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04x07 - Loco Parentis

Posted: 02/18/17 00:19
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow...

Hey Demon.

To hell.

From whence you came.


Dreyfuss, it's over!

Dreyfuss: I ask this great stone to transform to the Elixir of Everliving Life.

A Witness is no different from any other person.

Except that they're a monster magnet.

You can try and deny what's happening, and sooner or later, it's gonna catch up to you.

And Molly, too.

Diana: The only thing I have to do is protect my daughter.



(bottle cap pops)

Hey, Manny.


Sorry it took me so long to come visit.

(branch snaps)

(bottle lands)



Is someone there?



(growling and screaming continue)

Doll: (growls) You ready to smash?

(growls) Try that again, bud.

I believe I shall.

Picked up a new friend?

Uh, that would be Captain Beast, stalwart commander of the Smash Force.

"Help Captain Beast and his Smash Force teammates defend the galaxy from the forces of evil."

"Collect all five."

I marvel at these wondrous items.

Dolls that speak, robots that transform, putty that... is silly.

In my day, all we had to entertain ourselves was a wooden hoop and a stick.

And woe the day the stick broke.

Shopping for an 11-year-old is surprisingly difficult.

Too old for kiddie toys, too young for teen stuff.

It's an awkward age.

More awkward for her than most.

If you refer to Miss Molly's role as a Witness, 'tis undeniable.

Her position is unique.

I've been thinking.

I know she's the Witness, but what if I... fight the monsters for her?

Like a designated hitter.

I'll do exactly what I have been doing.

It's been working so far.

There must be a reason there are only two Witnesses.

Your role is as parent, not as her second.

(phone buzzes, beeps)

Special Agent Diana Thomas.

When did this happen?

I'll be there in 20.

(phone beeps)

Virginia state troopers just called in a body at Arlington National Cemetery.

That's DoD land, which makes the case federal.

Very well. Attend to your duties, Agent.

I shall continue alone.

Are you sure?

Yes. Balloons, hats, festive things.

Remember that Jake and Alex are stuck at DHS skills training, so they're not coming to the party.

What about Jenny?

She has every intention.

She is still rummaging through rubble in Sleepy Hollow.

But Miss Jenny knows as well as I that evil tends to flare up just when you think it's been extinguished.

There you are, demon.

Damn it.

(casting spell in ancient language)



(continues casting spell)


(continues casting spell)





(inhales sharply)


What you doing?

No way... nothing.

Oh, in here? I was looking for a coat.

Not this coat. A misplaced coat.

Uh, maybe it's behind all those birthday presents you just stashed.

Uh, birthday?

Birthday presents, um...

It's okay. I won't tell Mom.

I need some help with homework.

How are you with history?

What the Founding Fathers were seeking to achieve was nothing short of the grandest social experiment in the history of mankind... the formation of a government free from the tyrannical rule of kings.

One that gains all its power, all its scope from the simplest, yet most profound, of concepts: "We the People."

Oh, sorry. What was the question again?

How many Colonies were there?

Right. 13.


You sure know a lot about history.

You could say it is my life's work.

Well, what about being a Witness?

Mom told me that's what we were.

Well, your mother is correct.

(glass clunks) That is what we are.

What's that mean?

I mean, she told me that people will be counting on us and that we're supposed to help people.

All true.

How are we supposed to do that and why us?

These are good questions and important questions.

But they are questions best discussed when your mother is present.


I know you are eager to learn more.

Think of us as explorers.

Akin to Christopher Columbus seeking out the New World.

Now, all he had to go on were his instincts... the belief that he was heading in the right direction.

That's what we must do.

Trust our instincts?

Of course.


(doorbell rings)

We will continue this when your mother returns. Agreed?


Can I help you?

Diana home?

Who may I ask is calling?

An old friend.

Pathologist: Vic was a local kid, visiting her brother's grave.

No eyewitnesses.

At first, I thought it was an animal attack, but then I saw the severe ossification of the wound site.

(camera snapping)

Is that... stone?

Pathologist: That's what I'm talking about.

The entire chest cavity, it's as if it's been petrified.

But naturally occurring petrifaction takes millions of years.

(camera snapping)

Diana: Guess we can rule it out as "naturally occurring."

I guess.

But I don't know what that leaves.

(siren in distance)

How about supernaturally occurring?

