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Posted: 02/14/17 03:42
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Quantico"...

Owen: So you made the choice to leave The Farm?

Lydia: You have a lot to be proud of. Few make it this far.



I hacked Lydia's e-mails.

He deserves to pay for what he did to Elliot.

Your friend who died... What was his name?

His name was Elliot.

Once I met Carly, I realized what you are.

You're here to tempt me.

You're Carly, aren't you? Sebastian's friend?

Yes, that's right.

I'm not a k*ller.

You almost k*lled me once.

You're FBI, both of you.

It's okay. You don't have to talk, but you do have to see me.

León: I'll be over in an hour.

I have proof now that León Velez is not loyal to the cause.

Woman: He'll be gone within the week.

Eric Boyer edited a service tunnel out of every digital map in this city in case they needed a way out.

Something's wrong. There are more people here than there were before.

They're blending in.

They're amongst us.

All right, everyone.

We're getting out of this building.

Let's go.

[Helicopter blades whirring]

Okay, Alex, now what?

Hostage Rescue is gonna be breaching the perimeter any minute.

That means they'll rescue us.

Well, the FBI concluded that everyone who is still within the perimeter is a potential t*rror1st in disguise.

They're gonna be expecting us armed in su1c1de belts.

They're coming in weapons free.

That means sh**t on sight.

Harry: Okay, well, now might be the part where you tell us how to get past all those itchy trigger fingers.

Well, there's a tunnel no one knows about.

It's under the building. It goes outside the perimeter.

We go there now. We go there together.

Or we stay here and take our chances.

Right, and walk out arm in arm, happily, and let the t*rrorists get away with it.

No, they tortured me, and they k*lled Leigh.

They k*lled Leigh because she was a traitor to this country.

A rogue CIA operative party to a conspiracy to undermine the United States.

So was everyone else the t*rrorists k*lled.

Yeah? And how do you know?

I know because I helped find them.

It was my job to figure out who was an insurgent and who was innocent.

I just didn't know that they would k*ll them.

Are there any insurgents you still need to find?

Yes. I don't know who they are or how many, but I do know how to find them, and if we make it out of here alive, that's what I'll do.

Follow me.

We have to get to the tunnels right now.

Okay, so, this is interesting.

Look at this e-mail from her.

Who Lydia recruited for the AIC and why.

We still don't know who she's writing to, though.

Alex Parrish... Pinned for backup.

She's dedicated, strong, a natural leader, but uncomfortable in gray areas.

Why am I even paying for a therapist?

This is why you haven't been brought into the inner circle.

All this right under my nose.

Lydia knew how to play me.

She knew how to make me look over there while she was operating right here.

It's always the ones closest to us, isn't it?

Look, you want a laugh?

Read what she wrote about Leigh Davis.

My top pick, highly strategic and competitive, should go far at The Farm.

So who did make the cut?


Lydia admires his poker face but fears it conceals a divided soul...

The mercenary and the man who wants penance for it.

You sabotaged the mission in Munich.

It was a woman's life. It was the right thing to do.

If you want immunity, you have to deliver us evidence that we can use against them.

We told you this.

I know.

I have to be a spy, an assassin, and a traitor all at the same time. It's not easy.

[Cellphone vibrates]

♪ We all fall down ♪

I thought you ended that.

Well, I'm not answering, am I?

Owen: And Dayana?

Alex: Lydia thinks she's fiercely loyal and acts as the others' enforcer.

Lydia: You were right.

León is a problem, one we'll handle together, if your feelings don't get in the way.

[Chuckles] Feelings?

For León?

[Sighs] He didn't just betray you.

He betrayed us.

I want him gone.

What about Harry Doyle?

He'd be my pick.

Alex: Yeah, well, she didn't recruit him.

She knew he serves no master other than himself.

And Sebastian?

Too afraid to draw outside the lines.

Harry and Sebastian aren't even talking to each other right now.

So that's it?

That's it? I think we have a lot.

We know who's involved. We know what her priorities are.

No, it isn't enough. It's eavesdropping and only hearing parts of a conversation.

