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02x04 - How We Hunt

Posted: 02/16/17 00:09
by bunniefuu
Previously on Outsiders...

First off, we've blocked access to the town.

I propose we fence off mountain trails we know the Farrells use.

We're also going to post armed guards at places the Farrells have raided.

I am Moregon, and we're the Kenna.

We come from the shadow side of this mountain.

So, you have no men among you.

How do you maintain your number then?

When it's time for such things, men are easy enough to come by.

(banging on bars)

Man: Hey Ron, you got one for the infirmary right here.

I have cancer.

Wade: It's my sister. She was Breece's wife.

Haylie: Well, would you look at that.

Looks like I was wrong about when Breece started here.

Your sister should be covered in a couple of days.

I don't know how I ever thought this could work.

I don't ever want to see you again.

What's this? Got a damn pregnancy test.

I told you to stop seein' him.


I k*lled my mother.

(crowd gasps)

Emelye: If the Bren'in agrees, you, Foster Farrell VI, are banished.

The Bren'in will think on it and render a decision at a later time.

(crowd murmuring)

The Big Foster we all know, there's little need to number his sins.

There's only one fate for that man.


(in unison) Yeah.

(all in agreement)

But what of this new Big Foster?

The one who stood before all of us and openly admitted the most heinous of crimes... the m*rder of his own mother.

This new Big Foster is not the same, and with the world below plottin' to crush us and take our home, what sense does it make to send away our most dedicated warrior?

Respect to the wisdom of the elders.

But he stays among us. There will be no banishment.

(in unison) No!

(loud disagreement)

(pounds on table) On my knees, Bren'in, I looked up at that man.

On my knees, over the black, empty eye of a g*n barrel and said farewell to all I treasure... my mountain, my memories, my family...

I support your decision, as clan law dictates I must.

But in my heart, (pounds table) never!

(in unison) No!


Take the cylchorah to speak, Shurn.

All propers and all due. My lovin' boy would be here at my side, livin' and breathin' if it weren't for that devil and his sick ambitions.

Shurn, the cylchorah.

Whose child dies next 'cause of him?

And when that child dies, the fault falls on your head, Bren'in.

Do not think that because you know me as healer, you can talk to me for who I was.

My word will be respected!

As one takes the cylchorah, so the others fall silent.

That is custom.

There is no better way to destroy a clan than to turn against the Bren'in.

(country blues music)

The dawn is up
There's fire on the mountain
They'll have to answer for their crooked claim
The hollows they'll surround them
And they'll go running back
To the wretched realm they came
Nor will the dogs of hell refrain
And the land will suffer those who came.

(birds chirping)

(heavy breathing)

Are we almost there?

Hey, Caleb was sniffling a little bit on his way upstairs.

You might wanna have the school nurse take a look at him today.

It's probably nothin'.

Abby has play practice 'til 5:15.

If my meeting goes long, I might need you to pick her up.

Does that work?


Yeah, whatever.

Okay. You're mad at me.

You think I'm bein' selfish.

Oh, it doesn't matter what I think... obviously.

Cousin, hold up.

What you want?

I wanna give my sorry.

The same as I'm gonna do for all the others I've wronged.

Well, if that's your intent, you're gonna be frightful occupied for the next couple of years.

I was sick.

Robbed of reason, but I'm better, now... and I'm ready to right my wrongs and serve my family.

I'm ready to be a tall, handsome man with regular-size ears.

That ain't likely to happen neither.

A man can change.

A man, yes. A monster, hmmpf, no.

Hasil: There ain't gonna be no more jackanapin' around.

Bren'in, she's countin' on us to keep watch down below, and we are gonna do it proper from this moment on.

It ain't half funny how you preachin' down on us when you're the one who come back with a mouse under his eye.

Hasil: Goin' to hellfire for it.


This ain't the time for foolishness and for prankin'.

