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01x10 - Stand Off

Posted: 02/19/17 13:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ice...

Yesterday, Vincent was m*rder*d.

Do you have an inkling as to who may have been behind this?

Rah: I told you to watch him, not k*ll him.


Gael, Vincent's brother is coming here.

Maybe we can work with him.

Carlos: Jake and Freddy were friends at one point.

I know the way they think.

I know their world.

So when it comes to this case, I am an asset.

Welcome to the task force.

Who's this?

Jake's ex, Ava.

You have severely compromised our case.

I'm taking charge of this investigation, effective immediately.

"I additionally leave a family heirloom that is of special significance to me."

Cam: You know, he left you something, Will.

Yeah, my mom told me it was a diamond, but no one knows where it is.

We gotta be on the same page here.

There is no "we".

My brother left me a quarter share, not us.

He left you out of the will, and I gotta respect that.

I know you don't wanna hear this, Jake, but, uh, I think it's time we sat down and had a talk with Pieter.

Sorry to wake you like this, Ava. but I need to get a message to Jake.




[gasping and struggling]

[thuds heavily]

[muffled groans]

[screams] Help!


[gasping] Help...

Help! Help!

[muffled screams]

What does Pieter want?


Run, Ava!




Help! Help!


♪ I'm talkin', he talks I listen ♪
♪ GPS on my position ♪
♪ Just livin', just hanging out with the opposition ♪
♪ Can't take the heat get the f*ck out the kitchen ♪
♪ Stupid y'all think I'm just spittin' ♪
♪ I belong in prison ♪
♪ Crazy by my own admission on a mission ♪
♪ So grab a podium, audience ♪
♪ Let me tell the public that I'm self-destructive ♪
♪ I ain't lookin' for no help ♪
♪ f*ck it ♪
♪ Looking for a way to get high I'm still alive ♪
♪ Six million ways to die ♪
♪ Still a few more left to try ♪
♪ 'Til I'm finished ♪
♪ Devil's got a hold on me ♪
♪ Devil's got a hold on me ♪
♪ Devil's got a hold on me ♪

What are you doing?

You see this? Huh?

Why are you burning our wedding album?

Seemed appropriate.

Sarah, this is Dr. Isham.

I don't need any help.

Dr. Isham oversees an excellent facility.


No, they'll take care of all your needs.

I'm completely fine.

No, you think you are, but you're not.


[Sarah screaming on video playback]

You! You...

You took my life!

But that's not me.

Sarah: I'm getting it all back!

Cam: Stop it. Stop it.

It's you.

You did that to me.

He changed my pills.

Have you spoken to my doctors?

What kind of person, what kind of man, does such a thing?

But I'm fine now...

No, you're not.

Your husband's right, Mrs. Rose.

For your safety, and the safety of the people who love you...

Don't! No! No, I...

I know what you're doing, you son of a bitch.

You're paying Doctor...

Dr. Cuckoo's Nest here to lock me away.

You want my share of the company, but you're not going to get it.

She's been like this since her brother died, you know, paranoid, confused...


Don't talk about me like I'm not in the room!

My mind is perfectly clear, and for the first time in years, I see who for what you really are, Cam...

Mrs. Rose, I'm here for your benefit and your interests only, no one else's.

Oh, I am not going anywhere with you.

I'm afraid you got no choice.

Get your hands off me!

No... No!

Please, Sarah.

Please, let these gentlemen take care of you.

No... No...

You can't do this!

Let me go!

I will call you once we get her settled in.

Let me go!


[banging on door]


Jake, are you in there?



I'm coming, Freddy.

They got Ava.

I tried to stop them, but they f*cking got her.

I tried to stop them...

Who? Who's got who?

Ava! They f*cking took her, man.

These guys, they had g*ns...

Who f*cking took her, Freddy?

She... she was talking like it was Pieter's guys.

Okay? So I think Pieter f*cking kidnapped her.

We gotta call the cops.

No. No cops.

Why not?

What are we gonna do?

Because if we call the cops, she's f*cking dead, man.

He's only doing this because he wants something.

What the f*ck does he want from her?

I don't know, but I know who to ask.