We need something real... Who they're working for, what are they working towards?

We need to catch them in the act.

Are you really ready to take down your own daughter?


You didn't come home last night.

How's Lydia?

[Sighs] Okay, look.

We're going after the AIC... Owen and I...

On behalf of the CIA, even if they don't know about it yet.

And you're telling me this because...?

Because I don't want you to go down with them when they do.

You still have time to get out.

Oh, okay, so you're doing me a favor.

No, I'm not. I'm just...

You got nothing on the AIC, and you know it.

Shouldn't you want me to?

Don't you want them to get caught?

Owen: Tell me what you see here.

Harry: Uh, North American suburban sprawl in all of its soul-crushing splendor.

That's exactly the point.

Because what looks like just another office park in fact houses one of the National Security Agency's most important data collection facilities.

But you wouldn't know that because everything about this building, from its flat facade to its manicured grounds, is designed to misdirect you, to make you look the other way.

Now, when you can do the same, when you can make a mark look over there when you're here, [chuckles] then you can get away with anything.

And that's what we're doing to the NSA.

You'll be breaking in and getting out without them ever knowing you were there.


So those are your briefings being handed out.

Learn them backwards and forwards.

We'll reconvene in an hour.

[Indistinct talking]

Hey, Owen.

Um, so, this morning you said this class was gonna be about impersonal communication.

I found something after you left.

So the AIC wants something from inside the NSA.

And we're gonna help them get it and then catch them in the act.

It's the only way to be sure of stopping them.

Thank you.

You bet.

Harry: Do you know what you did back there, Will?

You just painted a big, fat target on your back.

The people these t*rrorists have hunted, well, they're a vicious lot.

They could take out everyone in a locked room as if they were never there, and you've just said, "Hello, mates.

I'm the only thing standing between you and freedom."

Look, I hate to be brutal, but the chances of you surviving this without some attempts on your life are officially slim to none.

I'm counting on it.

We're gonna keep walking until the AIC shows themselves.

Come on.

You've constructed this misdirection.

You lot want to know who the t*rrorists are.

You've goaded them into action for the chance of catching them.

But you're bait. You'll die.


I've made a lot of mistakes, including sleeping with you.

Consider this my atonement.

Alex: All we need is one to go after him.

One will be enough to uncover the others.

Well, here we go then.

One step at a time.

Owen: I think it's time to see what Mr. Doyle is really talented at.

Come on up here.

Uh, you have a particular set of skills, don't you?

[Laughs] Well, who have you been talking to?

Picking someone's pocket is misdirection in action.

When you can take something from someone without them even knowing you took it until you're long gone, then you can misdirect anyone in any situation.

So, Harry, teach us the art of the steal.

What's your secret?

My secret?

Uh, my secret would be charm, wit, and chemical attraction.

Yeah? Oh, you think I'm kidding?

You, sir, you are very polite.

I'm gonna hand you my jacket.

The weight in your arms disguising the feeling of your old leather wallet being lifted.

Pay attention to this man because you'll be putting his lessons to the test tonight.

Give me my wallet.


♪ You're yelling's getting loud ♪

You know, people see a pretty girl, they're not thinking about their valuables.


I'm so sorry.

Could you pass me a tissue, please?

Be a good Samaritan, make someone trust you.

Excuse me, guys. I'm sorry to interrupt, But last week, my friend had her purse stolen from this same exact seat, so you might want to move your bag.

Just saying.

Sometimes confidence is all you need.

♪ I'll be an army, no, you're not gonna ♪
♪ Stop me getting through ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

But sometimes all you need is a plan.

Okay, so, how'd the fishing expedition go?

Lydia apparently touched down at Andrews two hours ago, and she wants to see me.

Crowds can be a great distraction.

It's crazy in here.

You sure you're okay?

I drove 2 1/2 hours to see you, and I'm seeing you.

I'm great.



But sometimes all you need is to be alone.

Oh, wow. I feel so proud.

Oh, no, hang on. Uh...

Who took a pepper spray off someone?

