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01x08 - Side Trip

Posted: 02/19/17 13:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ice...

Give me the f*cking bag.

Before I k*lled that guy, he told me that Van de Bruin was behind this, and that he wanted me f*cking dead.

Van de Bruin?

I think that Cam is more involved with Pieter than we know.

But if we combine our shares in Green & Green, our decisions will have just as much weight as theirs.

Ava: Cam!

I just need a soft place to land right now.

All right. You can stay here with us.

You have to stay clean while you're here.

Don't make me regret this.

I ran with the Green boys my whole life.

When it comes to this case, I am an asset.

Welcome to the task force.

Lady Rah: I want you to watch him.

Lala: It would seem I've found Pieter's soft spot.

Cam: Why the f*ck are we kissing his ass?

Vincent is Venezuela's Minister of Development, for God's sakes, Without him, we would be nothing there.


Jonah, what the hell's going on?

Jonah: Justice.

The body of my son may never be found... but yours will.

[sirens blaring]

♪ I'm talkin', he talks I listen ♪
♪ GPS on my position ♪
♪ Just livin', just hanging out with the opposition ♪
♪ Can't take the heat get the f*ck out the kitchen ♪
♪ Stupid y'all think I'm just spittin' ♪
♪ I belong in prison ♪
♪ Crazy by my own admission on a mission ♪
♪ So grab a podium, audience ♪
♪ Let me tell the public that I'm self-destructive ♪
♪ I ain't lookin' for no help ♪
♪ f*ck it ♪
♪ Lookin' for a way to get high I'm still alive ♪
♪ Six million ways to die ♪
♪ Still a few more left to try ♪
♪ 'Til I'm finished ♪
♪ Devil's got a hold on me ♪
♪ Devil's got a hold on me ♪
♪ Devil's got a hold on me ♪


I don't want them to hear.




Why would you want me to k*ll him, hmm?

I need someone I can trust to k*ll Pieter, and with Pieter, I can't trust anyone but you.

I will erase your debt, and that $25 million noose wrapped around your neck will be gone.

Well, that's generous... but I'm not a hired g*n.

True... but the only way that Pieter can be got is by someone he knows and doesn't own, and I believe that that still leaves you.

Right, and you think that Pieter won't suspect a b*llet coming from me?

I think we both want the same thing.

But settling our debt is not worth going to prison for, or being k*lled.

I think you need to remember that Pieter wanted you dead in that robbery, Jacob.

Trust me, you and your family die in every f*cking option but mine.

So I suggest you take it.


Thanks for coming.


Shouldn't be long. They've just got to sign me out.

You all right?

Yeah, yeah, I will be.

The doctor said you were att*cked, and they shot you with dr*gs.

Is that true?

Or are you using again?

What? No. No. Ava, it's not...

That's what happened. I swear.

Look, I wouldn't sh**t a lethal dose of heroin into my neck... unless I was trying to die, which I wasn't, so...



Do you think it's the same people who att*cked Jake?

Do the cops have any leads?

I... I... you know, I told them I didn't see any of their faces.

I didn't even know how many guys it was, so... but, you know, I feel like it was just a... random mugging type of thing.

I have a child to protect, so I need you to be honest with me.

You understand that, right?

Yeah, yes.

I understand that, and I'm being honest, I swear.



Maybe one day, we could try this in a bed.

Well, that's not really why you're here.

Well now, that's a disappointment.

I've got a job for you.

Pieter Van de Bruin.

He's a business associate of mine.

I need you to, uh, keep an eye on him.

Lala: Handsome.

Thing is, you're not the only one that wants eyes on him.


Yeah... which means I already know exactly where he is.

Well, I need to know his movements before she does.

It's a good thing I like you better, Cam.


You wearing knickers?

Why don't you come and find out?

Show me.


Amor! Buenos dias.

What's that you got?

Pieter: Hey!


A surprise!

Such a simple delight. I'm silly.

But every day?

You like it?

It's silk!

I love it, but you shouldn't have.

It must have cost a fortune.

I have always believed that the point of having money is to be able to ascertain precisely the delicate balance between decadence and opulence, and then enjoy it to the fullest.

How eloquently you express my thoughts.

Ah, dear Vincent.

I'm afraid we are not going to be able to go to Paris just yet.