(phone buzzes)


Speak of the devil. I was just gonna call you.

Got something here I need you see.

Crane: Oddly enough, I was about to say the same thing.

(motor whirring)

Diana: Whoa, whoa, whoa, what is this thing?

A hoverboard, a birthday present.


Or a one-way ticket to a broken neck.

Mitch: Oh, come on, let her live a little.

You'll never know what she can handle unless you let her try.

I will decide what my daughter can and can't handle.

Our daughter.

Sorry. Uh, look, let's try this again.

Hi. (chuckles)

It's good to see you, Dee.

I can't believe how big she's gotten.

That's what kids do, they grow up.

Yeah, I've been meaning to check in more.

Two years.

It's been two years since she's seen you, Mitch.

I know, but it's not like I could just pop over from Afghanistan for the weekend.

You know how it is.

I know.

So does Molly.


She doesn't expect much from her dad anymore, so...


All I meant is I've made it a point not to get her hopes up, so she's gotten used to the idea of not having you around.

I get it.

You've always been very clear that you're doing this by yourself.

It's been tough, but I don't really let myself think about it.

I've missed you, too.

So how long are you in town?


Thought I'd take a little time before deciding what's next.

You didn't re-up?

It's time for a change.

Had a couple of close calls the last go-around.

Made me reevaluate my priorities.

Top of that list were you and Molly.

Mitch, I...


Before you say anything, just know that I think you're an amazing mom.

I respect how hard you've had to work, and I don't want to mess that up.

I just want to... want to take you out for pizza now and then.

Maybe catch a movie.

Or just sit around all afternoon watching cartoons.

I mean, you know me, I love cartoons.

I am immature that way.

(both chuckle softly)

And I'm not here to get in the way of you and your boyfriend.

Okay? I'll give you guys all the space you need.

Boyfriend? Crane?

No, he is not my boyfriend.


(chuckling): No.

Crane: Miss Molly is quite the athlete.

Uh, Mom?

Suzie just texted.

They're almost here. Okay.

Clara's gonna pick you up from soccer.

Do you have your water bottle?



Mitch: Hey, kiddo, it's great seeing you.

Maybe next time we can hang out a little longer.

Maybe catch some Scooby and Shaggy.

Who are Scooby and Shaggy?

Who's Scooby and Shaggy?

Oh, you're k*lling me, I got a lot to teach you.

Hey, are you gonna be at my birthday party?

Well, that's, uh... that's really up to...

Yeah, he'll be there.


See you later, Dad.

(softly): Oh.

Can I buy you a coffee later?


If I may inquire, who are Scooby and Shaggy?

These wards, they will not hold me forever.

They'll hold you long enough.

You caught me by surprise during our last battle.

That will not happen again!

I don't need to surprise you this time.

Just to figure out your weakness.

All you hellspawn have one.

Good luck with that.

Warriors greater than you have tried.

I'm sure they have.

But you see, I'm not a warrior.

I'm a demon k*ller.

Grand title.

(arrow clatters on ground)

You are... experienced in the ways of demons.

You have had a demon invade your body, control... your soul.

Be one with you.



(sizzling, Jenny growls)

Just as a lion knows when another pride has tainted his prey.

You're trying to goad me into making a mistake.

But it's not gonna happen.

We beat you and your boss, and it wasn't even close.

So you think you've defeated us?

(chuckles) Well, let's see.

The Philosopher's Stone is destroyed, you are my prisoner, and what's left of Malcolm Dreyfuss couldn't fill a shoebox, so... yeah, I'm chalking one up in the "W" column.

So you think Malcolm is dead?

What do you know?

Diana: I always said

I was not gonna get involved with another Marine.

Being a woman in that environment is tough enough.

But with Mitch and me...

I mean, we couldn't have even stopped it if we wanted to.

Well, you're fortunate.

That kind of passion is most rare.

Passion's one thing.

Having a future together is another.

It's hard to plan when you don't know where your next deployment's gonna take you.

Which is why you never wed.

Never even talked about it.

And when I got pregnant, I decided I needed to go back to civilian life.

Mitch and I weren't exactly an option.

He helps out financially.

Calls, when he remembers.

That's how it's always been.

I'm fine with it.

And is Molly "fine with it"?

Of course.



No, nothing.

Far be it from me to say.