That's not good.

♪ Burn the white flag ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Burn the white flag ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

Owen: Let's get ready to be briefed on the NSA.

Interested in a little quid pro quo?


Well, depends on the quid.

The pound's not doing too good these days.

Well, I just need a little help on my side project.

Nothing too difficult. Just another pair of eyes.

Okay. Well, what's the quo?

Name your price.

You're desperate.

Well, it's not last call on this guy, love.

I'm not.

You have nothing I want.

The point on misdirection is to control what and how people see so you can do what needs to be done.

Are we really breaking into that place?

Lydia: You bet you are.

Care to tell them why?

Because it's hard.

Because they don't want us to.

Because we can.

I'd have taken "because I told them to," but yours are good, too.

Welcome back, Lydia.

It's good to be back, Dad.


Owen doesn't know it, but he's just given us exactly what we need... Access to the NSA.

So, Lydia will be playing assist today on your op inside the NSA.

I'll be at my father's side, keeping him busy, while you execute your mission.

Your objective... to remove your digital footprint.

Our objective... To tap the NSA.

Every e-mail and call you've made at The Farm has likely been intercepted and recorded by an NSA listening post.

Send an e-mail that might compromise you later or made a phone call that could tip off a foreign power.

We're giving you a gift of a clean slate, but you've got to clean it yourself.

While they're busy deleting their intercepts, you'll be planting a sophisticated tap in the heart of the facility's data infrastructure.

Now, since you'll be breaking into a highly guarded, clandestine facility, you're gonna need to use all the tools of misdirection you can muster.

We want the NSA to know you were there, just long after you're gone.

If you do your jobs right this time, we'll have access to every phone call and e-mail sent or received on the eastern seaboard.

And if you fail...

It's prison.

For all of us.

You, uh, you knew Lydia was coming back.

You knew this was coming.

[Sighs] Maybe I did. So?

So, what are you really doing?

Oh, so now I suddenly have something that you need.


Are you in?

Yeah, fine.

While the class is erasing their SIGINT, I'm gonna see what the AIC wants from the NSA.

So, anything MI6 might like along the way?

Ooh, you've thought this through.


Sir Laurence Bishop.

The British shipping magnate.

Mm-hmm. That's the one.

Anything and everything a lawless and godless NSA has on him.

And in return?

Keep your eyes open in there.

Let me know who from the AIC makes a move and when.


[Indistinct conversations]


Hey, get back here.

I can't find my husband Tony.

He was with me for a second, and then I turned my back, and he was gone.

There was a man next to me, French, gray hair.

He's disappeared, too.

Okay. Everyone, backs against the walls now!

We need a head count.

Let's go. You, come with us.

Are you okay?

You tell me.

I'm trapped down here with people who are trying to k*ll me.

They're not gonna stop just because we've changed location.

131. There are two missing.



Do you recognize him?

His name is Tony Gomez.

He's a former S.E.A.L. and a member of the Citizen's Liberation Front.

You know what this means, don't you?

We came down here to draw out the AIC, and they aren't taking it sitting down.


Now they're hunting us.

[Indistinct conversations]

Hey, excuse me. Hi, I'm...

Alex Parrish.



You seeing the assistant director?

Oh, just an interview on the background for my book on the Grand Central crisis.

[Pen clatters]

I'm so sorry.

I'm such a klutz.

Thank you.

Okay, this will get you up in his office.


Selfie before you go?

[Laughs] It's for my husband.

He's really into you.

Sure, but maybe on my way out?


Okay, great. Thank you.

You dropped something.


You took Carly's wallet?

I was gonna drop this in the mail.

Yeah, I wanted to ignore it, but I was too interested in the kind of person she is.

Turns out she's an organ donor, a Red Cross volunteer, proud auntie, I'm assuming, by the photographs.

Just a decent person who deserves to know the kind of man she's dating.

Are you threatening me?


The fact that you feel threatened is the problem.

I'm not your friend who died.

No, you're not.

You're why he died.

South entrance clear for exit in two minutes.