I need you to go back to Venezuela to supervise the excavation at Santa Elana.

I have to maintain a presence here.

That is not what we agreed to, and besides, there's not going to be any excavation in Santa Elana until you gain control of Green & Green.

I know that. I have it in hand.

Do you?

My responsibilities are my worry.

You concentrate on yours.

I've taken care of my responsibilities!

The permits, the personnel...

The security?

That too.

Your brother is asking for more money.

He is lining his pockets.

He's the only person that we know that can get us the manpower to take care of the mine, and that's going to cost us money.


He's your brother.

I understand that... but, surely, you can be objective enough to recognize that he is behaving like a drug-dealing extortionist.

If he does not play by our rules, Vincent, then I will find someone else to maintain security at the mine.

Go to hell.


Ava: Morning.

Frittata for two.

No thanks.

What's this?

It's a two-week camp.

And you're showing this to me because... ?

I signed you up.

You're kidding!

No, I'm not kidding... and it's going to be great. Check it out.

There's climbing, kayaking, hiking, all kinds of cool stuff.

They had a space open up, and it starts tomorrow.

No! N...

Does Dad know about this?

Yes, and he agrees.

Are you both crazy?

You know I hate camping.

There's nothing about it I like.

I mean, if you want to send me somewhere, how about a nice hotel in Paris or Italy?

And we could go together.

I would love that, honey... but for whatever reason, we're not selling diamonds like we used to, and with Grandpa leaving you a stake in the company, I need to be around to help out as much as I can.

This could mean a lot for your future, Willow.

[spluttering] Wha...

What does my stake, my 25%, have anything to do with camping?

So why don't you tell me what's really going on?

Why are you trying to get rid of me?

I am not trying to get rid of you.

I don't understand why you can't just be honest with me for once!

You don't tell me anything, and you're being so damn condescending, Mom!

I'm not a child...

Goddammit, Willow!

I am your mother, and you're just going to have to trust me on this.

You are going to this camp, all right?

Now, let's eat, and I will help you pack.

I'm not going.


Sister Judith.


How wonderful to see you.

And you, too, my dear.

Come, let's talk.

How are the children?

They are safe.

Your contributions help greatly, indeed.

Mm, praise God...

And one child in particular?

We have some very promising leads.

Promising isn't good enough, Sister.

I've doubled my donation today.

I'd like you to spread your good work further and wider.

Sometimes, money works faster than prayers.

I couldn't agree more.

We all wanted you to have this.

Thank you, Sister.

Will I see you next month?

Hopefully sooner.

Jake: I did not know that you were a Catholic girl.

Well, I'm full of surprises, Jacob.

Now, why are you following me?

If we're going to be partners, I need to know what's going on.

I need to know how you're setting me up.

I'm not setting you up.

Bullshit. I do not believe you.

You've seen the scars on my back, Jacob.

How do you think I got them?

Pieter gave them to me when I was a child in the mines.

He's a bad man... and I want him dead.

So you're just doing the Lord's work?

I have a friend... a nun from Sierra Leone.

She brings me stones through the Vatican pouch.

I keep the deal separate from Pieter because I care about my future, Jacob.

And your surrounding army.

Amongst other things, yes.

So, the stones... they in that little doll you're carrying?

Very perceptive, Jacob.

Would you care to share those diamonds?

Would I care to share them?

And why would I do that?

It'll help me make my decision.

How's that?

I'll think about it.

I made you some tea.

Oh, thank you. That's nice.

You should get some rest.

Yeah, I should, but, um...

I've got to get back to work.

No. You don't need to go to work, Freddy, Just take the day.

You know what I was thinking about after they stabbed me with that needle?

The f*cking showroom.

I was lying there, thinking, "Well, I guess I'm all right with dying, but I'm really going to miss hanging out at the store."

Weird, right?

But I've always loved that place, you know, ever since I was a kid.

It was just where I wanted to be... and it's always been there.

Whenever anything bad would happen, we'd meet there, we'd figure it out.

It was like our, uh... our safe place.

I really don't want to let it go under... and that's exactly where it's headed.

That stone that I bought and sold for a good profit yesterday, that felt good, and it bought us a little time, but... honestly, we're hanging on by a f*cking thread.