Now maybe y'all need a reminder, but the town's lawmen, they was just up here, right up into the heart of us without a word of warnin'.

Now it is our job to make sure that that does not happen again.

What are y'all lookin' at? You even listenin' to me?


(indistinct whispering)

Here, you're here.

Looks that way.

I'm glad you're happy to see me.


I was worried. Thought you'd be mad at me.

No, I wasn't mad at you.



I was worried more than anything.

Seein' how you told me that we ain't got nothin' in common, I gotta say...

I know what I said, Hasil.

The truth is... that we... got something in common.


What's that?

I'm pregnant.

You're not gonna say anything?

(scoffs) Wow.

I had a lot of time to think (sighs) while we were walkin' up.

About how'd you react and...

I guess I was hopin' that maybe you'd... be happy.

I... I'm just supposed to be happy?

I'm dealin' with serious matters here.

I... I'm dealin' with... with your people attackin' my family.

My people?

I'm dealin' with Big Foster who's back among us, and he's... he's tickin' away like a time b*mb.

And my Bren'in, she's relyin' on me.

For the first time in my life, I am necessary here.

I am so sorry that this is an inconvenience for you, 'cause the timin' is just perfect for me.

Hey, hey, hey! I'm sorry.

Look, I ain't gonna let you wander off again.

Let me?


Don't pretend to be concerned about me because clearly you only care about yourself and your dumbass family.

So, what, you just gonna go home then?

I can't!

Because James found out.

I can't go home!


Come here.

Aw, come here.

(sobs) You're bein' a real d*ck to me.

I'm sorry. I'm just...

I'm a little overwhelmed right now, that's... that's all.

Look at me.


It's gonna be all right.

Just have to ponder on what we're gonna do.


I was thinkin' I'd take care of it.

Of course, you're gonna take care of it.

It's your child.

No, Hasil.

Take care of it... as in get rid of it.


Hey! That child's half a Farrell.

And he's gonna be born half a Farrell.

That's what I hoped you'd say.

Are you hungry?

(Sally-Ann sniffles)

Let's get you somethin' to eat.

He's high on his horse, bossin' down on us.

And we gotta be all serious now.

Skinny little eight-fingered tinpot!

You know, how 'bout this?

How 'bout we take this little run in town and grab us some cold beers?

That sounds a mite better than walkin' that fool fence, doesn't it?

Why, it surely does, but how we gonna get around that fence?

Well, I know me a spot.

We just do us a little diggin' and squeeze on under.

As long as you suck in that gut!

Thank you, Hezzy, I will get this organized as soon as possible. I promise you.

(knock on door)


You called for me, Bren'in?

Yes. I wanted to thank you for speakin' up the way you did.

I sorely needed to hear a friendly voice in that moment.

They don't understand, do they?

How difficult it is to lead.

They're children, wailin' like pups when a decree displeases them.


I'm encouraged to see that your power is... undiminished by their yowlin'.

We're true leaders, you and I.

Quartz rock in our blood and bones.

Trust me to defend you, should the need ever arise again.

As a subject to your Bren'in, shouldn't you think a knock to announce yourself would be the least consideration to offer?

I surely agree.

Thing is I sometimes forget that she's my Bren'in, and look on her as my wife.

Thing about bein' an old married couple... you get to be all informal.

You ever married, darlin'?

I've been accused of many crimes in my lifetime.

But keepin' a man from his wife is not amongst them.

I take my leave.

Thank you, Bren'in.

Thank you.

That lady gives me the creeps.

Is trouble the only language your tongue knows?

What do you want?

I gotta find my boy.

I've been back near a day and a half.

Tracker such as he is, he shoulda been right behind me.

He will be back.


What about that fence you told me of?

What if he's caught on the other side, can't find passage around?

Could be he's hurt.

Well, this is a breath of sweet air.

You, worried about your boy after throwin' shame and abusin' him his whole life.

All right. I'm changed.

He don't know that.