I'm going with you...

No, you're going to stay here.

Look, Jake!

You been drinking?


Yeah, that's what I thought.

Stay here.

[slow dripping of water]


Are you cold?

Get her one of those jackets, please.

What do you want?

One need not abandon civility, just because one finds oneself in awkward circumstances.

I took the liberty of bringing you some of your things.

You have great taste.

I mean, this...

This is just lovely.

You may wear it when I leave.

How thoughtful of you.

Well... it's possible that you may be here for quite a while.

Your ex-husband presents himself as a man who would sacrifice all for his family, so I provided him with the opportunity to do just that.

Do you think he will?

I think Jake will do whatever it takes to save his family.

No, Jake is a weak man, and selfish.

At the end of the day, he won't be thinking of his family, he'll be thinking of himself.

But you already know that, don't you?

Cam, in memory: What happened, Freddy?

What happened?

Whose f*cking blood are you wearing?

Jake: You put our f*cking dad in the hospital.

Ava: You can't mess around, Freddy.

You have to stay clean while you're here.

Don't make me regret this.

Jesus Christ, have you been drinking?

Jake: So it's my fault that you're a f*cking drunk?

Uh, hi. My name is Dave.

I'm a coke addict and an alcoholic.

[group replies] Hi, Dave.

Where the f*ck is she, Cam? Hmm?


Pieter has Ava. Where the f*ck is she?

I don't know.

You don't know. Bullshit.

I don't know where she is, but I know what he wants...


What does he want?

A diamond mine in Venezuela.

What does that have to do with any of us?


Your grandfather bought a mine before you was born.

It's been defunct for years.

Now, Pieter's geologist, he's discovered Kimberlite, you know, and he wants to start an excavation now, but he can't until they own Green and Green.

So this f*cking pressure to crush Green and Green is because he just wants to work with us?

No, not with you.

He wants you out.

He even f*ckin' wants me out.

No, he wants sole control of Green and Green.

Jake: He can't do that.

Cam: He can if he's got the shares... even Freddy's and Willow's shares.

That's why he kidnapped Ava.

You know, so he can draw you to the table and you can hand him over the company.

Jake: What about Sarah's shares?

I'm taking care of that, you know...

Oh, I'm sure you are...

If I get 'em, I'll give them to you.

And if I can't, well... worst-case scenario, he gets 75%, and controlling interest.

What the f*ck are we gonna do?

Dammit, Cam.

That's f*cked.

That's f*cked...

Listen, Jake. Jake...

Jake... it's a matter of time before this mine starts churning out billions and billions of f*cking dollars.

You know we gotta find a way to be a part of this.

You know Pieter couldn't have known about that mine unless it came from you.

You got me.


You know?

Yeah, I told him.

Yeah, you betrayed us.

You know I was going to bring you in at the right time, you know, but Pieter got greedy.

You know, he wanted everything.

And then he went too f*ckin' far, you know, he's trying to k*ll you, he kidnaps Ava.

I'll do anything in my power to get her back, I promise you that, and then f*ck him, and f*ck everyone else.

Van de Bruin has Ava Green.

All right, this shit is off the rails.

We've been clocking Van de Bruin all over the world these past 18 months.

Now he's on our turf associating with your old friends.

Yeah, well, I hate to disappoint you, but I am not inside the family anymore.

That Avi Kreshman thing f*cked up whatever friendship we had.

I get it, but we need to find out where they're holding her.

Who do you think is more vulnerable, Freddy or Jake?

Or maybe this Cameron Rose guy?

Cam, that son of a bitch, is a tough nut to crack.

He could be the puppet master.

Jake's the most levelheaded, but I know I can crack Freddy.

Then do it.

Our reputation is shit.

Why does he want our company?

Well, because we would make the perfect front to launder illegal stones.

He also wants us to be the next Barrow syndicate.

What about Sarah's share, does Cam get that now?

He's working on it, but he's also a f*cking liar.

All right, so our 50% gets Ava back, yeah?

No, no, 'cause he also needs Willow's shares, and I'm sure he's getting them from Ava right now.

So, here.

Where? Here?

Under your name, yeah.

