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05x03 - Surprise

Posted: 02/15/17 10:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on Switched at Birth...

Your sister is suffering from Japanese encephalitis.

How serious is it?

One in four do not recover.

Your age has never mattered to me.

I like you, and you like me.

You're the first person I ever fell in love with, but this relationship isn't right.

We decided to move to London.

What is all of this?

You broke up with me.

(heavy breathing)







I'm sorry, did the light wake you?

No, it's fine.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, I'm just gonna go meet Travis on campus.

We're gonna carpe some diem over breakfast burritos.

This early?

Hm, tell me about it.

Oh, he better watch out.

I am this close to leaving him for my pillow.

♪ I step into the light ♪
♪ And you fall ♪

Hey, Luca.

♪ To your knees ♪

What can I get for you?

Blueberry muffin, please.


We, uh, still on for our usual study session tomorrow?

You know, with as much schoolwork as we're doing, we really ought to be acing this class.

(scoffs) Agreed.

I think it's time to tell my family we're in a relationship.

I'm in. Tell 'em.

Well, it's not that easy.

I want them to get to know you a little before I drop the b*mb so that way they see what I see, not just a guy half her age.

You say the word, I will commence a charm offensive.

And I will find a way for us all to spend some time together.

Uh, well, I gotta go.

Uh, Stats quiz.


You know, it's too bad we're in public... otherwise, I'd be able to hold you close and softly kiss you goodbye.

That sounds like a really good kiss I'm missing.

It is.



Hey! Mary Beth!

Oh, Bay, hey.

Uh, how long have you been back?

A few days.

Um, it's good to see you.

Uh, so how was China?

It was great!

Travis, how's he?

He's good.

Listen, I was gonna call you.

Your birthday is tomorrow, right?

We should do something.

Thanks, but I have plans.

Of course you do.

Well, it's nice to see you.

Hey, look, I'll...

You have every right to be mad at me, and email is not the best way to tell someone that you're dating her ex-boyfriend.

It's just I didn't want to say anything until I knew it was gonna turn into something and it all happened kind of fast...

You don't need to explain.

The thing is is that I knew him years before you did and you've been broken up for months...

Bay, seriously, just stop.

It's fine.

It's whatever. It happened.

Let's just move on.

I got an exercise ball, play mats, sorting blocks.

I got the whole deal, plus I have a trunk full of diapers.

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

I have so much to do before they get here.

What's with the Jello?

Lily asked me to make it.

Playing with different textures helps babies with Down syndrome develop feeling sensations and motor skills.

Sounds like she knows her stuff.

Well, it's her full-time job now.

Yeah, it's a good thing old DJ T.K. is making the big bucks so she can stay-at-home.

I just want to give her a break this week.

I remember how hard it is to be a stay-at-home mom.

You know what, it's gonna be great for all of us to have that little ray of sunshine around.

Especially for Daphne.

Have you noticed the storm cloud over her head?

Yeah, she was pretty shaken up by the response to her article.

I saw her on campus yesterday eating lunch by herself.

Where's that m1ngo guy?

He's dating someone else, and you know what?

He's pretty much the one that got her into this mess.

Wait a second.

He dropped the grenade and then waltzed off?

Typical of a Shimingo.


Well, I'm just saying, good riddance.

She needs a guy with some character.

Since when do you want a guy in your daughter's life anyway?

Remember how you freaked out when Bay wanted to move in with Travis?

I'm not talking about an arranged marriage.

I'm talking about someone to take her mind off of things.

Throwing a guy at your daughter is not gonna solve all her problems.

It couldn't hurt.

I broke the girl code.

Thou shalt not date any guy thy friend has already dated.

Since when do we honor the girl code?

First there was Liam, then Noah, now we've both dated Travis.

Okay, that's a good point.

But it's different with Mary Beth.

She was in love with him.

She even lost her v-card to him.

Yeah, but she broke up with him.

I think that voids the girl code contract.

Well, I still feel terrible.

It's Mary Beth.

I thought that we would be friends forever.

Well, it's not like you were trying to hurt her.

Sometimes these things just... happen in friendships.

There's, like, a... pause for a while.

I'm sure eventually she'll forgive you.

Are we talking about me and Mary Beth or you and Iris?

Just give her some space.

That's what I'm doing.

Well... it's Mary Beth's birthday, and I found this vintage ukulele on Craigslist.

I'm gonna paint this on it and drop it off.

'Cause she loves spiders.

