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06x07 - Blind Love

Posted: 02/18/17 07:16
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Grimm"...

It would be an honor to succeed you, sir.

You're gonna have to prove your loyalty.

And not just to the mayor's office but to me.


Now, I k*lled the man in front of you.

I kept my part of the bargain.

If I don't take over this department, you and I are gonna have a problem.

You get the hell out of my office.

I won't forget this.

[dramatic music]

My God, do you feel that?

That is the tingling of like souls.

That's love. That is the real thing.

Nick, before you say anything you're about to regret...

I love you.


What do you want?


There's never been anyone else for me.

There never will be.

Does your tummy hurt?

No, I don't think so.

My tummy hurts when I'm sad.

Are you sad?


Like when my mommy went away.

I thought your tummy might hurt because Nick's not your boyfriend anymore.

Yeah, I guess my tummy might hurt sometimes.

Do you want him back?

That wouldn't be right. Things are really different now.

Sometimes I miss my other mommy too.

Her name is Kelly, just like my brother's.

You know her, don't you?

I don't know where she is anymore.

Do you?

[door sliding open]

Diana, there you are.

Time to get dressed and packed for Dad's house.

Right now?

Yes, right now.


Morning. I can make the coffee.

Oh. Thanks.



Oh, let me guess.

Yeah, that's Stumptown.



It's Colombian.


Mauricio Shattah Red Gesha.

Oh, you're disgusting.


[chuckles] Close your eyes.

Do I get a kiss?


But that's not all. Keep your eyes closed.

Ooh, you sure we're in the right room for this?

Slow down.

That comes later, bub.

[party horn toots]

Happy birthday.

What is this?

It's where we're going for your birthday.

We're going to the Columbia Gorge Hotel?

Yep, for the whole weekend.

Just the two of us?

No, your parents are coming.


I'm just kidding, but there is a guest list.

Nick, Eve, Adalind, Hank, Wu, and us.

Wow. Everybody's coming?

Yep. Our bags are packed. We're ready to go.

You just have to get dressed.

Wait a minute. When's the "later, bub" stuff?

Get dressed. [chuckles]

I love you.

Ah, this is gonna be so much fun!


Blue sweater or purple sweater?

Can I take both?


We are ready to go for the weekend.

Did you...

I was just about to.


Now, um, honey, come here for a second.

You know what a secret is, right?


Sometimes it's important for people to keep things just between themselves.

Do you have a secret?

Yes, and so do you.

Remember what you saw in the tunnels?

What Eve drew?

[mystical music]


That's what I want you to keep just between us.

So you don't want me to tell Daddy?

I don't want you to tell anybody.

Why not?

Well, because we don't know what it means yet, and it could be dangerous.

Do you understand?


Good. Okay.

We are ready. Here you go.

Let's grab your coat, and we'll get in the car.

I'll be back as soon as I can.

Bye, Nick.

Bye, Diana.

Have fun with your dad.

I will.

[hissing and scratching]

[thunder rumbling]

[dramatic music]



[low hum]



[tense music]


[electricity crackling]

What the hell was that?

Did you see that?

Swirling blue tornado, a skull-like dude with green eyes staring right at us? Yes, I saw that.

You've never seen anything like that in your mirror before?

No, if I had, I probably would have warned you.

It... it's almost as if it was a window.

Yeah, but... to where?

I-I don't know, I don't know, but it looked a lot like what I saw with the Death Grip Guy, except for Skull Man wasn't there.


I'm just glad I'm not the only one seeing it this time.

Yeah, me too.

I think.

Should we tell Monroe and Rosalee?

Not until we have a better handle on what it is we just saw.


[suspenseful music]

[doorbell rings]


I missed you!

Oh, I missed you too.

I'm hungry. Want me to make breakfast?

Sure, if you like.


All right.

How's life at the loft?

It's fine.

Uh, I'll be back early Sunday night to pick her up.

What are you guys gonna do?

How many chocolate chip cookies do you want for breakfast, Dad?

Have fun.

Mm. [chuckles]

Hey, honey, how about pancakes instead?