All right.

That's it?

I was surprised to get your summons.

Word was, you left the country.

Well, that's what I'd have people believe.

I have some good news, Alexi, I am taking over Pieter's operation.

So, you want me to, what, be your errand boy?

I think that there's more to life than running a two-bit strip club and greasing the wheels at the docks, wouldn't you agree?

Wouldn't you like a little bit more of what I have, a little bit more refinement?

Hmm? A better dinner table to eat at?

You can't live off borscht alone.

[chuckles mirthlessly]

So, what's the play?

I need you to start collecting crates for me again, and I will pay you very extravagantly.

Sounds good, but I want a percentage of what you sell.



I'll consider it.

[mumbles in satisfaction]

[flicks on lighter]

Give me a number.


[snaps lighter closed]

But you'd better get some better clothes and some better sunglasses.

I need you to look good if you're going to be working for me.

I loved my brother.


You loved your brother?

Of course.

But now that he's gone...

I want his shares in the mine.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to comply with that.

Vincent was able to navigate the Venezuelan government, but with Miguel, I've ben reduced to bribes.

And they're very expensive.

I will need Vincent's portion to cover those additional expenses.

I understand.

10% of the profits in exchange for your cartel's protection.

Gael... the mine is worth billions of dollars.

10%... and you will be an extremely wealthy man.

15%, and my men will be most happy to cooperate.

[telephone rings]

It's Jake.

How did...

Did Cam give you my number?

Yeah, you want the whole company in exchange for Ava.

Essentially, yes.

Yeah, you know what, you can have it.

But if you lay a finger on her, I will f*ckin' k*ll you myself.

Oh, Jake.

Get on the Santa Monica freeway, head east... maintain the speed limit, and I will call you in 20 minutes with further directions.

Hey, Jake...

Carlos, black Charger.

He's gonna follow us.


You know, if Pieter sees a cop, he's gonna k*ll her.

Yeah, okay.

I'll distract him, just go get Ava.

What's up, 'Los?

How you doing, man?

Oh, it's like that, huh?

Nice... nice move.

He's off to save Ava?

How do you know about that?

Jesus, Freddy, if you knew everything that we had on you, man.

I'm not talking just you, I'm talking Jake, Uncle Cam.

Did you know that Cam's got the whole family in bed with Pieter Van de Bruin, man?

This is now a Federal case, a Rico case.

What about Ava?

What about Ava?

You don't got nothing on Ava.



You want to tell me about your trip to Moscow?


That was legit, man, we were setting up business with the Kocoma syndicate.

You heard of them?

Yeah, that's right.

All right, maybe it was legit, but Freddy, I'm telling you right now, man, she knows about Avi.

I know she knows about Avi, and if she does, she's going down, too.

Now, is that what you want?

Is that it? Huh?

It's not bad enough you gotta f*ck yourself up, you're gonna drag the family down?

You're gonna watch your little brother rot in f*ckin' jail?

Put Ava behind glass, and make Willow sit there and stare at her mom's face?

You want her to go to prison for some shit you did?

You wanna destroy this family?


There's only one way out of this, Freddy.

Only one way to save the family and stop all this shit.

You have to talk to me, man.

I'm sure Pieter loves your brother, but, uh, he loves money more.


No, Pieter said it was a woman.

Yeah... a woman called Lala who works for Lady Rah.

Conveniently, she works for Pieter.

He could have k*lled Vincent while he slept.

Why use a third party?

Because he didn't want it to come back to him.

He k*lled her to shut her up.

Why are you telling me this?

You and Pieter are partners.

Not anymore.

Let me ask you a question.

I believe in family, and Pieter says he believes in family, too, but why would a family man kidnap Lady Rah's daughter, just to keep her under the thumb, and then starts to believe that the child is really his?

I mean, is that normal?

That is a sickness.


Now, I told Pieter to stay away from the Green family, but instead of him doing it the easy way, he treats it like it's a f*ckin' w*r.

You know, he tries to k*ll Jake, he kidnaps Ava.

I'm worried about Willow, that's Jake and Ava's child, you know?

He's done it once, he can do it again.

How can you trust a man like that?