Maybe he was on his way up, heard you come back livin', and turned on his heel and left us for good.

I wouldn't blame him.

I'm puttin' a party together.

I'm settin' off to find him, and that's that!

With your kind permission.

Which I do not grant!

I need you to help with a serious matter that concerns all the clans.

Hezzy Shay tells me that our smokehouse is dangerously low on meat.

The autumn hunt, it has to happen tomorrow.

There are three weeks to autumn.

Now, I realize that. Vicious winter's comin'.

We can't be caught without provisions.

Now you're our best hunter, so I would like you to lead the clan in the hunt... if you feel strong enough.

Yes, I'm healed sufficient.

I'll start to make preparations.

Doctor: Look over to your right. Yeah.

Look over to your left.


What's your name?

Foster Farrell VIII. That's my name.

Hmmm. That's, you know, that's a lot of name, but you're a big man so it suits you.

Who's the President of the United States?

I don't know that.

Well, you know, it's probably best that you don't know.

It'll keep your blood pressure down.

But it doesn't look like there's been any permanent damage done.

The next time you want to bang your head against something, try using your pillow.

All right.

While you're here, I'm gonna give you some basic survival advice.

Keep your head down and be very careful who you trust.

And why should I trust you?

(chuckles) That's very good. You learn fast.

Finally now, this one is the most important thing, okay?

Never forget your reason to keep on living.

It can be a person or a place.

Just write it down, keep it close to you and look at it whenever you need.

I can't write.

No, but that... that's okay.

It's all right. I'll give you a pad and a paper.

You can draw it.

Take this. I'll clear it with the guards.

Draw the thing that's going to keep you alive, because, son, you're going to need it.

Wade: Hey, Jenny... Fill that up.

Ain't you got coffee at headquarters, Wade?

Battery acid is more like it.

Coffee's on me, Jenny.

It's okay, Henry, I got it.

Your money's no good here, Sheriff.

Let me get in on the good side of the law.

Might k*ll my wife any day now.

Gonna need you to turn a blind eye.

Yeah, well, thanks.

How is Dorothy?

How are you?

Heard you took a helluva tumble.

No, not really.

Well, that cast there looks pretty serious.

It's just sprained.

Thank you.

Okay, Hank.

Don't you go killin' your wife, okay?

She's the only one who gonna put up with you.

Hank: Nice write-up here in the Lexington Gazette.

What's that?

About you arrestin' that Farrell shit that m*rder*d Breece Dobbs.

(slams down paper)

What the hell is this?

I'm quoted in this article.

I never gave a damn quote.

"We're very pleased to have solved a crime "that has impacted not only the town of Blackburg, but my family and I, on a profoundly personal level."

Sounds like somethin' you'd say.

It's horse shit!

Well, I don't know what you want me to tell you, Wade.

Go to the Gazette and retract it.

It might raise a few eyebrows but whatever.

There's a man in county right now.

I helped put him in there.

That's weighin' on me pretty damned heavy right now.

All right, Wade. Wade. Stop, stop.

You're making this so complicated.

It's... it's super simple. You just have to believe it.

We got the guy.

What are you talkin' about?

We got the guy.

No! No!

Yes, yes!

No! We got a guy.

Listen to me, I sorely want to catch the person that k*lled my brother-in-law, but call me a stickler for detail, I'd like it to be the person who actually k*lled him.

We got him! That's the guy right here.

He's guilty.

It's not one of those things where you repeat a lie a hundred times over and it turns into the truth!

Any other sheriff in any other town in the world would be thrilled to make an arrest like this and get this thing buttoned up.

You are not listening!

So, you listen to me. Hold on.

You need to claim this, Wade.

All right? Claim it as your own.

You need to tell everybody a hundred miles in every direction, "Look what I did; I got him."

Because after your recent... accident, you want to put all that talk in town to rest?

You need a win.

You hear?

Damn it.

