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01x02 - Personal Matters

Posted: 02/14/17 09:16
by bunniefuu
Announcer: A maverick billionaire...

Gideon: My name is Gideon Reeves.

I built an empire making rockets, computers, robots...

Made over $100 billion. Know how I did it?

I'm an engineer.

Announcer: ...touched by tragedy...

The money!



My friend has been shot.

Where the hell are you people?!

Announcer: ...takes on the biggest engineering challenge of his career...

I want justice for Elliot James Sully.

Give me the 13th District to run.

A civilian can't take over a police district.

They can, with a special appointment from this committee.

Announcer: revolutionize a police force...

Technology doesn't solve cases, cops do.

You haven't met my technology.

♪ ♪

[cries out]


Announcer: ...and save a city.

You guys are my partners.

We're gonna change the world.

♪ ♪

[computer beeps and blips]

[cell phone vibrating]

♪ Who wants to rock now? ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Who wants to rock now? ♪
♪ ♪
♪ I can wreck a mic, I can wreck a mic ♪

Hi, I'm Gideon Reeves, billionaire, inventor, and new head of Chicago's 13th police district.

If you're seeing this, you are one of 378,000 people in this city who've already downloaded my new APB crime-fighting app.

Shortly after launch, we had over 5,000 APB crime reports.

With a fancy bit of computer engineering and a little help from my brilliant team, we routed every one of those calls to the local 911 operators.

Not just the calls... GPS info, video.

All kinds of good stuff.

You know what? Rather than tell ya, why don't I just show ya?

♪ I can wreck a mic, I can wreck a mic ♪
♪ I can wreck a mic, I can wreck a mic ♪


♪ Who wants to rock? ♪

[alarm bell ringing]

♪ Who wants to rock? ♪
♪ ♪

See, up until now, thanks to short-sighted budget cuts by the mayor, criminals have had such an easy time.

They've been, well, robbing the candy store.

There you go, take that. Good. Take that.

[whispers]: You get the big one.

We're reinventing policing, and we're catching the bad guys.

[sirens approaching]

Thanks to the hard work of Chicago's finest, we are about to take a brand-new bite out of crime...

All in record time, I might add. Hey, Murph.

Gideon, are you serious?

She's right, I better wrap it up.

Here's the bottom line.

The mayor can talk all he wants about Chicago's problems.

Thanks to the APB app...

I'm here to offer solutions.

And jelly beans.

I love jelly beans.

Newswoman: In the electronic communication blast through his popular APB app, maverick billionaire Gideon Reeves may have had some sweet...

Just one moment. offer Chicago's crime-weary citizens today...

Sorry. Can I help you?


[p*stol cocks]

Give me the keys to the cabinet. Now!

All right, all right, just please...

Let's go!

Don't do anyth... Oh!

Gideon: Okay, I assume everybody saw today's little demonstration.

Yes, everybody catch that?

[mumbled assents]

So here's the deal.

In my experience, the best thing to do with politicians is to go around them.

You go through them, you get bloody, and my suits and your fancy new uniforms are too nice for that.

Now, I want you all to know these aren't just words.

I'm here to start a revolution.

And you know where that starts?

Not with the new g*ns or the drones, amazing though they may be.

It starts with all of you.

Murphy, could you...

As you probably heard, I recently promoted Murphy here to detective, and yet... gonna blow your minds here...

She's still in uniform, she's not wearing a pantsuit, sitting at a desk. Why?

Because studies have shown it's the beat cops that have the knowledge and the relationships to get crimes solved and cases closed.

So why do we take detectives off the street?

Well, now we don't.

And it doesn't stop there.

Paperwork? Guess what, you don't do it anymore.

Mm-hmm. How about evidence logging? No.

There's a computerized...

Ada: Gideon!

Oh, God, Ada, I'm kinda revolutionizing here.

Uh, yeah, but I just got an APB call.

There's a robbery at a pharmacy.

I-I called it out, but this station is closer than any of the units on patrol...

I'm on it.

You know what? Me, too.

Gideon: Disruption, guys.

You get it.

Murphy: 1309 squad responding.


1309, we've got three separate APB reports.

Conrad: Got a Caucasian male, masked, approximately five eight.

Ada: I'm sending video now.


[sirens blaring]

You sure this a good idea, you being here?

[chuckles] Come on, you heard me back there.

This is what it's all about, helping you be the best cops that you can be...

