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01x01 - Part 1

Posted: 02/15/17 13:45
by bunniefuu
I'm not having it! I'm not being spoken to like that!

I don't know what I'm supposed to have done wrong!

You nicked my catalogue money and spent it on bloody weed!

I never did! So how'd you pay for that weed then?! Someone give it me!

And you've no business smoking bloody weed anyway!

You can't tell me what to do!

Any more lip from you and I will batter you!

If you hit me, I'll hit you back!

Oh, yeah? Go on, try me!



Please don't hit me, Julie. Why shouldn't I?

Because it would hurt.

OK, so what should I do there?

Employ a non-violent strategy.

Such as?

Instead of confronting your son, you could say, "I'm sorry, Peter, I don't want to discuss this until we've both calmed down."

You could then withdraw to your bedroom and... read a book.

You mean, like, ground myself?

I realise it's an unfamiliar tactic.

It's a crap one and all. Peter would just piss himself laughing.

So how would you deal with him?

Well, I mean, I wouldn't give him an out and out battering.

Just probably a dead leg, a dead arm and a belt round the ear for good measure.

What about the rest of you?

Do you feel it would be better to handle thing's Julie's way, or my way?


I'd do it Julie's way, if I dared.

I don't think that's the answer you're supposed to give, Karen, love.

Look, if we tell you you're talking bollocks, do we still get our certificates?

Still don't know why they put you on t'course, Julie.

Oh, cos our Peter's been bunking off school.

But you're a good mum.

Single mum though, so council think I need to prove it.

I'm really rubbish.

Just cos you've got kids off different dads?

It's not just that, I'm crap in general.

Everyone keeps saying.

Just cos people say you're crap, it don't mean you are, love.

Anyway, they can't say it any more, can they?

Hang that on your wall.

Anyone tells you you're not a good mother, you can tell them to shove it up their arse.

Hey, Natalie, I passed!

Hmm! She's a fully certified parent now.

Good for you.

Bet it were all bollocks, though.

Yeah, but it makes council think they're doing something about estate, don't it? Mm.

Course has been a right laugh. And I made another friend.

I saw your Stacey the other day. Didn't know she were expecting.

Yeah, due in March. Glamorous granny, eh?

Well, you best get home and put all that crap into practice then.

Hmm. Go on. See you.

See you, Julie. See you!

Have a good Christmas. Yeah, you too.

(On phone): Police emergency.

I want to report my daughter as missing, please.

Right, how old is she?

Nine. Nine?


When did you last see her?

She went to school this morning.

Right. Have there been any arguments, or...?

No, none at all.

So you've rung round all her friends? Yeah.

And you've been in touch with all her relatives? Yeah.

There's nowhere else you've got left to look? No.

What do they call her?

Shannon Matthews.

Come on, go on, you buggers, come on.

Go on, go earn your living!

What you doing?

Teaching it to fly. If they don't learn to fly, foxes'll get them.

I'll see you. Have you had your breakfast? I've got eggs here.

Goose eggs? Yuck!

You're putting it off.

You're doing it wrong. It's a bird, not a bloody brick!

Anyway, you should be inside getting on with your homework.

Suppose truancy officer sees you?

He's already had me excluded, what else can he do?

It's what I'll do you should be worried about. Get in!

Now, birdman.

(Helicopter whirs)

Go on.


Here, Julie.


You heard about that lass? Never came home from school last night.

Police have been out looking for her all night and all.

Who is it?

Shannon Matthews. She's only nine.


Julie. Petra.

Have you heard?

Yeah, I'm going down Karen's now. I'll come with you.

It were freezing last night, but she's probably just gone home with a friend and stopped over.

Yeah, yeah, it'll be something like that.

All right, Julie? Natalie. Petra. You all right?

Karen, love, I've just heard. Yeah, so have I, Karen.

Oh, Julie. Thanks for coming down. Here you are, love. Come on.

Sit down.

All right.

So when did you last see her?

Yesterday afternoon. She'd been swimming with school.

When they got back, she got off t'bus with others and no-one's seen her since. I don't know what to think.

Does she usually walk home on her own?

I normally go to end of t'road and wait while she comes out of school.