It's okay. I'm making both.


[eerie music]

Ah, ah, ah, ah.


Monroe, I'm pregnant, not helpless.

I know. I know.

It's really more for me than you.

It's just an excuse to take you in my arms.

You need an excuse?

Thank you so much for making this happen.

My God, they'll let anyone stay at this place.


Happy birthday.

How you doing?


This is gonna be so fun.

I know.

Such a great idea.

Oh, thank you.

Happy almost birthday.

Thanks for being here.

Hi, little sir. I'm so glad you made it, Kelly.

Hey, did you get that babysitter?


We're good to go.

Uh, what time are we getting together?

Drinks whenever you want them.

Ooh, how about now?

[laughs] Check in first, sweetie.

Oh, let the party begin.

all: Hey!

Now we're all here.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.

Thanks for coming.


Wouldn't miss it for the world.

So dinner is at 8:00 in the dining room.

We'll meet you at the bar.

Oh, yes, you will.


Let me get the elevator for you, sir.

It's kind of old-fashioned. Needs an operator.

Owners like to keep the hotel as original as possible.

It's like going back in time.

It's a nice place. How long have you worked here?

[suspenseful music]

Uh, a couple years.

Got a cute kid.



Three, please.

Mom, it's me.

I'm at work.

Listen, you got to get Dad to call me.

'Cause you're not gonna believe who's here.

It's that son of a bitch Burkhardt.

Diana, these are amazing.


These cookies are perfect.

I know.

What are you drawing?

Stuff I saw.

Interesting stuff.

You saw this?




Mommy said I can't tell you.

Mommy said you can't tell me what?

It's our secret.

I promised Mommy I wouldn't tell you what I saw in the tunnel.


Wow, these are really nice.

You're a really good artist, you know that?

You mind if I take a picture of these?

I guess.


[camera clicks]


You say you saw this in a tunnel, huh?

Daddy, I told you I can't tell you.

I promised.

Well, can you tell me where the tunnel is?


Okay. All right.

Well, it's good that you can keep a promise.

Mommy probably thought these were very important if she wanted you to keep that secret.


Do you know what these symbols mean?

No, she just said it might be dangerous.

[doorbell rings]

Delivery for Sean Renard.

What's this?

Picea glauca 'Conica.'

Or, for those not versed in tree talk, Dwarf Alberta Spruce, a dense conifer used as an accent tree...

No, I get all that, but what... what's it doing here?

Says, "Happy housewarming, Captain", from your friends at the precinct."

Where do you want me to put the accent?

I've got another one on the truck.

I don't care. Somewhere on the porch, I guess.

Excellent choice.

Sign here and here.


[dramatic music]

[muffled shout]

That's it. Have a nice day.

You too.








No, no, no.

No, no, no, no.


Oh, God.

[tense music]

[chuckles softly]

[cell phone clicks]

[indistinct chatter]

Monroe before and after.

Yeah, yeah.

[cell phone ringing]

[chatter continues]


Will you accept a collect call from Willard Goode in Multnomah State Prison?

Yeah, yeah, put him on.


Hey, Dad.

What's the problem?

No problem.

I'm at work, right? Just doing my job.

Guess who walks in.

I ain't got time for games, son.

It's not a game, Dad.

It's Burkhardt.

The cop who took you down, he's here at the hotel.

He didn't even know who I was.

He alone?

No, no.

He's here with a bunch of friends for a birthday.

Gonna be here two nights.

I'm gonna make him pay for what he did to you.

To us.


You gonna do what I think you're gonna do?

Amor de Infierno.

Double the dose.


I'm gonna triple it.

They'll be tearing each other apart with their bare hands.

Call me when Burkhardt's dead.

I'll call you when they're all dead.

[dramatic music]

Anyway, now, I saw you coming out of the house...


And he goes into his backyard.

Do we need all the details?

Oh, let him tell the story.

I definitely want to hear this.

Me too.


So I'm on the side of his house, and I'm looking at him in the backyard, and I see him peeing on his own fence.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God! You were marking?

I still had a few bad habits.