You need to find a new supplier.

I know.

Ava: You should get on a plane to London and sit down with the Barrow Diamond Syndicate.

Yeah, I just...

They're not going to do it.

There's too much history.

There have to be other options.

Well, there is.

There's three other syndicates that can get us consistent quality stones, and I'm pretty sure I can get a meeting with someone who can help us get into the Russian syndicate.

It's called Kocoma... but our reputation right now is less than stellar, and these places are particular.

You could give them the deathbed speech.

You know, I always wanted to work with Kocoma.

They get amazing stones... but Pop was, you know, concerned about the mob.

Are they corrupt?

No, they're legit, but everyone else in Russia is corrupt... the government, the cops... so you have to figure out who to grease to get the stones out of the country, but honestly, I don't think that would be a problem.

You should do it.



You should set it up.

I should probably talk to Jake.


I mean, between you and me and Sarah, we have 75% of the shares, and we need to find a new supplier.

I'll fill in for you today at the store.

[door buzzes]


Here to see Natalya.

Identification, please?



Here we are.

This place is f*cking serious, huh?

Uh, should have a 1:00 p.m. appointment.

Is she here?

I'm checking.

Well, I can always wait.

Not if she's not here.

It's okay, Dimitri.

Please, show Mr. Green the way up.

Natalya Brekov.

I feel like I'm meeting the tooth fairy.

I've heard your name for so many years, but no one I know has ever actually seen you.

Discretion is very important to me.

I understand.

Mr. Green, what can I do for you?

[clears throat] Right.

Well, I am...

I am here representing my family.

As you might have heard, our long-standing and auspicious relationship with the Barrow Syndicate has recently...

Yes, I've heard.


So we are looking to forge a new relationship, one that will be similarly beneficial, but...

I appreciate you approaching us, Mr. Green, but I can speak for the Kocoma syndicate in saying that they are not interested in going into business with your family.

Right. Wow.

Just cut to the chase, huh?

Love a woman who says what she means.

I get it.

There's a lot of reasons to question the stability of our company right now.

I'm sure you've heard my father recently passed.


He was a good man.

Yes, he was, and he was a great diamond man, but my father, rest his soul, he didn't have the... flexibility to work with a syndicate such as Kocoma.

Green & Green isn't going away.

In fact, there is nothing but growth in our future.

I brought on my sister-in-law to help run the business.

I think you'll find her to be very reliable.

This is the beginning of a very lucrative time for our company.

One of the syndicates is going to be a beneficiary of that success... and I really, really... want it to be yours.

Aren't you the son who brought the troubles upon your family?

How do you ever expect me to believe that you've changed?

I haven't changed.

I just remembered who I am.

We'd like to start with a million-dollar purchase.

My understanding is that the Green family is cash poor.

We had a recent windfall.

You realize that a million dollars here buys you $900,000 in credit at Kocoma.

The cost of doing business with me.


A million dollars for $900,000, then.


That won't be a problem.

So? Then we have a deal?

Not yet, Mr. Green.

I'm not in the habit of taking chances with my business, so you'll only get one, but if it goes well, and we move forward, in addition to the standard fee of $100,000 for every million-dollar transaction, we'll take 10% for every diamond you sell.

Do we have a deal?

Ava: VS1, cushion cut, one carat...

man: How much does that cost?

With the stone and the setting, it's $17,500.

I can show you something a little smaller.


I wanted to get her at least one carat.

She deserves it.


I just didn't expect...

I don't know. $17,500 is a lot.

It's not really about the money.

How long have you guys been together?

I think almost six months?

I love her, and I want to do this, but...

I haven't even asked her to marry me yet.

God, I don't know what to do.

I think when you don't know what to do, do nothing.

Can you save it in case I change my mind?

I can't promise you that, but when the time is right, we can find you something...

[frantic knocking]

Let her in. Excuse me.

Where is he? Where's Cam?

He's here, isn't he?

I need to see him. I have to see him.

I know everything there is to know about this business. Diamonds?

He never gave me a child.

It wasn't my fault. It was his.


Okay. Okay...

Don't! Don't touch me!


Where the hell are you?

I'll come back another time.

I'm so sorry...

Cam: What's going on, Sarah?

What's wrong?


Sarah! Sarah, stop!