But I weren't here, I were in Dewsbury shopping with Craig's sister, Amanda.

I were at home. I were supposed to go in to work in the afternoon, but I were feeling a bit off.

I got back about four, Craig says Shannon's not home, kids said they hadn't seen her after school, so I called the school, rang everyone I could think of.

Has she got a mobile?

She'd left it at home. Everyone were saying I should ring 999, so I did in the end.

And what are t'police saying? Not a lot.

They have had search teams out all night though.

And been back and forth here, asking questions.

Poking around house, in and out Shannon's bedroom.

Well, they've got to, Craig. Looking for clues of where she might be. I've been out searching, too.

Yeah, Pete and some others have been out half the night.

I just want her found!

And we'll find her, love.

Don't you bloody worry.

Come here.


(Helicopter whirs)

They should never have closed this place down.

I know. I mean, where else is the community supposed to meet?

How can I help?

I need you to help us get this place up and running, so we can get organised and find Shannon.

We don't want to tread on t'police's toes. Bollocks, Debbie.

We're not just standing back and leaving it to them.

Come on.

I'm the uncle! Well, sort of uncle.

Fiver a feel, fella.

You hear that, you lot? Wife's tits - fiver a go! Shut up, Neil!

Karen? Yeah?

Hello, I'm Detective Constable Christine Freeman.

This is Alex Grummit.

We're going to be your family liaison officers.

Can we clear this room please?

But we're family. We're supporting Craig.

Yeah. And Karen.

And you are? I'm Alice Meehan, Craig's mum.

And you? Amanda Hyett, Craig's sister.

This is my husband, Neil. All right?

And you're... Craig, Shannon's step-dad.

Natalie Brown, I live next door but one. Natalie's my best friend.

Yeah, we're mates.

Getting bloody lively out there.

They keep saying they want me to go out there and say something.

Please don't talk to the press.

But she wants to get her message out.

Like them parents of Maddie McCann. They're always going on telly.

We'll make sure her message gets out, but we need to do it right.

You mustn't talk to the press until we say it's all right.

Can I see Shannon's room?

You lot have already been up there. All the same, I'd like to.

Top of the stairs on left. Shannon shares with her sister.

Top bunk's hers.

I need to ask you a few questions.

She's been answering questions since you lot first arrived.

I'm sick of it. I'm sure.

But there's a lot for us to understand.

(Helicopter whirs)

We're going out searching again, Julie.

That's great, but let's get organised.

We don't want people searching in the same places.

We need street maps, a proper list of who's searching where.

Let's do this properly. Right.

Julie, council have approved emergency grant to keep the place open - 300 quid.

You're a star, Debbie. It's only temporary.

Hey, temporary'll do. They'll soon have her found and back home safe.

So you'd not fallen out with Shannon?

No! I keep saying.

But you've had problems with your son in the past?

I don't know why people keep going on about that.

Because he's run away, hasn't he? More than once.

We had to send the helicopter out.

He were just down in the fields. He'd made a den down there.

He sometimes gets it in his head that he wants to be with his dad.

But Shannon wouldn't do owt like that!

I don't think she would either.

So why's she written, "I want to live with my dad" above her bed?

She don't mean it.

I don't think she does either, Karen.

She's happy here and you're a good mum.

How does she get on with her dad?

He's in Huddersfield. He sees her when he can.

And how's she get on with you?

She gets on fine with Craig.

Could you let him answer, please?

But I'm his mum, I should know.

All the same. Craig?

Yeah, me and Shannon get on fine.

I don't see point of all these questions.

They're not getting at you, Karen, they're just trying to help.

You see, if your eldest lad ran away because he's unhappy, we need to know if Shannon could have done the same.

Shannon wouldn't run away. Someone must have took her.

Here you are. And stay in pairs!

We don't want anyone else going missing, all right? Yeah. Thank you.

Here you are. All right, try down on that ginnel, all right?

There you go, you lads try down that way, OK?

Hiya, love, here's a map.

Why don't you try back at school, yeah?

(Helicopter whirs)

Shannon! Shannon!

Cheers, lads. You lads try down there, all right?

Hiya, love, here's a map. Try behind school, OK?