Changing it up Yeah, I don't know about that.

You're changing a lot of tradition.

The cars, the uniforms, the robots.

Maybe, you know, learn a little bit before you just bust things up.

That's what I'm here for, to learn.

Yeah, but then you're gonna change everything else, too.

Yeah. See, you're getting it.

Conrad: 1309, be advised.

Looks like the suspect is on the move now, going westbound on Division.

Murphy: Copy that.

From your position, you should be able to pick him up...


[siren blaring]

I think we just did.

So how does this work, exactly?

We just stay on him and set up a roadblock.

He's not too worried about sticking to the road.

What the hell is he doing?

[tires screeching]

[people screaming]

Son of a bitch!

Woman [crying]: Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.


We need an ambulance at Rawlings Park.

11th and Dover.

Dispatcher: Copy.

Woman [sobbing]: Emily, baby, please...

Emily... Baby, please.


Ada: Gideon, we're still combing through all of the surveillance video, looking for any sign of our hit-and-run driver.

We have units out everywhere, but nothing's turned up yet.

Gideon [on phone]: Well, keep looking.

Every resource we have.


Mr. Reeves, sir, we are trying to do everything we can, but since Captain Hauser tendered his resignation, we...

Wait, Hauser resigned?

Sorry, I thought you would have heard from the union by now.

Says he wouldn't come to work anymore until you've packed your money bags and moved back to Smartassville.

His words, sir, not mine.


That's cute. Uh, no, I'm-I'm staying.

Fine by me, but no one here has the stripes to authorize overtime and extra shifts.

In that case, congratulations.

I'm sorry?

I read your file. 30-plus years on the force.

Everybody likes you. Hell, I like you.

I don't even really know you. So you are it, Captain Conrad.

Carry on.

[dial tone]

He does that kind of thing a lot.

[monitor beeping]


[sighs]: Uh... how's she doing?

Doctors don't know.

She hasn't woke up since the accident.

She's got swelling in her brain.

They say if it goes down, she's got a shot.

But if it don't...

You got any kids?

I do.

A son. His name is Mateo.

Then you know how it is.

But you...

When we heard you were coming into the 13th, a lot of us thought, maybe, finally things were gonna get better.

I even started taking Emily to the park.

You know how long it's been since we felt safe doing that?

I guess we weren't as safe as we thought.


Well, Detective, you got your first case.

Gideon, are you sure?

I mean, this is a heater case with a lot of eyes on it.

And we still haven't even finished our conversation from when you gave me the badge.

Cool. Let's finish it right now.

Someone just ran down a little girl in my district.

So here's how we're gonna do this.

Wear whatever you want. Drive whatever you want.

Set your own hours, do whatever the hell it takes, just get the job done.

Yes, sir.

[seagulls squawking]

I went through the files, and it turns out that the guy we're looking for isn't a beginner.

This is the fifth pharmacy he's hit up in the same general area.

Targets small shops, gets into the narcotics lockup, and rides out like a bat out of hell.

Any clue who he is?

Unfortunately, no.

But he clearly knows what he's doing.

We have some basic weight and height info, but no fingerprints and no face.

We sent a description of the car to the APB app.

We've been getting calls all morning.

It's a really common car, so we've been getting a lot of hits.

I narrowed the results by eliminating cars registered within a ten-mile radius of the robbery.

Well, he obviously is not registering his getaway car, right?

Yeah, I'd say that's a safe bet.

Better... but still nothing to nail anyone specific.

Actually, I can help with that.

We got a report that the gunman tossed his mask on the way out of the pharmacy.

Brandt and Goss managed to recover it.


Even better.


Brandt: Here, Zingo. Here, boy.

Sniff, yeah, there you go.

Good boy, good boy, good boy.

Come on.

We should get him some water soon.

We got him water, like, a block ago.

He's an energetic breed. He needs hydration.

Seriously, man? Oh, so you're, like, the expert.

I trained with dogs in the army for three years.

It's the only thing that kept me sane.

I know when a dog's thirsty.

You're still thirsty, ain't you, boy? And what about me?

Every time we're on patrol, you act like I'm torturing you when I get an iced tea.

"Oh, you gotta be kiddin' me."

That's different!

How is is different?

Because you're addicted to iced tea.

It's about feeding your sick need for caffeine.

Also, Zingo? He can pee on a tree.