It's... it's a long story.



What's wrong?

Oh, it's my stomach. It's been a bit off today.

Hey, do you have any more of that ginger root stuff?

Not on me.

On the right or the left?

Kind of all over.

For how long?

I don't know, since yesterday?

Why didn't you say anything?

It was probably that breakfast that I had with Travis.

I kinda knew that a lukewarm shrimp burrito was a bad idea.




What the hey!

Both: Surprise!

You guys weren't supposed to be here till tonight!

Hey! No, we took an early flight from New York.

We wanted to surprise you!


What's up, sisters?


This one didn't sleep a wink on the plane.

All: Aw!

I should actually get him down for a nap.

Oh, come on! You just got here!

I know, but if he catches up now, we can do therapy later, can't we?

He can probably take a break for one day.

Well, consistency's important.

Of course it is.

Can I get him down?

You two look exhausted.

Oh, honestly, I've got a whole system.

He'll be out in a snap.

Oh, well, we set you up in my old room, so let's go up there.


Yup, we've got everything you need.


Oh, my gosh, he's so good!

I'm so glad you're here!

You hungry?


Come on.

Music to my ears! Let's go.


Oh, look! It's so beautiful!

Thank you!

When did you guys go to Rome?

Aw, man, this promoter's got me playing gigs, like, all over Europe.

Um, Berlin, Paris, Madrid...

I can't believe that you made it to Paris before me!

He's working so much. We barely see him.

Ah, you got grandpa a soccer jersey. Nice.

Toby: Oh, man, the games there are nuts.

I mean, you think that Americans take their sports seriously.

When you come and visit, we'll go.

I got season tickets.

He's got season tickets, the big man.

Kathryn: Uh-huh! Mm.

And we do have one more present.

Yes, we do.

Uh... we have a little announcement.


(all gasp)

You're getting married?!

(cheering, laughter)

That's all right for you.

Toby: Thank you.


So, are you guys getting married in London?

It's so beautiful in the spring.

Well, you better tell them the rest.

Uh... we are getting married... tonight.

All: What?

Right here. In the living room.

We didn't want to wait any longer and I've never wanted a big wedding anyway.

And we're gonna have a chuppah with... because Lily is Jewish, of course.

Nothing fancy.

What... what's a chuppah?

It's like a canopy that couples stand under.

Um, it symbolizes a home they're gonna make together.

Or in our case, the home we've already made together.

I love it, I love it.

What about your parents?

Shouldn't they be here?

I'm gonna hook them up on the webcam and then do, like, a separate ceremony when we get home.

I know this is, like, really short notice, but is everybody cool with this?

Are you kidding? We're having a wedding!

(cheers and applause)


Oh, my gosh!

And... (click) you are now officially ordained.

Bless you, my son.



How come she gets to be the minister?

It's 'cause of my felony, right?

I will remind you that I am the one who took the b*llet for Reverend Daphne over there.

Relax, okay?

You: my best man.

Aw, I'm touched.

Hey, let's, uh, ditch the minister and hit the strip club.

Uh, rain check. I gotta get Lily's bouquet at the Flower Mart.

Oh, I can get the flowers.

I have to go to campus to drop this off for Mary Beth anyway.

See? Living up to the title already.

(door opens)

(door closes)

Oh, I just realized I have the perfect thing to wear.

Prom tux!

Prom tux!

Okay, it's not there.

Ooh. I... think I pulled something.

Stomach ache, neck pain.

That's exactly what happened to you in China.

Uh, not so loud, deaf girl.


Now, I gotta go.

See you later.

(door opens)

(door closes)


I don't think we've officially met.

Luca Barahona.

Hey, Luca.

John Kennish.

I've seen you around here.

You and Regina sure do hit the books a lot.

Is that a Fire Magic?

You know your grills.

Best barbecue in K.C. gets made on that bad boy.

Best barbecue I ever had was when I was stationed overseas on the Fourth of July.

We built a grill out of a bombed-out truck.

When men are motivated by steak, nothing will stand in their way.

We stockpiled condiments from the dining hall for a month to make the sauce.

You see some action over there?

I was a 68-Whiskey in Afghanistan.

Uh, a combat medic.


(door opens)

Takes a lot of character.

You know, my daughter, Daphne, is pre-med.

You two might have a lot in common.

Hey, Luca, didn't you get my text?


What's up?

Something just came up with the family.

We have to reschedule.


No, wait a second.

Luca's already here.

Why doesn't he stay?