Hiya, love, there's a map, OK? Stay together.

Come on.

Try down over that side there, yeah?


All right, Kinchie?

Do the police know you're doing this?

Going door-to-door and everything. Well, you're police, you know.

I mean HMET.

What the hell's that?

Homicide team. They're in charge.

Homicide team? It's a missing child, Kinchie.

It could well be more than that. I don't need to hear that.

All I'm saying is I wouldn't go raising other people's hopes.

And all I'm saying is f*ck off.

No of fence, Kinchie.


That's him.


Shannon's real dad.

He's been out all day scouring the estate.

Hey, Julie! Look at this!

It's Karen. Look.

Shannon, if you're out there...

Oh, bloody hell!

Please, darling, come home.

We love you so much.

Me, your dad, brothers, your sisters...

Everybody loves you.

If anyone's got my daughter, my beautiful princess daughter, please bring her home safe.

I need her home.

(Press shouting)

Yeah, that's better now.

Pete, come and sort kids' tea, will you?

I'm just going into Karen's. She's been on telly.

I know. I saw. Police told her not to.

I need to speak to her.

Pete, go see to kids!

She did really well, I thought.

Yeah, but police aren't going to be happy.

Karen? Karen?

Don't be mad with us, Natalie, please.

I'm not, love. But you know what police said.

Yeah, but everyone were on at me to go out there and say something. And why shouldn't she?

Because police know best, Neil. It's her child.

Yeah, but she's got to work with them, not against them.

You did well, love, anyway. I thought you come across really well.

Right, I want everybody out and I mean it this time.

Don't send my friends away.

All right, you can stay and help out, Natalie.

The rest of you - out now!

You were told, Karen.

I'm sorry. They were all saying I should do it.

Well, they were wrong.

She were only trying tell her side of t'story.

Neil, don't make it worse for her.

I've asked you to leave, haven't I?

All right.

It's vital that you let us control the media side of things.

I keep saying, I'm sorry!

Oh, Karen, don't upset yourself.

And who are you?

Julie Bushby.

I'm co-ordinating the community search.

The what?

We've got half the estate out looking for her. Thanks, Julie.

I know you're doing everything you can to find her, to bring her home.

That's all I want.

Believe me, Karen, that's all we're hoping for, too.


But what?

I do have to warn you, the more time goes on, the less likely it is we'll find her alive.

Don't say that! I have to be honest, love.

Bollocks. Why are you lot being so negative?

Shannon's OK, Karen, I know she is.

(Are you sure?)

Could I have a word, please?


Natalie: Come on, love.

With respect, you can't know she's still alive.

I bloody can. How?

Well, have they found any of her clothing? No.

The towel and the swimming costume she took to t'baths? No.

Well, if anything bad had happened to Shannon, they'd find things like that first. They haven't.

Look, I don't doubt your good intentions, but part of my job is to prepare Karen for the worst.

Yeah, and mine is to keep her spirits up.

But that means if we do end up having to give her bad news, it'll be all the harder for her. There's not going to be bad news.

We'll find her and she'll be OK.

Now is that all?

(Door opens)

Oh, bloody hell, Petra.

I really thought for a minute then it might have been Shannon.

Shannon'd go back home, wouldn't she?

Not come to t'community centre.

We don't know where she'll go.

We just have to be ready.

You really are sure, aren't you, she'll be OK?

Well, she's not run away.

When kids run away, they take pop and crisps and stuff.

Karen says she hasn't.

I don't believe she's been snatched from outside school.

Not with all people there'd be around. Which leaves what?

Her going off with someone she knows? Maybe.

Doesn't mean she's all right though, does it? She has to be, Petra, or...

Or what? You can't let yourself think about the alternative.

I know.

Too horrible to imagine, innit?

Yeah, it is.

We just have to keep the faith, that's all.

Tv: There was a sighting of Shannon Matthews on the playing fields behind her school, but there have been a number of reports that Shannon was also seen at other locations around the same time...

Stacey's here, Mum. And she eaten all t'crisps.

Oh, and there's me worrying the house might have burnt down.

It's amazing, in't it, mum?