He doesn't gotta drive around for 40 minutes lookin' for a clean bathroom.

Do you, boy?


Gideon: Okay, this is the third location the APB app has got for our getaway car.

Are you sure that the dog is up for this?

Murphy: You're just disappointed 'cause it's not a robot.

Trust me, these dogs know what they're doing.

It's possible to love robots and dogs, you know.

[Murphy sighs]

You ever watch The Jetsons?

The what?

Okay, here's the address.

Sending the location now.

Goss: Squad, 1305, copy that.

Who lives there?

Goss: Who doesn't, more like it.

It's a mope crash pad. It's one of those places that couldn't make it as a crackhouse.

Easy, boy.

He got something?

Yeah. Yeah, I think he does. Go, go!


Brandt: Come on, Zingo!

Gideon: That's the car.

That's the car from the robbery.

The son of a bitch set it on fire.


Zingo, no! Zingo!


Zingo, no! Zingo!




Brandt: Oh, no! Oh, no!

Oh, no, Zingo!

Oh, no, no, no.

[Zingo whining]

All right. Zingo's hurt!

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, okay, boy.

Are you okay?

Is he, uh...?

Goss: I don't know.

1305. What's your status?

Brandt, are you okay?

Yes, I'm fine! Get help!

1305. Emergency, located offending vehicle at 567 Elm Street.

Car is on fire, send CFD... and we're gonna need an ambulance.

You'll be okay. All right.

[computer trilling]

Man: Just go ahead and put that up on the lift.

Murphy: Hey.

Am I interrupting?

No, come on in.

I'm at a dead end here.

Me, too. Does yours have to do with the theoretical and technical limitations of hyperspectral imaging?


Well, let's go with yours first, then.

We searched the entire house.

Looks like the suspect never even stayed there.

I mean, he ditched the car in the back and just lit it up.

Uh, yeah, he certainly did.

Ada says the car was stolen a month ago.

Uh, she didn't get anything there.

Uh, found some custom parts in the engine...

There's a nitrous oxide system and a flashy air intake.

So I'm trying to pull serial numbers, but whatever the fire didn't destroy was already filed off.

Wait, these are recent mods?

Like, they were just put in the car?

Yeah, there's less carbonized grease on new stuff.

Maybe I should order a scanning electron microscope.

Hang on, Gideon. I might have an idea.

I've been chasing these racers in the 13th for ten years.

There's only like four places in this district that sell stuff like that, and only one that would actually work on a stolen car.

Grab that stuff. We got a garage to go check out.


You know all these cruisers have stereos, right?

We should have some detecting music.

Detecting music?


You had your little detective moment back there, and now we're gonna go and talk to a bad guy, so, do you who Dime Store Darlings are?


Okay, look, when we get there, I'm gonna go inside and you're gonna stay in the car.

Once everything's settled, I'll come back and get you.


That doesn't like much fun.

Yeah, well, you're not on a field trip, Gideon.

We're on a trip, we're in the field.

No. You're not a cop.

You just happen to own a police district.

Shouldn't I at least get, like, a badge?

I dropped $90 million!

Dios mío.

It's like I have another kid.

[tools grinding]

[whispering]: Hey.

Oh, my God.

Didn't I tell you to stay in the car?

Yeah. I ignored you.


Listen, right, I know this guy.

He can be a little jumpy.

So I don't want to be the cop that broke the billionaire.

Well, "to avoid risk is to avoid progress."

Who said that?


New York Times, August 2014.

Seriously, you've gotta start reading some of my interviews.

You're gonna follow me in there no matter what I say, aren't you?

"Never listen to no": Wired magazine, 2011.

Fine. Just do exactly as I say, okay?





[g*n cocks]

[chuckles] Damn, we're good.

[handcuffs clicking]

I'm telling you, I don't know anything about it.

Ryan, buddy....

Do you remember the first time I busted you?


I do. You were 16 years old, and you were a bad liar then and you're a bad liar now.

Did we find what we were looking for?

Gideon: Yeah, found a match for the air intake, and this is definitely the nitrous system.

That don't prove nothin'.

You want to arrest me? Go ahead.

You got me there.

They would never approve a felony charge.

Guess I'll just have to take you home.


Yeah, your mom still lives on Fairfield, right?

Yeah, but I don't want no ride home.

No, honestly, it's really not a problem.

I mean, but I'm gonna have to tell her that you sold those parts, and that you may or may not have helped a guy who ran over a kid.