I just thought that since she's carryin' a Farrell child, maybe... maybe she could stay.

Never before has an outsider been allowed to live among us.

Hasil: Never as far as I know, but, (sighs), I mean, we got the Kenna here now.

The Kenna are of this mountain.

The clans look at folks one way... either you're kin or you're not... and your girl ain't kin.

I'm sorry, Hasil, but right now, I can't allow her up here.

Maybe one day?

I make no promises.

I just, I don't know what to do.

Hasil, you can't keep lookin' at me to solve your problems.

Now if you're man enough to create a life, you are man enough to make a decision.

Just remember, your family's up here.

You gave me a lot of responsibility.

Wouldn't feel right walkin' away from it.

So, you come to a decision then?

I suppose I have.

She can stay here tonight.

I'll excuse you from the hunt.

But first thing tomorrow, you take her back down and you tell her your choice.

Don't get all worked up.

Don't go soundin' no alarm.

We'll be in and out (snaps fingers) in jackrabbit time.

Just goin' to grab us some libations and be on our way.

Here's a little somethin' from us to you.

With our thanks.
Ah, come to papa, little darlin'.

It's been too long.

You fellas really don't wanna be here.


Put 'em down, nice and careful.

Then get the hell out.

Don't never come back, you Farrells.

Uh, okay, okay.

Okay, and listen up, you all. Listen up.

Look, I... I hear what you're sayin' and I understand your concerns.

Could something go wrong?

Could somebody get hurt?

Of course.

Anything can happen, but we can meet here every week, and we can talk and get angry and... and print flyers up, and nothin' is gonna change.

We have to take action.

We have to take this to next level, and the next level is public protest.

Anybody here who's uncomfortable with what we're gonna do tomorrow, you just get up and go.

No judgment.

All right?

We'll still consider you all a part of the group.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

And we'll still consider you there in spirit.

Okay, everybody, we've got work to do.

I'm gonna talk through tomorrow again so that everybody understands exactly what's gonna happen, all right?

I don't want there to be any confusion.

Confusion will get us into trouble.

You know, we got tall concerns about how we're gonna manage the yields of years past when we're cut off from land on the other side of that fence.

Well, how 'bout you worry about the hunt when it's done with, and you limp outta the woods empty-handed.

Same as last year.

I never did.

Well, then let's win this one.



These are the weapons you surrendered to your Bren'in the other night?

Yeah, some of them.

She know they're once more in your house?

Well, I hope so.

'Cause she put them there.

I'll not lie, I'm surprised.

Well, you can be surprised elsewhere.

We got us a hunt to prepare for.

You're gonna hunt with these?

Must be very poor huntsmen indeed.

Excuse me?

Why else would you require such an unfair advantage over your prey?

Look, lady, we got a near-empty smokehouse, and I aim to fill it up.

Now we will be trappin'... usin' spears... bow and arrow, but g*ns, they get the job done, quick and certain.

So, you rely on the vicious w*apon of the world below instead of your huntin' skills...

All right, all right, all right!

You don't like g*ns.

I did not say that. g*ns have their place.

And their use.

But to k*ll a creature whose flesh will sustain from a cowardly distance, where's the honor in that?

And where is the honor in starvin' to death?

That meat will be tainted!

Then... don't... eat it.

The Kenna will join your hunt.

I think you'll find we're excellent hunters.

Oh! Oh, oh!

I'm sure you are.

Since you showed up here all skinny and pale, hat in hand.

Now why don't you get outta the way and let us do the huntin'

'cause you don't know the land where we find the best game.

We don't find it, sir.

We allow it to find us.

Mother Mountain... lead the most considerable of your creatures to us so that we may be sustained during the long winter to come.

And let tomorrow's hunt be remembered for years to come as one of the most bountiful in the history of all the clans.

(singing in native language)

And now... we celebrate!

(crowd cheering)

(lively music)

You can go if you want.

I ain't gonna leave you.

Plus it's better this way.