I'm getting it all back!

Stop it! Stop it...

Getting it all back...

Cam: Stop it, please.


Come on, come on.

Tell me what's happened.

Come on, come on... then we can all help you, huh? Hey?

You bastard.

You sick... you stone-hearted bastard.


Wipe your eyes.


Help me, Ava.

Help me. Help me.

I've got to take her to the doctor's.

No, it's okay.

It's okay.

I don't think that's a good idea.

I'll take her back to my place.

I can handle it.

Do you understand now, Ava?

Do you understand what I've been going through?

Do you now appreciate the situation I've been living in all these years?

I understand.

Sarah, sobbing: Please, Ava, save... save me, please.

Please help me, Ava.


It's okay.

We're going to get you home, okay?

All right.

Okay. Okay.
You want to tell me what's going on?

Sarah, she's gone mad.

She's not f*cking lucid anymore, you know, Jake.

She's gone f*cking crazy.

I've got to get power of attorney here.

So you're going to go behind your wife's back, much like you're going behind mine?

Is that it?


Your friend, Pieter... you know, that snake that you keep dragging into our business?

When was the last time you saw him?

Uh, I...

I've seen him a few times.

Okay, did you see him last night?

Yeah, I saw him last night.

Cam... stop bullshitting me.

Just tell me what it is you guys are doing.

Nothing. We're, uh...

We're just good friends. That's all.

Then why would you push to make a deal with him?


That sh*thole prison... you know, he stood by me when things got tough.

I just...

I just thought I'd give him a hand, you know, and maybe help our business at the same time.

He's got stones, Jake, you know?

Why should we give a f*ck where they come from?

And so who k*lled The Baker?


That was you, and then you burnt down the place, bringing Carlos back into our lives.

You have no f*cking idea what you're talking about.

Then f*cking tell me!

Tell me what you are planning!



You think I don't know about you and Lala?


That's not one of your better secrets, Cam.

Now, does Lady Rah know that you're spying on her?

How would she feel about that?

Maybe I should just tell her.

You tell her what you want. I don't give a f*ck.

Just get the f*ck out of my office.

Your office?


I think you have forgotten... you have zero ownership in this company.

Ava: I'm told she's bipolar, but she seems to have gotten worse since her brother passed.

I'm wondering if her medication needs to be adjusted?

Can you tell me what medications you're taking currently?

Do you know what they might be?

I don't.

Do you mind if we check your purse?


Lithium... which I don't think these are.

Ava: I... I'm sorry?

Ex... I don't understand.

I'll run a blood test to confirm it, but these pills don't look like lithium.

Sarah, is it possible that you've confused your pills?


Cam did it.

He's trying to k*ll me. I know he is.

Ava: Sarah, I...

I don't think that's true.

No! It's Cam!

Vincent, I have left you message after message after message.

Will you call me back, for God's sakes?

I mean, this is silly.

We have a problem.

I know.

I told Vincent that he had to return to oversee the excavation, and everything blew up... but this is about something else. What?

Freddy and Ava. They're off to Kocoma.

They've set up a buy.

You know that for sure?

I know everyone in the f*cking business.

People talk.

They are ingenious, those two... but you're smarter than they are, Cameron.

You'll find a way to k*ll their buy.

Well... dealing with the Russians ain't always easy, you know?

You never know the f*cking outcome.

We have less than a month to bankrupt Green & Green.

Quod erat demonstrandum, we have to eliminate every single one of their suppliers.

Well, do you or maybe Vincent know any contacts at Kocoma?

No, I don't, I don't know about Vincent, but I doubt it.

I mean, he and I have no secrets.

He hasn't called me all day, Cameron!

All day!


I mean, what is he doing?

He's... oh, God.

What's up, ladies? Eddy!

There's a cop here named Vega, waiting to see Jake.

What? Where?

He was real pushy, so I put him in Isaac's office.

Did you call Jake?

He didn't pick up.


Whatcha doing here, man?

I just had a few more questions for your brother about the robbery.


Well, he's, uh... he's not here right now.

I can see that. Not a problem.

I'll wait.

Well, I don't think he's coming in until tomorrow, actually, but you know what?

I'm glad you stopped by, because I've been meaning to reach out and apologize.

You know, I was kind of... off my head at the shiva, you know.