West entrance will be ready for secondary exit.

Clock begins on my mark.

You are cleared for jamming.



Oh! Sorry.

In from the Allentown facility for the day.

Still getting my bearings.


Alex, your temporary access to the secure floor starts in 30 seconds.

Any activity?


Ryan's in the system, accessing the secure data.

Hasn't moved yet.

[Elevator bell dings]

Ping me when he does.

Remember your end.

Everything on Bishop.

[Elevator dings]


Parrish in position. Deletion process initiated.

In and deleting your classmates' personal data, just like that.

You folks are good.

[Keyboard keys tapping]

[Computer beeping]

[Door closes]

What's wrong?

The west door panel, it's, uh, it's configured differently than it was in the plans.

Do you mind if I see yours?

I'm worried mine might be wrong.


Oh, okay.

All right, I know... I see what you did.

Thank you.

[Elevator bell dings]

Okay, Ryan is on the move and not where he's supposed to be.

Sir? What are you doing here?

I'm with, uh, Shore Atlantic P&E.

There's a problem here on this grid, taxing the local transformer.

Can I see your work order?

Owen: Chen, do not move.

I'm just here to do my job.

Keep the jammer in position.

So am I.

It's my job to keep the premises secure.

Yeah. Uh...

I think I left the work order in my truck.

Why don't you go get it then?

Chen, stay in position.

Doyle, I need backup. We've lost our jamming signal.

I need someone to run interference here, fast.

Sorry, mate. I can't leave my desk.

Got a woman watching my every move.

Alex, he's coming up to you.

Alex: I think he's going to the control room.

I'll stay on him.

Keep your comms open.

Owen: Booth, can you help out Chen?

Where is Booth?

Booth, respond.

Chen, you have to come up with the solution.

My truck is all the way over in the South lot.

I told you I need that work order.

I don't get overtime if I have to come back for this.

Just cut a guy a break, please?

I need two minutes to finish, and I will show you my work order.

Two minutes.


Okay, Alex, you're clear.

Go find out what Ryan was doing.

Alex: There's a panel that's loose up here.

Yeah? What is it?

I think they're tapping the NSA.

Then you should tap their tap.

You can trace where it's going.

Already on it.

Why are we moving in circles?

Don't think I haven't noticed.

We just need to get out right now.

We're almost out.

This was supposed to be the safe way out.

She was supposed to save us.

We can cast blame later.

For now, let's just stick to the plan.


Just keep calm and keep moving.


Don't worry. Come on.





We got to get the lights back on. Come on, let's...

Ryan, stop, stop.

My g*n.

I think someone took it.

Parrish has gone dark twice.

Owen: Must be an interference issue.

Let me see if I can get a fix on her signal, find out where she is.

Hey. Why did you come back?

I was in town. I swung by.

Not because of Munich, not because I almost got myself k*lled there?

Lydia, I understand now all those years you lied about how I got benched was to save me, because you knew I wasn't strong enough for the truth, and I wasn't, and I'm still not sure I am.


I used to tell myself that I had so much, but the truth is, I have nothing, and once you leave, I have even less.

[Computer beeps]

Parrish's signal is back on.

Two minutes.

Proceed to primary exit.
[Door handle rattles]

We've got a problem. Primary door is jammed.

Check the wiring.

Yeah, wiring's fun.

León shorted it.

Primary exit is blown. Proceed to secondary.

Dayana: In position and standing by.

Camacho clear.

Booth clear.

Brady clear.

Mampasi clear.

Doyle clear.

Ellis clear.

Chen clear.

Ortega clear.

Lydia: Velez is compromised.

Owen: Parrish, get clear, now.


Miss Parrish?

[Phone receiver clicks]

Parrish, get out.

You promised me that selfie.

[Chuckles] Of course.

Parrish, where are you? Your exit's been compromised.

[Camera shutter clicks]



Say hi to your husband.

Parrish is clear.

[Clears throat]

So, before I give you what you asked for, you lied to me.

Well, you're gonna have to be a bit more specific.