Just the two of us.

Three of us.

(Hasil sighs)

I just want you to know that whatever happens...

You make me nervous when you say "whatever happens."

What do you mean?

Future, I guess.

(crowd cheering and shouting)

(lively music playing)

Not as much fun when you wear the crown, is it?

I've had my share of fun.

More would only be more.

One dance?

With your rotten ol' husband?

Maybe at the celebration next autumn.

(crowd cheering and shouting)

You sure you wanna leave now?

You can go join the hunt.

We got our whole lives ahead of us, so another day won't hurt.

It's best we leave now.

Ain't no need for a bunch of long good-byes.

You're nervous. I can tell.

We should go.

(roar of ATVs)

(boar oinking)


(shouting and cheering)

(imitating animal calls)

(answering animal call in distance)

(empty g*n clicks)

(muttering quietly): Piece of crap...

(turkey gobbles)

(whispers) I'll get the big one.

You get the little one.

Okay, I got it.






(animal calls)

(distant animal calls)

(animal yelps)

(panting quietly)

(chanting) Coal kills the Earth.

Coal kills the sky.

Coal gets the money.

We get to die!

Coal kills the Earth.

I'm here for a job, you stupid b*tches!

I don't work, my family don't eat!

We get to die!

Coal kills the Earth.

Coal kills the sky.

Coal gets the money.

We get to die!

Coal kills the Earth.

This is the thanks I get.

I help your sister, and this is the thanks that I get.

Yes, I understand.

She's got insurance because of me, and this is how she shows her g*dd*mn appreciation?

She doesn't know that, okay, so let me talk to her.

I'll take care of it.

I want them out of here now!

If you'll let me speak to 'em, I'll take care of it!

Coal kills the Earth.

Hey, folks. Listen. Private property.

It's a peaceful protest, Wade...

We get to die!

Yeah. Look, I understand that.

You're welcome to protest.

You just do it over here, out by the side of the road or on the other side of the road.

That's perfectly fine.

We're not leaving.

Coal kills the Earth.


You're makin' me look pretty bad, okay?

I don't care what it looks like.

I care what they're doing to our community.

Come on!

Oh. You're takin' her side over ours?

You should be ashamed of yourself!

She's the one that got you the insurance!

She's the one takin' care of you, so come on, let's go!

You think that makes it all square and right, huh?

You k*lled my husband!

Jesus Christ, Ledda!

You're killin' our town.

Hey, listen to me. Do you want me to arrest you?

Yeah! Yeah, you wanna arrest me?

Go ahead. You want me outta here, you're gonna have to.

Yeah, go ahead. Yeah? You see this?

Go ahead.


(crowd booing)

That's right! Keep up the good work!

Ledda, come on!

(crowd booing)

God, you are such a d*ck!


You're such a...

Get in the car and stop that!

I don't wanna hear you talkin' to me at all!

Can you stop that, please?

Jesus Christ!

Can you stop filmin', please?

Coal kills the Earth.

I'll have some deputies come down and take care of them, okay?

We get to die!

Ledda: I hope you're happy.

I hope you're happy.

Yeah? Good job of that yourself.

You don't need my help.

Shut up! I told you to shut up the whole way.

Yeah, well, you shut up!

(crowd cheering)


Well, even cut off from the land below, I think we did fine work.

Last year's hunt was more plentiful, memory serve, but if we're careful, cut our portions, should be able to make the winter fine.

You think so?

Yeah, oh yeah.


All right!

How you doin', Foster?

Hey, year after year, you always capture the biggest prize.

Don't see why the rest of us even try!

Well, I've been at it longer than you, boy.

Take your purpose a little more serious.

Maybe next time you can bring in somethin' bigger than a chipmunk.


My Bren'in pleased?

Well, I think you proved that you're our best hunter.

I did.

(crowd chattering)

Maybe I spoke too soon.

Don't feel bad, Foster.