You cannot.

Now you understand.

You see.

Pieter, he k*lled your brother so he could get the cut of the mine, and now he wants mine, too.

The other crazy thing, he accuses me of being greedy, you know, but he's the greedy one, he's a greedy son of a bitch.

So, where does that leave us?

Once I get my wife's share, they can't kick me out, and you and I, we can do business.

You know, do good by the Green family, get the mine up and running, you know, divide the profits properly.

And Pieter?

I got a plan for him.

But I'm gonna need... I'm gonna need help from you and your friends here.

That's very becoming.

Stunning, actually.

Your knight in shining armor has come to your rescue.

What did Jake have to give you?

Green and Green.

I need you to sign here, to transfer your daughter's 25%, but then you'll be free as a bird.

Trust me.

For you and your family, it's best.

For Willow's sake.

You don't want her growing up without her mother, do you?


[pen scrawls]
Look at your face, man.

You need a doctor?

No, I just, uh... I tripped and fell off the wagon.

[chuckles mirthlessly]

I was thinking the other day, man, Fourth of July, 1996, our Junior year, you remember that?

You, me, and Jake went to go meet Alexi down at Bennett's for some party.

He swore he knew some girls down there.

Yeah, I think so.

He didn't know anybody, right?

But you did... the finest girl at the party and the only one with a man... but you pushed up on her 'cause you didn't give a f*ck, you knew what you wanted, right?

And within five minutes of that party, every dude in there was trying to k*ll us, put our head through a f*ckin' wall, right?

The three of us turned to run, but... not you.

You stood right up to him, didn't you?

You stood your ground, and you took that ass-whooping because you were trying to protect us, and that is the Freddy I miss.

That's the Freddy I'm looking for, man, but brother, now I look at your face, and... you just look haggard.

You just look tired, man, the kind of tired that comes from burying the truth, from lying to everybody around you.

I mean, Jesus, Freddy, do you think this is what Isaac would have wanted for you?

Just give me a f*ckin' second, all right?

I already know what happened.

You just need to let it out.

I did it.

I k*lled Avi.

It was an accident.

Yeah, I know.

I didn't mean to do it, you know that, right?


'Los, I'm telling you, it was a f*ckin' accident.

It really was, and you know I would not do that...

Freddy, I know you, man.

You ain't no f*ckin' k*ller, I know that.

But it's still manslaughter, so you have to account for it.


Prison time, right?

How much prison time do you think I'll get...

Look, man, there's no saying, okay?

It depends on you.

It's what you want to give us, how much you're willing to help at this point... *

Okay, well, Ava, and Jake, and everybody... all my family is safe, and what they had to do to help me, right?


If you had come to me sooner, maybe we could have worked a deal out...

You f*ckin' told me that if I told you, then you would f*ckin'... they would be safe!

I didn't promise you shit!

I just told you like it was because that's what you f*ckin' needed.

You needed to hear the f*ckin' truth, and the truth is, this is a federal case, and the U.S. Attorney running this shit is playing for f*ckin' keeps.

She wants your ass.


I'll go in there with you, Freddy.

You and me.

We'll go in there, and we're gonna talk to her.

All right?

You gotta trust me on this.

It's the best I got.

Alexi has picked up a crate of stones for me, and I know that you need the cash, Cameron.


Don't get cute with me, I'm offering you some fresh air.

What do you need, Rah?

One thing is important to me, and I think that you can satisfy it.

Well, throw me the stones, and I'll satisfy you a little more.


Like you did with Lala?

Well, she used to talk a lot.


Shame what happened to her, she was always so very loyal.

You know, that's a rare quality today.

What can you offer me?


I've already got him right where I want him.

Not anymore.

Pieter's got Ava, and Jake's got to cut a deal with him to save her and himself.

I'm surprised at the way you're telling me this.

Are you and the Greens not one big family?

It's a temporary loss.

Or win.

Jacob's always been so very weak.

Whatever you got going down with Jake, it's over.

You know?

Seems you're on your own, Rah.

I'll sweeten the deal, Cameron, my friend... but I just need to know where do you stand?

It's all there, mine and Freddy's.

50% of the company.