You see, the U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S. are part of this thing called Five Eyes.

We share signals intelligence, which means MI6 didn't need whatever's on this, and if they did, they could've asked for it themselves.


So I did a little bit of Googling.

Sir Laurence Bishop had a son named Elliot, who died in 2008.

Your Elliot.

Yeah, details of my personal life were not part of our deal.

I hope you get whatever you need from that.

So do I.

Owen: León Velez left himself no other choice but to present his endorsement card to the NSA, thus ending his training here at The Farm and his future at the CIA.

It's as simple as that.

Today was a good day.

You completed the op.

Your SIGINT is but a memory to the NSA.

The NSA, National Security Agency, you beat them.

You won.

So take some pride in the fact that you're all one step closer to being ghosts.

What we do here is more than just locks and scanners and passwords.

It's about people.

So if you can't make people look the other way, you don't deserve to be here, but if you can misdirect someone for just a second, the right second, then you can commit an act of treason.

That's exactly what you did today.

Remember that line I told you about when you first started training here?

You've just crossed it.

[Footsteps approaching]

You could've helped me today.

Uh, yeah. You're right.

I could have.

You almost got me thrown out.

You called him my friend.



You said you were not my friend who died.

Yeah, I did.

So what?

Well, he wasn't my friend.

He was my partner.

My lover.

I used to hate those words, but his father hated them more, so I grew to love them.

Elliot's father, you may have heard of him.

Sir Laurence Bishop.

No? He owns just about everything in the U.K., including his family.

When we first met, Elliot was messing around with boys in the back rooms of bars, all the while dating appropriate women.

Appropriate by his father's standards because they were women.

I didn't mean to fall for him.

I'd never fallen for anyone.

You see, I-I-I'm quite surprised you haven't heard of Sir Bishop because he's a good old fresh and righteous Anglican who wanted his only son to be so, too.

It's his... his legacy.

You see, we still believe in that kind of stuff where I'm from.

But when he found out that Elliot and me were more than friends, he cut him off.

Closed every door.

Said if he wanted back, he had to come back a man and...

Well, Elliot hadn't worked a day in his life, so he had nothing.

Well, he had nothing but me.

And that lasted about three months, and then he was gone.

I tried to see him.

But I couldn't find him.

His family wouldn't talk to me.

I reached out to his sister, who tried, but they got to her, too, and he stopped returning my calls.

So I stopped calling.

A year goes by.

In the mail, a wedding invitation.

"Sir Laurence Bishop invites you to attend the wedding of his son."

And I think, "Is this a joke?

Is s-someone... someone trying to s... to screw with me?"

Or m-maybe it was him, you know?

Maybe it was a cry for help.

But whatever it was, I didn't answer.

Six months later, I come home from a night out, and there he is, in my house, looking like the wrath of God had hit him.

He was a strung out or drunk.

Couldn't tell.

Wanted to know if I still loved him.

Wanted to know why I didn't stop him.

Couldn't help him.

But whatever I said, it didn't matter because he realized then that he couldn't have them and me.

He had trapped himself in.

There was no way out.

And before I knew what he was doing, he grabbed a knife from the kitchen counter and ran himself through with it.


Well, not once, not twice.

[Voice breaking] Three times.

I tried to save him.

I did.

But there was so much blood.


Just be true to yourself, Sebastian, whatever that is.

Yeah, there may be sin inside of you, and that's what you treat it, believe it.

It'll be there forever.

If there is, then tell her, okay?

Tell her like you told me because then you won't be in prison alone.

[Computer beeps]

[Indistinct talking]

Harry: Alex.

[Dramatic music plays]

What are you doing?

Like you haven't figured it out.

Like you didn't bring us down here to make this happen.

You wanted to draw us out. Well, it worked.

Here I am.

You're AIC.

This is not ending well for me.

AIC. What a stupid nickname.

I prefer CIA operative.

Just like you wanted to be, Alex.

The only difference is I had what it takes.

And what is that?

To create a hostage crisis?

What we tried to do with the G-20?

