Mm-mm. I aint helping them.

Ill try to unhear that girl, come on.


Let's go.

Nelson... look... I just got my nails done.

Ah, I aint worried about your nails. Come on.

Hey Annie.

Nelson! How are you?

Good. How are you?


Can we give you a hand?

No, we are good.

See, they got it.

Come on.

No. Let us help.

Are you sure?




There you go.

Thank you.

No problem.


Hey, Nelson.

Hey, Shelby.

Where is Regina?

Regina, my wife?


Is she inside I wanted to say hi to her.

She's asleep.

That's my girl.

I'll go wake her ass up.
Hey, Regina.



What's wrong with you? That's all I could carry.

Girl, what are you doing here?

Get your ass up.

What are you doing here?

I came to see you.


I was... I was out there. I needed a break.

I was out there cleaning up for Mama.

You shouldn't be here.


Octavia doesn't know we are cool.

What you trying to say you don't want to be friends tonight?

That's not what I'm trying to say.

Okay then, what is it?

They don't know that I know you.

Well, they do now.

Oh, damn, my hands smell.

No wonder, my mama's so damn nasty Whose perfume is this?


Hmm, smells nice.

Thank you.

Are you going to come outside and help us?

No, I don't do dumpsters, you know that.

Yeah, unless there is a man in it.

Shhh Come on. Hey you help us clean up.

The faster we get to go out and have a good time.

Nelson is back, Shelby.

Yeah, I know, I saw him, so?

It don't work like that. We can't just be doing the same things that we used to do, especially now that he's here.

Are you sure?



Go on. Go on.

You better go and get back out there.

Okay. Fine.

I'll go.


Thanks for nothing.


Why weren't you telling me Shelby and Regina are friends.

They ain't friends.

That's what Shelby just said.

Well, I didn't know that.

How did you not know that.

I mean I knew they spoke, but I didn't know they was friends.

She just walked in the house to go see Regina.

For real?


Hum. Um, um, um.

What does hum, um, um, um mean.


I know that means something.

It don't mean nothing.

Now come on. Let's help them out.

So now you want to help out rather than talk. You are funny.

Been quiet all day.

I'm tired.

Are you sure?



Let me see your phone.


Someone is texting you.

Are we doing this again? Come on.

Let me see your phone.

I'm not doing this.

Let me see your phone, Elm.


You've got something on it, don't you?

Why are you tripping?

Let me see the damn phone.

Let me see yours.


What's the password?


I don't want your phone.

No. Look at it.

I don't want your phone.

No, I said look at it. Look at it.


You see. You see there is nothing there. Now, give me your phone.

If I give you my phone it's going to start something that I don't want to do.


Have you doubt me.


Who the hell is that for?

What is this? What is this?

It's a bra and it sure ain't mine, Elm.

Where did it come from?

You tell me.

What, you are not making any sense.

Found this on your van, do you want to tell me what's going on?

You see this right here, this is exactly what I can't do.

This is what I'm talking about. You think you are crazy, you are talking crazy.

Don't do that. Don't do that.

I'm telling you the truth.

Just give me the damn phone.

If I give you this damn phone will this be the end of it?

Not until you answer the question about the bra.

I don't know whose it is.

You are just going to lie like that?

Give me the phone!

Give me the phone!


When you want to apologize, I'll be in the room.

What's your password?

Figure it out.


It's a lot like yours.

> Hey.

Oh, hey Tina.

What you doing?

Cleaning up Mama's place.

Let me help.

No, I really need help.

Why? What's wrong?


It's nothing.

Is it Elm?

Did you hear about me and J.B.?



How are you guys anyways?

We are over.

For good?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Well girl, you know I didn't really like him.


What's going on with you all now?

I found a bra in Elm's van.

And it ain't mine.

You confronted him, right?


He said he didn't know anything about it.

They all say that.

I know, right?


I never liked Elm, you know.

Yeah, I went through his phone.

There was nothing there. The texts go back five years.

Just be sure, all right?

Because he ain't no J.B.

Nobody is.

Thank god.


I'm sorry.

Girl, here, let me help. Can I please?

All right. Go get a bag.


I thought you was asleep.


Well, you want to come outside and help.

I'm not helping her clean up.

That place is disgusting.

I agree.

That's why I don't even want to touch my phone.

That's why I came over here to wash my hands.

I need to call Brody. You know there is a leak underneath the trailer making it worse.

Baby, you should just come out there with us.

I don't feel like it.

Come on, baby, I haven't seen you in all this time.

It's the least that you can do.

You know your friend Shelby is out there.

That's not my friend.

Well, she walked in here like she was.

No. I don't think so.

She said you two been hanging out.

No, no, not with me.

Regina, why would she lie?

You know her, right?


Okay. Well then there is your answer.

You know she's crazy.