But you can just tell her what you told me, that you don't know anything. Come on.

Wait, wait! Oh... Hold on.

I didn't know, okay?

He came to me, and he wanted...

Gideon: What? What?

Who-who came to you?

Jed Baxter. He did some time upstate.

Wanted me to trick out his ride. Paid cash.

I-I thought he was just a racer, but... then I heard about what happened.

I got scared.

Do you know where I can find him?


I swear to God. All I know is that he got a new ride: a red muscle car with a big-bore V8.

Came by looking for a racing carburetor.

I told him he was too hot, so I sent him away.


You sure about that?

Okay, so I sold him the car.

But I told him I wasn't gonna install it.

Look, you don't understand... Jed's hard-core.

Like... serious.

If you guys don't catch him, and he finds out that I talked...

Have a little faith.

I put a probe on Titan, I can handle a moron in a muscle car.

We streamlined the original design based on your prototype, and we added fins for stability.

The big challenge was the engine.

We were able to put together a one-fifth scale version based on the E-bike motor from the transpo division... and we came up with this.

The new Reeves Mark I Police Interceptor Drone.

You made that?

Yes, sir, I did.

A week earlier than it was due.

If you'll forgive me for saying so, sir, your impatience is a known engineering parameter.

Good. Bring it to my car.

And Pete... grab all your stuff.

You're coming to Law Enforcement, effective immediately.


The blast sent shrapnel flying into the bone here, here, and here.

The damage is severe.

What does that mean?

Does he get, like, a cast, or...?

We're not going to be able to save the leg.

You're kidding me.

He's a working dog. If he can't work...

I know.

That's one of the reasons why we think the best thing for Zingo might be to...

Shut the hell up.

You shut the hell up, I don't even want to hear that, you understand me?

Brandt, Brandt... it's not his fault the dog got hurt.

Now get the hell out of here. Go!

I'll be over there in a minute.

I'm sorry. Look, dogs like Zingo got my partner through two tours in Iraq, so... if there's anything you can do...

Yeah. I understand.

[softly]: Okay.

Murphy: Here's the situation: okay, everybody knows we've been looking for the man behind the pharmacy robberies and the hit-and-run of Emily Jimenez.

Well, last night, we got a break.

We're looking for Jed Baxter: local boy, did five years in the I.D.O.C.

Drives a red sports car.

Consider him armed and dangerous.

You have all his info in your beat cars.

Keep your eyes open.

Work your contacts.

Let's get this guy.

♪ ♪
[sirens blaring]

A little girl got hurt.

The girl's almost dead this morning.

I know...

Think you can run one for me?

All right, so have you owned this car since it was new?


♪ ♪

[indistinct radio transmission]

♪ ♪

[indistinct radio transmission]

[tires screeching]

Hold it.


1312. Emergency squad.

I am looking at a red sedan, occupant matches the description of the wanted suspect.

You guys gettin' this?

Yeah, we're with you, Cobb.

Requesting backup right now.

Try not to spook him, please.

[engine revs]

Cobb: Yeah, well, that's a negative, squad, he is officially spooked.

[siren wailing]

Hey, Murphy.

Murphy: 10-4, squad, 1309 responding.

[siren wailing]

[engine revs]

Already on my way.

[tires screeching]


I lost him.

I lost him, guys.

Gideon: Murph, he's eastbound on Monroe.

Get him there.

[siren wailing]

Doing great, Murph.

You just stay on him.

It's not as easy as it looks, you know.

Well, I am right behind you.

[siren wailing]

Oh! [grunts]

[indistinct radio transmission]

Is he okay?


I'm okay, I'm okay.

Gideon, he lost us.

Speak for yourself.

[engine revs]

[tires screeching]

Down in the tunnel. Hey!

[horn honks]

Ah, you can do better than that!


Damn it!

We're losing signal down in the tunnels.

Come on!

Come on!

Damn it!

Drone's down.

Drone's down. Anybody see him?

Negative, boss.

He's gone.


Murphy: Hey.

Sorry about your drone.

Huh? Yeah, well, you know, flying into a steel pylon at 50 miles an hour wasn't exactly in the specs.

You okay?

No. Not really.

I made a promise, Murphy.

I looked that little girl's mom in the eye and I said that I would catch this guy.

$250,000 worth of technology... [slams table] gets beaten by a high school dropout in a muscle car.