Sure, some people would've died, but in the long run, we would've saved many more lives, and instead, how many of us are dead?

People who've given their lives in service to this country, true patriots, picked off like roaches in a kitchen.

No one needed to die, and you are not a patriot.

Anyone who thinks they can take the law into their own hands is nothing but a t*rror1st.

Except when it's you, right, Alex?

You can go rogue whenever you feel like it.

The only difference between you and us is we're organized, and we're not letting Will Olsen out of here alive, not while he knows how to find us.

So you can give up Will or you can watch your good friend Harry die.

Carly! Don't do this.

Harry didn't do anything wrong.

Didn't do anything wrong?

You can name a lot of things he did.

You've told me.

No, no, no, no. Don't listen to her, Sebastian.

She's trying to get to you.

You know me.

You have a choice to make.

You've made it before.

Me or him.

I love you.

This doesn't change any of that.

You want to come with me, we can escape together.

If you want to save him...

This is interesting.

She's lying to you, Sebastian.

She was not a senator's aide.

She never was. She's CIA.

She's a rogue operative, and she only married you for cover.

That's not true.

I love my husband.

I understand him.

I let him be who he wants to be, unlike you.

Give me Will, or this is it.




Please, just... just drop the g*n and we can talk.

Oh, to hell with this.



No! No, no, no!

No, no.

Dayana: They kicked you out?

Yeah, thanks to you.

I'm not mad.

I'm relieved.

I don't want to k*ll anybody ever again, not for them, not for my country.

I follow orders. You don't.

That's why you're leaving and I'm not.

What did they do to you?

I was lost.

They found me.

They brainwashed you, just like you were brainwashed as a child.

You know, I care about you, Dayana.

I don't have to punish you.

You're already doing it yourself.


I noticed that you tapped the cables at the NSA's control room for the AIC, giving them complete access.

Whatever they wanted.

Yes, I did.

Look, he FBI is playing the long game.


You know that.

And I have to stay under cover until they're ready to act.

We just gave them information.

It's not like we k*lled someone.

Not yet.

Who knows what the AIC is gonna do with whatever you gave them.

You think it's just information.

It could be complete misdirection.

Who knows what doors it's gonna unlock.

Ryan, you're not working for the FBI anymore.

You're working for her.

And who are you working for?

[Door closes]

[Cellphone chimes]

Want a drink?


I leave tonight.

Next time you want to see me, maybe try e-mail instead of attempting su1c1de.

So you're just gonna...

Do my job?


Unlike you for much longer.

You know something I don't?

Sending trainees into the NSA.

It's ballsy, I'll give you that.

But you didn't teach them anything they couldn't learn breaking into the Kiwanis Club.

Why'd you do it? Hmm?

Just to throw yet another middle finger to the agency?

Did you hope León would get caught so that the NSA would think the CIA was after them?

Or did you just want to see if I'd let you hang yourself?

Is there anything in there besides anger?

I used to think so.

But whatever you are, whomever you are, you're a stranger to me, and you don't belong here.

[Door opens, closes]


Sebastian, can you feel the ground?

Are you steady?

No, no, no, no, no.

He's bleeding out. Unless we're condemning him to die, we need to keep moving. Faster now!

Okay, León.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Hey, hey, where's Will? I can't find him.

I thought he was with you.

He was.

But in the middle of commotion, we just...

We lost him.

Wait, wait, no.

Carly was the misdirection.

She sacrificed herself so they could get him.

[Siren wailing]

Come on.

Man: This is the FBI.

Please move in an orderly fashion, with your hands visible, and continue to the holding tent.

This is the FBI. Please move in an orderly fashion.

Woman: Did you hear what John said?

There are laws. We can't just ignore them.

Man: We can't bend the laws to our will.

[Recording fast forwards]

It's just such an ordeal for so little reward.


[Recording fast forwards]

Come on!


Tracer's working?

Yep, right to where Lydia's team sent the information.

It's 15 minutes away.


Look, I'm sorry. This must be just...

It isn't, actually.

[Cellphone vibrates]


Yes, hello, Alex.