I thought that was very strange, and I knew this guy has to be involved in some way.

And that's when I got a whiff of you.


And that is when you jumped through the window.




You shouldn't have come back.

Okay, okay, okay. Lighten up.

I'm just making a point.

Come on, let's grab a brew.

And by the way, you're paying for that window.


I had to make a point.

By the way, did you ever pay for that window?

Yes, I paid for that window.

Why don't I remember that?


All right, well, here's to how Nick and Monroe met.

Because none of us would be here if it wasn't for that broken window.


Hear, hear.

Indeed. Indeed.

Your table is ready.

All right. Let's do it.



[suspenseful music]


Well, question is, what not to order?

I know. It all looks so good.

Maybe we should just order everything seven times.

Make that ten, 'cause, you know, Rosalee's eating for four now.

And loving every bite.

Look, before we get into the whole food-ordering rigmarole, I just wanted to say... thank you all for coming.

I mean, it really... it means so much to Rosalee and me that you're all here, so... thank you.

Of course.


Hear, hear.

I wouldn't miss it, man.

Happy birthday.

Thanks for having us.

[sinister music]


Jeez, Randy.

Almost lost that one.


Forget it.

Monroe, when you met Rosalee, was it love at first sight?

Hard to say.

[laughs] No, it is not.

She just didn't know it yet.

But I remember exactly when I fell, because I'll tell you what, there is nothing quite so dazzling as a beautiful woman saving your life.



How about the first kiss?

[tender music]

That was... that was nice.

Nice? No, that was epic.

I would know because I was there.

Here comes something special for the birthday boy, compliments of the house.

2005 Brut from right here in our very own Willamette Valley.

Wow, thank you.

That is a very good wine.

Oh, no, thank you. I'm pregnant.

Well, shame to let it go to waste.



Lucky man.

Thank you.

Monroe, to a wonderful friend and a soon-to-be even better father.

Happy birthday, man.


Very thoughtful.

Thank you, guys. Cheers.

all: Cheers.

Bottoms up.

Enjoy it while you can, Burkhardt.

Ah, we are so lucky to have friends like these.

Yeah, and for us to have us.


That, uh, waiter who brought us the champagne?

Yeah? What about him?

He looked a little familiar.

Maybe you arrested him at some point?

No, that I would have remembered.

Well, unless you're gonna invite him up, will you turn off that light?


[breathes deeply]


[cell phone beeps]

[dramatic music]

[cell phone ringing]


You should've kept your word.

Lieutenant Grossante.

If you ever want to see your little girl again, listen carefully.

You have my daughter.

You stabbed me in the back.

Look, there were things out of my control.

You threatened to have me arrested for a m*rder you had me commit.

I never threatened to arrest you.

I was in your office! You said it to my face!

Um, no, no. Look.

I-I was not being myself back then.

You're going to keep your end of the bargain.

Just like you promised.

Now, are you sure you want to be doing this?

You owe me.

I understand you're upset. I just...

You are gonna make me captain of that precinct, or your little girl dies.

[cell phone clicks]

[line beeps]

[suspenseful music]


[birds chirping]

[dramatic music]


I need some coffee.

Me too.

Good morning, birthday boy.


Are you okay?

Yeah, sure. I think so.

Maybe one too many last night?

Yeah, that's probably it.

I need coffee.

I can go with you.

Or I can just bring you one.

No, go ahead. I'll meet you on the patio.


[harp glissando]

Where am I?

You don't need to know that.

Who are you?

I'm the man your daddy stabbed in the back.

No, that was Mr. Bonaparte.

[sinister music]

I want to go home.

You're not going anywhere till I get what I want.

Please, I want to go home now.

[breathing heavily]


I told you, you're not going anywhere.

I said "please."


Well, you can say "please" all you want.

That's not gonna matter...



[dramatic music]



[loud banging]


[loud banging]


[loud banging]

Please stop!

[loud banging]

Ah! Oh!

[light classical music playing]






Are you enjoying your stay?






Hope you're enjoying your stay.

[harp glissando]


"Wow," what?

You are really beautiful.