For the wedding?

Yeah. Toby and Lily said they wanted to keep things casual.

Travis is coming. I say the more the merrier.

Well, if it's cool with you...

I'd love to.



So we got a little decorating to do.

Hope you don't mind earning your supper.

Happy to help.


So, I'll go find Daphne and get you two started in the living room.


♪ Hush, little baby, don't say a word ♪
♪ Grandma's gonna buy you a mockingbird ♪
♪ And if that mockingbird won't sing ♪
♪ Grandma's gonna buy you a diamond ring ♪
♪ And if that diamond ring turns brass ♪
♪ Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass ♪

Both: ♪ And if that looking glass gets broke ♪
♪ Mama's gonna buy you ♪
♪ I don't remember ♪
♪ Something ♪
♪ The rest of the song ♪

(both laugh)

Hey, buddy! What's up?

Oh, I miss singing with you.

Oh, me too.

He loves music.

He's just like you when you were a baby.

Yeah, I play him my stuff and he just lights up.


I'm so proud of you, honey.

It seems like you're doing really good over there.




Kathryn: Hi!

Toby: Hey!

Lily: Hey!

So I built an obstacle course upstairs.

There are pillows everywhere!

Oh, that's for gross motor exercises.

We're doing fine motor today.

Aren't we?


It's okay. I'll get him. Come on.



(phone chimes)

He's always on that thing.

I gotta make a quick work call.

We're on vacation. Can it wait?

I'll be up in two minutes.

I am so excited to see what you can do, Carlton!

Show her! Show her!

Come on! Come on, show me!



Hey. What's the line on Arsenal?

Yeah. Okay.

Put me down for the same as last time.

Yeah, ten grand.

(muffled rock music playing)

(doorknob turns)


I know, you have plans.

But I just wanted to come by and say happy birthday and give you this.


Look, it's gonna be awkward for a while.

I realize that, but...

I just hope we can move past it eventually because I really care about you and I value our friendship.

Thank you. Um, can I just call you later?

It's not a great time right now.

Voice: Hey, it's your birthday! I'm paying!

Come on.

What's going on?

Are you two friends?

Oh, my god...

Mary Beth: Bay, I can explain.

Bay, wait!

I cannot believe that I was beating myself up over breaking the girl code when you blew it to smithereens!

Well, wait a second, a lot happened the last year.

You were in China.

Yeah, with Travis.

Is that what this is about? Revenge?

No, of course not!

You never even liked t*nk!

You just thought he was a stupid frat boy!

The dogfight party, did you forget about that?

Of course I didn't forget, but he quit after that, which I respected.

Because I told him to!

Well, can you just let me explain?

Okay. Fine. Explain.

What amazing story is there to rationalize this?

I walked into a cafe one night to study, and when I looked up, the guy taking my order was t*nk, and my first thought was, "I need to get out of here!"

But then we started talking.

About you, actually, and how you were doing, and...

How could you... be with him after what he did?

You always said you don't know what happened that night, that you might have said yes and you didn't remember.

I know what I said.

But you are not allowed to forgive him for something that happened to me.

You're right.

And if I were you, I'd probably feel the exact same way.

In a million years, I never thought that he and I would end up together.

But sometimes, life happens.


And when you started dating Travis, it hurt me for a long time.

But I had to accept it.

And I really hope that eventually you can accept this too.

I can't.

And the fact that you're comparing the two is kind of infuriating.

I know that he's not a bad guy.

But any time I see him or even hear his name, it just... it brings all of that up again.

And I'm sorry.

I want us to work this out.

I miss you.

What can I do?

You can break up with him.


Then I hope you two get married and stay together forever.

Maybe then it'll be worth it.

He loves the colors.


We're just teaching him shapes.

What's this?

It's a triangle!

Oh. (chuckles)

He's actually really far along for his age.

I think he's just a bit distracted.

New environment, new people.

It's usually just the two of us.

So, Toby's gone a lot?

Yeah. I've got my mum and I have met a few families with children with Down syndrome.

Community's important, but I bet it's not the same as having Toby around, huh?

Look, I don't want to complain.

He works so hard and it's his dream come true.

Plus, it is really nice not to have to worry about money.

Isn't it?

I'm sure that's all true, but if you need more from him, it's okay to ask.

You count too.

Excuse me. Sorry.

John: Yeah, she put up a triple-double against Finley her junior year that was amazing!
Uh, sweetie?

Sorry. What?