What, what?

How many car chases have you been in before that?

[chuckles] Um, that would be none.

Yeah, it figures.

Gideon, you're a smart guy.

I know you've got satellites and holograms and stuff, but you got to understand the bad guys are good at what they do, too.

I mean, Jed Baxter's been running from the cops all of his life.

Yes, he's extraordinarily good at pressing his foot down hard on the accelerator.

You know, you're pretty dumb for a genius sometimes.

Come on.

Where we going?

You're going to car chase school.

Is that an accredited program or...?

Let's go.

I don't have to take notes, do I?

I get carsick very easily.

Murphy: The thing you need to get here, when it comes to high-speed pursuit, is that the bad guy almost always has an edge on us.

You realize you're in a cruiser with over 650 horsepower, right?

Yeah, and that's great. I mean, if we're chasing felons down a racetrack, we're gonna win every time.


Look there.

That, uh... is an alley.

Murphy: Well, a couple of years ago, I chased an idiot down through there after a carjacking.

He headed down the alley and took out two delivery trucks and an old refrigerator along the way.

We can't do that.

We'd burn through these fancy cars in a week.

You see that? Baxter didn't lose us because he drives a faster car or because he's a better driver.

He lost us because he doesn't care about running people down. We do.

He'll do it and he knows we won't.

But the drone isn't on the street.

Look, the drone's great.

But again, bad guys aren't stupid.

Baxter took one look at that thing in the air and figured out the fastest way to lose it.

So what are you saying?

We're supposed to give up?

No, my point is this: you can't underestimate the bad guys in this job. Ever.

[parking brake cranks]

Why are we stopped?

It's my house.

Figured if we're gonna be working together, we might as well get to know each other.

I'll buy you dinner.

You have to pay for dinner in your own house?

[Spanish music playing]

Oh, my... [whoops]


Want some more?

Oh, I'm fine.

Mami, the poor guy's gonna choke.

Cálmate, mijita. Look at him.

He's too skinny.


So, where are you from?

Gideon: Evanston.

I grew up in Evanston.

Mita: You still have family there?

Gideon: Uh, not really.

Sort of, my father still lives up there.

I left home when I was 16 to go to MIT, so... we're not close.

Theresa says you're a genius.

Making rockets, robots...

Mom, you're gonna embarrass him.

¿Qué? You said it.

Mateo here... he gets straight As.

The school says he's gifted.

Hey, maybe he should go work for you.

Straight As, huh? Mateo, what's your favorite subject?

Math, I guess.

That's the right answer.

I'm an engineer.

You know what that is?

No, what is it?

[chuckles] An engineer is like a superhero, but better, because he's real.

An engineer builds stuff.

What'd you make there?

It's a track for cars and motorcycles.

Oh, yeah?

Both of 'em?


There's, like, teams and they race.

The motorcycles always win, 'cause they're awesome.

[echoing]: They can go super fast and go down alleys that cars can't drive in.

This was delicious. Thank you. I have to go.

But you just got here.

I... have something very important.

Murphy: Gideon, you don't have a car.

I do, I-I always have a driver on call.

Uh... Mateo... it's a consulting fee.

Give that to your mom, have her put it away for college.

Any school but Caltech.



Thank you so much.

Good night.

Good night.

I like him.

[door closes]

Mami, please don't.

[speaking Spanish]

Yep, housing fits great back here.

Well, the housing was never the issue.

It just needs to deploy cleanly.

All right.

[drill whirrs]

Hey, could you... I can't...

I can't get the angle.


Murphy: So this is why you ran off in such a hurry last night?

Gideon: Um, yeah, pretty much.

I had the basic vehicle, but just making a few modifications, since I went over the design parameters that you laid out last night.

Design parameters? [chuckles]

I'm sorry, am I missing something?

Your lecture on the finer points of car chases and your son's ideas about motorcycles.

These bikes ought to take care of our alley and pedestrian problems.

Murphy: Yeah, well, I was out on the streets all morning, asking around about Baxter.

Word is, he gets off on us chasing him.

He wants to make another score.

Think these are gonna be ready in time?

Brandt: We want in.

What? Excuse me?

Ada told me upstairs what you're working on.

The bikes. Me and Goss, we're riding 'em.

I told him he can't just walk his ass up in here and interrupt...

I rode with the Rangers.

Goss was detailed to the motorcycle unit before she was assigned here.