[chuckles softly] Thank you.


[suspenseful music]

[harp glissando]

Morning, sir.


Good morning.

Did you see Monroe?

[harp glissando]

Yeah, he was just getting some coffee.

Okay. I'll see you soon.


You know, I hate to admit it, but...

You are one... damn fine-looking man.

Do you believe in love at first sight?


Ah, I don't know how else to explain it.

I... and I know it might sound absolutely preposterous.

I mean, we've never really even met.

I saw you last night, but this morning...


There's just something about you...

Well, guess it does sound a little preposterous.

Oh, no, no, no. No, no, no. Don't say that.

I really got to get all this together.

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart, and therefore is lost to Cupid's mighty dart.

That was... very sweet.

But I have to get all this food out there.

The course of true love never did run true.

Now it's up to me, my love to prove.





Made more lovely by you saying the word "morning."

I feel the dawn of a crystalline new day in your voice, and your hair is more exuberant than ever.

I adore it.


I was just looking at the view.

It is so...

Beautiful, yes.

But it could never hold a candle to the view of you.

Oh, Eve, there's something I've never told you.

I admire you so much for everything you've been through.

For losing Nick. For losing yourself.

Are you all right?

Oh, my God.

Do you feel that?

That is the tingling of like souls.

That's love.

[forced chuckle] Is Rosalee in her room?

Forget her. Feel my heart.

Okay, you stay right there. I'll be right back.

[suspenseful music]


Nick, have you seen Monroe?

I never realized how beautiful your eyes were.

Thanks. I like your eyes too.

Ever since the first time I saw you, I knew you were special.

And I knew we were meant to be.

"Meant to be"? What are you talking about?

Us. You and me.

Are you joking?

I know you must feel it too. How can you not?

Nick, before you say anything you're about to regret...

I love you.

Nick, I don't know what's going on.

I don't know what's gotten into you, but please stop.

It would be easier to stop the world from turning.

Okay, now you're... you're starting to freak me out.

I'm gonna go find Monroe. Please stay here.

Nick, I mean it.

I do too.

You're the only one in the world for me.

Good God!



[harp glissando]


Oh. Hi.

Thank God I found you.

Thank God it's not too late.

Do you feel that?

Feel what?

There's never been anyone else for me. There never will be.

To think we almost threw it all away.




[playful music]


Have you seen Eve?

[harp glissando]




Eve, we need to talk!


What? I need to talk to Eve.



What do you want?


More than I've ever wanted anything in my entire life.



It's not what it looks like.

Okay, what is it?


Real love.


What are you talking about?

I cannot live a lie.

I mean, you wouldn't want me to live a lie, would you?

Of course not.

I'm in love with Eve.


I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

But Eve is everything to me now.

[gasps] How dare you?


You stay away from me.






What is wrong with you?

Nothing, now that we're back together.

What do you think you're doing?

You dumped her!

I did not.

Monroe, please.

She's mine.

Now and forever.

No, no, I'm Nick's.

She's not yours. I'm yours.

You need to back off.

You need to back off!

[Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On"]

♪ I've been really trying, baby ♪
♪ Trying to hold back that feeling ♪
♪ For so long ♪

[indistinct yelling]

♪ And if you feel ♪
♪ Like I feel, Henry ♪

♪ Then come on ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Oh, come on ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ Let's get it on ♪

We were meant to be together!

No, we weren't!


Nick, don't!

God, now look what you've done.

It wasn't enough to steal Nick from me.

It wasn't enough to have the baby that should have been ours.

[gasps] Back off, you crazy bitch.

[heavy thump]

What the hell?

I thought you were my friend!

Rosalee, please.


[indistinct yelling]

Don't you go anywhere.

[indistinct yelling]


People, people, people, what the hell is going on?

Hank, thank God. I need your help.

Something terrible is happening.

No, no, no. Don't I know it.

I have been interrupted in a beautiful place on a beautiful day from the one true love of my life.

Do you hear me?


♪ Won't push you, baby ♪


♪ Come on, come on, come on ♪
♪ Stop beating round the bush ♪

Oh, my God.