Oh, no, I'm just realizing how much you and Luca have in common.

Um, did you know he played basketball in high school before he went into the military?

And he's also a medic.

Uh, yeah.

I think Regina mentioned that.

Well, I'm sure he could tell you some stories.

(John claps)

Anyway, I'm gonna let you two world travelers get to it.

This old dinosaur is gonna check on the ribs.

(chuckles) See how they're doing, you know?

So, um... what made you wanna become a medic?

Well, actually, I wanted to be a sn*per.

I changed my mind during basic training.

What happened?

Well... a bunch of us were hanging out, you know, kicking back, playing video games, when by buddy, Ricky, falls out of his chair and hits his head, and when he got up, he was slurring his words.

And all the guys were laughing, thinking he was just, you know, wasted, but something didn't sit right with me.

I took him to the hospital.

Turns out, grade three concussion.


Doctor said if I hadn't brought him in, he would've had brain damage.

Maybe even died.

From then on, I knew what I wanted to do.

I didn't want my brothers getting hurt because somebody wasn't listening.



Are you okay?

She tried to tell me, but I didn't listen.

I completely ignored her.

It's the most important thing you can do, and... and I blew it.

I... I totally blew it.

Let's... let's get you some air.

Luca: How long have you been having the nightmares?

They started right after it happened.

They went away for a while, but now they're back.

You know, I've seen what you're talking about with soldiers coming out of combat.

It could be a form of post-traumatic stress disorder.

But I wasn't in combat.

The way you described what happened with how you almost lost her, you went through serious trauma that day.

Well, even if that's true, why now?

This happened 10 months ago.

Lots of things could trigger it.

Um, sounds, smells, any kind of stress.

I got in this big fight with one of my best friends last week.

I don't know if she's ever gonna talk to me again.

You almost lost your sister and now you've lost a friend.

Makes sense.

So, what do I do?

Exactly what you're doing.

You keep talking.

John, have you seen Daphne and Luca?

Yeah, yeah. Come here.

Check it out.


So long, Shimingo.




Luca's already with someone.


Are you sure?

Trust me.

Are you kidding?

Why is it men your age can date women way younger and no one bats an eye, but when it's a woman, it's like she's robbing a daycare?

Okay. Point taken.

(chuckles) Damn!

Yeah, sorry. (clears throat)

Luca seems like a great boy.

Man. I'm sorry.

Why didn't you just tell us?

Because I knew you'd react the way you just did.

And I want the girls to get to know him first.

And truth is... maybe I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.

Hey, I say if it makes you happy, go for it.



Maybe it's not traditional, but please, when has our family ever been traditional?

Thank you.


(door opens)

She's dating t*nk.

I... I guess they ran into each other while we were away.

Whoa, whoa, hey, hey, where are you going?

It's not gonna change anything.

Travis, come on.

Do we really have the right to be judging who your ex-girlfriend is dating?

Announcer: Rogers on the screen, driven misjudgment by Gubio, pass to McNally, moving through defenders...

Can he find a way?

Oh, there we go!

It's in the net! It's in the net!

(whistle blows)

(door opens)

Arsenal folds only in a...

(door closes)

I thought you said you had to work.

I was till one minute ago.

I'm doing everything I can to make sure our son stays on track, plus getting ready for our wedding, and you're in here watching a football match.

It was literally 30 seconds of checking a score.

We barely see you.

You're always gone, and when you are home, you're on your phone.

Do you think I like working this much?

I'm busting my ass because somebody's gotta keep the lights on.

I'd rather sit in the dark if it means my son having a father.

Hey, I am a great dad.

Yeah, sure you are, when it comes to the fun stuff.

When it comes to the work, you disappear.

Because you won't let me do anything!

Because you do it wrong!

Which is why I stopped asking in the first place!

And... and why do I even have to ask permission to hang out with my own son?

Because he needs consistency.

If I hear that word one more time...

My god!

Lily, you're a momzilla.

You know that, right?

Excuse me?

Everyone sees it!

Stomping over anyone who gets in your way?

Crash, crash, watch out, here comes momzilla!


Hey, you two, we're ready to start!

Lily, we have your parents all set up.

Great. We'll be right there.

Maybe we should postpone this a day or two.

Everyone's put a lot of time into getting everything ready.

Carlton's awake and my mum and dad are waiting.

So, what?

So, we're not canceling.

I'll see you out there.

(door opens, closes)

Whoa, calm down.

What'd he say?

Nothing. Forget it.