Whatever we got to do, we'll do it.

That bastard almost k*lled Zingo.

Yes, and a little girl.

Yeah, and a little girl.

So if there's a slim chance in hell of catching this guy with some new thing that you got?

I'm first in line.

Well, looks like we got our riders.

All right, everybody, here's the situation: word on the street is another pharmacy's gonna get hit in the next few days.

Our job is to be there when Baxter is.

He's fast, he's smart, and he's not gonna wait for us to get there.

We're gonna have to spread out, set a perimeter.

Are you sure you want to do that?


I just figured you'd want an optimization algorithm.

A what?

Hey, if you set up a perimeter, nobody's moving and they're far from most of the possible targets.

But with the right algorithm, you can work it out so the patrol cars are always moving, and they're always close to every pharmacy.

And you can do that?


Murphy: Okay, new plan. You're gonna get out there, Ada's gonna give us an optimization thing.


Let's go.

Squad 1333. All clear.

Squad 1387.

All clear.

Squad 1391. All clear.

We enhanced the torque on the engines.

So when you guys accelerate, you're gonna want to hang on.

Enhanced? How much we talking?

Got about 350 foot-pounds.

Zero to 60 in two seconds.

You're basically gonna be the fastest things on the road.

Brandt: All right.

So, uh, what happens when we catch up to the guy?

Gideon: The idea is to deploy a spike strip.

That's what I'm working on right now.

Hey, uh...

I know this may sound weird, but, um, have I seen you before?

[chuckles] You follow wrestling?

Holy hell... you're Blockhead.

I'm sorry, who?

The only pro wrestler to get the U.S., intercontinental and the tag team belt at the same time.


Welcome to the Block Party.

[neck cracks]


Gideon: Yeah.

After a career breaking chairs over people's heads, Pete got a PhD in electrical engineering from Georgia Tech, came to work for me.

[Gideon cries out]


You okay?



Just working out the kinks.

Thanks, man.

Yes, sir.

Gideon: Captain.

Conrad, that's you.

You're the captain.


Still getting used to it.

Weissman, Gioia. Get these boxes out of here.

Yes, sir. Coming, Cap.

[sighs, grunts]

You okay?

Huh? Yeah, no, I... hit a little snag with the motorcycle project.

It's fine. I thought you were going out on patrol.

Yeah. I just... I wanted to talk to you about something.

What's that?

Look, I know seeing a little girl get run down, it hit you hard.

And I know how much this case means to you.

So I just wanted to say, if-if you change your mind and you want another, more experienced detective to lead the case... I understand.


Listen, I'm... I'm pretty green at this job, myself, so, you know, if you want to find another billionaire to buy the police district, I would understand.

I don't know any other billionaires.

I don't really know any other detectives, so... [inhales, exhales]

I guess we're stuck with each other. Okay.

Get out there. Go get the bad guys. Scumbags...

I don't know. What is it? Crooks, perps, whatever phrasing inspires you to, like, do the most justice.

Ada: I mean, it's really not that complicated.

I'm just partitioning the area with a distributed algorithm.

Now, see there?

You just lost me again.

Okay, uh... Think about it, like, um...

Like, you know, the ghosts in Pac-Man.

It'd be a lot easier to catch them if they just stood still, right?

Do I look like I play video games?

[alert buzzing]

Ada: Okay. "Guy with a g*n at Freeman Drug."

That's him.

Conrad: All units, pharmacy robbery in Lakeview.

Suspect headed southbound on Lincoln between 8th and 9th.

Murphy: 1099. 1309 responding.

How are those bikes coming?

Pete: Officers, I can't let you do this.

You haven't even taken them out, yet.

Well, this party's started, and I'm not missing it.

Yeah. We'll figure it out.

The spike strips, they gonna work?

The bikes are wired, but unless you have eyes on the back of your head, you're gonna have a real hard time targeting.

You got three minutes to figure it out.

[sirens wailing]

[tires screeching]

Murphy: 1309. Squad, I'm in pursuit, requesting backup.

Help is on the way, 1309.

All right. What's the ETA on Goss and Brandt?

Ada: One minute, eight seconds at current velocity.

Conrad: Whoa.

How fast are those things going?

Faster than I could answer that question.

[sirens chirping]

[men shouting]

Man: Are you kidding me?!

Brandt, I need you to get ahead of him.

About eight blocks up, there's an alley.