If anyone's got my daughter, my beautiful princess daughter...

Who'd have thought Moorside would ever get on the news?

I'd sooner we weren't on t'news for a reason like this.

Tyson reckons they'll find her chopped up in a wheelie bin.

Sam reckons someone's strangled her and chucked her in t'river.

And I reckon... You've got a thick ear coming if you don't shut it.

(Phone rings)


Oh, who's asking?

Tv: we haven't ruled out the possibility of widening the search.

Er... when? Yeah.

All right, if it'll help.

Erm, I'll meet you down at the Community House.

Right, bye.

That were telly. They want me to do an interview.

Right. Shower and change then get back down there.

Tiffany, school. Oh, Stace, how's the bump?

Kicking like a good 'un, Mum.

That's what I like to hear.

The response on the estate's been absolutely incredible.

We've had over 150 people out searching.

We are absolutely determined to find Shannon and bring her home safe.

Yeah. And we won't rest till we f*ckin' have.


Oh, shitcakes. I swore. Sorry.

That all right?

You all right?

Julie Bushby? Yeah, that's me.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to call this off.

Call what off?

Organising your own search for Shannon.

(Crowd groan)

I know you mean well.

But if and when Shannon's found, that location may well become a crime scene.

Oh... you're talking about her like you know she's dead.

I'm making no assumptions.

But there's every possibility a very serious crime has been committed.

And if a crime scene isn't carefully preserved by trained police officers, that may undermine any prosecution.

We're not interested in prosecuting. We just want to find Shannon! Yeah!

Sorry, I'm going to have to insist you leave the search to us.


Guys, guys, guys, come on, wait.

Of course, we'll still be glad to receive any information. Thank you.

(Booing and jeering)

No, guys, come on, come on, we'd best do what he says, OK?

That don't mean we're giving up. Far from it.

Shannon doesn't just belong to Karen and her family, she belongs to all of us! Yeah!

We'll do whatever it takes to find her and bring her home safe!

Tv: The harrowing 999 call made by Karen Matthews...

So, you've currently got four children living at home with you?

There's four living with me, yeah.

So where are the other two? Three.

You've three other children? Yeah, she has.

Is that right, Karen? Yeah.

Grummit: You originally told us you had six kids.

If you've four living here, and three elsewhere, that makes seven.

All right, I've got seven, what's it matter?

So, where are the other three? Living with their dads!

So... tell us exactly what happened that morning before Shannon left for school?

I woke the children up, called 'em down for breakfast, we all sat round the table to eat.

What table?

Kitchen table.

Then I got 'em ready for school, waved them off at the door and said, "Bye, darling, I love you."

You actually used those words to Shannon, "Bye, darling, I love you"?


What you looking at me like that for?
(Ring tone): Brown Eyed Girl.


We're at the house again now.

Yeah, we'll report to you as soon as we're back.

I just love that ringtone.

You see, when you say you all sat round the table as a family and had breakfast, before waving Shannon off to school, telling her you loved her, it's not quite ringing true, Karen.

Why not?

Because most people don't live like that. I certainly don't.

Well, you're all right. You're safe.

What do you mean?

You not got t'social watching you.

Nobody'd take your kids off you.

Someone like Karen, they can, they do.

I'm a good mum, aren't I, Natalie?

Yeah. I've got... I've got that certificate.

You are, love. I'll not have anyone say you're not.

I love Shannon, I wouldn't see her hurt for all t'world!

She's us princess, and I need her home!

Go on, Craig, give her a cuddle.

(He sighs)

Don't you think you've asked her enough questions?

We're not trying to upset her.

But all that stuff about sitting down for breakfast.

And saying "I love you" as she waved Shannon off.

She's only worried people'll think she's a crap mother.

But she's got all these different kids from different dads.

That don't mean she don't look after 'em.

If anything, she's overprotective.

She don't even let Shannon play out on t'road.

She has to stop in t'garden.

So, her domestic situation's fairly stable?

Since she's been with Craig, yeah.

But Karen...

But Karen can be weak.

She's been with loads of other fellas, and she can be taken advantage of.

What was that dancing thing about when my colleague's phone rang?

She's just immature.