You're accusing me of being into t*nk when you and I were dating?


Okay, listen, I know this is strange, but you two went through a lot together.

You had a really nice thing. Don't crap on it all now.

Can we try to be mature about this?

t*nk: This really has nothing to do with you.

I understand why Bay is mad, but you have no right.

You are a complete hypocrite.

You didn't consult me when you started dating my friend.

You don't get to tell me who I can date.

What did he say?

Look, we knew this was coming.

It's a thousand times worse than I thought it would be.

May we have the rings please?

(classical music playing)

Toby and Lily have asked to say a few words in lieu of vows.

(shutter clicks)

Lily... playing my music way too loud one night... turned out to be the best decision of my life because it led to you storming in and demanding... rightfully... that I turn it down.

So much has happened since then, including creating a family together.

We've already been through a lifetime of experiences, and I can't wait to go through the rest of my life with you.


Even though I'm a raging momzilla that stomps over everyone?


Well, is it a secret?

'Cause according to you, the whole world sees it.

Maybe we should talk about this in private.

No, it's fine.

Actually, can we speed this up a little bit?

Can we just skip to the "I do's"?

Yep, sure.

Um... uh...

Toby, do you take...

He does.

I do.

Lily, do you take...

I do.


Um, well, then by the power vested in me by the state of Kansas and, I pronounce you husband and wife.

You may kiss the bride?


Well, we wanted to go non-traditional.

Think we succeeded.

I am controlling.

I nag you all the time and I don't let you do enough with him.


You are doing an amazing job.

The truth is...

I'm jealous.

You get to go to work, go on all these adventures and meet all these people, then you come home, you play with him for an hour, and then you go to bed.

You're right.

You do all this gut work, I mean, day in and day out.

Bottles, the diapers, the meals...

No, it's not just that.

It's just... it's just frustrating trying to teach him to do the simplest of things, and he can't get it.

I know.

Most days I wouldn't change a molecule of him.

Yeah, but sometimes you just want him to get it just... a bit quicker.

I know.

I love him so much.

I adore him. He's my everything.

He's part of me.


I don't know if I've got what it takes to be a stay-at-home mom.


Okay, hey, let's talk about that.

Does that make me a terrible mother?

Of course not.

No dad would ever wonder that about himself.

I know I made you move to London and now you're living your dream, and... and earning all this money, which I am so grateful for...


So you remember how I told you about that, uh... little gambling problem I had in high school?

Oh, Toby...

You know how it is in London.

You... you bet on what the weather is gonna be like, what color tie the Prime Minister's gonna wear...

How much have you lost?

It's, uh, why I've been working so much.

Trying to make it all back.

It started off as just a few little bets, you know, to blow off some steam.

What do you mean?

I... I don't spend nearly as much time with Carlton as you, so I have no reason to complain.

But... you know, I'm always worried about... whether or not his heart is gonna be okay, or... you know, if he's gonna get bullied on the playground when he's ten... or who's gonna take care of him when we're gone.

Yeah, well, I worry about all those things too.

We're gonna get you some help.


Thanks for not yelling at me.

No, I only yell in the middle of wedding ceremonies with our entire family watching.

(both chuckle)

Can I kiss my bride now?

That was an interesting wedding.

Mm, definitely one for the books.

And John wasn't kidding.

These are the best ribs I've ever had.

Don't let him hear you say that.


So you and Daphne seem to have a lot in common.

Wait... are you jealous?

Of course not.

Just wondering what you guys were talking about.

Mostly she was telling me what happened in China.

Sounds like she saw some pretty rough stuff over there.

You mean at the clinic?

I mean having her sister almost die in front of her.


H... honestly, it... it wasn't that serious!

It was like a glorified flu.

Japanese encephalitis sounds very serious.

Why didn't you tell us?

We knew that you would freak out and make us come home!

Yeah, you got that right.

I would've had you on the first flight out of Beijing.

It's over now.

We've put it behind us.

Honey, what's wrong?

You were feeling sick that morning.

You told me that you didn't want to go, but I pushed you to do the hike because I was sure you'd love it once we got started.

But I didn't listen to you.

That's a doctor's job, to listen to her patients, and I didn't do it.

Daphne, it's okay.

No, it's not.

I thought you were gonna die that night.

And all I could think about was... calling everyone to tell them what happened and how it was all my fault.


Oh, honey...

No. Guys, guys, guys, just let... let me talk to her.