Come outside.

No. I don't...

Baby... please.

Come outside and help.


Fine. Stop begging.

Thank you.

Where are you going?

To get dressed.

Is that all right?

You look dressed to me.

You know, he comes here every day.

Who, Daddy?


Oh, yeah?


I comes here every day and sometimes at night.

Okay, Daddy.

Hey, Daddy, I told you.



Hey, man.

Hey, sorry I missed your call, I was with my daddy. What's going on?

I'm not going to be able to get up there today to help you out.

I don't blame you, man.

No, she has been a bit strange.

We are over here cleaning up Jolene's.


Yeah, the sheriff is here, too, making us clean it all up.

Oh, I can come down there and help you.

Are you sure?


It's going to be all right. We'll figure something out.

Dex, I'm glad you are here to talk.

You know what pisses me off more than anything?

You actually called him.

Did you really stop my family from entering the country.

Did you call him?


You see Valerie, you don't know that kind of people.

Yes, I do.

Do you want to be next?

That is my family.

I'm your family.

You go and sleep with him?

Yes, I did.

Go ahead, rub it in.

You are so good.

Shut your mouth.

So good in bed.

So much better than you ever were.


Just stop it.

And his body.

Shut up.

Oh, his body, baby.

Stop it.

And he's bisexual.

So he brought over beautiful women to come in and join in the fun.

I mean... um, um, um.


He's so hot.

Say another word.

I would love to.


I did love you.

Like I loved you I was only using you like I used those Johns before you.

You are so weak and pathetic.

Only you could have a man like me me is to pay for it.

Don't talk to me like that.

I'm just telling you how it is.


I never loved you.

How could you say that? Huh? That you loved me.

I lied.


Do you want to see how good I am at it?

I love you.

So much.

Victor, stop it.

Do you see that?

Do you see how that works?

Do you hear how convincing I sound?

You son of a bitch, you had my brother and father deported because you can't have...

I've got to get my daddy out of the house anyway.

We'll be right there.

Okay Brody.

Brody, help. Come inside, they are fighting.

What the hell is going on?

I want to k*ll that son of a bitch.

I want you dead, too.

You are already dead to me.

You gonna be dead.


Look what you've done. He's bleeding again.

Look, dammit.

I don't care.

You better care. Because if he dies, it's m*rder.

Do you understand me?

I can't help him this time.

I can't.


Will you leave me alone!

I'm not...

Go back!

I'm not letting you go, Rebel.

What are you going to do? Huh?

You know Aunt Bonnie is gonna be upset with you, don't you?

I really don't care.

Get back to the trailer right now.


Get back!



Do not get in that car Rebel.

Shut up.

You gotta stop.

Hey, mate.


Do you need a ride?

Yeah, I need a ride.

Rebel get out of there, please.

Don't worry...

He's at the house.

He wanted me to pick you up.

Let's go.

Rebel don't go... Rebel, Rebel, stop!

Rebel! Rebel!

Rebel, get back!


Get back here!

I'll be outside.

You want that?

It's mine!

It's mine! It's mine!

It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! It's mine!

What is wrong? What is wrong?

Throw it away. Come on.

Shelby... Shelby, throw it away.

I'm going to k*ll her!

I'm going to k*ll her!


What the hell was that about?

Nothing good I can guarantee you that.

Get the hell out of here.

What the hell?



No, I want an answer, dammit.

Come on.

You are crazy, girl.


You always been crazy..

Ouch! That hurt me, girl... You know what...

Hey, hey, hey. No!

She comes in here throwing all kinds of stuff...

Stop it. and she still owes me money.

Why did you do it? Huh, Mama. Why?

Why? I needed you.

We needed you.

I don't have nothing to say to you until you give me my damn money.

Come get it.

Come on.

You lucky I ain't got no more b*ll*ts left, girl.

That's good to know so I can beat your ass.

Come on, I would like to see you try.

I hate you.

Shelby let's go outside.

Alright, let's go outside.

Oh yeah. I'm going to go outside. I'm going to go outside and I'm going to throw all your stuff away, all of it.

All of it.

No, don't you do it, Shelby, come on, now, don't be throwing all my stuff away.



Oh, hurt you, huh?

Does it hurt you, ma?


(both shouting)

I hope it hurts you like you hurt us.

You know, she doing all this on purpose.

She wants to see me dead. Jesus, she wants to see me dead.

Annie, come on, Annie. Annie!

I can't help.

All you b*tches are pathetic.

Don't throw my stuff away, Shelby Maybe your fan?



Come on, don't throw it away! Don't do it!

Mama, you can't even get out and stand.

I'm going to throw it all away.

I'm going to throw it away like you threw my life away.

Like you threw away all our lives.

I'm going to throw it away, Mama, I'm going to throw all of it away.

You are a little bitch.


Let go!