She's got Julie and the whole estate saying, "Cheer up, Shannon'll be fine."

And you lot's saying, "Prepare for t'worst."

She's in an absolute state.

And anyway, how do any of us know how we'd react if we had a child go missing?

Fair point.

I'm a mother.

We're trying to help, not judge.

Course we're hopeful. We've been hopeful right from the start.

The response of this community has been absolutely amazing.

Some people might have been surprised by that. But we aren't.

We know we're as good as anywhere.

This estate may have its problems but its heart's in the right place.

We look after our own. We always have, we always will.

When t'chips are down, and one of us has a problem, we are all there to help.

We stand shoulder to shoulder with one another.

We will never give up hope.

And we just want Shannon to know we're all rooting for her.

And we're looking forward to seeing her home soon.

Is that it? Yeah?

There you go, not a single F word.

f*cking brilliant or what? CHUCKLING.

Right, come on, back to work.

All right? Might be if you were ever here.

I'm only down t'road.

I've had no dinner, no tea.

Well, where's Tiffany? Out.

There's nowt to stop you from making your own tea, you know.

There's f*ck all in. There's plenty in! And watch your language!

Have you done your school work?

What school work? Don't give me that.

They give you stuff to do every day when you're excluded.

Radio: BBC Radio Leeds News with Clive Settle.

And these are the headlines.

Police say they're dropping plans to take DNA from people who drop litter or fail to wear a seatbelt.

House prices continued falling for the fifth consecutive month.

In West Yorkshire, police searching for nine-year-old Shannon Matthews say they're increasingly concerned that she may have been abducted, and their investigation's now taken on the scale of a m*rder inquiry...


(Knock on door)

Julie. Kinchie.

Thought I'd see how you're doing, and, er...

Yeah, we're all right.

You can give that lad a thick ear for me, if you like.

You been misbehaving, young man?


Such bollocks.

What is?

Shannon's slipped down to third item on t'news, and they're just assuming it's m*rder now.

Statistics show if a missing child's not found within the first...

Shannon's not a statistic!

Right. Kinchie's making you tea, Peter. I won't be long, love.

I'm not eating that, it's a goose!

It's an egg and you'll eat it.

What's going on? They've moved us out, Julie.

Why? Police are searching t'house. Well, they've already done that.

They said they're doing a more thorough one.

They've took me computer. I weren't t'only one that used that computer.

Shut up about your computer, Craig! But I weren't!

Natalie's letting us stop here till we're allowed back.

The little 'uns have gone to Craig's family, but we're still going to be like sardines. How long's this for?

Couple of days, they said. Hey, look, there she is!

When will she be coming home? I'm sure she'll be back soon, love.

She will.

Callie, go up and brush your teeth. Mum!

Go on! Up!

All right, I'll be up in a minute. Yeah.

Karen, don't tell Callie that.

You can't know if Shannon's coming back. No-one can.

I believe in being honest with kids.

She is being honest, Natalie! It's what we both think.

She's getting really famous now, in't she?

Shannon's on telly because she's missing. Not because she's famous!

You know what I mean. Well, funny way of putting it.

What you getting at me for, Natalie?

I'm not getting at you! Yeah, you are, Natalie.

If she said that in front of people who don't know her like we do, they'd think it was completely inappropriate.

At least she's on the news again. They've barely mentioned her lately.

Yeah, I know. Coverage is getting less and less and it's all negative.

And they keep making out sommat bad's happened to her.

It's horrible. And it's wrong.

They've not found any evidence to show that.

Police told us it's important not to give Karen false hope, Julie.

We're not police. We've gotta keep faith.

People haven't seen nowt yet.

I'm going to start by organising a march for Shannon.

Dunno, if I can do this, Julie. Course you can, hun.

Not been out of t'house for ages. I know love.

But it's been a week now, it's really important we show Shannon's not forgotten, and to have you there at t'front of march will make such a difference.

Come on, love, be brave. Whole estate's waiting for you.

OK? Yeah.

Are you ready? Yeah.


Come on, Karen. Come on, lass.

All right?

Come on, love.

Come on, make way for her, guys, come on.

Look, she's doing a drawing of a dinosaur.