It's the Amor de Infierno.

That is a very good wine.

Oh, no, thank you. I'm pregnant.

♪ If the spirit moves ♪

Monroe. Monroe!

My love, please!

Nick! My love!

No! You go!

She's mine!


♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ Let's get it on ♪

[cell phone ringing]


Help me.


Please. You have to hurry. Help me.

Where are you?

I'm... I'm at the old Portland Metalworks shack.

2872 Northwest Industrial. Please, for God's sakes.

You got to hurry.

Yeah, listen, I just got a couple of things I got to take care of first, but I'll be there as soon as I can.

No. No! No, listen to me.

For God's sakes, you got to get here.

She's gonna k*ll me.

I found you.

That's not a very good hiding place.

Oh. Oh, no.


Oh, God!




Ah! Ah, sor...

[inhales deeply]

She can't love you if you're dead!

Don't you dare touch him!

I'm gonna tear you limb from limb!

Darling, please.

Listen to your heart.

Sir, you are really out of line.

Now, please, leave me alone.

We never have to be alone again.

Don't you see?

We have what everyone dreams of.

That's right. You'll die without her.

I'm gonna get the manager.

Can he marry us?

Oh, my God.

I have been waiting for you my whole life.

The only one I've ever loved is my cat.

Now, please stop this and let me get back to work.

If you leave me, I'll k*ll myself.

I can't deal with this anymore.

[dramatic music]


You did this.

Excuse me? I haven't done...

You did it with the champagne last night.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm talking about the Amor de Infierno.

What do you know about that?

Make it stop now!

Ain't gonna happen, babe.

They're all gonna die.

Unless you die first.


Leave him alone!


You leave him alone!

You leave him alone, or I'll k*ll you, which is something I should have done a long time ago.



If you can't stand my love for you, you leave me no choice but to end this ghastly farce and throw myself off this cliff.

Farewell, my sweet, my darling, my one and only...


Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What are you doing?

Mr. Wu, stop.

Oh, my God. What are you doing?

What dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil.

What are you doing, Mr. Wu? Come back.

Please don't... ah!

Come any closer, I k*ll her.

Why in God's name are you doing this?

Your cop friend Burkhardt put my dad in prison.

So him and all of you are gonna pay for it.

Oh, no, we're not.

These are my friends and the people I love.

And you are messing with a pregnant woman!


Help! Help!


She has nothing to do with this!

You think I care?










[dramatic music]

[impactful thud]


[growling softly]

Oh, my God.

What happened?

I don't know.

[all gasping]

I don't feel so good.

Why was I crying?

Why am I in my underwear?



[playful music]

Oh, my God.

What have I done? I love you.

You haven't done anything. It wasn't your fault.

I love you.

Only you.

I know.

It wasn't anyone's fault.

It was... the Amor de Infierno.

What? But only a Cupiditas can do that.

I know.

And there's only one way to break that spell.

Yeah, he took a bit of a fall.

I don't know what happened. He just snapped.

All right, thanks.

Okay, thanks.


Well, there's a reason why Randy looked so familiar.

I arrested his father seven years ago for m*rder.

Before you were a Grimm?

Yeah, and that's why I didn't know he was Wesen.

And that's why he didn't know you were a Grimm and who your friends were.

He probably wouldn't have tried anything if he'd known that.

Hey, I'm so sorry this happened on your birthday.

Please, it's gonna take a lot more than that to break up this group.

And this party is just getting started.

[dramatic music]


Oh, God.


No more.



Just... just let me die.

Ah! Ah! Ah!

Oh, hey there, Lieutenant.

You and Diana have been having a lot of fun, I see.



Hey, honey. Oh!

Did you have a good time with the lieutenant?

I sure did.

Can I stay a little longer?

I think you've had enough fun for now.

But we can have another playdate sometime?

Of course.

Anytime you want.

Bye. See you soon.

Oh. No. Please!



all: ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
♪ Happy birthday ♪
♪ Dear Monroe ♪
♪ Happy birthday to you ♪




Who would like some champagne?

On the house!