Goss, you take 14th and intercept.

Copy, squad.

Copy that, squad.

[siren chirping, people shouting]

[sirens chirping]

[siren wailing]

Ada, I need to see the road.

Get me a rear view from Brandt's bike.

Ada: Nope. That's all I got.

There's no rear view camera?

They are experimental bikes, they were in a lab 11 hours ago, I told you they weren't ready.

Brandt? I want you to do something for me.

Little busy, right now.

It's very important.

I want you to take your body camera, pull it around behind you, like, as low as you can get.

You want me to wear my camera on my ass?

Lower back is... is fine.

Gideon: Yes! That is perfect.

[siren wailing]

All right, he's almost there.

Gideon: What about Goss?

Ada: Closing in.

Hey, Murphy, you want to know why I'm not asking you if you're ready?

Why's that?

'Cause I know the answer already.

Goss? Brandt?

Both of you, listen to me carefully.

You're gonna see a red button on your handlebars.

I'm gonna need you moving laterally across the road in front of the car, and you're gonna hit that button on my signal. On one.


Five... [tires screeching] four... three, two... One!

Goss: Chicago Police! Freeze!

[Taser crackling, man grunting]



Ada: Yes!

You like that? Huh?

You like that?

Stand down.

Stand down! Stand down.

That's for Zingo.

Murphy: Suspect in custody.


Oh, oh, oh!

We got him.

Not bad for a first case, Detective.

That thing is absurd.

Gideon: Well, you're not the one carrying it.

So how is she?

Doctors said she woke up last night.

I thought they said she wouldn't be conscious for at least a week.

Yeah. Well, I hired new doctors.

Gideon [quietly]: All right, okay...



Mr. Reeves.

Oh, uh, Gideon, please, please.

Uh, I don't know if you've been watching the news.

I have.

Nice work.


...I had some help.

Is she...?

Baby? Hey.

Some people are here to see you.


Oh, hi.

I'm Gideon. Uh... I brought you this.

Get it right up here. There we go.

[Gideon laughs]

Mother: Look.

I... I asked for the biggest that they had.

[clears throat] I wasn't aware of the latest advances in teddy bear-making technologies, so...

[mother laughs]

Emily: It's okay.

I really like it.

Oh. Oh, yeah? All right. Good.

Uh, we have to go.

But I did want to say one thing. Um...

I can do a lot of things...

Make robots, drones, turn carbon into nanotubes...


Right. But, uh...


One thing that I can't do is promise nothing like this will ever happen again.

But I am trying.

I know.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.


[door opens]

Man: That's gonna help out a lot.

Man 2: Yeah. Let's run it by the captain.


You okay, there?


I went to the vet's office at lunch.

I checked the cages out back.

Zingo wasn't there.

Listen, Brandt.


Just because the dog wasn't in the cage...



Hey, boy! Hey, come here, boy.


Hey, boy!

How did you do this?

Reeves has a medical division, and most of the device prototypes are for animals, and... you know, it was lying around.

Oh, I was there. He stole it.


Wow. Thank you.

So, um, what happens to him now?

Well, to be honest, keeping him on the force might be a bit of an insurance issue.

So, uh, your partner said you, uh... might want a dog.


Did you hear that, boy?

Oh, it's you and me now.

[tires screech]


Hi, papi.

You have fun at your dad's? Mwah.



Missed you.

You, too.

Go wait in the car.


So I tried calling you a couple times today.

Sorry. I've just... I've been jammed.

Listen, I'm gonna pick him up from soccer on Tuesday, okay?

I know. So listen, that transfer we discussed.

I think you should do it.

[sighs] In fact, Already had the paperwork drawn up.

Scott, I already told you. I'm not leaving the 13th.

Why not?

Oh, because Reeves made you a detective?

It's not just that.

But yeah. That has something to do with it.

You know, it seems a little weird to me, that the guy's been there less than a week, and he's already given you a promotion.

What are you trying to say?

It's just an observation.

Guess he's a big fan of your work.

Is that why you called me?

'Cause you're jealous of my boss?


You know what?

I don't have time for this.

Actually, Theresa, the reason I called was to give you a heads-up.

The mayor has set up a task force to look into the 13th District.

It seems not everybody loves the idea of a rich guy sh**ting people with drones, or turning citizens into amateur cops.

So I'd get out while you can.

Oh, there's one more thing.

I'm the head of the task force.