All I know is I was not there for my son, and it haunted him for a very long time.

And another thing... your connection with Mitch will not wane simply because one of you has moved on.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to get me and Mitch back together.


I'm acutely aware of the consequences of leaving certain things unresolved.

Particularly matters of the...



It's as if all the organic matter has been drained from this one area.

The effect is localized to her chest.

The rest of her body is intact.

Human heart energy is a rich, coveted target for a host of creatures.

(phone buzzes)

(phone beeps)

Succubi, vetala...

Two other bodies have been reported.


Young girls. Same markings.

Though the time of deaths predate our victim.

The second was k*lled near Philly a day ago.

The first was discovered... outside Sleepy Hollow.

So, you think this thing that's k*lling these girls originated in Sleepy Hollow?

And is now coming to D.C.?

That is what evidence suggests.

When did the first incident happen?

Three days ago.

Shortly after we defeated Dreyfuss and destroyed the Philosopher's Stone.

Crane, I think Dreyfuss is alive.

He survived the expl*si*n?

He may have done more than just survive.

The Philosopher's Stone is the most
powerful artifact ever known.

It can transmute lead into gold, life into death...

Man into monster.

'Tis possible he fell victim to a consequence of the artifact's power.

Which means...

Malcolm Dreyfuss is the monster we seek.

We must determine exactly what form Dreyfuss has taken.

Now, the regular intervals between att*cks would suggest some kind of feeding pattern.

There were slash marks in the edge of the chest cavity.

That's consistent with claws of some kind.

Which would suggest the beast we seek is of the Lycan variety.

Akin to a demonic wolf.


Now, there are many different varieties and subspecies, each with their own characteristics.

(phone chimes)

(sighs) Damn it.

Supposed to meet Mitch for coffee.

I'm just gonna cancel.

No, you should go.

We have so much work to do. It's fine.

Of which I'm more than capable of handling alone.

Thank you.

Where is he?

Or should I say where is it?

I don't know what you mean.


We know he's turned into something else.

Something that's murdering people.

That's an interesting theory.

But why should I help you?

Sooner or later, I'm gonna find the thing that hurts you.

And when I do, I can go easy or I can go all in.

And trust me, you don't want me to go all in.

Perhaps you have a point.

Let me see if I can locate him.


My senses are dulled from all these protective wards.

Perhaps if you eliminate some of them, I may have better luck.

Not a chance, demon.

Tell me something, why do you care what happens to Dreyfuss?

I mean, we all know about the satanic deal he made, his soul for his success.

But then he tried to do an end around.

But I'm not sure how contract law works in Hell, but my guess is that that would void his warranty.

Meaning... you don't owe him anything.

Unless it's... some kind of Stockholm syndrome thing?

You've grown attached to your abuser?

Or maybe you're just a two-bit genie bound to the crackpot who happened to rub the right lamp.

I will dance to your screams as you roast in hellfire!

I swear it.

Whole milk latte, extra hot.

Dash of chocolate, dash of vanilla.

You remembered.

Of course.

I remember everything when it comes to you.

What's this visit really about, Mitch?

Okay, guess we're just diving right in.

No, I'm serious.

You show up with no warning, and now you just want to be part of our lives again?

I know it seems sudden, but...

I've been thinking about it for a long time.

I'm getting older, and I realized my life doesn't really add up to much.

And the only thing that counts is you and Molly.

Well, I-I can't just upend everything I've built.

And I can't subject her to any more emotional whiplash.

She's already going through enough right now.

Really? What's wrong?


Uh, nothing we can't handle.

(inhales) Look... (chuckles) I know that I'm... I'm the last guy in the world to be giving parental advice, but if Molly's choices come down to me or no father at all?

Maybe it would be good to have a father figure around for her.

(train passes in distance)

We can do this.

(phone buzzes)


(clears throat) So sorry.

(chuckles softly)


That's right.

How long ago?

Okay. Thank you so much.


I have to go. I'm so sorry.

(siren wailing)

Crane: Ah, Agent.

I have uncovered some useful information.

Oh, uh...

How was the rendezvous?


I have an update, though.

Another body was found, way outside of our radius, in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

And the coroner estimates the attack happened almost a week ago, way before the Philosopher's Stone exploded.

Now, that would call into question our theory that Dreyfuss is the monster.