Ling said that you carried me for, like, three miles... which pretty much means I have Supergirl for a sister.

I never thought about how hard it must have been for you.

I think what happened with Iris kind of... brought it all back up, you know?

Daphne, I'm really sorry.

So, uh, how'd it go with Mary Beth?

You are not gonna believe this.


How did you know?

What are you doing here?

Bay, you know I wouldn't be here if I didn't have a good reason.

You're trespassing. I'll call the cops.

Hey, Supergirl, thank you, but I can handle this.

Okay, but I'm not leaving.

What is it?

There's something you don't know about Mary Beth.

She came into my restaurant and we just...

I already heard all of that.

She took pity on you because you needed a friend.

Yeah, I did.

But so did she.

Because of Travis?


Her mom's not doing so good.

She's had a really rough year.


Thank you for telling me.

I know Mary Beth told you, but I had to tell you myself.

None of this was planned.

Okay? It just happened.

The last thing I'd ever want to do is hurt you... more than I already have.

I should have told you about China.

Oh, I'm just glad you finally got it out.

Well, I have Luca to thank for that.

Okay, here it goes.

Luca and I are together.

What do you mean?

Oh, wow.

I should have told you earlier, but my last relationship was such a mess, that I wanted to make sure that it was something before I said anything, and now it is, and I told you as soon as I realized, and I'm gonna tell Bay as soon as I see her.

Mom, he's a good guy who just got me through something big, and if you're happy, then I'm happy, and I'm sure Bay will be too.


Everybody is handling this much better than I thought they would.


Wait... he doesn't have a crazy ex-wife, does he?


No, he does not!

(both laugh)

Mary Beth: I blew off my mom that night.

I was supposed to have dinner, but I just didn't feel like going out... and then I got the call from the hospital.

"Your mother's had a stroke."

Oh, no.

A neighbor found her.

Thank God.

But it should have been me.

I should have been there.

Can't blame yourself.

But I can.

You know, if I hadn't been so selfish, if I had just gone over...

I would have been there when it happened.

I would have gotten her to the hospital sooner.

How is she doing now?

She's working her way back.

But we finally got her out of the wheelchair for a little bit last week.

I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you.

You were in China.

With your ex-boyfriend.

I was so... wrapped up in my own guilt that I wasn't really talking to anyone until I ran into t*nk.

He knows what it's like to obsessively wish you could go back and change one night of your life.

He helped me through it.

He's a good friend.

I remember.

By the time it started turning into something else... he wasn't that guy anymore.

I thought you were mad about me and Travis.

When I first ran into you, I was.

Until I got your email, I still thought there was a chance he and I could get back together someday.


I'm in a good relationship.

So, I'm dating Travis... and you're with t*nk.

What does that mean for us?

I don't know.

Me neither.

John: But don't tell her I told you.

You gotta act like it's a surprise.

It's unreal!

What is he, like, 25?

Uh-oh... do I gotta worry you're gonna trade me in for a new model?

I'm pretty happy with the old one.



Hey, guys.



Uh, can we talk to you guys for a second?

Sure. What's up?

I'm sorry about making a scene at the wedding.

Oh, that's okay.

It's been a stressful year for both of you.

You have a baby with special needs and you moved to another country.

That's a lot for anyone to handle.

Yeah, we've been thinking the same thing, um, which is why we wanted to ask how you guys felt about us staying in the guest room a little longer than a week.

You're staying?

We called Melody to see if my old job at the deaf program was still available, and turns out it is.

Toby: I'm gonna cut back on DJing and we're gonna take care of Carlton together.

So, you're coming home!

Kathryn: And I want you to know we'll be here for you all the way.

(Carlton crying)

Oh, I'll get him.

I mean, if that's okay with you.

Actually, that would be brilliant.

Hey, you know what? I think I'll come with.

Work on my diaper skills.

(all laugh)

Lily: Thanks.

John: Here you go.


You bet.




She was in so much pain and I wasn't there for her.

So much happened while we were in China.

To Mary Beth, to Emmett.

I'm just saying maybe we stayed too long.

Thanks, but, uh...

I... I have to work.

Yeah. N... Noelle, uh, has this, uh, bachelor party coming in and, uh, she needs all hands on deck.

I won't.

♪ Everything in slow motion ♪
♪ Slowly breaking open ♪
♪ The light is breaking ♪
♪ I'm coming home ♪

(engine starts)

♪ Take me out ♪
♪ I think it's gonna save me now ♪
♪ The light is breaking ♪