Why don't you do the same as her? Find a dinosaur.

Why don't you come with us?

Someone's got to look after this lot. Got half kids off t'estate here. We could have taken 'em. Some are.

Not little 'uns, we couldn't. Callie's old enough.

What? I want to go.

No. Right, just stay there.

Sorry, darling.

Get in there. What?

I don't want Callie going on marches.

But it's a massive day for the estate.

Yeah, massive excuse for a piss-up.

Oh... No, Shannon's Callie's friend and she's worried about her.

I don't think it's appropriate.

Stop being so maungy! We're just showing solidarity wi' Karen!

You all right?

APPLAUSE Good turnout.

Are you pleased with the turnout, Julie?

Only what I expected, love.

Right, everybody, let's form up and march for Shannon!

Hi, I'm Kathy. I'm the vicar at St John's.

I just wanted to see if there's anything I could do.

Well, you'll not find many bible-bashers on this estate.

I understand, but I'd love to join the march.

Great. More the merrier.

Oi, oi! Back, back, back, back.

Don't punch, Julie. I'll kick his arse if I have to.

Come on. Are we ready?

Supporters: Yeah! Get in, Pete. All right?

Everyone together. Are we ready?

Yes! OK. And we're off!

♪ It's love, it's love ♪
♪ It's love that makes the world go round ♪
♪ It's love, it's love, it's love that makes the world go round ♪
♪ It's love, it's love, ♪
♪ It's love that makes the world go round ♪
♪ It makes the world go round ♪
♪ It's love, it's love that makes the world go round ♪
♪ It's love, it's love, it's love that makes the world go round ♪
♪ It makes the world go round... ♪

Chanting: Shannon, we want you back! Shannon, we want you back!

Shannon, we want you back!

Shannon, we want you back!

Shannon, we want you back!

Shannon, we want you back!

Shannon, we want you back!

Shannon, we want you back!

Shannon, we want you back!

Shannon, we want you back!

Shannon, we want you back!

(Sound fading)


Karen looks dead happy, don't she?

Marchers: Shannon, we want you back!

Shannon, we want you back!

Shannon, we want you back!

Yeah. She does.

Our message to the world is, we won't give up till Shannon's found.

Our message to Shannon is, we're looking forward to you being back home safe, love.

There's a message attached to every one of these balloons that says so.

So here's hoping one of 'em will reach you.

Ready, Sheryl?

Ready, Julie.

OK, let 'em go.

(Cheering and applause)

Lovely touch, them balloons, Julie. Absolute class.

(Door opens)

Ready? Er... yeah.

But it's hard.

It were easier when I did it t'first time.

I've sort of... got used to her not being around.

I understand.

Anyway, I've got my cuddly bear.

Like... like you wanted.

Like Maddie's mum holds her Cuddle Cat.

Is it Shannon's favourite?


Come on, love.

Well, it's hard to sleep, really, it's just...

The house doesn't feel t'same without her not being there, really.

It just feels empty.

Whoever's got Shannon, please, let her go.

Her family's missing her, all her friends are missing her at school.

Man: Have you any idea who may have her?

I think that someone out there who knows Shannon... probably knows me, as well.

I just want her home safe, really.

It makes me think now that I can't trust the people who's really close to me any more.

I just can't trust 'em.

Can you recall the last words you and Shannon exchanged?

"Bye, Mum. Love you."

(She sobs)

(Cameras click)

Right, yous, get these on, we're going.

What is it this time?

Candlelit vigil. Must be working, all this, they're offering a reward of 20 grand for her now.

They're offering two and a half million for Maddie McCann.

Is it cos they're posher than us? It's not a contest. On!

And Shannon's got all of us fighting for her, hasn't she?

Anyway, I'd pay £20,000 to get you kidnapped. On, I said!

We don't have to pray or owt, do we?

Out! Come on.

(Children's chatter)

Right, so, what time will you be back?

Could go on a while, Julie said.

Might turn into a bit of a party.

So, shall I put your kids to sleep over here with mine tonight?

Yeah, if you like.

It's not a case of what I like, Karen, It's what you want. They're your kids.

There's no need to get narky with her, Natalie.