The shiva?

That's what you want to apologize for?

Yeah. Yeah.

Anything else on your mind?


Jesus... what happened to you, man?

Tell your brother I'm looking for him.

[phone rings]

Ms. Brekov for Freddy Green, please.

Hey, yeah.

I'll be there in about an hour, if that works for you.

All right, just picking up everything we need.



People know I'm meeting with you, Cam, so if you want to do anything to me...

If I wanted you dead, I would not have sent you an invitation.

What do you want?

Lift your jacket up.

Want to buy me a drink first?


I brought a g*n.

I don't give a f*ck about your g*n.

Lean forward.

Looking for a wire?

Well, you got out of jail, uh, sooner than we expected, so yeah.

It's called making bail.

Give me a back rub, you want to reach for my ass now?


I've got a job for you.

Since when do I work for you?

It pays 30 grand.

Could use a new car.

Freddy and Jake's wife, Ava, they want to buy some diamonds from a Russian syndicate.

So you want me to help them do it?

Don't be f*cking stupid.

I want you to make sure it never happens.

Now, this is strictly between you and me.

You don't talk to nobody. Do you understand?


Sure, yeah.


There's only one person in L.A. who could get them into Kocoma.


Yeah, I can handle her... but it's going to be 50 grand, and I want half up front.

Okay, okay.

You do the job first, then you get your f*cking money.

Give me a day.

Ava: We appreciate you giving us this opportunity...

My pleasure.

Ava: But I'd like to talk about the terms.

Which were already set, Mrs. Green.

Ms. Brekov...

I appreciate you trying to get a better deal, but my business is built on the premise that once I make a deal, I keep my word, and because of that, I only deal with people who do the same, but you're more than welcome to go to other syndicates, like in Tel Aviv or Antwerp, but I guarantee you won't get better terms.

I understand.

We're good.

Good. We can all make a lot of money.

Damn right.

Okay, so I guess this is yours.

So, how does this work?

Natalya: Arrangements will be made for both of you to fly out tomorrow afternoon.

I'll have expedited visas waiting for you at the airport.

Say nothing to anyone about Kocoma.

You'll go as a couple.

Actually, Ms. Brekov, I'm going to be going to Russia alone.

Until you have a relationship with the syndicates, you'll do it my way, so you'll go to Russia as a couple on holiday.

Freddy: I appreciate you need to take the lead here, but you have to trust...

I'll do it.

Freddy: Right... like I said, that arrangement works perfectly for us.

I'll have a car waiting for you at the airport, and it will take you to the hotel.

The next day, you'll have a 1:00 appointment with Kocoma.

The driver will drive you to the site, where you'll receive a line of credit under your names for $900,000.

All right, and will we get to select the stones ourselves?

You can choose which group of stones you would like from these five pictures.

And how do we know they'll be the same stones from these pictures?

It won't be an issue.

You'll have these pictures with you when you see the stones.

So, please take a moment and decide which diamonds you would like to buy.


What's going on?

What're you doing, Ava?

I, um...

I used Sarah's key to let myself in.

I tried calling first. Did you get my message?


Sarah asked me to come by and get her things.

She'll be staying in the hospital for a few days.

I thought you said you was taking her home, and now you're checking her into a hospital?

You have no right.

It was her doctor's choice, not mine.

Listen to me.

You keep your f*cking nose out of my marriage... and the business.

Are you threatening me, Cam?

[speaks Russian] _



How can I help you?

I need you to k*ll the deal with the Greens.

Why would I do such a thing?

Think of it as a... favor.

I don't do favors for thugs.

Natalya, come.

You and I, we come from different families.

We do business in different ways.

Finally... you say something that's true.

I don't want to make it difficult for you.

You can't.

I don't know how much money you're making on this, but if you don't work with me, you're going to lose all your money.

It's silly to thr*aten me when you can't possibly follow through.

[she speaks Russian] _

[speaks Russian] _

I thought we agreed you'd call first.

What are you doing here, Jake?

Are you going somewhere?

What are you doing here?

I came to see Willow.

She's not here.

She at Carly's?


I sent her away to a camp up north, where she'll be safe.

You sent her somewhere without asking me?

Ava... you never make decisions about Willow's life without discussing them with me. I...