You say Plymouth?




The Mayflower Chronicles.

It's a private account of the journey undertaken by the Pilgrims to the New World.

When the Pilgrims arrived on these shores, they faced a host of hardships.

Starvation, disease.

And something far deadlier.

The settlers had unwittingly brought something with them from the Old World.

A monster, stowed away in the bowels of the Mayflower and come to life upon their arrival in Plymouth.

Man: Young lady!

There's something I wish to show you. Come here!



(tearing, growling)

The Barghest, a wolf-demon that originated from the forests of medieval Europe.

(snarling in distance)


During the Middle Ages, the Barghest terrorized the Black Forest in Germany, preying on young girls, and spawned a host of legends, including the one that came to be known as "The Tale of Little Red Riding Hood."

As in, "What big teeth you have, Grandma"?

Very same.

Now, many cultures have different variations on the tale.

The one you know was popularized by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm.

Their version was a fairy tale that highlighted the creature's deadliest trait.

Its ability to adopt human form.

Not only that, it would disguise itself as someone trusted, someone close to them.

In the case of the Pilgrims, the dead girl Mercy Bradford's father, Captain William Bradford.



(g*ns clicking)

(men shouting)


(tearing, crunching)

Ultimately, they subdued the creature, buried it in an underground chamber, sealed with an enchanted rock.

Plymouth Rock.

You just said that the creature disguised itself as someone they all trusted.

Oh, why didn't I see this before?

Mitch said his tour was up, but he has at least six months more.

(phone beeping)


Man: Dispatch.

This is Special Agent Diana Thomas.

I need an emergency SATCOM patch to FOB Camp Blackhorse in Afghanistan.

Please hold.

Yes, I'll hold.

Duty sergeant: Blackhorse.

This is an emergency.

I need to speak with Captain Mitch Talbott.

Talbott left five minutes ago for night patrol.

Five minutes ago...

Can I take a message? Hello?


(door opens)

(doorbell rings)

Hey, kiddo.

You want to go for a ride?

I'm Diana Thomas. I called in the 911.

The place was empty when we got here.

No signs of struggle or forced entry.

Neighbors didn't report anything unusual, either.

You said your ex was here.

Is this a custody issue?


Molly's phone.

She doesn't go anywhere without this.

He must've taken her fast.

Agent Thomas.

Oh, my God.

Agent Thomas.

Agent Thomas, hear me.

We will find her.

And what if he's already...

He's not. And he will not.

Not before midnight.

Midnight? Her birthday?

When she turns 11.

Mercy Bradford's father had described her as "special."

He wrote in his journal that she was one of "two olive trees that stand before the Lord."

This is the biblical description of the two Witnesses.

Mercy Bradford was a Witness?


According to the Chronicles, she was k*lled on her 11th birthday.

Because that is when the Witnesses acquire their powerful mantle.

And the girls that he k*lled before her?


That rental car plate you gave us, we got a hit on it.

It's headed north on Route 97.

Where are we going?

Told you. Ice cream.

Out here?

Yeah. It's just a little further.

Mom doesn't like it when I go out on school nights.

Don't worry, I'll have you back early.

Besides, you got to live a little, right?

The hoverboard was great.

Even better than the bike you got me last Christmas.




I need to pee.

We're almost there.

No, I mean I really got to pee, like, now.

(engine revving)

Feldspar bolts.

Made of the same stone as Plymouth Rock.

These should suffice in vanquishing the beast.

How did this thing even find Molly?

I may have an answer.

I found this in Molly's room.


Occult symbols.

Some Hermetic, some shamanistic.

What? Why would she draw those?


All her library books are concerning magic and the supernatural.

She bookmarked every page with reference to the Witnesses.

She went looking for answers on her own.

And in doing so, she may have fired a flare into the darkness, attracting the Barghest, which adopted a form best suited to gaining yours and Molly's trust.

A father figure.

Miss Jenny may have more information on the subject.

(phone dialing)

Do you have any other way of tracking the creature?

Not as yet.

The police are aiding us in locating his vehicle, but that is all we have to go on.

And by the time you get there, it may be long gone.

I can help you find him.

I can locate your quarry.

Crane, let me get back to you.

So, what, you would just help us out of the goodness of your...

(scoffs) whatever rotted thing you have in place of a heart?