Your ex-wife graciously signed over your daughter's share.


I think this calls for a toast.

To me, the new majority owner of Green and Green.

No, no, no, you are not the owner.

I'm not signing anything to you.

You see, that 50%, that will stay in my name, and you can consider me your new business partner.


I'm being naive.

Why would I want to be in a partnership with you?

Because the only way that you touch that Venezuelan mine is through Green and Green, but now, the only way I get that mine in production is through you.

It's a mutually beneficial relationship.


I mean, this is just a suggestion...

I k*ll you, and then I get everything I want.

Yes, you could k*ll me, but first, you really should read the fine print.

I'll just tell you what it says.

If anything happens to anyone in my family, or me, everything will go to my father's favorite charity, "Pencils of Promise" and that would make the mine, and my company, out of your reach.


To my new partner.

Well, I'm not done yet.

You see, 'cause I am sick and tired of being pressed for cash.

That means that everything that comes out of that f*cking mine, we will split right down the middle.

I have other partners.

I don't care.

Of course.

I explained to your ex-wife that you would never sign over the family legacy for the sole purpose of saving her.

That the only reason you would do it was if there were something in it that would benefit you.

So now you can tell her that I was telling the truth.

Okay, Freddy agrees to cop to Avi's m*rder, and in turn, you let Jake and Ava off the hook.

That's a good deal, right?

This is not a negotiation.

But that's how it works, right?

I give you something, you give me something?

Quid pro quo?

I need more than Avi.

I didn't k*ll anyone else.

That's encouraging.

Well, what more do you need?

You're going to wear a wire, get close to Pieter, he's the target.

I need to know everything he's doing.

Who, what, when, and where.

Pieter Van de Bruin?

I don't even really know the guy.

What, you want me to figure out how to get into business with him, or something?

Cam too.

Well, look, Cam's... he's really out of Green and Green, so...

Then bring him back in, Freddy.

Look, we already know Cam and Pieter are in business together, and we have hard evidence that they tried to k*ll Jake during the robbery.

Jake, on recording: And I know it was you and Pieter who tried to k*ll me.

Cam: You shut your f*cking mouth, or else I'll pull your tongue out, and I'll feed it to the f*cking dogs!

Where did you get that?

So, pull your shit together.

You are all alone in this.

The only one you have left is me.

So, you do what I ask, and I'll dismiss Jake as an accessory to Avi's m*rder, and grant him and Ava conditional immunity up to this point.

"Conditional immunity"? What does that mean?

It means if any one of you crosses the line, I will burn you all.

So, what, I'm supposed to get into bed with Van de Bruin?

How am I supposed to do that?

Just wear the wire, Freddy.

Pieter: You have a visitor.

Let's go.

Okay? You okay?

So heartwarming.

I warn you, Jake, if you renege on this deal...

I will keep my end, you just keep yours.

Of course.

You can't trust him.

No, I think we can.

You see, we're bound by mutually assured destruction.

[silenced g*nshots sniping]

I believe we're finished here.


He can't just do that.

He can't take everything away from us.

He didn't.

What do you mean?

It's complicated, but...

What are you not telling me?

f*ck, Jake, I have a right to know!

What are you not telling me?

I did what had to be done, okay?

It was the only way that I could keep you guys alive, okay?

Just f*ckin' take me home.

Look, I...

I'm sorry, Ava...

For all of this.

Better men than you and Gael have tried to k*ll me.

Cam: What are you talking about?

Dead sn*pers.


I don't know anything about that.

Are you safe?

I am. But you are not.

Listen, Pieter, I know things didn't turn out how we planned, but, you know, I would never do anything to harm you.

You had Jake followed.

Pieter, I promise you, I'll give you my word...

How dare you!

Wind your f*ckin' neck in, Pieter.

You know, I got 25%, don't forget that.

What a pitiful creature you have become.

You and I, we are finished!


[door opens]

Oh, thank God.

I was worried sick.

You all right?

Well done, man.

Hey, come on, sit down.

I'm listening.

We're partners now, Pieter, so we should probably talk about the details in person.


Green and Green, of course.


We're out of here in 20 minutes.