That was before someone tried to k*ll you... and Freddy.

Freddy? Wh...

Wait, what are you talking about?

Someone jumped him... and shot him with enough dr*gs to k*ll him.

And I'm finding out now?

Is he okay?

Yeah, he's fine.

I moved him into the house with us, by the way.

He's living here now?


He's getting clean, and he needs a healthy environment.

No, he is an addict, and he always will be.

What he needs is rehab.

Okay, I've given him so many chances, Ava, and each time, he makes me regret it, so trust me, he's going to relapse, but this time, thanks to you, when he does, it'll be in front of our daughter.

Don't be so self-righteous.

Freddy is not the reason Willow's world has been turned upside down.

It's you.

And that's why I'm trying to get things back to the way they were.

Ava, I am losing everything.

Okay? You, Willow, the business... everything.


How did this happen?

I don't know, Jake.

You tell me.

I want Pieter gone now.

What, no hello? No, "How are you, Lady Rah?"

[flat] Hello. How are you, Lady Rah?

Look, you told me what he did to you, okay?

This is good for both of us.

My family is safe, and you're free of him.

And what's happened to put you in such a rush?

Earlier, you just wanted stones for us to work together.

Ava sent my daughter away 'cause she's... not safe here, all right?

And I don't want that hanging over my head.

I need him gone.

Okay... but we do this my way, my timing, so we wait.

No, we don't f*cking wait.

Do you think I would ask you to wait if it wasn't important?

Pieter has something of mine that I have to ensure is safe before his departure.

What could he possibly have?

'Cause I know nothing is more important than your precious stones.

Well, maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do, Jacob... because Pieter Van De Bruin has my daughter.

Kind of excited. This is kind of fun.


The women here are hot, by the way.

Kind of surprised how easy customs was.

Yeah, maybe a little too easy.

Nope. No negativity.

All positive energy from here on out.

Let's go, wifey.

All right...

Passports, please.

No, we... uh, we just went through Immigration.

We're fine.

Passports now!

Okay, fine.

We just, uh... just me and my wife, just here on a holiday.

We come in peace!

No, you're not.

Turn around. You're under arrest.

Excuse me?

Excuse me?


Why are we under arrest?

Look, this has got to be a mistake.

For what? Hold on a second!


Do you want to tell us why we're under arrest?

This is bullshit!


Look, this has got to be a mistake.

Listen. I heard you. I heard you, Willow.

I don't know what to tell you.

I'm sure your mom was just busy.

Willow: No, she wasn't just busy.

She's avoiding me.

I can't tell you how many times I've tried calling!

I mean, she thinks if she doesn't talk to me, she doesn't have to deal with me.

God, just please, Dad, I just... please pick me up.

Sweetheart, you're just going to have to give it a chance, okay?

It cannot be that bad.

Willow: Listen, if I hear another f*cking song sung by the f*cking campfire, I'm going to start taking hostages.

Willow, calm down.


Why the hell should I calm down when I know you're both lying to me?

No, it's not that we're lying, okay?

Your mother and I, we just need some time to figure some things out.

That's all it is.

I mean, what the f*ck does that even mean?


You divorce Mom, but you still sleep with her.

Grandpa dies.

Someone tries to k*ll you, and you k*ll him out of self-defense, and it's all over the news, and everyone I know is calling you a k*ller, and then you guys send me away to this hellhole.

If you think you're making me feel safe, you better think again, because I spend every g*dd*mn day, every hour, worrying about you, Mom, and Uncle Freddy because no one is telling me what's really going on.

None of this makes any sense to me.

Just please come pick me up.

[phone rings]

Pieter's voice mail: You've reached the telephone of Pieter Van De Bruin.

Leave a message.


I'm sorry we fought, mi amor.

Please don't worry about the thing with the mine.

I'm going to talk to my brother, and we're going to be all...

[distant slamming door]

I, um... we're going to be all right.

Anyway, mi amor, got a little present for you, and coming home.

See you soon.

[car alarm beeps]

[silenced g*nsh*t]

[phone rings]

Dear God!

Where have you been, you silly?

I've been worried sick about you!

Well, yeah, y... excuse me.

I thought you were someone else.

Yes, I am Pieter Van de Bruin.

Yes, I know... He's my...