Julie don't get narky with me. What's Julie got to do with it?

I thought you didn't mind looking after them? I don't!

Karen's been looking forward to tonight. Fine.

I just want her to decide where her kids are sleeping.

I mean...

You've already had one child go missing.

Why are you so casual about it?

Will you stop being so horrible to me?

Come on, Craig.

♪ He's got the whole world ♪
♪ In his hands ♪
♪ He's got the whole wide world in his hands ♪
♪ He's got the whole world in his hands ♪
♪ He's got the whole world in his hands ♪
♪ He's got Shannon and her family ♪
♪ In his hands ♪
♪ He's got Shannon and her family in his hands ♪
♪ He's got Shannon and her family in his hands ♪
♪ He's got the whole world in his hands ♪
♪ He's got Shannon and her family... ♪

Look at that! Even by your standards, Julie, them tea lights were a bloody inspiration!

♪ He's got Shannon and her family in his hands ♪
♪ He's got the whole world in his hands. ♪


Ay up, Petra, are you all right? Gibbo. Hiya.

You all right, sweetheart?


Oh. Thanks for bringing t'candles.

Only too happy. We have loads.

Candles play a really important part in Christian ritual.

That's not why I wanted them. I gather you're not a believer.

It's not like I don't have faith.

In what? People. These people.

And that Shannon will be found.

But you don't do God?

Well, I might if God did children.

How do you mean?

If there was a God, why would he let children suffer?

That's a very big question. I know.

And when I asked God, all I got was a big fat silence.

When did you ask God that, Julie?

Er, long story. Another time.

sh1tting hell! What's up?

My editor's just called to tell me one of the Sundays is running a story.

That's great. There hasn't been owt all week.

No, it's not the kind of publicity you'd want.

It's not about Shannon being missing.

They're running an interview with Karen's parents tomorrow.

And what have they said? Whatever it is, it won't be very nice.

They don't like me and they hate Craig.

What's Craig ever done to your parents, Karen?

He's worked wonders for you.

And he's treated them kids of yours like they were his own.

(Text alert)

Here you are, Karen, love, let's go for a drink.

You all right, love? Yeah.

What's up? It's Craig.

Well, Craig were here. He's gone home.

He's threatening to take an overdose. What?!

He were in a sulk.

He says I haven't been spending enough time with him.

They'll blame me if he does owt stupid.

Listen, don't say anything to them.

I'll sort him out, all right? Thanks, Julie.

You OK? Yeah, I'm all right. Thanks a lot.


(She pants)



(She sighs)

I've done it.

I were that fed up, Julie.

Calpol?! It's all there were.

Bloody hell, Julie, what were that for?!

This is no time for playing games!

I don't know if Karen wants to be with me no more.

What do you mean? She won't even cuddle me.

She's got a hell of a lot on her mind, hasn't she?

She's been like it for a while, even before Shannon went missing.

This is no time for marriage f*cking guidance, Craig!

It's not my fault Shannon's gone missing! Jesus, Craig!

What'll happen to me? You'll live!

And you need to stop hiding behind your mum and sister and stand by Karen!

(Door slams shut)

This is icing on t'cake, this is.

They're searching the whole road.

I know. Made a right mess of ours. Took up floorboards and all sorts.

What for? They said one of the dogs had got a scent of death.

Had an' all, it were a dead mouse.

Police have lost t'plot.

Aye. Press have lost interest, an' all.

Not seen a camera up here in days.

Your turn now, is it?

You should've seen the state of mine after they'd finished.

Why are they searching our houses?

Well, cos they think someone on the estate knows summat.

And that Karen knows more than she's saying.

Don't blame it on bloody Karen.

I am only saying it how I see it, Julie.

I see more of her than you.

And when they moved her into our house, I saw her 24/7.

I'm not happy about some of her behaviour. Such as?

Well, times she's been flippant.

She's been flippant with me, Natalie, doesn't mean she's lying.

Yeah, well, I used to think that.

Karen's not clever enough to have made all this up! Either that... or you're leaning over too far to make excuses for her.

Come on, Callie.

Another march for Shannon tonight!

Yeah, I'll be there.

Freeman: Sorry, I had no signal. What's happened?