Freddy: Wow, twice in one day.

Have you got a thing for me?

Is there something you need to tell us?

Uh, I mean...

Okay, I'm not wearing any underwear, if that's what...

How about the truth, Freddy?

I'm... that's true, I'm not wearing any underwear.


I don't know what you guys are talking about.

LAPD found two bodies in an office building across from an abandoned hospital...

Okay, what's that got to do with me?

You've had eyes on me all day.

We pulled security video from the area.

Guess who we saw walking out of the hospital.

I don't... The cast of Glee? I don't know...

Is this a f*ckin' joke to you?

Just tell me what you're getting at.

We saw Jake and Ava leave, and then Pieter Van de Bruin.

We know Van de Bruin kidnapped Ava.

We need more on him to make the Rico charges stick.

Why are the three of them walking out of there happily ever after?

I have a tap on your entire family.

They got a tap on Green and Green?

If Jake or Ava are involved in any criminal activity that occurred after our deal, and you know about it, the three of you will do serious time.

Am I clear?

Yes, you're clear.


So quit dragging your f*cking feet.

We need something on Pieter and Cam, and we need it now.

It's Jake. Leave a message.


Wasn't expecting you.

Or him.

What the f*ck is he doing here?

I was invited.

Really? Already?

This is the only way, Freddy.

It was this or Ava.


Yeah, I know.

Oh, uh...

Jake, can I speak to you for a moment?


Right now this is...

I gotta handle this right now, so...

But I'll explain everything to you, just, you're gonna have to give me a minute.


Holy shit...

The holocaust diamond.

[door closes downstairs]







I was just so worried about you and Dad.

You're not mad?

Of course not.

Just happy to see you.

Hey, Mom.


[laughing] Okay.

So... tell me when the next shipment is.

Pieter: There's one from South Africa at the port right now, and they've begun excavation in Venezuela, so they'll be shipping a crate a month from there.

Jake: Sounds good.

You know what, on second thought, I'm gonna have to break this meeting up.

I just don't... I don't feel good about this.

I think...

I mean, what the f*ck is that?

Nothing you need to know about.

He does need to know, Jake...

Okay, I... I don't, and I really need to talk to you for a second, please...

If this is going to succeed, your brother needs to know everything.

Okay... Jake, I need to speak with you outside.

Nice work.

Always with style, Cam.

[security lock clicks open]

Let's get this shit done.


I just... Sorry, sorry...

These are diamonds that I brought in from South Africa to rejuvenate Green and Green.

I don't... I...

I need to speak with you outside, seriously.

It's time for us to walk away, okay?

Yes, Jake, it's time to walk away.

Whoa! Holy shit!

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Guys, what the f*ck!

And Cam... I mean, make up your f*ckin' mind.

Cam: I'm just lookin' after my f*ckin' interests.

Freddy: Can you put the g*ns down, please!

What... I don't know why...

Can we talk about what's going on here?

'Cause I don't f*ckin' understand.

What is happening here?


Get out of the way.

What are you... Why are you standing...

That's not a good place to stand, Jake.

You're right in the line of fire.

What are you doing, Jake?

What the hell is happening in that office?

Shit... I'd better get over there.


Would you f*ckin' move? What are you doing?

If I die, the whole company dies.

Pay attention to your brother, Jacob.

For the first time, I agree with Pieter.

We've got some unfinished business.

You don't care about the safety of your daughter?

Of course, I do, I'm her mother.

Well then, be a wise mother and allow me to finish my business with Jacob.

I don't think so.

I've found my daughter.


That's impossible.

Not quite.

Cam was kind enough to tell me where to find her.

You don't give a f*ck about me, Pieter, and these two shitheads, they don't give a f*ck about me neither.

I'm standing with the future.

You, go f*ck yourselves.

Pieter: Pathetic.

Listen, we can all resolve this equitably.

There's enough money here for each of us, including for you, Lady Rah.

Okay, I don't... I don't know what the f*ck is going on, but you people are crazy, okay?

This is all because of diamonds?

Shut the f*ck up, Freddy.


This is so incredibly tedious.

You all talk too much.


[shot blasting]