You, uh, you didn't deliver on your side of the bargain.

This cannot have been all you got.

Um, I put the name in, and that's all that came up.

Okay, well, did you spell it correctly?

Are you kidding?

No, I'm not, because this is crap, Alex.

It's complete crap.

There was nothing here!

[Cellphone clatters]


Everything okay?


Seems like I'm disappointing a lot of people today.

You wanted to talk?

I want to know what this is, or I walk.

I don't care what you do to me.

16 hours ago, the NSA intercepted chatter indicating Russia was sending su1c1de bombers into Syrian refugee camps.

Normally that kind of intelligence takes days to run down.


The tap you placed allowed us to find out about the threat, send in a team, and stop the bombers.

The president signed off on it.

Is it really so hard to believe we're the good guys?

We serve America.

It's just better America not know how.

Yeah, like k*lling the great enemy of the state, the municipal parks worker.

Robert Meyer is an employee of the company and still very much alive.

Our team just needed to know you'll do what it takes when we need you to.

It was a test.

When you grabbed him, you didn't feel the squibs.

León never checked the g*n.

Dayana never saw the body.

You were misdirected.

And you got our loyalty.

You can do a lot of good in this world, Ryan.

We could, together.

If you want to join, I'll get you a meeting with President Todd.

Just say when.

♪ ♪
♪ The first rose to rise up ♪
♪ In the ruins of the flood ♪


I guess you heard.

You were right.

Ready to go home.


♪ Some hearts survive ♪

I fell for him, Nimah.

I fell for a mark.

Let's go.

♪ And we go once down the aisle ♪
♪ Twice 'round the stars ♪
♪ You had all the persuasion ♪
♪ Of a snake on my arm ♪


No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Now's not the time.

I told her.

♪ And seven times the charm ♪

[Sighs] You did?

I told Carly everything.

And she understood.

Said she'd help me stay strong, whatever I needed.

That we should go to church and pray together.

Right. Well, that's great, isn't it?

Just what you wanted.

I wasn't like this before I met you.

Like what?

I didn't feel like this. I didn't think like this.

You... You did this to me, just like you did this to him.

No, Sebastian, that's really not...

What are you doing, Sebastian? What are you doing?

What are you...


Dayana: Sebastian!


What are...

Are you okay?



[Door closes]

All right, it's that door right there.

What the hell is this place?

You got to be kidding me.

Did Lydia do this?

Owen: No, she's in these photos, too.

So what is this?

Maybe this isn't the AIC.

This is someone with an obsession.

It's not a high-level operative like Lydia.

Something isn't right.


I smell it, too.

Come on, we got to get out of here, now. Come on.

I'd like to report a gas leak.

[Cellphone vibrates]


Hey, Ryan, I can't talk right now.

Alex, we were wrong.

There is no AIC.

Lydia's running a sanctioned black ops program.

There's no rogue faction at The Farm.

There's a gas leak on the corner of...

Hey. Hey, stop!

Hey, wait, wait! Stop!

Whoa, hey, hey, no!


[Indistinct talking]

[Siren wailing]

[Helicopter blades whirring]

Excuse me.

Do you have a manifest of the survivors?

Because someone's still missing... Will Olsen.

I need to speak to someone in charge, please.

Lydia: That would be me.

Thank you.


This way.

Of course you got away with it.

Do they know you have the drives?

Do they know you tried to get me k*lled?

If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead.

You just got your ass kicked.

I knew the t*rrorists wouldn't k*ll you, and they didn't, did they?

Where are the drives, Lydia?

Well, thanks to you sending dozens of t*rrorists after me, I was forced to hide the summit's hard drives in a safe place.

And let me guess.

You're the only one who knows where they are.


I'm afraid a t*rror1st has found them, the same person who kidnapped Will Olsen.

And if they manage to upload those drives to whomever's waiting for them, it'll make a hostage crisis at the G-20 look like the best news all day.

Please, Alex, you're the only one I can trust to go back in.


Because the person still inside is your old roommate...

Dayana Mampasi.