Just been speaking to one of the lads.

They've discovered Craig's got an uncle nobody's mentioned before.

Oh. Just added him to the family tree.

Goes by the name of Michael Donovan, though his real name's Paul Drake.

How come nobody mentioned him? Quite.

Apparently, he's not been in touch with any of the family since she disappeared. It's been all over the news.

You'd have thought they'd have been in constant touch to find out what's happening. Exactly.

Anyway, they've made further inquiries about this Donovan.

He has a daughter who was put into the care of foster parents.

Seems he was accused of abducting her from outside her school, but the case was dropped.

Interesting. Where's he live?

About a mile from Shannon. Lidgate Gardens, Batley Carr.

They're sending someone round there.

Come on, you've had enough sweets for today, you.

(Text alert)

Hang on.

(She gasps)

(Oh, Christ!) What's up?


Shit! Hang on a sec.

(She breathes hard)

Oh, God!

Karen? It's Julie.

Have you heard owt?

What do you mean?

Well, there's rumours going round Asda that Shannon's been found.

Is there? So, you've not heard nowt, then?

No. All right, well, then, er...

Just let me know if you do, love. All right?

Yeah, I will.


Oh, Julie, is it true?

I don't know. There's a million rumours flying about.

Have you spoke to Karen? Yeah. She's heard nowt.

I phoned the police, they're not saying owt.

Do you think it's true? Do you think she's alive, like?

I don't know, Petra.

Oh, God! I feel sick.

Julie, what's happening?

Sit down, Karen, I'll do that!

I can't sit down!

Look, if it's true, you'll be t'first person police will speak to.

How come people in Asda know, then? It may be bollocks.

I don't think it's bollocks. I've got this feeling.

Well, you don't know, Pete. Oh, will you all just shut up?!

Grummit: Hello?

I need a word with Karen and Craig alone, please.

We've found a young girl. She's alive.

We need you to come in and identify her.

(Text alert)

Julie? What is it?

Kinchie, is it true? Have they found her?

No comment.

They've found her, everyone!


They've found her!

Oh! Oh, thank God!

It's true! It's true, she's alive!

Hey, didn't I tell you? Didn't I tell you?

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Oh, Kinchie! Oh, Kinchie, didn't I tell you we'd find her, eh?

I'm afraid you'll not be able to talk to her yet, we just need you to confirm that it's her.


Yeah, that's Shannon.

Can I go home now?

We said right from the start that we'd find Shannon safe and bring her home, back to her family, where she belongs.

There were doubters out there, we know that.

People who thought they're just a bunch of layabouts, thieves and dossers, all pissed out their trees, but we've proved them wrong.

We never lost faith!

This community has got heart.

We look after our own.

And we can't wait to welcome Shannon home.

Supporters: Yeah!

(Applause and cheering)

Chanting: Shannon! Shannon! Shannon! Shannon! Shannon! Shannon! Shannon! Shannon!

(Fireworks crackle)

(Loud music)

(Animated chatter)

Oh, we've done it!

Come on, Kinchie, let's have it!


Give it back, cheeky.

Aw! Babe, you're the best thing that ever happened on this estate, Julie.

Yeah, well, you stood by me. Never doubted.

Never for a minute, Julie.

All of us on this estate, we can hold our heads up high because we showed people what we're really like.

(They chuckle)

Running low on booze, Julie. Make a run to the offy.

I've some vodka and cans at mine an' all. I'll go get 'em.

Hey, you, don't run off with that ball!

Bradford Bulls give me that for t'raffle.

(She laughs)

Hey, guys, come on! Yes!


Yay! There you go. Aw!

Oh, look! Whee!

Hey! There you are.

Oh, Natalie, fantastic news or what, eh?

Oh, yeah. Brilliant. You coming down?

No. Just came out so they could watch the fireworks.

Oh, come on! It's a hell of a party.

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure it is.

So, why not join in?

I'd rather wait until we know the full story.

What do you mean?

Have you heard where they found her?

No, not yet. Nobody I've asked knows. Have you?

There's a rumour she were at Craig's uncle's.

Craig's uncle's?

What the hell was she doing there?