Next year you take your purpose a little more serious, you could be top hunter again.

Fine work.

Let's get all this meat to Hezzy's smokehouse.

(pounding on door)


(scream) Let me out!

Somebody help me!

Let me out!

(man screaming)


Get back!

Come on, get back! Come on, get back, get back!

Big Foster: (yelling) Where's Hezzy?

Where's Hezzy?

He's in there.

Croaked... croaked, maybe, sad to say.

The smokehouse is his whole life.

There's no way he'd leave if it fell to peril.

I think he got burned up, 'long with everything else inside.


All gone to charcoal now.

I wonder who had a hand in that, Big Foster.

You're like a beetle up my backside, ain't you?

You see, this is what comes for allowin' the devil back in and straightaway puttin' him in charge of the hunt!

If you got somethin' to say, Shurn, just say it.

Kenna women out-hunted him!

Made him look like a fool, so he burned up all the game outta spite!

Better you watch your crooked tongue!

Perhaps the woman is right.

I've heard stories of your past cruelties.

Hot-headedness can lead a man to do all manner of destructive things.

(yelling) Yeah, well, you ain't one of us, all right?

You got no right speakin' on our matters!

And you've got no right to destroy the bounty that the Kenna delivered to your Bren'in.

(yelling) Okay, enough!

Ill talk and accusations won't bring back our loss!

No. Our only concern should be replacin' the meat lost in the flame and finding poor Hezzy's remains.

All right. Well, I'm takin' some men on a run.

We got less land to hunt.

The land we got, we just hunted clean.

The run will fill up our larders quick and easy.

It won't work!

What are you sayin'?

A run, it won't work.

Me and Barnabas, we went down to town to try and grab us some beer...

You what?

We truly sorry, Bren'in.

We know we done wrong, and you'd be right to punish us, but they got guards carryin' fire at every store.

Ain't no way we could manage a run without blood bein' spilt.

Okay. There will be no runs!

A second hunt is our only answer.

Not to worry, Bren'in.

Kenna can always find fresh meat.

(quiet chatter)

(scratching and scrubbing)

♪ ♪

(chanting on video) Coal gets the money.

Ledda (on video): Keep up the good work!

Coal kills the Earth.

Coal kills the sky.

Wade: Hey!

Ledda: You're such a d*ck!

Ledda, Jesus Christ...

Could you stop filming, please?

(protest chant continues)

I'm goin' up. I'll check on Caleb.



I wanted to tell you about the protest beforehand, but I knew that you would try and stop me.

I figured if something went wrong, you'd be protected if you didn't know anything in advance.

You put me in a pretty bad position.

Yeah, I know.

I already got half the town lookin' at me like I'm a g*dd*mn fool.

I don't need you workin' to convince the other half.

Well, I'm sorry.

Just... think about other people every once in a while.


Let's not fight, Wade.

I don't want there to be bad feelings.

We don't have time.

(footsteps moving away)

(distant train horn)

What are you doing? Come on!

There's somethin' that I gotta, uh...

(clears throat)

This is gonna be tough.

I know, but it'll get easier.

I promise.


(knock on door)

Oh, hell!

You lay one g*dd*mn hand on me, I'll scream like a girl.

Butch, I need your help.

You know, beggars can't be choosers, but I spent the last year and a half outta work, prayin' for a job, but this sucks.

Nothin' to do but look at the trees all day long.

Man, tell me about it!

I'm goin' outta my mind.

I ain't seen one damn Farrell.

Just a bunch of birds and squirrels.

And I hate it.

Now hold up.

What the hell...?

Is this for real?

Uh, hold up right there.

I'm gonna have to... to stop ya.

Excuse me, ladies.


Hello. I'm Mack.

This is Luke.

You don't talk much, do ya?


(breathless) Harder.



Hey, what you doin'?


Guess he's havin' fun.

Oh, hey.

(breathless) Hey.


(shuddering gasps)