I believe we can work out an arrangement.

You tell me where that creature is and I'll consider it.

You let me out and I'll help you find him.

As long as I'm in here, I can't find him, even if I wanted to.

And from what I understand, time is running out.

(engine stops)





In case you try to screw me over.

A deal is a deal.

It is the oath I live by.

I'm gonna hold you to that, demon.

(wind whooshing)

Crane, I got it.

Diana: They're not in here.

Agent Thomas...

She escaped into the woods.



Mitch: Molly!

Where are you, honey?

It can get dangerous out here.

Mitch: Molly?


(grunting, shouting)



Diana: Molly?


Over here.

Oh, no, no, no, no. No, no, no.

There's no blood. There's no blood.

He doesn't have her.

But he's probably close. Come on.


(beast sniffing, snorting)


(Molly screams)

Diana: Stay away from my daughter!

(pained growls)

(crying out)

Molly? It's Mommy.

It's safe. You can come out.


Thank you.

Now, of course there are many hypothesis as to what caused Mad King George's madness.

A common theory is syphilis.

What is syphilis?

Well, syphilis is...

It's syphilis.

Soccer! How fares the team this season?

Doing well in the tournament and defeating all comers with great dispatch, I hope.

Surely we'll come home with the trophy this season, yes?

You got to come see this.

Crane is successfully freaking out your friends.

Honey, you don't have to do this if you don't want to.

I can send everyone home.

No, it's okay. I'll be there.

I know it was scary.

I was scared. I was terrified.

It's okay to be upset.

So if that wasn't Dad...

And it wasn't.

Then what was it? Was it a monster?

Yes. It was a monster.

I was responsible for bringing it here.

By drawing those symbols.

What? No. No.

It was my fault.

I should have just been honest with you.

I should have just given you answers, instead of making you go looking for them on your own.

I am so sorry.


I thought I could shield you.

The truth is, you're the Witness, not me.

I can't do this for you.

Crane told me that, I just didn't want to listen.

Best thing I can do is make sure that you're ready.

So from here on out, I'm just gonna be honest.




"And I will give power unto my two Witnesses. These are the two olive trees, the two candlesticks that stand before the God of the Earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouths and devoureth their enemies."


That's what the Bible says about us.

What does it mean?

What does it mean?

It means we're in this together.

Two Witnesses... we look out for one another.

Anything we face, we face as one.

It means, birthday girl... you're not alone.

Come on, let's go.

Hup! Hup! Hup!

(Molly chuckles)


Please tell me I didn't miss the cake.

Uh, no, not at all.

The festivities have only just begun.

So Molly's okay?

A little shaken, understandably, but she's resilient.

Jenny: She's a tough little girl.

Yes, she is.

She may need to be in times to come.

Especially since the party may soon be over.

Dreyfuss is alive, and Jobe is in the wind.

Is there any indication what they have planned?

No, but it can't be good.

I know no one wants to confront the reality of the situation, but the fact of the matter is that it falls to us to act in the best interest of Dreyfuss Enterprises.

We've had no contact with Malcolm for days, and serious decisions need to be made, so...

Yes, they do.

And here's my first decision.

I've come to believe I don't need any of you anymore.

Malcolm. My God.

Are you all right?

Helen, the thing is, is I've never been better.

And I realize that I... (chuckles)

I probably look a little worse for wear, but that's only because I've been reborn.

Birth is a violent process.

The creation of the new can only come after the destruction of the old.

What I'm saying is I...

I have successfully destroyed what I used to be in order to become who I need to be.

Malcolm, we'll get help.

Well, thank you, Helen.

Thank you.

But I don't need your help.

What I really need most of all is for each and every one of you... get out.

Get out!

(Malcolm chuckles)

Is that a little clearer?

Get out, get out, get...

Oops. (chuckles)


I've already fired you.

If you insist on lurking, I will have you drawn and quartered.

Done that.

It was unpleasant.


Damn it all, Jobe.


I have missed you so much.

(laughs): Where have you been?

I might ask the same question of you.

I've been on a journey, my friend.

A long, long, long journey of the soul.

The kind of journey that I intend to take the world on as well.

The world?


I've been changed, Jobe.

This change has helped me see that I... I have a powerful need to make sure the entire world changes for the better, as well.


I swear to you, I will not rest until this world is born again.